Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-25 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 09:51:13 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
This is my proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly. I 
would like to ask you to review it. You can find it here:

On the GC part. It says "The only unknown part is how to dump the 
registers to the stack to ensure no pointers are held in the 
registers only."

Please correct me where I'm wrong, but on the level of 
WebAssembly there are no registers, there is an operand stack 
outside the address space, there are local variables to the 
current function, again outside the accessible address space of 
program's linear memory, and there is the linear memory itself. 
So scanning the stack becomes a really hard (should I say 
impossible?) part. What some compilers do is they organize 
another stack manually in the linear memory and store the values 
that would otherwise be on the normal stack, there. Which means 
in case of D you'll have to seriously change the codegen, to 
change how local variables are stored, and to use a kind of 
shadow stack for temporaries in expressions that may be pointers. 
Do you really have a plan about it?

Re: fearless v0.0.1 - shared made easy (and @safe)

2018-09-19 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 18 September 2018 at 17:20:26 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

I was envious of std::sync::Mutex from Rust and thought: can I 
use DIP1000 to make this work in D and be @safe? Turns out, yes.

Nice! I spent a few minutes playing with the example and trying 
to break it, make the pointer escape, but I couldn't, the 
compiler caught me every time. This DIP1000 thing seems to be 

Re: Release D 2.078.1

2018-01-23 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 22 January 2018 at 20:43:56 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.078.1.

The Windows 7z archive version now has much simpler sc.ini, in 
fact too simple.

With Visual C++ 2015 x64 Native Build Tools now trying to run
dmd -m64 hi.d
I get
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libucrt.lib'
Error: linker exited with status 1104

So I needed to edit sc.ini and add back
to the [Environment64] section.

Then it went just as 2.078.0 - still missing 
legacy_stdio_definitions.lib that I need to add manually in the 
command line.

Re: ArithEval v0.5.0 released

2018-01-07 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 7 January 2018 at 20:41:57 UTC, Dechcaudron wrote:
It allows the runtime evaluation of simple math expressions 
like `1 + 2 * 3` or `1 ^ foo`, with foo being given values at 
run time.

That's a nice exercise in using Pegged.
Reminds me of another Pegged-based calculator with variables, 
more operations, more precision and more permissive license:

It hasn't been updated in 4 years but still can be built by Dub 
automatically, that's how stable D is these days!

Re: Release D 2.078.0

2018-01-04 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 4 January 2018 at 08:15:50 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 

What's missing is probably legacy_stdio_definition.lib that has 
to be added to the linker command line for VS2015 or later.

Yes, that is the case!
Using -v flag I can see that dmd 2.077 invokes
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
14.0\VC\\bin\link.exe /NOLOGO app /OUT:"app.exe"  /OPT:NOICF 
/LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
14.0\VC\\lib\amd64" /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Kits\10\\lib\x64"  /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Kits\10\\lib\10.0.10240.0\ucrt\x64" legacy_stdio_definitions.lib

While the new 2.078 just
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
14.0\VC\bin\link.exe /NOLOGO app /OUT:"app.exe"  /OPT:NOICF  
/LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
14.0\VC\lib\amd64" /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 

Please try replacing the Environment64 section in sc.ini with 
just this:


I'm using the variant from 7z archive (not installer). Its sc.ini 
section already looks very much like this.

Re: Release D 2.078.0

2018-01-03 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 3 January 2018 at 17:43:36 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.078.0.

This release comes with runtime detection of Visual Studio 
installation paths

I've got a problem with linking phobos64.lib now.
I run "Visual C++ 2015 x64 Native Build Tools Command Prompt", 
i.e. cmd.exe with environment set up.
With dmd 2.077.0 I run "dmd app.d -m64 -ofapp.exe" and it all 
goes well, compiles and links successfully.

With dmd 2.078.0 I run "dmd app.d -m64 -ofapp.exe" and get:

phobos64.lib(stacktrace_196a_3e5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol snprintf referenced in function 
phobos64.lib(parseoptions_bee_21b.obj) : error LNK2001: 
unresolved external symbol snprintf
phobos64.lib(demangle_ab0_79b.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbol snprintf
phobos64.lib(parseoptions_bee_21b.obj) : error LNK2019: 
unresolved external symbol sscanf referenced in function 

app.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
Error: linker exited with status 1120

Re: vibe.d 0.8.0 and 0.7.31 beta releases

2017-01-31 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 31 January 2017 at 13:27:31 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

0.7.31 will work with 2.069-2.073 and 0.8.0 will work with 
2.070-2.073. This is especially interesting because GDC master 
is still on 2.069.x.


