Re: Functional vs simple code

2012-10-03 Thread ixid


Actually now I realise what the conflict is between the two, a + 
b * b would give the wrong answer when applied to the whole array 
in the manner I was thinking by doing a + a * a for the first 

Re: how to call std_stdio_static_this from a dynamically loaded shared library (osx)

2012-10-03 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-03 02:55, timotheecour wrote:

How do I call std_stdio_static_this() in std.stdio from a dynamically
loaded shared library (osx) ?

I need to do this in my scenario:
1) main program is launched
2) dynamic library is created
3) dynamic library is loaded and a function from it is called
4) everything works fine until a writeln(0) is called from a function
inside the dynamic lib, at which point it crashes. But by calling
std_stdio_static_this2 (see below) BEFORE any call to writeln (and
similar functions), everything works fine.

Dynamic libraries are not properly working, see this thread:$1tq$

And this post:$1tq$

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: how to call std_stdio_static_this from a dynamically loaded shared library (osx)

2012-10-03 Thread timotheecour
Thanks for the links. Ya, I did see those threads and I 
understand there are limitations with dynamic load shared 
libraries, however, your answer is not very helpful. We shouldn't 
have to wait until they get 100% support to start using them (who 
knows when that happens); some applications just require them (eg 
writing matlab mex files).

In the meantime, the workaround I described above seems to 
adequately address the IO problem in shared libraries, it's just 
that it requires hacking inside std.stdio. So I'm just wondering 
whether I should:

* pull those changes back in phobos
* or if there's an alternative way of doing this


Re: how to call std_stdio_static_this from a dynamically loaded shared library (osx)

2012-10-03 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-03 08:56, timotheecour wrote:

Thanks for the links. Ya, I did see those threads and I understand there
are limitations with dynamic load shared libraries, however, your answer
is not very helpful. We shouldn't have to wait until they get 100%
support to start using them (who knows when that happens); some
applications just require them (eg writing matlab mex files).

Yeah, it may not have been so helpful, sorry.

In the meantime, the workaround I described above seems to adequately
address the IO problem in shared libraries, it's just that it requires
hacking inside std.stdio. So I'm just wondering whether I should:
* pull those changes back in phobos
* or if there's an alternative way of doing this

Module constructors if one of the things that don't work properly. I 
don't know exactly how this works in std.stdio I would need to study the 
code. If I recall correctly std.stdio uses some kind of hack to avoid 
circular dependencies that can otherwise occur if two modules, both 
having module constructors, import each other.

/Jacob Carlborg

Question about anonymous delegates.

2012-10-03 Thread Sharp

I found something what I don't understand.

Here is a simplifed code with comments:

I creating anonymous delegates, whose function is to modify their 
parameter. Their parameters are different class references.
I pass these class references to anonymous delegates, but the 
delegates obtain only the last passed class reference.

Thanks for your answers.

Re: Question about anonymous delegates.

2012-10-03 Thread Timon Gehr

On 10/03/2012 03:53 PM, Sharp wrote:

I found something what I don't understand.

Here is a simplifed code with comments:

I creating anonymous delegates, whose function is to modify their
parameter. Their parameters are different class references.
I pass these class references to anonymous delegates, but the delegates
obtain only the last passed class reference.

Thanks for your answers.

class Num {
int a;

void main(){
auto nums = new Num[10];
alias void delegate() Func;
auto funcs = new Func[10];
// workaround for ahead:

for(int i = 0; i  10; ++i) (){
Num num = nums[i] = new Num();
int i=i; // fix for bug in your code
funcs[i] = {num.a = i;};
foreach(num; nums) {
assert(num.a == 0);
foreach(func; funcs) {
foreach(i, num; nums) {
assert(num.a == i);

Re: how to call std_stdio_static_this from a dynamically loaded shared library (osx)

2012-10-03 Thread timotheecour
Module constructors if one of the things that don't work 
properly. I don't know exactly how this works in std.stdio I 
would need to study the code. If I recall correctly std.stdio 
uses some kind of hack to avoid circular dependencies that can 
otherwise occur if two modules, both having module 
constructors, import each other.

