Re: Are structs saved in multi-thread delegate call?

2016-04-22 Thread ed via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 23 April 2016 at 01:11:49 UTC, Ramon wrote:

mmm, I figured the problem, but don't know how to solve it.
my struct has a destructor which clears itself:

struct json_value
  ~this() { .ValueClear(&data); }

so how I can I put a struct in the heap? (not in the stack, as 
is the default..)

new or make with arg or new or make then opAssign or this(this).

but have you tried

__ghsared immutable json_value cbk = json_value(prms.argv[3]);

? without __gshared cbk might be on the TLS. (see with -vtls 
switch on DMD)

Re: Rust piece on integer safety

2016-04-30 Thread Ed via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 30 April 2016 at 23:11:20 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
All the design/discussion/implementation of this scheme for 
handling integer overflow would be wasted if it didn’t actually 
find any bugs in practice. I personally have had quite a few 
bugs found nearly as I write them, with expressions like 
cmp::max(x - y, z) (they never hit the internet, so no links 
for them), especially when combined with testing infrastructure 
like quickcheck.

The overflow checks have found bugs through out the ecosystem; 
for instance, (not exhaustive!)

the standard library
the compiler
the built-in benchmark harness

Beyond Rust, there’s a lot of evidence for the dangers of 
integer overflow and desire for detecting/protecting against 
them. It was on the CWE/SANS list of top 25 errors in 2011, 
languages like Swift will unconditionally check for overflow, 
and others like Python 3 and Haskell will avoid overflow 
entirely by default, via arbitrary precision integers. 
Furthermore, in C, several compilers have options to both make 
signed overflow defined as two’s complement wrapping (-fwrapv) 
and to catch it when it does happen 

I wonder if Rust uses the built-in "LLVM integer overflow 
checking". Recently this has been posted to r/programming:

Since LLVM is used as backend the Rust article might talk exactly 
about the same thing. (to be verified, actually I know nothing 
about Rust).

Re: question about passing associative array to a function

2014-05-11 Thread ed via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 11 May 2014 at 14:46:35 UTC, rbutler wrote:
I have searched and can not understand something about passing 
AAs to a function.

I have reduced the gist of the question to a tiny program below.
If I put "ref"  in the function stmt it works, i.e.:
ref int[int] aa
My confusion is that AAs are supposed to be passed as refs 
anyway, so I do

not understand why I should have to use ref to make it work.

Related, it also works if I UN-comment the lined[9] = 9;

Thanks for any helpful comments you can make.

import std.stdio;

void test(int[int] aa, int x) {
aa[x] = x;
aa[8] = 8;

void main() {
int[int] d;
// d[9] = 9;
test(d, 0);

The AA is passed by value but its underlying data is referenced, 
making the copy cheap. The snippet below also shows the same 
behaviour even when the AA has data in it before calling the 

void func(string[int] aa)
writefln("[FUNC1]&aa:%s=%s", &aa, aa);

// Reassign the data here in func()'s copy and
// main never sees it
aa = [2:"two"];
writefln("[FUNC2]&aa:%s=%s", &aa, aa);


void main()
string[int] aa;
aa[1] = "one";
writefln("[MAIN1]&aa:%s=%s", &aa, aa);
writefln("[MAIN2]&aa:%s=%s", &aa, aa);


It is the same as passing a C++ shared_ptr<> by value.


Template delegate/function ptr struct member

2014-05-13 Thread ed via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm porting some C++ code to D and a struct has the following 

struct S
// ...
 //void* (*createMethod)();

void* function() createMethod;


I'd like to extend this as little to accept delegates for future 
use without breakage to existing code...

Is it possible to template this so "createMethod" can be a 
delegate() or function() of any type *and* have the compiler 
infer the type from ctor parameters?

For example:
struct S(F)
// ...
F createMethod;
this(alias F)() {createMethod = &F;}
static void* func() {return null;}

void main() {
auto s1 = S(&func);
auto s2 = S(&Object.classinfo.create);

// s1 is S!(void* function())
// s2 is S!(Object delegate() const);

Is this a good idea or am I way off?


Re: DFL is the best UIcontrols for D,compare it to dwt, tkd,dtk,dlangui,anchovy......

2014-05-13 Thread ed via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 May 2014 at 15:20:36 UTC, FrankLike wrote:

DFL is just a thin wrapper around Win32, no surprise. I've
found my apps written using DFL work quite fine in Linux via 
Wine, so I use them from both OSes.

In Linux?The exe  was compiled in win32?
Don't  play jokes  on it.

He's not joking, it is via wine.

As for the DFL/DWT,GTK-d,TKd comparison you need to compare 
apples with apples.

