Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread Timothee Cour via Digitalmars-d
s/dmd -c -o- -deps A.d/dmd -c -o- -deps B.d

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 12:45 AM, Timothee Cour 

> currently, top-level imports in a module A are visible by other modules B
> importing A, and are visited (recursively) during compilation of A, slowing
> down compilation and increasing dependencies (eg with separate compilation
> model, a single file change will trigger a lot of recompilations).
> I propose a private import [1] to mean an import that's only used inside
> function definitions, not on the outside scope. It behaves exactly as if it
> the import occurred inside each scope (function and template definitions).
> This is applicable for the common use case where an import is only used for
> symbols inside functions, not for types in function signature.
> module A;
> private import util;
> void fun1(){
> // as if we had 'import util;'
> }
> void fun2(){
> // as if we had 'import util;'
> }
> // ERROR: we need 'import util' to use baz in function declaration
> void fun3(baz a){}
> module util;
> void bar(){}
> struct baz{}
> module B;
> import A;
> The following should not list 'util' as a dependency of B, since it's a
> 'private import'
> dmd -c -o- -deps A.d
> The benefits: faster compilation and recompilation (less dependencies).
> NOTE [1] on syntax: currently private import just means import, we could
> use a different name if needed, but the particular syntax to use is a
> separate discussion.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
I think this is a wrong approach patching a problem instead of fixing
it. Real solution would be to improve and mature .di header generation
and usage by compilers so that it can become the default way to import

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d

i can't see what problem this thing is trying to solve.

did you ever measured time taken by building AST of imported 

use separate compilation and/or templates to avoid codegen. 
problem solved.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread Jack Stouffer via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 07:45:12 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:


This, and function local imports, are hacks around the actual 
problem: the compilers spending time on codegen on things your 
program will never use.

IIRC compiler also spends extra work on templates because it 
doesn't cache the result, so things like isInputRange!(string) 
could be evaluated hundreds of times for your program.

Fixing those two things are the actual solution.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 17:05:11 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
IIRC compiler also spends extra work on templates because it 
doesn't cache the result, so things like isInputRange!(string) 
could be evaluated hundreds of times for your program.

it does cache that (see template merging), it even causing some 
bugs. yet it is using linear search to find something in cache.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread Timothee Cour via Digitalmars-d
this simple example shows this feature would provide a 16X 

time dmd -c -o- -version=A -I$code main.d

time dmd -c -o- -version=B -I$code main.d

module tests.private_import.main;
void test(){}

version(A) import std.datetime;
//version(C) private import std.datetime;
void foo(){
// same as version(C) if this feature were implemented
version(B) import std.datetime;

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 18:09:06 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
this simple example shows this feature would provide a 16X 
100 ms speedup in exchange of creating another special case in 
language? no, thank you, won't buy.

that was exactly what i meant: if we'll look at *real* numbers 
instead of scales, we'll find that all amazing "speedups" are 
measured in terms of milliseconds for most projects, and in terms 
of seconds for 100mb+ projects. breaking language orthogonality 
for this is something i can't see as improvement. sorry.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
p.s. the sole improvement in symbol lookup mechanics can speed up 
the things by several factors, and without breaking the language. 
current dmdfe symbol/template lookup mechanics is not really fast.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread Timothee Cour via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 18:21:46 UTC, ketmar wrote:
p.s. the sole improvement in symbol lookup mechanics can speed 
up the things by several factors, and without breaking the 
language. current dmdfe symbol/template lookup mechanics is not 
really fast.

If this example weren't enough, here's the other even more 
compelling argument: speedup up recompilation for makefile-like 
tools that trigger recompilation when a dependency is modified:

module fun1;
import fun2;
void test1(){}
module fun2;
version(A) import std.datetime;
//version(proposed_feature) private import std.datetime;
void test2(){}

dmd -c -o- -version=proposed_feature -deps fun1.d
would show following dependencies:

dmd -c -o- -version=A -deps fun1.d
shows following 68 dependencies (68!)

