Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-10 Thread bearophile
Rainer Deyke:

> Either I'm missing something, or this system only checks units at
> runtime (which would make it both slow and unsafe).
> Boost.Units (C++) checks units at compile time.  There is no reason why
> D could not use the same approach.

In F#, compile time checks shown by the IDE too:


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"Justin Johansson"  wrote in message 
> Nick Sabalausky Wrote:
>> This is gonna sound trivial (and probably is), but it's been bugging the
>> hell out of me:
>> What is the meaning of the "+ Looney Tunes" added to the title of this
>> sub-thread? I don't see a connection...?
> Good question.  Next question? :-)
> Okay, Nick, this is the twist (warped as it may be).
> For starters I'm guessing that you are somewhat younger than me.
> (Walter said once that D seems to attract a lot of the younger crowd;
> myself, I'm Walter's vintage.)
> I grew up watching a lot of Marx Brothers movies (and, btw, I'm 
> continually surprised by just
> how many people, mostly younger, have never heard of the Marx Brothers, so 
> just in case
> you are a member of said set, here's his bio: 
> ).
> Groucho Marx was the absolute master of wisecracks; IMHO, few comedians 
> have ever come
> close to matching his undeniable ability to make fast-talking wit out of 
> the even the
> most subtle of connections.  Alan Alda (in M*A*S*H) often played out 
> Groucho, much to my
> delight.
> I also grew up with eyes glued to every Bugs Bunny cartoon that I could 
> watch and every
> Looney Tune that accompanied the same. ( 
> )
> So now, having mentioned Marx, Alda and Bunny, this explains where my 
> sense of humour
> comes from.
> Now the title of the Elliotte Rusty Harold article,
> ,
> that started this thread was a play on words from the title of the song
> "Imagine there’s no Heaven" by John Lennon, and acknowledged by ERH at the 
> end of the article.
> (Also so happens that The Beatles along with Pink Floyd are some of my 
> favourite bands.)
> ( Lyrics to Imagine written up here -
> )
> So at the time I was thinking,
> "Hey, that's a good controversial story line to throw in for a bit of 
> Fudd** on the D newsgroup"
> and, come to think of it (still saying to myself), it's probably a bit of 
> a Looney Tune.
> Now having said all that, several possible interpretations are left open 
> for the amusement
> of readers.
> ** Fudd.
> Acronym Definition
> FUDD Functional Description Document
> FUDD Fear Uncertainty Doubt and Disinformation
> Also Google on (exactly and typed below)
> define:fudd
> to get further connection with Looney Tunes
> Cheers

Ahh, I see. I came moderately close (Ie, recognized the John Lennon dad and younger brother are big Beatles fans so it's hard 
for me not to know ;) ) but didn't immediately catch on to the puns with 
Elmer "Fudd" and "bit of a Looney Tune".

I probably would count as one of the younger-ish ones (27), but we do seem 
to have a similar taste in humor. I grew up on the Chuck Jones Looney Tunes 
(Some of the earlier ones before Chuck are creepy!). As far as I'm 
concerned, Marx Brothers are an absolute comedic legend, right up there with 
Three Stooges and Mel Brooks, although I admit I've only seen Duck Soup and 
Go West so far. But still, I've noticed that Looney Tunes and Mel Brooks 
seem pay a lot of homage to Marx Brothers (but, of course, Looney Tunes 
makes constant references to all the celebrities of the time), like the 
frequent "Mirror" gags in Looney tunes are straight out of Duck Soup, and so 
is the big song&dance number at the end of Blazing Saddles. It absolutely is 
a shame that there's so much unfamiliarity with the Marx brothers (ex: Try 
to find another person these days who can name more than just Groucho...or 
someone who knows where those funny nose and mustache toy glasses come 
from), considering just how influential they've been and how well their 
material has held up.

It's actually really funny that you should mention that about Alan Alda's 
MASH character: The local libraries have the DVD sets for each season of 
MASH (plus the movie), and my dad and I have been systematically going 
through all them lately (We just got to the introduction of Potter and 
Honeycut at the beginning of season four, although we did temporarily skip 
season three). Funny thing is though, I swear, just recently, sometime 
around season two, I started noticing "Hey, Pierce has much the same 
quick-wit humor as Groucho Marx".

And in conclusion: "Oh my god they've shot him!" "Hot Lips, you incredible 

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread bearophile

> I'm not buying that. What kind of function would that be? I can't imagine a 
> need for this.

I don't know, sorry.
But I'd like to have such method to define my collections as false when they 
are empty, this is really handy. And it may be useful to make nullable values 


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread downs
bearophile wrote:
> Denis Koroskin:
>> I don't see any reason why if (someComplexNumber) { ... } should be a  
> valid code, it hardly makes any sense for me.<
> In general I think adding a boolean-evaluation standard method to D can be 
> positive and handy and not that bug-prone.
> But complex numbers are FP, so you usually test if they are close to zero 
> (test of exactly zero can be useful to know if a value was not changed, etc). 
> So I agree with you that for complex numbers such boolarn-eveluation method 
> isn't very useful.
> Once D has such operator, it can be defined for library complex numbers too, 
> but probably it will not be used often.
> It's useful if you want to write generic code, so if in a templated function 
> you use if(x){... it will work with integers, double, complex values, etc, 
> without special casing.

I'm not buying that. What kind of function would that be? I can't imagine a 
need for this.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Walter Bright

Rainer Deyke wrote:

Boost.Units (C++) checks units at compile time.  There is no reason why
D could not use the same approach.

Oskar's code I posted does it at compile time.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Walter Bright

bearophile wrote:

Scala has a powerful type system that allows to implement such things in a good 
enough way:

So does D:
// by Oskar Linde Aug 2006
// This is just a quick hack to test
// IFTI operators opMul and opDel

import std.stdio;
import std.math;
import std.string;

version = unicode;

struct SiQuantity(T,int e1, int e2, int e3, int e4, int e5, int e6, int 
e7) {

T value = 0;
alias T ValueType;
const exp1 = e1;
const exp2 = e2;
const exp3 = e3;
const exp4 = e4;
const exp5 = e5;
const exp6 = e6;
const exp7 = e7;

static assert(SiQuantity.sizeof == ValueType.sizeof);

template AddDimensions(int mul, U) {
static assert(is(U.ValueType == ValueType) ||
  is(U == ValueType),
  "incompatible value types");
static if (is(U == ValueType))
alias SiQuantity AddDimensions;
alias SiQuantity!(T,exp1+mul*U.exp1,exp2+mul*U.exp2,
  exp7+U.exp7) AddDimensions;

SiQuantity opAddAssign(SiQuantity rhs) {
value += rhs.value;
return this;

SiQuantity opSubAssign(SiQuantity rhs) {
value -= rhs.value;
return this;


SiQuantity opAdd(SiQuantity rhs) {
SiQuantity ret;
ret.value = value + rhs.value;
return ret;

SiQuantity opSub(SiQuantity rhs) {
SiQuantity ret;
ret.value = value - rhs.value;
return ret;

SiQuantity opNeg() {
SiQuantity ret;
ret.value = -value;
return ret;

SiQuantity opPos() {
typeof(return) ret;
ret.value = value;
return ret;

int opCmp(SiQuantity rhs) {
if (value > rhs.value)
return 1;
if (value < rhs.value)
return -1;
return 0; // BUG: NaN

AddDimensions!(+1,Rhs) opMul(Rhs)(Rhs rhs) {
AddDimensions!(+1,Rhs) ret;
static if (is(Rhs : T))
ret.value = value * rhs;
ret.value = value * rhs.value;
return ret;

AddDimensions!(-1,Rhs) opDiv(Rhs)(Rhs rhs) {
AddDimensions!(-1,Rhs) ret;
static if (is(Rhs : T))
ret.value = value / rhs;
ret.value = value / rhs.value;
return ret;

SiQuantity opMul_r(T lhs) {
SiQuantity ret;
ret.value = lhs * value;
return ret;

SiQuantity!(T,-e1,-e2,-e3,-e4,-e5,-e6,-e7) opDiv_r(T lhs) {
SiQuantity!(T,-e1,-e2,-e3,-e4,-e5,-e6,-e7) ret;
ret.value = lhs / value;
return ret;

string toString() {
string prefix = "";
T multiplier = 1;
T value = this.value;
string unit;

static if (is(typeof(UnitName!(SiQuantity
unit = UnitName!(SiQuantity);
else {
value *= pow(cast(real)1e3,cast(uint)e2); // convert kg 
-> g
// Take mass (e2) first to handle kg->g prefix issue 
if (e2 != 0) unit ~= format("·g^%s",e2);
if (e1 != 0) unit ~= format("·m^%s",e1);
if (e3 != 0) unit ~= format("·s^%s",e3);
if (e4 != 0) unit ~= format("·A^%s",e4);
if (e5 != 0) unit ~= format("·K^%s",e5);
if (e6 != 0) unit ~= format("·mol^%s",e6);
if (e7 != 0) unit ~= format("·cd^%s",e7);
if (unit)
unit = unit[2..$].split("^1").join("");

if (value >= 1e24) { prefix = "Y"; multiplier = 1e24; }
else if (value >= 1e21) { prefix = "Z"; multiplier = 1e21; }
else if (value >= 1e18) { prefix = "E"; multiplier = 1e18; }
else if (value >= 1e15) { prefix = "P"; multiplier = 1e15; }
else if (value >= 1e12) { prefix = "T"; multiplier = 1e12; }
else if (value >= 1e9) { prefix = "G"; m

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Justin Johansson
Nick Sabalausky Wrote:

> "Justin Johansson"  wrote in message 
> news:ha4qpi$
> > For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the other 
> > day and
> > the barista had this to say
> >
> >
> >
> > Disclaimer: YMMV
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> This is gonna sound trivial (and probably is), but it's been bugging the 
> hell out of me:
> What is the meaning of the "+ Looney Tunes" added to the title of this 
> sub-thread? I don't see a connection...? 

Good question.  Next question? :-)

Okay, Nick, this is the twist (warped as it may be).

For starters I'm guessing that you are somewhat younger than me.
(Walter said once that D seems to attract a lot of the younger crowd;
myself, I'm Walter's vintage.)

I grew up watching a lot of Marx Brothers movies (and, btw, I'm continually 
surprised by just
how many people, mostly younger, have never heard of the Marx Brothers, so just 
in case
you are a member of said set, here's his bio: ).

Groucho Marx was the absolute master of wisecracks; IMHO, few comedians have 
ever come
close to matching his undeniable ability to make fast-talking wit out of the 
even the
most subtle of connections.  Alan Alda (in M*A*S*H) often played out Groucho, 
much to my

I also grew up with eyes glued to every Bugs Bunny cartoon that I could watch 
and every
Looney Tune that accompanied the same. ( ) 

So now, having mentioned Marx, Alda and Bunny, this explains where my sense of 
comes from.

Now the title of the Elliotte Rusty Harold article, ,

that started this thread was a play on words from the title of the song
"Imagine there’s no Heaven" by John Lennon, and acknowledged by ERH at the end 
of the article.
(Also so happens that The Beatles along with Pink Floyd are some of my 
favourite bands.)

( Lyrics to Imagine written up here - )

So at the time I was thinking,

"Hey, that's a good controversial story line to throw in for a bit of Fudd** on 
the D newsgroup"

and, come to think of it (still saying to myself), it's probably a bit of a 
Looney Tune.

Now having said all that, several possible interpretations are left open for 
the amusement
of readers.

** Fudd.

Acronym Definition
FUDDFunctional Description Document
FUDDFear Uncertainty Doubt and Disinformation

Also Google on (exactly and typed below)


to get further connection with Looney Tunes


-- Justin Johansson

unit libraries, was Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Rainer Deyke
language_fan wrote:
> The only problem with these was that there was no way to signal the 
> location of the type error in the client code, it always reported the 
> location of the (static) assert in the library, which is pretty much 
> useless.

That's a compiler problem, no?  I don't think this is a big deal either
way.  Unit errors should be exceedingly rare.  The purpose of a unit
library not to track down unit errors, but to formally prove that
correct code is correct.

Rainer Deyke -

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Rainer Deyke
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> I've been thinking it might be nice to have both. Compile-time for obvious 
> reasons but then also run-time ones that could do conversions:
> auto velocity = convert(meter/second)(distance / time); // Actual 
> runtime-conversion

I'm pretty sure Boost.Units already does this, although in general it's
probably better to stick with SI units in your code and only perform
conversions on input/output.

Rainer Deyke -

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"language_fan"  wrote in message 
> Mon, 05 Oct 2009 11:41:52 +, language_fan wrote:
>> There have been several existing implementations of SI unit libraries
>> for D. By Oskar Linde et al. The checking can be built statically
>> without any runtime performance penalty.
> The only problem with these was that there was no way to signal the
> location of the type error in the client code, it always reported the
> location of the (static) assert in the library, which is pretty much
> useless.

Yea, that's been a problem for a *lot* of stuff... Although I think it might 
be fixed now... I could swear there was a patch on bugzilla for that that I 
had grabbed and made a custom-build of DMD with, and then saw that a newer 
version of DMD had incorporated it... But in my current sleepless stupor I 
might be confusing it with something else... 

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"language_fan"  wrote in message 
> Mon, 05 Oct 2009 08:03:11 -0400, Nick Sabalausky thusly wrote:
>> "Rainer Deyke"  wrote in message
>> I've been thinking it might be nice to have both. Compile-time for
>> obvious reasons but then also run-time ones that could do conversions:
>> Although that would probably be far from trivial to design/implement.
> Why? Because of the NIH syndrome?

Because everything seems super-hard when I'm as tired as I am right now ;)

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread language_fan
Mon, 05 Oct 2009 08:03:11 -0400, Nick Sabalausky thusly wrote:

> "Rainer Deyke"  wrote in message

> I've been thinking it might be nice to have both. Compile-time for
> obvious reasons but then also run-time ones that could do conversions:

> Although that would probably be far from trivial to design/implement.

Why? Because of the NIH syndrome? Just grab the O. Linde's sources from 
the ng archives and build the conversion function you mentioned above. 
It's not that hard to do..

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"Rainer Deyke"  wrote in message 
> bearophile wrote:
>> Scala has a powerful type system that allows to implement such things
>> in a good enough way:
> Either I'm missing something, or this system only checks units at
> runtime (which would make it both slow and unsafe).
> Boost.Units (C++) checks units at compile time.  There is no reason why
> D could not use the same approach.