If you can improve DFL widgets so they:

1. support linux, windows, mac
2. support the same features as the "more complex" GUI widgets

With the constraint that:
3. DFL uses less LOC and reduces code complexity comapred to 
GTK-d and DWT

Then the comparison between DFL and other GUI libraries would be 


Re: DFL is the best UIcontrols for D,compare it to dwt, tkd,dtk,dlangui,anchovy......

2014-05-14 Thread ed via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 06:14:16 UTC, FrankLike wrote:

On Tuesday, 13 May 2014 at 23:26:20 UTC, ed wrote:

On Tuesday, 13 May 2014 at 15:20:36 UTC, FrankLike wrote:

DFL is just a thin wrapper around Win32, no surprise. I've
found my apps written using DFL work quite fine in Linux via 
Wine, so I use them from both OSes.

In Linux?The exe  was compiled in win32?
Don't  play jokes  on it.

He's not joking, it is via wine.

As for the DFL/DWT,GTK-d,TKd comparison you need to compare 
apples with apples.

If you can improve DFL widgets so they:

1. support linux, windows, mac
2. support the same features as the "more complex" GUI widgets

With the constraint that:
3. DFL uses less LOC and reduces code complexity comapred to 
GTK-d and DWT

Then the comparison between DFL and other GUI libraries would 
be interesting.


Don't you want to look for the DFL's author Christopher E. 

'DFL is Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Christopher E. Miller'

Not particularly as I am not that interested in DFL. But you can 
work on DFL without the author, i.e. make improvements, port to 
Linux or whatever you wish.

The DFL library is under a 3-choice license, pick one that suits 
you: LGPL, ZLIB, DFL license.

Then go code  :)


Re: Kernel in D

2014-05-31 Thread ed via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 31 May 2014 at 07:28:32 UTC, Mineko wrote:
So, I've gotten interested in kernel programming in D.. And as 
much as I like C/C++, I wanna try innovating, I'm aware that 
phobos/gc and any OS-specific issues are going to be a problem, 
but I'm willing to implement them into the kernel itself.

So, I guess what I'm asking is this: What should I look out 
for, what should I avoid, and what should I use to my advantage?

I'm not expecting this kernel to be Linux right off the bat, 
but I would like to see how far D can go with this.

Any ideas? :P

I wrote a little kernel a while back that all started when I read 
this wiki page:

You may be beyond this already as it is pretty basic 
stuff...still it's good if you're just learning like I am. There 
are some articles that helped me fix the 64-bit bootloader issues 
I was having as well.


Re: Segfault in shared object when writeln

2014-06-03 Thread ed via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 June 2014 at 03:49:25 UTC, Harpo wrote:
Hello I am having the following problem. I am trying to turn a 
program I have written into a shared object. I have ran into 
some problems however. When I use writeln instead of printf my 
program segfaults. I have edited the code to just the parts 
causing the problem.

=main.d the so

import std.stdio;
import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C) void main(){
writeln("Does it work?");

==main.c the main executable==


int main() {

  void *lh = dlopen("THE PATH EDITED FOR MY SECURITY", 

  if (!lh) {
fprintf(stderr, "dlopen error: %s\n", dlerror());
  printf(" is loaded\n");

  void (*fn)() = dlsym(lh, "main");
  char *error = dlerror();
  if (error) {
fprintf(stderr, "dlsym error: %s\n", error);
  printf("dll() function is found\n");


  return 0;

The compile script===

dmd -c main.d -fPIC

dmd main.o -shared 
-L-rpath=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L-ldl -gc

gcc -c main.c
gcc -rdynamic main.o -o main -ldl

When I have just printf is works. When I have writeln it 

This fails

import std.stdio;

extern (C) void main(){
writeln("Does it work?");

This works

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C) void main(){


Any one know whats up? Thanks!

I believe you need to initialise the D runtime in your D code 
before using Phobos or druntime itself in this manner. The printf 
call just wraps the C runtime but writeln requires the D runtime 
to be initialised.

Check out



Re: Segfault in shared object when writeln

2014-06-03 Thread ed via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 June 2014 at 04:46:59 UTC, ed wrote:

On Wednesday, 4 June 2014 at 03:49:25 UTC, Harpo wrote:
Hello I am having the following problem. I am trying to turn a 
program I have written into a shared object. I have ran into 
some problems however. When I use writeln instead of printf my 
program segfaults. I have edited the code to just the parts 
causing the problem.

