Re: AssocArray to string is ok,but how to get the AssocArray from string? Thanks

2017-12-12 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 December 2017 at 17:32:15 UTC, Frank Like wrote:

who can help me,about the "AssocArray to string is ok,but how 
to get the AssocArray from string? ".

For example:

SysTime[][string] AATimes;
AATimes["a1"] =[SysTime(DateTime(2017, 1, 1, 12, 33, 
33)),SysTime(DateTime(2017, 1, 2, 12, 33, 33))];
AATimes["a2"] =[SysTime(DateTime(2017, 1, 2, 12, 33, 
33)),SysTime(DateTime(2017, 1, 3, 12, 33, 33))];

  ubyte[] ua = cast(ubyte[])!string;
  writeln("ua is ",ua);

  string strTimes = cast(string)ua;
   writeln("strTimes is ",strTimes);

But now,how to get the AATimes from string?



Serialization seems to be the answer. Unfortunately I could 
neither get it to work with Cereal nor with Orange. If all else 
fails, you could still attempt to manually parse it ot of its 
string representation (!string).

Struct initialization syntax

2018-01-17 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn
The D tour for structs uses a syntax similar to that of C++ in 
order to initialize a Person struct : Person p(30, 180). Is this 
syntax supported in D ? Running that part of the code neither 
works on the playground nor on my machine (dmd v2.076.0).

Re: Struct initialization syntax

2018-01-20 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 18 January 2018 at 03:50:15 UTC, arturg wrote:

On Wednesday, 17 January 2018 at 17:37:07 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 05:31:03PM +, Azi Hassan via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
The D tour for structs uses a syntax similar to that of C++ 
in order to initialize a Person struct : Person p(30, 180). 
Is this syntax supported in D ? Running that part of the code 
neither works on the playground nor on my machine (dmd 

You're probably looking for this syntax:

auto p = Person(30, 180);


looks like a bug in the 3rd example.

That's what I was wondering about, thanks.

Re: enforce (i > 0) for i = int.min does not throw

2018-01-31 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 27 January 2018 at 14:13:49 UTC, kdevel wrote:

I would expect this code

import std.exception;

void main ()
   int i = int.min;
   enforce (i > 0);

to throw an "Enforcement failed" exception, but it doesn't:

$ dmd enforce3.d
$ ./enforce3

I wonder if it's caused by a comparison between signed and 
unsigned integers.

import std.stdio;

void main ()
int zero = 0;
writeln(int.min > 0u);
writeln(int.min > zero);

$ rdmd test.d

The same behavior can be observed in C :


int main(void)
int zero = 0;
printf("%d\n", INT_MIN > 0u);
printf("%d\n", INT_MIN > zero);
return 0;

$ gcc test.c && ./a.out

Re: Help required on Array appender

2017-09-02 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 2 September 2017 at 12:54:48 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 

If you're wanting to use appender just make an appender and 
replace the ~= to calls to appender.put(data);

Just making Subdata an Appender!(string[][]) (or 
Appender!(Tuple!(string, string)[])) is enough since it already 
overloads the ~= operator.

Performance aside, a small nitpick is that it's possible to write 
filter!isFile instead of filter!(a => a.isFile) since isFile only 
accepts one argument.

Re: -betterC not working

2017-09-02 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 1 September 2017 at 22:13:53 UTC, SrMordred wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 23:12:07 UTC, SrMordred wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 22:45:27 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 22:18:07 UTC, SrMordred wrote:

DMD64 D Compiler v2.075.1

-betterC as described recently is not yet released.

is where it gets the new behavior, and that isn't scheduled 
for formal release until the end of the week.

(it seriously bothers me that Walter has been advertising 
this so much when the little bit that is implemented isn't 
even released yet, and what is implemented is barely usable.)

The betterC switch itself is not new, but it does virtually 
nothing until that latest prerelease compiler.

ooops, little missed detail ;)

At least its near.

Hello again.
Downloaded last version.

//fail at my example, so its working as intended
dmd -betterC source/app.d app.d

//compiles. so problem with dub only
dub run --config=application --arch=x86_64 --build=debug 

Running dub run with --verbose indicates that dub is actually 
running both the "dmd -g -c -betterC source/app.d -ofd_betterc.o" 
and the "dmd -ofd_betterc d_betterc.o -g" commands. Note that the 
second dmd call doesn't include the -betterC flag. Running the 
second dmd command manually with the -betterC flag does give the 
expected undefined reference errors.

