Render SVG To Display And Update Periodically

2016-10-16 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have in mind a project to render instruments (speed, pressure, 
position) to a screen using SVG. I am able to produce the SVG 
easily enough. What I am looking for is a library/canvas/toolkit 
that I can use in D inside of a loop and update the instrument 

This whole project is a vehicle for me to expand my mechanical 
engineering abilities into instrumentation and control. I've 
decided that D is the language I want to learn to do this.

I see things like Cairo and librsvg. Maybe a full blown GUI 
toolkit has the bits i need. The thing I have a hard time with is 
assessing whether or not these things are suitable for what I 
hope to do.

Thanks in advance,
Jason C. Wells

Visual Studio Linker Problem

2016-10-17 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn

I am working my way up to building NanoVG per my previous post.

I am able to compile hello world using dmd2. I am running in 
cygwin because I understand bash way better than cmd.exe.

I am unable to compile hello world using ldc2. I am interested in 
ldc because I am interested in compiling to different arch-es and 
I happen to be a FreeBSD guy which uses LLVM by default. I figure 
that what I learn in LDC under windows will be portable for me.

I received this error:

$ ldc2 hello.d
Using Visual C++: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libucrt.lib'
Error: `C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c 
"C:\Users\jcw\Documents\Projects\Programming\dlang\ldc2-1.1.0-beta3-win64-msvc\bin\amd64.bat link.exe"` failed with status: 1104

The file "libucrt.lib" is found in several VS folders.

I am sure that this is some path issue, but I'm not savvy on 
VisualStudio. I read some scary messages about this error in 
other parts of the forum from about a year ago. Hopefully the 
solution is easier than what I read in that thread.

I see mention of a "vcvarsall.bat" file that might set my paths 
correctly, but this file is not found on my system.

I see mention of a VCINSTALLDIR variable which is not set on my 

Jason C. Wells

Re: Visual Studio Linker Problem

2016-10-18 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat did in fact exist. My search for the file 
must have been errant.

ldc2.exe hello.d also failed in cmd.exe.

I took Mike's advice to run cmd.exe from one of the environments 
provided in the VS start menu. I tried to compile hello world and 
failed with the same error.

I then ran 'set > environment.txt'. The value of LIB included the 

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.14393.0\ucrt\x64

which should have been:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.10150.0\ucrt\x64.

I reset environment variable LIB to include the path to 
libucrt.lib. I was able to compile hello.d

Thanks all. Your advice set me on the right path.

Jason C. Wells

Re: Visual Studio Linker Problem

2016-10-18 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 18 October 2016 at 18:09:11 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:

So this was a VS installation issue? (Visual Studio set the LIB 
path wrong?)

I'm not sure where LIB was set.

Re: Render SVG To Display And Update Periodically

2016-10-19 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn
This is probably a general programming question. I'll follow up 
here since this thread is the inspiration for my current question.

When attempting to compile simpledisplay.d, I get the following:

C:\...\dlang\arsd-master>dmd -Lgdi32.lib -L user32.lib 
simpledisplay.d color.d

OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.17
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2013  All rights reserved.
OPTLINK : Warning 9: Unknown Option : NOIGDI32.LIBUSER32.LIB
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D9invariant12_d_invariantFC6ObjectZv
** snip **

Interestingly enough, simpledisplay.obj and simpledisplay.exe are 
produced. Aren't errors fatal? The EXE is not a valid win32 

I am used to makefiles. The author doesn't use dub for these 
programs. (dub ~=make?)

gdi32.lib and user32.lib appear in multiple directories.  I added 
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Lib\winv6.3\um\x64" to 
%LIB% which seemed sensible to do. I still get the warning:

OPTLINK : Warning 9: Unknown Option : NOIGDI32.LIBUSER32.LIB

So, I'm still figuring out how to set up a compile. I presume 
that dmd is not finding gdi32.lib and user32.lib.  What am I 

Jason C. Wells

Re: Render SVG To Display And Update Periodically

2016-10-21 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've tinkered with what you proposed. In the process I've worked 
through a variety of errors and ended up doing things I don't 
think are a good solution like duplication directories so that a 
library can be found.

