Re: Log rotation in std.logger.filelogger

2023-05-23 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 23 May 2023 at 13:13:18 UTC, Andrew wrote:

On Tuesday, 23 May 2023 at 11:21:07 UTC, apz28 wrote:

On Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at 21:11:41 UTC, Vitalii wrote:


Please tell me how to enable log rotation in 
std.logger.filelogger? Without log rotation, it seems that 
the std.logger.filelogger is useless, because it will quickly 
take up all the free space on the hard drive.

Or can try my log package


Happy coding!

Please don't take this as an insult, as I've also written my 
own logging library lol. But I have a feeling that our efforts 
would be better spent in improving the standard library's 
implementation rather than making our own logger. Hopefully 
this will become easier in the future as issues are migrated to 
github and more effort is put into organization.

D is just a learning project (hobby one) and I do not have time 
to go through the process to add codes to standard library. 
However, it is license so feel free 
to get it and add it to standard one


Re: Log rotation in std.logger.filelogger

2023-05-23 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at 21:11:41 UTC, Vitalii wrote:


Please tell me how to enable log rotation in 
std.logger.filelogger? Without log rotation, it seems that the 
std.logger.filelogger is useless, because it will quickly take 
up all the free space on the hard drive.

Or can try my log package


Happy coding!

Re: Implicit type conversion depending on assignment

2023-03-23 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 23 March 2023 at 14:36:11 UTC, Alexander Zhirov 

On Thursday, 23 March 2023 at 14:19:31 UTC, user1234 wrote:

omg, let's rewrite this...

Or abuse opBinary

struct MyVal
string value;
T opBinary(string op, T)(T rhs)
if (op == "+")
import std.conv : convto = to;
static if (is(T==int))
return convto!T(value) + rhs;
else static if (is(T==float))
return convto!T(value) + rhs;
static assert(0);

alias opBinary this;

void main()

auto a = MyVal("100");
auto b = MyVal("11.2");

int MyInt = a + 0;
float myFloat = b + 0.0f;

return attribute with latest DMD - dmd-nightly -unittest -dip1000

2022-11-02 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn
why foo2 is not inferred as scope which is shorter scope then 

import std.stdio;


class Obj {@safe: override string toString() { return "obj"; 
} }

struct Foo1
this(Obj obj) { this._obj = obj; }
~this() { _obj = null; } // do something with obj
// _obj must not be out live with Foo1, so need return 

@property Obj obj() return { return _obj; }
private Obj _obj;

struct Foo2
this(Obj obj) { this._obj = obj; }
~this() { _obj = null; } // do something with obj
void call() { writeln(_obj.toString()); }
// _obj must not be out live with Foo1, so need return 

@property Obj obj() return { return _obj; }
private Obj _obj;

void call1() { auto obj = new Obj(); auto foo1 = Foo1(obj); 
call2(foo1); }

// foo2 borrows foo1.obj and do something with it
void call2(ref Foo1 foo1) { auto foo2 = Foo2(foo1.obj); 
call3(foo2); }

void call3(ref Foo2 foo2) {; }

void main() { call1(); }

Getting below error message
onlineapp.d(29): Error: reference to local variable `foo1` 
assigned to non-scope parameter `obj` calling onlineapp.Foo2.this

Remove "return" from property obj fix the error message

Re: [Help Needed] - Debugging compilation time

2022-10-21 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 21 October 2022 at 16:32:17 UTC, Hipreme wrote:
Hey guys, I have been complaining a lot of time right now from 
D compilation speed at least for my project.

I have:
- Underused CTFE
- Underused Templates
- Avoided importing standard libraries
- Created a multi module projects for better code reuse

The slow is from executing CTFE (template constraints, enum 
expression, static if ...). The culprit is this function:  
Expression.ctfeInterpret() in this module dmd.expression.d

Even for compiling DMD, that function will take 1/3 of total times

Try to reduce CTFE usage than it will be fast again. D should 
analyze to make executing CTFE faster


Re: Storing a lambda alongside type-erased data

2022-09-08 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 8 September 2022 at 15:02:13 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Thursday, 8 September 2022 at 03:18:08 UTC, Ali Çehreli 
I looked at how std.variant.VariantN prints the correct type 
and failed to understand the magic there. :(

Then I came up with storing a lambda that is created when the 
exact type is known. The following simple variant can carry 
arbitrary set of data because the data is provided as sequence 
template parameters (aka variadic).

