Re: Container Array or tuples Sorting

2017-12-13 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 13 December 2017 at 15:58:40 UTC, Vino wrote:

On Wednesday, 13 December 2017 at 15:16:50 UTC, Vino wrote:

Hi All,

 Request your help, on how to sort a tuple container array, I 
have raised the same topic in one of the other thread "Tuple 
Array Sorting" and was addressed to use standard array rather 
than container array, and i am not able to find any document 
or example in the library for the same.

Eg: Program.
import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime.systime: SysTime;

void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\BACKUP", "C:\\Temp\\EXPORT"];
Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) Result;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir)

.sort!((a,b) => a.timeCreated > b.timeCreated)
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated)));
} }


HI All,

  As per the message from the below forum  I understand that 
that we cannot perform a sorting on filtered result a container 
array but the same can be performed form the standard array, so 
i adjusted the above code as below and getting a different 
error than what is discussed in the forum.


void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 

Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) Result;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 

.sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]);
} }

Message.d(14): Error: function 
SysTime))), __lambda3).SortedRange.opSlice (uint a, uint b) is 
not callab

le using argument types ()
Failed: ["dmd", "-v", "-o-", "Message.d", "-I."]


Hi All,

 Was able to find a solution and it is working as expected

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort, each;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writeln,writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime.systime: SysTime;
import std.conv;
void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\BACKUP", "C:\\Temp\\EXPORT"];
Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) Sorted;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 

foreach(i; dFiles[]){ Sorted ~= i; }
Sorted[].sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]).each!(e => writefln!"%-63s 
%.20s"(e[0], e[1].to!string));



Re: Container Array or tuples Sorting

2017-12-13 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 13 December 2017 at 15:16:50 UTC, Vino wrote:

Hi All,

 Request your help, on how to sort a tuple container array, I 
have raised the same topic in one of the other thread "Tuple 
Array Sorting" and was addressed to use standard array rather 
than container array, and i am not able to find any document or 
example in the library for the same.

Eg: Program.
import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime.systime: SysTime;

void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\BACKUP", "C:\\Temp\\EXPORT"];
Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) Result;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir)

.sort!((a,b) => a.timeCreated > b.timeCreated)
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated)));
} }


HI All,

  As per the message from the below forum  I understand that that 
we cannot perform a sorting on filtered result a container array 
but the same can be performed form the standard array, so i 
adjusted the above code as below and getting a different error 
than what is discussed in the forum.


void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 

Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) Result;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 

.sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]);
} }

Message.d(14): Error: function 
SysTime))), __lambda3).SortedRange.opSlice (uint a, uint b) is 
not callab

le using argument types ()
Failed: ["dmd", "-v", "-o-", "Message.d", "-I."]


Re: Container Array

2017-09-08 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 8 September 2017 at 15:48:47 UTC, Vino.B wrote:

On Friday, 8 September 2017 at 12:14:46 UTC, Vino.B wrote:

On Friday, 8 September 2017 at 09:51:38 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:


Hi Ali,

  As stated earlier my release 1 code are still using 
std.array, so now in release 2 i am converting all my standard 
array to container array. My program has 5 function and I was 
able to adopt 4 function to container array, and facing issue 
with this 1 function. I would like to have all my function to 
be neither in standard array nor in container array, more over 
I am facing gc issue in standard array and this is the main 
reason I would like to convert my function to container array, 
as this function would find the size of folder which are 
greater then a specified size in a 5 file system each with 10 
TB, so i have added the thread(with Local storage) and 
parallelism to my function as container array give's me the 
option of reserving memory, so that i would bump it up as and 
when it is required with any gc issues. All help to resolve 
this issue would be appreciated.

