Re: How would you solve this 'interview' question in D?

2013-06-26 Thread Diggory

On Wednesday, 26 June 2013 at 22:43:05 UTC, David wrote:

Am 26.06.2013 22:51, schrieb Gary Willoughby:
Just for a bit of fun, I saw this question posted on reddit 
the other

day and wondered how *you* would solve this in D?

I solved it ;)

Let's keep it simple:

int f(uint n) { return n; }
uint f(int n) { return -n; }

Re: Passing Appender by value

2013-06-22 Thread Diggory

On Saturday, 22 June 2013 at 13:48:53 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 6/22/13, Andrej Mitrovic  wrote:

Appender!(int[]) buffer;
writeln(;  // writes [], it's empty

Apparently it's the same thing as the old AA problem. 
Essentially the

buffer would have to be initialized first by appending:

import std.array;
import std.stdio;

void call(Appender!(int[]) buffer)

void main()
Appender!(int[]) buffer;
assert(;  // passes

assert(;  // still passes

assert( == [2, 1]);  // now it finally went 


It has something to do with null-initialization. I remember the
discussion about this problem with hashes, I just can't 
remember if

there was a bug report about it to link to.

The problem occurs whenever the internal array is resized because 
what actually happens is that a new array is allocated and the 
contents copied over - the original Appender still references the 
original array (or in this case null). The last example only 
works because when you call "put(2)" it actually allocates an 
array large enough to hold at least another item as well.

As usual it can be solved by introducing an extra layer of 
indirection, either by passing by ref or by making Appender store 
a pointer to a range.

Re: randomShuffle

2013-06-21 Thread Diggory
On Thursday, 20 June 2013 at 21:48:49 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:

On 06/04/2013 01:03 PM, Diggory wrote:
Still a few places to optimise, and I think the compiler 
optimisation should be
able to give a decent speed up as well. Would be interested to 
see how it

compares in your benchmark!

VERY belated apologies for not getting back to you here.  I was 
preparing an
email on the nice features of RandomSample -- e.g. that you can 
use it to sample
lines from a file -- when I realized that actually there was a 
bug that stopped

you from doing that:

So I stopped to prepare a fix, and then I got distracted with a 
bunch of things

I realized could be done to improve std.random ... :-P

Anyway, I _will_ do the benchmark.  Just might be a little 

Haha, no problem!

Re: Is the -property compiler flag broken/bad idea?

2013-06-06 Thread Diggory

On Thursday, 6 June 2013 at 10:38:27 UTC, Martin Primer wrote:

What would be good is:

@property int foo {
get() {
_val = value;
set() {
value = _val;


foo = 12;
int bar = foo;

my 2 cents.

That's both much more limited and longer than the current syntax. 
It also turns properties from a simple rewrite rule into a full 
language feature, and it doesn't seem to give any benefits?

Re: Is the -property compiler flag broken/bad idea?

2013-06-06 Thread Diggory

On Thursday, 6 June 2013 at 00:56:22 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 6 June 2013 at 00:08:31 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

Which is essentially the position of weak property enforcement.

Yes, though I wish we would stop calling it 'enforcement' 
because nothing actually needs to be especially enforced if we 
do it right!

@property int foo();

foo(); // error, type int is not callable

@property void delegate() foo();

foo(); // works, calls the returned delegate.

This isn't a syntax case in the parser looking at syntax, it is 
a natural consequence of the @property function call being 
substituted for its return value.

Similarly btw:

&foo; // error, foo is not an lvalue

because foo here is a returned int or whatever. This isn't 
directly substitutable for a plain "int foo", but that's ok 
because one benefit of properties is we get to do things 
regular members can't, like restrict read or write access like 

@property ref int foo();

static assert(is(typeof(foo) == int));
static assert(is(typeof(&foo) == int*));

foo = 10; // ok

that works now because ref int is an lvalue. An @property 
returning a reference is one case were we should be able to get 
(almost*) 100% substitution between it and a regular member 

* __traits(propertyImplementation, foo) or something like that 
might still show something different, but if you're using that 
kind of thing, it is clear that you want special access anyway.

I've tried to implement this in the compiler before. It seems 
like it would be a simple case of a semantic rewrite of "foo" 
into "foo()" iff foo is @property as soon as you see it. But 
the implementation is hard because of things like setters. foo 
= 10 should be rewritten into foo(10), but that's easier said 
than done - it either has to undo the foo->foo() rewrite on the 
left hand side, then look for the matching setter, or the 
rewrite has to be moved and moving it means duplicating it 
in all the bazillion places it can be referenced.

So my attempt got 90% to where I wanted pretty easily, but that 
last 10% is a hell of a bump in the road and I haven't figured 
it out yet. A working pull request would surely be a big step 
toward closing this discussion once and for all, I wish I had 
more free time, I have so  much D I want to hack on!

That would be good - some breakage could be avoided by checking 
if the return type of the property implements the function call 
operator, if it doesn't you could accept the "getter()" syntax 
with only a warning/deprecation message.

Re: randomShuffle

2013-06-04 Thread Diggory

Here's the fixed one:

uint[] randomSample(uint N, uint M) {
uint[] result = new uint[N];

struct hashPair {
uint key;
uint index;

size_t tableSize = N*4;
if (tableSize > M)
tableSize = M;

hashPair[] table = new hashPair[tableSize];

for (uint i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
uint v = (rndGen.front % (M-i))+i;
uint newv = v, newi = i;

uint ihash = i%tableSize;
while (table[ihash].index) {
if (table[ihash].key == i) {
newi = table[ihash].index-1;

uint vhash = v%tableSize;

while (table[vhash].index) {
if (table[vhash].key == v) {
newv = table[vhash].index-1;
table[vhash].index = newi+1;
goto done;

vhash = (vhash+1)%tableSize;

table[vhash].key = v;
table[vhash].index = newi+1;

result[i] = newv;

return result;

Still a few places to optimise, and I think the compiler 
optimisation should be able to give a decent speed up as well. 
Would be interested to see how it compares in your benchmark!