This is actually pretty much exactly what VariantN does, except 
instead of storing a pointer to a lambda, it stores a pointer 
to an instance of a template function.

The member variable `fptr` [1] is the equivalent of your 
`dataToStr`. It stores a pointer to an instance of the 
`handler` template [2]. Whenever a new value is assigned to the 
VariantN, `fptr` is updated to point to the template instance 
corresponding to the new value's type [3].


My implement is similar but a pointer to template struct with 
various functions. The advantage is that you can add various 
attributes to those functions

Re: How to call a function from a dll created with d ?

2022-07-02 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

Below is working on Windows

--file dimedll.d:

module dimedll;
import std.stdio;

mixin SimpleDllMain;

export void testFunc()
writeln("This is from dll");

--file dime.d:

import std.stdio;
import dimedll;
pragma(lib, "dimedll.lib");

void main() {   
writeln("Lets call testFunc()");

--file dimedll.di:

module dimedll;
extern void testFunc();

--file dimedll.def

LIBRARY "dimedll.dll"

-- command lines in sequence:
-- there should be files as first dmd: dimedll.exp, dimedll.lib, 

dmd -of=dimedll.dll dimedll.d dimedll.def
dmd dime.d dimedll.di

Re: Protected Members in Class

2021-12-24 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 December 2021 at 08:35:38 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
What do I need to do to see that the protected is active, need 
a separate module?

// Source:
class Any
// protected is just seen by inheriting
// classes
protected string type;

this(string type) {
this.type = type;

    // public is implicit by the way
string getType() {
return type;

import std.stdio, std.string;
import std.uni : isWhite;

void main()
    Any any = new Any("bu bir deneme");
        any.getType.writeln("--> Split:");
        any.type = "deneme";
}/* Console Out:
bu bir deneme--> Split:
["bu", "bir", "deneme"]

Re: Why code failed to compile for foo2?

2021-12-14 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 14 December 2021 at 05:04:46 UTC, Tejas wrote:

Is there anything wrong with the answer I posted?

Can you please tell me if there's anything dissatisfactory 
about it? I feel like it does everything the OP wants.

Also, am I wrong in using `Unconst` over `Unqual`? Isn't 
`Unqual` overkill if you just want to cast away `const`?

1. A template function should behave as to replace 4 overload 

There is special logic for parameter type (2 vs 4...)

2. Your implementation does not remove 'const' as below
import std.traits : Unconst;
import std.stdio : writeln;

void foo2(T)(T x) if(is(Unconst!(T) : ulong)) {//You don't 
need Unqual for this

pragma(msg, T.stringof);

void main()
import std.math;

const int s1 = -3;
int s2 = -2;

enum byte b1 = 0;
const byte b2;
byte b3;

Re: Why code failed to compile for foo2?

2021-12-13 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 11 December 2021 at 23:44:59 UTC, Adam Ruppe wrote:
On Saturday, 11 December 2021 at 23:17:17 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 
? No. If it was unsatisfied constraint, the error would've 
shown that.

And if you try to instantiate it, you'll see it is an 
unsatisfied constraint anyway. There's two layers of failure 

Using Unqual there is pretty iffy, i wouldn't bother with it at 
all, but if you do anything, instead qualify it const.

But either way, then the constraint still fails since int isn't 

I'd really recommend simplifying this a lot.

1. This is why there is a diverse logic for language rule vs 
template rule.
The overload functions enjoy all benefits of implicit conversion 
rule but none for template

2. This is why template implementation create more function 
bloats more than it needs to be as compilable example below

import std.traits : isUnsigned, Unqual;
void foo2(T, alias UT1 = Unqual!T)(T x)
// You can create alias UT1 but not able to use it in 
function parameter

alias UT2 = Unqual!T;
pragma(msg, T.stringof);
pragma(msg, UT1.stringof);
pragma(msg, UT2.stringof);

void main()
import std.math;

int s = 1;

Output as below

Re: Why code failed to compile for foo2?