Updated Code:
import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;
import std.conv;
import std.range;

Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!string), RangeT!(Array!ulong)) 
coSizeDirList () {

string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 1;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
Array!(string) Subdir;
Array!(ulong) Subsize;
Tuple!((Array!string), (Array!string)) Result;
	auto dFiles = Array!string ((dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir))[].map!(a =>;

foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
auto SdFiles = Array!ulong ((dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.depth)).map!(a => a.size));

foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal += f; }
	subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024); { Subdir ~= d; 
Subsize ~= subdirTotalGB; }

if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir)
subdirTotal = 0;
return tuple (Subdir[], Subsize[]);

void main () {


Hi Ali,

 Was able to resolve the above issue but not sure whether it is 
correct and now i am getting the output as below, request your 

C:\Temp\sapnas2\BACKUP\dir1, 34, C:\Temp\sapnas2\BACKUP\DND3, 
1, C:\Temp\sapnas2\BACKUP\DND5, 5

Required Output:
C:\Temp\sapnas2\BACKUP\DND3 1
C:\Temp\sapnas2\BACKUP\DND5 5

import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir, isFile;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;
import std.conv;
import std.range;

Array!string coSizeDirList () {
string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 1;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
Array!(string) Subsize;
Array!string Result;
	auto dFiles = Array!string ((dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir))[].map!(a =>;

foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
auto SdFiles = Array!ulong(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.depth).map!(a => a.size));

foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal += f; }
subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024); { Result ~= d; 
Result ~= to!string(subdirTotalGB); }

if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir)
subdirTotal = 0;
return Result;

void main () {
writefln("%-(%s, %)", coSizeDirList[]);


Hi Ali,

 At last was able to resolve the issue including the output too, 
thank you very much for your help, please let me know in case if 
you find any issue with the below code.

import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir, isFile;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;
import std.conv;
import std.range;

string[][] coSizeDirList () {
string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 1;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
Array!(string) Subsize;
string[][] Result;
	auto dFiles = Array!string ((dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir))[].map!(a =>;

foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
auto SdFiles = Array!ulong(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.depth).map!(a => a.size));

foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal += f; }
subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { Result ~= 

Re: Container Array

2017-09-08 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 8 September 2017 at 12:14:46 UTC, Vino.B wrote:

On Friday, 8 September 2017 at 09:51:38 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 09/07/2017 11:21 PM, Vino.B wrote:

>   At last was able to print the output, but i am getting some
> "Deprecation" warnings like below and also can you help me in
> the output to display ulong.
> Output:
> Size.d(9): Deprecation: std.container.array.RangeT(A) is not
> from module Size

That's due to std.container.array.RangeT being private. The 
deprecation warning is about a bug that leaked such private 
symbols when they were imported selectively (I think). Now the 
bug is fixed, you won't be able to access the symbol at the 
end of the deprecation period.

> import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
> import std.container;
> import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
> import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
> import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
> import std.parallelism: parallel;
> import std.conv;
> import std.range;
> Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!(Tuple!string)), RangeT!(Array!ulong))
> coSizeDirList () {
> string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
> int SizeDir = 1;
> ulong subdirTotal;
> ulong subdirTotalGB;
> Array!(ulong) Subdata;
> auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string)) (dirEntries(FFs,
> SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a =>
> foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
> auto SdFiles = Array!(Tuple!(ulong))
> SpanMode.depth).map!(a => tuple(a.size)));
> foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal +=
f.fold!((a, b) =>
> a + b); }
> subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
> if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { Subdata ~=
> subdirTotalGB; }
> subdirTotal = 0;
> }
> return tuple (dFiles[], Subdata[]);
> }
> void main () {
> writeln(coSizeDirList[]);
> //writefln("%(%-(%-63s %)\n%)", coSizeDirList[]);
> }

I apologize for not really having time to look at what you're 
trying to achieve. I gave you advice which ended up trying to 
solve compilation errors.

I think the main problem here is to determine directories 
above a certain size. So, I think Array should enter the 
picture only if built-in arrays are not usable for some 
reason. Even better, one should stay with lazy range 
algorithms as long as it's possible.

How about the following approach, which you can either use 
directly or populate an Array with:

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sum;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir, DirEntry;
import std.stdio: writeln;

auto dFiles(string dirName) {
return dirEntries(dirName, SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => 


auto totalSize(DirEntry dir) {
return dirEntries(dir, SpanMode.depth).map!(a => 


struct DirInfo {
string name;
ulong size;

auto coSizeDirList (string dirName, ulong sizeLimit) {
return dFiles(dirName).map!(dir => DirInfo(, 
dir.totalSize)).filter!(info => info.size > sizeLimit);


void main () {
writeln(coSizeDirList("./deleteme", 1));