Re: randomShuffle

2013-06-04 Thread Diggory

On Tuesday, 4 June 2013 at 08:30:58 UTC, Diggory wrote:
On Monday, 3 June 2013 at 21:24:50 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling 

On 06/03/2013 08:28 PM, Diggory wrote:
I'd guess that the heavy use of floating point arithmetic to 
calculate the step
sizes means that algorithm has a fairly large constant 
overhead even though the

complexity is smaller.

Yes, I agree.  There might be some optimizations that could be 
done there.

Well I've come up with this new algorithm:

uint[] randomSample(uint N, uint M) {
uint[] result = new uint[N];

struct hashPair {
uint key;
uint index;

size_t tableSize = N*4;
if (tableSize > M)
tableSize = M;

hashPair[] table = new hashPair[tableSize];

for (uint i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
uint v = (rndGen.front % (M-i))+i;
uint newv = v;

uint vhash = v%tableSize;

while (table[vhash].index) {
if (table[vhash].key == v) {
newv = table[vhash].index-1;
table[vhash].index = i+1;
goto done;

vhash = (vhash+1)%tableSize;

table[vhash].key = v;
table[vhash].index = i+1;

result[i] = newv;

return result;

It's O(N) rather than O(N²). Conceptually it works by randomly 
shuffling the first N items in an array of size M which takes 
O(N) time but requires an array of size O(M), so to avoid this 
it uses a simple hash table to store just the items which have 
been swapped. Since only O(N) items are being shuffled there 
can only be O(N) swaps and so the hash table can be O(N) in 
size while still offering constant time look-up.

OK, posted too soon! There's a small bug in this one where it 
could potentially return the same value twice, it can be fixed by 
looking up "i" in the hash table as well as "v".

Re: randomShuffle

2013-06-04 Thread Diggory
On Monday, 3 June 2013 at 21:24:50 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling 

On 06/03/2013 08:28 PM, Diggory wrote:
I'd guess that the heavy use of floating point arithmetic to 
calculate the step
sizes means that algorithm has a fairly large constant 
overhead even though the

complexity is smaller.

Yes, I agree.  There might be some optimizations that could be 
done there.

Well I've come up with this new algorithm:

uint[] randomSample(uint N, uint M) {
uint[] result = new uint[N];

struct hashPair {
uint key;
uint index;

size_t tableSize = N*4;
if (tableSize > M)
tableSize = M;

hashPair[] table = new hashPair[tableSize];

for (uint i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
uint v = (rndGen.front % (M-i))+i;
uint newv = v;

uint vhash = v%tableSize;

while (table[vhash].index) {
if (table[vhash].key == v) {
newv = table[vhash].index-1;
table[vhash].index = i+1;
goto done;

vhash = (vhash+1)%tableSize;

table[vhash].key = v;
table[vhash].index = i+1;

result[i] = newv;

return result;

It's O(N) rather than O(N²). Conceptually it works by randomly 
shuffling the first N items in an array of size M which takes 
O(N) time but requires an array of size O(M), so to avoid this it 
uses a simple hash table to store just the items which have been 
swapped. Since only O(N) items are being shuffled there can only 
be O(N) swaps and so the hash table can be O(N) in size while 
still offering constant time look-up.

Re: randomShuffle

2013-06-03 Thread Diggory
On Monday, 3 June 2013 at 17:35:22 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling 

On 06/03/2013 07:00 PM, Diggory wrote:
Thanks for testing before dismissing completely :P The way it 
returns results
can be improved a lot by pre-allocating a range of the 
necessary size/using a

range passed in.

Surely. :-)

The complexity is O(N²) where N is the number of samples out 
of M. The algorithm
is something I just thought of although I've possibly used it 
before and I'm
sure someone else has thought of it too. It's quite simple, it 
effectively says
"pick a value from the range except for this value" 
recursively but instead of
dividing the range in two, it shifts the top part down first 
to make a
contiguous range and then shifts the results which are past 
the split up one


It's an interesting little piece of invention.  I'll have to 
look around and see
if there's anything similar documented.  I've not seen anything 
in the
literature which has this particular property of O(N) random 
variates plus

O(N^2) calculation.

The fact that it's not sequential might have been a bit of an 
historically, which maybe explains why I haven't come across 
something like it.

I expect the phobos implementation to be something like O(M) 
in which case my
method would be faster whenever N < sqrt(M) (with the 

No, the Phobos implementation is O(N) -- I wrote it :-)  See:

The API is Andrei's -- the original implementation used what 
Knuth refers to as
Algorithm S [which is really simple and easy to implement and 
check, but is
indeed O(M)], I updated it to use Algorithm D (which is 

So, since randomSample takes kN time where k is constant, your 
algorithm will

probably win where N < k.

I found that the sampling time was about equal with N = 50 and 
your algorithm as

it's currently written.

I'd guess that the heavy use of floating point arithmetic to 
calculate the step sizes means that algorithm has a fairly large 
constant overhead even though the complexity is smaller.

Re: randomShuffle

2013-06-03 Thread Diggory
On Monday, 3 June 2013 at 13:18:30 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling 

On 06/03/2013 02:30 PM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

On 06/03/2013 01:29 PM, Diggory wrote:
For small samples from very large ranges an efficient 
algorithm would be:

int[] randomGen(int N, int M) {
if (N == 0)
return [];

int[] result = randomGen(N-1, M-1);

int num = rand(M);
foreach (ref int i; result)
if (i >= num)

result ~= num;

return result;

Are you sure about the efficiency of that algorithm?  Looks 
like it's be O(M) to me.