Re: vibe.d 0.8.0 and 0.7.31 beta releases

2017-01-31 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 31 January 2017 at 11:11:28 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
For anyone who does not depend on old D frontends, it is 
strongly recommended to switch to the 0.8.x branch

What do you mean here by "old D frontends"? What are minimal dmd 
versions for 0.7 and 0.8 branches?

Re: Project Highlight: Voxelman

2017-01-01 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 31 December 2016 at 14:22:40 UTC, jkpl wrote:

What I mean is that there's a compilation error related to dlib:

What's your compiler version?
Many libraries and projects are not building with dmd 2.072 yet, 
but they build fine with dmd 2.071.

Re: unDE 0.1.0: original file manager, image and text viewer

2016-12-17 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 20:16:10 UTC, unDEFER wrote:

Hello, my dear friends!
So many days you answers on many my questions.
And today I glad to present my work: unDE 0.1.0.
It is very original file manager, image and text viewer.
More information:
Video with English subtitles:

Interesting, but requiring Cygwin on Windows is a no go. You're 
reducing your potential Windows userbase by 99%.

Re: Article: Running D without its runtime

2016-11-09 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 10 November 2016 at 00:56:02 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 

Great post and useful pieces of code, thanks!

"every class object's destructor is assumed to throw exceptions 
and use the GC by default."

This is the schizophrenic part of D, since allocations inside 
destructors are not allowed by its own runtime and cause 
immediate stop of the program. A sane language would either 
insist on making all destructors @nogc or allow some allocations 
during the GC phase (like CLR and JVM do, I suppose).

And exceptions in destructors should not be allowed: there is no 
sane place to catch and handle exceptions arising during the GC 
phase (which can be triggered by arbitrary allocation anywhere in 
the code), so if we can't reason about them and handle them we 
shouldn't allow them.

Re: Release D 2.072.0

2016-11-07 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 7 November 2016 at 18:55:29 UTC, Anonymous wrote:
To be honest, I know that the D world existed before me, and I 
know that it'll still exist if I leave. Between, 2.072 is the 
worst release I've ever seen.

Yep. I tried 2.072 on a current DLangUI project under Win32. 
Compiled fine, but at runtime - exception, exception, exception, 
crash, crash, crash. Nothing works (what worked ok with previous 
dmd). Ran away screaming, back to 2.071. Sorry. I might try 
exploring the issues a bit later, can't do right now.

Re: The DLang UPB Languages and Systems Research Scholarship

2016-10-28 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 26 October 2016 at 01:11:05 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

For anyone tempted to share this on /r/programming, please 
wait! I hope to do a blog post about this on Friday, so I'll 
post to reddit then. Thanks!

Please don't. This is a total offtopic for /r/programming, don't 
create the reputation "dlang seeks for attention and spams with 
irrelevant stuff".

Re: [GSoC] Precise GC

2016-09-07 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 6 September 2016 at 14:56:15 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

GC (and runtime in general) has no idea what code is safe and 
what code is system. GC works with data at run-time. All 
@safe-related stuff is about code (not data!) and happens at 
compile-time. They are completely orthogonal and independent, 
as I understand.

I don't see why you wouldn't be able to use compile-time 
information like __traits with the runtime.

In my head, I imagine that at compile-time you can figure out 
which unions are in @safe functions, add a UDA to each (so 
you're marking data, not code), and then read that information 
at run-time (like with __traits).

UDAs are also purely compile-time, they don't exist as run-time 

Re: [GSoC] Precise GC

2016-09-03 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 2 September 2016 at 14:55:26 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

Anyway, with @safe unions, my thinking is that it would mean 
that the garbage collector can be made precise in @safe code in 
a way that it can't in @system code (assuming unions with 
pointers aren't snuck in through @trusted).

GC (and runtime in general) has no idea what code is safe and 
what code is system. GC works with data at run-time. All 
@safe-related stuff is about code (not data!) and happens at 
compile-time. They are completely orthogonal and independent, as 
I understand.

Re: [GSoC] Precise GC

2016-09-01 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 2 September 2016 at 03:25:33 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:

Hi everyone,

I know I'm super late to the party for this, and sorry for 
that. While my work on the precise GC didn't go as planned, it 
is closer than it was to be getting merged.

