Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-02-02 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 04:43:52 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Thanks again for your help. I've worked through some simple 
examples and started trying to write a binding to a C library.

I think I've got the .h file converted properly (the D file 
compiles), but I was getting a linking error. The enums were 
showing up, but not the functions. I tried creating a simple 
project that mimics what was happening in the C library and found 
no issues.

I think I narrowed it down to what is causing the linking error. 
I had not compiled the C dll myself. Looking in to the issue, I 
noticed it was compiled with MinGW. There were instructions for 
using it with Visual Studio (to make the .def and .dll files into 
a .lib) though and I assumed following those was sufficient. 
However, based on what you've said, I suspect that if I 
re-compile the dll using Visual Studio, then it will work with D.

I don't think I would have figured that out without your comments 

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-02-02 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 February 2016 at 20:06:05 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
I suspect that if I re-compile the dll using Visual Studio, 
then it will work with D.

Yeah, this is what finally allowed me to progress.

Unfortunately, my sample example compiles, but throws an Access 
Violation error when I run it. I think I will start a new thread 
to address that.

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-22 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 04:43:52 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Thanks again! Will review.

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread W.J. via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 17:00:14 UTC, Andrea Fontana 

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 16:57:26 UTC, W.J. wrote:
You need to port the header file to d. i believe there's the 
htod utility, however I haven't used that yet.

You should try with dstep too.

More info here:

And here:

Interesting read. Thanks for sharing!

Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to understand calling C libraries from D on Windows 
with DMD. I made a simple example and compiled it with a static 
library fine (so I've converted the .h file correctly). Then, I 
compiled with gcc to a shared library (because I cannot for the 
life of me figure out how to do this with DMC). I then used 
implib to generate a .lib file (the fact that this is necessary 
is not described nearly well enough in the documentation).

The next step is getting this to compile with dmd. I'm getting an 
error that the function isn't getting called, which is suggesting 
that I'm not linking the .lib file with DMD properly.

The dmd page
explains that -L is used to pass stuff to the linker. It seems to 
indicate that this should be the folder that the library is in. 
The dll and lib files are in the same folder as the .d file I'm 
trying to compile. So presumably, this should be -L. or -L\. or 
like -LC:\folder\. But nothing like that works. There's a link on 
the dmd page to optlink, which doesn't really help me figure this 
out either. There's also some stuff about set LIB in the sci.ini. 
Not sure I'm supposed to mess with that.

The LearningD book has some examples as well. I don't have it in 
front of me right now, but I think I tried what they recommend 
also. Nevertheless, I feel like the documentation should be clear 
enough so that this isn't so frustrating.

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread Andrea Fontana via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 16:57:26 UTC, W.J. wrote:
You need to port the header file to d. i believe there's the 
htod utility, however I haven't used that yet.

You should try with dstep too.

More info here:

And here:

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 16:57:26 UTC, W.J. wrote:

You need to port the header file to d. i believe there's the 
htod utility, however I haven't used that yet.
Then, basically all you have to do is to tell the linker to 
link against your C .lib.
Remember that -LC:\folder (for dmd) passes "C:\folder" on to 
the linker. Assuming the library folder flag for your linker is 
-L, you'd want to use -L-LC:\folder.

I already ported the header file to d. What I can't get to work 
is linking a dynamic library.

The whole -L-L is definitely not intuitive. The optlink 
documentation doesn't even describe a -L option. Anyway, it 
doesn't give an error when I use a plus so I tried

dmd  -L-L+C:\folder\
and it still isn't picking it up. I figured I needed to tell the 
linker what the file actually is, so I tried

dmd  -L-L+C:\folder\ -L-lib+
and that (and a variety of variations) gives errors that LIB 
isn't recognized.

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread W.J. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 16:14:40 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
I'm trying to understand calling C libraries from D on Windows 
with DMD. I made a simple example and compiled it with a static 
library fine (so I've converted the .h file correctly). Then, I 
compiled with gcc to a shared library (because I cannot for the 
life of me figure out how to do this with DMC). I then used 
implib to generate a .lib file (the fact that this is necessary 
is not described nearly well enough in the documentation).