Apologies, I misread the algorithm slightly.  Your qualifier is 
quite correct --
when the number of sample points is very small (e.g. 5 out of 
some arbitrary
very large number), that algorithm is very quick indeed (I ran 
some tests as I

was curious:-), and can outperform D's randomSample.

It doesn't scale with the size of the input (your value M), but 
with the number
of sample points n, but that scaling is very bad -- so as the 
sample size grows

it becomes _much_ worse than randomSample.

Do you have a reference for the algorithm?  Off the top of my 
head I don't

recognize it from any of the texts I've read.

Thanks for testing before dismissing completely :P The way it 
returns results can be improved a lot by pre-allocating a range 
of the necessary size/using a range passed in.

The complexity is O(N²) where N is the number of samples out of 
M. The algorithm is something I just thought of although I've 
possibly used it before and I'm sure someone else has thought of 
it too. It's quite simple, it effectively says "pick a value from 
the range except for this value" recursively but instead of 
dividing the range in two, it shifts the top part down first to 
make a contiguous range and then shifts the results which are 
past the split up one afterward.

I expect the phobos implementation to be something like O(M) in 
which case my method would be faster whenever N < sqrt(M) (with 
the optimisations)

Re: Structs should not contain pointers to internal data

2013-06-03 Thread Diggory

On Monday, 3 June 2013 at 16:00:58 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 06/03/2013 05:26 AM, Saurabh Das wrote:

> Thank you @Ali and @Jonothan!
> So essentially since I will be storing a pointer,
Telemetry!(T) is NOT safe
> to use only with structs in general.
> If I have something like:
> struct UsefulStruct2
> {
>  this(this) @disable;
>  this(UsefulStruct2) @disable;
>this(ref const(UsefulStruct2)) @disable;
>ref UsefulStruct2 opAssign(UsefulStruct2) @disable;
>ref UsefulStruct2 opAssign(ref const(UsefulStruct2))
>  int importantValue;
>  auto tel1 = Telemetry!int(importantValue);
> }
> Does that ensure that UsefulStruct2 is not relocateable and
thus I can
> safely store a pointer to importantValue?

No. The compiler can still move a struct by blit (bit level 
transfer). Blit is based on good old memcpy. For a "copy", 
post-blit is for making corrections after the fact. On the 
other hand, the programmer cannot interfere if it is a "move".

For example, rvalues are moved, e.g. to an array element as in 
the following example:

import std.stdio;
import std.array;

struct UsefulStruct2
this(this) @disable;
this(UsefulStruct2) @disable;
this(ref const(UsefulStruct2)) @disable;
ref UsefulStruct2 opAssign(UsefulStruct2) @disable;
ref UsefulStruct2 opAssign(ref const(UsefulStruct2)) 

int importantValue;
int * p;

UsefulStruct2 makeObject(int i)
UsefulStruct2 u;
u.importantValue = i;
u.p = &u.importantValue;  // <-- self-referencing
return u;

void main()
auto arr = [ makeObject(1) ];
assert(arr.front.p != &arr.front.importantValue);  // 


> If not, what constraints do I need to add to my classes to
ensure that I
> don't run into subtle bugs when structs relocate?

As you see, @disable is cripling and not a solution for this. 
As far as I know, the only option is to observe this rule.

I agree with you that a struct may become self-referencing, 
unknowingly and indirectly through members of other types.


You can get around this limitation by making a wrapper struct 
which uses special values to represent pointers which point 
within the containing struct, and does the conversion 
automatically when you dereference it.

Re: randomShuffle

2013-06-03 Thread Diggory

On Monday, 3 June 2013 at 10:10:15 UTC, Yann wrote:

Thanks a lot for the suggestions!


On Monday, 3 June 2013 at 10:06:30 UTC, bearophile wrote:


Is there a better way to accomplish this? Naively, I would 
expect something like

"return iota(1, 1000).randomShuffle.take(10).sort;"

Two ways, the first gives items in random order, the second 
ordered as you seem to desire:

import std.stdio, std.random, std.range, std.array;
void main() {
   iota(1, 1001).randomCover(rndGen).take(10).writeln;
   iota(1, 1001).randomSample(10).writeln;

But be careful with randomCover, because maybe it takes the 
rnd generator by value.


For small samples from very large ranges an efficient algorithm 
would be:

int[] randomGen(int N, int M) {
if (N == 0)
return [];

int[] result = randomGen(N-1, M-1);

int num = rand(M);
foreach (ref int i; result)
if (i >= num)

result ~= num;

return result;

Re: Are heap objects never moved by the garbage collector?

2013-06-01 Thread Diggory

On Saturday, 1 June 2013 at 08:11:05 UTC, sclytrack wrote:

On Friday, 31 May 2013 at 16:31:39 UTC, Carl Sturtivant wrote:

"The D Programming Language" (TDPL) p.178 asserts the 

"The objects themselves stay put, that is their locations in 
memory never change after creation."

I take this to mean that the D garbage collector doesn't move 
live objects and adjust all references to them the way that 
some garbage collectors do. That is to say, the addresses of 
objects are not changed by the garbage collector.

Does D guarantee this?