My open PR for the actual inclusion of the precise GC is here:

So what's its current state, how is it different from the version 
Rainer had years ago? Is stack scan precise? Are closures scanned 
precisely? What about unions? We'd be happy to see some overview 
of this version, what it does and how it succeeds (or fails).

Re: GSoC 2016 - Precise GC

2016-05-08 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 8 May 2016 at 11:16:56 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Ones that have only pointers are probably OK too. Though I'm 
not sure if a precise scanner takes into account the type of 
the pointer. I would expect it to use embedded typeinfo in 
target block.


Because of void* and classes, the GC MUST be able to find out 
what type was actually allocated, or at least its pointer 

Yep, and it does that by looking at metadata of the pointed 
object itself, it doesn't care about the type of pointer to that 
object. I mean if we have object x of class X in heap and 
pointers "X p1", "void* p2" and "Y p3" all having same value  
(pointing to the same address) then GC will have no problem in 
scanning x as long as it can access x's type info knowing the 
address of x in heap. Which means all p1, p2 and p3 might easily 
be just at one position in a union and that would not be a 

Re: Commercial video processing app in D (experience report)

2016-05-05 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 5 May 2016 at 18:33:44 UTC, TheGag96 wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 April 2016 at 12:42:05 UTC, thedeemon wrote:


Sorry to bump this thread, but how did you handle multiple 
windows using DlangUI? (As in, were you able to prevent input 
on the main window while another one was open, etc.) I know 
Vadim/buggins is working on improving that right now but I'd 
like to know if there's a clean way to handle more than one 
window already.

In our case there is one main window and a few other windows get 
opened one at a time (Platform.instance.createWindow with 
WindowFlag.Modal), increasing number of open windows to 2, and 
sometimes native dialogs are invoked in addition to the 2 DLangUI 
windows. I remember there was some glitches like if you press 
Enter in OS-native file dialog and it gets closed then an odd 
Enter key press message may be received by DLangUI window, but we 
used one simple trick: before opening some modal window change 
focus in current window to something harmless. After that 
everything worked quite well. But we're not using more than one 
active (i.e. not shadowed by a modal one) window at a time, so 
don't meet with issues you might meet there.

Re: Commercial video processing app in D (experience report)

2016-04-28 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 28 April 2016 at 06:22:18 UTC, Relja Ljubobratovic 

Can you share with us some of your experience working on image 
and video processing modules in the app, such as are filters 

If I may ask, was that part implemented in D, C++, or was some 
3rd party library used?


The filters listed there are third-party plugins originally 
created for VirtualDub ( ) by different 
people, in C++. We made just 2-3 of them, like motion-based 
temporal denoiser (Film Dirt Cleaner) and Intelligent Brightness 
filter for automatic brightness/contrast correction. Our most 
interesting and distinctive piece of tech is our Super Resolution 
engine for video upsizing and it's not in that list, it's 
built-in in the app (and also available separately as plugins for 
some other hosts). All this image processing stuff is written in 
C++ and works directly with raw image bytes, no special libraries 
involved. When video processing starts our filters usually launch 
a bunch of worker threads and these threads work in parallel each 
on its part of video frame (divided into horizontal stripes 
usually). Inside they often work block-wise and we have a bunch 
of template classes for different blocks (RGB or monochrome) 
parameterized by pixel data type and often block size, so the 
size is often is known at compile-time and compiler can unroll 
the loops properly. When doing motion search we're using our 
vector class parameterized by precision, so we have vectors of 
different precision (low-res pixel, high-res pixel, half-pixel, 
quarter-pixel etc.) and type system makes sure I don't add or mix 
vectors of different precision and don't pass a 
half-pixel-precise vector to a block reading routine that expects 
quarter-pixel precise coordinates. Where it makes sense and 
possible we use SIMD classes like F32vec4 and/or SIMD intrinsics 
for pixel operations.