Yes, that hack consists in :
1) defining extern(C) void std_stdio_static_this() instead of 
static this()
2) defining an auxiliary module std.stdiobase who will call it at 
module construction:

module std.stdiobase;
extern(C) void std_stdio_static_this();
shared static this(){

I'm still puzzled as to why modifying the code inside 
std_stdio_static_this (say with assert(0)) doesn't have any 
effect (hence the need for the templated version I'm using).
Another workaround (besides adding std_stdio_static_this2) would 
be to make the field File.p non-private so that my 
std_stdio_static_this2 could be defined outside std.stdio. Any 

Re: how to call std_stdio_static_this from a dynamically loaded shared library (osx)

2012-10-03 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-03 20:23, timotheecour wrote:

Yes, that hack consists in :
1) defining extern(C) void std_stdio_static_this() instead of static this()
2) defining an auxiliary module std.stdiobase who will call it at module
module std.stdiobase;
extern(C) void std_stdio_static_this();
shared static this(){

I'm still puzzled as to why modifying the code inside
std_stdio_static_this (say with assert(0)) doesn't have any effect
(hence the need for the templated version I'm using).
Another workaround (besides adding std_stdio_static_this2) would be to
make the field File.p non-private so that my std_stdio_static_this2
could be defined outside std.stdio. Any suggestion?

What happens if you just call std_stdio_static_this the first you do 
in your main function?

Usually these kinds of problems are solved by using lazy initialization. 
In this case that would mean converting stdin, stdout and stderr 
to functions.

Something like this:

private __gshared
File _stdin;
File _stdout;
File _stderr;

File.Impl stdinImpl;
File.Impl stdoutImpl;
File.Impl stderrImpl;

@property File stdin ()
if (!_stdin.p)
_stdin.p = stdinImpl;

return _stdin;

The same for stdout and stderr. But this may not be good for 
performance reasons. I don't know how good the compiler is at optimizing 
these kind of functions.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: how to call std_stdio_static_this from a dynamically loaded shared library (osx)

2012-10-03 Thread timotheecour
What happens if you just call std_stdio_static_this the first 
you do in your main function?

In my case I can't: I don't have control over the main function 
(it could be written in C for example).

@property File stdin ()
if (!_stdin.p)
_stdin.p = stdinImpl;
return _stdin;

I guess you also want to add inside the if(): stdinImpl.handle = 
core.stdc.stdio.stdin;, etc.

The same for stdout and stderr. But this may not be good 
for performance reasons. I don't know how good the compiler is 
at optimizing these kind of functions.

I doubt the compiler can do much optimizing here, since the if 
won't always be true, but probably IO is slow enough compared to 
a branch so it might not matter.

That being said, templatizing std_stdio_static_this as above 
would avoid branching at every single call to writeXX functions. 
Would there be any disadvantage?

Also, I grepped for static_this, it appears this hack is only 
used in 2 places:

* std.stdio (=stdiobase)
* std.process (=processinit)
So the same template trick could be used in those 2 places.

Re: Metaprogramming: check for ref

2012-10-03 Thread mist
On Sunday, 30 September 2012 at 21:34:36 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic 

On 9/30/12, jerro wrote:

I think this should work:

template returnsRef(alias f)
 enum bool returnsRef = is(typeof(
 ParameterTypeTuple!f param;
 auto ptr = f(param);

Yep. We should add this to Phobos imo.

Was pull request fired for this? I'd like to subscribe to get 
noticed when this will be in the phobos. If not, would you mind 
if I add one?

Question about memoize

2012-10-03 Thread Richie
I've pasted a code sample here with a comment of what should be 
printed out:

memoize is taken straight from std.functional, I just added a 
writeln so I could see more about what was going on. 
slowFuncString should only be calculated twice with the input 
given: Once for Test1 and once for Test2 but it's being 
calculated every time. The same answer will probably answer both 
of these questions but:

1) Why does p = null when the tuple of Test2 is in the memo AA?
2) How does memoize appear to be adding more than one of the same 
key to the memo AA?