I've been thinking it might be nice to have both. Compile-time for obvious 
reasons but then also run-time ones that could do conversions:

double(inch) distance = 7;
double(minute) time = 1.5;
double(meter/second) velocity = distance / time; // Compile-time error
auto velocity = convert(meter/second)(distance / time); // Actual 
auto velocity = convert(meter)(distance / time); // Compile-time error: 

Although that would probably be far from trivial to design/implement.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread language_fan
Mon, 05 Oct 2009 05:29:20 -0600, Rainer Deyke thusly wrote:

> bearophile wrote:
>> Scala has a powerful type system that allows to implement such things
>> in a good enough way:
> Either I'm missing something, or this system only checks units at
> runtime (which would make it both slow and unsafe).
> Boost.Units (C++) checks units at compile time.  There is no reason why
> D could not use the same approach.

There have been several existing implementations of SI unit libraries for 
D. By Oskar Linde et al. The checking can be built statically without any 
runtime performance penalty.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread language_fan
Mon, 05 Oct 2009 11:41:52 +, language_fan wrote:

> Mon, 05 Oct 2009 05:29:20 -0600, Rainer Deyke thusly wrote:
>> bearophile wrote:
>>> Scala has a powerful type system that allows to implement such things
>>> in a good enough way:
> units_of_measure_in_scala.html
>> Either I'm missing something, or this system only checks units at
>> runtime (which would make it both slow and unsafe).
>> Boost.Units (C++) checks units at compile time.  There is no reason why
>> D could not use the same approach.
> There have been several existing implementations of SI unit libraries
> for D. By Oskar Linde et al. The checking can be built statically
> without any runtime performance penalty.

The only problem with these was that there was no way to signal the 
location of the type error in the client code, it always reported the 
location of the (static) assert in the library, which is pretty much 

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Rainer Deyke
bearophile wrote:
> Scala has a powerful type system that allows to implement such things
> in a good enough way:

Either I'm missing something, or this system only checks units at
runtime (which would make it both slow and unsafe).

Boost.Units (C++) checks units at compile time.  There is no reason why
D could not use the same approach.

Rainer Deyke -

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread bearophile
> ranged y = 1000; // Uh, bypasses the setter, no errors
> writeln(y); // 0?

In the last version of DMD it gives an error:

ranged y = 1000;

temp.d(23): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (1000) of type int to 

Better. And opCast may help here. No implicit cast.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread bearophile
Nick Sabalausky:

> -- fig A ---
> open(inFile ~ "out" ~ inFile.file ~ "log");
> // As many as 4 different errors that could be caught but currently aren't.
> // (But obviously all would be overridable, of course)
> // Without such checking, if inFile contained "/usr/home/joe/foo/bar.dat",
> // the result would be:
> //   "/usr/home/joe/foo/bar.datoutbar.datlog"
> // Meant to do this:
> open(inFile.path ~ "out/" ~ ~ ".log");
> // Result now: "/usr/home/joe/foo/out/bar.log"
> -
> -- fig B ---
> int add(int* a, int* b)
> {
> return a + b; // Error currently caught
> // Meant:
> return *a + *b;
> }
> -
> -- fig C ---
> auto accel = velocity * time; // Error caught with that "dimensional 
> analysis"
> // Meant this:
> auto accel = velocity / time;
> -

Scala has a powerful type system that allows to implement such things in a good 
enough way:


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread bearophile
Denis Koroskin:

>I don't see any reason why if (someComplexNumber) { ... } should be a  
valid code, it hardly makes any sense for me.<

In general I think adding a boolean-evaluation standard method to D can be 
positive and handy and not that bug-prone.
But complex numbers are FP, so you usually test if they are close to zero (test 
of exactly zero can be useful to know if a value was not changed, etc). So I 
agree with you that for complex numbers such boolarn-eveluation method isn't 
very useful.
Once D has such operator, it can be defined for library complex numbers too, 
but probably it will not be used often.
It's useful if you want to write generic code, so if in a templated function 
you use if(x){... it will work with integers, double, complex values, etc, 
without special casing.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"Justin Johansson"  wrote in message 
> For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the other 
> day and
> the barista had this to say
> Disclaimer: YMMV
> Cheers

This is gonna sound trivial (and probably is), but it's been bugging the 
hell out of me:

What is the meaning of the "+ Looney Tunes" added to the title of this 
sub-thread? I don't see a connection...? 

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread bearophile
Andrei Alexandrescu:

> We got to stop somewhere.

The precise stopping point can be discussed.
In the new C++ they have even added some flexibility in such regard:


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread bearophile
Ary Borenszweig:
> What are those two methods named in C#? I didn't know about them.

They are just named operator true and operator false. What I don't understand 
is why there are two of them, one of them looks enough to me:


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Justin Johansson
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> Justin Johansson wrote:
> > Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:
> > 
> >> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> >>> "Justin Johansson"  wrote in message 
> >>> news:haavf1$
>  It's a difficult challenge to get high performance, readable and 
>  maintainable code out of complex number
>  intensive algorithms.   Use of library types for complex numbers has, in 
>  my experience been problematic.
>  Complex numbers should be first class value types I say.
> >>> There's been discussion before (I can't find it now, or remember the name 
> >>> for it) of type systems that allow for proper handling of things like m/s 
> >>> vs. m/(s*s) vs inch/min etc. I haven't actually worked with such a 
> >>> feature 
> >>> or with complex/imaginary numbers in any actual code, so I can't be sure, 
> >>> but I've been wondering if a type system like that would be an 
> >>> appropriate 
> >>> (or even ideal) way to handle real/complex/imaginary numbers.
> >> It better be. Complex numbers aren't that complicated of a notion. 
> >> What's lost in pulling them out of the language is the ability to define 
> >> literals.
> > 
> >> "Now please name five remarkable complex literals."
> > 
> > (re, im) ::= (0, 0), (1,0), (0,1), (1,1), (pi/2, 0), (0, pi/2), 
> > e_to_the_power_(minus j),
> >  e_to_the_power_(minus j * pi/2)
> > 
> > Is that what you mean?
> (Three of those are real.)
> What I meant was that complex literals helped by syntax are seldom 
> likely to improve code quality. Many numeric literals are of 
> questionable taste anyway and should at best defined as symbols. I don't 
> see why complex literals shouldn't follow the same recommendation.

"Three of those are real."

What?  Members of the set of real numbers are not members of the set of complex 

If anything remove from the language type which is a subtype of a bigger type!!!

-- Devil's advocate :-)

P.S. Thanks for the clarification, Andrei, I understand what you mean now.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-05 Thread Ary Borenszweig

bearophile wrote:

(Python has such standard method, as I have described (its name is diffeernt), 
while C# has two methods for true and falseness of an object/struct).

Hi bearophile,

What are those two methods named in C#? I didn't know about them.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Andrei Alexandrescu"  wrote in message 

Justin Johansson wrote:

"Now please name five remarkable complex literals."
(re, im) ::= (0, 0), (1,0), (0,1), (1,1), (pi/2, 0), (0, pi/2), 
e_to_the_power_(minus j),

 e_to_the_power_(minus j * pi/2)

Is that what you mean?

(Three of those are real.)

What I meant was that complex literals helped by syntax are seldom likely 
to improve code quality. Many numeric literals are of questionable taste 
anyway and should at best defined as symbols. I don't see why complex 
literals shouldn't follow the same recommendation.

I think people just don't like the idea of having to deal with a distinction 
of "Some types can have nice handy literals but others can't."

We got to stop somewhere.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Andrei Alexandrescu"  wrote in message 

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
There's been discussion before (I can't find it now, or remember the name 
for it) of type systems that allow for proper handling of things like m/s 
vs. m/(s*s) vs inch/min etc. I haven't actually worked with such a 
feature or with complex/imaginary numbers in any actual code, so I can't 
be sure, but I've been wondering if a type system like that would be an 
appropriate (or even ideal) way to handle real/complex/imaginary numbers.
It better be. Complex numbers aren't that complicated of a notion. What's 
lost in pulling them out of the language is the ability to define 
literals. Now please name five remarkable complex literals.

The feature you're referring to is called dimensional analysis.

(I've also been wondering if it might be a huge benefit for 
distinguishing between strings that represent a filename vs file content 
vs file-extention-only vs relative-path+filename, vs absolute-path-only, 
etc. I've been really wanting a better way to handle that than just a 
variable naming convention.)
I don't quite think so. In fact I don't think so at all. Pathnames of 
various flavors evolve quite a bit in many programs, and having to worry 
about tracking their type throughout is too much aggravation to be 
worthwhile. Last thing I'd want when manipulating pathnames would be a 
sticker of a library slapping my wrist anytime I misuse one of its six 
dedicated types.

Last thing I'd want when dealing with paths and filenames would be making 
one small mistake and getting *neither* a runtime nor a compile-time error, 
and then have the program happily trounce about the filesystem with 
corrupted names or paths (sort of like getting m/s and m/(s*s) mixed up). 
Sure, it *might* error out with an "access denied" or "file not found" or 
something like that before actually doing anything wrong, but that's far 
from guaranteed. And even if it doesn't, it might not cause real harm, but 
there are times when it could so why risk it?

I think it's a judgment call. I did see a few examples throughout the 
years that created special types for various pathname components. I 
think one early C++ book had such an example. None of those attempts 
survived, and perhaps that could mean something. What may be happening 
is that in applications, the same variable may be e.g. a filename or a 
dirname, and handling that with an algebraic type may be considered too 
much aggravation.

I guess I just don't see why something like (fig. A) would be bad if (fig. 
B) and (fig. C) are considered good (as I certainly consider them):

-- fig A ---
open(inFile ~ "out" ~ inFile.file ~ "log");
// As many as 4 different errors that could be caught but currently aren't.
// (But obviously all would be overridable, of course)
// Without such checking, if inFile contained "/usr/home/joe/foo/bar.dat",
// the result would be:
//   "/usr/home/joe/foo/bar.datoutbar.datlog"

// Meant to do this:
open(inFile.path ~ "out/" ~ ~ ".log");
// Result now: "/usr/home/joe/foo/out/bar.log"

-- fig B ---
int add(int* a, int* b)
return a + b; // Error currently caught
// Meant:
return *a + *b;

-- fig C ---
auto accel = velocity * time; // Error caught with that "dimensional 

// Meant this:
auto accel = velocity / time;

Granted, I agree that as things currently are, it might not be possible to 
write a library to handle such file/path manipulations without it being too 
unweildy for the library's prospective users. But with a good "dimensional 
analysis" system...maybe not?

Well it may be a good idea if you tried it and see how it feels. A 
little algebra of path components isn't difficult to define and implement.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"Andrei Alexandrescu"  wrote in message 
> Justin Johansson wrote:
>>> "Now please name five remarkable complex literals."
>> (re, im) ::= (0, 0), (1,0), (0,1), (1,1), (pi/2, 0), (0, pi/2), 
>> e_to_the_power_(minus j),
>>  e_to_the_power_(minus j * pi/2)
>> Is that what you mean?
> (Three of those are real.)
> What I meant was that complex literals helped by syntax are seldom likely 
> to improve code quality. Many numeric literals are of questionable taste 
> anyway and should at best defined as symbols. I don't see why complex 
> literals shouldn't follow the same recommendation.

I think people just don't like the idea of having to deal with a distinction 
of "Some types can have nice handy literals but others can't."

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"Andrei Alexandrescu"  wrote in message 
> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> There's been discussion before (I can't find it now, or remember the name 
>> for it) of type systems that allow for proper handling of things like m/s 
>> vs. m/(s*s) vs inch/min etc. I haven't actually worked with such a 
>> feature or with complex/imaginary numbers in any actual code, so I can't 
>> be sure, but I've been wondering if a type system like that would be an 
>> appropriate (or even ideal) way to handle real/complex/imaginary numbers.
> It better be. Complex numbers aren't that complicated of a notion. What's 
> lost in pulling them out of the language is the ability to define 
> literals. Now please name five remarkable complex literals.
> The feature you're referring to is called dimensional analysis.
>> (I've also been wondering if it might be a huge benefit for 
>> distinguishing between strings that represent a filename vs file content 
>> vs file-extention-only vs relative-path+filename, vs absolute-path-only, 
>> etc. I've been really wanting a better way to handle that than just a 
>> variable naming convention.)
> I don't quite think so. In fact I don't think so at all. Pathnames of 
> various flavors evolve quite a bit in many programs, and having to worry 
> about tracking their type throughout is too much aggravation to be 
> worthwhile. Last thing I'd want when manipulating pathnames would be a 
> sticker of a library slapping my wrist anytime I misuse one of its six 
> dedicated types.

Last thing I'd want when dealing with paths and filenames would be making 
one small mistake and getting *neither* a runtime nor a compile-time error, 
and then have the program happily trounce about the filesystem with 
corrupted names or paths (sort of like getting m/s and m/(s*s) mixed up). 
Sure, it *might* error out with an "access denied" or "file not found" or 
something like that before actually doing anything wrong, but that's far 
from guaranteed. And even if it doesn't, it might not cause real harm, but 
there are times when it could so why risk it?

I guess I just don't see why something like (fig. A) would be bad if (fig. 
B) and (fig. C) are considered good (as I certainly consider them):

-- fig A ---
open(inFile ~ "out" ~ inFile.file ~ "log");
// As many as 4 different errors that could be caught but currently aren't.
// (But obviously all would be overridable, of course)
// Without such checking, if inFile contained "/usr/home/joe/foo/bar.dat",
// the result would be:
//   "/usr/home/joe/foo/bar.datoutbar.datlog"

// Meant to do this:
open(inFile.path ~ "out/" ~ ~ ".log");
// Result now: "/usr/home/joe/foo/out/bar.log"

-- fig B ---
int add(int* a, int* b)
return a + b; // Error currently caught
// Meant:
return *a + *b;

-- fig C ---
auto accel = velocity * time; // Error caught with that "dimensional 
// Meant this:
auto accel = velocity / time;

Granted, I agree that as things currently are, it might not be possible to 
write a library to handle such file/path manipulations without it being too 
unweildy for the library's prospective users. But with a good "dimensional 
analysis" system...maybe not?

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Justin Johansson wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Justin Johansson"  wrote in message 
It's a difficult challenge to get high performance, readable and 
maintainable code out of complex number
intensive algorithms.   Use of library types for complex numbers has, in 
my experience been problematic.

Complex numbers should be first class value types I say.

There's been discussion before (I can't find it now, or remember the name 
for it) of type systems that allow for proper handling of things like m/s 
vs. m/(s*s) vs inch/min etc. I haven't actually worked with such a feature 
or with complex/imaginary numbers in any actual code, so I can't be sure, 
but I've been wondering if a type system like that would be an appropriate 
(or even ideal) way to handle real/complex/imaginary numbers.
It better be. Complex numbers aren't that complicated of a notion. 
What's lost in pulling them out of the language is the ability to define 

"Now please name five remarkable complex literals."