Video Enhancer allows chaining several VD filters and our SR 
rescaler instances to a pipeline and it's also parallelized, so 
when first filter finishes with frame X it can immediately start 
working on frame X+1 while the next filter is still working on 
frame X. Previously it was organized as a chain of DirectShow 
filters with a special Parallelizer filter inserted between video 
processing ones, this Parallelizer had some frame queue inside 
and separated receiving and sending threads, allowing the 
connected filters to work in parallel. In version 2 it's 
trickier, since we need to be able to seek to different positions 
in the video and some filters may request a few frames before and 
after the current, so sequential pipeline doesn't suffice 
anymore, now we build a virtual chain inside one big DirectShow 
filter, and each node in that chain has its worker thread and 
they do message passing to communicate. After all, we now have a 
big DirectShow filter in 11K lines of C++ that does both Super 
Resolution resizing and invoking VirtualDub plugins (imitating 
VirtualDub for them) and doing colorspace conversions where 
necessary and organizing them all into a pipeline that is 
pull-based inside but behaves as push-based DirectShow filter 

So the D part is using COM to build and run a DirectShow graph 
with all the readers, splitters, codecs and of course our big 
video processing DirectShow filter, it talks to it via COM and 
some callbacks but doesn't do much with video frames apart from 

Btw, if you're interested in an image processing app in pure D, 
I've got one too:
(sources: )

Re: Commercial video processing app in D (experience report)

2016-04-27 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 27 April 2016 at 15:57:19 UTC, Christof Schardt 

Just a question: When working with C++, did you use 

I've used it previously in earlier VS versions but not in VS2010.
VisualAssist is really great, I agree. VisualD is far from it but 
at least it's better than  C++ support in plain VS2010 without VA.

Re: Commercial video processing app in D (experience report)

2016-04-27 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 27 April 2016 at 13:04:27 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:

Screenshots are so blurred.

They are not. Just click to enlarge, your browser blurred them 
while resizing.

Commercial video processing app in D (experience report)

2016-04-27 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

I just wanted to share some experience of using D in industry.
Recently my little company released version 2.0 of our flagship 
product Video Enhancer, a video processing application for 
Windows, and this time it's written in D.

Couple of screenshots:

Version 1 was born like 10 years ago and was of course written in 
C++. It consisted of main GUI executable and 5 dynamically loaded 
DirectShow filters. For GUI version 1 used MFC and a third-party 
skinning engine. This skinning engine had its own problems but 
since we didn't have its sources we couldn't fix them, meanwhile 
its author disappeared in sands of time. So when time has come to 
create version 2 I chose the best available language and an open 
source GUI library with 100% control and customizability - 
DLangUI. Overall, I'm pretty happy with this choice.

Version 2 is quite different from v1 in feature set and internal 
structure, it's not a direct translation. It consists of two 
executables running in tandem (one does GUI, the other deals with 
video) and 2 dynamically loaded DirectShow filters. Both main 
executables are purely in D, while the DirectShow filters are 
still in C++. Heavy number crunching, including our main feature 
- motion-based video upscaler - is still in C++, because of heavy 
SIMD usage and Intel compiler.

Main executable of version 1 was ~34K lines of C++ (half of which 
were libraries like pugixml) and full build took ~90 seconds.
Main executables of version 2 are in total ~7.5K lines of D (of 
which 2K are auto generated by IDL2D tool) and full build of GUI 
app takes 7 seconds (and the worker app builds in 3-4 seconds), 
so that's a really nice improvement.
Thanks to Phobos we don't need many libraries: things like XML 
parsing, ZIP unpacking and many others are all covered by the 
standard library. Only two additional libraries were used: 
Cerealed for serialization of messages the two processes 
exchange, and DLangUI.

Some things to reflect on:

Compiler used is DMD 2.070, 32-bit target. Video Enhancer 
supports 200+ plugins from VirtualDub and they happen to be 
32-bit, so our app has to be 32-bit too. Speed of code generated 
by DMD is more than enough, even debug builds were fast enough. 
The default linker is used (not the MS one), and I was worried 
there might be some troubles with antivirus false positives (that 
happened before when using optlink) but no, everything went 
smooth and no problems with optlink arose whatsoever.

Visual Studio 2010 with VisualD. I've used this combo for many 
years, generally quite successively. Last year its D parser had 
some problems that made it crash on code that used DLangUI, and 
that was painful. I even made a patch that made the crash silent, 
so VisualD would silently reload the parser and continue working. 
It worked, but luckily authors of D parser and VisualD quickly 
found the crash cause and fixed it, since then everything works 
smoothly out of the box. I like how well DML works there, with 
syntax highlighting and autocompletion:

We're not using Dub to build the app, it tends to be slow and 
rebuild dependencies too often (or maybe I just haven't learnt to 
use it properly). Instead we use Dub to build the libraries and 
produce .lib files, then reference libraries sources and lib 
files in VisualD project of the main apps and then use VisualD's 
simple building process that just invokes DMD.

