Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-18 Thread Frank Pagliughi via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hey All,

I'm trying to send immutable class objects to a thread, and am 
having trouble if the object is one of several variables sent to 
the thread. For example, I have a "Message" class:

class Message { ... }

and I create an immutable object from it, and send it to another 

auto msg = immutable Message(...);

Tid tid = spawn(&threadFunc);
send(tid, thisTid(), msg);

I then attempt to receive it in the threadFunc like:

(Tid cli, immutable Message msg) {
int retCode = do_something_with(msg);
send(cli, retCode);

I get compilation errors about the inability of building the 
tuple, like:
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/variant.d(346): Error: cannot modify 
struct *zat Tuple!(Tid, immutable(Message)) with immutable members
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/variant.d(657): Error: template 
instance std.variant.VariantN!32LU.VariantN.handler!(Tuple!(Tid, 
immutable(Message))) error instantiating
from here: opAssign!(Tuple!(Tid, immutable(Message)))
instantiated from here: __ctor!(Tuple!(Tid, immutable(Message)))
instantiated from here: __ctor!(Tid, immutable(Message))
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/concurrency.d(618):... (1 
instantiations, -v to show) ...
instantiated from here: _send!(Tid, immutable(Message))
MsgTest.d(92):instantiated from here: send!(Tid, 

I tried various combinations of using Rebindable, but couldn't 
get anything to compile.


Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-18 Thread Frank Pagliughi via Digitalmars-d-learn
OK, I found a couple of solutions, though if anyone can tell me 
something better, I would love to hear it.

By making an alias to a rebindable reference, the receive() was 
able to create the tuple. So I renamed the class "MessageType":

class MessageType { ... };

and then made a "Message" an immutable one of these:

alias immutable(MessageType) Message;

and finally made a "VarMessage" as a rebindable Message (thus, a 
mutable reference to an immutable object):

alias Rebindable!(Message) VarMessage;

[I will likely rethink these names, but anyway... ]

Now I can send a reference to an immutable object across threads. 
The receiver wants the VarMessage:

(Tid cli, VarMessage msg) {
int retVal = do_something_with(msg);
send(cli, retVal);

and a few different things work to send the object:

auto msg = new Message(...);
send(tid, thisTid(), VarMessage(msg));

send(tid, thisTid(), rebindable(msg));

VarMessage vmsg = new Message(...);
send(tid, thisTid(), vmsg);

A second way that seems plausible is to just make the message a 
var type using a struct and then send a copy to the thread. This 
seems viable since the vast bulk of the message is a string 
payload, and thus the size of the struct is pretty small.

Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-19 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn
It is a pitty that although Variant is the default message type in 
concurrency, it still has issues:

It looks like passing a pointer to an immutable(Message) works as well:

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;

class Message
int i;

this(int i) immutable
this.i = i;

int do_something_with(immutable(Message) msg)
writefln("msg.i is %s", msg.i);
return 0;

void threadFunc()
receive((Tid cli, immutable(Message) *msg) {
int retCode = do_something_with(*msg);
send(cli, retCode);


void main()
auto msg = new immutable(Message)(100);

Tid tid = spawn(&threadFunc);
send(tid, thisTid(), &msg);// <-- POINTER


Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-19 Thread Frank Pagliughi via Digitalmars-d-learn
It looks like passing a pointer to an immutable(Message) works 
as well:

Oh, yes, pointer. Ha! I didn't even think of that. Thanks.

I'm not familiar with how garbage collection works in D. If the 
initial reference goes out of scope, and you just have a pointer 
- in another thread, no less - then are you still guaranteed that 
the object will not disappear while the pointer exists?

Like if I did something akin to:

// before...

void send_msg(Tid tid, int n)
auto msg = new immutable(Message)(n);
send(tid, thisTid(), &msg);

void main()
Tid tid = spawn(&threadFunc);
send_msg(tid, 100);

Do I know that the message object won't be garbage collected 
before the thread finishes with it? (I realize this is a very 
artificial example, but something like this could happen in a 
bigger library).


Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-19 Thread rsw0x via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 19 July 2015 at 17:04:07 UTC, Frank Pagliughi wrote:


Oh, yes, pointer. Ha! I didn't even think of that. Thanks.

