[digitalradio] SSTV, DV, MS, other demonstration modes for field day

2007-06-01 Thread Joe Veldhuis
Well, Field Day is fast approaching, and I'm sure many of us are going to be 
running, at the very least, some keyboard digital modes during the event. 
Perhaps now would be a good time to plan the use of some demonstration modes, 
each worth 302 points for a single logged QSO (one-shot 300 point bonus for 
each mode, plus 2 points for a non-voice QSO).

SSTV is good, but 14.230, as bad as it is on a normal day, is absolutely 
unusable on FD. I suggest the use of the MFSK16 pic mode. I will be preparing a 
picture of our FD site to send, and will say have pix? during the exchange 
while running MFSK16. For wide SSTV, you might try 28.680 or 21.340, which 
are the 14.230 equivalents on 15 and 10 meters. Does anyone else think it may 
be possible to claim a separate 300 point bonus for regular, MFSK and digital 
SSTV if contacts are made with all three?

For those of you who will have VHF stations, once you've worked everyone on 6 
meter phone, maybe some meteor scatter could be attempted. I don't think PJC 
can be legally used to set up contacts, so everything will have to be random 
and uncoordinated. I guess the thing to do will be to call on 50.260 and 
144.140 with the U/D method, though I'd imagine those frequencies will fill up 
fast. We'll have to come up with some other possibilities. Like above, I'm 
wondering if FSK441 and JT6M can be claimed separately...

It might be fun to try digital voice, though I can see it being especially 
difficult to pull off. There will be no open space on 20 meters, 15 may be too 
long to get a good signal within the US, and 10 may have too much QSB. WinDRM 
would probably be the way to go, since I highly doubt anyone will be bringing 
along an AOR modem.

And finally, I'm wondering if we can claim a bonus for hacking together a 
soundcard interface on-site? Probably not, but would be fun anyway...

Anyway, I will be running various modes on 40, 20 and 10 meters using my own 
call (as a GOTA station). On and off, I'll be running MFSK16 trying to find 
stations to exchange pics with.

-Joe, N8FQ

[digitalradio] ALE Re: other demonstration modes for field day

2007-06-01 Thread expeditionradio
 Well, Field Day is fast approaching, and I'm sure many of us 
 are going to be running, at the very least, some keyboard 
 digital modes during the event. Perhaps now would be a 
 good time to plan the use of some demonstration modes, 
 each worth 302 points  
 -Joe, N8FQ

Hi Joe, 

Feel free to connect with my ALE station on field day. 
You can probably link with it on 14109.5 kHz USB or one of the other
ALE channels. Send me an AMD message. 

Bonnie KQ6XA

Re: [digitalradio] ALE Re: other demonstration modes for field day

2007-06-01 Thread Andrew O'Brien

Joe, Bonnie,  et al.  I have been invited to conduct three digital demo
modes on Field Day for the Union City Wireless Association.  I plan on using
ALE, Olivia, and JT65A,  using the call sign W3CG.

Andy K3UK

On 6/1/07, expeditionradio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Well, Field Day is fast approaching, and I'm sure many of us
 are going to be running, at the very least, some keyboard
 digital modes during the event. Perhaps now would be a
 good time to plan the use of some demonstration modes,
 each worth 302 points
 -Joe, N8FQ

Hi Joe,

Feel free to connect with my ALE station on field day.
You can probably link with it on 14109.5 kHz USB or one of the other
ALE channels. Send me an AMD message.

Bonnie KQ6XA

[digitalradio] Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols

2007-06-01 Thread Skip KH6TY

We have four parallel efforts right now. One is to adapt PSKmail for better TTY 
operation as opposed to mailbox operations, another is to embed ARQ in fldigi, 
another is to rewrite FMpsk to improve decoding and orient it more toward 
decentralized Emcomm communications, and lastly, to write a new program using 
VB.net (I just received my free copy!) with the PocketDigi code and add ARQ and 
form handling to that. We are furtherest along with the PSKmail modification at 
the moment.

Our own tests confirm that DominoEX is the best choice for performance, 
especially on HF using NVIS antennas, but the latency of DominoEX requires a 
modification of the ARQ protocol (probably multiple SOH in each frame) to 
overcome that. In addition, DominoEx is much wider, and therefore fewer signals 
can occupy the same passband for multichannel display. When you add ARQ, the 
multipath problems we experience sometimes with PSK63 on VHF are negated by 
just repeating frames and this works well in practice because the multipath 
cancellations are short-lived and throughput is therefore not reduced very 
often. Even DEX/FEC is not the answer, as only ARQ will guarantee completely 
error-free transfers. Note that a single wrong digit in a phone number can 
render an entire message useless!

