Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-08 Thread Tim Matthews

Walter Bright wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
In order for everyone to air an informed opinion, a related question 
is: will loop fusion be allowed with function calls?

Loop fusion currently only works with operators, and adding ^^ would 

a[] = b[] ^^ 3;

But with pow you can't do that:

a[] = pow(b[], 3);


P.S. FWIW, I'm ambivalent on the issue; if functions were allowed for 
automatic loop fusion that would tilt my opinion in disfavor of ^^, 
and if not, it would tilt my opinion in favor of ^^.

I don't think this is a valid argument for making pow() an operator, 
because what about sin()? cos()? It's all the same issue, and they all 
can't be operators.

Exponentiation, like addition, multiplication etc.. can be used multiple 
times in an expression at the same scope:

a + b + c

a * b * c

a ^^ b ^^ c

xor, sin, cos are only binary & unary operations. I think that is a good 
enough argument for which deserves operator over long function name but 
unlike the others, exponentiation is right associative so this should 
mean the same as:

a ^^ (b ^^ c)

This may also reduce the likely hood of bugs due to mathematical 
formulas being expressed incorrectly. It is far too easy to accidentally 

a ^^ b ^^ c



This one operator would really help D be accepted into the mathematical 

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-08 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 20:22, dsimcha  wrote:

> == Quote from Robert Jacques ('s article
> > I'd recommend rolling that into a basic statistics struct containing
> > common single pass metrics: i.e. sum, mean, variance, min, max, etc.
> I've been wondering for a while if something like this is general enough
> for
> non-statisticians and a good candidate for Phobos:
> Good?  Overkill?  Too niche?

Oh nice. Though I'll probably never use dstats in its globality, I'll most
certainly use this summary module.

Having a small std.stats module inserted into phobos doesn't strike me as
overkill or too niche, but maybe I'm biased.
I'm sure everyone here use less than a dozen modules on most projects. I
mean, I never do sockets, xml, GUI, ... But I intensively use
std.functional, algorithm, traits, range,  typecons, typetuple, array, ...

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-08 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 17:33, Pelle Månsson  wrote:

> I am all in favor of adding convenience functions sum and product to
> phobos. I use them both often enough.


And also min (on a range), max (on a range). Those are simple one-liners,
though they can create some name-shadowing problems and are dubious with
empty ranges.

ElementType!R min(R)(R range) {
 enforce(!range.empty, "Don't use min on an empty range.");
 return reduce!(std.algorithm.min)(ElementType!R.max, range);

Maybe R doesn't have elements with a .max property, but then the same remark
can be used on sum/product (0 or 1 are not necessarily the neutral elements
for + and * on your struct/class). For specific structures, use your own sum

Some other languages also have and( on a boolean range) and or( on a boolean
range), though I never use them. They are slightly different from
reduce!"a&&b"(range) as they can exit early on a 'false' or 'true'. Has
anyone ever used this?


Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-08 Thread Matti Niemenmaa

Stewart Gordon wrote:

Matti Niemenmaa wrote:

It's essentially because Haskell has separate type classes (knda 
like D interfaces... I won't go into that topic) for integers, 
fractional numbers, and floating-point numbers. In D the types of 
those three operators could be something like:

anyinteger ^(anyintegerbase, anyinteger  exponent);
anyfractional ^^(anyfractional base, anyinteger  exponent);
anyfloating   **(anyfloating   base, anyfloating exponent);

You've merely expanded on what I'd already made out - it doesn't explain 
why these generic functions can't share the same name.  Is it because 
Haskell doesn't support function overloading as D does, or for some 
other reason?

The former. Haskell does function overloading via type classes.

I think that the reason why these functions can't have the same name is 
that they should all have a single, well-defined type and value. If 
they're all called 'pow', what is the type of pow? It can't have all 
three types at once, that makes no sense. And what happens if I give pow 
to a higher-order function: which one does it end up calling? You'd need 
some kind of notation to disambiguate. The developers of Haskell 
evidently opted to simply force differently-typed values to have 
different names, instead of being able to give them all the same name 
but then having to qualify which one you mean whenever you use it. 
That'd pretty much amount to them having different names anyway, I think.

Just to show that this quality of Haskell isn't very limiting in 
practice, a somewhat tangential explanation of the way these 
exponentiation functions are overloaded follows.

The types of these functions in Haskell are (read '::' as 'has type', 
the type after the last '->' as the return value and the others as the 

(^)  :: (Num a, Integral b)=> a -> b -> a
(^^) :: (Fractional a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
(**) :: (Floating a)   => a -> a -> a

The part before the '=>' is the class context, restricting the type 
variables 'a' and 'b'. 'a' and 'b' can be any type at all, as long as 
they satisfy the constraints. For instance, for (^), the base can be of 
any numeric type, but the exponent must be integral, and the result is 
of the same numeric type as the base. So when you're actually using the 
function, you might be using it under any of the following types:

(^) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
(^) :: Float -> Integer -> Float
(^) :: Double -> Int8 -> Double

As you can see, the functions are already overloaded, in a sense. What 
Haskell does not support is 'overloading the implementation' the way 
derivatives of C++ (or whatever language first came up with this) do: a 
function cannot have different implementations for different types. 
Instead, a type class defines certain methods that each type that is an 
instance of it must implement. For example, (^) could be defined in 
terms of (==), (*), and (-), like so:

base ^ pow = if pow == 0 then 1 else base * (base ^ (pow-1))

(*) and (-) are methods of the Num class, and (==) belongs to a 
superclass of Num, so we can infer the type of this as:

(^) :: (Num a, Num b) => a -> b -> a

(The standard-library one restricts b to Integral, because this kind of 
definition is obviously valid only for integer exponents.)