Let me see if I understand how to piece together a build. Some 
combination of three things need to be in agreement:

1 - the import statements need to point to a matching directory 
2 - the directory structure needs to be arranged such that the 
imports can be found
3 - the compiler can be told directly on the command line where 
imports are

I'm reading 
which seems to be the document I need to sort through this.

I'll close out with this last question and then go study up. Am I 
barking up the right tree?

Re: Render SVG To Display And Update Periodically

2016-10-21 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn
First, thank you for taking the time to help me with something 
that should be trivial.

I've done the above listing of file on the command line but I'm 
still stuck. I'm starting to think that I might actually be 
tripping over bugs, but I'm not confident enough to believe that 
without some confirmation.

I have the following directory structure from the zipfiles found 
in the repositories posted by ketmar.

- iv (was renamed from nanovg based on dmd error messages)
-- arsd (was renamed from arsd-master based on dmd error messages)

To proceed, I would attempt a compile. Then I would add the file 
that was producing an error to the command line and try again. I 
got this far.

Via cmd.exe:

  nanovg_demo>dmd example.d iv\arsd\color.d 
iv\arsd\simpledisplay.d iv\perf.d

  iv\perf.d(41): Error: module iv.nanovg.nanovg from file 
iv\nanovg.d must be

  imported with 'import iv.nanovg.nanovg;'

  demo.d(6): Error: module iv.nanovg.nanovg from file iv\nanovg.d 
must be

  imported with 'import iv.nanovg.nanovg;'

iv/nanovg/nanovg does not exist in the source code zip files. (I 
was reluctant to duplicate nanonvg into iv\nanovg because 
somewhere I learned that copy-pasting code is a bad idea.)

  demo.d(7): Error: module oui is in file 'iv\nanovg\oui.d' which 
cannot be read

oui.d does not exist anywhere. There is, however, a oui directory.

As a side note, I did have some success. I am able to compile 
nanovg.lib quite easily (from tips provided a few messages ago). 
It's when I try to compile the demo that I get stuck.

Jason C. Wells

Re: Render SVG To Display And Update Periodically

2016-10-22 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn

Now I think I finally see where my hang up is.

If B imports C, and A imports B and C, you still have to tell A 
where to find C. C doesn't go along for the ride with B. Stated 
another way, A doesn't look inside B to find C. Stated yet 
another way, B does not expose C to A.

The statement above that I did not include nanovg.d on the 
command line finally clued me in. The statement that I was being 
"picky" about what to compile similarly helped.

sh$> dmd $(find . -name "*.d") <== a joke, sort of.

Eager to make the next try. Gotta run for a bit.

Re: Render SVG To Display And Update Periodically

2016-10-22 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 22 October 2016 at 06:18:13 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I think I can confidently assure you that you aren't running 
into any bugs here.

Thanks for the confirmation. It helps me to learn.

You've dived right into a multi-module projects without a full 
understanding of imports and linking. I suggest you back up a 
bit and get familiar with the process before tackling ketmar 
and Adam's stuff. If they used dub, it would be a very easy 
process. Since they don't, and you have to manage it all 
manually, you need a solid understanding of how DMD handles 
this stuff and why you are getting the error messages you see.

I'm used to compiling stuff in FreeBSD land. They have a group of 
people who take care to manage the build process (the dub part, i 
presume). What you say above is correct. I don't understand 
imports and linking. I can read the docs and they make sense, but 
I don't quite get it yet.

Thanks for writing up that simple exercise. That's next.

I was able to compile a working executable by specifying almost 
all *.d files on the command line. It didn't render an image, but 
it did pop up a window with an error message saying it couldn't 
load an image. I'm calling that victory.


Module Name Resolution

2016-10-25 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am reading through: I'll 
soon be working through a previous example provided by Mike 

I am reading through Ketmar's iv.d/nanovg/package.d:

  module iv.nanovg;
  public import iv.nanovg.nanovg;

This looks like three levels of hierarchy, but is it?

