DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
Well. For the first time in all my years of using these forums, 
I've managed to post something that exceeds the byte limit. 
You'll find the September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary at the 
following link:


Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread max haughton via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 12 November 2023 at 19:50:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Well. For the first time in all my years of using these forums, 
I've managed to post something that exceeds the byte limit. 
You'll find the September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary at the 
following link:


Two notes:

- Making the build bit of build.d simpler would be nice although 
reading the source code will reveal that it doesn't just build 
the compiler.

- I think Martin is wrong about not upstreaming stuff from LDC 
into DMD. Nothing good will come of them diverging (which they 
already have).

The UX of having multiple compilers is already terrible — 
conservatively let's estimate that "oh you need to download LDC 
if you want a compiler with an optimizer that works to a modern 
standard" halves the number of people bothering to try D.

Every little detail that you have to think about other than 
actually writing code hurts D both in terms of adoption and 
massive fragmentation of the projects people have to contribute 

Standardising proper hooks such that LDC doesn't have to use a 
fork of the frontend (it's not really dmd-as-a-library in any 
sense that would be tolerated for a smaller project) is also 
important dogfooding for the frontend as a codebase.

Beerconf November

2023-11-12 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-announce


This month we will be having beerconf in 2 weeks on November 
25-26. Online as usual, hope to see you all there!

The usual post for the official beerconf t-shirt: 

## What is beerconf?

Check out the [wiki article](https://wiki.dlang.org/Beerconf).

## Presentations?

If you want to give a presentation, please let me know either by 
email or discord or slack. I will make sure to announce it here!

Cheers! 🍺


Re: Beerconf November

2023-11-12 Thread Sergey via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 12 November 2023 at 20:59:57 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 


This month we will be having beerconf in 2 weeks on November 
25-26. Online as usual, hope to see you all there!

The usual post for the official beerconf t-shirt: 

## What is beerconf?

Check out the [wiki article](https://wiki.dlang.org/Beerconf).

## Presentations?

If you want to give a presentation, please let me know either 
by email or discord or slack. I will make sure to announce it 

Cheers! 🍺


At last beerconf was discussion that last week of the month is 
always under pressure of deadlines and plans.. There were 
proposals to postpone it in the middle of the month

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 12 November 2023 at 19:50:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


There was a side discussion about how the `extern(C++)` 
interface affects dmd-as-a-library.

Personally, my number-one complaint with dmd-as-a-library is that 
I am forced to use `extern(C++)` when creating my own `Visitor` 

In [`dmdtags`][1], this requirement has made it necessary for me 
to implement my own C++-compatible [`Span`][2] and 
[`Appender`][3] types, just to avoid the C++ mangling errors 
caused by D's built-in `T[]` slices.

I have no use for overriding AST nodes, but the ability to use 
`extern(D)` visitors with dmd-as-a-library would be a welcome 

[1]: https://code.dlang.org/packages/dmdtags

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-announce
Part of the problem with shared is that it is completely inverse of what 
it should be.

It fundamentally does not annotate memory with anything extra that is 

At the CPU level there are no guarantees that memory is mapped only to 
one thread, nor at the language level.

Therefore all memory is shared between threads.

As long as people have this inverted mindset in place and instead of 
wanting to prove its thread owned shared is going to be a problem for us.

Remove shared, add atomic storage class. Figure out thread owned/shared 
memory some other day.

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread zjh via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 12 November 2023 at 19:50:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


I can't access it,please post it here.

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread Imperatorn via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 00:55:37 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Sunday, 12 November 2023 at 19:50:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


I can't access it,please post it here.


Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 00:55:37 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Sunday, 12 November 2023 at 19:50:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


I can't access it,please post it here.

I can't. It's too big. That's why I posted it there.

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 03:07:07 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 00:55:37 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Sunday, 12 November 2023 at 19:50:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


I can't access it,please post it here.

I can't. It's too big. That's why I posted it there.

Well maybe splitting in 2 parts? - Let's try:

Part 1:

DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

The D Language Foundation's monthly meeting for September 2023 
took place on Friday the 15th at 15:00 UTC. After we'd had one of 
our shortest meetings ever the previous month, this one was a bit 
of a long one, lasting a little over two hours.