The next step is getting this to compile with dmd. I'm getting 
an error that the function isn't getting called, which is 
suggesting that I'm not linking the .lib file with DMD properly.

The dmd page
explains that -L is used to pass stuff to the linker. It seems 
to indicate that this should be the folder that the library is 
in. The dll and lib files are in the same folder as the .d file 
I'm trying to compile. So presumably, this should be -L. or 
-L\. or like -LC:\folder\. But nothing like that works. There's 
a link on the dmd page to optlink, which doesn't really help me 
figure this out either. There's also some stuff about set LIB 
in the sci.ini. Not sure I'm supposed to mess with that.

The LearningD book has some examples as well. I don't have it 
in front of me right now, but I think I tried what they 
recommend also. Nevertheless, I feel like the documentation 
should be clear enough so that this isn't so frustrating.

You need to port the header file to d. i believe there's the htod 
utility, however I haven't used that yet.
Then, basically all you have to do is to tell the linker to link 
against your C .lib.
Remember that -LC:\folder (for dmd) passes "C:\folder" on to the 
linker. Assuming the library folder flag for your linker is -L, 
you'd want to use -L-LC:\folder.

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread Dibyendu Majumdar via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 16:14:40 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
I'm trying to understand calling C libraries from D on Windows 
with DMD. I made a simple example and compiled it with a static 
library fine (so I've converted the .h file correctly). Then, I 
compiled with gcc to a shared library (because I cannot for the 
life of me figure out how to do this with DMC). I then used 
implib to generate a .lib file (the fact that this is necessary 
is not described nearly well enough in the documentation).

Hi I am also new to D and trying to do similar things - i.e. call 
a shared library written in C from D, but also create a shared 
library in D.

For the latter - on Windows 10 b64-bit - I am using following 
options for example:

-shared -L/LIBPATH:c:\\lib  -L//IMPLIB:mylib.lib

In my case I would like stuff from my D code to be exported. I 
found that I need to do following if I want to export a C API.

extern (C) export void myfunc();

I did not find examples of how to export D classes / functions - 
and right now I am getting link errors when trying to export D 


Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread Dibyendu Majumdar via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 22:09:47 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

The -L/LIBPATH:c:\lib gives me an error that
OPTLINK : Warning 9: Unknown Option : LIBPATH
and then gives the path I put is not found.

At least when it's outputting the text, it's combining
so it seemingly is finding it.

OPTLINK is for 32-bit code - the options I showed are for 64-bit, 
which uses MS LINK. You get 64-bit code by adding -m64.


Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 22:02:57 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar 

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 21:55:10 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

For the latter - on Windows 10 b64-bit - I am using following 
options for example:

-shared -L/LIBPATH:c:\\lib  -L//IMPLIB:mylib.lib

I'm not having any luck using your options with dmd either 
(excluding -shared because I don't need to create a shared D 

Sorry forgot to mention that I also include the library I am 
linking to. Example:

dmd -m64 prog.d -L/LIBPATH:c:\lib -Lyourlib.lib

Where yourlib.lib and yourlib.dll are in c:\lib folder.

The -L/LIBPATH:c:\lib gives me an error that
OPTLINK : Warning 9: Unknown Option : LIBPATH
and then gives the path I put is not found.

At least when it's outputting the text, it's combining
so it seemingly is finding it.

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 22:54:26 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar 

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 22:49:06 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

I'm not trying to created a shared library in D. My goal is to 
use a shared library from C in D. Right now, I'm working with 
a simple test case to make sure I could understand it before 
working with the actual shared library I want to use.

I recall some discussion in LearningD (don't have it in front 
of me now) that different types of shared libraries are needed 
on 32bit vs. 64bit because there is a different linker. This 
is what I did to created the shared library:

gcc -Wall -fPIC -c .c -I.
gcc -shared -o .dll .o -I.
implib .lib .dll

Okay then you don't need the /IMPLIB option. But you do need to 
specify the library via -L as I mentioned before.

i.e. use:

dmd -m64 -L/LIBPATH: -L prog.d

Where  is yourlib.lib and this is present along 
with the DLL in the path you gave.

