Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-29 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 29.05.19 18:37, Valeriy Fedotov wrote:
In my point of view @trusted means "I use pointer-related operations 
correctly. Also I am using all @system interfaces correctly".

@trusted means: "This function is as safe as an @safe function. But the 
compiler doesn't verify the implementation." Whether you use anything 
correctly only matters when it affects safety.

And "being safe" means that the function doesn't exhibit undefined 
behavior (when called with valid inputs), and that it doesn't lead to 
undefined behavior in @safe code that is executed later on (e.g., an 
@trusted function must not return an invalid pointer).

If a user 
supplies mallocator that is not correct, there are two possibilities:

- Allocator is buggy. Nothing to do with @trusted code.
- Allocator do not conforms to allocator interface. User has broken the 
contract. Nothing to do with @trusted code.

In my example, UnsafeAllocator is correct. It's not buggy, and it 
conforms to the allocator interface (which doesn't require @safe 
methods). Still the program exhibits memory corruption. So there must be 
something else that's wrong.

The problem is that I'm setting UnsafeAllocator.instance.i to bad values 
which leads to out-of-bounds accesses. I do that in the @safe `main`. 
You might say: "Don't do that then. It's your own fault if you do that. 
Your mistake is not the library's fault."

But D's @safe is supposed catch exactly that kind of mistake. The point 
of @safe is that I can make all the mistakes in the world in @safe code 
(except typing out "@trusted") without ever seeing memory corruption.

I think we should keep in mind not only technical aspects of @trusted 
and @system, but this contract too.

No. A contract that can be broken in @safe code cannot be relied upon in 
@trusted code. This is fundamental to D's safety system.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-29 Thread Valeriy Fedotov via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 27 May 2019 at 14:26:16 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
Oh, yeah. Getting @trusted right is hard. Getting it right when 
user-provided types are involved is extra hard, because you 
can't even trust fundamental operations like assignment or 

In my point of view @trusted means "I use pointer-related 
operations correctly. Also I am using all @system interfaces 
correctly". The code in question uses allocator interface 
correctly. User of this code has a contract to supply allocator 
that conforms to this interface. If a user supplies mallocator 
that is not correct, there are two possibilities:

- Allocator is buggy. Nothing to do with @trusted code.
- Allocator do not conforms to allocator interface. User has 
broken the contract. Nothing to do with @trusted code.

I think we should keep in mind not only technical aspects of 
@trusted and @system, but this contract too.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-27 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 27.05.19 15:34, Atila Neves wrote:
It's ugly but would work. Right now I don't think I can do any better 
than to follow your suggestion, but I predict many beard-stroking walks 
for me along Lake Geneva in the near future.

Oh, yeah. Getting @trusted right is hard. Getting it right when 
user-provided types are involved is extra hard, because you can't even 
trust fundamental operations like assignment or copying.

Please note that the allocator stuff is just one of the three violations 
I had pointed out. You've already pushed a fix for the unsafe .stringz, 
but you haven't addressed unsafe copy constructors yet.

And my list wasn't meant to be complete. There may be other safety holes 
I didn't notice.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-27 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 27 May 2019 at 10:31:10 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 27.05.19 12:06, Atila Neves wrote:
No, and I guess it can't. I'm trying to figure out what the 
implications are. Can Vector only be @safe for Mallocator? Is 
it possible to write a @safe Vector at all without having to 
force the allocator to be @safe?

For @safe allocators, Vector can be @safe.

For specific @system allocators, like Mallocator, you can make 
special @trusted cases in Vector.

For generic @system allocators, Vector cannot be @safe (or 

It's ugly but would work. Right now I don't think I can do any 
better than to follow your suggestion, but I predict many 
beard-stroking walks for me along Lake Geneva in the near future.

I'd be nice if I could detect at compile-time that it's not just 
Mallocator but an allocator that's built using it as well (e.g. 