=main.d the so

import std.stdio;
import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C) void main(){
writeln("Does it work?");

==main.c the main executable==


int main() {

 void *lh = dlopen("THE PATH EDITED FOR MY SECURITY", 

 if (!lh) {
   fprintf(stderr, "dlopen error: %s\n", dlerror());
 printf(" is loaded\n");

 void (*fn)() = dlsym(lh, "main");
 char *error = dlerror();
 if (error) {
   fprintf(stderr, "dlsym error: %s\n", error);
 printf("dll() function is found\n");


 return 0;

The compile script===

dmd -c main.d -fPIC

dmd main.o -shared 
-L-rpath=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L-ldl -gc

gcc -c main.c
gcc -rdynamic main.o -o main -ldl

When I have just printf is works. When I have writeln it 

This fails

import std.stdio;

extern (C) void main(){
writeln("Does it work?");

This works

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C) void main(){


Any one know whats up? Thanks!

I believe you need to initialise the D runtime in your D code 
before using Phobos or druntime itself in this manner. The 
printf call just wraps the C runtime but writeln requires the D 
runtime to be initialised.

Check out



I just remembered you can do this on the C side, which is easier 
to manage


Re: Kernel in D

2014-06-05 Thread ed via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 11:07:54 UTC, 1100110 wrote:

On 6/5/14, 6:05, 1100110 wrote:

On 5/31/14, 7:57, ed wrote:

On Saturday, 31 May 2014 at 07:28:32 UTC, Mineko wrote:
So, I've gotten interested in kernel programming in D.. And 
as much as
I like C/C++, I wanna try innovating, I'm aware that 
phobos/gc and any
OS-specific issues are going to be a problem, but I'm 
willing to

implement them into the kernel itself.

So, I guess what I'm asking is this: What should I look out 
for, what

should I avoid, and what should I use to my advantage?

I'm not expecting this kernel to be Linux right off the bat, 
but I

would like to see how far D can go with this.

Any ideas? :P

I wrote a little kernel a while back that all started when I 
read this

wiki page:

You may be beyond this already as it is pretty basic 
stuff...still it's
good if you're just learning like I am. There are some 
articles that
helped me fix the 64-bit bootloader issues I was having as 


Just a warning, there are a few bugs on that wiki page.  
Nothing major,
just don't expect every example to work out of the box. 
(unless it has

been  updated in the last year of course).

I thought about editing it, but I lost interest in my project 
before I

got around to it. =C

I've long since forgotten what issues I encountered though...

I should also clarify that I'm just a novice and really just 
wanted insight into how it all worked.  So anyone more 
experienced might simply know something that I did not.

Yes I remember now I also had some issues but I've forgotten what 
what were exactly ... it was a while ago. I put it down to the 
fact I was using DMD not GDC and trying to boot from GRUB. But it 
could be more than that.


Re: Are there desktop appications being developed in D currently?

2014-08-08 Thread ed via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 9 August 2014 at 00:34:43 UTC, Puming wrote:


I bumped into a blog talking about building a (toy) browser 
engine in Rust:


In the blog I found that the OP is in the mozilla servo team 
building a parallel browser for mozilla. The servo is hosted on 
github here:


Yes, rust is a more infantile language compared to D, but 
people are already using them to create complicate applications 
like browser! This kind of projects would become a huge drive 
force to strengthen best practices in the language/lib design 
and attract newcomers.

When I learned about Clojure, and found that an editor/ide 
[Light Table]( was written entirely by 
Clojure(script), was really intrigged. [Atom]( 
is written in nodejs/coffeescript.

So I wonder, is there similar projects in D that I can take 
part, learn and enjoy?

I see the current hotspot of D are compilers、libs、http-server 
and game area, but haven't encountered an application project 
such as an editor, music player, etc.

Manu started a project a while back which you may be interested 
in looking at.


Re: Auto attributes for functions

2014-08-20 Thread ed via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 20 August 2014 at 09:13:15 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Wed, 20 Aug 2014 01:38:52 +
uri via Digitalmars-d-learn  

Hi all,

Bit new to D so this might be a very naive question...

Can the compiler auto infer function attributes?

I am often adding as many attributes as possible and use the
compiler to show me where they're not applicable and take them
away. It would be great if this could be achieved like so:

auto function() @auto

instead of manually writing:

auto function() pure @safe nothrow @nogc const

Currently, just templated functions get their attributes 
inferred. The biggest
problem with inferring them for all functions is that you can 
declare a
function without defining it in the same place (e.g. if you're 
using .di
files), in which case the compiler has no function body to use 
for attribute


There have been discussions on ways to reasonably infer 
attributes under more
circumstances, but nothing has come of them yet. However, I'd 
expect that
there will be at least some improvements to the situation at 
some point given
that there is a general consensus that while the attributes are 
quite useful,

it's also rather annoying to have to keep typing them all.

- Jonathan M Davis

Thanks guys for the info.
