Re: A bit more Emscripten

2018-05-10 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 08:32:07 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 
On Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at 08:53:36 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 

Progress update:

- std.stdio.writeln() works
- Using a D main() works (though unittests and static 
constructors still don't)

- WebAssembly output works!
- std.allocator works (at least, Mallocator + building-blocks 

Very cool, Vladimir.  When I get time we will try to see if it's 
useful for some internal prototype tools.

Re: A bit more Emscripten

2018-05-10 Thread Vladimir Panteleev via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at 08:53:36 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

Progress update:

- std.stdio.writeln() works
- Using a D main() works (though unittests and static 
constructors still don't)

- WebAssembly output works!
- std.allocator works (at least, Mallocator + building-blocks do)

Re: A bit more Emscripten

2018-05-10 Thread Dukc via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at 08:53:36 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
I heard there was a bit of general interest on the subject, so 
would be interesting to hear about more potential use cases.

Like Franklin, I am programming a web page. It works fully with 
script, even the html elements are described in the script, not 
at the html document. Since JavaScript sucks as a source 
language, I use Bridge.NET to compile C# to it. From day one I 
decided that if my web page needs custom server code someday, 
Vibe.d is the first thing I will look at.

With so much logic on client-side, it is a tempting thought to 
use D there too. I have made a few test runs with LDC/Emscripten, 
but the biggest problem is unability to call most HTML element 
logic directly. Emsrcipten does have a c++ module to call custom 
JS classes, I am going to try it with Calypso someday.

This work is not exactly what I was looking for, as if I can call 
JavaScript I'll be able to call it's functions which should 
remove most of the need for a runtime, memory management excluded.

Definitely I can see it useful and worth following nonetheless: 
It will make porting a desktop application to a web page easier, 
or vice-versa. It's a tantalizing thought that one could start 
developing an application and only later decide whether a browser 
will host it or no. Of course, this would for most cases require 
a GUI that works in both enviroments.

Re: A bit more Emscripten

2018-05-08 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at 18:44:06 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

On Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at 09:51:11 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
I've been recently assigned the task of building a web-based 
Ladder Logic editor/compiler 
( This would not 
be a short-lived application, however.

Hmm, sounds like this would be an interactive application that 
would need access to the HTML DOM. Currently, this isn't 
directly possible - when running in an asm.js VM, there is no D 
type to represent a JavaScript object. It is possible to call 
out to / eval JavaScript, though, so perhaps it could be 
possible using a shim, where a JavaScript array holds 
JavaScript/DOM objects, and D refers to them by index.

Maybe we could port something like this to D.  Or wait till 
someday dpp can #include the STL.

Re: A bit more Emscripten

2018-05-08 Thread Vladimir Panteleev via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at 09:51:11 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
I've been recently assigned the task of building a web-based 
Ladder Logic editor/compiler 
( This would not be 
a short-lived application, however.

Hmm, sounds like this would be an interactive application that 
would need access to the HTML DOM. Currently, this isn't directly 
possible - when running in an asm.js VM, there is no D type to 
represent a JavaScript object. It is possible to call out to / 
eval JavaScript, though, so perhaps it could be possible using a 
shim, where a JavaScript array holds JavaScript/DOM objects, and 
D refers to them by index.

I'm not sure if I would be much help with this, but know that 
there is demand for it.  I think the difficult part would be 
porting the D runtime to "browser" environment, and I'm not 
sure what's involved with that, especially given all platform 
dependencies that the runtime is currently bound to.

Here are some of the challenges with getting D to run on 

- Emscripten is neither Windows nor Posix, which causes most 
version(platform){...}else... blocks to fail. Emscripten does 
provide a libc (based on glibc, I think) which even abstracts 
some things like I/O and the filesystem, but the feature set is 
definitely less complete than the platforms we currently support, 
so there's lots of stubbing involved.

- As a result of this, some parts of Phobos simply have no way of 
working correctly. For example, a good part of std.math concerns 
itself with the floating-point environment and flags, but in our 
case these all come down to "whatever the browser gives you" - 
which is probably standardized, but not under your control. So, 
these definitions would need a version(dscripten){}else wrapper.

- In theory, garbage collection might be made to work, with 
extensive help from the compiler. The problem is that we are 
still using JavaScript's stack, which means we can't scan it for 
pointers. It could be worked around by getting the compiler to 
also place references to heap objects somewhere else, like a 
second stack. For the short term, a practical approach would be 
to use @nogc memory allocation / container libraries 
(std.allocator etc.) and minimize GC allocations (e.g. closures 
are still nice to have).

- Exceptions do not work - throwing simply aborts. C++ exceptions 
do work in emscripten, so I think this could be made to work if a 
compiler guru spends some time on it.

- Threads look like they could be made to work - emscripten seems 
to have some wrappers to create/control Web Workers through a 
libpthreads-like API.

Re: A bit more Emscripten

2018-05-08 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at 08:53:36 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

I heard there was a bit of general interest on the subject, so 
would be interesting to hear about more potential use cases.

I've been recently assigned the task of building a web-based 
Ladder Logic editor/compiler 
( This would not be a 
short-lived application, however.

I'd like to use D so I can take advantage of its fantastic 
modeling features to help manage the complexity of building such 
tool.  It would also be more familiar, and therefore more 
productive, for me to use a language like D, so I don't have to 
do so much study and figuring to implement my ideas in 
Javascript, or learn some new 
API/framework/library/tool/whatever.  One of my primary 
motivations for learning D is to avoid having to learn a 
different programming language for every different platform or 
problem domain:  modeling power, modern convenience, and native 
efficiency are the trifecta for me (we should have kept that 
motto, IMO).  Add some platform independence, and I'm extremely 

For now, unfortunately, it looks like I'll probably be using 
primarily Javascript and C#.

I'm not sure if I would be much help with this, but know that 
there is demand for it.  I think the difficult part would be 
porting the D runtime to "browser" environment, and I'm not sure 
what's involved with that, especially given all platform 
dependencies that the runtime is currently bound to.


A bit more Emscripten

2018-05-08 Thread Vladimir Panteleev via Digitalmars-d-announce

This builds a little upon Sebastien Alaiwan (Ace17)'s excellent 
prior work of putting together a toolchain for compiling D to 
JavaScript / asm.js.

Improvements include a DMD-like driver and rdmd wrapper, meaning 
that most tools that know how to use dmd/rdmd will be able to 
also use this toolchain. Dub is an example. Currently the focus 
is on headless scripts - Web Workers and Node.

Also included are some hacked up parts of Phobos/Druntime. 
Generally such environments are restricted to @nogc stuff, but I 
wanted to see how far we can get without prior restrictions. As a 
result, things like Appender and format(...) (i.e. formatting to 
the heap) work. Of course, garbage collection is unavailable - 
it's using the "manual" GC implementation (allocates only), 
though considering most webpages are short-lived, it might not be 
a problem for many use cases.

I heard there was a bit of general interest on the subject, so 
would be interesting to hear about more potential use cases.