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-27 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 27.05.19 12:06, Atila Neves wrote:
No, and I guess it can't. I'm trying to figure out what the implications 
are. Can Vector only be @safe for Mallocator? Is it possible to write a 
@safe Vector at all without having to force the allocator to be @safe?

For @safe allocators, Vector can be @safe.

For specific @system allocators, like Mallocator, you can make special 
@trusted cases in Vector.

For generic @system allocators, Vector cannot be @safe (or @trusted).

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-27 Thread Paolo Invernizzi via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 27 May 2019 at 10:01:15 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

On Monday, 27 May 2019 at 09:07:48 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:

On Monday, 27 May 2019 at 08:54:45 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 16:51:11 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

Then there's the fact that if a 3rd party library really does 
want to corrupt memory they can just tag all their functions 
with @trusted, and unless someone looks at their code nobody 
will be the wiser.

... and a @safe conscious programmer will not touch that 
library ever with a 5 five meters pole.

I'm still not convinced that trusted code should accept 
generic system code ... can you elaborate more?

I'm not convinced either - I'm having a dialogue to figure out 
potential issues.


My nice-try to reduce the problem is: trusted code block needs to 
by "manually verified" for safety by humans, so it should be 
"@safe pure", aka, if you can't perform the analysis looking only 
at the statements in the trusted block, that can't be marked 

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-27 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 27 May 2019 at 09:48:27 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 27.05.19 10:54, Atila Neves wrote:
I don't see the problem here. This example would throw 
RangeError at runtime instead of actually overwriting memory 
unless bounds checking is turned off.

No, it doesn't. It's a complete, runnable example. You can try 
it at home. It does overwrite `foo` and `bar`. It does not 
throw a RangeError.

You're right - I should have run it first.

Yes, you can use @trusted to use Mallocator safely. And your 
code (probably) does that. But the allocator in my example 
isn't Mallocator, it's UnsafeAllocator. Your code doesn't use 
that one safely.

No, and I guess it can't. I'm trying to figure out what the 
implications are. Can Vector only be @safe for Mallocator? Is it 
possible to write a @safe Vector at all without having to force 
the allocator to be @safe?

In this thread, you're the author of that 3rd party library. 
You've got the bad @trusted functions that lead to memory 
corruption. I'm the guy who looked at it, noticed the problem, 
and tells you.

Thanks for bringing it up.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-27 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 27 May 2019 at 09:07:48 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:

On Monday, 27 May 2019 at 08:54:45 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 16:51:11 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

Then there's the fact that if a 3rd party library really does 
want to corrupt memory they can just tag all their functions 
with @trusted, and unless someone looks at their code nobody 
will be the wiser.

... and a @safe conscious programmer will not touch that 
library ever with a 5 five meters pole.

I'm still not convinced that trusted code should accept generic 
system code ... can you elaborate more?

I'm not convinced either - I'm having a dialogue to figure out 
potential issues.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-27 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 27.05.19 10:54, Atila Neves wrote:
I don't see the problem here. This example would throw RangeError at 
runtime instead of actually overwriting memory unless bounds checking is 
turned off.

No, it doesn't. It's a complete, runnable example. You can try it at 
home. It does overwrite `foo` and `bar`. It does not throw a RangeError.

The other issue is that Mallocator has a @safe allocate function and a 
@system deallocate function since it's up to the user of the interface 
to supply a slice that was actually malloc'ed. It's clear that this 
interface is one that can be used @safely (and is by 
automem.vector.Vector). Likewise, reallocating is @system because there 
might be references to the old pointer, but it makes sense that a 
@trusted block could exist where the reviewer makes sure that there's 
only ever one reference to the allocated memory.

Yes, you can use @trusted to use Mallocator safely. And your code 
(probably) does that. But the allocator in my example isn't Mallocator, 
it's UnsafeAllocator. Your code doesn't use that one safely.

Then there's the fact that if a 3rd party library really does want to 
corrupt memory they can just tag all their functions with @trusted, and 
unless someone looks at their code nobody will be the wiser.