We now have a generic implementation of (^) that works for any two 
number types. What we can't do is say that it should do something 
different for certain types: its definition shows that it depends only 
on the methods (==), (*), and (-), so if we want to change the behaviour 
of (^) we can do so only by changing their behaviour. This is doable 
only by changing the Num instance involved, which can only be done by 
changing the types in question.

The only things that can change their behaviour directly depending on 
the types involved are class methods, which are defined separately for 
each type. For instance, (-) is defined for Integers as bignum 
subtraction and (-) for Floats is some kind of built-in operation which 
eventually compiles to an fsub on x86. In fact, (**) is a method of the 
Floating class, and thus has a separate implementation for all 
floating-point types.

E-mail address: matti.niemenmaa+news, domain is iki (DOT) fi

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-08 Thread Stewart Gordon

Matti Niemenmaa wrote:

It's essentially because Haskell has separate type classes (knda 
like D interfaces... I won't go into that topic) for integers, 
fractional numbers, and floating-point numbers. In D the types of those 
three operators could be something like:

anyinteger ^(anyintegerbase, anyinteger  exponent);
anyfractional ^^(anyfractional base, anyinteger  exponent);
anyfloating   **(anyfloating   base, anyfloating exponent);

You've merely expanded on what I'd already made out - it doesn't explain 
why these generic functions can't share the same name.  Is it because 
Haskell doesn't support function overloading as D does, or for some 
other reason?


Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-08 Thread Bill Baxter
On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 2:43 AM, Don  wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> Don wrote:
>>> A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an exponentiation.
>>> A couple of people had requested that I make a post to the ng so they'd know
>>> when it happens. Here it is.
>>> This is opPow(),  x ^^ y
>> I don't understand the rationale for an exponentiation operator. It isn't
>> optimization, because pow() could become an intrinsic that the compiler
>> knows about. pow() is well known, ^^ isn't. (Fortran uses **)

Yes, pow() is a well-known annoyance in languages that don't have an
exponentiation operator. :-)

> It's primarily about syntax sugar: pow() is so ugly. In practice, the most
> important case is squaring, which is an extremely common operation.
> pow(xxx,2) is horribly ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that
> noone uses it: you always change it to xxx * xxx. But then, xxx gets
> evaluated twice.

xxx also has to be typed twice.  Cubes also appear fairly often.

> Yes, ^^ hasn't been used for exponentiation before. Fortran used ** because
> it had such a limited character set, but it's not really a natural choice;
> the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^. Obviously C-family
> languages don't have that possibility.

I think ^^ is a fine choice.  This is great for folks who do a lot of
numerical stuff.


Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-08 Thread Matti Niemenmaa

Stewart Gordon wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Matti Niemenmaa wrote:
Haskell has three exponentiation operators in the standard library: 
^, ^^, and **. They are for non-negative integral exponents, integral 
exponents, and floating-point exponents respectively.

I wonder whether that's an illustration of the power or of the failure 
of function overloading. (Seriously.)

I'm not sure either.  I don't speak Haskell, but my guess is that ^ and 
^^ were meant to cut out the confusion that would happen if Word32 ^ 
Word32 (what weird naming conventions Haskell has!) returned an integer 
type but Int32 ^ Int32 returned a floating point type.

But why it needs yet another for floating-point exponents, I don't know. 
 Maybe Haskell supports only IFTI rather than true function overloading.

It's essentially because Haskell has separate type classes (knda 
like D interfaces... I won't go into that topic) for integers, 
fractional numbers, and floating-point numbers. In D the types of those 
three operators could be something like:

anyinteger ^(anyintegerbase, anyinteger  exponent);
anyfractional ^^(anyfractional base, anyinteger  exponent);
anyfloating   **(anyfloating   base, anyfloating exponent);

A noteworthy fractional is the Rational type, a ratio of two integral 
values. Note that 0.5 is a valid Rational: it's 1/2. Note, still, that 
0.5 ** 0.5 is no longer a valid Rational: it's the square root of 1/2. 
This is why ^^ is separate: fractionals can be safely raised to integer 
exponents, but if you take a fractional and raise it to a fractional 
power, you might not get a fractional back.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Robert Jacques
On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 16:53:01 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu  

Robert Jacques wrote:
On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 12:56:35 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu  

Robert Jacques wrote:
I'd recommend rolling that into a basic statistics struct containing  
common single pass metrics: i.e. sum, mean, variance, min, max, etc.

Well the problem is that if you want to compute several one-pass  
statistics in one pass, you'd have to invent means to combine these  
functions. That ability is already present in reduce, e.g. reduce(min,  
max)(range) yields a pair containing the min and the max element after  
exactly one pass through range.


 Yes, but reduce(mean, std)(range) doesn't work.

 From std.algorithm's doc:

// Compute sum and sum of squares in one pass
r = reduce!("a + b", "a + b * b")(tuple(0.0, 0.0), a);
// Compute average and standard deviation from the above
auto avg = r.field[0] / a.length;
auto stdev = sqrt(r.field[1] / a.length - avg * avg);

I'm not saying there's no need for a more specialized library, just that  
I purposely designed reduce to be no slouch either.

Even reduce(count) would require the range to be mapped.

(This I don't get.)

Besides, in my use case I need lazy evaluation, and I'd much rather add  
elements to a statistics struct, than write a range wrapper.

Well if you go for surgery on an existing struct then the opportunity  
for reuse is diminished.


Thanks. BTW the behavior of a tuple as input to a multiple function  
reduce, although in the example, doesn't seem to be in the doc text.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Phil Deets

On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 21:31:46 -0500, Phil Deets  wrote:

On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 13:37:33 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu  

In order for everyone to air an informed opinion, a related question  
is: will loop fusion be allowed with function calls?

Loop fusion currently only works with operators, and adding ^^ would  

a[] = b[] ^^ 3;

But with pow you can't do that:

a[] = pow(b[], 3);


If a function is marked pure, I don't see any reason why this would be a  
bad idea.