Re: Returning multiple values from a function

2017-09-04 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 4 September 2017 at 09:22:25 UTC, Vino.B wrote:

Output :
["C:\\Temp\\TEAM1\\BACKUP", "C:\\Temp\\TEAM2\\ARCHIVE"]

Required Output:
Test1 = 1
Test2 = 2
Path = ["C:\\Temp\\TEAM1\\BACKUP", "C:\\Temp\\TEAM2\\ARCHIVE"]


If you just need it to be displayed then you can add it to the 
writeln call : writeln("Test 1 = ", Params[0]);

But if you want to do it dynamically then maybe you should be 
using an associative array or a tuple of tuples :

import std.stdio;
import std.array;
import std.typecons;

alias Result = Tuple!(
Tuple!(string, int),
Tuple!(string, int),
Tuple!(string, string[])

Result Params () {
int Test1;
int Test2;
string[] File1;
string[] File2;
	auto Path = appender!(string[]); //string[] path; 
path.reserve(2) ?

Test1 = 1;
Test2 = 2;
File1 = ["C:\\Temp\\TEAM1\\BACKUP"];
File2 = ["C:\\Temp\\TEAM2\\ARCHIVE"];
Path ~= File1;
Path ~= File2;
return tuple(
tuple("Test1", Test1),
tuple("Test2", Test2),


void main (){
auto res = Params();
writeln(res[0][0], " = ", res[0][1]);
writeln(res[1][0], " = ", res[1][1]);
writeln(res[2][0], " = ", res[2][1]);

You can also loop through res :

void main (){
auto res = Params();
foreach(r; res)
writeln(r[0], " = ", r[1]);

Re: Using closure causes GC allocation

2017-09-04 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 4 September 2017 at 05:45:18 UTC, Vino.B wrote:
  In order to resolve the issue "Using closure causes GC 
allocation" it was stated that we need to use delegates

Alternatively you can drop the functional style and use a foreach 
loop that doesn't require delegates, but you'd still need the GC 
to store the result in an array. And even then you could still 
use Array (from std.container).

Re: Performance Issue

2017-09-05 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 09:44:09 UTC, Vino.B wrote:


 The below code is consume more memory and slower can you 
provide your suggestion on how to over come these issues.

You can start by dropping the .array conversions after 
dirEntries. That way your algorithm will become lazy (as opposed 
to eager), meaning that it won't allocate an entire array of 
DirEntry[]. It will, instead, treat the DirEntries one at a time, 
resulting in less memory consumption.

I didn't understand the join(["?\\", d[0]]) part, maybe you 
meant to write join("?\\", d[0]) ?

If appender is too slow, you can experiment with a dynamic array 
whose capacity was preallocated : string[][] Subdata; 
Subdata.reserve(1); In this case Subdata will hold enough 
space for 1 string[]s, which will result in better 

Here's the updated code (sans .array) in case any one wants to 
reproduce the issue :

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import std.typecons;
import std.array;
import std.path;
import std.container;
import std.file;
import std.parallelism;
import std.algorithm;

void main()

string[][] csizeDirList (string FFs, int SizeDir) {
ulong subdirTotal = 0;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
auto Subdata = appender!(string[][]);
auto dFiles = dirEntries(FFs, SpanMode.shallow)
.filter!(a => a.isDir && !globMatch(a.baseName, "*DND*"))
.map!(a => tuple(, a.size));

foreach (d; dFiles) {
		auto SdFiles = dirEntries(join(["?\\", d[0]]), 

.map!(a => tuple(a.size));
foreach (f; parallel(SdFiles,1)) {
subdirTotal += f[0];
subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) {
Subdata ~= [d[0], to!string(subdirTotalGB)];
subdirTotal = 0;

Struct with float members in betterC

2017-09-05 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm trying to create the following struct in betterC but I keep 
getting undefined reference errors when I try to compile the code 

import core.stdc.stdio;

struct Foo
float x;
float y;
float z;

extern(C) int main(int argc, char** argv)
/*auto foo = Foo(10, 2.0, 3.0);
printf("%f %f %f\n", foo.x, foo.y, foo.z);*/
return 0;

Note that the mere presence of such a struct causes the 
compilation to fail. The same problem occurs with a single float 
member, or with double members.