This compile-time-introspection-based serializaition lib is 
really great: powerful and easy to use. We're probably using an 
old version, haven't updated for some time, and the version we 
use sometimes had problems serializing certain types (like 
bool[], IIRC), so sometimes we had to tweak our message types to 
make it compile, but most of the time it just works.

Very nice library. Documentation is very sparse though, so 
learning to use DLangUI often means reading source code of 
examples and the lib itself, and sometimes even that's not enough 
and you need to learn some Android basics, since it originates 
from Android world. But once you learn how to use it, how to 
encode what you need in DML (a QML counterpart) or add required 
functionality by overriding some method of its class, it's really 
great and pleasant to use. Many times I was so happy the source 
code is available, first for learning, then for tweaking and 
fixing bugs. I've found a few minor bugs and sent a few trivial 
fixes that were merged quickly. DLangUI is cross-platform and has 
several backends for drawing and font rendering. We're using its 
minimal build targeted to use Win32 API (had to tweak dub.json a 
bit). We don't use OpenGL, as it's not really guaranteed to work 
well on any Windows box. Using just WinAPI makes our app 

Re: DlangUI on Android

2016-04-24 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 23 April 2016 at 18:16:38 UTC, Chris wrote:

Anyone interested in taking DlangUI and turning it into 
something like Swing/JavaFX for D?

What exactly do you mean by that?

Re: Release D 2.070.0

2016-01-31 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 31 January 2016 at 00:13:46 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

NB: tagged commit has 2.069 in VERSION file resulting in built 
compiler reporting wrong version. I have added a workaround in 
packaging script for now but would be nice to fix that in 

Btw, dmd.exe 2.070.0 when run says Copyright 1999-2015, even 
though it's released in 2016.

Re: Walter on his experience as a dev, on running an open source project and D

2016-01-20 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 20 January 2016 at 11:07:16 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
From what Walter said, they all knew c. So not really too low 
level for them.

To me it looked like:
Walter: "You all write in C, right?"
Audience silent with expression on their faces "What is C? We've 
only heard about JavaScript".


Re: Damage Control: An homage to Rampart (Alpha)

2016-01-02 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 31 December 2015 at 16:43:53 UTC, rcorre wrote:
Its very incomplete, but if you don't mind spending a few 
minutes trying it out I'd really appreciate it.
Any feedback is appreciated -- either drop a comment here or 
file an issue on Github.
There's no included tutorial as I'm hoping the gameplay will be 
pretty self-evident (let me know if it isn't!).

It works fine for me on Win 8.1. But I have no idea what's going 
on in the game, gameplay is totally unknown to me. ;)

Re: let (x,y) = ...

2015-11-23 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 23 November 2015 at 16:58:43 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:
Nice. Why first enforce is "==" rather than ">=" ? This 
prevents something like:

auto arr = ["hello", "world", "!"];
let (hello, world) = arr;

The very first post of this thread should have answered this.
Two options are available: one requires exact number of elements 
and so catches more errors, the other requires there to be 
"enough" data, for cases where you want that. To get behavior you 
described just use

let (hello, world)[] = arr;

Re: let (x,y) = ...

2015-11-23 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 22 November 2015 at 18:47:34 UTC, visitor wrote:

What is the reason for using pointers (alias pointerOf(T) = T*  

it works without ! what am i missing ?

What and how exactly works without?
My original solution remembers in the constructor addresses of 
variables to fill, then does the filling in opAssign operator, so 
I needed a way to store the references and used pointers for that.

Re: let (x,y) = ...

2015-11-23 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 23 November 2015 at 22:32:57 UTC, visitor wrote:

On Monday, 23 November 2015 at 20:10:49 UTC, visitor wrote:

Andrea Fontana(s allows
let (hello, world) = ["hi", "there", "!"];

of course in your version let (hello, world)[] = ["hi", 
"there", "!"] works
but for consistency with range, i think Fontana's note is 

Well, I believe it's a matter of taste. By allowing different 
number of elements there you allow more errors to sink in without 
gaining anything at all. You lose the choice between strict and 
loose operators, erase the difference. It's not the "consistency" 
I would like to have.

Re: let (x,y) = ...