That means that a change in any single dependency would trigger 
recompilations in many files.

fun2 core.attribute core.bitop core.exception 
core.internal.string core.internal.traits core.memory 
core.stdc.config core.stdc.errno core.stdc.inttypes 
core.stdc.signal core.stdc.stdarg core.stdc.stddef 
core.stdc.stdint core.stdc.stdio core.stdc.stdlib 
core.stdc.string core.stdc.time core.stdc.wchar_ 
core.sys.osx.mach.kern_return core.sys.posix.config 
core.sys.posix.dirent core.sys.posix.fcntl 
core.sys.posix.inttypes core.sys.posix.signal 
core.sys.posix.sys.stat core.sys.posix.sys.time 
core.sys.posix.sys.types core.sys.posix.sys.wait 
core.sys.posix.time core.sys.posix.unistd core.sys.posix.utime 
core.time core.vararg object std.algorithm 
std.algorithm.comparison std.algorithm.iteration 
std.algorithm.mutation std.algorithm.searching 
std.algorithm.setops std.algorithm.sorting std.array std.ascii 
std.bitmanip std.conv std.datetime std.exception std.file 
std.format std.functional std.internal.cstring 
std.internal.unicode_tables std.meta std.path std.range 
std.range.interfaces std.range.primitives std.stdio std.stdiobase 
std.string std.system std.traits std.typecons std.typetuple 

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
Same answer :$inm$

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread deadalnix via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 07:45:12 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
currently, top-level imports in a module A are visible by other 
modules B importing A, and are visited (recursively) during 
compilation of A, slowing down compilation and increasing 
dependencies (eg with separate compilation model, a single file 
change will trigger a lot of recompilations).

That is purely an implementation problem. SDC doesn't have this 
problem for instance as it only parse/analyze import on demand.

modules imported by A are already not visible to B, but still 
required sometime to compile B to resolve A's signatures.

Implementation problem should not be "fixed" by changing the 

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 18:51:49 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
That means that a change in any single dependency would trigger 
recompilations in many files.
so what? can you even imagine how many things you'll have to 
recompile if you'll change something in /usr/include? it's just 
your tools usually ignoring files there, but here you clearly 
included all system dependencies, so not ignoring libc system 
include files is a valid point from my side.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 19:11:56 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
Implementation problem should not be "fixed" by changing the 

this, i believe, closes the topic altogether.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-20 Thread Jack Stouffer via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 19:11:56 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
Implementation problem should not be "fixed" by changing the 

I concur. If the root problem is slow compilation, then there are 
much simpler, non-breaking changes that can be made to fix that.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-21 Thread Johnjo Willoughby via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 19:59:42 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 19:11:56 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
Implementation problem should not be "fixed" by changing the 

I concur. If the root problem is slow compilation, then there 
are much simpler, non-breaking changes that can be made to fix 

Three people agree, this could be a first on the internet!

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-21 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 09:35:03 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
I think this is a wrong approach patching a problem instead of 
fixing it. Real solution would be to improve and mature .di 
header generation and usage by compilers so that it can become 
the default way to import packages/libraries.

As I see dependency resolution has function granularity, but 
headers have only file granularity. How do you expect headers to 
work on finer granularity level? If a module depends on another 
module, the header must assume it depends on all members of that 
module and if one member indirectly changes due to its private 
dependencies, it must be assumed that all depending modules must 
be recompiled, because they depend on the changed module even if 
they don't depend on the changed member and its private 

Not sure if tup can solve this problem. It can if it builds full 
dependency graph for each file instead of having one graph for 
the whole project.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-21 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 21 July 2016 at 08:52:42 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
Not sure if tup can solve this problem. It can if it builds 
full dependency graph for each file instead of having one graph 
for the whole project.

So a solution for make would be -deps reporting full dependency 
graph per file. Would it work for make?