Plus your prog.d needs to have appropriate code. Example:

module app;

extern (C) void testing();

void main()

Here testing() is provided in the DLL.

I ran

dmd -m64 .d -L/LIBPATH: -L

and got

 : fatal error LNK1136: invalid or corrupt file
--- errorlevel 1136

At least that's progress.

LNK1136 is for a corrupt or abnormally small file. I did notice 
that the original dll was 82kb and the lib file was 2kb.

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread Dibyendu Majumdar via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 22:23:36 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
Thanks. I had been trying to get 32bit code to work. I don't 
think I did anything special with gcc to compile the dll as 
64bit. Anyway, this is what I get when I try it again (stuff in 
brackets I replaced).

C:>dmd -m64 .d -L/LIBPATH:C: 
LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option 
'//IMPLIB:.lib'; ignored
callC0.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
 referenced in f

unction _Dmain
callC0.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
--- errorlevel 1120

Sorry the option should be -L/IMPLIB:.. - with single slash but 
you only need this if you are trying to create a shared library 
which presumably you are not?

I believe to create a static library you need to use -lib, else 
it is an app so you need to supply a main function.


Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread Dibyendu Majumdar via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 22:49:06 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

I'm not trying to created a shared library in D. My goal is to 
use a shared library from C in D. Right now, I'm working with a 
simple test case to make sure I could understand it before 
working with the actual shared library I want to use.

I recall some discussion in LearningD (don't have it in front 
of me now) that different types of shared libraries are needed 
on 32bit vs. 64bit because there is a different linker. This is 
what I did to created the shared library:

gcc -Wall -fPIC -c .c -I.
gcc -shared -o .dll .o -I.
implib .lib .dll

Okay then you don't need the /IMPLIB option. But you do need to 
specify the library via -L as I mentioned before.

i.e. use:

dmd -m64 -L/LIBPATH: -L prog.d

Where  is yourlib.lib and this is present along 
with the DLL in the path you gave.

Plus your prog.d needs to have appropriate code. Example:

module app;

extern (C) void testing();

void main()

Here testing() is provided in the DLL.

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 22:35:29 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar 

Sorry the option should be -L/IMPLIB:.. - with single slash but 
you only need this if you are trying to create a shared library 
which presumably you are not?

I believe to create a static library you need to use -lib, else 
it is an app so you need to supply a main function.


The single slash didn't make a difference. I tried that myself 
before posting. I got the same error.

I'm not trying to created a shared library in D. My goal is to 
use a shared library from C in D. Right now, I'm working with a 
simple test case to make sure I could understand it before 
working with the actual shared library I want to use.

I recall some discussion in LearningD (don't have it in front of 
me now) that different types of shared libraries are needed on 
32bit vs. 64bit because there is a different linker. This is what 
I did to created the shared library:

gcc -Wall -fPIC -c .c -I.
gcc -shared -o .dll .o -I.
implib .lib .dll

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

I also added an enhancement request:

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 21:39:08 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar 

Hi I am also new to D and trying to do similar things - i.e. 
call a shared library written in C from D, but also create a 
shared library in D.

For the latter - on Windows 10 b64-bit - I am using following 
options for example:

-shared -L/LIBPATH:c:\\lib  -L//IMPLIB:mylib.lib

In my case I would like stuff from my D code to be exported. I 
found that I need to do following if I want to export a C API.

extern (C) export void myfunc();

I did not find examples of how to export D classes / functions 
- and right now I am getting link errors when trying to export 
D code.


I'm not having any luck using your options with dmd either 
(excluding -shared because I don't need to create a shared D 

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread Dibyendu Majumdar via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 21:55:10 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

For the latter - on Windows 10 b64-bit - I am using following 
options for example:

-shared -L/LIBPATH:c:\\lib  -L//IMPLIB:mylib.lib

I'm not having any luck using your options with dmd either 
(excluding -shared because I don't need to create a shared D 

Sorry forgot to mention that I also include the library I am 
linking to. Example:

dmd -m64 prog.d -L/LIBPATH:c:\lib -Lyourlib.lib

Where yourlib.lib and yourlib.dll are in c:\lib folder.