(re, im) ::= (0, 0), (1,0), (0,1), (1,1), (pi/2, 0), (0, pi/2), 
e_to_the_power_(minus j),
 e_to_the_power_(minus j * pi/2)

Is that what you mean?

(Three of those are real.)

What I meant was that complex literals helped by syntax are seldom 
likely to improve code quality. Many numeric literals are of 
questionable taste anyway and should at best defined as symbols. I don't 
see why complex literals shouldn't follow the same recommendation.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread bearophile
To test my level of ignorance of D2, and to test how structs can be used to 
implement complex numbers in the std lib I have done few experiments with 
something simile, subsets of integers.

I have found some problems, some of them may come from my ignorance. This is a 
natural number:

import std.stdio: writeln;

struct Natural {
int x = 1;
alias x this;

invariant() {
assert(x >= 1);

void main() {
Natural x, y;
x = 10;
y = -20; // OK, invariant() isn't called because it's a direct access

// From the D2 docs:
// The invariant can be checked when a class object is the argument
// to an assert() expression, as:
assert(x); // test.d(20): Error: expression x of type Natural does not have 
a boolean value

It seems invariant() can be used in structs too (even if in D2 docs they are 
named class invariants), but I think the assert(x) doesn't work.

To solve the problem of the invariant not being called in the assignment I have 
written this second version:

import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.conv: to;

struct Natural {
int x_ = 1;

int x() { return this.x_; }
int x(int xx) { this.x_ = xx; return xx; }
alias x this;

invariant() { assert(this.x_ >= 1, "not a natural"); }

string toString() { return to!string(this.x_); }

void main() {
Natural x, y;
x = 10;
writeln(x, " ", x + x * 3); // OK

// a problem: the error message gives the line number of the
// assert instead of the assignment
y = -20; // core.exception.asserter...@test2.d(11): not a natural

Now it works better, but the assert gives an unhelpful line number.

This is a variant, a ranged value:

import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.conv: to;

struct Ranged(int RANGED_MIN, int RANGED_MAX) {
int x_ = RANGED_MIN;

int x() { return this.x_; }
int x(int xx) { this.x_ = xx; return xx; }
alias x this;

invariant() {
//assert(this.x_ >= RANGED_MIN, "Ranged value too much small");
assert(this.x_ < RANGED_MAX, "Ranged value too much big");

string toString() { return to!string(this.x_); }

void main() {
typedef Ranged!(10, 20) ranged;
ranged x;
ranged y = 1000; // Uh, bypasses the setter, no errors
writeln(y); // 0?

I have commented out the first assert to understand better what's happening.
In the line:
ranged y = 1000;
The invariant isn't called, the value 1000 goes nowhere, and even the int x_ = 
RANGED_MIN; is being bypassed, so in this.x_ goes a zero.
This will be another problem for library-defined complex numbers. So in the end 
I may like to keep complex numbers in the language for now.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 01:47:00 +0400, language_fan   

Something that came to my mind while reading this: typedefs could also be
extended to support contracts just like functions.

It is a nice idea! It would make D typedef much more powerful and useful.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 01:03:01 +0400, bearophile   

Walter Bright:

big reason for moving it to a library type is the user defined type
capabilities of D have grown to the point where there is no longer much
of any advantage to having it built in.

If the compiler/language is now flexible enough to allow the creation of  
a very good complex number, and the compilation time for such library  
numbers is good enough, and they get compiled efficiently enough, then  
removing them from the language is positive. But is the compiler now  
good enough to allow to implement very good complex numbers in the std  

One problem is to have a good syntax to define and use complex numbers.  
Time ago I have even suggested to keep the complex syntax in the  
compiler, and move the implementation in the std lib.

Another problem that I think is present still is the lack of a method  
like opBool, that gets called in implicit boolean situations like  

A third and more serious question is if the library complex type avoids  
the pitfalls discussed in the page about built-in complex numbers in the  
digitalmars site.


I don't see any reason why if (someComplexNumber) { ... } should be a  
valid code, it hardly makes any sense for me.
In fact, I am trying to avoid if (foo) as much as possible (unless foo is  
a bool, of course):

if (somePtr !is null) {

if (someInt != 0) {


if (someCondition) {

I wouldn't like to sacrifice code clarity for saving a few keystrokes, but  
maybe it's just me.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Justin Johansson
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> > "Justin Johansson"  wrote in message 
> > news:haavf1$
> >> It's a difficult challenge to get high performance, readable and 
> >> maintainable code out of complex number
> >> intensive algorithms.   Use of library types for complex numbers has, in 
> >> my experience been problematic.
> >> Complex numbers should be first class value types I say.
> >>
> > 
> > There's been discussion before (I can't find it now, or remember the name 
> > for it) of type systems that allow for proper handling of things like m/s 
> > vs. m/(s*s) vs inch/min etc. I haven't actually worked with such a feature 
> > or with complex/imaginary numbers in any actual code, so I can't be sure, 
> > but I've been wondering if a type system like that would be an appropriate 
> > (or even ideal) way to handle real/complex/imaginary numbers.
> It better be. Complex numbers aren't that complicated of a notion. 
> What's lost in pulling them out of the language is the ability to define 
> literals.

> "Now please name five remarkable complex literals."

(re, im) ::= (0, 0), (1,0), (0,1), (1,1), (pi/2, 0), (0, pi/2), 
e_to_the_power_(minus j),
 e_to_the_power_(minus j * pi/2)

Is that what you mean?

Guess one has to study Maxwell's equations, microwaves and the black art of 
Smith Charts to
appreciate .. not that anyone really cares too much these days .. no need to 
design antennae
for transmitters and receivers from scratch now that microwave towers and 
iPhones are consumer items.

(FYI, Electrical engineers use j and mathematicians use i to denote sqroot(-1). 
 We do that
since the letter i is conventionally used for current (as in amperes)).

-- Justin

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Jarrett Billingsley
On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu
> bearophile wrote:
>> opIf sounds strange :-) Why don't you like the idea of the implicit
>> conversion to bool followed by the testing of the bool? (someone may
>> have already answered a similar question, please bear with me).
> Try this:
> void * p;
> if (p) {}
> Then try this:
> void * p;
> bool b = p;

Okay, how about if if() used the result of an *explicit* cast to bool?
Barring the silly opCast operator (and maybe providing something
else), would this be consistent?

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Justin Johansson
bearophile Wrote:

> Justin Johansson Wrote:
> > Bingo. I'm sure there would be a huge benefit to be able to distinguish 
> > string or any primitive type
> > in such manner without having to invent a Filename class, AbsolutePathName 
> > class etc.
> Can D typedef be used for such purpose?
> Bye,
> bearophile

Yes it can to a degree.  It is useful and a little type-safe smarter than its C 
counterpart going
by the few D tests that I've done on my journey into the language.
Drawback, as far as I can tell, is the lack of a constructor for typedef'ed 
values.  Seems like you
need to synthesise a typedef'ed value with a function that casts it to the 
typedef type
from a primitive type inside the function and return the casted result.
Otherwise, reminiscent of leaky fountain pens of yesteryear, you can blot casts 
all over your code.
I may be wrong; there may be a better way in D.

Doesn't C++ allow you to construct primitive values in syntax similar to a 
function call,
e.g. int(20);
Whether same works for typedef types in C++ I cannot recall just right now.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

bearophile wrote:

opIf sounds strange :-) Why don't you like the idea of the implicit
conversion to bool followed by the testing of the bool? (someone may
have already answered a similar question, please bear with me).

Try this:

void * p;
if (p) {}

Then try this:

void * p;
bool b = p;


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread bearophile
Justin Johansson Wrote:

> Bingo. I'm sure there would be a huge benefit to be able to distinguish 
> string or any primitive type
> in such manner without having to invent a Filename class, AbsolutePathName 
> class etc.

Can D typedef be used for such purpose?


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread language_fan
Sun, 04 Oct 2009 17:39:50 -0400, Justin Johansson thusly wrote:

> Nick Sabalausky Wrote:
>> "I've also
>> been wondering if it might be a huge benefit for distinguishing between
>> strings that represent a filename vs file content vs
>> file-extention-only vs relative-path+filename, vs absolute-path-only,
>> etc. I've been really wanting a better way to handle that than just a
>> variable naming convention.)"
> Bingo. I'm sure there would be a huge benefit to be able to distinguish
> string or any primitive type in such manner without having to invent a
> Filename class, AbsolutePathName class etc.

You could use a variant:

typedef Filename = char[];
typedef Path = char[];

typedef File = JustFile Filename
 | RelPath Path Filename
 | AbsPath Path Filename

> This whole business about types is much to do about how to construct
> (and validate) the type from primitive information -- often given in
> lexical form.  If I pass an email-address type (even if it is really
> just a string) to an sendmail function, that function should not have to
> revalidate/reparse the string to be sure that the string data is indeed
> a (lexically) valid email address.

Something that came to my mind while reading this: typedefs could also be 
extended to support contracts just like functions.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread bearophile
Andrei Alexandrescu:

>please name five remarkable complex literals.<

I agree that having a syntax is often not necessary (but it may be handy).
Complex literals in a program can be unremarkable too, they can be arguments of 
complex functions, integration intervals, default values that replace missing 
argument inputs, etc.

> That's not opBool, it's opIf. Testing with if does not mean conversion 
> to bool and then testing the bool.

opIf sounds strange :-) Why don't you like the idea of the implicit conversion 
to bool followed by the testing of the bool? (someone may have already answered 
a similar question, please bear with me).
(Python has such standard method, as I have described (its name is diffeernt), 
while C# has two methods for true and falseness of an object/struct).

> I'd love to hear more about that. I've asked several times about it and 
> never got a clear answer.

Probably you have to ask to people that use complex numbers heavily, like in 
refined numerical simulations. Do you know some researcher at the university? A 
numerical physicist or teacher of numeric computation may be fine. If you ask 
to normal programmers they probably will not give you a good answer. To design 
certain language features you need experts :-)


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Justin Johansson
Nick Sabalausky Wrote:

> "Justin Johansson"  wrote in message 
> news:haavf1$
> >
> > It's a difficult challenge to get high performance, readable and 
> > maintainable code out of complex number
> > intensive algorithms.   Use of library types for complex numbers has, in 
> > my experience been problematic.
> > Complex numbers should be first class value types I say.
> >
> There's been discussion before (I can't find it now, or remember the name 
> for it) of type systems that allow for proper handling of things like m/s 
> vs. m/(s*s) vs inch/min etc. I haven't actually worked with such a feature 
> or with complex/imaginary numbers in any actual code, so I can't be sure, 
> but I've been wondering if a type system like that would be an appropriate 
> (or even ideal) way to handle real/complex/imaginary numbers.

> "I've also 
> been wondering if it might be a huge benefit for distinguishing between 
> strings that represent a filename vs file content vs file-extention-only vs 
> relative-path+filename, vs absolute-path-only, etc. I've been really wanting 
> a better way to handle that than just a variable naming convention.)"

Bingo. I'm sure there would be a huge benefit to be able to distinguish string 
or any primitive type
in such manner without having to invent a Filename class, AbsolutePathName 
class etc.

This whole business about types is much to do about how to construct (and 
validate) the
type from primitive information -- often given in lexical form.  If I pass an 
email-address type
(even if it is really just a string) to an sendmail function, that function 
should not have to
revalidate/reparse the string to be sure that the string data is indeed a 
(lexically) valid email address.

Yeah, good point you bring up.

-- Justin Johansson

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

bearophile wrote:

Walter Bright:

The big reason for moving it to a library type is the user defined
type capabilities of D have grown to the point where there is no
longer much of any advantage to having it built in.

If the compiler/language is now flexible enough to allow the creation
of a very good complex number, and the compilation time for such
library numbers is good enough, and they get compiled efficiently
enough, then removing them from the language is positive. But is the
compiler now good enough to allow to implement very good complex
numbers in the std lib?

Quoting myself: please name five remarkable complex literals.

One problem is to have a good syntax to define and use complex
numbers. Time ago I have even suggested to keep the complex syntax in
the compiler, and move the implementation in the std lib.

Another problem that I think is present still is the lack of a method
like opBool, that gets called in implicit boolean situations like

That's not opBool, it's opIf. Testing with if does not mean conversion 
to bool and then testing the bool.

A third and more serious question is if the library complex type
avoids the pitfalls discussed in the page about built-in complex
numbers in the digitalmars site.

I'd love to hear more about that. I've asked several times about it and 
never got a clear answer. My feeling is that an obscure mathematician 
burped during a conference in the 1960s and was overheard and 
misunderstood by someone who spread the news that complex numbers must 
be built-in, or else.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Justin Johansson"  wrote in message 
It's a difficult challenge to get high performance, readable and 
maintainable code out of complex number
intensive algorithms.   Use of library types for complex numbers has, in 
my experience been problematic.

Complex numbers should be first class value types I say.

There's been discussion before (I can't find it now, or remember the name 
for it) of type systems that allow for proper handling of things like m/s 
vs. m/(s*s) vs inch/min etc. I haven't actually worked with such a feature 
or with complex/imaginary numbers in any actual code, so I can't be sure, 
but I've been wondering if a type system like that would be an appropriate 
(or even ideal) way to handle real/complex/imaginary numbers.

It better be. Complex numbers aren't that complicated of a notion. 
What's lost in pulling them out of the language is the ability to define 
literals. Now please name five remarkable complex literals.

The feature you're referring to is called dimensional analysis.

(I've also 
been wondering if it might be a huge benefit for distinguishing between 
strings that represent a filename vs file content vs file-extention-only vs 
relative-path+filename, vs absolute-path-only, etc. I've been really wanting 
a better way to handle that than just a variable naming convention.) 

I don't quite think so. In fact I don't think so at all. Pathnames of 
various flavors evolve quite a bit in many programs, and having to worry 
about tracking their type throughout is too much aggravation to be 
worthwhile. Last thing I'd want when manipulating pathnames would be a 
sticker of a library slapping my wrist anytime I misuse one of its six 
dedicated types.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread bearophile
Walter Bright:

> The 
> big reason for moving it to a library type is the user defined type 
> capabilities of D have grown to the point where there is no longer much 
> of any advantage to having it built in.

If the compiler/language is now flexible enough to allow the creation of a very 
good complex number, and the compilation time for such library numbers is good 
enough, and they get compiled efficiently enough, then removing them from the 
language is positive. But is the compiler now good enough to allow to implement 
very good complex numbers in the std lib?