Should I interpret that import as:


Perhaps it really means:


I'm a little confused because the corresponding directory in 
ketmar's source code is named "iv.d" rather than "iv" which is 
what I would have thought to find based on the import.

I see mention of a subpackage in my previous thread. Is this how 
a subpackage is implemented?


Re: Module Name Resolution

2016-10-25 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn
Suddenly it occurs to me that the module namespace and the 
filesystem namespace do not necessarily have a one for one match, 
even though they do by default. When one specifies all the D 
source files on the command line, any differences between the 
module namespace and the filesystem namespace are handled 
automagically by dmd. The "module" declaration is the code by 
which the module namespace is manually defined.

Hence the repeated advice to supply all the filenames on the 
command line.

Re: Module Name Resolution

2016-10-25 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 26 October 2016 at 05:46:30 UTC, ketmar wrote:

this is a repository name. it is supposed to be named just 
"iv", and git names main directory by repository name if you 
are doing a simple clone. my bad, i should have made that clear.

Ok. That helps.

Unresolved Symbols in a nanovg Library

2016-10-26 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've gone about building static libraries for nanovg and arsd. 
(I'm feeling pretty good about what I've learned in the last 
couple days, so I gave it a whirl.)

arsd has ttf.d and stb_truetype.d. Comments in stb_truetype.d say 
use ttf.d instead.

nanovg has a ttf.d also.

There are three ttf.d's to choose from.

nanovg has linker errors:
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined 

I'm not sure I fully understand name mangling, but it looks like 
nanovg wants to use iv\stb\ttf.d from it's own source tree. But 
Ketmar said "p.s. you will also need stb_ttf port, arsd repo has 
it under the name "ttf.d"."

So which ttf.d should I use? Does it matter?

I've gained enough confidence in the last couple days to go ahead 
and use trial and error to sort this out. I thought I'd let you 
guys chime in.

Perhaps Ketmar intended to remove his copy of ttf.d from his repo?

Jason C. Wells

Re: Unresolved Symbols in a nanovg Library

2016-10-26 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn
Adding iv\stb\ttf.d cleared up most of the remaining linker 

While compiling iv\nanovg_demo\example.d I am left with:

 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D2iv6nanovg3oui12__ModuleInfoZ

 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D2iv6nanovg12__ModuleInfoZ

 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D2iv3vfs12__ModuleInfoZ

I have no idea where this ModuleInfoZ thing is coming from. I 
searched the sources for the string "ModuleInfoZ" but that string 
appears only in obj/def files. I suppose that the compile/linker 
adds this symbol to object files.

How do I fix the missing ModuleInfoZ symbol?

I am quite surprised that arsd is looking for iv\vfs\_something_.

I should mention that I have been "picky" about which files I 
included on the dmd command line.

Re: Unresolved Symbols in a nanovg Library

2016-10-26 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn
BTW, I am not ignoring you guys when I haven't used rdmd ( I 
tried briefly but got stuck) or specifying all *.d files on the 
command line (did that with some success). My learning process is 
very organic and trial and error.

I appreciate what you are doing for me. Thanks for the invite to 
chat on irc. I don't have an urgent need so I'll post here. Maybe 
other noobs will make use of this.

Re: Unresolved Symbols in a nanovg Library

2016-10-26 Thread Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a nice screen shot of the nanovg demo running. The old 
xeyes is a nice touch. I was excited to post the photo here but 
it looks like I cannot. I can tell by the animations that this 
will be precisely what I need to animate svg based 

I ended up making one more static library for iv\vfs. I also 
ended up editing iv\vfs\package.d to comment out the reference to 
arcs. I was getting tired of following the missing symbols down 
the rabbit hole.

The ModuleInfoZ missing symbols were due to the package.d files 
in every case. I'll have to read up on those a bit more.

Oh and, as the end user, that demo has me all impressed. :)

Jason C. Wells