No. Quoted from the D website:

"Although D does not currently use a moving garbage collector, 
by following the rules listed above one can be implemented. No 
special action is required to pin objects. A moving collector 
will only move objects for which there are no ambiguous 
references, and for which it can update those references. All 
other objects will be automatically pinned. "

I'll assume you can not move immutable pointers. Immutable 
pointers are not mentioned on that page. (except in the index 
left :)

Actually that's wrong - a moving GC would break everything in D 
since the GC cannot know if there are any ambiguous references. 
As soon as you pass a pointer to an external function there's no 
way for the GC to know if that pointer or any pointers accessible 
from it will ever be safe to move again. Pinning has to be 
explicit or it doesn't work, and currently all of phobos and 
druntime is implemented without it.

Re: Are heap objects never moved by the garbage collector?

2013-05-31 Thread Diggory

On Friday, 31 May 2013 at 17:14:52 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Friday, May 31, 2013 18:31:38 Carl Sturtivant wrote:
"The D Programming Language" (TDPL) p.178 asserts the 

"The objects themselves stay put, that is their locations in
memory never change after creation."

I take this to mean that the D garbage collector doesn't move
live objects and adjust all references to them the way that 

garbage collectors do. That is to say, the addresses of objects
are not changed by the garbage collector.

Does D guarantee this?

I don't believe that there is any such guarantee in the 
language. Structs on
the heap get moved around all the time, so having objects with 
references to
themselves is effectively disallowed. The GC does not currently 
ever move any
objects, but I don't believe that the language itself 
guarantees that it never
will. It may be that in the future it would, though it's 
unlikely given some
of the technical difficulties caused by having unmanaged 
pointers and void* and
whatnot. Languages which run in a VM and are restricted to 
managed pointers
are able to make many more assumptions than D is, making it 
much easier for

them to do moveable garbage collectors.

- Jonathan M Davis

I assume you mean structs on the stack rather than on the heap - 
structs on the heap are never moved currently.

Re: double vs real

2013-05-30 Thread Diggory

On Thursday, 30 May 2013 at 16:18:44 UTC, Shriramana Sharma wrote:
Hello. I like that D exposes to me the real type to maximally 

the machine's numerical precision. Since I am writing a program
(currently in C++ but I am thinking of moving to D) that has to 
lots of fractional numbers (calculating offset curves and such) 
I am
wondering whether/when I should real instead of double or even 

arguments in favour of staying with double (compatibility with
C/C++?). Any pointers appreciated please? I checked the FAQ but 

doesn't seem to mention this.


Since D does all operations at highest possible precision anyway 
(even for double or float) it only makes a difference when the 
value is being stored to memory and then read back again.

I would recommend aliasing double or real to a custom name and 
then using that. Then when you're done you can easily switch 
between them and see how it affects precision in your particular 
case and decide what's best.

Re: regex with literal (ie automatically replace '(' with '\(', etc) )

2013-05-30 Thread Diggory
Your suggestion does not work; try for yourself by replacing 
the $$ by \$

in my code. Is that a bug in std.regex' doc?
=> invalid format string in regex replace

However everything works fine with $$, see my code above.

Either the doc or the code should probably be changed then so 
they are consistent.

Re: regex with literal (ie automatically replace '(' with '\(', etc) )

2013-05-30 Thread Diggory

On Thursday, 30 May 2013 at 06:50:06 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:

ok, here it is:
simplified implementation and added missing escape symbols. Any 

I was basing myself based on, table
entry '\c where c is one of', but that was incomplete. I'm also 
noting that

table entry 'any character except' is also incomplete.

Technically any working "escapeRegex" would also function as a 
"escapeRegexReplace", although it might be slightly faster to 
have a

specialised one.

not sure, because they escape differently (\$ vs $$).

According to this: you can use the 
same escape sequences for both (\c -> c in the replacement 

Re: Consume an entire range

2013-05-29 Thread Diggory

On Thursday, 30 May 2013 at 04:18:14 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Thursday, May 30, 2013 06:12:51 Diggory wrote:

On Thursday, 30 May 2013 at 03:53:06 UTC, Brad Anderson wrote:
> On Thursday, 30 May 2013 at 03:50:52 UTC, Brad Anderson 
> wrote:

>> Is there a simple way to consume a range apart from
>> std.array.array?  I don't need to result of the range stored
>> in an array, I just need a lazy map to evaluate completely.
> Obviously I could just popFront.  To be more clear, I want
> something like eat() or consume() or exhaust() that I can 
> tack

> on the end of my chained algorithm calls.

There's "walkLength"?

Ah, I should have thought of that, though that won't work if 
the range defines
length. Of course, if it defines length, you can always use 
popFrontN with


- Jonathan M Davis

Do you think it would be worth adding a "consume" method to 
std.range or std.algorithm?

Re: Consume an entire range

2013-05-29 Thread Diggory

On Thursday, 30 May 2013 at 03:53:06 UTC, Brad Anderson wrote:

On Thursday, 30 May 2013 at 03:50:52 UTC, Brad Anderson wrote:
Is there a simple way to consume a range apart from 
std.array.array?  I don't need to result of the range stored 
in an array, I just need a lazy map to evaluate completely.

Obviously I could just popFront.  To be more clear, I want 
something like eat() or consume() or exhaust() that I can tack 
on the end of my chained algorithm calls.

There's "walkLength"?

Re: regex with literal (ie automatically replace '(' with '\(', etc) )

2013-05-29 Thread Diggory

On Wednesday, 29 May 2013 at 23:33:30 UTC, timotheecour wrote:

something like this, which we should have in std.regex:

string escapeRegex(string a){
import std.string;
	enum transTable = ['[' : `\[`, '|' : `\|`, '*': `\*`, '+': 
`\+`, '?': `\?`, '(': `\(`, ')': `\)`];

return translate(a, transTable);
string escapeRegexReplace(string a){
import std.string;
//  enum transTable = ['$' : `$$`, '\\' : `\\`];
enum transTable = ['$' : `$$`];
return translate(a, transTable);

string a=`asdf(def[ghi]+*|)`;
string b=`$aa\/$ $$#@$\0$1#$@%#@%=+_`;
auto s=replace(a,regex(escapeRegex(a)),escapeRegexReplace(b));

That would be good (although you missed a few :P)

Technically any working "escapeRegex" would also function as a 
valid "escapeRegexReplace", although it might be slightly faster 
to have a specialised one.