One problem is to have a good syntax to define and use complex numbers. Time 
ago I have even suggested to keep the complex syntax in the compiler, and move 
the implementation in the std lib.

Another problem that I think is present still is the lack of a method like 
opBool, that gets called in implicit boolean situations like if(somecomplex){...

A third and more serious question is if the library complex type avoids the 
pitfalls discussed in the page about built-in complex numbers in the 
digitalmars site.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"Justin Johansson"  wrote in message 
> It's a difficult challenge to get high performance, readable and 
> maintainable code out of complex number
> intensive algorithms.   Use of library types for complex numbers has, in 
> my experience been problematic.
> Complex numbers should be first class value types I say.

There's been discussion before (I can't find it now, or remember the name 
for it) of type systems that allow for proper handling of things like m/s 
vs. m/(s*s) vs inch/min etc. I haven't actually worked with such a feature 
or with complex/imaginary numbers in any actual code, so I can't be sure, 
but I've been wondering if a type system like that would be an appropriate 
(or even ideal) way to handle real/complex/imaginary numbers. (I've also 
been wondering if it might be a huge benefit for distinguishing between 
strings that represent a filename vs file content vs file-extention-only vs 
relative-path+filename, vs absolute-path-only, etc. I've been really wanting 
a better way to handle that than just a variable naming convention.) 

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Justin Johansson
Jeremie Pelletier Wrote:

> Walter Bright wrote:
> > Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
> >> language_fan wrote:
> >>> I admitted that later. Some of the keywords have a strong 
> >>> justification behind them. Others feel irritatingly unnecessary.
> >>
> >> I would rather have many different specialized keywords than a few 
> >> keywords with many different meanings. Its *much* easier to remember a 
> >> large set of simple words than a small set of complex words.
> > 
> > Many of the keywords come from each basic type having its own keyword. 
> > Sure, it could be done like C does with "unsigned long", etc., but those 
> > were always hard to grep for.
> I agree, especially since most libraries redefine these types to not 
> have to use "unsigned long" and others all over the place and to 
> abstract different compilers.
> Having standard types in D is one of it's best features, just makes 
> everything much easier.
> > Also, the complex and imaginary types will be removed at some point and 
> > replaced with a library type; there goes 6 keywords.

> > Many of the keywords come from each basic type having its own keyword. 
> > Sure, it could be done like C does with "unsigned long", etc., but those 
> > were always hard to grep for.

Agree 110%.  Not only hard to grep for, but also an example of orthogonality 
not actually helping.
The number of C/C++ programs that I've had to deal over the years, all defining 
their own standard
library int types just to nail down the bit size is mind boggling.
UINT8, uint8, UInt8, SINT8, int8, Int8, int8_t, uint8_t, ubyte, sbyte ...  and 
these just some of the
8 bit variations.

Then to make thinks worse, someone invents compiler switches to make ints signed
or unsigned by default.  What madness.

> Why? What's the rationale behind such a move? These types will always be 
> handled the same no matter what library implements them. These are 
> always tricky to use in C since different compilers implement them 
> differently, why do the same in D?

I'm with Jeremie on this one .. or at least the jury should still be out.

Imaginary numbers have the same right to life as real numbers.  How many 
scientific, engineering,
applied maths problems have been solved because of the invention or discovery 
of complex numbers?
I like the idea of a language treats its complex numbers as first class 

Come to think of it, it was one of the first salient features of D that drew me 
to the language.

I speak not only with an emotive affection towards complex numbers but with 
many years of practical
experience with DSP (digital signal processing) software, software development 
at the coalface using
GMM (gaussian mixture models) for speech processing, FFT (Fast Fourier 
Transforms) in general and the
FFTW (The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West*) C FFT library (which by the 
way, the authors thereof
received a prestigious award for their contribution to numerical software**).



It's a difficult challenge to get high performance, readable and maintainable 
code out of complex number
intensive algorithms.   Use of library types for complex numbers has, in my 
experience been problematic.
Complex numbers should be first class value types I say.

My $0.05

-- Justin Johansson

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Walter Bright

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:
Also, the complex and imaginary types will be removed at some point 
and replaced with a library type; there goes 6 keywords.

Why? What's the rationale behind such a move? These types will always be 
handled the same no matter what library implements them. These are 
always tricky to use in C since different compilers implement them 
differently, why do the same in D?

Using a standard library type solves the standardization problem. The 
big reason for moving it to a library type is the user defined type 
capabilities of D have grown to the point where there is no longer much 
of any advantage to having it built in.

Simplifying the internal logic of the compiler then has a lot of advantages.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

Walter Bright wrote:

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

language_fan wrote:
I admitted that later. Some of the keywords have a strong 
justification behind them. Others feel irritatingly unnecessary.

I would rather have many different specialized keywords than a few 
keywords with many different meanings. Its *much* easier to remember a 
large set of simple words than a small set of complex words.

Many of the keywords come from each basic type having its own keyword. 
Sure, it could be done like C does with "unsigned long", etc., but those 
were always hard to grep for.

I agree, especially since most libraries redefine these types to not 
have to use "unsigned long" and others all over the place and to 
abstract different compilers.

Having standard types in D is one of it's best features, just makes 
everything much easier.

Also, the complex and imaginary types will be removed at some point and 
replaced with a library type; there goes 6 keywords.

Why? What's the rationale behind such a move? These types will always be 
handled the same no matter what library implements them. These are 
always tricky to use in C since different compilers implement them 
differently, why do the same in D?

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Walter Bright

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Fair enough. *But*, I really think "elegantly simple" language design is 
double-edged sword. In my experience, and I think this is what Jeremie was 
alluding to, I've found that an "elegantly simple" language, no matter how 
well-chosen the primitives are, generally results in a problematic lack of 
expressiveness and a frequent sense of fighting against the language instead 
of merely using it.

It's a good point. One finds when programming in a simple language that 
one has to write a lot of rather complex code to make up for it. C is an 
obvious example - try writing OOP in C. It can and has been done, but 
it's ugly, verbose, complex, error-prone and inelegant.

It's like a professional handyman having the smallest possible possible 
toolbox with only the barest essentialls, versus a big super-toolbox that 
has all the *right* tools he might need. Just because it's there doesn't 
mean it has to be used, but if I were a handyman and had to remove a 
phillips-head screw, I'd want to be able to reach for a forward/reverse 
drill and an appropriately-sized phillips-head bit, and not have to pry it 
out with the bare minimum (the back of a hammer, or a 
sort-of-sized-similarly manual flathead screwdriver), and also not have to 
put one specialized mini-toolbax back and switch to a 
differently-specialized mini-toolbox for every different task.

That resonates with me. When I was a kid working on cars, I had nothing 
but the most basic tools. You could get things done, but the workarounds 
were unpleasant and difficult, and I often wound up damaging the parts 
in the process. Now, I just go buy the specialized tool, and get it done 
quickly and easily, and no damage.

For example, it's so nice to have a drill press and get the hole 
*straight* .

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Walter Bright

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

language_fan wrote:
I admitted that later. Some of the keywords have a strong 
justification behind them. Others feel irritatingly unnecessary.

I would rather have many different specialized keywords than a few 
keywords with many different meanings. Its *much* easier to remember a 
large set of simple words than a small set of complex words.

Many of the keywords come from each basic type having its own keyword. 
Sure, it could be done like C does with "unsigned long", etc., but those 
were always hard to grep for.

Also, the complex and imaginary types will be removed at some point and 
replaced with a library type; there goes 6 keywords.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread language_fan
Sun, 04 Oct 2009 11:08:52 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu thusly wrote:

> So, you say D lacks built-in
> first-class sum and product types. Yet Tuple is a product type. In spite
> of appearances, it's a built-in type, just that it has no literal.

Not true. A tuple of tuples, for instance, breaks the property (so you 
need struct tuple hacks). The auto-flattening is just harmful. Also, not 
only does it not have a literal, in many places the use has been 
disabled. Recent versions of the compiler have started to throw errors in 
those use cases. Previously I expected it to be fixed, but apparently the 
feature was considered too good to be allowed.

> don't see that a deal breaker. Then I fail to find fault for Algebraic
> (in std.variant) as a sum type. I need to add visitation to it, but
> other than that I don't think Algebraic is worse than a built-in type.

Ok, might be. I have not used it yet. It least it's too verbose for my 
taste. Too much verboseness makes the feature impractical to use.

>> I remember you also suggested all kinds of macro systems, but the
>> discussion died ages ago.
> It hasn't died. We just concluded that it would take many months to
> define and implement a decent macro system. We also had a ton of other
> things to do, so we decided macros have to wait.


> I am very familiar with much of Odersky's work and have a lot of respect
> for it. But then Walter created D and has brought his world view in D,
> not someone else's. We can't go like, hey, let's wheelbarrow whatever's
> good in language X into D. That's why I specifically asked "what steps
> we need to take" hoping for much more detail and aim at integration than
> "Scala is good".

I agree you don't need to copy each feature. There just are some open 
problems and it would be really nice if the language could solve them. 
Since D is a practical language, you might say that it doesn't need to 
solve every possible problem (especially not high level problems), just 
some low-level systems programming related ones.

> Regarding the Node-Edge subtyping problem, I'd appreciate a link., page 7 in 
the pdf.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

language_fan wrote:

On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 04:28:35 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

language_fan wrote:

On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 16:39:29 -0400, Justin Johansson wrote:

People might remember that when I picked up D and joined this forum
just some 3 or so weeks ago I made mention of being a Scala
refugee.***  When asked what I didn't like about Scala I commented
about there being too many language constructs.

Compared to D that is not even true. The Scala language spec lists 40
keywords + 10 additional reserved tokens. D 2.0 spec lists 106 keywords
+ a bit over 60 reserved tokens. In general there are no features in
Scala that are not built around those keywords and tokens. The keywords
and token are not more heavily overloaded than in D, on the contrary in
my subjective opinion.

So how I see things is that the language core in Scala is about 75%
smaller, faster to learn, and easier to reason about. I have to admit
that the features often are more powerful than in D. You need to
recognize concepts like contra/co/invariance, higher order functions
and kinds, and algebra that is based on terms discussed in lambda
calculus books.

I agree that a hemorrhage of keywords is of dubious value, and Walter
has been much more generous with keywords than I would have ever liked.

Assuming you're not hanging out in this group just to feel smug: what
steps do you think we could take to make D a better language than it
currently is?

I would concentrate on combining and generalizing the core constructs and 
types to cut down language complexity. Starting from basic algebraic 
facts, D lacks built-in first class sum and product types. Higher order 
type operators also feel like a hack. The level of orthogonality is often 
very poor -- this is the result of the uncontrolled language evolution. D 
was not designed to be very orthogonal in these respects. Practical 
languages are rarely built with types in mind. Same applies to rationale 
behind built-in meta-properties of types and free function like 

Well this is a bit vague to act on. So, you say D lacks built-in 
first-class sum and product types. Yet Tuple is a product type. In spite 
of appearances, it's a built-in type, just that it has no literal. I 
don't see that a deal breaker. Then I fail to find fault for Algebraic 
(in std.variant) as a sum type. I need to add visitation to it, but 
other than that I don't think Algebraic is worse than a built-in type.

I agree that the language is unorthogonal but realistically there isn't 
a lot we can do about that now.

Even though templates and string mixins provide some kind of macro 
facility, I would like to offer something more Scheme like, with Template 
Haskell like flavor. String mixins are powerful, but unfortunately they 
do not provide any kind of meta-level type system. As a result the 
compile errors on the wrong abstraction level. It also fails at capturing 
symbol references in a nicely scoped manner. Andrei, I remember you also 
suggested all kinds of macro systems, but the discussion died ages ago.

It hasn't died. We just concluded that it would take many months to 
define and implement a decent macro system. We also had a ton of other 
things to do, so we decided macros have to wait.

In OOP I have found Scala and some prototype based OOP languages to 
behave in the most elegant way. You should read the OOP articles by 
Odersky. For instance, try to find a solution to the Node-Edge subtyping 
problem in D. Experiment with traits to see how powerful they are. Try to 
find justifications for the lack of genuine new features of Scala (self 
types, etc.).

I am very familiar with much of Odersky's work and have a lot of respect 
for it. But then Walter created D and has brought his world view in D, 
not someone else's. We can't go like, hey, let's wheelbarrow whatever's 
good in language X into D. That's why I specifically asked "what steps 
we need to take" hoping for much more detail and aim at integration than 
"Scala is good".

Regarding the Node-Edge subtyping problem, I'd appreciate a link. The 
first relevant result returned by Google is your own post :o). Is this 

I cannot foretell how changing the low level abstractions changes the 
overall look and feel. Probably some constructs become unnecessary, 
others will remain. I do not have the skills to build a full language 
that works optimally in all possible ways.

I guess you're in good company - nobody quite does.

The keyword comparison was a bit unfair. I find it acceptable for a lower 
level language to have a bit more keywords since there are many hardware 
capabilities that need to have a mapping on the language level.

I don't know. I agree that D's relative abundance of keywords doesn't 
seem to be a huge problem in practice, but I also think we shouldn't add 
many more lest a phase shift of sorts occurs. And then just like you I 
prefer orthogonality, an

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

language_fan wrote:

On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 11:51:13 +0200, Lutger wrote:

How do you think Scala is going to manage to be a popular alternative
for Java by requiring its user to read books about lambda calculus?

It's not necessary. Often removing extra semicolons and changing the form 
' ' to ' : ' suffices. Especially when porting 
Java code.

The keyword metric is so flawed you just cannot base any argument around

I admitted that later. Some of the keywords have a strong justification 
behind them. Others feel irritatingly unnecessary.

I would rather have many different specialized keywords than a few 
keywords with many different meanings. Its *much* easier to remember a 
large set of simple words than a small set of complex words.

Imagine if D had keywords goto_unknown, goto_forward and goto_backward, 
and goto_here (which is rewritten as while(true) {} by the compiler), 
based on how the program counter will change. Jumps to addresses with a 
lower program counter value use goto_backward, vice versa for 
goto_forward. Situations where the pc value is runtime determined would 
have to use goto_unknown. D 2.0 would also have construct 'goto dynamic
(addr);' which would behave identically to 'goto_unknown addr;'. Now some 
of you might see a pattern here and would try to combine the various 
gotos into a single keyword. I am talking about similar situation, but my 
focus is on a higher level.

I can't make sense out of this example, since there's only one possible 
goto with current hardware, and even VMs don't care where you jump at.