$ dmd -betterC structbug.d
structbug.o:(.data._D13TypeInfo_xAya6__initZ+0x0) : référence 
indéfinie vers « _D14TypeInfo_Const6__vtblZ »
structbug.o:(.data._D13TypeInfo_xAya6__initZ+0x8) : référence 
indéfinie vers « _D12TypeInfo_Aya6__initZ »

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: linker exited with status 1

I'm aware that betterC is still experimental at this point, but I 
thought I'd ask here to make sure it is indeed a bug before 
filing a bug report. Thanks in advance.

Re: Problem with std.string.strip(): Can't use result in format routine

2017-09-05 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 12:38:54 UTC, Ky-Anh Huynh wrote:


I read line from STDIN , and strip them

auto line_st = line.strip();

However, I can't use result in another format routine. Assume 
my input line is "foobar":

writeln("Stripped line is %s", line_st);

This code only prints "Stripped line is ". If I use instead

writeln("Stripped line is %s", line.strip());

the result is "Stripped line is foobar".

What're the difference between the two uses? I'm using `dmd 

Thanks a lot.

Maybe it has something to do with how you read from STDIN. Can 
you show that part of the code to see if I can reproduce the 
issue ?

Re: Performance Issue

2017-09-06 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 September 2017 at 08:10:35 UTC, Vino.B wrote:
in the next line of the code i say to list only folders that 
are greater than 10 Mb but this now is listing all folder 
(folder whose size is less than 10 MB are getting listed, not 
sure why.

Is the size in GB ? If so, then subdirTotalGB = 
(subdirTotal/1024/1024); needs to become subdirTotalGB = 
(subdirTotal/1024/1024/1024); for it to take effect. But do 
correct me if I'm wrong, I still haven't had my morning coffee.

Re: Performance Issue

2017-09-06 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 September 2017 at 15:11:57 UTC, Vino.B wrote:

On Wednesday, 6 September 2017 at 14:38:39 UTC, Vino.B wrote:
Hi Azi,

  The required out is like below

[31460]  - Array 1 for folder 1(all files in Folder 1) of the 
[138]  - Array 2 for folder 2(all files in Folder 2) of the 
[2277663, 2277663]  - Array 3 for folder 1(all files in Folder 
1) of the FS C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\EXPOR
[31460] - Array 4 for folder 2(all files in Folder 2) the FS 

I tried to create a similar file structure on my Linux machine. 
Here's the result of ls -R TEST1:





And here's the output of ls -R TEST2 :





This codes output the sizes in the format you described :

import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold, each;
import std.parallelism: parallel;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, DirEntry;
import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple;
import std.path: globMatch;
import std.array;

void main () {
auto Filesys = ["TEST1/BACKUP", "TEST2/EXPORT"];
ulong[][] sizes;
foreach(FFs; Filesys)
		auto dFiles = dirEntries(FFs, SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => 
a.isDir).map!(a =>;

foreach (d; dFiles) {
sizes ~= dirEntries(d, SpanMode.depth).map!(a => 

It outputs the sizes :

[6, 6, 6]
[8, 8]
[8, 8, 8]
[9, 9, 9, 9]

Note that there's no need to store them in ulong[][] sizes, you 
can display them inside the loop by replacing `sizes ~= 
dirEntries(d, SpanMode.depth).map!(a => a.size).array;` with 
`dirEntries(d, SpanMode.depth).map!(a => a.size).joiner(", 

To make sure that it calculates the correct sizes, I made it 
display the paths instead by making "sizes" string[][] instead of 
ulong[][] and by replacing map!(a => a.size) with map!(a => in the second foreach loop :

import std.algorithm: filter, map, each;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, DirEntry;
import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.array : array;

void main () {
auto Filesys = ["TEST1/BACKUP", "TEST2/EXPORT"];
string[][] sizes;
foreach(FFs; Filesys)
		auto dFiles = dirEntries(FFs, SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => 
a.isDir).map!(a =>;

foreach (d; dFiles) {
sizes ~= dirEntries(d, SpanMode.depth).map!(a =>;

It outputs the paths as expected :


["TEST2/EXPORT/FOLDER1/file2_3", "TEST2/EXPORT/FOLDER1/file2_1", 
["TEST2/EXPORT/FOLDER2/export2", "TEST2/EXPORT/FOLDER2/export3", 

Re: Performance Issue

2017-09-06 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 September 2017 at 18:21:44 UTC, Azi Hassan wrote:
I tried to create a similar file structure on my Linux machine. 
Here's the result of ls -R TEST1:


Upon further inspection it looks like I messed up the output.