Make that pure and nothrow (and possibly safe).

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Phil Deets
On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 13:37:33 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu  

In order for everyone to air an informed opinion, a related question is:  
will loop fusion be allowed with function calls?

Loop fusion currently only works with operators, and adding ^^ would  

a[] = b[] ^^ 3;

But with pow you can't do that:

a[] = pow(b[], 3);


If a function is marked pure, I don't see any reason why this would be a  
bad idea.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Stewart Gordon

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Matti Niemenmaa wrote:

Don wrote:
Yes, ^^ hasn't been used for exponentiation before. Fortran used ** 
because it had such a limited character set, but it's not really a 
natural choice; the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^. 
Obviously C-family languages don't have that possibility.

Haskell has three exponentiation operators in the standard library: ^, 
^^, and **. They are for non-negative integral exponents, integral 
exponents, and floating-point exponents respectively.

I wonder whether that's an illustration of the power or of the failure 
of function overloading. (Seriously.)

I'm not sure either.  I don't speak Haskell, but my guess is that ^ and 
^^ were meant to cut out the confusion that would happen if Word32 ^ 
Word32 (what weird naming conventions Haskell has!) returned an integer 
type but Int32 ^ Int32 returned a floating point type.

But why it needs yet another for floating-point exponents, I don't know. 
 Maybe Haskell supports only IFTI rather than true function overloading.


Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

dsimcha wrote:

== Quote from Andrei Alexandrescu ('s article

Robert Jacques wrote:

On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 12:56:35 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu

Robert Jacques wrote:

I'd recommend rolling that into a basic statistics struct containing
common single pass metrics: i.e. sum, mean, variance, min, max, etc.

Well the problem is that if you want to compute several one-pass
statistics in one pass, you'd have to invent means to combine these
functions. That ability is already present in reduce, e.g. reduce(min,
max)(range) yields a pair containing the min and the max element after
exactly one pass through range.


Yes, but reduce(mean, std)(range) doesn't work.

 From std.algorithm's doc:
// Compute sum and sum of squares in one pass
r = reduce!("a + b", "a + b * b")(tuple(0.0, 0.0), a);
// Compute average and standard deviation from the above
auto avg = r.field[0] / a.length;
auto stdev = sqrt(r.field[1] / a.length - avg * avg);
I'm not saying there's no need for a more specialized library, just that
I purposely designed reduce to be no slouch either.

Don't get me wrong, I love reduce and it's definitely the right tool for some
jobs.  It's just that computing standard deviations isn't one of them.  Finding
the sum of the squares explicitly is an absolutely **horrible** way to find the
standard deviation because it's numerically unstable.  What if you have a few
billion numbers being read in lazily from a file and you want to find the 
deviation of them?  Heck, summing explicitly isn't even a very good way to find
the mean.

I'm sure you could implement a proper algorithm for this using reduce, but it
would be really awkward.  IMHO reduce's place is as a convenience for simple
things like finding the max and min of a range.  Once you're trying to shoehorn
something into reduce that doesn't fit nicely, it's time to give up using reduce
and just write a "real" function.

I agree.


Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread dsimcha
== Quote from Andrei Alexandrescu ('s article
> Robert Jacques wrote:
> > On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 12:56:35 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu
> >  wrote:
> >
> >> Robert Jacques wrote:
> >>> I'd recommend rolling that into a basic statistics struct containing
> >>> common single pass metrics: i.e. sum, mean, variance, min, max, etc.
> >>
> >> Well the problem is that if you want to compute several one-pass
> >> statistics in one pass, you'd have to invent means to combine these
> >> functions. That ability is already present in reduce, e.g. reduce(min,
> >> max)(range) yields a pair containing the min and the max element after
> >> exactly one pass through range.
> >>
> >> Andrei
> >
> > Yes, but reduce(mean, std)(range) doesn't work.
>  From std.algorithm's doc:
> // Compute sum and sum of squares in one pass
> r = reduce!("a + b", "a + b * b")(tuple(0.0, 0.0), a);
> // Compute average and standard deviation from the above
> auto avg = r.field[0] / a.length;
> auto stdev = sqrt(r.field[1] / a.length - avg * avg);
> I'm not saying there's no need for a more specialized library, just that
> I purposely designed reduce to be no slouch either.

Don't get me wrong, I love reduce and it's definitely the right tool for some
jobs.  It's just that computing standard deviations isn't one of them.  Finding
the sum of the squares explicitly is an absolutely **horrible** way to find the
standard deviation because it's numerically unstable.  What if you have a few
billion numbers being read in lazily from a file and you want to find the 
deviation of them?  Heck, summing explicitly isn't even a very good way to find
the mean.

I'm sure you could implement a proper algorithm for this using reduce, but it
would be really awkward.  IMHO reduce's place is as a convenience for simple
things like finding the max and min of a range.  Once you're trying to shoehorn
something into reduce that doesn't fit nicely, it's time to give up using reduce
and just write a "real" function.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Robert Jacques wrote:
On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 12:56:35 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Robert Jacques wrote:
I'd recommend rolling that into a basic statistics struct containing 
common single pass metrics: i.e. sum, mean, variance, min, max, etc.

Well the problem is that if you want to compute several one-pass 
statistics in one pass, you'd have to invent means to combine these 
functions. That ability is already present in reduce, e.g. reduce(min, 
max)(range) yields a pair containing the min and the max element after 
exactly one pass through range.


Yes, but reduce(mean, std)(range) doesn't work.

From std.algorithm's doc:

// Compute sum and sum of squares in one pass
r = reduce!("a + b", "a + b * b")(tuple(0.0, 0.0), a);
// Compute average and standard deviation from the above
auto avg = r.field[0] / a.length;
auto stdev = sqrt(r.field[1] / a.length - avg * avg);

I'm not saying there's no need for a more specialized library, just that 
I purposely designed reduce to be no slouch either.