Re: iteration over a string

2013-05-28 Thread Diggory
Most algorithms for strings need the offset rather than the 
character index, so:

foreach (i; dchar c; str)

Gives the offset into the string for "i"

If you really need the character index just count it:

int charIndex = 0;
foreach (dchar c; str) {
   // ...


If strings were treated specially so that they looked like arrays 
of dchars but used UTF-8 internally it would hide all sorts of 
performance costs. Random access into a UTF-8 string by the 
character index is O(n) whereas index by the offset is O(1).

If you are using random access by character index heavily you 
should therefore convert to a dstring first and then you can get 
the O(1) random access time.

Re: Immutability vs reference types

2013-05-27 Thread Diggory

On Tuesday, 28 May 2013 at 00:24:32 UTC, Francois Chabot wrote:
Hello, I'm trying to get back into D again. This time around, 

playing mostly with concurency and parallism, all the while
trying to get my code writen in "the D way" as much as possible.

I've run into a rather major road block that seems rather
nonsensical at face value, so I'm not sure if i'm 

the nature of immutability...

Here's kinda what I WANT to do:

class DataChunk {  }

struct DepPassResult {
 immutable( DataChunk ) target_chunk ;
 immutable( string ) [] foundDeps ;

immutable( DataChunk )[ string ] chunk_db ;

void doWork( const string[] chunks , int workers_count ) {
 auto workers = new TaskPool( workers_count ) ;

 foreach( chunk ; chunks ) {
   _workers.put( task!doDepPass( chunk_db[ chunk ] , 
thisTid )


 bool all_done = false ;
 while( !all_done )
  ( DepPassResult r ) { ... } ,
   ) ;

 workers.stop() ;

void doDepPass( immutable( DataChunk ) data , Tid main_thread ) 

  main_thread.send( DepPassResult( data , [ "whatever" ] ) 
) ;


Obviously, there's a lot more to it, but that's enough to
illustrate my problem.
DepPassResult is being rejected as a valid Variant type (only at
run time might I add) because it's not re-assignable. Fair 

I have a few easy options at my disposal, but all of them seem
pretty bad to me:
1. DepPassResult.target_chunk could be made a string, but that
would require DataChunk to be aware of the index value it has in
2. DepPassResult.target_chunk could be made a pointer, which 

screams workaround.
3. DepPassResult.target_chunk could be made a slice that by
convention will only ever point to an array of 1 DataChunk

It's the fact that #3 works that kills me.
If with immutable(Type)[], I can have a re-assignable reference
to arrays of immutable data, I really should be able to have 

form of syntactical equivalent for single instances. But there
just doesn't seem to be one. Immutability for reference types
seem to always apply both to the referenced data as well as the
reference itself no matter what.

Considering how critical immutability is to concurency and
paralellism in D, that seems like a pretty big missing piece of
the puzzle. I've got to be overseeing something here. Please 

It looks like Michel Fortin did some work on this years ago
(though for completely unrelated reasons):

Did this ever pan out? or has some form of equivalent or 

work-around been established?

This is still a known problem with no nice solution. One other 
possibility is making DataChunk a struct and then make two 
classes, MutableDataChunk and ImmutableDataChunk which contain 
mutable and immutable versions of that struct respectively. You 
can use "alias this" on each class to automatically forward calls 
to the inner struct.

I haven't tried this out myself so there may be other problems 
doing it this way but it's something to consider at least.

Re: lookup fields struct

2013-05-26 Thread Diggory

On Sunday, 26 May 2013 at 23:37:01 UTC, mimi wrote:

Wow! thanks!

"offsetof" will automatically distribute over the arguments so to 
get the offsets of a tuple you can just do:

auto tmp = TP.offsetof;

And "tmp" will be a tuple of the offsets.

Re: Mixin Templates Over-restricted?

2013-05-25 Thread Diggory

On Saturday, 25 May 2013 at 18:05:01 UTC, yaz wrote:
Is there a reason for restricting mixin templates to only 
include declarations?
For example, the following code doesn't work. 
Looking at the language specification 
( this doesn't seem to be 
an implementation limitation.

import std.stdio;

mixin template Test() {
  writeln("Hello D People!");

void main() {
  mixin Test;

I would have posted to the main newsgroup but I thought that 
maybe I'm missing something.


I think you can do it using a string mixin instead:
enum Test = `writeln("Hello D People!")`

void main() {

The answer to your question is probably that D has to know the 
context for a template mixing at the point where it is declared 
rather than where it is used.

If non-declarations were allowed the semantic meaning of the 
template mixin would depend on the way it was used, and that's 
not allowed.

I could also be completely wrong of course :P

Re: WindowProc in a class - function and pointer problem

2013-05-22 Thread Diggory

On Wednesday, 22 May 2013 at 20:25:40 UTC, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:

On 2013-05-22, 21:30, D-sturbed wrote:

Hello, is there a way to wrap a WindowProc (so "LRESULT 
WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM 
lParam) nothrow") in a class and to link it to a WindowClass 
without puting it as "static" ?

Because defacto every datum used in the WindowProc must also 
be static.
The problem technically is that if "static" is not specified, 
the compiler won't allow this: "MyWinClass.lpfnWndProc = 

I've also tried this: "MyWinClass.lpfnWndProc = 
(&TheWindowProcInMyClass).funcptr" but, while it compiles, it 
drastically fails at the run-time...