// Only if Array is really needed:
import std.container : Array;
auto arr = Array!DirInfo(coSizeDirList("./deleteme", 42));


Hi Ali,

  As stated earlier my release 1 code are still using 
std.array, so now in release 2 i am converting all my standard 
array to container array. My program has 5 function and I was 
able to adopt 4 function to container array, and facing issue 
with this 1 function. I would like to have all my function to 
be neither in standard array nor in container array, more over 
I am facing gc issue in standard array and this is the main 
reason I would like to convert my function to container array, 
as this function would find the size of folder which are 
greater then a specified size in a 5 file system each with 10 
TB, so i have added the thread(with Local storage) and 
parallelism to my function as container array give's me the 
option of reserving memory, so that i would bump it up as and 
when it is required with any gc issues. All help to resolve 
this issue would be appreciated.

Updated Code:
import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;
import std.conv;
import std.range;

Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!string), RangeT!(Array!ulong)) 
coSizeDirList () {

string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 1;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
Array!(string) Subdir;
Array!(ulong) Subsize;
Tuple!((Array!string), (Array!string)) Result;
	auto dFiles = Array!string ((dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir))[].map!(a =>;

foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
auto SdFiles = Array!ulong ((dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.depth)).map!(a => a.size));

Re: Container Array

2017-09-08 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 8 September 2017 at 09:51:38 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 09/07/2017 11:21 PM, Vino.B wrote:

>   At last was able to print the output, but i am getting some
> "Deprecation" warnings like below and also can you help me in
> the output to display ulong.
> Output:
> Size.d(9): Deprecation: std.container.array.RangeT(A) is not
> from module Size

That's due to std.container.array.RangeT being private. The 
deprecation warning is about a bug that leaked such private 
symbols when they were imported selectively (I think). Now the 
bug is fixed, you won't be able to access the symbol at the end 
of the deprecation period.

> import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
> import std.container;
> import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
> import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
> import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
> import std.parallelism: parallel;
> import std.conv;
> import std.range;
> Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!(Tuple!string)), RangeT!(Array!ulong))
> coSizeDirList () {
> string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
> int SizeDir = 1;
> ulong subdirTotal;
> ulong subdirTotalGB;
> Array!(ulong) Subdata;
> auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string)) (dirEntries(FFs,
> SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a =>
> foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
> auto SdFiles = Array!(Tuple!(ulong))
> SpanMode.depth).map!(a => tuple(a.size)));
> foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal +=
f.fold!((a, b) =>
> a + b); }
> subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
> if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { Subdata ~=
> subdirTotalGB; }
> subdirTotal = 0;
> }
> return tuple (dFiles[], Subdata[]);
> }
> void main () {
> writeln(coSizeDirList[]);
> //writefln("%(%-(%-63s %)\n%)", coSizeDirList[]);
> }

I apologize for not really having time to look at what you're 
trying to achieve. I gave you advice which ended up trying to 
solve compilation errors.

I think the main problem here is to determine directories above 
a certain size. So, I think Array should enter the picture only 
if built-in arrays are not usable for some reason. Even better, 
one should stay with lazy range algorithms as long as it's 

How about the following approach, which you can either use 
directly or populate an Array with:

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sum;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir, DirEntry;
import std.stdio: writeln;

auto dFiles(string dirName) {
return dirEntries(dirName, SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => 


auto totalSize(DirEntry dir) {
return dirEntries(dir, SpanMode.depth).map!(a => 


struct DirInfo {
string name;
ulong size;

auto coSizeDirList (string dirName, ulong sizeLimit) {
return dFiles(dirName).map!(dir => DirInfo(, 
dir.totalSize)).filter!(info => info.size > sizeLimit);


void main () {
writeln(coSizeDirList("./deleteme", 1));

// Only if Array is really needed:
import std.container : Array;
auto arr = Array!DirInfo(coSizeDirList("./deleteme", 42));


Hi Ali,

  As stated earlier my release 1 code are still using std.array, 
so now in release 2 i am converting all my standard array to 
container array. My program has 5 function and I was able to 
adopt 4 function to container array, and facing issue with this 1 
function. I would like to have all my function to be neither in 
standard array nor in container array, more over I am facing gc 
issue in standard array and this is the main reason I would like 
to convert my function to container array, as this function would 
find the size of folder which are greater then a specified size 
in a 5 file system each with 10 TB, so i have added the 
thread(with Local storage) and parallelism to my function as 
container array give's me the option of reserving memory, so that 
i would bump it up as and when it is required with any gc issues. 
All help to resolve this issue would be appreciated.

