Re: Code organization, dub, etc.

2023-04-07 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 3/13/23 07:30, Joe wrote:

> whether DLang (the Foundation and/or the
> community) would consider working with the CMake and clang-format
> communities to get them to support D in their products

That would be great. I hope it will eventually happen.

I've used CMake on existing projects only as a tool that is better than 
some others. Witnessing CMake being replaced by even better tools like 
Bazel, should CMake be a target or should Bazel, etc. take precedence?


Re: Code organization, dub, etc.

2023-03-13 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 March 2023 at 13:58:29 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
I'm not particularly interested in defending dub - i consider 
it a useless piece of crap that I only suffer through cuz some 
users demanded it

For the record, I wasn't trying to attack dub (or dfmt).  I was 
more interested in determining whether DLang (the Foundation 
and/or the community) would consider working with the CMake and 
clang-format communities to get them to support D in their 
products, or whether they prefer to stick with what they have in 
terms of tooling.  I think I heard someone at DConf 22 ask about 
getting Intellij support for D and Walter said that JetBrains 
would ask for funding to do that.  I don't think CMake 
support/development is in the same boat, is it?

Re: Code organization, dub, etc.

2023-03-13 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 March 2023 at 13:32:04 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The package registry is full of libraries, yes. That's what 
it's primarily for. There aren't a lot of executables uploaded 
there because they're usually better distributed in other ways. 
But plenty of people are using dub to build them.

One way to handle multiple executables is to write a simple 
script that makes multiple calls to dub with the configurations 
you need.

That's essentially the same as using a Makefile (or CMake with 
custom commands) to build your project.

What I had in mind when I mentioned "multi-executable projects" 
was something like Postgres or say, a tenth of that, e.g., a 
server executable, two or more client and utility executables and 
one or more libraries, all of it spread over a few directories, 
possibly to a depth of say, two from the root.  Can dub handle 
something like that, e.g., can it handle nested dub.json's, or 
wouldn't it make much more sense to build such a thing with make, 
cmake, meson?

Re: Code organization, dub, etc.

2023-03-13 Thread Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 March 2023 at 13:20:21 UTC, Joe wrote:
Yeah, it seems like it's *only* for libraries (and a few 
single-exe utilities).  Looking at, under 
"Stand-alone applications/Server software", the top rated item 
is "handy-httpd" which according to its dub.json builds a 

I'm not particularly interested in defending dub - i consider it 
a useless piece of crap that I only suffer through cuz some users 
demanded it - but you can use the subpackage thing to build 
multiple executables. My thing here does it:

relevant config code  here:

So the mactabs exe and the attach exe and so on are all a bit 
different programs you can run from the code.

Re: Code organization, dub, etc.

2023-03-13 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 March 2023 at 13:20:21 UTC, Joe wrote:

Yeah, it seems like it's *only* for libraries (and a few 
single-exe utilities).  Looking at, under 
"Stand-alone applications/Server software", the top rated item 
is "handy-httpd" which according to its dub.json builds a 
library! And the second place "voxelman" is builds three 
libraries and one executable, which appears to be a "launcher" 
to access the libraries as plugins.

The package registry is full of libraries, yes. That's what it's 
primarily for. There aren't a lot of executables uploaded there 
because they're usually better distributed in other ways. But 
plenty of people are using dub to build them.

One way to handle multiple executables is to write a simple 
script that makes multiple calls to dub with the configurations 
you need.

And I haven't looked into it yet, but it may be possible to use 
`preBuildCommands` to do the same thing. E.g., add a default with 
a `preBuildCommands` entry calling dub on multiple configurations.

Re: Code organization, dub, etc.

2023-03-13 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 March 2023 at 12:56:57 UTC, Bradley Chatha wrote:
For better or for worse we're stuck with dub as the standard 
package manager + build tool one-in-all for most of our open 
source libraries.

Yeah, it seems like it's *only* for libraries (and a few 
single-exe utilities).  Looking at, under 
"Stand-alone applications/Server software", the top rated item is 
"handy-httpd" which according to its dub.json builds a library! 
And the second place "voxelman" is builds three libraries and one 
executable, which appears to be a "launcher" to access the 
libraries as plugins.

Re: Code organization, dub, etc.

2023-03-13 Thread Bradley Chatha via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 March 2023 at 10:52:11 UTC, Joe wrote:
months.  Am I missing something on how to deal with 
multi-executable projects in dub (and I can think of many such 

Dub isn't very good at doing more than relatively basic things 
natively (which covers enough D projects for it to not matter in 
the general case). I personally like to use Meson with D. e.g. It 
[very easily 
allows]( multiple executables.

Technically you can use the build command values in dub.json/sdl 
to make it spit out an extra build; but it's obviously a bit of a 
hack. You could also have a small script/makefile to call the 
right `dub build` twice.

The issue with using Meson is that it makes using dub packages 
harder. Meson technically supports bringing in dub packages, but 
I've not managed to make it work right.

For better or for worse we're stuck with dub as the standard 
package manager + build tool one-in-all for most of our open 
source libraries.

I also tried to use `dfmt` and found it limited in comparison 
to `clang-format`. I do realize that dfmt is a 
community-supported tool.

D's auxiliary tooling has been woeful in comparison to other 
languages for the last 8 years I've been using it. It's down to a 
few factors such as manpower; lack of use/inability to use the D 
compiler's frontend for tooling, etc.

On the other hand the reason it feels bad to me is also because I 
mostly use C#; Typescript, and Go outside of using D - all of 
which have great (bar NPM) tooling and editor support so D may 
not actually be that bad overall. Glass Half Full or Half Empty 
kinda perspective.

It's constantly getting better, but is always "behind" the more 
popular languages. If you were to write up your struggles with 
dfmt and friends, then I'm sure it'll be taken as welcome 

I find that D has much to offer in terms of language facilities 
and simplicity. About the only bump in the learning curve is 
the distinction between structs and classes.

Have you met our lord and savior: D's metaprogramming? :D 
([Shamless plug](

But yeah generally you might find D is a bit less "cohesive" and 
may feel kind of "splattered" in terms of... well, everything 
about it. It's a volunteer project with a dire lack of volunteers.

Hope this helps, and hopefully I've kept misinformation to a 
minimum as I am very prone to working off of false memory.