I'm not familiar with how garbage collection works in D. If the 
initial reference goes out of scope, and you just have a 
pointer - in another thread, no less - then are you still 
guaranteed that the object will not disappear while the pointer 


a pointer to a pointer(or in this case, a reference) does not 
keep it alive.

Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-21 Thread Frank Pagliughi via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 19 July 2015 at 17:12:07 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

a pointer to a pointer(or in this case, a reference) does not 
keep it alive.

Interesting. If you de-reference the pointer and assign it back, 
do you get back the keep-alive? Like, in the receiving thread:

void threadFunc()
receive((Tid cli, immutable(Message) *m) {
immutable(Message) msg = *m;   // <---
int retCode = do_something_with(msg);
send(cli, retCode);

I assume that even if so, there is a race condition there. You 
would need to keep the original reference alive until at least 
the "msg = *m" assignment happened, right?

Or... could you tell the GC to leave the memory alone until the 
thread gets it?  Like in the sending thread:

  Tid tid = spawn(&threadFunc);
  auto p = cast(void*) &msg;
  GC.setAttr(p, GC.BlkAttr.NO_MOVE);
  send(tid, thisTid(), &msg);

Is that possible? Is it efficient enough to do if you're sending 
lots and lots of messages?


Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-21 Thread rsw0x via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 19 July 2015 at 17:12:07 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

On Sunday, 19 July 2015 at 17:04:07 UTC, Frank Pagliughi wrote:


Oh, yes, pointer. Ha! I didn't even think of that. Thanks.

I'm not familiar with how garbage collection works in D. If 
the initial reference goes out of scope, and you just have a 
pointer - in another thread, no less - then are you still 
guaranteed that the object will not disappear while the 
pointer exists?


a pointer to a pointer(or in this case, a reference) does not 
keep it alive.

wow, I don't even remember posting this.

This is (mostly) wrong, but I'm unsure if a pointer to another 
pointer on the stack would correctly keep its object alive(but, I 
believe this would just be a bug I think,) If the pointer was 
pointing to a pointer on the heap, then AFAICT it would keep it 

Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-21 Thread rsw0x via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 21 July 2015 at 21:44:07 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

On Sunday, 19 July 2015 at 17:12:07 UTC, rsw0x wrote:


wow, I don't even remember posting this.

This is (mostly) wrong, but I'm unsure if a pointer to another 
pointer on the stack would correctly keep its object alive(but, 
I believe this would just be a bug I think,) If the pointer was 
pointing to a pointer on the heap, then AFAICT it would keep it 


Pointers in D can be broadly divided into two categories: Those 
that point to garbage collected memory, and those that do not. 
Examples of the latter are pointers created by calls to C's 
malloc(), pointers received from C library routines, pointers to 
static data, pointers to objects on the stack, etc.

and those that do not ... pointers to objects on the stack, etc.

I believe this implies that it would *not* keep the object alive.

Sorry for the confusion/noise.

Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-22 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 21 July 2015 at 21:50:35 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 July 2015 at 21:44:07 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

On Sunday, 19 July 2015 at 17:12:07 UTC, rsw0x wrote:


wow, I don't even remember posting this.

This is (mostly) wrong, but I'm unsure if a pointer to another 
pointer on the stack would correctly keep its object 
alive(but, I believe this would just be a bug I think,) If the 
pointer was pointing to a pointer on the heap, then AFAICT it 
would keep it alive.


Pointers in D can be broadly divided into two categories: Those 
that point to garbage collected memory, and those that do not. 
Examples of the latter are pointers created by calls to C's 
malloc(), pointers received from C library routines, pointers 
to static data, pointers to objects on the stack, etc.

and those that do not ... pointers to objects on the stack, etc.

I believe this implies that it would *not* keep the object 

Sorry for the confusion/noise.

But as long as the original pointer is still on the stack, that 
one _will_ keep the object alive. It is only a problem if all 
pointers to a GC managed object are stored in places the GC isn't 
informed about.

Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-22 Thread rsw0x via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 09:04:49 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 July 2015 at 21:50:35 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 July 2015 at 21:44:07 UTC, rsw0x wrote:





I believe this implies that it would *not* keep the object 

Sorry for the confusion/noise.