I think you meant to say that we can generalize keywords and let the 
compiler decide what we meant to do. And that is not always a good 
thing, sometimes you want your keyword to be verbose to other 
programmers too, for example the recent discussion about casts which 
stated D should have support for explicit static, dynamic and 
reinterpret casts just like C++.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

language_fan wrote:

On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 04:28:35 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

language_fan wrote:

On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 16:39:29 -0400, Justin Johansson wrote:

People might remember that when I picked up D and joined this forum
just some 3 or so weeks ago I made mention of being a Scala
refugee.***  When asked what I didn't like about Scala I commented
about there being too many language constructs.

Compared to D that is not even true. The Scala language spec lists 40
keywords + 10 additional reserved tokens. D 2.0 spec lists 106 keywords
+ a bit over 60 reserved tokens. In general there are no features in
Scala that are not built around those keywords and tokens. The keywords
and token are not more heavily overloaded than in D, on the contrary in
my subjective opinion.

So how I see things is that the language core in Scala is about 75%
smaller, faster to learn, and easier to reason about. I have to admit
that the features often are more powerful than in D. You need to
recognize concepts like contra/co/invariance, higher order functions
and kinds, and algebra that is based on terms discussed in lambda
calculus books.

I agree that a hemorrhage of keywords is of dubious value, and Walter
has been much more generous with keywords than I would have ever liked.

Assuming you're not hanging out in this group just to feel smug: what
steps do you think we could take to make D a better language than it
currently is?

I would concentrate on combining and generalizing the core constructs and 
types to cut down language complexity. Starting from basic algebraic 
facts, D lacks built-in first class sum and product types. Higher order 
type operators also feel like a hack. The level of orthogonality is often 
very poor -- this is the result of the uncontrolled language evolution. D 
was not designed to be very orthogonal in these respects. Practical 
languages are rarely built with types in mind. Same applies to rationale 
behind built-in meta-properties of types and free function like 

Even though templates and string mixins provide some kind of macro 
facility, I would like to offer something more Scheme like, with Template 
Haskell like flavor. String mixins are powerful, but unfortunately they 
do not provide any kind of meta-level type system. As a result the 
compile errors on the wrong abstraction level. It also fails at capturing 
symbol references in a nicely scoped manner. Andrei, I remember you also 
suggested all kinds of macro systems, but the discussion died ages ago.

I couldn't agree more, string mixins often feel like a hack in D and you 
lose all semantics informations an IDE can use to generate intellisense 
for example.

In OOP I have found Scala and some prototype based OOP languages to 
behave in the most elegant way. You should read the OOP articles by 
Odersky. For instance, try to find a solution to the Node-Edge subtyping 
problem in D. Experiment with traits to see how powerful they are. Try to 
find justifications for the lack of genuine new features of Scala (self 
types, etc.).

Aren't prototype based objects only possible with a VM? I mean the 
prototype can be extended at anytime throughout the execution. It also 
adds a level of indirection since the objects don't hold a direct 
reference to the vtable, they hold a reference to the prototype which 
contains the dynamic vtable and string identifiers are used to resolve 
calls to the proper method since vtable indices aren't known at compile 

Prototype based OOP is a great model, but I don't think it can be 
implemented in compiled languages like D.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread language_fan
On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 11:51:13 +0200, Lutger wrote:

> How do you think Scala is going to manage to be a popular alternative
> for Java by requiring its user to read books about lambda calculus?

It's not necessary. Often removing extra semicolons and changing the form 
' ' to ' : ' suffices. Especially when porting 
Java code.

> The keyword metric is so flawed you just cannot base any argument around
> it.

I admitted that later. Some of the keywords have a strong justification 
behind them. Others feel irritatingly unnecessary.

Imagine if D had keywords goto_unknown, goto_forward and goto_backward, 
and goto_here (which is rewritten as while(true) {} by the compiler), 
based on how the program counter will change. Jumps to addresses with a 
lower program counter value use goto_backward, vice versa for 
goto_forward. Situations where the pc value is runtime determined would 
have to use goto_unknown. D 2.0 would also have construct 'goto dynamic
(addr);' which would behave identically to 'goto_unknown addr;'. Now some 
of you might see a pattern here and would try to combine the various 
gotos into a single keyword. I am talking about similar situation, but my 
focus is on a higher level.

> I highly recommend this short and subjective article on the subject by
> Yukihiro Matsumoto: "Treating Code as an Essay" from the book Beautiful
> Code. Unfortunately I couldn't find it online.

Thanks. Added to my todo list.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread language_fan
On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 04:28:35 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

> language_fan wrote:
>> On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 16:39:29 -0400, Justin Johansson wrote:
>>> People might remember that when I picked up D and joined this forum
>>> just some 3 or so weeks ago I made mention of being a Scala
>>> refugee.***  When asked what I didn't like about Scala I commented
>>> about there being too many language constructs.
>> Compared to D that is not even true. The Scala language spec lists 40
>> keywords + 10 additional reserved tokens. D 2.0 spec lists 106 keywords
>> + a bit over 60 reserved tokens. In general there are no features in
>> Scala that are not built around those keywords and tokens. The keywords
>> and token are not more heavily overloaded than in D, on the contrary in
>> my subjective opinion.
>> So how I see things is that the language core in Scala is about 75%
>> smaller, faster to learn, and easier to reason about. I have to admit
>> that the features often are more powerful than in D. You need to
>> recognize concepts like contra/co/invariance, higher order functions
>> and kinds, and algebra that is based on terms discussed in lambda
>> calculus books.
> I agree that a hemorrhage of keywords is of dubious value, and Walter
> has been much more generous with keywords than I would have ever liked.
> Assuming you're not hanging out in this group just to feel smug: what
> steps do you think we could take to make D a better language than it
> currently is?

I would concentrate on combining and generalizing the core constructs and 
types to cut down language complexity. Starting from basic algebraic 
facts, D lacks built-in first class sum and product types. Higher order 
type operators also feel like a hack. The level of orthogonality is often 
very poor -- this is the result of the uncontrolled language evolution. D 
was not designed to be very orthogonal in these respects. Practical 
languages are rarely built with types in mind. Same applies to rationale 
behind built-in meta-properties of types and free function like 

Even though templates and string mixins provide some kind of macro 
facility, I would like to offer something more Scheme like, with Template 
Haskell like flavor. String mixins are powerful, but unfortunately they 
do not provide any kind of meta-level type system. As a result the 
compile errors on the wrong abstraction level. It also fails at capturing 
symbol references in a nicely scoped manner. Andrei, I remember you also 
suggested all kinds of macro systems, but the discussion died ages ago.

In OOP I have found Scala and some prototype based OOP languages to 
behave in the most elegant way. You should read the OOP articles by 
Odersky. For instance, try to find a solution to the Node-Edge subtyping 
problem in D. Experiment with traits to see how powerful they are. Try to 
find justifications for the lack of genuine new features of Scala (self 
types, etc.).

I cannot foretell how changing the low level abstractions changes the 
overall look and feel. Probably some constructs become unnecessary, 
others will remain. I do not have the skills to build a full language 
that works optimally in all possible ways.

The keyword comparison was a bit unfair. I find it acceptable for a lower 
level language to have a bit more keywords since there are many hardware 
capabilities that need to have a mapping on the language level.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Lutger
Forget to qualify my reply: I don't know Scala so you might as well be right 
and I do not mean to say that D isn't a complex language.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Lutger
language_fan wrote:

> On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 16:39:29 -0400, Justin Johansson wrote:
>> People might remember that when I picked up D and joined this forum just
>> some 3 or so weeks ago I made mention of being a Scala refugee.***  When
>> asked what I didn't like about Scala I commented about there being too
>> many language constructs.
> Compared to D that is not even true. The Scala language spec lists 40
> keywords + 10 additional reserved tokens. D 2.0 spec lists 106 keywords +
> a bit over 60 reserved tokens. In general there are no features in Scala
> that are not built around those keywords and tokens. The keywords and
> token are not more heavily overloaded than in D, on the contrary in my
> subjective opinion.
> So how I see things is that the language core in Scala is about 75%
> smaller, faster to learn, and easier to reason about. I have to admit
> that the features often are more powerful than in D. You need to
> recognize concepts like contra/co/invariance, higher order functions and
> kinds, and algebra that is based on terms discussed in lambda calculus
> books.

How do you think Scala is going to manage to be a popular alternative for 
Java by requiring its user to read books about lambda calculus?

The keyword metric is so flawed you just cannot base any argument around it.

Take for example the debug statement in D. It's very unorthogonal, basically 
just the same as version(debug). D is a syntax heavy language, but a lot of 
that come from such simplistic features. Heck, you could built a whole 
programming language with the number of tokens D reserves specially for 
stuff around floating point types! But they make the language only slightly 
more complicated by requiring the programmer to remember a few more words 
and meanings that don't interact so heavily with other features. 
Contrast this to say, the interaction because the C preprocessor and C++ 
template system or the various meanings of const in C++. Now that makes a 
language more *complex*.

If you want to measure the 'size' of a language (what does that mean by the 
way?) not all tokens should weigh equal. 

I highly recommend this short and subjective article on the subject by 
Yukihiro Matsumoto: "Treating Code as an Essay" from the book Beautiful 
Code. Unfortunately I couldn't find it online.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

language_fan wrote:

On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 16:39:29 -0400, Justin Johansson wrote:

People might remember that when I picked up D and joined this forum just
some 3 or so weeks ago I made mention of being a Scala refugee.***  When
asked what I didn't like about Scala I commented about there being too
many language constructs.

Compared to D that is not even true. The Scala language spec lists 40 
keywords + 10 additional reserved tokens. D 2.0 spec lists 106 keywords + 
a bit over 60 reserved tokens. In general there are no features in Scala 
that are not built around those keywords and tokens. The keywords and 
token are not more heavily overloaded than in D, on the contrary in my 
subjective opinion.

So how I see things is that the language core in Scala is about 75% 
smaller, faster to learn, and easier to reason about. I have to admit 
that the features often are more powerful than in D. You need to 
recognize concepts like contra/co/invariance, higher order functions and 
kinds, and algebra that is based on terms discussed in lambda calculus 

I agree that a hemorrhage of keywords is of dubious value, and Walter 
has been much more generous with keywords than I would have ever liked.

Assuming you're not hanging out in this group just to feel smug: what 
steps do you think we could take to make D a better language than it 
currently is?


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-04 Thread language_fan
On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 16:39:29 -0400, Justin Johansson wrote:

> People might remember that when I picked up D and joined this forum just
> some 3 or so weeks ago I made mention of being a Scala refugee.***  When
> asked what I didn't like about Scala I commented about there being too
> many language constructs.

Compared to D that is not even true. The Scala language spec lists 40 
keywords + 10 additional reserved tokens. D 2.0 spec lists 106 keywords + 
a bit over 60 reserved tokens. In general there are no features in Scala 
that are not built around those keywords and tokens. The keywords and 
token are not more heavily overloaded than in D, on the contrary in my 
subjective opinion.

So how I see things is that the language core in Scala is about 75% 
smaller, faster to learn, and easier to reason about. I have to admit 
that the features often are more powerful than in D. You need to 
recognize concepts like contra/co/invariance, higher order functions and 
kinds, and algebra that is based on terms discussed in lambda calculus 

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"language_fan"  wrote in message 
> On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 14:35:22 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
>> Think of the english languages, how many words does it have? I would
>> hate to try and express my ideas if I had only 100 words to choose from.
>> Some people do but we call them simple minded or uneducated :)
> Comparing spoken languages and formal languages used to program computers
> is rather far fetched. Even a small child recognizes more words than a
> complex programming language has keywords. There are programming
> languages with rather minimal set of core keywords and constructs. This
> makes them in no way more suitable for less intelligent people.

I think his point was that number of keywords isn't a particularly good 
measure of language complexity. To bring it back to programming languages, 
VB has keywords coming out the wazoo, but the only thing complex about VB is 
the complexity involved in trying to express high-level (or low-level) 
concepts that VB is just too *simple* to handle.

> And your
> stance of disagreeing with everyone here does not make you better than
> the rest of us, it is just irritating.

I think I missed the memo indicating that disagreeing with others had 
suddenly become a bad thing. ;)

> D is pretty verbose in many respects. There are some totally unnecessary
> words like 'body' in the grammar. Also things like foreach_reverse should
> just die. Even a novice programmer can write a meta-program to replace
> foreach_reverse without any runtime performance hit. Designing a crappy
> programming language is not hard. Usually the elegance arises from clever
> use of powerful, generic core structures.

Fair enough. *But*, I really think "elegantly simple" language design is 
double-edged sword. In my experience, and I think this is what Jeremie was 
alluding to, I've found that an "elegantly simple" language, no matter how 
well-chosen the primitives are, generally results in a problematic lack of 
expressiveness and a frequent sense of fighting against the language instead 
of merely using it.

For example, the most elegantly simple languages I've seen are Java (at 
least earlier versions, anyway), JavaScript, Smalltalk, Haskell, and maybe 
Forth. And I really do admire those languages from a theoretical 
perspective...but only in the same sense that I admire Brainfuck. I'd never 
want to actually use any of those languages for any real work simply because 
their "elegantly simple" designs lead to many cases where I'd have to (or 
have had to) fight against them to accomplish what I need. I guess it just 
comes down to "as simple as possible, *but no more*."

In a more complex language like D, I never feel like I need to try to keep 
the whole langauge in my head. I just need some subset at any particular 
time, and then when (and I do mean "when", not "if"), when I need something 
else, it's nice to know that it's there to use and that I won't have to try 
to cram it into the wrong tool for the job or constantly switch between an 
array of languages while trying to keep them all playing nice with each 

It's like a professional handyman having the smallest possible possible 
toolbox with only the barest essentialls, versus a big super-toolbox that 
has all the *right* tools he might need. Just because it's there doesn't 
mean it has to be used, but if I were a handyman and had to remove a 
phillips-head screw, I'd want to be able to reach for a forward/reverse 
drill and an appropriately-sized phillips-head bit, and not have to pry it 
out with the bare minimum (the back of a hammer, or a 
sort-of-sized-similarly manual flathead screwdriver), and also not have to 
put one specialized mini-toolbax back and switch to a 
differently-specialized mini-toolbox for every different task.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread Justin Johansson
language_fan Wrote:

> On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 14:35:22 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
> > language_fan wrote:
> >> On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 10:32:28 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
> >> 
> >>> I don't believe D is having some features merely to attract attention
> >>> to it, that's the thing I like best about D; it provides a very large
> >>> set of tools and let me choose how to use them, instead of enforcing a
> >>> certain model or paradigm.
> >> 
> >> There has to be some limit on the amount of features a language can
> >> have before managing the complexity gets too large. Imagine that D 4.0
> >> had 50 keywords more than D 2.0 currently has. Those features would
> >> make your code 5% faster. Would you still love D?
> > 
> > Think of the english languages, how many words does it have? I would
> > hate to try and express my ideas if I had only 100 words to choose from.
> > Some people do but we call them simple minded or uneducated :)
> Comparing spoken languages and formal languages used to program computers 
> is rather far fetched. Even a small child recognizes more words than a 
> complex programming language has keywords. There are programming 
> languages with rather minimal set of core keywords and constructs. This 
> makes them in no way more suitable for less intelligent people. And your 
> stance of disagreeing with everyone here does not make you better than 
> the rest of us, it is just irritating.
> D is pretty verbose in many respects. There are some totally unnecessary 
> words like 'body' in the grammar. Also things like foreach_reverse should 
> just die. Even a novice programmer can write a meta-program to replace 
> foreach_reverse without any runtime performance hit. Designing a crappy 
> programming language is not hard. Usually the elegance arises from clever 
> use of powerful, generic core structures.