Our Linux effort is directed at adding fldigi or PSKmail on a live CD using 
Puppy Linux. Several of our VHF net members, including myself, already use 
Puppy Linux with fldigi as a live CD on Windows machines on our twice-weekly 
net, and there have been no problems at all. This helps compensate for not 
having a Windows application, but not completely, as there still are hardware 
recognition problems with all Linux distros that have already been solved under 
Windows, so a Windows version is still planned.

Although our focus is on VHF applications, what we are doing is also applicable 
to HF, of course, and especially using DominoEX, but we just have not had 
enough time yet to test a modified protocol with DominoEX for HF use. I got as 
far as showing why the PSKmail guys were never able to link using DominoEx, 
even though it is included in fldigi and PSKmail. Once we have completed our 
demonstration application for VHF, we will turn our attention to the HF 

Practically, our VHF net members prefer PSK63 over DominoEx because it is 
easier to manually tune, even though DominoEX has a broad mistuning tolerance.

There is also a significant improvement in using horizontal polarization 
compared to vertical polarization (RCA established this years ago for TV and 
that is why TV signals are horizontally polarized). Then, using PSK63 instead 
of FM results in another huge improvement in range. There will be a QST 
constructions article in coming months for a horizontally-polarized 2m antenna 
that equals the performance of a 5-element beam, but over a 160 degree 
beamwidth and is bi-directional in addition. Using this antenna, I am able to 
work over 100 miles to a 5-element beam over flat country. So, the comparison 
in range to FM repeaters is somewhat like comparing apples to oranges.

All this may seem strange, but we are trying hard to think outside the bun! 

2a. Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols
Posted by: Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] kv9u
Date: Thu May 31, 2007 7:14 am ((PDT))


Sounds really interesting. Isn't much of this is available right now 
with Linux, on PSKmail?  However it is not available on MS Windows OS 
which is what 95+% of hams use worldwide for now. It would seem that 
adoption will be low until we have cross platform capability.

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Here's a silly thought

2007-06-01 Thread bruce mallon

--- Danny Douglas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Give it up Erik.  Money talks, and talks louder than
 anyone else.  Some PSK  operators are no different
that the guys on 80 meters, talking across town, using
linears so they can drown out everyone else on
the band.  

Danny .

I have lived in Florida for more that 35 years. Could
you tell me where   Podunk city Fl  is ?

This question comes up on a regular bases and we here
have seen SEMINOLE Fl described as a PODUNK or worse
yet as god's new waiting room  a title St.
Petersburg had for decades.

Hu I wonder if PODUNK Fl has its own grid square ?

Grid square EL-87


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Re: [digitalradio] Re: The Signalink and psk-31

2007-06-01 Thread bruce mallon

--- alazia2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You will only get my SignaLink USB 
by prying it from my cold dead fingers!

You have THAT right.

I'm going to build a small machine just for the card I
removed the sound blaster for the test and all
problems went away but i need it to run everything
else in this shack and Internet.

It teamed up with the TS-2000 should make a good pair
on 6 and 2 this next year right now i can switch from
the FT-100 to the IC-706 to the TS-2000 on either band
with ONE switch and run all 3 if i need to at the same

now if the sunspots would only get going.



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[digitalradio] Digital Pentathlon - 2007... this weekend. 50 watts is limit of maximal output power.

2007-06-01 Thread Andrew O'Brien
  Digital Pentathlon - 2007

Participants :

Any licensed amateur radio operators  are invited to take part in the
3-d Digital Pentathlon competition.

Date and time:

Digital Pentathlon contains 5 stages of a mode.
PSK (BPSK63) mode will run from 1800 UTC to 2200 UTC on June,1 2007
MFSK (MFSK16) mode will run from 1800 UTC to 2200 UTC on June,8 2007
Olivia (500hz/16 tones) mode will run from 1800 UTC to 2200 UTC on June,15 2007
Hellschreiber (Feldhell) mode will run from 1800 UTC to 2200 UTC on June,22 2007
THROB (4 throb/sec) mode will run from 1800 UTC to 2200 UTC on June,29 2007

Operation is limited to special digital parts of the next amateur
bands: 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz.