But as long as the original pointer is still on the stack, that 
one _will_ keep the object alive. It is only a problem if all 
pointers to a GC managed object are stored in places the GC 
isn't informed about.

correct, I managed to confuse myself :o)

Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-22 Thread Frank Pagliughi via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 09:04:49 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

But as long as the original pointer is still on the stack, that 
one _will_ keep the object alive. It is only a problem if all 
pointers to a GC managed object are stored in places the GC 
isn't informed about.

Sorry, I have gotten confused. In Ali's example, the pointer to a 
class object (via the address-of '&' operator) actually points 
into the GC heap. It is *not* a pointer to a pointer, right?

My reading of the Garbage web doc page is that this pointer to 
memory in the GC heap is sufficient (by some magic) to keep the 
memory alive, in and of itself.

So the pointer, passed to the other thread is sufficient to keep 
the memory alive, even if the original reference disappears.

Or, to put it another way, getting threads out of the equation, 
is this safe?

  class MyThing { ... }

  MyThing* create_a_thing() {
MyThing mt = new MyThing();
return &mt;

  void main() {
MyThing* pmt = create_a_thing();
// ...

The "thing" will remain alive for the duration of main() ??


Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-22 Thread rsw0x via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 17:17:17 UTC, Frank Pagliughi wrote:

On Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 09:04:49 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

But as long as the original pointer is still on the stack, 
that one _will_ keep the object alive. It is only a problem if 
all pointers to a GC managed object are stored in places the 
GC isn't informed about.

Sorry, I have gotten confused. In Ali's example, the pointer to 
a class object (via the address-of '&' operator) actually 
points into the GC heap. It is *not* a pointer to a pointer, 

My reading of the Garbage web doc page is that this pointer to 
memory in the GC heap is sufficient (by some magic) to keep the 
memory alive, in and of itself.

So the pointer, passed to the other thread is sufficient to 
keep the memory alive, even if the original reference 

Or, to put it another way, getting threads out of the equation, 
is this safe?

  class MyThing { ... }

  MyThing* create_a_thing() {
MyThing mt = new MyThing();
return &mt;

  void main() {
MyThing* pmt = create_a_thing();
// ...

The "thing" will remain alive for the duration of main() ??


this is actually returning an address of a temporary.

Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-23 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 17:17:17 UTC, Frank Pagliughi wrote:
Or, to put it another way, getting threads out of the equation, 
is this safe?

  class MyThing { ... }

  MyThing* create_a_thing() {
MyThing mt = new MyThing();
return &mt;

  void main() {
MyThing* pmt = create_a_thing();
// ...

The "thing" will remain alive for the duration of main() ??

It is not safe, but for a different reason: `mt` is already a 
_reference_ to the actual object (that's how classes behave in 
D). This reference is located in a register or on the stack, and 
`&mt` is therefore a pointer into the stack.

It's illegal to return that pointer from the function, because it 
will become invalid once the function is left. Fortunately, the 
compiler can detect simple cases like this one, and will refuse 
to compile it:

Object* foo() {
Object o;
return &o;

xx.d(3): Error: escaping reference to local o

Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-23 Thread Frank Pagliughi via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 23 July 2015 at 09:05:12 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

It is not safe, but for a different reason: `mt` is already a 
_reference_ to the actual object (that's how classes behave in 
D). This reference is located in a register or on the stack, 
and `&mt` is therefore a pointer into the stack.

It's illegal to return that pointer from the function, because 
it will become invalid once the function is left. Fortunately, 
the compiler can detect simple cases like this one, and will 
refuse to compile it:

Object* foo() {
Object o;
return &o;

xx.d(3): Error: escaping reference to local o

Very interesting. You see, I am trying to resolve the distinction 
be a value type and a reference type in D.

If Object were declared as a "struct", this would make sense to 
me. The object would be created on the stack as a temporary, and 
it would disappear when the function exited. So returning a 
pointer to it would be a very, very bad thing.

But a class object is allocated in the GC heap. I would have 
guessed that, since a class reference is just essentially a 
hidden pointer, that the address-of operator '&' for a class 
object would return the address into the heap... not the address 
of the reference itself! Just a little syntactic sugar.

But that's not the case. I thought this was true:
  class MyThing { ... };

  MyThing a = new MyThing,
  b = a;
  assert(&a == &b);  // Fails

In a weird way, that makes total sense to me, and no sense at all.

So, passing a pointer to a stack-based reference from one thread 
is another is not necessarily a good thing to do, as the original 
reference might disappear while the thread is using it.