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-21 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2016-07-21 10:52, Kagamin wrote:

As I see dependency resolution has function granularity, but headers
have only file granularity. How do you expect headers to work on finer
granularity level? If a module depends on another module, the header
must assume it depends on all members of that module and if one member
indirectly changes due to its private dependencies, it must be assumed
that all depending modules must be recompiled, because they depend on
the changed module even if they don't depend on the changed member and
its private dependencies.

Not sure if tup can solve this problem. It can if it builds full
dependency graph for each file instead of having one graph for the whole

A guess:

module a;

import b;

void foo()
Bar bar;

module b;

struct Bar {}

The .di/header for module "a" don't need to include "import b" because 
"Bar" is not part of the interface of module "a".

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-22 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 22 July 2016 at 06:38:25 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
The .di/header for module "a" don't need to include "import b" 
because "Bar" is not part of the interface of module "a".

It works for your example, but doesn't work for idiomatic D code, 
which is always heavily templated.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-22 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On 07/22/2016 10:23 AM, Kagamin wrote:
> On Friday, 22 July 2016 at 06:38:25 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>> The .di/header for module "a" don't need to include "import b" because
>> "Bar" is not part of the interface of module "a".
> It works for your example, but doesn't work for idiomatic D code, which
> is always heavily templated.

.. which naturally leads to watching about Benjamin DConf talk about
fixing "export" and that is where everything clicks together. Organizing
large projects as bunch of small static libraries per package and
defining public API of those via `export` (and not just public) would
achieve this topic goal and much more, all without changing the language.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-22 Thread Bauss via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 07:50:13 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:

s/dmd -c -o- -deps A.d/dmd -c -o- -deps B.d

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 12:45 AM, Timothee Cour 


I believe private import is already reserved. It's being used 618 
places inside of official D code.


Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-22 Thread sdhdfhed via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 22 July 2016 at 10:47:33 UTC, Bauss wrote:

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 07:50:13 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:

s/dmd -c -o- -deps A.d/dmd -c -o- -deps B.d

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 12:45 AM, Timothee Cour 


I believe private import is already reserved. It's being used 
618 places inside of official D code.


it's legit in several tests that verify the protection attributes 
but otherwise it's approximatively 600 times useless ;) since 
import are private by default.

But therorically you're right, it already has a specific 
semantic. And it's probably perfectly legit in some cases, like 

   private import stuff;

where it's used to temprarily override the protection attribute 
of the scope.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2016-07-22 10:28, Dicebot wrote:

.. which naturally leads to watching about Benjamin DConf talk about
fixing "export" and that is where everything clicks together. Organizing
large projects as bunch of small static libraries per package and
defining public API of those via `export` (and not just public) would
achieve this topic goal and much more, all without changing the language.

How does this relate to templates? Or is the suggestion to now use 
templates on API boundaries?

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-24 Thread Sebastien Alaiwan via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at 19:59:42 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
I concur. If the root problem is slow compilation, then there 
are much simpler, non-breaking changes that can be made to fix 

I don't think compilation time is a problem, actually. It more 
has to do with dependency management and encapsulation.

Speeding up compilation should never be considered as an 
acceptable solution here, as it's not scalable: it just pushes 
the problem away, until your project size increases enough.

Here's my understanding of the problem:

// client.d
import server;
void f()
  Data x;
  // Data.sizeof depends on something in server_private.
  x.something = 3; // offset to 'something' depends on 


// server.d
private import server_private;
struct Data
  Opaque someOtherThing;
  int something;

// server_private.d
struct Opaque
  byte[43] privateStuff;

I you're doing separate compilation, your dependency graph has to 
express that "client.o" depends on "client.d", "server.d", but 
also "server_private.d".

GDC "-fdeps" option properly lists all transitive imported files 
(disclaimer: this was my pull request). It's irrelevant here that 
imports might be private or public, the dependency is still here.

In other words, changes to "server_private.d" must alway trigger 
recompilation of "client.d".

I believe the solution proposed by the OP doesn't work, because 
of voldemort types. It's always possible to return a struct whose 
size depends on something deeply private.