3585-3595, 7035-7039, 14073-14077 (14103-14108 - Olivia), 21073-21077
(21103-21108 - Olivia),
28073-28075 (28103-28108 - Olivia)
Each station may be worked only once per band during an each stage of a mode.
Setup for Olivia: 500 Hz / 16 tones.

50 watts is limit of maximal output power.


Call CQ DigiPen
Both station must exchange during a QSO the next  information:
Serial number - WW_loc - Power(Examples:  001-KO85MM-5 002-JN25AB-35).
S/n of each mode begin from 001.


Each QSO score counts by formula:   distance / (P1 * P2)
Distance between both stations (km) count by WW-locators
P1 and P2 - powers of 1-st and 2-nd stations (watts)


Winner's awards will be sent to the first, second and third place
stagewinners and total 5 modes winners. All awards will be sent by
e-mail as jpeg file with the resolution suitable for good quality
printing in A4 size. (abt 2MB by e-mail)

Each participant who will take part in 5 stages of modes and sent
complete logs with no less 10 QSOs in each mode will be enrolled in
DQSO Club as a member and will get the certificate with his membership

All logs have to be sent before July, 30 2007
The separate logs must be sent for each mode.
All logs must contain the following information to be considered for entry:
Your name, callsign, QSO data, ww-locator, e-mail address, your claimed score.
We will accept only electronic logs in standart Cabrillo format.
E-logs are sent to: DQSO Club with your callsign in the message subject.

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Here's a silly thought.

2007-06-01 Thread list email filter
Wow, Brian, there's a lot of very good information in your post, my 
problem is that there is so much good fact, that it would be easy, too 
easy, to accept it all at face value.  In my mind, I have a few issues, 
and I'll address them in line, though I really do think that parts your 
post should be the basis for a faq entry or a wiki or something.

Comments below:


IRLP Node 3804 445.975 Simp PL103.5

Emails sent directly to this address instead of going through a yahoo 
group are automatically processed as junk mail, so I never see them.  If 
you want to email me directly, try 'mycall' at 12bars dot com, thanks.

Brian Kassel wrote:
 I have found that *MANY*, but not all,  so-called Wide signals on PSK 
 modes are caused by several things being overlooked at the *RECEIVE* end 
 of the QSO.  If adjusted properly, most newer radios should handle 
 50-100W signals providing of course that the transmitted signal is 
 indeed clean to start with.

Agreed, if you're saying well adjusted and operated modern receivers 
should handle being in reasonably close proximity to adjacent stations 
running 50 - 100 watts.  That is not the issue, though, the issue is the 
need to run 50 - 100 watts (actually the issue I had was someone running 
400 watts, but lets not let that interrupt the discourse) to maintain 
reliable communications.

 There are indeed plenty of  bad signals on the air, but just running 
 higher  powers, or big antennas is not the cause by itself.

Absolutely agree here, I know I can put out a terrible signal with my 
IC-703 at 2 watts into an MP-1, I can also put out a perfect signal with 
the same setup, and work stations 1,000's of miles away.

 Try to:
 Turn of AGC if possible, use RF gain to adjust signals.  This will allow 
 your receiver to have greater dynamic range.
 Use a Notch filter if available.
 Turn off the preamp, switch  in the attenuator, especially on bands 
 below about 30M.

Absolutely agree, this is the part that really should be in a faq or 
wiki.  I'm not real keen on the attenuator bit, but then that could just 
be my experience with the attenuators in my rigs, I find that I get 
better printing if I let the computer audio software handle this, but 
then it could be my rigs.

 If the above doesn't work,  try a better sound card.  When strong 
 signals are encountered, this is where the more inexpensive models start 
 to fold up.
 Why is that folks will spend many thousands on a fine rig, only to use a 
 $15 sound card?
 In Digital modes, the sound card is an integral part of the RX chain.

Sorry, this is where I really have to take issue.  I can see why you 
think so reading a little ahead into your post.  About the only amateur 
radio application that the generic modern sound card is not up to the 
task of handling is SDR.  This is especially true when working with 
modern up to date software.  About the only deficiency inherent in the 
common hardware is the problem of receive and transmit audio not being 
precisely aligned with each other.  I honestly can't think of a modern 
version of any digital mode software that doesn't have an alignment or 
sound card setup functionality that either manually or automatically 
takes care of this deficiency for the operator.  It is however very 
important that you go through the alignment process if your software of 
choice doesn't do it for you.  If your software can't adjust for this, 
upgrade your software.  The base software requirement for digital mode 
operation is a nominal sample rate of 11025 samples per sec.  It's all 
the current software can take advantage of, and unless you are using a 
sound card as part of a sdr receiver, any fancier or more advanced 
features are just not taken advantage of by any of the software we use. 
  That said, there are always some exceptions, certain old laptops and 
motherboard built-ins do have problems, strictly speaking, these issues 
are a matter of integration into the motherboard and the OS, not an 
issue with the base audio hardware's capabilities.