[31460]  - Array 1 for folder 1(all files in Folder 1) of the 
[138]  - Array 2 for folder 2(all files in Folder 2) of the 
[2277663, 2277663]  - Array 3 for folder 1(all files in Folder 
1) of the FS C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\EXPOR
[31460] - Array 4 for folder 2(all files in Folder 2) the FS 

What files do these sizes correspond to ? Shouldn't there be two 
elements in the first array because C:\Temp\TEST1\BACKUP\FOLDER1 
contains two files ?

Re: Array Printing

2017-09-12 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 September 2017 at 06:29:53 UTC, Vino.B wrote:

Hi All,

 Request your help in printing the below array output as per 
the below required output

Array Output:
["C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\BACKUP\\dir1", "34", 
"C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\BACKUP\\dir2", "36", 
"C:\\Temp\\TEST3\\BACKUP\\dir1", "69"]
["C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\PROD_TEAM\\dir1", "34", 
"C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\PROD_TEAM\\DND1", "34"]

["C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\TEAM\\DND1", "34"]

Required output:
C:\Temp\TEST2\BACKUP\dir1   34
C:\Temp\TEST2\BACKUP\dir2   36
C:\Temp\TEST3\BACKUP\\dir1  69
C:\Temp\TEST2\PROD_TEAM\\dir1   34
C:\Temp\TEST2\PROD_TEAM\\DND1   34


You can also use leftJustifier (or the eager version, 
leftJustify) from std.string to make the output formatted like 
that :

import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.range;

void main()
	auto a1 = ["C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\BACKUP\\dir1", "34", 
"C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\BACKUP\\dir2", "36", 
"C:\\Temp\\TEST3\\BACKUP\\dir1", "69"];
	auto a2 = ["C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\PROD_TEAM\\dir1", "34", 
"C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\PROD_TEAM\\DND1", "34"];

auto a3 = ["C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\TEAM\\DND1", "34"];


void print(string[] array)
foreach(i; iota(0, array.length, 2))
writeln(array[i].leftJustifier(60, ' '), array[i + 1]);

Output :

C:\Temp\TEST2\BACKUP\dir1   34
C:\Temp\TEST2\BACKUP\dir2   36
C:\Temp\TEST3\BACKUP\dir1   69
C:\Temp\TEST2\TEAM\DND1 34

Re: Ranges seem awkward to work with

2017-09-12 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 September 2017 at 01:13:29 UTC, Hasen Judy wrote:
Now, a lot of library functions seem to expect ranges as inputs 
and return ranges as output.

Unless I'm mistaken, it was done on purpose to reduce the amount 
of memory allocations in the standard library so that it becomes 
@nogc-friendly. But yes, you can use std.array.array to turn it 
into an array, but keep in mind that it does allocate so you 
might need to watch out if you're dealing with large CSV files.

Re: Binary serialization of a struct

2017-09-16 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 16 September 2017 at 03:30:51 UTC, Joseph wrote:
Are there any simple direct serialization libraries where I can 
mark elements of a class or struct that I want serialized with 
an attribute and it will take care of all the rest(including 
recursive structures, arrays, etc) then deserialize back in to 
the structs?

I want something straight forward without allot of plumbing on 
my end.

Have you checked Cerealed ? From the looks of it, it supports a 
@NoCereal attribute which does the opposite of what you're 
looking for. Not sure how it handles nested structs, but there 
are examples in the test/directory :

Re: What the hell is wrong with D?

2017-09-20 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn
A general rule of thumb when it comes to operator precedence is 
that when in doubt, add parenthesis.

On Wednesday, 20 September 2017 at 02:16:16 UTC, EntangledQuanta 

Your an idiot,


Re: Get pointer or reference of an element in Array(struct)

2017-12-09 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 9 December 2017 at 06:46:27 UTC, Arun Chandrasekaran 

On Saturday, 9 December 2017 at 06:38:46 UTC, anonymous wrote:
On Saturday, 9 December 2017 at 06:15:16 UTC, Arun 
Chandrasekaran wrote:
Is there a way to get the pointer or reference of an element 
in Array(T)?


auto d2 = gallery[0];

auto d2 = &gallery[0];

Thanks. Just curious why reference can't be obtained here. 
Saves nasty null checks in most places.