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 22:14:25 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar 

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 22:09:47 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

The -L/LIBPATH:c:\lib gives me an error that
OPTLINK : Warning 9: Unknown Option : LIBPATH
and then gives the path I put is not found.

At least when it's outputting the text, it's combining
so it seemingly is finding it.

OPTLINK is for 32-bit code - the options I showed are for 
64-bit, which uses MS LINK. You get 64-bit code by adding -m64.


Thanks. I had been trying to get 32bit code to work. I don't 
think I did anything special with gcc to compile the dll as 
64bit. Anyway, this is what I get when I try it again (stuff in 
brackets I replaced).

C:>dmd -m64 .d -L/LIBPATH:C: 
LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option 
'//IMPLIB:.lib'; ignored
callC0.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
 referenced in f

unction _Dmain
callC0.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
--- errorlevel 1120

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread bachmeier via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 02:39:33 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
I tried to create an example that more closely resembles what 
is in LearningD (see I created two files



int some_c_function(int);

int some_c_function(int a) {
printf("Hello, D! from C! %d\n", a);
return a + 20;


pragma(lib, `libclib.lib`);

extern(C) @nogc nothrow {
int some_c_function(int);

void main()
import std.stdio : writeln;

I then ran
gcc -Wall -fPIC -c clib.c
gcc -shared -o libclib.dll clib.o
implib libclib.lib libclib.dll

That should be implib /system libclib.lib libclib.dll. I'm pretty 
sure the /system option is required. (Also be sure you are not 
mixing 32-bit or 64-bit libraries. I don't think implib works 
with 64-bit.)

I'm getting an error on the implib command on my home computer. 
Maybe running it on a different computer would work.

The LearningD book says that you should compile the libraries 
with DMC on Windows, but I can't figure out how to generate a 
shared library on DMC. I didn't get the implib error for what I 
was working on before.

You won't need to use DMC if you're using implib.

I feel like getting stuff to work with Windows is always such a 
hassle, but that's the only way I'll be able to use this stuff 
at work.

It definitely is more difficult.

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread W.J. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 23:07:06 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 22:54:26 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar 

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 22:49:06 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

I'm not trying to created a shared library in D. My goal is 
to use a shared library from C in D. Right now, I'm working 
with a simple test case to make sure I could understand it 
before working with the actual shared library I want to use.

I recall some discussion in LearningD (don't have it in front 
of me now) that different types of shared libraries are 
needed on 32bit vs. 64bit because there is a different 
linker. This is what I did to created the shared library:

gcc -Wall -fPIC -c .c -I.
gcc -shared -o .dll .o -I.
implib .lib .dll

Okay then you don't need the /IMPLIB option. But you do need 
to specify the library via -L as I mentioned before.

i.e. use:

dmd -m64 -L/LIBPATH: -L prog.d

Where  is yourlib.lib and this is present along 
with the DLL in the path you gave.

Plus your prog.d needs to have appropriate code. Example:

module app;

extern (C) void testing();

void main()

Here testing() is provided in the DLL.

I ran

dmd -m64 .d -L/LIBPATH: -L

and got

 : fatal error LNK1136: invalid or corrupt file
--- errorlevel 1136

At least that's progress.

The linker will most certainly get confused by  this "-Lname>" - as it will take it for an object file. The difference is 
that a library is a collection of object files.

The GNU linker ld, for instance, uses the -l switch for 
adding libraries to link against and -L to add a search 
path to look for the libraries passed in with -l.

If you leave it to the compiler to invoke the linker you need to 
remember the -L compiler switch is passing what follows to the 
linker (minus the -L compiler switch).
I.e. -L-LC:\lib\path will be passed on as "-LC:\lib\path", 
-L-lsomelib => "-lsomelib", etc.

You won't find help about linker options on any compiler manual. 
You have to refer to your linker manual.

Also make sure to adhere to naming conventions. It could very 
well be your linker quits with an error message if you pass it 
-lsomelib for a file somelib.lib when it expects to find the file 
libsomelib.lib instead.

LNK1136 is for a corrupt or abnormally small file. I did notice 
that the original dll was 82kb and the lib file was 2kb.

