Re: Contracts or Exceptions?

2011-03-30 Thread spir

On 03/30/2011 05:32 AM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 03/29/2011 03:40 PM, Kai Meyer wrote:

 I was given two words of advice on exceptions:
 Use exceptions for the exceptional
 Use exceptions only for the exceptional

Those advices are given by wise people: they are wise only because they leave
the definition as vague as exceptional. :)

And what do we do for the not so exceptional? Do we return error codes? So
the function implementation will be complicated and the caller code will be

Exceptions are a great tool to eliminate the need for error codes.

Here is what I follow:

- Functions have specific tasks to do; if those tasks cannot be accomplished,
the function must throw.

In some cases the function can continue, but that behavior must be documented.
For example, if an HTML library function is responsible for making HTML
headers, of which only the levels in the range of 1-6 are valid, that function
may throw when the level is outside of the valid range, for in that case it
cannot make an HTML header; or it can document that if the level is outside
of the range, 1 or 6 will be used.

- Catch exceptions only when there is a sensible thing to do at that level: log
an error, skip that operation, go back to the user with an error code, take
corrective action, etc.

Disclaimer: That is what I follow in C++ code. I don't have experience with
exception safety in D. I don't know issues that may be specific to D.

These are sensible and well expressed guidelines, thank you.
In other languages, I happened to use exceptions as a // channel for 
side-information (eg 'nomatch' for a matching func), but in D I realised how 
'exceptionnally' (!) costly throwing  catching exceptions is, so that I do not 
do it anymore. No idea though whether this exceptional cost is perticular to D.

vita es estrany

Re: Contracts or Exceptions?

2011-03-30 Thread Kagamin
Mike Linford Wrote:

 So I'm writing a function for a library. It takes a struct as an 
 argument. The struct's fields can't just be any old values, though. The 
 function won't work if some of the fields are weird. It could return an 
 erroneous value, or even crash. 
 The thing is, though, that I can't tell whether the best approach is to 
 use an in-contract or throw an exception if it doesn't pass my test. What 
 would you guys recommend?

Error (like AssertError) is intended to be irrecoverable like out of memory or 
stack overflow, Exception is intended to be catchable.

Re: Contracts or Exceptions?

2011-03-30 Thread Kagamin
Kai Meyer Wrote:

 do all the checking before hand. Arrays are a good example. When not in 
 -release mode, array boundaries are checked upon every access to the 
 array, and an exception is thrown if access goes out of bounds. In 
 -release mode, if you go out of bounds you get a segfault.

No, you get a remote root vulnerability.

Re: Contracts or Exceptions?

2011-03-30 Thread Kai Meyer

On 03/30/2011 08:25 AM, Kagamin wrote:

Kai Meyer Wrote:

do all the checking before hand. Arrays are a good example. When not in
-release mode, array boundaries are checked upon every access to the
array, and an exception is thrown if access goes out of bounds. In
-release mode, if you go out of bounds you get a segfault.

No, you get a remote root vulnerability.

Sure, but the point is that arrays can be used in a way that performs as 
fast as possible, therefore it becomes the programmer's job to ensure 
that all access to the array is within bounds, which is faster than 
making the array check itself every time.

Re: Contracts or Exceptions?

2011-03-29 Thread Kai Meyer

On 03/29/2011 12:40 PM, Mike Linford wrote:


So I'm writing a function for a library. It takes a struct as an
argument. The struct's fields can't just be any old values, though. The
function won't work if some of the fields are weird. It could return an
erroneous value, or even crash.

The thing is, though, that I can't tell whether the best approach is to
use an in-contract or throw an exception if it doesn't pass my test. What
would you guys recommend?

I was given two words of advice on exceptions:
Use exceptions for the exceptional
Use exceptions only for the exceptional

Meaning, if you expect something to fail frequently, using a try/catch 
is much more expensive than an if/else. The exceptional is something 
that should rarely ever occur, like running out of memory.

For contracts, they are usually meant as a developer tool to warn them 
when that they will be in no-man's land if they attempt to proceed any 
further. They are, therefore, not compiled in when you pass the D 
compiler the -release flag.

I don't think that contracts and exceptions are mutually exclusive. They 
provide two different safeguards. One is a tool to aid in the 
development process, one is a tool to safeguard against exceptional 
run-time scenarios.

However, I think if I rephrase your question a little bit, it might 
provide you what I think you're after. I'm making an assumption here, so 
I may be way off the mark.

Who's responsibility is it to check whether or not the data passed into 
the function is valid? Should I accept whatever the user wants to pass 
in, and let them know when it's invalid, or should I trust that the user 
is sending in good data?

I think that's a choice for you to make. Contract programming is often 
used to put the burden of validation on the user of the library (meaning 
programmer writing software taht uses your library). Exceptions could be 
used to indicate that the library writer is accepting responsibility for 
validating the data before using it.

But validating data is not the only reason to use exceptions, and it's 
not unusual for a library to skip all validations and force the user to 
do all the checking before hand. Arrays are a good example. When not in 
-release mode, array boundaries are checked upon every access to the 
array, and an exception is thrown if access goes out of bounds. In 
-release mode, if you go out of bounds you get a segfault. This is one 
example of giving the user (programmer) of arrays the responsibility to 
check boundaries so that the library can focus on being fast.

I think the choice comes down to a balance between performance, 
responsibility, and maintainability. (Oh, and you'll usually get it 
wrong the first time, so don't be sad.)

Re: Contracts or Exceptions?

2011-03-29 Thread Mike Linford
Thanks for the responses, everybody. They were helpful :-)

--Mike Linford

Re: Contracts or Exceptions?

2011-03-29 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 03/29/2011 03:40 PM, Kai Meyer wrote:

 I was given two words of advice on exceptions:
 Use exceptions for the exceptional
 Use exceptions only for the exceptional

Those advices are given by wise people: they are wise only because they 
leave the definition as vague as exceptional. :)

And what do we do for the not so exceptional? Do we return error 
codes? So the function implementation will be complicated and the caller 
code will be complicated.

Exceptions are a great tool to eliminate the need for error codes.

Here is what I follow:

- Functions have specific tasks to do; if those tasks cannot be 
accomplished, the function must throw.

In some cases the function can continue, but that behavior must be 
documented. For example, if an HTML library function is responsible for 
making HTML headers, of which only the levels in the range of 1-6 are 
valid, that function may throw when the level is outside of the valid 
range, for in that case it cannot make an HTML header; or it can 
document that if the level is outside of the range, 1 or 6 will be used.

- Catch exceptions only when there is a sensible thing to do at that 
level: log an error, skip that operation, go back to the user with an 
error code, take corrective action, etc.

Disclaimer: That is what I follow in C++ code. I don't have experience 
with exception safety in D. I don't know issues that may be specific to D.