2021-12-11 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 12 December 2021 at 00:02:25 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 
@apz28, I can't figure out the intent here. To convert result 
of abs to an unsigned?

The function logic works only for unsigned type and the parameter 
value can be altered in body hence Unqual. If not Unqual, must 
declare a local var and make a copy. Just asking if this can be 
done to avoid a cast by caller

Why code failed to compile for foo2?

2021-12-11 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

void foo1(ubyte x) {}
void foo1(ushort x) {}
void foo1(uint x) {}
void foo1(ulong x) {}

import std.traits : isUnsigned, Unqual;
void foo2(T)(Unqual!T x) if(isUnsigned!T) {}

void main()
import std.math;

int s = 1;
foo2(abs(s)); //failed?

onlineapp.d(15): Error: template `onlineapp.foo2` cannot deduce 
function from argument types `!()(int)`

onlineapp.d(7):Candidate is: `foo2(T)(Unqual!T x)`

Re: Output Range Problem? How to make it work?

2021-10-11 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 October 2021 at 00:37:43 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Monday, 11 October 2021 at 00:19:44 UTC, apz28 wrote:

/* Getting this error
onlineapp.d(34): Error: none of the overloads of `toString` 
are callable using argument types `(Buffer)`, candidates are:

onlineapp.d(22):`toString(Writer, Char)(return ref 
Writer sink)`


The signature of your `toString` method should match one of the 
examples in [the documentation][1]:

void toString(Writer, Char)(ref Writer w, const ref 
FormatSpec!Char fmt)

void toString(Writer)(ref Writer w)
string toString();

Here is an example that works:

import std.range: put;
import std.array: appender;
import std.format: formattedWrite;

struct Foo
void toString(Writer)(ref Writer writer)
put(writer, "Foo");

void main()
auto buffer = appender!string;
Foo foo;
formattedWrite(buffer, "%s", foo);
assert(buffer[] == "Foo");



On Monday, 11 October 2021 at 00:37:43 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

The subject is why the call is not allowed (format is not mention 
in question). Below sample is a bit more clear

import std.range.primitives : isOutputRange;
import std.traits: isSomeChar;


struct Buffer(Char)

void put(Char c)

void put(scope const(Char)[] s)

struct Foo

ref Writer outWork(Writer)(return ref Writer sink)
if (isOutputRange!(Writer, char))
{return sink;}

// Remove " && isSomeChar!Char" does not make any 

ref Writer outFail(Writer, Char)(return ref Writer sink)
if (isOutputRange!(Writer, Char) && isSomeChar!Char)
{return sink;}

void main()
pragma(msg, isOutputRange!(Buffer!char, char)); // Print 

Buffer!char buffer;
Foo foo;
foo.outWork(buffer); // OK

foo.outFail!(Buffer!char, char)(buffer); // OK with 

foo.outFail(buffer); // NOT OK

/* Blow is output from online compiler
onlineapp.d(40): Error: template `onlineapp.Foo.outFail` cannot 
deduce function from argument types `!()(Buffer!char)`, 
candidates are:
onlineapp.d(25):`outFail(Writer, Char)(return ref Writer 


Output Range Problem? How to make it work?

2021-10-10 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

import std.range.primitives: isOutputRange;


struct Buffer

void put(char c)
void put(scope const(char)[] s)

struct Foo

string toString()
{return null;}

ref Writer toString(Writer, Char)(return ref Writer sink)
if (isOutputRange!(Writer, Char) && isSomeChar!Char)
{return sink;}

string toString(const(char)[] fmt)
{return null;}

void main()
Buffer buffer;
Foo foo;

/* Getting this error
onlineapp.d(34): Error: none of the overloads of `toString` are 
callable using argument types `(Buffer)`, candidates are:

onlineapp.d(22):`toString(Writer, Char)(return ref Writer 


What is the value for D to allow assign bool to char/dchar? For me, it must be an error.

2021-08-07 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

void main()
dchar d;
d = false;
d = true;
char c;
c = false;
c = true;

Re: How to Fix Weird Build Failure with "-release" but OK with "-debug"?

