Re: Alias woes

2020-12-18 Thread SealabJaster via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 17 December 2020 at 22:06:00 UTC, SealabJaster wrote:


Well, at least I understand why the context pointer exists now.

If you were to add a `pragma(msg, __FUNCTION__)` into either of 
the templated functions, you'd get the following output.


Where `example` is likely the name of the module in Godbolt.

But then there's the `.C.` part, which is the parent type for the 
alias being passed into the templated functions.

So essentially, the compiler is rewriting `doShizz!(C.a)` as 
something like?:

struct C
int a;

template doShizz(alias T = a)
void doShizz(ref string a){...}

Weird, and annoying. Especially since the compiler still allows 
it to be a function instead of a delegate.

Re: Simple BeamUI project won't link

2020-12-18 Thread Ferhat Kurtulmuş via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 18 December 2020 at 19:15:16 UTC, Daren Scot Wilson 
On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 07:45:50 UTC, Ferhat 
Kurtulmuş wrote:
On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 07:40:45 UTC, Ferhat 
Kurtulmuş wrote:

This may be not your issue, but I could manage it to work by 
adding this line:

subPackage "examples/myproject"

to the dub.sdl of the beamui. I simply put my project in 
examples/ folder.

And compile and run using:

dub run :myproject

The thought crossed my mind to try putting my source under 
examples/ but that's not a good way to organize a real project. 
I'd like it be under ~/projects/, naturally. What I want to 
make will involve a lot more than just a GUI.

İf you don't need a fancy look and can live with simple widgets, 
Adam D. Ruppe's arsd repository has minigui. On windows it uses 
native Win32 API, so it doesn't need any dependency.

Re: Simple BeamUI project won't link

2020-12-18 Thread Daren Scot Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 07:45:50 UTC, Ferhat Kurtulmuş 
On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 07:40:45 UTC, Ferhat 
Kurtulmuş wrote:

This may be not your issue, but I could manage it to work by 
adding this line:

subPackage "examples/myproject"

to the dub.sdl of the beamui. I simply put my project in 
examples/ folder.

And compile and run using:

dub run :myproject

The thought crossed my mind to try putting my source under 
examples/ but that's not a good way to organize a real project. 
I'd like it be under ~/projects/, naturally. What I want to make 
will involve a lot more than just a GUI.

Re: Simple BeamUI project won't link

2020-12-18 Thread Daren Scot Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 07:40:45 UTC, Ferhat Kurtulmuş 
On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 07:02:11 UTC, Daren Scot 
Wilson wrote:
Trying out the beamui GUI package, obtained by git clone from 
github.  The "basic" example builds and runs.

I'm working on an Arch Linux machine with lots of RAM, but a 
user with not enough practice at D yet.

I have a little experience with beamui but only on windows. It 
is under WIP. You'd better open an issue with an error report 
on GitHub as I did before You may get 
some help from the maintainer.

So maybe beamui isn't ready for the real world.  It's a one-off 
personal tool for image processing, maybe will go up on Github, 
so I don't need anything super-solid or well established. OTOH, 
if it's too much on the WIP side with lots of loose ends, it 
might be more work than my free time allows.

At least, beamui appears to be more workable than dlangui which 
seems to have fallen away.

Re: Floating point values in structs.

2020-12-18 Thread Dave P. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 18 December 2020 at 16:23:20 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 18 December 2020 at 16:18:12 UTC, Dave P. wrote:

Is the proper solution to change the struct definition to:

yeah that's the best option right now

A bit of a pain when porting, but alright.

I find the setting floats to nan pretty bizarre.

yeah i wrote about it here not long ago


I agree.


Re: UFCS functions with both pointers and refs

2020-12-18 Thread Marcone via Digitalmars-d-learn
Two differents types; Foo type and pointer type. Need function 
overload foe each or just use ref and avoid pointer.

Re: LDC relocation flags

2020-12-18 Thread Johan Engelen via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 18 December 2020 at 13:00:45 UTC, Severin Teona wrote:

Hi guys!

Do you know how can I compile D code using LDC with the 
following gcc flags?

* -msingle-pic-base
* -mpic-register=r9
* -mno-pic-data-is-text-relative.

As far as I know, there are no equivalents in D for these. Is 
is ok to use the -Xcc flag?

Thank you!

One direction to look into is what flags to use with Clang 
instead of GCC.
The -Xcc flag is not useful because that will only help with 
linker configuration. At least the first two flags that you 
mention are related to parts of codegen that I think are not done 
by the linker.


Re: Floating point values in structs.

2020-12-18 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 18 December 2020 at 16:18:12 UTC, Dave P. wrote:

Is the proper solution to change the struct definition to:

yeah that's the best option right now

I find the setting floats to nan pretty bizarre.

yeah i wrote about it here not long ago


"See, the idea behind D's initialization is it catches 
uninitialized values at runtime. Null pointers crash. NaN floats 
give NaN results. \ff chars give invalid strings.

The problem is it sets the initializer for int (and friends) to 
be 0. Which is actually pretty useful and convenient, so people 
rely on it. Now making uninitialized things an error is 
infeasible and the fact is it sets a habit to expect 0."

so i think it should be changed. but floats and chars are all 
weird initialized so be aware of it

Floating point values in structs.