In this thread, you're the author of that 3rd party library. You've got 
the bad @trusted functions that lead to memory corruption. I'm the guy 
who looked at it, noticed the problem, and tells you.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-27 Thread Paolo Invernizzi via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 27 May 2019 at 08:54:45 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 16:51:11 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

Then there's the fact that if a 3rd party library really does 
want to corrupt memory they can just tag all their functions 
with @trusted, and unless someone looks at their code nobody 
will be the wiser.

... and a @safe conscious programmer will not touch that library 
ever with a 5 five meters pole.

I'm still not convinced that trusted code should accept generic 
system code ... can you elaborate more?


Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-27 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 16:51:11 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 24.05.19 18:19, Atila Neves wrote:

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 13:30:05 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

My `puts`s might not do any harm, but they could just as well 
be buffer overflows.

Could you please give an example of how @system allocator code 
could do that?

Sure. You just write beyond some buffer instead of calling 

char[3] buf;
char[3] foo = "foo";
char[3] bar = "bar";

struct UnsafeAllocator
import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator: Mallocator;
static instance = UnsafeAllocator.init;
size_t i;
void deallocate(void[] bytes) @nogc @system
buf.ptr[i .. i + 3] = '!';
void[] allocate(size_t sz) @nogc @system
buf.ptr[i .. i + 3] = '!';
return Mallocator.instance.allocate(sz);

void main() @safe @nogc
import nogc: BUFFER_SIZE, text;
UnsafeAllocator.instance.i = 8;
/* greater than buf.length, whoops */
auto t = text!(BUFFER_SIZE, UnsafeAllocator)(42);
assert(foo == "foo"); /* fails */
UnsafeAllocator.instance.i = 16;
/* also greater than buf.length, whoops again */
assert(bar == "bar"); /* fails */

You just can't trust user-provided @system code. It doesn't 
matter if it's allocator code or whatever.

I don't see the problem here. This example would throw RangeError 
at runtime instead of actually overwriting memory unless bounds 
checking is turned off.

The other issue is that Mallocator has a @safe allocate function 
and a @system deallocate function since it's up to the user of 
the interface to supply a slice that was actually malloc'ed. It's 
clear that this interface is one that can be used @safely (and is 
by automem.vector.Vector). Likewise, reallocating is @system 
because there might be references to the old pointer, but it 
makes sense that a @trusted block could exist where the reviewer 
makes sure that there's only ever one reference to the allocated 

Then there's the fact that if a 3rd party library really does 
want to corrupt memory they can just tag all their functions with 
@trusted, and unless someone looks at their code nobody will be 
the wiser.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-24 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 11:41:12 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
I'd been holding off on announcing this until DIP1008 actually 
got implemented, and now it has:

This dub package has a @nogc version of `std.conv.text` (which 
probably isn't as good yet) that, instead of returning a 
`string` returns an `automem.vector.Vector` of char. This 
handles managing memory allocation for the exception message 
itself in `NoGcException`, which does what it says on the tin. 
Confused? Here's some code:

Ok, so exceptions don't rely on the GC anymore.  That's super 
cool.  However, they are still classes.  So does that mean they 
also need RTTI (i.e. TypeInfo)?  BetterC builds and some of use 
trying to use D in a pay-as-you-go fashion intentionally 
eliminate RTTI from the runtime.  Is there any way we can take 
this a bit further to no longer require RTTI?  Do exceptions even 
necessarily need to be classes?


Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-24 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 16:51:11 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 24.05.19 18:19, Atila Neves wrote:

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 13:30:05 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

My `puts`s might not do any harm, but they could just as well 
be buffer overflows.

Could you please give an example of how @system allocator code 
could do that?