2021-07-23 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 18:44:47 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 7/22/21 7:43 PM, apz28 wrote:

In any case, it's possible that fbConnection being null does 
not mean a null dereference, but I'd have to see the class 
itself. I'm surprised if you don't get a null dereference in 
non-release mode, unless this code is never actually called.


The -debug build with passing unit-tests so no problem there.
The -release build is having problem. After make change to 
accommodate it, it takes forever to build. I started it yesterday 
11AM and it is still compiling now (more than a day already.) It 
takes a full 100% core and peek memory usage is 2.2GB. The 
hard-drive is SSD

Re: How to Fix Weird Build Failure with "-release" but OK with "-debug"?

2021-07-22 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 22 July 2021 at 18:56:43 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 7/22/21 2:38 PM, apz28 wrote:

On Wednesday, 21 July 2021 at 20:39:54 UTC, Dukc wrote:
On Wednesday, 21 July 2021 at 14:15:51 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
2. It's hard for me to see where the null dereference would 
be in that function (the `bool` implementation is pretty 

DMD complains about dereferences in three different lines. I 
suspect it's `this` reference that is `null`.

Look like DMD has some bug. If I changed this line

from: auto reader = FbXdrReader(null,;
to: auto reader = FbXdrReader(fbConnection,;

then the error go away. FbXdrReader constructor allows to 
accept null for that parameter. Is it "safe" means not allow 
to pass null?

I don't know what an FbConnection is, but it looks like you 
call something on it. Your code is immense, and github search 
really *really* sucks. So I can't get better information. But 
if it's a class, and that is a normal member, it is indeed 
dereferencing a null pointer.


FbConnection is a class, FbXdrReader is a struct and for this 
call, is not null & its' length will be greater 
than zero and FbConnection is not being used. So why DMD try to 
evaluate at compiled time hence error
1. Should not evaluate at compile time for this function 
2. The error message is missing proper line # or nothing related 
to the module displayed in error message

Re: How to Fix Weird Build Failure with "-release" but OK with "-debug"?

2021-07-22 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 21 July 2021 at 20:39:54 UTC, Dukc wrote:
On Wednesday, 21 July 2021 at 14:15:51 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
2. It's hard for me to see where the null dereference would be 
in that function (the `bool` implementation is pretty simple).


DMD complains about dereferences in three different lines. I 
suspect it's `this` reference that is `null`.

Look like DMD has some bug. If I changed this line

from: auto reader = FbXdrReader(null,;
to: auto reader = FbXdrReader(fbConnection,;

then the error go away. FbXdrReader constructor allows to accept 
null for that parameter. Is it "safe" means not allow to pass 

Re: How to Fix Weird Build Failure with "-release" but OK with "-debug"?

2021-07-21 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 21 July 2021 at 11:52:39 UTC, apz28 wrote:

On Wednesday, 21 July 2021 at 04:52:44 UTC, Mathias LANG wrote:

It seems the compiler is doing extra analysis and seeing that 
a null pointer is being dereferenced. Can you provide the code 
for "pham\db\db_skdatabase.d" at L138 through 140 ?

package(pham.db):  // Line# 133
final DbReadBuffer acquireSocketReadBuffer(size_t 
capacity = DbDefaultSize.socketReadBufferLength) nothrow @safe

version (TraceFunction) dgFunctionTrace();

if (_socketReadBuffer is null)
_socketReadBuffer = 

return _socketReadBuffer;

The entire codes is available from github

Re: How to Fix Weird Build Failure with "-release" but OK with "-debug"?

2021-07-21 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 21 July 2021 at 04:52:44 UTC, Mathias LANG wrote:

It seems the compiler is doing extra analysis and seeing that a 
null pointer is being dereferenced. Can you provide the code 
for "pham\db\db_skdatabase.d" at L138 through 140 ?

package(pham.db):  // Line# 133
final DbReadBuffer acquireSocketReadBuffer(size_t 
capacity = DbDefaultSize.socketReadBufferLength) nothrow @safe

version (TraceFunction) dgFunctionTrace();

if (_socketReadBuffer is null)
_socketReadBuffer = 

return _socketReadBuffer;

How to Fix Weird Build Failure with "-release" but OK with "-debug"?