Note that this was Timon Gehr's first time joining us for a 
monthly. I'd spoken with him at DConf, and he'd expressed 
interest in joining both our monthlies and our planning sessions 
when he has the time for them. I'll be inviting him as a 
permanent member as long as he's willing to be one.

The Attendees

The following people attended the meeting:

Walter Bright
Timon Gehr
Martin Kinkelin
Dennis Korpel
Mathias Lang
Átila Neves
Razvan Nitu
Mike Parker
Adam D. Ruppe
Robert Schadek
Steven Schveighoffer


Robert got us started by letting us know he had done some 
preliminary JSON 5 work at DConf. He also gave an update on his 
script for the Bugzilla to GitHub migration. He had changed it to 
use a "hidden" API that someone from GitHub revealed to him when 
he reached out for assistance. Though there are still rate limits 
to deal with, his script was now much faster. The previous script 
would have taken days to migrate the dmd issues, but for a test 
run, he was able to do it in one sitting at DConf. He was ready 
to show me how to use it so I could test it and provide him with 

Other than that, he'd done a few small things on DScanner and was 
waiting on Jan Jurzitza (Webfreak) to merge them. He noted that 
Walter had asked him to write an article for the blog related to 
his DConf talk. Robert had an idea for an article related to the 
DScanner updates to supplement the talk.

(UPDATE: During a subsequent planning session, Robert reminded me 
that the only reason I had volunteered to do the migration was 
that he didn't have admin access to our repositories. That was 
easily rectified. He will now be doing the migration. At our most 
recent planning session, we talked about a migration plan. Before 
taking any steps, he's going to chat with Vladimir Panteleev. 
Vladimir raised several concerns with me a while back about the 
Dlang bot and other things the migration might affect. Robert 
wants to get up to speed with all of that before moving forward.)


I told everyone I'd just gotten home from my DConf/vacation trip 
two days before the meeting and had spent a chunk of that time 
decompressing. I did manage to get a little bit of post-DConf 
admin out of the way the night before by going through all the 
receipts from everyone eligible for reimbursement to let them 
know how much was due to them. I went into some details on how I 
was going to make those payments. The big news there was that we 
managed to get enough in revenue from registrations and 
sponsorships that we came in under budget, i.e., the amount 
Symmetry needed to send us to make up the difference was less 
than the total they'd allocated for reimbursements. (Thanks to 
Ahrefs, Ucora, Decard, Funkwerk, and Weka for helping out with 

I then reported that I'd started editing Saeed's video. The venue 
had provided me access to all of their footage this year. Last 
year, they only gave me footage from one camera and wanted us to 
pay extra for more. This year, I have footage from three cameras 
('main', 'wide', and 'left') as well as the video feed of the 

Next, I noted that John Colvin and I had participated in an 
after-action meeting with Sarah and Eden from Brightspace, our 
event planners (if you were at DConf, Eden was the young woman 
sitting out front all four days, and Sarah was with her on the 
first day). We all agreed that, aside from the unfortunate laptop 
theft and COVID outbreak, the mechanics of the conference went 
well this year. We went through some feedback we'd received to 
discuss how to improve things next year (more info on badges, an 
actual registration form to get that info, etc.), and tossed 
around some ideas on how to prevent future thefts and mitigate 
the risk of COVID outbreaks. One thing we agreed on there is to 
have an extra person at the door whose main job is to check 
badges. There will surely be other steps to take once we consult 
with the venue. They're evaluating what measures they can take to 
avoid a repeat at any event they host.

I also let everyone know what Sarah said about our community. Due 
to disruptions at Heathrow at the start of the conference, 
several attendees found themselves with canceled flights. A 

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 04:46:07 UTC, matheus wrote:


Part 2:

AST nodes in dmd-as-a-library

Since DConf, Razvan had been considering how dmd-as-a-library 
could offer the possibility to override any kind of AST.

He gave us this example of the expression class hierarchy used by 
the AST implementation:

module expression;
import std.stdio;

class Expression {}

class BinExp : Expression
void fun()
BinExp p = new BinExp();
Expression e = new Expression();

class BinAssignExp : BinExp

class AddAssignExp : BinAssignExp
override void fun()

class MulAssignExp : BinAssignExp

Then in ast_family.d, the default ASTCodegen looks like this:

struct ASTCodegen
public import expression;

To create a custom AST and override the default behavior of e.g., 
BinExp, you need to do something like this:

struct MyAST
import expression;
import std.stdio;

alias Expression = expression.Expression;
class MyBinExp : expression.BinExp
override void fun()

alias BinExp = MyBinExp;
alias BinAssignExp = ?