The bottom line, is that unless you are planning to run an sdr receiver, 
any modern  $20.00 add-on sound card that is supported by your 
operating system of choice will do a fine job.

 Please realize that distortion can occur in either the TX or the *RX* of 
 any signal. Many hams don't realize that this basic fact about analog 
 signals. Typically, in many cases, the cause of a wide appearing signal 
 is in the transmitter. I get wide reports frequently.  However, I 
 monitor my output with a spectrum analyzer, and have done on the air 
 tests to confirm that my signal is not running worse than  -20 IMD, 
 often much better than that.  In fact it usually runs better than -25 
 DB.  I run the SDR-1000 software defined radio at 5W (well below the 
 100W rating),  a D-44 professional  sound card, and an Ameritron 
 ALS-500M amplifier (rated at 600W out) to get 50 -100W out.  This is 
 much more power than 

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols

2007-06-01 Thread bruce mallon

--- Skip KH6TY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There will be a QST constructions article in coming
months for a horizontally- polarized 2m antenna that
equals the performance of a 5-element beam,

Usable on SSB ... ??

I have worked New York state from tampabay on USB 
with stacked ku4ab squailos.



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[digitalradio] VHF PSK63/DominoEX Toronto-Buffalo-Erie-Cleveland-Detroit

2007-06-01 Thread Andrew O'Brien
I am encouraged by Skip Teller's continued experiments with PSK63,
DominoEx, NIVIS antennae and VHF propagation.  I believe the Illinois
digital group has also had similar success.

I note that Skip's net reports good results over flat land, to a
range of 100 miles.  It occurred to me that many flat-land paths in my
region are associated with Lake Erie of Lake Ontario and include large
populated cities like Toronto, Buffalo, Rochester, Erie, Cleveland and

Is anyone from these cities interested in replicated some of Skip's
effort and trying a weekly PSK63 and/or DominoEX net?  I recall from
past postings by Skip that he had specific instructions on how net
stations reported to Net Control and pointed their antennas.  I will
review these past posts.  I think I am in a good location that could
reach Buffalo, Toronto, Cleveland and Detroit on 2m

Please let me know if you are interested.

[digitalradio] june contest

2007-06-01 Thread David Michael Gaytkko
for the contest will have:

6/2/222/432/1296MS on 6/2/222  and JT65A for all bands

not in it for the pointsso email all you wish for a sked


[digitalradio] grid map

2007-06-01 Thread David Michael Gaytkko
anyone have an idea how to convert a grid square map into a spreadsheed.
would like to make each grid equal to one cell in Excell.

if you know of a program that does this please let me know.


[digitalradio] Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols

2007-06-01 Thread Howard Brown
Skip, we applaud your efforts and are happy to see the cross platform

Please consider RealBasic as a tool instead of VB.net.  With MS there
is no such thing as 'free' or 'cross platform. With RealBasic you can
code cross platform and there is no charge for the Linux version.