Even reduce(count) would 
require the range to be mapped.

(This I don't get.)

Besides, in my use case I need lazy 
evaluation, and I'd much rather add elements to a statistics struct, 
than write a range wrapper.

Well if you go for surgery on an existing struct then the opportunity 
for reuse is diminished.


Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Robert Jacques
On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 13:37:33 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu  

Walter Bright wrote:

KennyTM~ wrote:
Nice. Meanwhile, I'd like an opSum() operator (∑ range) as well. It's  
primarily about syntax sugar: reduce!("a+b")(range) is so ugly. In  
practice, the most important case is the sum from 1 to n, which is an  
extremely common operation. reduce!("a+b")(iota(1,n+1)) is horribly  
ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that noone uses it:  
you always change it to n*(n+1)/2. But then, n gets evaluated twice.
 As amply illustrated, one can make this argument pro and con about any  
builtin operator. The waterfront real estate of builtin operators is  
extremely limited, so we need to be very parsimonious in allocating it.  
Candidates for builtin operators need to have a very high bar.

 The question is, does ^^ clear that bar or not?

In order for everyone to air an informed opinion, a related question is:  
will loop fusion be allowed with function calls?

Loop fusion currently only works with operators, and adding ^^ would  

a[] = b[] ^^ 3;

But with pow you can't do that:

a[] = pow(b[], 3);


P.S. FWIW, I'm ambivalent on the issue; if functions were allowed for  
automatic loop fusion that would tilt my opinion in disfavor of ^^, and  
if not, it would tilt my opinion in favor of ^^.

Actually, if you look at Matlab, a[] = b[] ^^ 3; is well defined.

Also, given
real foo(real r) { return r*r; }
providing syntactic sugar for
a[] = foo(b[], 3); => a[] = map!foo(b[],3);
might be nice.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Robert Jacques

On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 14:22:01 -0500, dsimcha  wrote:

== Quote from Robert Jacques ('s article

I'd recommend rolling that into a basic statistics struct containing
common single pass metrics: i.e. sum, mean, variance, min, max, etc.

I've been wondering for a while if something like this is general enough  

non-statisticians and a good candidate for Phobos:

Good?  Overkill?  Too niche?

Looks good.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Robert Jacques
On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 12:56:35 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu  

Robert Jacques wrote:
I'd recommend rolling that into a basic statistics struct containing  
common single pass metrics: i.e. sum, mean, variance, min, max, etc.

Well the problem is that if you want to compute several one-pass  
statistics in one pass, you'd have to invent means to combine these  
functions. That ability is already present in reduce, e.g. reduce(min,  
max)(range) yields a pair containing the min and the max element after  
exactly one pass through range.


Yes, but reduce(mean, std)(range) doesn't work. Even reduce(count) would  
require the range to be mapped. Besides, in my use case I need lazy  
evaluation, and I'd much rather add elements to a statistics struct, than  
write a range wrapper.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Don

Walter Bright wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
In order for everyone to air an informed opinion, a related question 
is: will loop fusion be allowed with function calls?

Loop fusion currently only works with operators, and adding ^^ would 

a[] = b[] ^^ 3;

But with pow you can't do that:

a[] = pow(b[], 3);


P.S. FWIW, I'm ambivalent on the issue; if functions were allowed for 
automatic loop fusion that would tilt my opinion in disfavor of ^^, 
and if not, it would tilt my opinion in favor of ^^.

I don't think this is a valid argument for making pow() an operator, 
because what about sin()? cos()? It's all the same issue, and they all 
can't be operators.

It's another case where pow(x, 2) is not the same as x ^^ 2.
The argument for excluding exponentiation is largely, "pow does the same 
thing, without introducing an operator".

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Walter Bright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
In order for everyone to air an informed opinion, a related question is: 
will loop fusion be allowed with function calls?

Loop fusion currently only works with operators, and adding ^^ would allow:

a[] = b[] ^^ 3;

But with pow you can't do that:

a[] = pow(b[], 3);


P.S. FWIW, I'm ambivalent on the issue; if functions were allowed for 
automatic loop fusion that would tilt my opinion in disfavor of ^^, and 
if not, it would tilt my opinion in favor of ^^.

I don't think this is a valid argument for making pow() an operator, 
because what about sin()? cos()? It's all the same issue, and they all 
can't be operators.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Don

Mo Chen wrote:
Suppose we have a matrix library, I'd like to have two product 
operators, one is for matrix product, the other is for element wise 
product, just like what we do in matlab (A*B and A.*B). I'd like to save 
** to that scenario. Btw I'm no Fortran user. ^^ is fine by me.

The D forms are A*B for matrix product,  A[]*B[] for element-wise product.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Don

Walter Bright wrote:

KennyTM~ wrote:
Nice. Meanwhile, I'd like an opSum() operator (∑ range) as well. It's 
primarily about syntax sugar: reduce!("a+b")(range) is so ugly. In 
practice, the most important case is the sum from 1 to n, which is an 
extremely common operation. reduce!("a+b")(iota(1,n+1)) is horribly 
ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that noone uses it: 
you always change it to n*(n+1)/2. But then, n gets evaluated twice.

As amply illustrated, one can make this argument pro and con about any 
builtin operator. The waterfront real estate of builtin operators is 
extremely limited, so we need to be very parsimonious in allocating it. 
Candidates for builtin operators need to have a very high bar.

The question is, does ^^ clear that bar or not?