Sure. You just write beyond some buffer instead of calling 

char[3] buf;
char[3] foo = "foo";
char[3] bar = "bar";

struct UnsafeAllocator
import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator: Mallocator;
static instance = UnsafeAllocator.init;
size_t i;
void deallocate(void[] bytes) @nogc @system
buf.ptr[i .. i + 3] = '!';
void[] allocate(size_t sz) @nogc @system
buf.ptr[i .. i + 3] = '!';
return Mallocator.instance.allocate(sz);

void main() @safe @nogc
import nogc: BUFFER_SIZE, text;
UnsafeAllocator.instance.i = 8;
/* greater than buf.length, whoops */
auto t = text!(BUFFER_SIZE, UnsafeAllocator)(42);
assert(foo == "foo"); /* fails */
UnsafeAllocator.instance.i = 16;
/* also greater than buf.length, whoops again */
assert(bar == "bar"); /* fails */

You just can't trust user-provided @system code. It doesn't 
matter if it's allocator code or whatever.

That's right. If you are wrapping code that is provided by a 
third party, you should not mark any code as @trusted that makes 
calls to the third party library. By doing this, you are saying 
"any third party code I call is memory safe (source: dude just 
trust me)". That may work in the case where this third party code 
is set in stone and has been hand-audited by either you or the 
maintainers (ideally both), but you're accepting any 
implementation through a template argument. Doing this is 
extremely dangerous, because you're making memory safety promises 
about every single Allocator implementation in existence, in the 
present AND for the future.

What you have to do is leave the functions that make these calls 
unmarked (no @system, @trusted OR @safe), and allow the compiler 
to infer it based on the whether the third party implementation 
is @system/@trusted/@safe. That's the only sane way I can think 
of to do this.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-24 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 24.05.19 18:51, ag0aep6g wrote:

char[3] buf;


     buf.ptr[i .. i + 3] = '!';


     UnsafeAllocator.instance.i = 8;
     /* greater than buf.length, whoops */

Actually, anything greater than zero is a whoops, of course.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-24 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 24.05.19 18:19, Atila Neves wrote:

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 13:30:05 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

My `puts`s might not do any harm, but they could just as well be 
buffer overflows.

Could you please give an example of how @system allocator code could do 

Sure. You just write beyond some buffer instead of calling `puts`:

char[3] buf;
char[3] foo = "foo";
char[3] bar = "bar";

struct UnsafeAllocator
import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator: Mallocator;
static instance = UnsafeAllocator.init;
size_t i;
void deallocate(void[] bytes) @nogc @system
buf.ptr[i .. i + 3] = '!';
void[] allocate(size_t sz) @nogc @system
buf.ptr[i .. i + 3] = '!';
return Mallocator.instance.allocate(sz);

void main() @safe @nogc
import nogc: BUFFER_SIZE, text;
UnsafeAllocator.instance.i = 8;
/* greater than buf.length, whoops */
auto t = text!(BUFFER_SIZE, UnsafeAllocator)(42);
assert(foo == "foo"); /* fails */
UnsafeAllocator.instance.i = 16;
/* also greater than buf.length, whoops again */
assert(bar == "bar"); /* fails */

You just can't trust user-provided @system code. It doesn't matter if 
it's allocator code or whatever.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-24 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 13:30:05 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 13:13:12 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
Thanks for this. I think the only violation is calling 
`stringz` on `Z`, and that was due to a poorly designed DbI 
check on being able to call `stringz`. Allocating generally 
isn't @system, and freeing is ok to trust since vector is 
taking care of it for us. I've pushed a fix.

I think you're missing the point. When your function is marked 
as @safe or @trusted, then any execution of a user-provided 
@system function is a safety violation.

My `puts`s might not do any harm, but they could just as well 
be buffer overflows.

Could you please give an example of how @system allocator code 
could do that?

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-24 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 13:13:12 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
Thanks for this. I think the only violation is calling 
`stringz` on `Z`, and that was due to a poorly designed DbI 
check on being able to call `stringz`. Allocating generally 
isn't @system, and freeing is ok to trust since vector is 
taking care of it for us. I've pushed a fix.

I think you're missing the point. When your function is marked as 
@safe or @trusted, then any execution of a user-provided @system 
function is a safety violation.