2015-11-23 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 23 November 2015 at 11:12:33 UTC, visitor wrote:

My original solution remembers in the constructor addresses of 
variables to fill, then does the filling in opAssign operator, 
so I needed a way to store the references and used pointers 
for that.

yes, but you are using ref : "auto let(Ts...)(ref Ts vars)"
so vars are changed, no need to store anything, no?
i was wondering if there is some subtleties or efficiency 
reasons for using pointers

Thanks for the code!
Yep, this way it works too, by capturing input vars in a closure. 
So the main difference is that your variant allocates GC memory 
while original variant does not allocate anything in the heap 
(only on stack).

Re: Please vote for the DConf logo

2015-11-04 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 4 November 2015 at 09:30:30 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

Reply to this with 1.1, 1.2, 2, or 3:


Re: Is there a smart way to process a range of range by front ?

2015-09-23 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 23 September 2015 at 20:44:07 UTC, BBasile wrote:
I was thinking to a general *interleave()* algorithm for any 
compatible Range of Range but I can't find any smart way to 
process each sub range by front, eg:

Is it possible ?

What exactly shall your function do? How is it different from

Re: Go 1.5

2015-09-19 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 19 September 2015 at 09:22:40 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

Please, let's stop pretending you only have to scan the GC 
heap. You have to scan all pointers that somehow can lead to 
something that can lead to something... that points into the GC 

Yes, good point. One should keep root ranges small too.
If we carefully use addRoot() and addRange() for data directly 
pointing to GC heap I think we don't need to let GC scan 
everything that can lead to this data. This is error-prone in 
general, of course.

Re: Go 1.5

2015-09-19 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 18 September 2015 at 19:26:27 UTC, Rory wrote:
The new GC in Go 1.5 seems interesting. What they say about is 
certainly interesting.

They went the way of classical GC-ed language where write 
barriers are used actively, allowing to make concurrent, 
incremental and (eventually, if not yet) generational GC. However 
it has a cost - pointer field updates are slower than in plain 
C/C++/D, and overall speed is close to Java. D tries to be like C 
and C++ where simple code is fast and straightforward, there are 
no write barriers and there will never be, without changing the 
language design. It means D's GC will always be dog slow - it has 
to stop the world and scan full heap every time. And that leads 
to different usage pattern where GC heap should remain small and 
GC allocation rate low.

Re: Blog post : OOP composition with mixins

2015-08-25 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 24 August 2015 at 16:21:04 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:

What I think D community would benefit from would be a series 
of Idiomatic D articles.

This collection of short pieces comes to mind:

[blog post] Dependent types in (half of) D

2015-07-30 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce
I had this idea for a long time but a recent talk about a real 
dependently typed language helped me with nice examples to 
demonstrate on. The interpreted part of D is actually dependently 

Re: [blog post] Dependent types in (half of) D

2015-07-30 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 13:25:31 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
There is no dependent typing here. Failures occur during 

Type theory doesn't say anything about interpretation and 
compilation. Are you saying there cannot be an interpreted 
dependently typed language? (hint: Idris has a REPL)
Also, during compilation dependently typed languages evaluate a 
lot of code (do CTFE in D terms), and some fails occur during 
this process. So this is not the real difference.

Re: [blog post] Dependent types in (half of) D

2015-07-30 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 16:13:46 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
You need to consider the type system and the evaluation 
semantics. What are they for the interpreted meta-programming 
part of D? (I can find the semantics, but not a non-trivial 
type system.)

Yes, this is what interests me too.

The real difference is (roughly!) that the dependently typed 
interpreted program always fails If there is some execution in 
which it would fail.

(assuming type-safety).
Dynamically typed interpreted languages on the other hand 
only fail if the particular execution exposed fails. This is 
what we are looking at here.

I feel it too, but is this really about dynamic/dependent _types_ 
or is it about static/dynamic checking? This is probably more 
about compilation semantics than actual type system.
Also, if we have some code paths that are incorrect but never 
used during compilation, isn't it a guarantee they will never be 
used at all at runtime so the compiled program is correct? (I'm 
not sure about all this)

Re: Visual D 0.3.41 released

2015-05-16 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 16 May 2015 at 09:09:38 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

there is a new release of Visual D available at

Great, thank you very much for your work!

Re: Release D 2.067.0

2015-03-25 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 24 March 2015 at 17:08:03 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.067.0.

See the changelog for more details.

I don't see any mention of DIP25 here (Sealed references - return 
ref arguments etc.). Was it implemented and included in this 

Re: let (x,y) = ...

2015-02-19 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 19 February 2015 at 09:46:13 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

On Thursday, 19 February 2015 at 04:38:32 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

let (name, age) = getTuple();

Maybe change the name to tie:

SML, OCaml, Haskell, F#, ATS, Rust, Swift and others have it as 
let keyword, so personally I'd prefer continuing that tradition.