Re foreach_reverse

People might remember that when I picked up D and joined this forum just some
3 or so weeks ago I made mention of being a Scala refugee.***  When asked what
I didn't like about Scala I commented about there being too many language 
Someone here (maybe you, Fan?) consequently pointed out some of the superfluous
cruft like foreach_reverse in D.

I couldn't agree more; foreach_reverse should be euthanased by intralexical 

(***To be fair, my current interest is in non-JVM-hosted languages and I 
wouldn't be
using a minimalistic language like Clojure (also JVM hosted) either at the 

> Even a novice programmer can write a meta-program to replace foreach_reverse
without any runtime performance hit.

I haven't had much time to investigate/learn meta programming facilities in D 
so I'm
less than a novice in this respect.  If it's not too much trouble, Fan, please 
post your
solution for replacing reverse_foreach with a meta-program; I know it sounds 
lazy of me,
but your answer will save me precious time from having to RTFM.

Guessing its a recursive solution, and btw I am making use of opApply already 
in a
small collection library that I'm messing with.

Justin Johansson

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread language_fan
On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 14:35:22 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

> language_fan wrote:
>> On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 10:32:28 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
>>> I don't believe D is having some features merely to attract attention
>>> to it, that's the thing I like best about D; it provides a very large
>>> set of tools and let me choose how to use them, instead of enforcing a
>>> certain model or paradigm.
>> There has to be some limit on the amount of features a language can
>> have before managing the complexity gets too large. Imagine that D 4.0
>> had 50 keywords more than D 2.0 currently has. Those features would
>> make your code 5% faster. Would you still love D?
> Think of the english languages, how many words does it have? I would
> hate to try and express my ideas if I had only 100 words to choose from.
> Some people do but we call them simple minded or uneducated :)

Comparing spoken languages and formal languages used to program computers 
is rather far fetched. Even a small child recognizes more words than a 
complex programming language has keywords. There are programming 
languages with rather minimal set of core keywords and constructs. This 
makes them in no way more suitable for less intelligent people. And your 
stance of disagreeing with everyone here does not make you better than 
the rest of us, it is just irritating.

D is pretty verbose in many respects. There are some totally unnecessary 
words like 'body' in the grammar. Also things like foreach_reverse should 
just die. Even a novice programmer can write a meta-program to replace 
foreach_reverse without any runtime performance hit. Designing a crappy 
programming language is not hard. Usually the elegance arises from clever 
use of powerful, generic core structures.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

language_fan wrote:

On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 10:32:28 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

I don't believe D is having some features merely to attract attention to
it, that's the thing I like best about D; it provides a very large set
of tools and let me choose how to use them, instead of enforcing a
certain model or paradigm.

There has to be some limit on the amount of features a language can have 
before managing the complexity gets too large. Imagine that D 4.0 had 50 
keywords more than D 2.0 currently has. Those features would make your 
code 5% faster. Would you still love D?

Think of the english languages, how many words does it have? I would 
hate to try and express my ideas if I had only 100 words to choose from. 
Some people do but we call them simple minded or uneducated :)

Same for programming, D could have 100 keywords and be the most flexible 
language ever. Some would think its the best thing since sliced bread, 
others would only use the subset they're comfortable with, and a few 
would be scared away back to javascript.

People using a very limited subset of words to express their ideas tend 
to talk more to say less.

Pointers are a critical feature of D, they allow both binary
compatibility with C code and optimizations not possible without
pointers. I use pointers all the time in D, just not nearly as much as I
would in C/C++.

I did not argue against pointers, in general! Pointers can be useful but 
you do not need the C style syntax for declaring pointers to functions 
anywhere. I find it hard to read, especially after reading too much maths 
or functional code.

It makes writing C bindings that much easier, function pointers are 
mostly used for C code anyways since D has the much better delegate type.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread Yigal Chripun

On 03/10/2009 16:09, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

I don't think you understood what I meant, seat-belts don't require you
to buy a bigger car engine because they don't affect the performance of
the car whatsoever. They're also not enforced, the car will run just as
fine if you don't wear them.

I understood you quite well.

seat belts do not require a bigger car engine and compile time safety 
features do not add any overhead to run-time execution.

seat belts *ARE* enforced. they are required by law and you get a hefty 
fine if you violate this.

also, seat belts save lives and are used by regular drivers and car racers.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread language_fan
On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 10:32:28 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

> I don't believe D is having some features merely to attract attention to
> it, that's the thing I like best about D; it provides a very large set
> of tools and let me choose how to use them, instead of enforcing a
> certain model or paradigm.

There has to be some limit on the amount of features a language can have 
before managing the complexity gets too large. Imagine that D 4.0 had 50 
keywords more than D 2.0 currently has. Those features would make your 
code 5% faster. Would you still love D?

> Pointers are a critical feature of D, they allow both binary
> compatibility with C code and optimizations not possible without
> pointers. I use pointers all the time in D, just not nearly as much as I
> would in C/C++.

I did not argue against pointers, in general! Pointers can be useful but 
you do not need the C style syntax for declaring pointers to functions 
anywhere. I find it hard to read, especially after reading too much maths 
or functional code.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Justin Johansson wrote:
For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the 
other day and

the barista had this to say

Disclaimer: YMMV


-- Justin Johansson

This article brings up a very interesting point that beats Walter's 
argument to a pulp, then puts salt on it.

Walter's overriding argument (I'm sure you know it, he repeated it 
claiming nobody understands it until we learned it by heart) was: "I 
don't want the compiler to require a value there! People will just put 
some crappy value in to get the code to compile, and the code with 
errors in it will soldier on instead of duly crashing! How is that 
better???" etc.

Yet D has structs.

Walter knows D has structs, and knows how D structs operate. He put 
structs in D because he thought structs, vegetables, exercising, and 
flossing are good for you.

We all know a serving of structs a day makes for healthy programmers!

Yet structs operate the exact way that Walter claim is pernicious. 
Structs don't have a singular null value and always are nominally 
valid objects.

You're comparing value types to reference types. A class object is also 
always valid, its the reference that can be null by pointing to no 
object. You would have the same semantics by using struct pointers.

Yet I've never heard Walter continuing his argument with "Just look at 
those stinky structs. It must be a million times I had a bug caused by 
the absence of null structs! I just had to put a crappy struct there 
in my code, and my code soldiered on in error instead of crashing!"

I never pass structs by value in D, except for returns because of RVO, 
so I can get a null struct pointer sometimes, but thats what contracts 
and backtraces are for. If my code was still executing on an invalid 
struct reference it would be much, much harder to pinpoint the origin of 
the bug.

Why didn't he continue his argument that way? And why didn't anybody 
else continue his argument that way? Because nobody has had such a 
problem. Everybody uses structs, and everybody's happy about them 
lacking null.

Once again, structs are value types.

To complete the irony, Walter and I discussed a while ago about 
structs and .init values. We concluded that D, at least for the time 
being, will allow struct construction without any code invocation, by 
just bitcopying the .init value of the struct over. He was very happy 
about that because a lot of code generation got majorly simplified 
that way. (I was less happy because that meant less user control over 
struct construction.) So Walter was happy that he had for structs a 
feature he thinks is amazingly dangerous for classes.

Classes have an initializer too, it's just copied by the GC after 
allocation instead.

So I don't think Walter's argument is invalid, I think it simply 
doesn't exist. This post made it disappear.


I disagree, you compared apples to oranges here. Correct me if I'm 
wrong, but I don't think we should base an argument over reference types 
by using value types.


Save for address taking, value types are indistinguishable from 
immutable reference types. Value types don't have a null and that 
doesn't seem to make them unusable. It's a simple point.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Justin Johansson wrote:
For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the 
other day and

the barista had this to say

Disclaimer: YMMV


-- Justin Johansson

This article brings up a very interesting point that beats Walter's 
argument to a pulp, then puts salt on it.

Walter's overriding argument (I'm sure you know it, he repeated it 
claiming nobody understands it until we learned it by heart) was: "I 
don't want the compiler to require a value there! People will just put 
some crappy value in to get the code to compile, and the code with 
errors in it will soldier on instead of duly crashing! How is that 
better???" etc.

Yet D has structs.

Walter knows D has structs, and knows how D structs operate. He put 
structs in D because he thought structs, vegetables, exercising, and 
flossing are good for you.

We all know a serving of structs a day makes for healthy programmers!

Yet structs operate the exact way that Walter claim is pernicious. 
Structs don't have a singular null value and always are nominally valid 

You're comparing value types to reference types. A class object is also 
always valid, its the reference that can be null by pointing to no 
object. You would have the same semantics by using struct pointers.

Yet I've never heard Walter continuing his argument with "Just look at 
those stinky structs. It must be a million times I had a bug caused by 
the absence of null structs! I just had to put a crappy struct there in 
my code, and my code soldiered on in error instead of crashing!"

I never pass structs by value in D, except for returns because of RVO, 
so I can get a null struct pointer sometimes, but thats what contracts 
and backtraces are for. If my code was still executing on an invalid 
struct reference it would be much, much harder to pinpoint the origin of 
the bug.

Why didn't he continue his argument that way? And why didn't anybody 
else continue his argument that way? Because nobody has had such a 
problem. Everybody uses structs, and everybody's happy about them 
lacking null.

Once again, structs are value types.

To complete the irony, Walter and I discussed a while ago about structs 
and .init values. We concluded that D, at least for the time being, will 
allow struct construction without any code invocation, by just 
bitcopying the .init value of the struct over. He was very happy about 
that because a lot of code generation got majorly simplified that way. 
(I was less happy because that meant less user control over struct 
construction.) So Walter was happy that he had for structs a feature he 
thinks is amazingly dangerous for classes.

Classes have an initializer too, it's just copied by the GC after 
allocation instead.

So I don't think Walter's argument is invalid, I think it simply doesn't 
exist. This post made it disappear.


I disagree, you compared apples to oranges here. Correct me if I'm 
wrong, but I don't think we should base an argument over reference types 
by using value types.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

language_fan wrote:

Fri, 02 Oct 2009 12:38:33 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu thusly wrote:

I'll note two things. For one, Walter is a heck more progressive than
his pedigree might lead one to think. He has taken quite some risks with
a number of features that made definite steps outside the mainstream,
and I feel he bet on the right horse more often than not. Second, this
particular discussion is not about efficiency.

I apologize that I said it in a way that might hurt Walter. I know he is 
extremely talented programmer and also open for new ideas. That is often 
not the problem. But it is not that hard to find features in D that are 
there only to make old C++ users feel comfortable. E.g. C style pointer 
syntax is harmful for the syntax of new features like tuples. It is also 
really confusing, but somehow has to be there since D "must" feel like C+

+, otherwise someone would notice that D is actually a modern multi-
paradigm language that allows even functional programming, which is a bit 
bad for the reputation in conservative c++ circles.

You will never be able to please everyone, or get everyone's attention. 
I don't believe D is having some features merely to attract attention to 
it, that's the thing I like best about D; it provides a very large set 
of tools and let me choose how to use them, instead of enforcing a 
certain model or paradigm.

Pointers are a critical feature of D, they allow both binary 
compatibility with C code and optimizations not possible without 
pointers. I use pointers all the time in D, just not nearly as much as I 
would in C/C++.

Some people would not even touch the language with a 10 foot pole, if 
someone dared to provide a practical garbage collector library for it. 
Because that would mean that there are people with wrong opinions (tm) in 
the community. I know there is a old and stubborn language war between 
academic foofoo and "practical aspects".

Academics also seems to live in a fantasy world where code execute 
instantly and everyone in the world owns the latest computer hardware. 
They may not have a pet language but they have pet designs, which is 
quite equivalent.

There are conservative people on all sides :)

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Jeremie Pelletier"  wrote in message 

Justin Johansson wrote:
For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the 
other day and

the barista had this to say

Disclaimer: YMMV


-- Justin Johansson
Most of the bugs he expose are trivial to debug and mostly come from 

From the article:
"The distinction between primitive and object types is a relic of days 
when 40 MHz was considered a fast CPU"

I so disagree with that on so many levels. That's exactly what I believe 
is wrong with programmers today, they excuse their sloppy programming and 
lazy debugging with safe constructs which have way more overhead than is 
actually needed. It doesn't really make the program easier to code but the 
programmer less careful, leading to new kind of bugs.

Maybe for financial or medical domains its acceptable since speed is not 
an issue, but I expect my $3k computer to not slow down to a crawl because 
its software is written in a "safe" way and I like people with older 
computers to still be able to run my programs without waiting 5 minutes 
between any two mouse clicks.

Holy crap, I feel like I have a clone ;)

(Hopefully that was original enough to rationalize a blatant "me too" post 
;) )

It certainly was, thanks :)

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

Yigal Chripun wrote:

On 02/10/2009 16:16, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Justin Johansson wrote:

For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the
other day and
the barista had this to say

Disclaimer: YMMV


-- Justin Johansson

Most of the bugs he expose are trivial to debug and mostly come from

 From the article:
"The distinction between primitive and object types is a relic of days
when 40 MHz was considered a fast CPU"

I so disagree with that on so many levels. That's exactly what I believe
is wrong with programmers today, they excuse their sloppy programming
and lazy debugging with safe constructs which have way more overhead
than is actually needed. It doesn't really make the program easier to
code but the programmer less careful, leading to new kind of bugs.

Maybe for financial or medical domains its acceptable since speed is not
an issue, but I expect my $3k computer to not slow down to a crawl
because its software is written in a "safe" way and I like people with
older computers to still be able to run my programs without waiting 5
minutes between any two mouse clicks.

all I can say is: Thank God I'm an atheist.
it seems you do not want to hear a different opinion despite the fact 
that option types exist in FP for half a century already and provide the 
correct semantics for nullable types.

with your logic we should remove seat-belts from cars since it makes for 
less careful drivers.