The lib for a 'DLL' is small because it just tells the linker 
where to find the code in the 'DLL' - the actual code is in the 

Hope the helps

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread bachmeier via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 23:07:06 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

I ran

dmd -m64 .d -L/LIBPATH: -L

and got

 : fatal error LNK1136: invalid or corrupt file
--- errorlevel 1136

At least that's progress.

LNK1136 is for a corrupt or abnormally small file. I did notice 
that the original dll was 82kb and the lib file was 2kb.

Have you used pragma(lib)? 
 There's also a section on it in Learning D.

I don't use Windows much, but when I link to a dll, that's what I 
do. I've actually never used -L options on Windows. If I want to 
call functions from R.dll, I use implib /system R.lib R.dll to 
create R.lib. Then I put pragma(lib, "R.lib"); in my .d file and 

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 00:43:05 UTC, W.J. wrote:

The GNU linker ld, for instance, uses the -l switch 
for adding libraries to link against and -L to add a 
search path to look for the libraries passed in with 

If you leave it to the compiler to invoke the linker you need 
to remember the -L compiler switch is passing what follows to 
the linker (minus the -L compiler switch).
I.e. -L-LC:\lib\path will be passed on as "-LC:\lib\path", 
-L-lsomelib => "-lsomelib", etc.

The -L-L stuff from the LearningD book is making more sense. The 
book is using Linux examples, linux uses ld, which has those 

LNK1136 is for a corrupt or abnormally small file. I did 
notice that the original dll was 82kb and the lib file was 2kb.

The lib for a 'DLL' is small because it just tells the linker 
where to find the code in the 'DLL' - the actual code is in the 

Hope the helps

That's clear. Thanks.

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 02:39:33 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

The LearningD book says that you should compile the libraries 
with DMC on Windows, but I can't figure out how to generate a 
shared library on DMC. I didn't get the implib error for what I 
was working on before.

I feel like getting stuff to work with Windows is always such a 
hassle, but that's the only way I'll be able to use this stuff 
at work.

Your confusion appears to be coming from a lack of understanding 
of what's going on under the hood. When working with a system 
language like D, it is imperative to understand what the compiler 
and linker are doing. The same issues you are having can arise 
when using C and C++, they are just less common as you tend to 
use the same compiler toolchain for both your executable and your 

First of all, understand that DMD does not use just one linker on 
Windows. The default is OPTLINK, which only works with 32-bit 
object files (and by extension, library files, as they are just 
archives of objects) in the OMF format. When compiling with 
-m32mscoff or -m64, DMD uses the Microsoft linker, which deals 
with objects in the COFF format. This matters at *link time*, not 
at runtime. So it  *generally* (see below) doesn't matter which 
format your DLL is in, as it is loaded at runtime no matter how 
you compile.

Second, understand that when you choose to link with an import 
library rather than loading the DLL manually, then it is the 
format of the import library that's important. It needs to be in 
the OMF format if you are compiling with vanilla DMD and in the 
COFF format if not. OMF import libraries can be generated from 
COFF DLLS with implib. Import libraries generated by the MinGW 
toolchain are actually in the COFF format, but they are not 
always compatible with the Microsoft toolchain. You are likely 
going to have issues even when compiling with -m32mscoff or -m64. 
Your implib difficulties may actually be arising because the DLL 
was compiled with MinGW, despite it being in COFF.

Third, understand that passing -L to DMD tells it that the 
succeeding flag should be passed to the linker. On Windows, -L-L 
has no meaning, as neither OPTLINK nor the MS linker accept the 
-L switch. -L is used with GCC to specify the library path, so in 
the command line -L-L/path/to/libs, the first -L tells DMD that 
the next part is for the linker and the second -L tells the 
linker where to find libraries. Again, this is only for the GCC 
toolchain. For DMD on Windows, how you specify the library path 
depends on whether you are linking with OPTLINK or the MS linker. 
As for the libraries themselves, you don't need to don't actually 
need the -L flag on Windows. In fact, you can save yourself some 
trouble and just pass the full path to any libraries you need 
with no flags at all:

dmd myapp.d C:\path\to\libs\mylib.lib

As long as the library is in the appropriate format, this command 
line will do the right thing.

