Re: std.parallelism: How to wait all tasks finished?

2014-02-03 Thread Dan Killebrew
It seems to me that worker threads will continue as long as 
the queue isn't empty. So if a task adds another task to the 
pool, some worker will process the newly enqueued task.

No. After taskPool.finish() no way to add new tasks to the 
queue. taskPool.put will not add new tasks.

Then perhaps you need to create a new TaskPool (and make sure 
that workers add their tasks to the correct task pool), so that 
you can wait on the first task pool, then wait on the second task 
pool, etc.

auto phase1 = new TaskPool();
//make sure all new tasks are added to phase1

auto phase2 = new TaskPool();
//make sure all new tasks are added to phase2

Re: std.parallelism: How to wait all tasks finished?

2014-02-02 Thread Dan Killebrew
  // Next line will block execution until all tasks already in 
queue finished.

  // Almost all what I need, but new tasks will not be started.

Are you sure TaskPool.finish isn't what you're looking for?

"Signals worker threads to terminate when the queue becomes 

It seems to me that worker threads will continue as long as the 
queue isn't empty. So if a task adds another task to the pool, 
some worker will process the newly enqueued task.

Re: mixin template

2014-01-30 Thread Dan Killebrew

On Friday, 31 January 2014 at 06:24:27 UTC, Dan Killebrew wrote:

mixin template Foo(alias a){ alias Foo=a; }
pragma(msg, Foo!2); // error

template Bar(alias a){ alias Bar=a; }
pragma(msg, Bar!2); // ok

As far as I can tell, 'mixin template' does nothing new;

(besides fail to compile in Timon's reply). I should have said 
"it does nothing helpful."

Re: mixin template

2014-01-30 Thread Dan Killebrew

mixin template Foo(alias a){ alias Foo=a; }
pragma(msg, Foo!2); // error

template Bar(alias a){ alias Bar=a; }
pragma(msg, Bar!2); // ok

Perhaps I was unclear. What I meant:
What does 'mixin template' do that 'template' does not?
Where would I use 'mixin template'?

As far as I can tell, 'mixin template' does nothing new; 
'template' is sufficient. Thus, 'mixin template' seems like 
pointless extra syntax.

As I said before, this page 
could have replaced all instances of 'mixin template' with 
'template' and it would compile (I tested all examples) and run 
the same (perhaps not true? I tested about half).

Even the example in TDPL on page 284 works the same when I 
replace 'mixin template' with 'template': (this is my slightly 
modified version)

Re: mixin template

2014-01-27 Thread Dan Killebrew
Found this:

If what Jonathan says is true, then should be updated: s/mixin 

Re: std.json tree navigation help

2014-01-27 Thread Dan Killebrew
Check out the json module in vibe.d. Maybe copy it into your own 
application (since it can't be used as a library, yet).

mixin template

2014-01-27 Thread Dan Killebrew

What is the difference between:
template Foo() {
  int x = 5;

mixin template Foo() {
  int x = 5;

The full example is from the first code sample on  Both A and B compile and 
when run, have the exact same output. So how is 'mixin template' 
different from 'template'?

Full example, slightly modified to actually run:
import std.stdio;

 template Foo() {
//mixin template Foo() {
  int x = 5;

mixin Foo;

struct Bar {
  mixin Foo;

void main() {
  writefln("x = %d", x);  // prints 5
Bar b;
int x = 3;

writefln("b.x = %d", b.x); // prints 5
writefln("x = %d", x); // prints 3
  mixin Foo;
  writefln("x = %d", x);   // prints 5
  x = 4;
  writefln("x = %d", x);   // prints 4
writefln("x = %d", x); // prints 3
  writefln("x = %d", x);   // prints 5

Re: Idiomatic way to share mutable data?

2013-12-23 Thread Dan Killebrew
On Sunday, 22 December 2013 at 21:07:11 UTC, Charles McAnany 

I'm writing a little molecular simulator. Without boring you 
with the details, here's the gist of it:

struct Atom{
double x, vx;
double interaction(Atom a2){
return (a2.x-this.x)^^2; //more complicated in reality

Atom[] atoms = (a bunch of atoms in random positions);
foreach(timestep; 1..1000){ //L0
foreach(atom; atoms){ //L1
foreach(partner; atoms){ //L2
atom.vx += atom.interaction(partner)/mass; 

foreach(atom; atoms){ //L3
atom.x += atom.vx * deltaT;

So here's the conundrum: How do I parallelize this efficiently? 
The first loop, L0, is not parallelizable at all, and I think 
the best speedup will be in parallelizing L1. But I immediately 
run into trouble: all the threads need access to all of atoms, 
and every atom's position is changed on every pass through L0. 
So to do this purely with message passing would involve copying 
the entirety of atoms to every thread every L0 pass. Clearly, 
shared state is desirable.

But I don't need to be careful about the shared state at all; 
L1 only reads Atom.x, and only writes Atom.vx. L3 only reads 
Atom.vx and only writes Atom.x There's no data dependency at 
all inside L1 and L3.

Is there a way to inform the compiler of this without just 
aggressively casting things to shared and immutable?

On that note, how do you pass a reference to a thread (via 
send) without the compiler yelling at you? Do you 
cast(immutable Atom[]) on send and cast(Atom[]) on receive?

If you're doing a range limited interaction, partition the atoms 
spatially and have each core handle a fixed 3D volume. Check out 
the NT method 
  When the core that owns an atom detects that it may be in 
interaction range for atom(s) owned by another core, send updates 
to that other core.

Re: sending an Exception and print it

2013-12-21 Thread Dan Killebrew
I just wanted to add that the "can't format immutable Exception" 
also prevents me from doing this:

  auto exception = receiveOnly!(immutable Exception)();
because receiveOnly creates a tuple which implements a toString 
that uses indirectly uses formatObject. So I'm forced to use the 
slightly more clunky recieve() as seen on DPaste.

sending an Exception and print it

2013-12-21 Thread Dan Killebrew

I'm sending an exception from a worker thread to the owner thread
to be logged/printed. Using DMD64 D Compiler v2.064

Using std.concurrency prevents me from passing a naked Exception.
So the owner receives either a shared or immutable Exception.
I can't format a shared Exception:
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/format.d(2602): Error: static assert
"unable to format shared objects"
I can't format an immutable Exception:
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/format.d(2610): Error: template
instance formatObject!(Appender!string, immutable(Exception),
char) does not match template declaration formatObject(Writer, T,
Char)(ref Writer w, ref T val, ref FormatSpec!Char f) if
(hasToString!(T, Char))

What gives? I expected the immutable Exception to be formattable.

My current workaround is to cast to const Exception. Is there
something else I should be doing here?