Not possible, no. What you *can* do is have some way to 
translate from
hwnd to class instance, and fetch the right instance inside the 

wndProc to call a member function on that.

If you are only going to have one window you can store the "this" 
pointer in a global variable.

If you want to have multiple windows each with messages going to 
an instance of a class, you need to do the following:
- Specify the "this" pointer as the lpParam argument to 

- Hook up a static WndProc function
- Have the static function handle a WM_NCCREATE message as 
- Cast the "lParam" parameter to a CREATESTRUCT* and retrieve 
the "this" pointer from the "lpCreateParams" member.
- Use "SetWindowLongPtr" to set the GWLP_USERDATA property of 
the window "hwnd" to the "this" pointer

- Have the static function handle all messages as follows:
- Use "GetWindowLongPtr" to get the GWLP_USERDATA property of 
the window "hwnd" to get the "this" pointer
- Pass the message on to a non-static WndProc in the class 
using the discovered "this" pointer

You also need to make sure that there is a separate reference to 
the class instance for as long as the window exists, because the 
garbage collector will not scan the window properties and so may 
think the object is garbage otherwise.

Re: static analysis: how to test code reachability at compile time

2013-05-22 Thread Diggory

On Tuesday, 21 May 2013 at 21:15:58 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
 I'd like to have the following tools to help with static 
analysis & code


1) test whether code is reachable or not.

Of course it only works for executables and may have some 
caveats (eg:

goto), but its still useful diagnostic tool.

__traits(isReachable): true when the current context can be 
reached via at

least one code path starting from main():

void fun1(){
//__traits(isReachable) would be false here because even though 
fun1 is

called by fun2, it can never be called starting from main().
void fun2(){fun1;}
void fun3(){} // would also be false, because of static 
if(temp); with temp

being known to be 0 at compile time.
void fun4(){
//__traits(isReachable) would be false here because all code 
paths return

above this point.
void main(){enum temp=0; static if(temp) fun3; fun4;}

When a pointer to a function is taken, we may want to assume by 

that __traits(isReachable) is true.

This would enable for example to make sure a given code is 
never called.

Note, static assert(0) is not the same.

static code call graph: know caller/calling functions for a 
given function.

3) static code coverage
this would allow us to tell at compile time the code coverage 
of a module;
it is larger than runtime coverage, but still useful to find 
dead code.

It would be very easy to introduce paradoxes if this were 
possible, simply use a static if to call something only if it is 

Re: Enum of types

2013-05-20 Thread Diggory

On Tuesday, 21 May 2013 at 05:48:31 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 05/20/2013 09:58 PM, Diggory wrote:

> On Tuesday, 21 May 2013 at 04:36:57 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> Sounds like std.variant.Algebraic:
>> Ali
> I don't see how I could use that. Algebraic is for storing a
value, I'm
> trying to store just a type.

But you did say you needed to store data: "... an object that 
stores some typed data ... the user should be able to tell it 
what type of data it will hold."

With my current limited understanding, I still think Algebraic 
would be a solution.


The data is stored elsewhere in a black-box completely outside 
D's jurisdiction. Also the type of the data is supplied first, 
and the data itself is supplied at a later time.

I gave up on the mixin idea but have come up with this:

import std.typetuple;

struct TypeEnum(T...) {
private int index;

private this(int index) {
this.index = index;

template from(U) {
		static assert(staticIndexOf!(U, T) != -1, "Type is not in the 
list of possible types for this TypeEnum");

public enum from = TypeEnum!T(staticIndexOf!(U, T));

Example usage:

alias TypeEnum!(
) gpElementType;

gpElementType test = gpElementType.from!float;

Might make a nice addition to std.variant, no?

Re: Enum of types

2013-05-20 Thread Diggory

On Tuesday, 21 May 2013 at 04:36:57 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Sounds like std.variant.Algebraic:


I don't see how I could use that. Algebraic is for storing a 
value, I'm trying to store just a type.

Enum of types

2013-05-20 Thread Diggory
I want to create an enum of some number of types, eg. { ubyte, 
ushort, uint, float }

It should be straightforward to get a member of the enum from the 
type itself. Basically I have an object that stores some typed 
data, but the type may not be known at compile time, only the set 
of possible types. When constructing the object the user should 
be able to tell it what type of data it will hold. Also the 
underlying type of the enum should be efficient to store and 

So far the best I can come up with is using a mixin and CTFE to 
generate the code for an enum plus a template function to convert 
from a type to a member of the enum, but it seems like there 
might be a better way?

Re: Cross product template

2013-05-14 Thread Diggory

On Wednesday, 15 May 2013 at 01:31:43 UTC, Diggory wrote:
I have a vector struct, Vector(T, uint N) templated on the type 
T and number of components, N. I'm trying to write a function 
"cross" which will calculate the cross product of a number of 

For a given number of components, N, the cross function should 
take N-1 arguments, each one a Vector!(?, N) and will return a 
vector perpendicular to the vectors passed in. The ? means the 
type is free to be anything.

The problem is that however I try to write it, the template 
argument deduction isn't powerful enough to work out which 
instantiation to use.