Yes, that's exactly the question. From an old post by Bill Baxter, 
here's a list of languages with an exponentiation operator:

# x ↑ y:  Algol,  Commodore BASIC
# x ^ y: BASIC, J, Matlab, R, Microsoft Excel, TeX (and its
derivatives), Haskell (for non-negative integer exponents), and most 
computer algebra systems

# x ^^ y: Haskell (for integer exponents)
# x ** y: Ada, Bash, Fortran, FoxPro, Perl, Python, Ruby, SAS, ABAP,
Haskell (for floating-point exponents), Turing
# x * y: APL

None of the languages derived from C and Pascal include exponentiation. 
(I suspect that if it had been included in C, there would be very few 
languages without it: since Algol and Fortran both had it).

Note that D currently has <>, <>=, !<>, !<>=, !>=, !<=, !>, !<, which 
would have to be lower down the list than exponentiation. As one of the 
very few users who actually uses them, I'd happily sacrifice them in 
exchange for exponentiation.

And BTW, there is another issue with pow(), relating to implicit conversion.
Given an int x, x * x is also an int. But pow(x, 2) is a double, so they 
are not at all equivalent. (and pow() definitely needs to return float 
for general  exponents). The recently introduced integer range tracking 
for implicit conversions could fix this nicely.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Mo Chen
Suppose we have a matrix library, I'd like to have two product operators,
one is for matrix product, the other is for element wise product, just like
what we do in matlab (A*B and A.*B). I'd like to save ** to that scenario.
Btw I'm no Fortran user. ^^ is fine by me.

On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 5:56 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

> Don wrote:
>> A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an exponentiation.
>> A couple of people had requested that I make a post to the ng so they'd know
>> when it happens. Here it is.
>> This is opPow(),  x ^^ y
> I don't understand the rationale for an exponentiation operator. It isn't
> optimization, because pow() could become an intrinsic that the compiler
> knows about. pow() is well known, ^^ isn't. (Fortran uses **)

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread dsimcha
== Quote from Robert Jacques ('s article
> I'd recommend rolling that into a basic statistics struct containing
> common single pass metrics: i.e. sum, mean, variance, min, max, etc.

I've been wondering for a while if something like this is general enough for
non-statisticians and a good candidate for Phobos:

Good?  Overkill?  Too niche?

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Chad J
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> KennyTM~ wrote:
>>> Nice. Meanwhile, I'd like an opSum() operator (∑ range) as well. It's
>>> primarily about syntax sugar: reduce!("a+b")(range) is so ugly. In
>>> practice, the most important case is the sum from 1 to n, which is an
>>> extremely common operation. reduce!("a+b")(iota(1,n+1)) is horribly
>>> ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that noone uses it:
>>> you always change it to n*(n+1)/2. But then, n gets evaluated twice.
>> As amply illustrated, one can make this argument pro and con about any
>> builtin operator. The waterfront real estate of builtin operators is
>> extremely limited, so we need to be very parsimonious in allocating
>> it. Candidates for builtin operators need to have a very high bar.
>> The question is, does ^^ clear that bar or not?
> In order for everyone to air an informed opinion, a related question is:
> will loop fusion be allowed with function calls?
> Loop fusion currently only works with operators, and adding ^^ would allow:
> a[] = b[] ^^ 3;
> But with pow you can't do that:
> a[] = pow(b[], 3);
> Andrei
> P.S. FWIW, I'm ambivalent on the issue; if functions were allowed for
> automatic loop fusion that would tilt my opinion in disfavor of ^^, and
> if not, it would tilt my opinion in favor of ^^.

Does ^^ really even need to be a builtin operator to be overloadable?

I remember a discussion where we considered adding abstract operators
that have no inherent meaning in the language (not builtins), but are
overloadable to allow better exploitation of infix notation.  Things
like (+), (*), (%),  (&), [+], [*], [%], and so on.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Walter Bright wrote:

KennyTM~ wrote:
Nice. Meanwhile, I'd like an opSum() operator (∑ range) as well. It's 
primarily about syntax sugar: reduce!("a+b")(range) is so ugly. In 
practice, the most important case is the sum from 1 to n, which is an 
extremely common operation. reduce!("a+b")(iota(1,n+1)) is horribly 
ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that noone uses it: 
you always change it to n*(n+1)/2. But then, n gets evaluated twice.

As amply illustrated, one can make this argument pro and con about any 
builtin operator. The waterfront real estate of builtin operators is 
extremely limited, so we need to be very parsimonious in allocating it. 
Candidates for builtin operators need to have a very high bar.

The question is, does ^^ clear that bar or not?

In order for everyone to air an informed opinion, a related question is: 
will loop fusion be allowed with function calls?

Loop fusion currently only works with operators, and adding ^^ would allow:

a[] = b[] ^^ 3;

But with pow you can't do that:

a[] = pow(b[], 3);


P.S. FWIW, I'm ambivalent on the issue; if functions were allowed for 
automatic loop fusion that would tilt my opinion in disfavor of ^^, and 
if not, it would tilt my opinion in favor of ^^.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Walter Bright

KennyTM~ wrote:
Nice. Meanwhile, I'd like an opSum() operator (∑ range) as well. It's 
primarily about syntax sugar: reduce!("a+b")(range) is so ugly. In 
practice, the most important case is the sum from 1 to n, which is an 
extremely common operation. reduce!("a+b")(iota(1,n+1)) is horribly ugly 
for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that noone uses it: you 
always change it to n*(n+1)/2. But then, n gets evaluated twice.

As amply illustrated, one can make this argument pro and con about any 
builtin operator. The waterfront real estate of builtin operators is 
extremely limited, so we need to be very parsimonious in allocating it. 
Candidates for builtin operators need to have a very high bar.

The question is, does ^^ clear that bar or not?

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Robert Jacques wrote:
I'd recommend rolling that into a basic statistics struct containing 
common single pass metrics: i.e. sum, mean, variance, min, max, etc.

Well the problem is that if you want to compute several one-pass 
statistics in one pass, you'd have to invent means to combine these 
functions. That ability is already present in reduce, e.g. reduce(min, 
max)(range) yields a pair containing the min and the max element after 
exactly one pass through range.


Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread KennyTM~

On Nov 8, 09 00:15, Robert Jacques wrote:

On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 10:48:11 -0500, KennyTM~  wrote:

On Nov 7, 09 18:43, Don wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

Don wrote:

A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an
exponentiation. A couple of people had requested that I make a post
to the ng so they'd know when it happens. Here it is.

This is opPow(), x ^^ y

I don't understand the rationale for an exponentiation operator. It
isn't optimization, because pow() could become an intrinsic that the
compiler knows about. pow() is well known, ^^ isn't. (Fortran uses **)

It's primarily about syntax sugar: pow() is so ugly. In practice, the
most important case is squaring, which is an extremely common operation.
pow(xxx,2) is horribly ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly
that noone uses it: you always change it to xxx * xxx. But then, xxx
gets evaluated twice.

Nice. Meanwhile, I'd like an opSum() operator (∑ range) as well. It's
primarily about syntax sugar: reduce!("a+b")(range) is so ugly. In
practice, the most important case is the sum from 1 to n, which is an
extremely common operation. reduce!("a+b")(iota(1,n+1)) is horribly
ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that noone uses it:
you always change it to n*(n+1)/2. But then, n gets evaluated twice.

Yes, ^^ hasn't been used for exponentiation before. Fortran used **
because it had such a limited character set, but it's not really a
natural choice; the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^.
Obviously C-family languages don't have that possibility.

Well, since D supports unicode, you can always define: alias
reduce!("a+b") ∑;


pure nothrow T ²(T)(T x) { return x*x; }
alias sqrt √;


(OK ²(xxx) is still odd.)

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

dsimcha wrote:

== Quote from Robert Jacques ('s article

On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 10:48:11 -0500, KennyTM~  wrote:

On Nov 7, 09 18:43, Don wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

Don wrote:

A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an
exponentiation. A couple of people had requested that I make a post
to the ng so they'd know when it happens. Here it is.

This is opPow(), x ^^ y

I don't understand the rationale for an exponentiation operator. It
isn't optimization, because pow() could become an intrinsic that the
compiler knows about. pow() is well known, ^^ isn't. (Fortran uses **)

It's primarily about syntax sugar: pow() is so ugly. In practice, the
most important case is squaring, which is an extremely common operation.
pow(xxx,2) is horribly ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly
that noone uses it: you always change it to xxx * xxx. But then, xxx
gets evaluated twice.

Nice. Meanwhile, I'd like an opSum() operator (∑ range) as well. It's
primarily about syntax sugar: reduce!("a+b")(range) is so ugly. In
practice, the most important case is the sum from 1 to n, which is an
extremely common operation. reduce!("a+b")(iota(1,n+1)) is horribly ugly
for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that noone uses it: you
always change it to n*(n+1)/2. But then, n gets evaluated twice.

Yes, ^^ hasn't been used for exponentiation before. Fortran used **
because it had such a limited character set, but it's not really a
natural choice; the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^.
Obviously C-family languages don't have that possibility.

Well, since D supports unicode, you can always define: alias
reduce!("a+b") ∑;

On a more serious note, I'm starting to think that Phobos needs a specific
convenience function for sum, not because reduce!"a + b" is ugly (it isn't) or 
much typing (it isn't) but because reduce!"a + b" doesn't work on zero-length
ranges.  Obviously, the sum of a zero-length range is zero, but reduce is too
general to know this.  This bit me a few times in some code I was debugging last
week.  Rather than inserting extra checks or passing an explicit start value in
(which requires you to remember the element type of your range; is it an int or 
float?), I simply handwrote a sum function and replaced all my reduce!"a + b" 

Just in case it helps, the two-arguments version of reduce is meant 
exactly to make it work with an empty array and seed the accumulation. 
Namely, reduce!"a+b"(range) throws on an empty range, but 
reduce!"a+b"(0.0, range) returns 0.0 on an empty range.


Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Robert Jacques

On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 11:26:36 -0500, dsimcha  wrote:

== Quote from Robert Jacques ('s article

On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 10:48:11 -0500, KennyTM~  wrote:
> On Nov 7, 09 18:43, Don wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Don wrote:
 A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an
 exponentiation. A couple of people had requested that I make a post
 to the ng so they'd know when it happens. Here it is.

 This is opPow(), x ^^ y
>>> I don't understand the rationale for an exponentiation operator. It
>>> isn't optimization, because pow() could become an intrinsic that the
>>> compiler knows about. pow() is well known, ^^ isn't. (Fortran uses  

>> It's primarily about syntax sugar: pow() is so ugly. In practice, the
>> most important case is squaring, which is an extremely common  
>> pow(xxx,2) is horribly ugly for something so fundamental. It's so  

>> that noone uses it: you always change it to xxx * xxx. But then, xxx
>> gets evaluated twice.
> Nice. Meanwhile, I'd like an opSum() operator (∑ range) as well. It's
> primarily about syntax sugar: reduce!("a+b")(range) is so ugly. In
> practice, the most important case is the sum from 1 to n, which is an
> extremely common operation. reduce!("a+b")(iota(1,n+1)) is horribly  

> for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that noone uses it: you
> always change it to n*(n+1)/2. But then, n gets evaluated twice.
>> Yes, ^^ hasn't been used for exponentiation before. Fortran used **
>> because it had such a limited character set, but it's not really a
>> natural choice; the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^.
>> Obviously C-family languages don't have that possibility.
Well, since D supports unicode, you can always define: alias
reduce!("a+b") ∑;

On a more serious note, I'm starting to think that Phobos needs a  
convenience function for sum, not because reduce!"a + b" is ugly (it  
isn't) or too
much typing (it isn't) but because reduce!"a + b" doesn't work on  
ranges.  Obviously, the sum of a zero-length range is zero, but reduce  
is too
general to know this.  This bit me a few times in some code I was  
debugging last
week.  Rather than inserting extra checks or passing an explicit start  
value in
(which requires you to remember the element type of your range; is it an  
int or a
float?), I simply handwrote a sum function and replaced all my reduce!"a  
+ b" with


I'd recommend rolling that into a basic statistics struct containing  
common single pass metrics: i.e. sum, mean, variance, min, max, etc.