Updated Code:
import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;
import std.conv;
import std.range;

Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!string), RangeT!(Array!ulong)) coSizeDirList 
() {

string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 1;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
Array!(string) Subdir;
Array!(ulong) Subsize;
Tuple!((Array!string), (Array!string)) Result;
	auto dFiles = Array!string ((dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir))[].map!(a =>;

foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
auto SdFiles = Array!ulong ((dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.depth)).map!(a => a.size));

foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal += f; }

Re: Container Array

2017-09-08 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 09/07/2017 11:21 PM, Vino.B wrote:

>   At last was able to print the output, but i am getting some
> "Deprecation" warnings like below and also can you help me in formating
> the output to display ulong.
> Output:
> Size.d(9): Deprecation: std.container.array.RangeT(A) is not visible
> from module Size

That's due to std.container.array.RangeT being private. The deprecation 
warning is about a bug that leaked such private symbols when they were 
imported selectively (I think). Now the bug is fixed, you won't be able 
to access the symbol at the end of the deprecation period.

> import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
> import std.container;
> import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
> import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
> import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
> import std.parallelism: parallel;
> import std.conv;
> import std.range;
> Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!(Tuple!string)), RangeT!(Array!ulong))
> coSizeDirList () {
> string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
> int SizeDir = 1;
> ulong subdirTotal;
> ulong subdirTotalGB;
> Array!(ulong) Subdata;
> auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string)) (dirEntries(FFs,
> SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(;
> foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
> auto SdFiles = Array!(Tuple!(ulong)) (dirEntries(d[0],
> SpanMode.depth).map!(a => tuple(a.size)));
> foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal += f.fold!((a, b) =>
> a + b); }
> subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
> if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { Subdata ~=
> subdirTotalGB; }
> subdirTotal = 0;
> }
> return tuple (dFiles[], Subdata[]);
> }
> void main () {
> writeln(coSizeDirList[]);
> //writefln("%(%-(%-63s %)\n%)", coSizeDirList[]);
> }

I apologize for not really having time to look at what you're trying to 
achieve. I gave you advice which ended up trying to solve compilation 

I think the main problem here is to determine directories above a 
certain size. So, I think Array should enter the picture only if 
built-in arrays are not usable for some reason. Even better, one should 
stay with lazy range algorithms as long as it's possible.

How about the following approach, which you can either use directly or 
populate an Array with:

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sum;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir, DirEntry;
import std.stdio: writeln;

auto dFiles(string dirName) {
return dirEntries(dirName, SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir);

auto totalSize(DirEntry dir) {
return dirEntries(dir, SpanMode.depth).map!(a => a.size).sum;

struct DirInfo {
string name;
ulong size;

auto coSizeDirList (string dirName, ulong sizeLimit) {
return dFiles(dirName).map!(dir => DirInfo(, 
dir.totalSize)).filter!(info => info.size > sizeLimit);


void main () {
writeln(coSizeDirList("./deleteme", 1));

// Only if Array is really needed:
import std.container : Array;
auto arr = Array!DirInfo(coSizeDirList("./deleteme", 42));


Re: Container Array

2017-09-08 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 7 September 2017 at 20:47:43 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 09/07/2017 10:39 AM, Vino.B wrote:

> Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong)) coSizeDirList () {

You stated the return type explicitly above.

> return tuple (dFiles[], Subdata[]);

According to the error message, what is being returned does not 
have the same type:

> Test1.d(27): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
> (tuple(dFiles.opSlice(), Subdata.opSlice())) of type
> Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!(Tuple!string)), RangeT!(Array!ulong)) to
> Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong))

The actual return type is

Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!(Tuple!string)), RangeT!(Array!ulong))

There needs to be some transformations to match the two.


Hi Ali,

  At last was able to print the output, but i am getting some 
"Deprecation" warnings like below and also can you help me in 
formating the output to display ulong.

