Re: structs, templates, alias

2010-04-25 Thread Robert Clipsham

On 25/04/10 19:15, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

Yeah, that's about what I do. The trouble is getting blit to know which
field is the length field. I suppose you could pass an index into the
tuple to the substructure. That still wouldn't fix the substructure
being able to modify the field length.

I don't know how the input data is formatted, but an array is always in 
the form:

  size_t length;
  void* ptr;

So it shouldn't be a problem knowing what offset to write the 
length/elements at.

Re: structs, templates, alias

2010-04-25 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 04/25/2010 02:10 PM, Robert Clipsham wrote:

On 25/04/10 19:15, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

Yeah, that's about what I do. The trouble is getting blit to know which
field is the length field. I suppose you could pass an index into the
tuple to the substructure. That still wouldn't fix the substructure
being able to modify the field length.

I don't know how the input data is formatted, but an array is always in
the form:

size_t length;
void* ptr;

So it shouldn't be a problem knowing what offset to write the
length/elements at.

Hmm. Either I'm not understanding you or I didn't explain something clearly.

something like this

struct Rec2{
  ushort index;
  ushort nparams;
  ushort options;
  ushort[] params; // this has nparams elements

Rec2 rec2 = {index:1, nparams:2, options:~0, params:[4,5]};

would translate to something like

x01 00 02 00 FF FF 04 00 05 00

only the elements part of params gets written out, the length part doesn't.

Re: structs, templates, alias

2010-04-25 Thread Robert Clipsham

On 25/04/10 20:32, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

Hmm. Either I'm not understanding you or I didn't explain something

something like this

struct Rec2{
ushort index;
ushort nparams;
ushort options;
ushort[] params; // this has nparams elements

Rec2 rec2 = {index:1, nparams:2, options:~0, params:[4,5]};

would translate to something like

x01 00 02 00 FF FF 04 00 05 00

only the elements part of params gets written out, the length part doesn't.

Ah, I didn't know this. In which case you should be able to store 
nparams for use later when the array is encountered, then parse as 

static nparams = 0;
foreach( m; MyStruct.tupleof )
  static if( is( typeof(m) x : x[] ) )
static if( MyStruct.tupleof[i].stringof[$-7 $] == nparams )
  nparams = m;

Re: structs, templates, alias

2010-04-25 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 04/25/2010 02:50 PM, Robert Clipsham wrote:

On 25/04/10 20:32, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

Hmm. Either I'm not understanding you or I didn't explain something

something like this

struct Rec2{
ushort index;
ushort nparams;
ushort options;
ushort[] params; // this has nparams elements

Rec2 rec2 = {index:1, nparams:2, options:~0, params:[4,5]};

would translate to something like

x01 00 02 00 FF FF 04 00 05 00

only the elements part of params gets written out, the length part

Ah, I didn't know this. In which case you should be able to store
nparams for use later when the array is encountered, then parse as

Yeah. The trick is generalizing it. I have about a bazillion different 
record types, and I want my read/write routines to operate only on the 
type information provided by tupleof as much as possible, so the 
structure of each struct documents what it looks like in a binary form. 
Something like the following could work

struct Rec2{
  ushort index;
  ushort nparams;
  ushort options;
  NoLength!(Parameter[], nparams) params;
foreach(i,m; rec2.tupleof){
  static if(isNoLength!(typeof(m))){
auto len = lenField!(rec2, typeof(m));

The other thing is, once I've read something in, I'm probably going to 
want to manipulate it. As above, to maintain consistency, whenever I do

rec2.params ~= p;

I'd have to make sure to do

rec2.nparams ++;

I'd like to have the second statement come for free (although I suppose 
I should just ignore nparams for anything but reading in and use 
params.length instead), but I haven't come up with any way to get 
NoLength to see nparams.

I bet this would be easier in D2.

Re: structs, templates, alias

2010-04-25 Thread Robert Clipsham

On 25/04/10 21:21, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

struct Rec2{
ushort index;
ushort nparams;
ushort options;
NoLength!(Parameter[], nparams) params;
foreach(i,m; rec2.tupleof){
static if(isNoLength!(typeof(m))){
auto len = lenField!(rec2, typeof(m));

The other thing is, once I've read something in, I'm probably going to
want to manipulate it. As above, to maintain consistency, whenever I do

rec2.params ~= p;

I'd have to make sure to do

rec2.nparams ++;

I'd like to have the second statement come for free (although I suppose
I should just ignore nparams for anything but reading in and use
params.length instead), but I haven't come up with any way to get
NoLength to see nparams.

I bet this would be easier in D2.

Seems to me it'd be easier to change how the records are laid out so you 
don't have to specify this, I'm guessing you already have the data so 
you can't do this though. If that is the case, perhaps you could have 
something like:

struct Rec2
  ushort index;
  ushort nparams;
  ushort options;
  Parameter[] params;
  Meta[] meta;

Then ignore the meta field when reading/writing, but use it to store 
extra info such as which field holds the offset for nparams? Another 
possibility would be:

struct Rec2
  ushort index;
  ushort nparams;
  ushort options;
  Parameter[] params;
  static size_t offset()
return nparams.offsetof;

You could then call this function to get the offset, and read the length 
from there. As for updating nparams, all you need to do is make sure 
that when you write the struct you make sure you do:

Rec2 rec;
// Append to params
// Set nparams to the actual length of params.
*(rec + Rec.offset) = rec.params.length;