P.S. Don't forget to vote for the patches in bugzilla.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Pelle Månsson

dsimcha wrote:

== Quote from Robert Jacques ('s article

On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 10:48:11 -0500, KennyTM~  wrote:

On Nov 7, 09 18:43, Don wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

Don wrote:

A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an
exponentiation. A couple of people had requested that I make a post
to the ng so they'd know when it happens. Here it is.

This is opPow(), x ^^ y

I don't understand the rationale for an exponentiation operator. It
isn't optimization, because pow() could become an intrinsic that the
compiler knows about. pow() is well known, ^^ isn't. (Fortran uses **)

It's primarily about syntax sugar: pow() is so ugly. In practice, the
most important case is squaring, which is an extremely common operation.
pow(xxx,2) is horribly ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly
that noone uses it: you always change it to xxx * xxx. But then, xxx
gets evaluated twice.

Nice. Meanwhile, I'd like an opSum() operator (∑ range) as well. It's
primarily about syntax sugar: reduce!("a+b")(range) is so ugly. In
practice, the most important case is the sum from 1 to n, which is an
extremely common operation. reduce!("a+b")(iota(1,n+1)) is horribly ugly
for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that noone uses it: you
always change it to n*(n+1)/2. But then, n gets evaluated twice.

Yes, ^^ hasn't been used for exponentiation before. Fortran used **
because it had such a limited character set, but it's not really a
natural choice; the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^.
Obviously C-family languages don't have that possibility.

Well, since D supports unicode, you can always define: alias
reduce!("a+b") ∑;

On a more serious note, I'm starting to think that Phobos needs a specific
convenience function for sum, not because reduce!"a + b" is ugly (it isn't) or 
much typing (it isn't) but because reduce!"a + b" doesn't work on zero-length
ranges.  Obviously, the sum of a zero-length range is zero, but reduce is too
general to know this.  This bit me a few times in some code I was debugging last
week.  Rather than inserting extra checks or passing an explicit start value in
(which requires you to remember the element type of your range; is it an int or 
float?), I simply handwrote a sum function and replaced all my reduce!"a + b" 
I am all in favor of adding convenience functions sum and product to 
phobos. I use them both often enough.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread dsimcha
== Quote from Robert Jacques ('s article
> On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 10:48:11 -0500, KennyTM~  wrote:
> > On Nov 7, 09 18:43, Don wrote:
> >> Walter Bright wrote:
> >>> Don wrote:
>  A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an
>  exponentiation. A couple of people had requested that I make a post
>  to the ng so they'd know when it happens. Here it is.
>  This is opPow(), x ^^ y
> >>>
> >>> I don't understand the rationale for an exponentiation operator. It
> >>> isn't optimization, because pow() could become an intrinsic that the
> >>> compiler knows about. pow() is well known, ^^ isn't. (Fortran uses **)
> >>
> >> It's primarily about syntax sugar: pow() is so ugly. In practice, the
> >> most important case is squaring, which is an extremely common operation.
> >> pow(xxx,2) is horribly ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly
> >> that noone uses it: you always change it to xxx * xxx. But then, xxx
> >> gets evaluated twice.
> >>
> >
> > Nice. Meanwhile, I'd like an opSum() operator (∑ range) as well. It's
> > primarily about syntax sugar: reduce!("a+b")(range) is so ugly. In
> > practice, the most important case is the sum from 1 to n, which is an
> > extremely common operation. reduce!("a+b")(iota(1,n+1)) is horribly ugly
> > for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that noone uses it: you
> > always change it to n*(n+1)/2. But then, n gets evaluated twice.
> >
> >> Yes, ^^ hasn't been used for exponentiation before. Fortran used **
> >> because it had such a limited character set, but it's not really a
> >> natural choice; the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^.
> >> Obviously C-family languages don't have that possibility.
> >>
> >
> Well, since D supports unicode, you can always define: alias
> reduce!("a+b") ∑;

On a more serious note, I'm starting to think that Phobos needs a specific
convenience function for sum, not because reduce!"a + b" is ugly (it isn't) or 
much typing (it isn't) but because reduce!"a + b" doesn't work on zero-length
ranges.  Obviously, the sum of a zero-length range is zero, but reduce is too
general to know this.  This bit me a few times in some code I was debugging last
week.  Rather than inserting extra checks or passing an explicit start value in
(which requires you to remember the element type of your range; is it an int or 
float?), I simply handwrote a sum function and replaced all my reduce!"a + b" 

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Robert Jacques

On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 10:48:11 -0500, KennyTM~  wrote:

On Nov 7, 09 18:43, Don wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

Don wrote:

A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an
exponentiation. A couple of people had requested that I make a post
to the ng so they'd know when it happens. Here it is.

This is opPow(), x ^^ y

I don't understand the rationale for an exponentiation operator. It
isn't optimization, because pow() could become an intrinsic that the
compiler knows about. pow() is well known, ^^ isn't. (Fortran uses **)

It's primarily about syntax sugar: pow() is so ugly. In practice, the
most important case is squaring, which is an extremely common operation.
pow(xxx,2) is horribly ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly
that noone uses it: you always change it to xxx * xxx. But then, xxx
gets evaluated twice.

Nice. Meanwhile, I'd like an opSum() operator (∑ range) as well. It's  
primarily about syntax sugar: reduce!("a+b")(range) is so ugly. In  
practice, the most important case is the sum from 1 to n, which is an  
extremely common operation. reduce!("a+b")(iota(1,n+1)) is horribly ugly  
for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that noone uses it: you  
always change it to n*(n+1)/2. But then, n gets evaluated twice.