I thought something like this would work to deduce the 
parameters and then I could use constraints to enforce the 
other rules, but no:

auto cross(T, N, U...)(Vector!(T, N) a, U b) { return 0; }

Well, after much trial and error I ended up with this, which 
seems to work:

template VectorN(T : Vector!(T, N), uint N) {
enum VectorN = N;

template isVectorN(uint N) {
template isVectorN(T) {
enum isVectorN = VectorN!(T) == N;

auto cross(T...)(T args) if (allSatisfy!(isVectorN!(T.length+1), 
T) && T.length) {

return 0;

Cross product template

2013-05-14 Thread Diggory
I have a vector struct, Vector(T, uint N) templated on the type T 
and number of components, N. I'm trying to write a function 
"cross" which will calculate the cross product of a number of 

For a given number of components, N, the cross function should 
take N-1 arguments, each one a Vector!(?, N) and will return a 
vector perpendicular to the vectors passed in. The ? means the 
type is free to be anything.

The problem is that however I try to write it, the template 
argument deduction isn't powerful enough to work out which 
instantiation to use.

I thought something like this would work to deduce the parameters 
and then I could use constraints to enforce the other rules, but 

auto cross(T, N, U...)(Vector!(T, N) a, U b) { return 0; }

Re: Interface vs pure abstract class - speed.

2013-05-12 Thread Diggory

On Sunday, 12 May 2013 at 17:31:22 UTC, SundayMorningRunner wrote:
Hello, let's say I have the choice between using an abstract 
class or an interface to declare a "plan", a "template" for the 

From the dmd compiler point of view, should I use the abstract 
class version (so I guess that for each method call, there will 
be a few MOV, in order to extract the relative address from the 
vmt before a CALL) or the interface version (are the CALL 
directly performed in this case). Are interface faster ? (to 
get the address used by the CALL).


I would expect abstract classes to be slightly faster (certainly 
they shouldn't be slower), but the difference to be insignificant 
compared to other factors.

Deriving from an abstract base class is a much stronger 
relationship than implementing an interface, so it depends on 
your situation. If your class is a "provider" (eg. it provides 
some functionality such as being able to receive some event) then 
an interface makes more sense. If your class is a type of 
something (eg. a button is a type of gui control) then 
inheritance makes more sense.

Re: How to reserve memory for a slice in a struct

2013-05-07 Thread Diggory
You could allocate space inside a class itself with something 
like this:

class Base {
int[] slice;

template Derived(size_t N) {
class Derived : Base {
int[N] array;

this() {
slice = array;

Base b = new Derived!32();

A bit pointless though...

Re: C Memory

2013-05-05 Thread Diggory

On Sunday, 5 May 2013 at 07:23:25 UTC, Namespace wrote:

On Sunday, 5 May 2013 at 06:43:17 UTC, Diggory wrote:

On Sunday, 5 May 2013 at 06:35:38 UTC, Namespace wrote:
Quick question: I have a SDL_Surface in one of my classes and 
the SDL_Surface contains (obviously) memory to the pixel 
data. Since I cannot free this memory with the DTor: what 
will happen? AFAIK this cannot be freed by the GC because it 
was not allocated by it. So AFAIK this creates a memory leak. 
Am I right?

Why can't you free the memory from the destructor?

Every time I tried this, I got this: 
I do not know if I get that, because the GC has already cleaned 
this store or because of something else.

Sounds like a bug - if the pointer is not into GC memory then the 
GC shouldn't touch it.

Re: C Memory

2013-05-04 Thread Diggory

On Sunday, 5 May 2013 at 06:35:38 UTC, Namespace wrote:
Quick question: I have a SDL_Surface in one of my classes and 
the SDL_Surface contains (obviously) memory to the pixel data. 
Since I cannot free this memory with the DTor: what will 
happen? AFAIK this cannot be freed by the GC because it was not 
allocated by it. So AFAIK this creates a memory leak. Am I 

Why can't you free the memory from the destructor?

Re: Check if tuple contains value at compile time

2013-05-04 Thread Diggory

On Sunday, 5 May 2013 at 01:44:19 UTC, bearophile wrote:


The documentation seems too say that "[mytuple]" will make an 

Nope. You have to extract the inherent typetuple first. And 
this is what the [] syntax does (tested):

import std.stdio, std.typecons, std.algorithm;
void main() {
auto t = tuple("foo", "bar", "spam");


Is the behaviour of the empty [] when applied to tuples 
documented anywhere?

The problem is that this doesn't work if the tuple is empty:
Error: template std.algorithm.canFind does not match any function 
template declaration.

And unfortunately in the situation I need it for an empty tuple 
is one of the most likely scenarios.

Re: Check if tuple contains value at compile time

2013-05-04 Thread Diggory

On Sunday, 5 May 2013 at 00:33:34 UTC, bearophile wrote:


It's not a TypeTuple, it's a tuple of strings.

Then one simple way to do it is to convert it into an array of 
strings, and then use canFind:



OK, that makes sense but I'm not sure I understand that syntax.

The documentation seems too say that "[mytuple]" will make an 
array, or that "mytuple[]" will make a slice from a tuple 
(presumably with no arguments it will slice the entire tuple?), 
so how does "[mytuple[]]" work?

Re: Check if tuple contains value at compile time

2013-05-04 Thread Diggory

On Sunday, 5 May 2013 at 00:10:27 UTC, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:

On 2013-05-05, 01:42, Diggory wrote:

I'm trying to test using a "static if" statement if a tuple of 
strings contains a particular string. What's the easiest/best 
way to do this?

It's not a TypeTuple, it's a tuple of strings.

Check if tuple contains value at compile time

2013-05-04 Thread Diggory
I'm trying to test using a "static if" statement if a tuple of 
strings contains a particular string. What's the easiest/best way 
to do this?

Re: D is totally useless

2013-05-02 Thread Diggory
The wgl*** functions and "SwapBuffers" ARE part of the windows 
api even though they are implemented in opengl32.dll (they are 
declared in wingdi.h IIRC)

Re: Win32 + OpenGL bindings

2013-04-22 Thread Diggory
you are doing it wrong. first you will need mingw32-make from 
mingw default setup, second fix win32 bindings makefile around 
line 25 so it will looks like this(supported file don't have 
uuid.di outdated interface file included)
Yeah I realise what I was doing wrong now. It only coincidentally 
worked because the win32 libraries were linked in by default, 
although of course the functions implemented in D gave errors.