I don't think you understood what I meant, seat-belts don't require you 
to buy a bigger car engine because they don't affect the performance of 
the car whatsoever. They're also not enforced, the car will run just as 
fine if you don't wear them.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

language_fan wrote:

Fri, 02 Oct 2009 10:16:05 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier thusly wrote:

I expect my $3k computer to not slow down to a crawl
because its software is written in a "safe" way and I like people with
older computers to still be able to run my programs without waiting 5
minutes between any two mouse clicks.

Your $3k computer can probably run about 7200 billion instructions in 5 
minutes - it will eventually get old in the coming years. I really hope 
the bloat in various software components never gets that bad that you 
would have to wait 5 minutes between two mouse clicks!

I was talking about older computers (for example a PIII 500Mhz), I know 
my laptop will perform just fine for the next 5-10 years :)

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-03 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"Jeremie Pelletier"  wrote in message 
> Justin Johansson wrote:
>> For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the 
>> other day and
>> the barista had this to say
>> Disclaimer: YMMV
>> Cheers
>> -- Justin Johansson
> Most of the bugs he expose are trivial to debug and mostly come from 
> beginners.
> From the article:
> "The distinction between primitive and object types is a relic of days 
> when 40 MHz was considered a fast CPU"
> I so disagree with that on so many levels. That's exactly what I believe 
> is wrong with programmers today, they excuse their sloppy programming and 
> lazy debugging with safe constructs which have way more overhead than is 
> actually needed. It doesn't really make the program easier to code but the 
> programmer less careful, leading to new kind of bugs.
> Maybe for financial or medical domains its acceptable since speed is not 
> an issue, but I expect my $3k computer to not slow down to a crawl because 
> its software is written in a "safe" way and I like people with older 
> computers to still be able to run my programs without waiting 5 minutes 
> between any two mouse clicks.

Holy crap, I feel like I have a clone ;)

(Hopefully that was original enough to rationalize a blatant "me too" post 
;) )

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread language_fan
Fri, 02 Oct 2009 12:38:33 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu thusly wrote:

> I'll note two things. For one, Walter is a heck more progressive than
> his pedigree might lead one to think. He has taken quite some risks with
> a number of features that made definite steps outside the mainstream,
> and I feel he bet on the right horse more often than not. Second, this
> particular discussion is not about efficiency.

I apologize that I said it in a way that might hurt Walter. I know he is 
extremely talented programmer and also open for new ideas. That is often 
not the problem. But it is not that hard to find features in D that are 
there only to make old C++ users feel comfortable. E.g. C style pointer 
syntax is harmful for the syntax of new features like tuples. It is also 
really confusing, but somehow has to be there since D "must" feel like C+
+, otherwise someone would notice that D is actually a modern multi-
paradigm language that allows even functional programming, which is a bit 
bad for the reputation in conservative c++ circles.

Some people would not even touch the language with a 10 foot pole, if 
someone dared to provide a practical garbage collector library for it. 
Because that would mean that there are people with wrong opinions (tm) in 
the community. I know there is a old and stubborn language war between 
academic foofoo and "practical aspects".

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

language_fan wrote:

Fri, 02 Oct 2009 10:30:24 -0400, Jarrett Billingsley thusly wrote:

I always think it's funny when people are like "so, I had this idea,
lemme throw this out there. I know it sounds weird, but just bear with
me - what if there were _no null_? Did I just _blow your mind?_"

And the perspective of languages with **better type systems**, it's 


*plonk* :-P (old-timers might know)

The whole null/nonnull debate is a complete nonissue in languages like
Haskell because _they actually treat it formally and correctly_. And
they've _been_ doing this for years. For all the Java-ites to be like
"OMG PARADIGM SHIFT" it's just funny.

You know, mainstream is pretty much religion driven.. many might have 
already plonked you automatically because your postings have contained 
the words 'disagree', 'progress', 'haskell', or 'scala'. The performance 
focused people from the c++ land seem to have a strong conservative view 
towards new things - like it or not. Walter being mostly a C++ guy and 
not having written much code in any other language (including D!) only 
makes the situation a bit worse, if you prefer progress.

I'll note two things. For one, Walter is a heck more progressive than 
his pedigree might lead one to think. He has taken quite some risks with 
a number of features that made definite steps outside the mainstream, 
and I feel he bet on the right horse more often than not. Second, this 
particular discussion is not about efficiency.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread language_fan
Fri, 02 Oct 2009 10:30:24 -0400, Jarrett Billingsley thusly wrote:

> I always think it's funny when people are like "so, I had this idea,
> lemme throw this out there. I know it sounds weird, but just bear with
> me - what if there were _no null_? Did I just _blow your mind?_"
> And the perspective of languages with **better type systems**, it's 

*plonk* :-P (old-timers might know)

> The whole null/nonnull debate is a complete nonissue in languages like
> Haskell because _they actually treat it formally and correctly_. And
> they've _been_ doing this for years. For all the Java-ites to be like
> "OMG PARADIGM SHIFT" it's just funny.

You know, mainstream is pretty much religion driven.. many might have 
already plonked you automatically because your postings have contained 
the words 'disagree', 'progress', 'haskell', or 'scala'. The performance 
focused people from the c++ land seem to have a strong conservative view 
towards new things - like it or not. Walter being mostly a C++ guy and 
not having written much code in any other language (including D!) only 
makes the situation a bit worse, if you prefer progress.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread language_fan
Fri, 02 Oct 2009 10:16:05 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier thusly wrote:

> I expect my $3k computer to not slow down to a crawl
> because its software is written in a "safe" way and I like people with
> older computers to still be able to run my programs without waiting 5
> minutes between any two mouse clicks.

Your $3k computer can probably run about 7200 billion instructions in 5 
minutes - it will eventually get old in the coming years. I really hope 
the bloat in various software components never gets that bad that you 
would have to wait 5 minutes between two mouse clicks!

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread Yigal Chripun

On 02/10/2009 16:16, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Justin Johansson wrote:

For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the
other day and
the barista had this to say

Disclaimer: YMMV


-- Justin Johansson

Most of the bugs he expose are trivial to debug and mostly come from

 From the article:
"The distinction between primitive and object types is a relic of days
when 40 MHz was considered a fast CPU"

I so disagree with that on so many levels. That's exactly what I believe
is wrong with programmers today, they excuse their sloppy programming
and lazy debugging with safe constructs which have way more overhead
than is actually needed. It doesn't really make the program easier to
code but the programmer less careful, leading to new kind of bugs.

Maybe for financial or medical domains its acceptable since speed is not
an issue, but I expect my $3k computer to not slow down to a crawl
because its software is written in a "safe" way and I like people with
older computers to still be able to run my programs without waiting 5
minutes between any two mouse clicks.

all I can say is: Thank God I'm an atheist.
it seems you do not want to hear a different opinion despite the fact 
that option types exist in FP for half a century already and provide the 
correct semantics for nullable types.

with your logic we should remove seat-belts from cars since it makes for 
less careful drivers.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Justin Johansson wrote:

For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the other day 
the barista had this to say

Disclaimer: YMMV


-- Justin Johansson

This article brings up a very interesting point that beats Walter's 
argument to a pulp, then puts salt on it.

Walter's overriding argument (I'm sure you know it, he repeated it 
claiming nobody understands it until we learned it by heart) was: "I 
don't want the compiler to require a value there! People will just put 
some crappy value in to get the code to compile, and the code with 
errors in it will soldier on instead of duly crashing! How is that 
better???" etc.

Yet D has structs.

Walter knows D has structs, and knows how D structs operate. He put 
structs in D because he thought structs, vegetables, exercising, and 
flossing are good for you.

Yet structs operate the exact way that Walter claim is pernicious. 
Structs don't have a singular null value and always are nominally valid 

Yet I've never heard Walter continuing his argument with "Just look at 
those stinky structs. It must be a million times I had a bug caused by 
the absence of null structs! I just had to put a crappy struct there in 
my code, and my code soldiered on in error instead of crashing!"

Why didn't he continue his argument that way? And why didn't anybody 
else continue his argument that way? Because nobody has had such a 
problem. Everybody uses structs, and everybody's happy about them 
lacking null.

To complete the irony, Walter and I discussed a while ago about structs 
and .init values. We concluded that D, at least for the time being, will 
allow struct construction without any code invocation, by just 
bitcopying the .init value of the struct over. He was very happy about 
that because a lot of code generation got majorly simplified that way. 
(I was less happy because that meant less user control over struct 
construction.) So Walter was happy that he had for structs a feature he 
thinks is amazingly dangerous for classes.

So I don't think Walter's argument is invalid, I think it simply doesn't 
exist. This post made it disappear.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread Jarrett Billingsley
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Justin Johansson  wrote:
> For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the other 
> day and
> the barista had this to say
> Disclaimer: YMMV
> Cheers
> -- Justin Johansson

I always think it's funny when people are like "so, I had this idea,
lemme throw this out there. I know it sounds weird, but just bear with
me - what if there were _no null_? Did I just _blow your mind?_"

And the perspective of languages with better type systems, it's like.. and?

data Maybe T = Just T | Nothing

The whole null/nonnull debate is a complete nonissue in languages like
Haskell because _they actually treat it formally and correctly_. And
they've _been_ doing this for years. For all the Java-ites to be like
"OMG PARADIGM SHIFT" it's just funny.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

Justin Johansson wrote:

For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the other day 
the barista had this to say

Disclaimer: YMMV


-- Justin Johansson

Most of the bugs he expose are trivial to debug and mostly come from 

From the article:
"The distinction between primitive and object types is a relic of days 
when 40 MHz was considered a fast CPU"

I so disagree with that on so many levels. That's exactly what I believe 
is wrong with programmers today, they excuse their sloppy programming 
and lazy debugging with safe constructs which have way more overhead 
than is actually needed. It doesn't really make the program easier to 
code but the programmer less careful, leading to new kind of bugs.

Maybe for financial or medical domains its acceptable since speed is not 
an issue, but I expect my $3k computer to not slow down to a crawl 
because its software is written in a "safe" way and I like people with 
older computers to still be able to run my programs without waiting 5 
minutes between any two mouse clicks.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread Justin Johansson
For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the other day 
the barista had this to say

Disclaimer: YMMV


-- Justin Johansson

Re: Null references redux

2009-10-02 Thread Justin
bearophile Wrote:

> Max Samukha:
> > Don't get confused by 'new' in struct initializers. Structs in C# are
> > value types.
> Yes, you are right.
> But in D structs can be allocated on the heap too, so I think having optional 
> nonnull
> struct pointers can be useful. The syntax and usage is similar to normal 
> struct pointers.
> Bye,
> bearophile

AYK, in C++ structs are just classes with public protection (for members) by 
default, or, if you like,
classes are just structs with private protection (for members) by default.  
Other than protection rules
there aint any *useful* difference semantically and you can have pointers or 
references to both.

To a certain extent Bjarne would have done C++ a favour by either (1)
not introducing "class" as a separate language entity and simply resigning to

#define class struct

and adding the OO the features to struct,
or (2), instead of bleeding OO features into structs, heeding

"teacher, teacher leave the struct alone"

and introducing "class" as the clean addition that C++ brought to C.

With D, the designer has made some rather brilliant distinction between classes 
and structs
in terms of value vs reference.  In doing so he has sorted out the dot (.) vs 
arrow (->) mess
that is the infamous signature of C++.

Quoting from the D spec:

"Structs and unions are meant as simple aggregations of data, or as a way to 
paint a
data structure over hardware or an external type. External types can be defined 
by the operating
system API, or by a file format. Object oriented features are provided with the 
class data type."

I think it would be a billion dollar mistake to make the last sentence in that 
quote obsolete.

But, if people insist, then let's be consistent and apply the same logic (re 
nonnull pointers being useful) to unions as well (and, for that matter, to 
anything that
can be pointed to).  Ahggg, shock horror.

But then again, out of the shock and horror, maybe something beautiful can 


-- Justin Johansson

Re: Null references redux + Cyclone

2009-10-02 Thread Dejan Lekic

Thanks Don! \o/

Re: Null references redux + Cyclone

2009-10-02 Thread Don

Dejan Lekic wrote:

Walter, is that article publicly available?

Re: Null references redux + Cyclone

2009-10-02 Thread Dejan Lekic

Walter, is that article publicly available?

Re: Null references redux

2009-10-01 Thread Don

language_fan wrote:

Wed, 30 Sep 2009 12:05:29 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier thusly wrote:

Don wrote:

Greater risks come from using more complicated algorithms. Brute-force
algorithms are always the easiest ones to get right .

I'm not sure I agree with that. Those algorithms are pretty isolated and
really easy to write unittests for so I don't see where the risk is when
writing more complex algorithms, it's obviously harder, but not riskier.

Do you recommend writing larger algorithms like a hard real-time 
distributed (let's say e.g. for 100+ processes/nodes) garbage collector 
or even larger stuff like btrfs or ntfs file system drivers in assembly? 
Don't you care about portability? Of course it would be nice to provide 
optimal solution for each platform and for each use case, but 
unfortunately the TCO thinking managers do not often agree.

You deal with this by ensuring that you have a clear division between 
"simple but needs to be as fast as possible" (which you do low-level 
optimisation on) and "complicated, but less speed critical".
It's a classic problem of separation of concerns: you need to ensure 
that no piece of code has requirements to be fast AND clever at the same 

Incidentally, it's usually not possible to make something optimally fast 
unless it's really simple.

So no, you should never do something complicated in asm.

Re: Null references redux

2009-10-01 Thread Don

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Don wrote:

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Yigal Chripun wrote:

On 29/09/2009 16:41, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

What I argued about was your view on today's software being too big 

complex to bother optimize it.

that is not what I said.
I was saying that hand optimized code needs to be kept at minimum 
and only for visible bottlenecks, because the risk of introducing 
low-level unsafe code is bigger in more complex and bigger software.

What's wrong with taking a risk? If you know what you're doing where 
is the risk, and if now how will you learn? If you write your 
software correctly, you could add countless assembly optimizations 
and never compromise the security of the entire thing, because these 
optimizations are isolated, so if it crashes there you have only a 
narrow area to debug within.

There are some parts where hand optimizing is almost useless, like 
network I/O since latency is already so high having a faster code 
won't make a difference.

And sometimes the optimization doesn't even need assembly, it just 
requires using a different high level construct or a different 
algorithm. The first optimization is to get the most efficient data 
structures with the most efficient algorithms for a given task, and 
THEN if you can't optimize it more you dig into assembly.

People seem to think assembly is something magical and incredibly 
hard, it's not.