In D, structs are passed by value unless otherwise specified. 
Using a class will yield the expected result.

Expanding CTFE code during compilation

2022-07-19 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn


Apologies in advance if this has been asked before. I can't find 
the right words to express what I'm looking for, but essentially, 
I'm wondering if the offers has the option of executing the parts 
that can be evaluated at compile time and then replacing them 
with the result of this evaluation. The C equivalent would be 
compiling with the -E flag as explained here :

For example :

import std;

void main()
enum x = iota(1, 5).reduce!"a * b";

Then after running something like

dmd --expand-ctfe main.d -o expanded.d
cat expanded.d

We'd get :

import std;

void main()

Just in case this is a consequence of the XY problem, the reason 
why I'm looking for this is to make sure that the code I wrote 
did evaluate to what I'm expecting it to. Right now I do this 
with an enum assignment followed by static asserts, but I'd love 
it for there to be some sort of visual feedback.

Thanks in advance

Re: Expanding CTFE code during compilation

2022-07-19 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 July 2022 at 22:27:56 UTC, Dennis wrote:

On Tuesday, 19 July 2022 at 21:43:01 UTC, Azi Hassan wrote:
I'm wondering if the offers has the option of executing the 
parts that can be evaluated at compile time and then replacing 
them with the result of this evaluation.

Try the `-vcg-ast` flag:
import object;
import std;
void main()
enum int x = 24;
return 0;

// ... and a bunch of template instances

Thanks a lot, this is exactly what I had in mind. Where did you 
find it though ? I checked dmd --help and man dmd before making 
this thread, but to no avail.

Re: Expanding CTFE code during compilation

2022-07-19 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 19 July 2022 at 22:41:43 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 7/19/22 5:43 PM, Azi Hassan wrote:

Just in case this is a consequence of the XY problem, the 
reason why I'm looking for this is to make sure that the code 
I wrote did evaluate to what I'm expecting it to. Right now I 
do this with an enum assignment followed by static asserts, 
but I'd love it for there to be some sort of visual feedback.

Thanks in advance

template printEnum(alias x, string file = __FILE__, size_t line 
= __LINE__)

   enum printEnum = x;
   pragma(msg, file, "(", int(line), "): ", printEnum);

enum x = printEnum!(iota(1, 5).reduce!"a * b");

This will spit out the file, line, and value for the 
declaration. Assuming this is useful for your double-checking 
you could do this, and then switch it back when you have 
verified that it's correct.


Nice, a compile time console.log. Thanks a lot, this will come in 
handy. I wonder if it can be combined with version(debug) to only 
run the pragma line if compiled with -g, this way we can keep the 
printEnum! line as it is. Then again, the code would become 
polluted by debugging logic

Re: Expanding CTFE code during compilation

2022-07-22 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 20 July 2022 at 01:15:44 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 7/19/22 8:57 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

There's a slight bloat in the compiler symbol table when  but 
other than that it should be effective.

Obviously I didn't finish that thought...

"when `-debug` isn't used on the command line"


Oh, interesting syntax. I was thinking something along the lines 

template printEnum(...) {
version(debug) {
... // everything we already did
} else {
enum printEnum(alias x) = x;

But I like yours better.

Re: Expanding CTFE code during compilation

2022-07-22 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 July 2022 at 14:11:52 UTC, Dennis wrote:

On Wednesday, 20 July 2022 at 00:33:06 UTC, Azi Hassan wrote:
Where did you find it though ? I checked dmd --help and man 
dmd before making this thread, but to no avail.

It was implemented as an internal debugging tool, not a 
documented feature:

It turned out to be useful for users as well though, and got 
exposure through the "AST" button on

Maybe it's time to document it, currently there's only this:

I see, thanks. I'll be sure to check the wiki next time.

Re: Expanding CTFE code during compilation

2022-07-23 Thread Azi Hassan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 23 July 2022 at 00:56:39 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 7/22/22 3:22 PM, Azi Hassan wrote:

Oh, interesting syntax. I was thinking something along the 
lines of

template printEnum(...) {
     version(debug) {
     ... // everything we already did
     } else {
     enum printEnum(alias x) = x;

But I like yours better.

`version(debug)` isn't valid syntax, `debug` is a keyword.


I stand corrected, I must've got it confused with 