Is there a way to get the address of the actual heap object from 
a class reference? Or am I drifting to far into the realm of 

This all goes back to my original question of passing an 
immutable object from one thread to another. It is simple with 
arrays, since there is a clear distinction between the array 
reference and its contents. You can easily create a mutable 
reference to immutable contents with an array.

But it seems rather convoluted with class objects.

So, in the end, it seems best to send a rebindable reference to 
the other thread, and perhaps hide the mild ugliness behind a 
library API that takes an immutable object and then sends the 
rebindable version, like:

  void send_message(Tid tid, immutable(Message) msg) {
send(tid, thisTid(), rebindable(msg));

That seems easy enough.

Thanks much for all the help.

Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-24 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07/23/2015 06:48 AM, Frank Pagliughi wrote:

> So, passing a pointer to a stack-based reference from one thread is
> another is not necessarily a good thing to do, as the original reference
> might disappear while the thread is using it.


> Is there a way to get the address of the actual heap object from a class
> reference?

It is possible by casting the reference to a pointer type:

import std.stdio;

class B
int i;
this(int i) { this.i = i; }

class D : B
int j;
this (int j) {
this.j = j + 1;

void main()
auto r = new D(42);
writefln("Address of reference: %s", &r);
writefln("Address of object   : %s", cast(void*)r);
writefln("Address of i: %s", &r.i);
writefln("Address of j: %s", &r.j);

auto p = cast(void*)r;
auto r2 = cast(D)p;
writefln("i through another reference: %s", r2.i);
writefln("j through another reference: %s", r2.j);

Although the example casts to void*, ubyte* and others are possible as 
well, and casting back to the correct class type seems to work:

Address of reference: 7FFFCB137580
Address of object   : 7FFCB9407520
Address of i: 7FFCB9407530
Address of j: 7FFCB9407534
i through another reference: 42
j through another reference: 43


Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-24 Thread Frank Pagliughi via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 July 2015 at 18:02:58 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Although the example casts to void*, ubyte* and others are 
possible as well, and casting back to the correct class type 
seems to work:

Thanks, Ali.

I just tried a few things, and apparently, you don't need to go 
to a different type or void. You can make it a pointer the the 
actual type, which might be good for self-documentation or 
pattern matching. But what I find somewhat odd and fascinating is 
what you show, that for the reference, "r":

  cast(D*)r != &r

So this code all works out:

  import std.stdio;

  class B
int i;
this(int i) { this.i = i; }

  void main()
auto r1 = new B(42),
 r2 = r1;

writefln("Address of reference r1: %s", &r1);
writefln("Address of reference r2: %s", &r2);

writefln("Address of object r1   : %s", cast(B*)r1);
writefln("Address of object r2   : %s", cast(B*)r2);

assert(cast(B*)r1 == cast(B*)r2);

assert(cast(B*)r1 != &r1);
assert(cast(B*)r2 != &r2);

and prints:

  Address of reference r1: 7FFF1D4E4C70
  Address of reference r2: 7FFF1D4E4C78
  Address of object r1   : 7F01CD506000
  Address of object r2   : 7F01CD506000

So then, of course, I hope/wonder/assume that the pointer to the 
heap is sufficient to keep the heap memory alive, and that this 
would be OK from the GC perspective to do something like this:

  B* make_b_thing(int i) { cast(B*) new B(i); }

That seems to work, but I guess I should try to force the garbage 
collector to run to see if I can crash the program.

***BUT***: The really, really weird thing is that even though you 
*think* that you have a pointer to a B object, you don't really. 
Dereferencing is accepted by the compiler, but it plays a nasty 
trick on you:

  B* p = make_b_thing(42);
  writefln("Address of pointer: %s", p);

  writefln("Value of i: %s", p.i);
  writefln("Value of i: %s", (*p).i);
  writefln("Value of i: %s", (cast(B)p).i);

This compiles and runs fine, but produces:

  Address of pointer: 7F7EE77CF020
  Value of i: 4445040
  Value of i: 4445040
  Value of i: 42

Maybe it's my C++ background talking, but that seems a bit 

Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-24 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 July 2015 at 18:55:26 UTC, Frank Pagliughi wrote:
So then, of course, I hope/wonder/assume that the pointer to 
the heap is sufficient to keep the heap memory alive, and that 
this would be OK from the GC perspective to do something like 

  B* make_b_thing(int i) { cast(B*) new B(i); }

(You missed a return there.)