2021-07-20 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

VisualD project - Any hint to work around

DMD version:
DMD32 D Compiler v2.096.0-rc.1-dirty
Copyright (C) 1999-2021 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights 
Reserved written by Walter Bright

Failed Build Command line:
dmd -release -m32mscoff -O -inline -dip25 -dip1000 
-preview=fixAliasThis -X -Xf"Win32\Release\db_library.json" -c 

with below error message:
..\..\pham\db\db_skdatabase.d(140): Error: null dereference in 
..\..\pham\db\db_skdatabase.d(139): Error: null dereference in 
Error: null dereference in function 
..\..\pham\db\db_skdatabase.d(138): Error: null dereference in 

Re: How to execute a random postgresql-query.

2021-06-29 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 June 2021 at 20:35:07 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:

Some implementations take all queries full in memory.
But what when i need one record.
And the select result could be huge.

And we don't want swapping for this?

You can try my db package
For Postresql, it is in "pham.db.pgdatabase" module. The document 
is a bit lacking but if you open that module and search for 
"executeReader();" for sample usage.
The implementation follow .NET interface and currently it is 
working for both Firebird and Postgresql database engines.
You need to download entire D package:

Happy Codings

Re: Why filling AA in shared library freezes execution?

2021-01-29 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 29 January 2021 at 12:45:02 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:

Anyone knows what it would take to fix it?

This may help to narrow down the problem.

Disable garbage collect
Configuring the Garbage Collector

Or change it so that there is only one thread
Parallel marking

How to get call stack for InvalidMemoryOperationError while doing unittest?

2021-01-13 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

core.exception.InvalidMemoryOperationError@src\core\exception.d(647): Invalid 
memory operation

reference D runtime unittest executor codes
catch ( Throwable e )
import core.stdc.stdio;
printf("%.*s(%llu): [unittest] %.*s\n",
cast(int) e.file.length, e.file.ptr, cast(ulong) 

cast(int) e.message.length, e.message.ptr);

if ( typeid(e) == typeid(AssertError) )
// Crude heuristic to figure whether the 
assertion originates in

// the unittested module. TODO: improve.
auto moduleName =;
if (moduleName.length && e.file.length > 
&& e.file[0 .. moduleName.length] == 

// Exception originates in the same module, 
don't print

// the stack trace.
// TODO: omit stack trace only if assert was 

// directly by the unittest.
// TODO: perhaps indent all of this stuff.

Re: New programming paradigm

2017-09-07 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 7 September 2017 at 17:13:43 UTC, EntangledQuanta 
On Thursday, 7 September 2017 at 15:36:47 UTC, Jesse Phillips 


All types have a type ;) You specified in the above case that m 
is an int by setting it to 4(I assume that is what var(4) 
means). But the downside, at least on some level, all the 
usable types must be know or the switch cannot be 
generated(there is the default case which might be able to 
solve the unknown type problem in some way).


Nice for simple types but fail for struct, array & object
Current variant implementation is lack of type-id to check for 
above ones. For this lacking, is there a runtime (not compile 
time - trait) to check if a type is a struct or array or object?


Compiler bug?

2017-08-15 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

abstract class A
string _s;

final string s()
return _s;

A s(string x)
_s = x;
return this;

class B : A
final override A s(string x)
_s = x;
return this;

void main()
B b = new B();
b.s = "abc";
assert(b.s == "abc");

Compilation output
/d536/f408.d(32): Error: function f408.B.s (string x) is not 
callable using argument types ()

How to fix wrong deprecation message - dmd-2.075.1

2017-08-15 Thread apz28 via Digitalmars-d-learn

void main()
import std.utf : toUTF16; // Same problem with toUTF8

wstring s = toUTF16!string("abc");

Compilation output:
/d500/f513.d(3): Deprecation: function std.utf.toUTF16 is 
deprecated - To be removed November 2017. Please use 
std.utf.encode instead.
/d500/f513.d(3): Deprecation: function std.utf.toUTF16 is 
deprecated - To be removed November 2017. Please use 
std.utf.encode instead.