Yes, ^^ hasn't been used for exponentiation before. Fortran used **
because it had such a limited character set, but it's not really a
natural choice; the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^.
Obviously C-family languages don't have that possibility.

Well, since D supports unicode, you can always define: alias  
reduce!("a+b") ∑;

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Matti Niemenmaa wrote:

Don wrote:
Yes, ^^ hasn't been used for exponentiation before. Fortran used ** 
because it had such a limited character set, but it's not really a 
natural choice; the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^. 
Obviously C-family languages don't have that possibility.

Haskell has three exponentiation operators in the standard library: ^, 
^^, and **. They are for non-negative integral exponents, integral 
exponents, and floating-point exponents respectively.

I wonder whether that's an illustration of the power or of the failure 
of function overloading. (Seriously.)


Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread KennyTM~

On Nov 7, 09 18:43, Don wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

Don wrote:

A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an
exponentiation. A couple of people had requested that I make a post
to the ng so they'd know when it happens. Here it is.

This is opPow(), x ^^ y

I don't understand the rationale for an exponentiation operator. It
isn't optimization, because pow() could become an intrinsic that the
compiler knows about. pow() is well known, ^^ isn't. (Fortran uses **)

It's primarily about syntax sugar: pow() is so ugly. In practice, the
most important case is squaring, which is an extremely common operation.
pow(xxx,2) is horribly ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly
that noone uses it: you always change it to xxx * xxx. But then, xxx
gets evaluated twice.

Nice. Meanwhile, I'd like an opSum() operator (∑ range) as well. It's 
primarily about syntax sugar: reduce!("a+b")(range) is so ugly. In 
practice, the most important case is the sum from 1 to n, which is an 
extremely common operation. reduce!("a+b")(iota(1,n+1)) is horribly ugly 
for something so fundamental. It's so ugly that noone uses it: you 
always change it to n*(n+1)/2. But then, n gets evaluated twice.

Yes, ^^ hasn't been used for exponentiation before. Fortran used **
because it had such a limited character set, but it's not really a
natural choice; the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^.
Obviously C-family languages don't have that possibility.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Matti Niemenmaa

Don wrote:
Yes, ^^ hasn't been used for exponentiation before. Fortran used ** 
because it had such a limited character set, but it's not really a 
natural choice; the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^. 
Obviously C-family languages don't have that possibility.

Haskell has three exponentiation operators in the standard library: ^, 
^^, and **. They are for non-negative integral exponents, integral 
exponents, and floating-point exponents respectively.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Mike James
> the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^

And BASIC ;-)


Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Don

Walter Bright wrote:

Don wrote:
A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an 
exponentiation. A couple of people had requested that I make a post to 
the ng so they'd know when it happens. Here it is.

This is opPow(),  x ^^ y

I don't understand the rationale for an exponentiation operator. It 
isn't optimization, because pow() could become an intrinsic that the 
compiler knows about. pow() is well known, ^^ isn't. (Fortran uses **)

It's primarily about syntax sugar: pow() is so ugly. In practice, the 
most important case is squaring, which is an extremely common operation. 
pow(xxx,2) is horribly ugly for something so fundamental. It's so ugly 
that noone uses it: you always change it to xxx * xxx. But then, xxx 
gets evaluated twice.

Yes, ^^ hasn't been used for exponentiation before. Fortran used ** 
because it had such a limited character set, but it's not really a 
natural choice; the more mathematically-oriented languages use ^. 
Obviously C-family languages don't have that possibility.

Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Lars T. Kyllingstad

Walter Bright wrote:

Don wrote:
A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an 
exponentiation. A couple of people had requested that I make a post to 
the ng so they'd know when it happens. Here it is.

This is opPow(),  x ^^ y

AWESOME! Thanks a lot, Don! I've been hoping for this since I started 
using D.

Walter Bright wrote:
I don't understand the rationale for an exponentiation operator. It 
isn't optimization, because pow() could become an intrinsic that the 
compiler knows about. pow() is well known, ^^ isn't. (Fortran uses **)

I don't understand the rationale for a concatenation operator. It isn't 
optimization, because strcat() could become an intrinsic that the 
compiler knows about. strcat() is well known, ~ isn't. (Java uses +)

I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just trying to illustrate that the first 
point doesn't make a good case against an exponentiation operator. I can 
only speak for myself, but I use exponentiation a lot. I mostly write 
numerical code, and as I understand it, I'm not the only one in the 
community doing so.

Being able to overload the exponentiation operator also makes a lot of 
sense. Matrices and BigInts are the first things that come to mind.


Re: opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Walter Bright

Don wrote:
A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an 
exponentiation. A couple of people had requested that I make a post to 
the ng so they'd know when it happens. Here it is.

This is opPow(),  x ^^ y

I don't understand the rationale for an exponentiation operator. It 
isn't optimization, because pow() could become an intrinsic that the 
compiler knows about. pow() is well known, ^^ isn't. (Fortran uses **)

opPow, opDollar

2009-11-07 Thread Don
A little while ago I said I'd create a patch for ^^ as an 
exponentiation. A couple of people had requested that I make a post to 
the ng so they'd know when it happens. Here it is.

This is opPow(),  x ^^ y

And this is opDollar!(int dim) for multi-dimensional indexing

There have been long bikeshed discussions about the naming of both of 
these several times in the past. Please don't ask for name changes to x 
^ y, x ** y, opLength, or opSize: there are known problems with all of 
those. And opEnd has the problem that you expect it to be paired with an 
opBegin. opDollar is not as aesthetically pleasing as you might wish, 
but it's obvious and completely unambiguous. I think they're the best 
options we have.