Size.d(9): Deprecation: std.container.array.RangeT(A) is not 
visible from module Size
Size.d(9): Deprecation: std.container.array.RangeT(A) is not 
visible from module Size
Size.d(9): Deprecation: std.container.array.RangeT(A) is not 
visible from module Size
Size.d(9): Deprecation: std.container.array.RangeT(A) is not 
visible from module Size
Tuple!string("C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP\\DND5")][34, 4]

import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;
import std.conv;
import std.range;
Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!(Tuple!string)), RangeT!(Array!ulong)) 
coSizeDirList () {

string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 1;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
Array!(ulong) Subdata;
	auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string)) (dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(;

foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
auto SdFiles = Array!(Tuple!(ulong)) (dirEntries(d[0], 
SpanMode.depth).map!(a => tuple(a.size)));
foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal += f.fold!((a, b) => a + 
b); }

subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { Subdata 
~= subdirTotalGB; }
subdirTotal = 0;
return tuple (dFiles[], Subdata[]);

void main () {
//writefln("%(%-(%-63s %)\n%)", coSizeDirList[]);

Re: Container Array

2017-09-07 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 09/07/2017 10:39 AM, Vino.B wrote:

> Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong)) coSizeDirList () {

You stated the return type explicitly above.

> return tuple (dFiles[], Subdata[]);

According to the error message, what is being returned does not have the 
same type:

> Test1.d(27): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
> (tuple(dFiles.opSlice(), Subdata.opSlice())) of type
> Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!(Tuple!string)), RangeT!(Array!ulong)) to
> Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong))

The actual return type is

Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!(Tuple!string)), RangeT!(Array!ulong))

There needs to be some transformations to match the two.


Re: Container Array

2017-09-07 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 7 September 2017 at 17:12:14 UTC, Vino.B wrote:

On Thursday, 7 September 2017 at 15:07:56 UTC, Vino.B wrote:
On Thursday, 7 September 2017 at 14:26:08 UTC, Ali Çehreli 

On 09/07/2017 03:56 AM, Vino.B wrote:


Access the elements by taking a slice of the container:



Hi Ali,

 Thank you very much, was ablee to resolve this issue and now 
facing a new issue as the below code is not working as 
expected. The below code has to list the folders and their 

import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;

Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong)) coSizeDirList () {
string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\TEST1\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 10;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
	auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string)) (dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => 

foreach (d; dFiles) {
auto SdFiles = Array!(Tuple!(ulong)) (dirEntries(d[0], 
SpanMode.depth).map!(a => tuple(a.size)));
foreach(f; parallel(SdFiles, 1)) { subdirTotal += 
f.fold!((a, b) => a + b); }

subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
	if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { auto Subdata = 
Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong))(dFiles ~ subdirTotalGB); }

 subdirTotal = 0;
return Subdata;

void main () {
writeln (coSizeDirList[]);


 Few updates,

 If i change the function to main i am able to print the 
required output, but if i change the main to function and call 
this function from another main then i am not able to return 
the result from the function.

Updated Code:
import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;
import std.conv;
Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong)) coSizeDirList () {
//void main () {
string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 1;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
Array!(Tuple!(ulong)) Subdata;
	auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string)) (dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => 

foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
auto SdFiles = Array!(Tuple!(ulong)) (dirEntries(d[0], 
SpanMode.depth).map!(a => tuple(a.size)));
foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal += f.fold!((a, b) => a 
+ b); }

subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { Subdata 
~= subdirTotalGB; }
subdirTotal = 0;
return dFiles[];
return Subdata[];

void main () {
writeln (coSizeDirList[]);


Few Update:

Update Code :
import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;
import std.conv;
Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong)) coSizeDirList () {
//void main () {
string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 1;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
Array!ulong Subdata;
	auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string)) (dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(;

foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
auto SdFiles = Array!(Tuple!(ulong)) (dirEntries(d[0], 
SpanMode.depth).map!(a => tuple(a.size)));
foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal += f.fold!((a, b) => a + 
b); }

subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { Subdata 
~= subdirTotalGB; }
subdirTotal = 0;
return tuple (dFiles[], Subdata[]);
//return Subdata[];
//return Result;

void main () {
writeln (coSizeDirList[]);

Error Output
Test1.d(27): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(tuple(dFiles.opSlice(), Subdata.opSlice())) of type 
Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!(Tuple!string)), RangeT!(Array!ulong)) to 
Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong))

Failed: ["dmd", "-v", "-o-", "Test1.d", "-I."]