Also, if you're using asm on something other than a small, simple 
loop, you're probably doing something badly wrong. Therefore, it 
should always be localised, and easy to test thoroughly. I don't think 
local extreme optimisation is a big risk.

That's also how I do it once I find the ideal algorithm, I've never had 
any problems or seen any risk with this technique, I did see some good 
performance gains however.

Greater risks come from using more complicated algorithms. Brute-force 
algorithms are always the easiest ones to get right .

I'm not sure I agree with that. Those algorithms are pretty isolated and 
really easy to write unittests for so I don't see where the risk is when 
writing more complex algorithms, it's obviously harder, but not riskier.

By "riskier" I mean "more chance of containing an error".

I'm partly basing this on my recent experience with writing BigInt. The 
low-level asm routines are easy to get right, and it's easy to tell when 
you've go them wrong. They do brute-force stuff, like schoolbook O(n^2) 
multiplication, and importantly, _there are no special cases_ because it 
needs to be fast.
But the higher-level O(n^1.3) multiplication algorithms are full of 
special cases, and that's where the bugs are.

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-30 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

Yigal Chripun wrote:

On 30/09/2009 18:44, bearophile wrote:

Max Samukha:

Don't get confused by 'new' in struct initializers. Structs in C# are
value types.

Yes, you are right.

But in D structs can be allocated on the heap too, so I think having 
optional nonnull struct pointers can be useful. The syntax and usage 
is similar to normal struct pointers.


why not just use references with structs?

struct S { ... }
S* sPtr = new S;
S sRef = *sPtr; // non-null ref

there is no need for non-null pointers.

Because sRef wouldn't be a reference but a copy.

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-30 Thread Yigal Chripun

On 30/09/2009 18:44, bearophile wrote:

Max Samukha:

Don't get confused by 'new' in struct initializers. Structs in C# are
value types.

Yes, you are right.

But in D structs can be allocated on the heap too, so I think having optional 
nonnull struct pointers can be useful. The syntax and usage is similar to 
normal struct pointers.


why not just use references with structs?

struct S { ... }
S* sPtr = new S;
S sRef = *sPtr; // non-null ref

there is no need for non-null pointers.

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-30 Thread Yigal Chripun

On 30/09/2009 16:53, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Yigal Chripun wrote:

On 29/09/2009 16:41, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

What I argued about was your view on today's software being too big and
complex to bother optimize it.

that is not what I said.
I was saying that hand optimized code needs to be kept at minimum and
only for visible bottlenecks, because the risk of introducing
low-level unsafe code is bigger in more complex and bigger software.

What's wrong with taking a risk? If you know what you're doing where is
the risk, and if now how will you learn? If you write your software
correctly, you could add countless assembly optimizations and never
compromise the security of the entire thing, because these optimizations
are isolated, so if it crashes there you have only a narrow area to
debug within.

There are some parts where hand optimizing is almost useless, like
network I/O since latency is already so high having a faster code won't
make a difference.

And sometimes the optimization doesn't even need assembly, it just
requires using a different high level construct or a different
algorithm. The first optimization is to get the most efficient data
structures with the most efficient algorithms for a given task, and THEN
if you can't optimize it more you dig into assembly.

People seem to think assembly is something magical and incredibly hard,
it's not.


When I said optimizing, I meant lowering the implementation level by 
using lower level language constructs (pointers vs. references for 
example) and asm instead of D.

Assume that the choice of algorithm and data structures is optimal.

Like language_fan wrote, when you lower the level your increase your LOC 
and your loose all sorts of safety features.
statistically speaking there's about a bug per 2000LOC on average so you 
also increase the chance of a bug.

All that together mean a higher risk.

your ASM implementation of binary search could be slightly faster than a 
comparable Haskel implementation, but the latter would be much easier to 
formally prove that it's correct.

I don't know about you, but I prefer hospital equipment, airplanes, 
cars, etc, to be correct even if they'll be a couple percent slower.

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-30 Thread bearophile
Michel Fortin:

> For a return value it's 
> more troublesome because you're implicitly adding a promise that the 
> function will not return null, and you might not realize it's wrong 
> until it does indeed return null and your program crashes with a 
> segfault.

I see.
It's a matter of how much you value safety in your language. If you want a 
safer language, like Cyclone tries to be, the compiler may disallow function 
signatures like:
extern(C) void* foo(size_t size);

And force to use:
extern(C) void*? foo(size_t size);

Because the D compiler can't be sure that foo() returns a nonnull. In such 
situation you may just use the function like that, that returns a nullable 
pointer. This gives no overhead, and no safety.

Or you can add a bit of overhead and use something like an enforce (or an if) 
to create a nonnullable pointer from the nullable result of foo().

Finally if you are very sure your C function never returns a null, and you 
really want to use a nonnullable pointer around in your code, but you don't 
want to pay for the little null test in the D code, then you hard cast the 
nullable pointer to a nonnullable one, but I hope this is done in really 
uncommon situations.

I think this may solve the problem in a good enough way.


Re: Null references redux

2009-09-30 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

language_fan wrote:

Wed, 30 Sep 2009 17:05:18 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier thusly wrote:

language_fan wrote:

Wed, 30 Sep 2009 12:05:29 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier thusly wrote:

Don wrote:

Greater risks come from using more complicated algorithms.
Brute-force algorithms are always the easiest ones to get right .

I'm not sure I agree with that. Those algorithms are pretty isolated
and really easy to write unittests for so I don't see where the risk
is when writing more complex algorithms, it's obviously harder, but
not riskier.

Do you recommend writing larger algorithms like a hard real-time
distributed (let's say e.g. for 100+ processes/nodes) garbage collector
or even larger stuff like btrfs or ntfs file system drivers in
assembly? Don't you care about portability? Of course it would be nice
to provide optimal solution for each platform and for each use case,
but unfortunately the TCO thinking managers do not often agree.

Why does everyone associate complexity with assembly? You can write a
more complex algorithm in the same language as the original one and get
quite a good performance boost (ie binary search vs walking an array).
Assembly is only useful to optimize when you found the optimal algorithm
and want to lower its overhead a step further.

I don't recommend any language anyways, the base algorithm is often
independent of its implementation language, be it implemented in C#, D
or assembly its gonna do the same thing at different performance levels.

For example a simple binary search is already faster in D than in say
JavaScript, but its even faster in assembly than in D, that doesn't make
your entire program harder to code, nor does it change the logic.

Well I meant that we can assume the algorithm choice is already optimal.

Porting the high level program to assembly tends to grow the line count 
quite a bit. For instance I have experience converting Java code to 
Scala, and C++ to Haskell. In both cases the LOC will decrease about 
50-90%. If you convert things like foreach, ranges, complex expressions, 
lambdas, an scope() constructs to assembly, it will increase the line 
count at least one order of magnitude. Reading the lower level code is 
much harder. And you lose important safety nets like the type system.

Yeah but I don't rate my code based on the number of lines I write, but 
rather on how well it performs :)

I usually only go into assembly after profiling, or when I know from the 
start its gonna be faster, such as matrix multiplication.

If lines of code were more important than performance, you'd get entire 
OSes and all their programs written in javascript, and you'd wait 20 
minutes for your computer to boot.

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-30 Thread language_fan
Wed, 30 Sep 2009 17:05:18 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier thusly wrote:

> language_fan wrote:
>> Wed, 30 Sep 2009 12:05:29 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier thusly wrote:
>>> Don wrote:
 Greater risks come from using more complicated algorithms.
 Brute-force algorithms are always the easiest ones to get right .
>>> I'm not sure I agree with that. Those algorithms are pretty isolated
>>> and really easy to write unittests for so I don't see where the risk
>>> is when writing more complex algorithms, it's obviously harder, but
>>> not riskier.
>> Do you recommend writing larger algorithms like a hard real-time
>> distributed (let's say e.g. for 100+ processes/nodes) garbage collector
>> or even larger stuff like btrfs or ntfs file system drivers in
>> assembly? Don't you care about portability? Of course it would be nice
>> to provide optimal solution for each platform and for each use case,
>> but unfortunately the TCO thinking managers do not often agree.
> Why does everyone associate complexity with assembly? You can write a
> more complex algorithm in the same language as the original one and get
> quite a good performance boost (ie binary search vs walking an array).
> Assembly is only useful to optimize when you found the optimal algorithm
> and want to lower its overhead a step further.
> I don't recommend any language anyways, the base algorithm is often
> independent of its implementation language, be it implemented in C#, D
> or assembly its gonna do the same thing at different performance levels.
> For example a simple binary search is already faster in D than in say
> JavaScript, but its even faster in assembly than in D, that doesn't make
> your entire program harder to code, nor does it change the logic.

Well I meant that we can assume the algorithm choice is already optimal.

Porting the high level program to assembly tends to grow the line count 
quite a bit. For instance I have experience converting Java code to 
Scala, and C++ to Haskell. In both cases the LOC will decrease about 
50-90%. If you convert things like foreach, ranges, complex expressions, 
lambdas, an scope() constructs to assembly, it will increase the line 
count at least one order of magnitude. Reading the lower level code is 
much harder. And you lose important safety nets like the type system.

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-30 Thread Michel Fortin

On 2009-09-30 15:30:02 -0400, "Denis Koroskin" <> said:

Note that C stdlib (and other libraries/bindings) will need to be 
updated  to reflect changes, e.g.

extern(C) void*? malloc(size_t size); // may return null!

which is great because it will provide additional safety. I've seen 
quite  a lot of code that don't test returned value against null (which 
is a  mistake, I believe).

Which makes me think of this: pointers being non-nullable by default 
will make it easy to make mistakes when writing C bindings. A 
programmer might see this C declaration:

void* malloc(size_t size);

and naively translate it to D like this:

extern(C) void* malloc(size_t size);

without noticing the change in semantics.

For pointer arguments it's not much of a problem: the worse that can 
happen is that it blocks you from passing a null value when you should 
(in which case you can update the bindings). For a return value it's 
more troublesome because you're implicitly adding a promise that the 
function will not return null, and you might not realize it's wrong 
until it does indeed return null and your program crashes with a 

Not that I think it's worth bothering too much, but it's something to 
keep in mind.

Michel Fortin

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-30 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

language_fan wrote:

Wed, 30 Sep 2009 12:05:29 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier thusly wrote:

Don wrote:

Greater risks come from using more complicated algorithms. Brute-force
algorithms are always the easiest ones to get right .

I'm not sure I agree with that. Those algorithms are pretty isolated and
really easy to write unittests for so I don't see where the risk is when
writing more complex algorithms, it's obviously harder, but not riskier.

Do you recommend writing larger algorithms like a hard real-time 
distributed (let's say e.g. for 100+ processes/nodes) garbage collector 
or even larger stuff like btrfs or ntfs file system drivers in assembly? 
Don't you care about portability? Of course it would be nice to provide 
optimal solution for each platform and for each use case, but 
unfortunately the TCO thinking managers do not often agree.

Why does everyone associate complexity with assembly? You can write a 
more complex algorithm in the same language as the original one and get 
quite a good performance boost (ie binary search vs walking an array). 
Assembly is only useful to optimize when you found the optimal algorithm 
and want to lower its overhead a step further.

I don't recommend any language anyways, the base algorithm is often 
independent of its implementation language, be it implemented in C#, D 
or assembly its gonna do the same thing at different performance levels.

For example a simple binary search is already faster in D than in say 
JavaScript, but its even faster in assembly than in D, that doesn't make 
your entire program harder to code, nor does it change the logic.

Re: Null references redux + Cyclone

2009-09-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Saaa wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote
I wonder whether this would be a good topic for TDPL. Currently I'm 
thinking it's too low-level. I do plan to insert a short section about 
implementation, just not go deep inside the object model.


I'd really love to see more about implementations as it makes me twitch
to use something I don't really know the impact of.

As for using diagrams and other visual presentations:
Please use them as much as possible;
e.g. Pointers without arrows is like a film without moving pictures :)

I do have the clasic arrow drawings that illustrate how reference 
semantics works, but by and large I'm not talented with drawing. If 
anyone in this group has such an inclination and would want to 
collaborate with me on the book, let me know. Send me your portfolio :o).


Re: Null references redux

2009-09-30 Thread language_fan
Wed, 30 Sep 2009 12:05:29 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier thusly wrote:

> Don wrote:
>> Greater risks come from using more complicated algorithms. Brute-force
>> algorithms are always the easiest ones to get right .
> I'm not sure I agree with that. Those algorithms are pretty isolated and
> really easy to write unittests for so I don't see where the risk is when
> writing more complex algorithms, it's obviously harder, but not riskier.

Do you recommend writing larger algorithms like a hard real-time 
distributed (let's say e.g. for 100+ processes/nodes) garbage collector 
or even larger stuff like btrfs or ntfs file system drivers in assembly? 
Don't you care about portability? Of course it would be nice to provide 
optimal solution for each platform and for each use case, but 
unfortunately the TCO thinking managers do not often agree.

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-30 Thread Jarrett Billingsley
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Denis Koroskin <> wrote:

> Note that C stdlib (and other libraries/bindings) will need to be updated to
> reflect changes, e.g.
> extern(C) void*? malloc(size_t size); // may return null!
> which is great because it will provide additional safety. I've seen quite a
> lot of code that don't test returned value against null (which is a mistake,
> I believe).

Wonderful. Don't you love self-documenting code that forces you to use
it correctly? :P

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-30 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 23:08:40 +0400, Jarrett Billingsley  

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 12:44 PM, bearophile   

Max Samukha:

Don't get confused by 'new' in struct initializers. Structs in C# are
value types.

Yes, you are right.

But in D structs can be allocated on the heap too, so I think having  
optional nonnull struct pointers can be useful. The syntax and usage is  
similar to normal struct pointers.

I don't know why a struct pointer would be different than any other
pointer. That is, you'd have S* and S*? as well as int* and int*?.

Note that C stdlib (and other libraries/bindings) will need to be updated  
to reflect changes, e.g.

extern(C) void*? malloc(size_t size); // may return null!

which is great because it will provide additional safety. I've seen quite  
a lot of code that don't test returned value against null (which is a  
mistake, I believe).

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-30 Thread Jarrett Billingsley
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 12:44 PM, bearophile  wrote:
> Max Samukha:
>> Don't get confused by 'new' in struct initializers. Structs in C# are
>> value types.
> Yes, you are right.
> But in D structs can be allocated on the heap too, so I think having optional 
> nonnull struct pointers can be useful. The syntax and usage is similar to 
> normal struct pointers.

I don't know why a struct pointer would be different than any other
pointer. That is, you'd have S* and S*? as well as int* and int*?.

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