2020-12-18 Thread Dave P. via Digitalmars-d-learn
I got burned by behavior of struct initialization I didn’t 
anticipate last night.

Consider a struct:

struct Foo {
float x, y, z;
int a, b, c;

My source C code was initializing it by doing something like:

Foo f = {.y = 3}

Which uses the C behavior that all the other fields will be set 
to 0.

I thought that the D translation would be:

Foo f = {y: 3}

But to my surprise, that leaves x and z “default initialized”, 
which means nan!

I have some large structs that are essentially configuration 
settings for certain subsystems. Is the proper solution to change 
the struct definition to:

struct Foo {
float x=0, y=0, z=0;
int a, b, c;

to get the behavior I want?

I find the setting floats to nan pretty bizarre. If the compiler 
is going to introduce the overhead of initializing all the 
variables anyway, why set it to nan when integer types get set to 
the useful default of 0? And if it knows that I am not 
initializing my floats, why not tell me?

LDC relocation flags

2020-12-18 Thread Severin Teona via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi guys!

Do you know how can I compile D code using LDC with the following 
gcc flags?

* -msingle-pic-base
* -mpic-register=r9
* -mno-pic-data-is-text-relative.

As far as I know, there are no equivalents in D for these. Is is 
ok to use the -Xcc flag?

Thank you!

Re: Avoid deallocate empty arrays?

2020-12-18 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/17/20 5:57 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On a side note, though, I find this idiosyncratic behaviour annoying
when all I really want is to use an array as, e.g., a backing for a
stack.  For those cases, I ignore array capacity and keep a slice over
the entire allocated storage, including elements that have been erased,
and keep a separate index that represents the logical end-of-array.
While .assumeSafeAppend does work well, it does represent a druntime
function call, which introduces a slight runtime overhead, and it does
come with a slight performace hit.

Yeah, for quick-and-dirty stuff, runtime appending is decent. But I 
would much rather use an array + "valid" length for everything else, 
including stacks or buffers.

assumeSafeAppend is not only a druntime call, but an opaque one. Which 
means it will never be inlined or optimized out.


Re: Avoid deallocate empty arrays?

2020-12-18 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/17/20 1:10 PM, IGotD- wrote:

On Thursday, 17 December 2020 at 17:46:59 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

This isn’t correct. Can you post the code that led you to believe this?



import std.algorithm;
import std.typecons;
import std.stdio;

struct Buffer
 this(size_t size)
     m_buffer.reserve = size;

 void add(const void[] arr)
     m_buffer ~= cast(ubyte[])arr;

 string getSome()
     if(m_buffer.length > 0)
     return cast(string)m_buffer[0..$];
     return "";

 void remove(size_t size)
     m_buffer = m_buffer.remove(tuple(0, size));

Here is where your issue is. It looks like you are removing the first 
size elements of the array. Which moves all the rest to the front. 
However, the array runtime still thinks you have the original number of 
elements in the buffer.

You need to add:


This tells the runtime "I'm done with all the elements that are beyond 
this length."

And then it will work as you expect, no reallocation.


 ubyte[] m_buffer;

void main()
 Buffer b = Buffer(16);


 writeln("b.m_buffer.length ", b.m_buffer.length, ", 
b.m_buffer.capacity ", b.m_buffer.capacity);

 string s = b.getSome();

 assert(s == "aa");


 writeln("b.m_buffer.length ", b.m_buffer.length, ", 
b.m_buffer.capacity ", b.m_buffer.capacity);


This will print

b.m_buffer.length 2, b.m_buffer.capacity 31
b.m_buffer.length 0, b.m_buffer.capacity 0

capacity 0, suggests that the array has been deallocated.

This means it has 0 capacity for appending according to the runtime, NOT 
that the array was deallocated. This is true of non-GC allocated slices 
and slices which don't END at the array end.

For example:

auto arr = [1, 2, 3];

auto arr2 = arr[0 .. 2]; // slice off the last element

assert(arr2.capacity == 0);
assert(arr.capacity != 0);

Does this mean the array is deallocated? No, it means that if you 
append, there is no capacity to add to. A capacity of 0 means "will 
reallocate if you append".

Why does this happen? Because we don't want to stomp on the existing 
data that could still be referenced via another slice (in this case arr) 
that still points to the original data.

You can read a bit about the array runtime here:


Anyone has links to useful short-snippets of trait pattern examples?

2020-12-18 Thread frame via Digitalmars-d-learn
The manual often doesn't show the full potential of traits on the 
first sight or what they are really good for. But there are also 
all-day scenarios where I would just be happy for a quick lookup.

For example, to assign a value to a class property which may have 
setter-overloads, I'm using a pattern like this:

void Foo(T, string property)(Variant data, T object) {
static if(!isSomeFunction!(__traits(getMember, T, property))) 
__traits(getMember, object, property) = 
data.get!(typeof(__traits(getMember, object, property)));

} else {
foreach(ov; __traits(getOverloads, T, property)) {
static if((Parameters!ov).length == 1) {
__traits(getMember, object, property) = 


Somebody already may have a better implementation and of course 
it depends on your code - but it shows how to use it.

The part with the overloads is also important here because 
without it the compiler would complain about "functions cannot 
return function" or similiar errors and you would think 
__traits(getMember) could not handle that.