// client.d
import server;
void f()
  auto x = getData();
  // Data.sizeof depends on something in server_private.
  x.something = 3; // offset to 'something' depends on 


// server.d
auto getData()
  private import server_private;

  struct Data
Opaque someOtherThing;
int something;

  Data x;
  return x;

// server_private.d
struct Opaque
  byte[43] privateStuff;

My conclusion is that maybe there's no problem in the language, 
nor in the dependency generation, nor in the compiler 

Maybe it's just a design issue.

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-24 Thread Chris Wright via Digitalmars-d
On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 12:53:50 +, Sebastien Alaiwan wrote:
> Speeding up compilation should never be considered as an acceptable
> solution here, as it's not scalable: it just pushes the problem away,
> until your project size increases enough.

In order to get an equivalent speedup by refactoring, I need small 
modules. Probably no more than a handful of functions or one type. I also 
need to ensure that my types are as simple as possible -- free functions 
instead of methods, just so I can put them into different modules.

That's busywork for me and an inconvenience for anyone who needs to 
import anything I wrote.

Look at std.algorithm. Tons of methods, and I imported it just for 
`canFind` and `sort`.

Look at std.datetime. It imports eight or ten different modules, and it 
needs every one of those for something or other. Should we split it into 
a different module for each type, one for formatting, one for parsing, 
one for fetching the current time, etc? Because that's what we would have 
to do to work around the problem in user code.

That would be terribly inconvenient and would just waste everyone's time. 
There is no reason to do it when the compiler could do it for us 

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-24 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 23 July 2016 at 19:22:09 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
How does this relate to templates? Or is the suggestion to now 
use templates on API boundaries?

Benjamin proposed to stop considering `export` a protection 
attribute and mark all functions called from templates as 
`export` (allowing `export private` if necessary).

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-24 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2016-07-25 01:12, Dicebot wrote:

Benjamin proposed to stop considering `export` a protection attribute
and mark all functions called from templates as `export` (allowing
`export private` if necessary).

Ah, forgot that detail.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: proposal: private module-level import for faster compilation

2016-07-24 Thread Sebastien Alaiwan via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 24 July 2016 at 15:33:04 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:
Look at std.algorithm. Tons of methods, and I imported it just 
for `canFind` and `sort`.

Look at std.datetime. It imports eight or ten different 
modules, and it needs every one of those for something or 
other. Should we split it into a different module for each 
type, one for formatting, one for parsing, one for fetching the 
current time, etc? Because that's what we would have to do to 
work around the problem in user code.

That would be terribly inconvenient and would just waste 
everyone's time.

I agree with you, but I think you got me wrong.

Modules like std.algorithm (and nearly every other, in any 
standard library) have very low cohesion. As you said, most of 
the time, the whole module gets imported, although only 1% of it 
is going to be used.

(selective imports such as "import std.algorithm : canFind;" help 
you reduce namespace pollution, but not dependencies, because a 
change in the imported module could, for example, change symbol 

I guess low cohesion is OK for standard libraries, because 
splitting this into lots of files would result in long import 
lists on the user side, e.g:

import std.algorithm.canFind;
import std.algorithm.sort;
import std.algorithm.splitter;

(though, this seems a lot like most of us already do with 
selective imports).

But my point wasn't about the extra compilation time resulting 
from the unwanted import of 99% of std.algorithm.

My point is about the recompilation frequency of *your* modules, 
due to changes in one module.

Although std.algorithm has low cohesion, it never changes 
(upgrading one's compiler doesn't count, as everything needs to 
be recompiled anyway).

However, if your project has a "utils.d" composed of mostly 
unrelated functions, that is imported by almost every module in 
your project, and that is frequently changed, then I believe you 
have a design issue.

Any compiler is going to have a very hard time trying to avoid 
recompiling modules which only imported something in the 99% of 
utils.d which wasn't modified (and, by the way, it's not 
compatible with the separate compilation model).

Do you think I'm missing something here?