My `puts`s might not do any harm, but they could just as well be 
buffer overflows.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-24 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 12:32:45 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 24.05.19 13:41, Atila Neves wrote:


You've got safety violations:

/+ dub.sdl:
name "test"
dependency "nogc" version="~>0.5.0"

import core.stdc.stdio: puts;

struct S1
S2 s2;
this(ref const S1 src) const @nogc @system { this.s2 = 
src.s2; }


struct S2
this(ref const S2 src) const @nogc @system { puts("@system 
1"); }


struct Z
char* stringz() const @nogc @system
puts("@system 2");
return null;

struct UnsafeAllocator
import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator: Mallocator;
enum instance = UnsafeAllocator.init;
void deallocate(void[] bytes) @nogc @system
puts("@system 3");
void[] allocate(size_t sz) @nogc @system
puts("@system 4");
return Mallocator.instance.allocate(sz);

void main() @safe @nogc
import nogc: BUFFER_SIZE, text;
S1 a;
Z* z;
auto t = text!(BUFFER_SIZE, UnsafeAllocator)(a, z);

All of the `puts` lines are executed. That should not be 
possible in @safe code. You're applying @trusted too liberally.

Thanks for this. I think the only violation is calling `stringz` 
on `Z`, and that was due to a poorly designed DbI check on being 
able to call `stringz`. Allocating generally isn't @system, and 
freeing is ok to trust since vector is taking care of it for us. 
I've pushed a fix.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-24 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 24.05.19 13:41, Atila Neves wrote:
I'd been holding off on announcing this until DIP1008 actually got 
implemented, and now it has:

You've got safety violations:

/+ dub.sdl:
name "test"
dependency "nogc" version="~>0.5.0"

import core.stdc.stdio: puts;

struct S1
S2 s2;
this(ref const S1 src) const @nogc @system { this.s2 = src.s2; }

struct S2
this(ref const S2 src) const @nogc @system { puts("@system 1"); }

struct Z
char* stringz() const @nogc @system
puts("@system 2");
return null;

struct UnsafeAllocator
import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator: Mallocator;
enum instance = UnsafeAllocator.init;
void deallocate(void[] bytes) @nogc @system
puts("@system 3");
void[] allocate(size_t sz) @nogc @system
puts("@system 4");
return Mallocator.instance.allocate(sz);

void main() @safe @nogc
import nogc: BUFFER_SIZE, text;
S1 a;
Z* z;
auto t = text!(BUFFER_SIZE, UnsafeAllocator)(a, z);

All of the `puts` lines are executed. That should not be possible in 
@safe code. You're applying @trusted too liberally.

Re: nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-24 Thread Seb via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 11:41:12 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
I'd been holding off on announcing this until DIP1008 actually 
got implemented, and now it has:


Now we just need to get to compile Druntime and Phobos with 
-preview=dip1008, s.t. we can enable it by default :)

See e.g.

nogc v0.5.0 - DIP1008 works!

2019-05-24 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-announce
I'd been holding off on announcing this until DIP1008 actually 
got implemented, and now it has:

This dub package has a @nogc version of `std.conv.text` (which 
probably isn't as good yet) that, instead of returning a `string` 
returns an `automem.vector.Vector` of char. This handles managing 
memory allocation for the exception message itself in 
`NoGcException`, which does what it says on the tin. Confused? 
Here's some code:

@safe @nogc unittest {
import nogc;
import std.algorithm: equal;

int a = 1, b = 2;
enforce(a == b, a, " was not equal to ", b);
catch(NoGcException e) {
assert(equal(e.msg, "1 was not equal to 2"));

throw new NoGcException(42, " foobar ", 33.3);
catch(NoGcException e) {
assert(equal(e.msg, "42 foobar 33.30"));
assert(e.file == __FILE__);
assert(e.line == __LINE__ - 4);

It doesn't leak memory either, as proved by ldc's asan.