Either way, we follow your work with great interest.  PLease keep us

Howard K5HB

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Skip KH6TY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We have four parallel efforts right now. One is to adapt PSKmail for
better TTY operation as opposed to mailbox operations, another is to
embed ARQ in fldigi, another is to rewrite FMpsk to improve decoding
and orient it more toward decentralized Emcomm communications, and
lastly, to write a new program using VB.net (I just received my free
copy!) with the PocketDigi code and add ARQ and form handling to that.
We are furtherest along with the PSKmail modification at the moment.
 Our own tests confirm that DominoEX is the best choice for
performance, especially on HF using NVIS antennas, but the latency of
DominoEX requires a modification of the ARQ protocol (probably
multiple SOH in each frame) to overcome that. In addition, DominoEx
is much wider, and therefore fewer signals can occupy the same
passband for multichannel display. When you add ARQ, the multipath
problems we experience sometimes with PSK63 on VHF are negated by just
repeating frames and this works well in practice because the multipath
cancellations are short-lived and throughput is therefore not reduced
very often. Even DEX/FEC is not the answer, as only ARQ will guarantee
completely error-free transfers. Note that a single wrong digit in a
phone number can render an entire message useless!
 Our Linux effort is directed at adding fldigi or PSKmail on a live
CD using Puppy Linux. Several of our VHF net members, including
myself, already use Puppy Linux with fldigi as a live CD on Windows
machines on our twice-weekly net, and there have been no problems at
all. This helps compensate for not having a Windows application, but
not completely, as there still are hardware recognition problems with
all Linux distros that have already been solved under Windows, so a
Windows version is still planned.
 Although our focus is on VHF applications, what we are doing is also
applicable to HF, of course, and especially using DominoEX, but we
just have not had enough time yet to test a modified protocol with
DominoEX for HF use. I got as far as showing why the PSKmail guys were
never able to link using DominoEx, even though it is included in
fldigi and PSKmail. Once we have completed our demonstration
application for VHF, we will turn our attention to the HF application.
 Practically, our VHF net members prefer PSK63 over DominoEx because
it is easier to manually tune, even though DominoEX has a broad
mistuning tolerance.
 There is also a significant improvement in using horizontal
polarization compared to vertical polarization (RCA established this
years ago for TV and that is why TV signals are horizontally
polarized). Then, using PSK63 instead of FM results in another huge
improvement in range. There will be a QST constructions article in
coming months for a horizontally-polarized 2m antenna that equals the
performance of a 5-element beam, but over a 160 degree beamwidth and
is bi-directional in addition. Using this antenna, I am able to work
over 100 miles to a 5-element beam over flat country. So, the
comparison in range to FM repeaters is somewhat like comparing apples
to oranges.
 All this may seem strange, but we are trying hard to think outside
the bun! ;-)
 2a. Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols
 Posted by: Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] kv9u
 Date: Thu May 31, 2007 7:14 am ((PDT))
 Sounds really interesting. Isn't much of this is available right now 
 with Linux, on PSKmail?  However it is not available on MS Windows OS 
 which is what 95+% of hams use worldwide for now. It would seem that 
 adoption will be low until we have cross platform capability.

[digitalradio] Re: [wsjtgroup] grid map

2007-06-01 Thread Andrew O'Brien

Dave, does this meet your need?


On 6/1/07, David Michael Gaytkko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  anyone have an idea how to convert a grid square map into a spreadsheed.
would like to make each grid equal to one cell in Excell.

if you know of a program that does this please let me know.


Re: [digitalradio] Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols

2007-06-01 Thread Simon Brown
- Original Message - 
From: Howard Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Please consider RealBasic as a tool instead of VB.net.  With MS there
 is no such thing as 'free' or 'cross platform.

For free software from Microsoft there is - 

I have written a lot of software using the free versions, I have now 
purchased the full version.

Simon HB9DRV 

[digitalradio] Re: Here's a silly thought.

2007-06-01 Thread c6alk

   Thanks for the well-thought out reply, you make excellent points. 
Comments below

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, list email filter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Wow, Brian, there's a lot of very good information in your post, my
 problem is that there is so much good fact, that it would be easy, too
 easy, to accept it all at face value.  In my mind, I have a few issues,
 and I'll address them in line, though I really do think that parts your
 post should be the basis for a faq entry or a wiki or something.

 Comments below:


 IRLP Node 3804 445.975 Simp PL103.5

 Emails sent directly to this address instead of going through a yahoo
 group are automatically processed as junk mail, so I never see them.  If
 you want to email me directly, try 'mycall' at 12bars dot com, thanks.

 Brian Kassel wrote:
  I have found that *MANY*, but not all,  so-called Wide signals on PSK
  modes are caused by several things being overlooked at the
  of the QSO.  If adjusted properly, most newer radios should handle
  50-100W signals providing of course that the transmitted signal is
  indeed clean to start with.

 Agreed, if you're saying well adjusted and operated modern receivers
 should handle being in reasonably close proximity to adjacent stations
 running 50 - 100 watts.  That is not the issue, though, the issue is the
 need to run 50 - 100 watts (actually the issue I had was someone running
 400 watts, but lets not let that interrupt the discourse) to maintain
 reliable communications.

  There are indeed plenty of  bad signals on the air, but just running
  higher  powers, or big antennas is not the cause by itself.

 Absolutely agree here, I know I can put out a terrible signal with my
 IC-703 at 2 watts into an MP-1, I can also put out a perfect signal with
 the same setup, and work stations 1,000's of miles away.