The problem with this is that you now have to declare all of the 
AST nodes that inherit from BinExp so that they use your custom 
implementation. This is not a workable solution. We need the 
ability to specify not only that we're overriding a particular 
node, but that other nodes need to use it.

First, he thought about templating the AST nodes and inheriting 
from the templated version, but that means heavily modifying the 
compiler. Then he came up with a solution using mixins. You just 
mixin the code of the AST node that you want.

With this approach, the AST nodes are now mixin templates:

module expression_mixins;
import std.stdio;

mixin template Epression_code()
class Expression {}

mixin template BinExp_code()
class BinExp : Expression
void fun()
BinExp p = new BinExp();
Expression e = new Expression();

mixin template BinAssignExp_code()
class BinAssignExp : BinExp

mixin template AddAssignExp_code()
class AddAssignExp : BinAssignExp
override void fun()

mixin template MulAssignExp_code()
class MulAssignExp : BinAssignExp

And then the expression module becomes:

module expression;
import expression_mixins;
import std.stdio;

mixin Expression_code();
mixin BinExp_code();
mixin BinAssignExp_code();
mixin AddAssignExp_code();
mixin MulAssignExp_code();

In ast_family, ASTCodegen remains the same, but now you can do 
this for your custom AST:

struct MyAst
import expression_mixins;
import std.stdio;

mixin Expression_code();

mixin BinExp_code() t;
class MyBinExp : t.BinExp
override void fun()

alias BinExp = MyBinExp;
mixin BinAssignExp_code();
mixin AddAssignExp_code();
mixin MulAssignExp_code();

We could have something in the frontend library to generate the 
boilerplate automatically. But the main thing is that now you can 
replace any default node in the hierarchy with your custom 
implementation without needing to redeclare everything. In this 
example, everything that inherits from BinExp is now going to 
inherit from MyBinExp instead. This works. He showed a runnable 

He doesn't think this is that ugly. And for what it gives us, 
basically a pluggable AST, any perceived ugliness is worth it. He 
said it would be great if we could reach a consensus on how to go 

Átila said he liked it.

Razvan noted that a problem is that the semantic routine visitors 
aren't going to work anymore. But the cool thing is you can also 
put those in mixins. You mix those in with your custom AST, you 
inherit from and override whatever visiting nodes you want, and 
you get all of the functionality you need.

Timon said his main concern with this kind of scheme is that he 
has tried them in the past, and usually dmd dies when it tries to 
build itself. He thinks the current version of dmd will choke on 
this at some point. It always appears to work at the start, but 
if you scale it up enough, random stuff starts to break, like an 
"undefined identifier string", a general forward reference error, 
or an ICE, etc.

Razvan said he had encountered the undefined identifier thing, 
but you can work around that by inserting an alias in the problem 
spot. Regardless, he argued that any such error is a compiler bug 
that needs to be fixed.

Timon agreed, but his question was how do you navigate that when 
the compiler can't build itself because of a compiler bug? Razvan 
said he'd fix the bug.

Dennis noted tha

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread matheus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 04:46:44 UTC, matheus wrote:


Part 3:


Átila said he'd asked Roy after DConf if he wanted to write a 
spec for the new shared semantics but hadn't yet received a 
reply. He thought we could go ahead with it anyway, as it's 
probably going to be obvious in all the cases what we should do.

He'd also been thinking about Robert's suggestions regarding safe 
code, and the more he'd done so, the more they made sense. He 
didn't think we needed to wait for editions, because then we 
could solve all the problems we've had with DIP 1000, possibly in 
one fell swoop. The whole issue was we were making people have to 
add scope everywhere because they use @safe, even if the 
functions weren't doing anything "unscopey". They wouldn't have 
to anymore because it would only apply to @trusted. He thought we 
should go ahead with that, too.

Another thing: he'd been trying to play around with Timon's idea 
of pointers that have a compile-time enum saying if they're 
isolated or not. He wanted to do a proof of concept with a vector 
type and some allocators to see what that looks like. That might 
inform some decisions on how to add isolated to the language.