I haven't followed the discussion, so I may be missing the point 
here. But if you're doing this so that the GC is aware of the 
`new`ed B, then you really don't need to. The GC has no problems 
with class types. Class references do keep objects alive.

That is, the above will not keep the created object any more 
alive than the following:

B make_b_thing(int i) { return new B(i); }

That seems to work, but I guess I should try to force the 
garbage collector to run to see if I can crash the program.

***BUT***: The really, really weird thing is that even though 
you *think* that you have a pointer to a B object, you don't 
really. Dereferencing is accepted by the compiler, but it plays 
a nasty trick on you:

A B* is not a pointer to the memory of the object. It's a pointer 
to a class reference. The class reference itself, B, is a pointer 
to the memory of the object, under the hood.

Casting a B to B* makes as little sense as casting it to float* 
or char*.

  B* p = make_b_thing(42);
  writefln("Address of pointer: %s", p);

  writefln("Value of i: %s", p.i);

p really is a pointer to the memory of the object. But by typing 
it B* you're stating that it's a pointer to a class reference, 
which is wrong.

p.i does two dereferences where one would be correct. First, p is 
dereferenced. The resulting data is really that of the object. 
But it's typed B, so the compiler thinks it's a class reference. 
So it takes first bytes of the actual object data, interprets it 
as a pointer, dereferences it, and assumes to see the object data 
there (wherever that is). Getting the i field of that garbage 
location results in some garbage data, of course.

  writefln("Value of i: %s", (*p).i);

Same as above. When p is a pointer, then p.i becomes (*p).i 
automatically in D.

  writefln("Value of i: %s", (cast(B)p).i);

Here the type has only one level of indirection, as it should be. 
And everything's fine.

This compiles and runs fine, but produces:

  Address of pointer: 7F7EE77CF020
  Value of i: 4445040
  Value of i: 4445040
  Value of i: 42

Maybe it's my C++ background talking, but that seems a bit 

I'd say it's your C++ background talking.

Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-24 Thread Frank Pagliughi via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 July 2015 at 19:28:35 UTC, anonymous wrote:
I haven't followed the discussion, so I may be missing the 
point here.

I started by asking how to send a reference to an immutable class 
object from one thread to another if the reference is one of 
several parameters being sent. The concurrency library can't make 
a tuple for send/receive if the reference is immutable. The short 
answer is (probably) to use a rebindable reference, but a 
suggestion arose about the possible use of a pointer instead. So 
we've devolved into a discussion of how pointers to class objects 
work, and how to keep the heap memory alive as the pointer is 
sent to the second thread as the original reference goes out of 
scope in the first.

A B* is not a pointer to the memory of the object. It's a 
pointer to a class reference. The class reference itself, B, is 
a pointer to the memory of the object, under the hood.

Hahaha. My forehead is red from the number of times I've thought 
I've "gotten it" in this discussion.

So I think I understand that when you start to peek under the 
hood, the language treats the reference and the heap memory as 
distinct entities, and that they work differently for struct's 
and classes.

So then: is there a pointer notation to which you can cast the 
"B" reference, which thus points to the heap, but retains type 
identity of the heap object?

And the reason I ask if I wanted to declare a type which is a 
mutable pointer to an immutable object that is on the GC heap, 
keeping type info? Or is the answer, "no", just use Rebindable 
when necessary?

At this point, I'm not asking what "should" I do, but what 
"could" I do.

Re: Sending an immutable object to a thread

2015-07-24 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 July 2015 at 21:51:44 UTC, Frank Pagliughi wrote:
So then: is there a pointer notation to which you can cast the 
"B" reference, which thus points to the heap, but retains type 
identity of the heap object?

There's no straight forward way to do that. D has no types for 
the actual objects of classes. You'd have to generate a new 
struct type from B that you can point at.

And the reason I ask if I wanted to declare a type which is a 
mutable pointer to an immutable object that is on the GC heap, 
keeping type info? Or is the answer, "no", just use Rebindable 
when necessary?

We only have Rebindable because there is no nice way in the 
language to do it. So, just use Rebindable, yes.

You could look at what Rebindable does, and then do that, of 
course. But be sure that you understand all the nasty details.