Re: let (x,y) = ...

2015-02-19 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 19 February 2015 at 09:31:59 UTC, ponce wrote:

That's pretty neat! May I turn this code into a d-idioms? Name 
and link will be kept of course.

Sure, if you wish. There was just one person using this thing 
until today, so I dunno whether it deserves to be in that list.

let (x,y) = ...

2015-02-18 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

Creating tuples and returning them from functions is trivial in D:

auto getTuple() { return tuple(Bob, 42); }

but using them afterwards can be confusing and error prone

auto t = getTuple();
writeln(name is , t[0],  age is , t[1]);

I really missed the ML syntax to write

let (name, age) = getTuple();

Turns out this is ridiculously easy to implement in D, so here's 
my very tiny module for this: (scroll down to 

It allows you to write:

int x, y, z, age;
string name;

let (name, age) = getTuple();   // tuple
let (x,y,z) = argv[1..4].map!(to!int);  // lazy range
let (x,y,z) = [1,2,3];  // array

SomeStruct s;
let (s.a, s.b) = tuple(3, piggies);

If a range or array doesn't have enough elements, this thing will 
throw, and if it's not desired there's

let (x,y,z)[] = ...
variant that uses just the available data and keeps the rest 
variables unchanged.

Re: dfl2 is comming

2014-10-16 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 15 October 2014 at 23:44:47 UTC, FrankLike wrote:

select the master.

Thank you.

There were 15 forks of DFL on github (some of them working fine 
with 2.066), you made a 16nth, with another name. ;)

What's the point?

Btw, your version (just like most others) contains bugs causing 
the app to crash on exit. The issue is with destructors (in Timer 
and Tooltip, for example) that try to access some global/static 
variables, and when the app closes GC does its final cycle and 
calls destructors, and at this time many of those objects are 
already dead. It went silent in older versions of D, but since 
2.065 was pretty visible.

My fix is here:
(sadly, combined with additional changes I made when trying to 
find the bugs)

Re: D2 port of Sociomantic CDGC available for early experiments

2014-10-16 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-announce
Gentlemen, do I understand correctly that you're trying to find a 
Windows-friendly switch to something that will never see the 
light on Windows (because of being based on fork)?

Re: early alpha of D REPL

2014-02-12 Thread thedeemon

On Wednesday, 12 February 2014 at 04:43:00 UTC, cal wrote:

On Tuesday, 11 February 2014 at 11:33:53 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

Have you seen Dabble?

Just found out its author added Linux support. I was able to 
build an x86 version but it didn't work properly in a 64 bit 
system: it assumes dmd makes x86 binaries by default while it 
really makes 64-bit ones.

I don't have a 64-bit tool-chain to play with, could submit 
those 64 bit build errors on github?

I've just submitted a pull request for compiling dabble repl in 
64 bits and created an issue on github with the linking problem 
arising when it tries to work. My diagnosis of the problem might 
be absolutely wrong though.

Re: early alpha of D REPL

2014-02-11 Thread thedeemon

Have you seen Dabble?

Just found out its author added Linux support. I was able to 
build an x86 version but it didn't work properly in a 64 bit 
system: it assumes dmd makes x86 binaries by default while it 
really makes 64-bit ones. And for 64 bits Dabble doesn't compile: 
as it often happens, it's too easy to forget that array.length is 
not always uint.

Re: Scriptlike: New lib to aid in writing script-like programs

2014-02-11 Thread thedeemon
On Tuesday, 11 February 2014 at 11:38:06 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
I've released a little one-module utility, Scriptlike, to help 
simplify writing shell script-like programs in D:

Sounds very nice and handy. I tend to write my scripts in D these 
days, often migrating them from Ruby, and this lib might be 
helpful. Thanks for putting it  up!

Re: Crystal

2013-02-28 Thread thedeemon
On Sunday, 17 February 2013 at 06:28:09 UTC, Ary Borenszweig 
One time I asked in this newsgroup if it was possible to have 
an auto keyword for function/method arguments. And... why not 
make all functions/methods be templates on the type of its 

I think nobody liked this idea. I said Ruby is like this: you 
never specify types in method definitions.

I started thinking about this idea: a compiled language that 
looked like a dynamic language. Is it possible?