He'd also been thinking about how we could do editions.

I brought up an email Átila had sent recently about what features 
should go in the next edition. I suggested that's not what we 
need to be thinking about right now. We should first define 
exactly how editions were going to be implemented. For example, 
Walter had suggested the approach of attaching editions to module 
declarations. There are other possibilities. So we need to define 
what that looks like first. We should also be thinking about 
which features we need to have stabilized in the current 
language, which is going to be the default edition. What's broken 
now that we're not going to fix now, but want to defer until the 
first new edition?

Átila agreed. He said he'd wanted to know what we could maybe do 
with the new edition so that it could inform what potential 
issues could arise rather than dealing with it in the abstract. 
It's more because of that. Not even, "that's what we're going to 
do", but "what would we do if we could do anything" so that we 
could think of what could go wrong.

I thought this should be a high priority for us. I proposed that 
we put it on the agenda of our next planning session. Everyone 

(SPOILER: I'll post the September planning update a day or so 
after this summary, but in that session, we agreed that Átila 
would write up the proposal for editions by November 1st. We've 
since extended that to December.)

Before yielding his time, Átila said he'd like to write a program 
that fetches all of the dub packages and checks which ones still 
built so he could get a list of stuff we need to test the kinds 
of modifications like the shared and safe stuff, along with as 
many future dub packages as possible, instead of the 
hand-selected, curated list we have now.

Dennis thought even Phobos would break. He said that DIP 1000 was 
not a breaking change. The breaking change was fixing the accepts 
invalid bug that, so far, slicing a local static array has been 
allowed. Robert's proposal was strictly more breakage than DIP 

Átila said he understood that, but that code was obviously wrong 
anyway. The code was broken. It's just that the compiler didn't 
tell people. And the issue with DIP 1000 was adoption. The issue 
with that was having to add scope everywhere.

I said that's the kind of thing I was talking about earlier. If 
fixing shared or scope or anything was going to break a lot of 
code, shouldn't we defer fixing them to a new edition and not do 
it in the default language? Walter said DIP 1000 clearly had to 
be in an edition.

Átila said, "Okay." But the shared thing is a no-brainer. The 
code is completely wrong and we're not going to break anything by 
lowering it to atomics. Walter agreed.

Timon asked if the idea is to do operations on shared variables 
atomically. Walter said yes, for the ones where the CPU supports 
an atomic operation. If the CPU doesn't support an atomic 
operation on a variable, then it will not be allowed. It varies 
by target.

Timon said yes, but an atomic operation is not the only way to 
synchronize something. Átila said that's true, but the thing is, 
there's always an opt-out by casting away shared yourself. If 
you're going to do something to shared directly, you should 
either pass it to a function that takes shared, or cast it away 
and lock a mutex, or whatever you want.

Timon brought up Manu's push to just reject all of those 
operations. Átila said that doesn't work. He'd been trying to fix 
it this year and it's been one bug after another. Timon asked 
what the issue with that was. Átila said there were many, but 
gave one example: synchronized(mutex) doesn't compile with 
-preview=nosharedaccess because you're accessing the mutex. The 
runtime do

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread zjh via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 03:07:07 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

I can't access it,please post it here.

I can't. It's too big. That's why I posted it there.

I can't access `https://gist.github.com`,
Anyway, thank you for `your efforts`.

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread zjh via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 02:23:22 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:


Thank you,Have a nice day!

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread zjh via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 04:47:42 UTC, matheus wrote:

That's it!


Thank you, Matheus.Have a nice day.

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-12 Thread M.M. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 12 November 2023 at 19:50:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Well. For the first time in all my years of using these forums, 
I've managed to post something that exceeds the byte limit. 
You'll find the September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary at the 
following link:


Thank you for posting. As always, it's interesting read. And it's 
great for the community to get the feeling for what's happening.

Nice to see that people such as Adam and Timon joined these 
discussions recently.

Topic-wise, I would be interested in how the "shared" is going to 
be shaped. Especially, I remember Manu advocating for a quite 
simple in principle approach to it, but he never got to much 
positive vibes from the community. I noticed his suggestions 
mentioned in the summary notes of the DLF meeting, and wondered 
whether some of those ideas will be part of the discussion.