I strongly recommend that you compile your DLL and generate the 
import library with the Microsoft tools. Then you should be able 
to use the 32-bit version with -m32mscoff and the 64-bit version 
with -m64. This should /just work/.

Development on Windows is not any more difficult than on Linux. 
It's annoying, sure, but not difficult. You just need to make 
sure that all of the tools you are using are compatible.

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 01:34:00 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

Have you used pragma(lib)?

 There's also a section on it in Learning D.

Looks like the sections are split apart by a couple hundred 
pages. I tried it with the .lib I created earlier without much 
luck. Also note that the LearningD section recommends not using 
the pragma. At this point, I'd rather just having something 

I don't use Windows much, but when I link to a dll, that's what 
I do. I've actually never used -L options on Windows. If I want 
to call functions from R.dll, I use implib /system R.lib R.dll 
to create R.lib. Then I put pragma(lib, "R.lib"); in my .d file 
and compile.

Thanks for walking through what you do.

I tried to create an example that more closely resembles what is 
in LearningD (see I created two files



int some_c_function(int);

int some_c_function(int a) {
printf("Hello, D! from C! %d\n", a);
return a + 20;


pragma(lib, `libclib.lib`);

extern(C) @nogc nothrow {
int some_c_function(int);

void main()
import std.stdio : writeln;

I then ran
gcc -Wall -fPIC -c clib.c
gcc -shared -o libclib.dll clib.o
implib libclib.lib libclib.dll

I'm getting an error on the implib command on my home computer. 
Maybe running it on a different computer would work.

The LearningD book says that you should compile the libraries 
with DMC on Windows, but I can't figure out how to generate a 
shared library on DMC. I didn't get the implib error for what I 
was working on before.

I feel like getting stuff to work with Windows is always such a 
hassle, but that's the only way I'll be able to use this stuff at 

Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've take your example, modified it slightly, compiled the DLL 
with Visual Studio, and got a working executable. Firs up, the C 
file. Here's your original:



int some_c_function(int);

int some_c_function(int a) {
printf("Hello, D! from C! %d\n", a);
return a + 20;

First, the function prototype is not needed. You only need those 
in header files for other C modules to have access to them. 
Declaring them in the same source file as the function 
implementation serves no purpose.

Second, the Microsoft linker needs to know which functions you 
intend to export from your DLL. In order to tell it, you either 
need to add a __declspec(dllexport) to the functions you plan to 
export, or provide a  module definition file on the command line 
(see [1]). I opted for the former approach. With that, your C 
source file looks like this:


__declspec(dllexport) int some_c_function(int a) {
   printf("Hello, D! from C! %d\n", a);
   return a + 20;


In the D source file, I opted to remove the pragma in favor of 
passing the import library on the command line:

extern(C) @nogc nothrow {
int some_c_function(int);

void main()
import std.stdio : writeln;

OK, now create the following file/folder heirarchy:


I have Visual Studio Community 2015 installed. Whichever version 
you have, you should find a folder for it in the Windows start 
menu that provides shortcuts to various command prompts. I opted 
for the one labeled VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt. You 
might select the 32-bit (x86) version instead. Open one of them, 
navigate to the vctest directory, and execute the following 
command line:

cl /D_USRDLL /D_WINDLL src\c\clib.c /LD /Felib\clib.lib /link

Note the backslashes in src\c\clib.c and lib\clib.lib. You'll 
likely see an error with forward slashes, unless you put the 
paths in quotes (see [2] for compiler options). This should 
create both clib.dll and the import library clib.lib in the lib 
directory. Next, copy the dll to the bin directory:

copy lib\clib.dll bin

Now, either in the same command prompt or a separate one where 
DMD is on the path (depending on your configuration), execute the 

dmd -m64 src/d/dclib.d lib/clib.lib -ofbin/dclib.exe

Replace -m64 with -m32mscoff if you used the 32-bit toolchain 
instead of the 64-bit.

Following these steps, I produced a working executable that 
output the following:

Hello, D! from C! 10


Re: Linking C libraries with DMD

2016-01-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 04:03:27 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Thanks for the detailed reply.