I think everyone who wants to create languages should first 
familiarize himself with ML family of languages and especially 
OCaml. It's got global type inference done right, you can write 
big programs never specifying types of arguments of functions, 
they all got inferred, and not just to first occurrence but to 
most general (polymorphic) form. The compiler is incredibly fast 
and generated code is pretty fast too (approximately as fast as 

Things to learn: Damas-Hindley-Milner, structural typing, row 

So your questions are already answered ages ago: yes, it is 
possible to have static typing with conciseness of dynamic 
languages, speed of static languages and a fast compiler which 
inferences types.

Also, knowing OCaml will make your life much easier as a compiler 
developer. Writing compilers is much much easier and more 
convenient in ML than in Ruby, I know it from first-hand 
experience, I did both in the past.

Re: A look at the D programming language by Ferdynand Górski

2013-01-08 Thread thedeemon

On Monday, 7 January 2013 at 22:14:46 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 01/07/2013 01:57 PM, Phil Lavoie wrote:

 I meant scope objects work fine in most cases, but sometimes
its good to
 explicitly delete objects on the heap.

Usually, what is needed is to just finalize the object. The 
memory that it sits on should still be managed by the GC.

This is all fine when GC is precise. With current GC in 32 bits 
I'd rather have manual deallocation than leaks. This is actually 
what I successfully did in a photo editing app: using 'delete' 
for large chunks of data (uncompressed photos) and GC for the 
rest. This way everything worked smoothly.

Re: A look at the D programming language by Ferdynand Górski

2013-01-07 Thread thedeemon

On Monday, 7 January 2013 at 11:31:46 UTC, bearophile wrote:

There is also Rust.

I had the impression that Rust was at embryonic stage where it 
changes all the time, can't really live by itself and is not born 
yet. It's an interesting project but not a language one would use 
today for real work. Or am I mistaken?

Re: Visual D 0.3.35 released - semantic analysis considered stable

2013-01-03 Thread thedeemon
Fixed here:

Fixed indeed. Thanks a lot!

Re: vibe.d 0.7.10 released

2013-01-03 Thread thedeemon

Great news, keep up the good work!

Last month I used previous version to make a simple online app 
for one contest. I developed in Windows and deployed in Linux (a 
small VPS, installed dmd from some package and vibe.d from the 
zip archive). I had only a few hours to make that app and 
everything worked very smoothly. The app is still running and 
after a few weeks of work its memory usage is still just a few 
MBs, and CPU load was always close to 0% (I don't have much 
traffic there though). Thank you for a great product!

My only nuisance was a clash of some DLLs in the path between 
vibe.d and Visual-D. After adding vibe.d dir to system path 
Visual-D started to crash. Have to keep them separated.

Re: Visual D 0.3.35 released - semantic analysis considered stable

2013-01-01 Thread thedeemon
After switching to this version it started to build my windows 
app as a console one. It seems to ignore the subsystem choice, I 
don't see any mention of -L/SUBSYSTEM: in generated build scripts 

Previously I had 0.3.33, I guess, which compiled and linked in 
one go, not in separate steps, it worked fine.

Re: DConf 2013 on we're live!

2012-10-24 Thread thedeemon
On Monday, 22 October 2012 at 17:25:28 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
We're on! For one month starting today, we're raising funding 
for DConf 2013.

Please pledge your support and encourage your friends to do the 
same. Hope to see you in 2013!

I'm a backer now, with Facebook and Amazon accounts it was real 
quick and simple.

My evil plan is the fact of organizing this conference will bring 
more people's attention to the language, more adopters and 
developers, so the implementation will get better and better 

Re: Visual D 0.3.34 released - powered by a precise garbage collector

2012-10-13 Thread thedeemon

On Friday, 12 October 2012 at 17:37:09 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
after struggling with memory issues for too long, the newest 
version of Visual D enjoys the benefits of a pretty precise 
garbage collector.

Great news!
I'm a happy thankful user of VisualD. I really like the fact that 
the new precise GC is being tested on a real world project, and 
that it happens in Windows, not yet another unix-only development.

What are your thoughts on current state of precise_gc2? How 
stable and how fast is it? What are the current plans for it?

Re: Remus

2012-10-09 Thread thedeemon

On Tuesday, 9 October 2012 at 19:34:01 UTC, Namespace wrote:

Stack Instances:
There aren't many words for: if you need a stack instance, 
write: local Foo f = new Foo(); it's more or less the same as 

What's the difference between this and std.typecons.scoped, 
except for alignment and syntax?