I've switched to just adding missing functions as I need them to 
"windows.d" and recompiling the druntime.

Yes, pragma(lib, ...); but it won't work for .di files.

OK, I had seen that but earlier in this thread evilrat said it 
didn't work in GDC so I assumed it was a DMD only feature.

also i would suggest you read all documents in language 
reference, how-tos, and sections, they are not so big but it 
will give answer to most begginers questions. also start 
reading library reference, you will save much time later.

I have read all the language reference pages, but there is very 
little on linking and related things. Specifically, there could 
be a more obvious link to "deimos" so that those bindings can be 
found as that seems to be the most official place for such things 
as well as more information on how to build the .d files. (For 
example, the opengl project gives just a single .d file with no 
information about how to use it)

As it turns out, the opengl project needs a .lib file to import 
opengl32.dll which can only be generated by getting 
"coffimplib.exe" (wow finding that was hard!) and running it on 
the platform sdk import library for opengl.

Since wgl*** functions are declared in "windows.h" but are 
defined in "opengl32.dll" this is technically part of the 
platform SDK. It should really not be this hard to call a 
function supposedly built into the operating system. An up to 
date opengl32 import library should exist in "dmd2/windows/lib/".

I realise D is still fairly young so it's unreasonable to expect 
everything to already exist, but at least enough information 
should be given to be able to correctly add things that don't.

Re: Win32 + OpenGL bindings

2013-04-21 Thread Diggory
OK, thanks I think I've got the hang of the way linking works now 
- I was confused about how some things didn't seem to require 
libs to work, but now I see it's because those things were 
compiled into "druntime.lib" which was compiled into "phobos.lib".

So is this correct, assuming I'm only talking about non-COFF libs:
- D code can link directly to normal C libs
- .libs generated by DMD are a superset of normal C .libs, they 
can contain normal C functions but DMD also has some way of 
representing more complicated D constructs inside the .lib file 
(but not templates).
- druntime.lib is linked into phobos.lib so only phobos.lib needs 
to be linked and the compiler does this automatically (how does 
this work, is just hard-coded in?)

Is there a compiler independent way to tell the linker to 
automatically link in a specific library from within a .d file? 
(preferable this hint should still exist in the .di file 
generated from that .d file, and be transitive so dependencies 
automatically get linked in just by "import"ing the required 
stuff) If not can I suggest this as a feature?

I've switched to using the "head" revision in the repo and 
building from source which was surprisingly easy (thanks whoever 
set that up!) so now I can just add missing functions to 
windows.d as I need and rebuild and no more linker errors!

Am I correct in thinking there is no specific order in the 
contents of windows.d? I've rearranged mine so that functions are 
ordered by module then header file so I can more easily see if a 
function already exists, and if not where to add it. Would these 
changes be of any use?

Re: Win32 + OpenGL bindings

2013-04-20 Thread Diggory

On Saturday, 20 April 2013 at 10:09:37 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2013-04-20 05:26, Diggory wrote:

Has all of opengl plus wgl* functions needed for windows, but 
has more

dependencies than an ideal opengl binding would have.

Dependencies, like what?
Well the opengl module depends on the util module. The util 
module declares a load of stuff duplicated by the windows module 
so importing them both without aliasing is impossible. All I want 
is to import the raw opengl and win32 functions.

I've got my program partially working using the old 
module with an opengl module I got from elsewhere which included 
"opengl32.lib", but doesn't define glViewport...

I would like to use the opengl module from deimos if possible - 
it doesn't need to be particularly up to date - but I don't know 
how to get/generate the .lib file for it.

Are the .lib files used with D just C/C++ .lib files? If so what 
are the requirements of them - .lib files from the windows SDK 
don't seem to be compatible? Do I need to generate them instead 
from the .d files?

Also the program I'm compiling is bringing up a console window 
when it runs, even though I'm setting the subsystem to "Windows" 
and using "WinMain" exactly as the documentation describes.

Finally I seem to have discovered a bug with "final switch":
This correctly does nothing when passed "36" (neither WM_SIZE and 
WM_DESTROY equal 36):

switch (message) {
case WM_SIZE:
glViewport(0, 0, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));

While this runs the "WM_DESTROY" case statement when passed 36.
final switch (message) {
case WM_SIZE:
glViewport(0, 0, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));

Win32 + OpenGL bindings

2013-04-19 Thread Diggory
I've been trying to write a win32 app using opengl in D, but none 
of the bindings I've found have been sufficient:

Missing large parts of wingdi.h, including PFD_* constants, 
ChoosePixelFormat(), SwapBuffers(), wgl*() functions.

Apparantly out of date and gives linker errors, although it does 
declare all the functions needed.

- derelict.util.wintypes:
Declares a small number of useful windows functions, many of 
which conflict with those declared in "" 
(such as PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR). However, "SetPixelFormat" is not 

Has all of opengl plus wgl* functions needed for windows, but has 
more dependencies than an ideal opengl binding would have.

Why isn't there a simple relationship between C/C++ header files 
and D modules, instead of this weird mix where some things are 
duplicated and others not declared at all?

All of the windows specific functions including wgl* are supposed 
to be in "windows.h", and opengl functions in "gl/gl.h"

It's a shame because I really like the ideas behind D - in fact 
the reason I found it is that I'd come up with a whole bunch of 
ideas I wanted in an ideal language and it turned out D already 
implemented them all...