Re: Container Array

2017-09-07 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 7 September 2017 at 15:07:56 UTC, Vino.B wrote:
On Thursday, 7 September 2017 at 14:26:08 UTC, Ali Çehreli 

On 09/07/2017 03:56 AM, Vino.B wrote:


Access the elements by taking a slice of the container:



Hi Ali,

 Thank you very much, was ablee to resolve this issue and now 
facing a new issue as the below code is not working as 
expected. The below code has to list the folders and their 

import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;

Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong)) coSizeDirList () {
string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\TEST1\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 10;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
	auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string)) (dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => 

foreach (d; dFiles) {
auto SdFiles = Array!(Tuple!(ulong)) (dirEntries(d[0], 
SpanMode.depth).map!(a => tuple(a.size)));
foreach(f; parallel(SdFiles, 1)) { subdirTotal += 
f.fold!((a, b) => a + b); }

subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
	if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { auto Subdata = 
Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong))(dFiles ~ subdirTotalGB); }

 subdirTotal = 0;
return Subdata;

void main () {
writeln (coSizeDirList[]);


 Few updates,

 If i change the function to main i am able to print the required 
output, but if i change the main to function and call this 
function from another main then i am not able to return the 
result from the function.

Updated Code:
import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;
import std.conv;
Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong)) coSizeDirList () {
//void main () {
string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 1;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
Array!(Tuple!(ulong)) Subdata;
	auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string)) (dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(;

foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
auto SdFiles = Array!(Tuple!(ulong)) (dirEntries(d[0], 
SpanMode.depth).map!(a => tuple(a.size)));
foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal += f.fold!((a, b) => a + 
b); }

subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { Subdata 
~= subdirTotalGB; }
subdirTotal = 0;
return dFiles[];
return Subdata[];

void main () {
writeln (coSizeDirList[]);


Re: Container Array

2017-09-07 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 7 September 2017 at 14:26:08 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 09/07/2017 03:56 AM, Vino.B wrote:


Access the elements by taking a slice of the container:



Hi Ali,

 Thank you very much, was ablee to resolve this issue and now 
facing a new issue as the below code is not working as expected. 
The below code has to list the folders and their size's.

import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;

Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong)) coSizeDirList () {
string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\TEST1\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 10;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
	auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string)) (dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(;

foreach (d; dFiles) {
auto SdFiles = Array!(Tuple!(ulong)) (dirEntries(d[0], 
SpanMode.depth).map!(a => tuple(a.size)));
foreach(f; parallel(SdFiles, 1)) { subdirTotal += f.fold!((a, 
b) => a + b); }

subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
	if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { auto Subdata = 
Array!(Tuple!(string, ulong))(dFiles ~ subdirTotalGB); }

 subdirTotal = 0;
return Subdata;

void main () {
writeln (coSizeDirList[]);

Re: Container Array

2017-09-07 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 09/07/2017 03:56 AM, Vino.B wrote:


Access the elements by taking a slice of the container:



Re: Container Array

2017-09-07 Thread Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 September 2017 at 16:41:06 UTC, Vino.B wrote:

HI All,

 Can some one provide me a example of how to use the 
std.container.array for the below code.

import std.algorithm: filter, map;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple;
import std.array: array;

void main () {
	string[] Filesys = ["C:\\Temp\\TEST1\\BACKUP", 

foreach(FFs; Filesys) {
		auto dFiles = dirEntries("C:\\Temp\\TEST1\\BACKUP", 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 

foreach(d; dFiles)
writeln(d[0], "\t", d[1]);



  I tried a small code using container array, and the output i 
get form the code is a below, so can one help me on this issue.

import std.algorithm: filter, map;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.container;

Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) coCleanFiles() {
	auto dFiles = make!Array(dirEntries("C:\\Temp\\TEST1\\BACKUP", 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isFile).map!(a => tuple(, 
a.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 .. 20])));

return dFiles;

void main () {

Array!(Tuple!(string, string))(RefCounted!(Payload, 