  Try to:
  Turn of AGC if possible, use RF gain to adjust signals.  This will
  your receiver to have greater dynamic range.
  Use a Notch filter if available.
  Turn off the preamp, switch  in the attenuator, especially on bands
  below about 30M.

 Absolutely agree, this is the part that really should be in a faq or
 wiki.  I'm not real keen on the attenuator bit, but then that could just
 be my experience with the attenuators in my rigs, I find that I get
 better printing if I let the computer audio software handle this, but
 then it could be my rigs.

  If the above doesn't work,  try a better sound card.  When strong
  signals are encountered, this is where the more inexpensive models
  to fold up.
  Why is that folks will spend many thousands on a fine rig, only to
use a
  $15 sound card?
  In Digital modes, the sound card is an integral part of the RX chain.

 Sorry, this is where I really have to take issue.  I can see why you
 think so reading a little ahead into your post.  About the only amateur
 radio application that the generic modern sound card is not up to the
 task of handling is SDR.  This is especially true when working with
 modern up to date software.  About the only deficiency inherent in the
 common hardware is the problem of receive and transmit audio not being
 precisely aligned with each other.  I honestly can't think of a modern
 version of any digital mode software that doesn't have an alignment or
 sound card setup functionality that either manually or automatically
 takes care of this deficiency for the operator.  It is however very
 important that you go through the alignment process if your software of
 choice doesn't do it for you.  If your software can't adjust for this,
 upgrade your software.  The base software requirement for digital mode
 operation is a nominal sample rate of 11025 samples per sec.  It's all
 the current software can take advantage of, and unless you are using a
 sound card as part of a sdr receiver, any fancier or more advanced
 features are just not taken advantage of by any of the software we use.
   That said, there are always some exceptions, certain old laptops and
 motherboard built-ins do have problems, strictly speaking, these issues
 are a matter of integration into the motherboard and the OS, not an
 issue with the base audio hardware's capabilities.

 The bottom line, is that unless you are planning to run an sdr receiver,
 any modern  $20.00 add-on sound card that is supported by your
 operating system of choice will do a fine job.

I probably didn't quite go into enough detail on this point. 
Certainly reading the recent QST article that compared various popular
sound cards shoes that there is indeed not much difference as far as
sensitivity and other parameters. I think though from the standpoints
of dynamic range and overload,  the so-called professional cards
fare somewhat better.   However all things considered, money is much
better spent in the RF RX side. I must note that since switching to
the SDR-1000/Delta 66 route, about 6 months ago,  I have 

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols

2007-06-01 Thread Chris Danis
On 6/1/07, Howard Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please consider RealBasic as a tool instead of VB.net.  With MS there
  is no such thing as 'free' or 'cross platform. With RealBasic you can
  code cross platform and there is no charge for the Linux version.


Actually, with the .NET environment, this isn't quite true.  .NET has
a lot of standards associated with it; an open-source project called
Mono is reimplementing all these standards.  The result is an
open-source C# compiler and .NET runtime environment.  I'm not sure
that there is the same level of support for VB.NET as there is for C#,
but people are working on it.

Check out http://www.mono-project.com/

-chris N2YYZ

[digitalradio] RE: JT65A HF query/observations

2007-06-01 Thread Phil Cooper
Hi all,

Yes, I can see how JT65A is great when signals are weak, but almost all
JT65A contacts here in Europe are between EU stations.
I have seen the occasional JA station, and one or two ZS stations, but
trying to get to work them is almost impossible due to the number of
stations that call them.

Also, some folk seem to be using quite high power - ie more than 100 watts.
I try to keep my JT65A contacts to less than 25 watts.

I also agree with Brian K3KO again regarding trying to make contact when
signals are really weak. If you can't spot anything on the waterfall, it can
be really hard to ensure that anyone CQ'ing falls into the passband.
I did some monitoring the other day, and had TU 73 appear on the screen, but
I just could not see where it had found that in the +/- 600Hz!!! That meant
I wasn't able to click on the tracks and follow the remainder of the QSO.
Perhaps there is a way to do this?

And what exactly do you put in your log for an RST??

73 de Phil GU0SUP

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols

2007-06-01 Thread Howard Brown
I recently tried the Express version.  It was not able to recognize a real .net 
project. Take a look at RealBasic, it is cross platform. VB.net is not.

Howard K5HB

- Original Message 
From: Simon Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2007 11:48:34 AM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols


- Original Message - 

From: Howard Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Please consider RealBasic as a tool instead of VB.net.  With MS there

 is no such thing as 'free' or 'cross platform.

For free software from Microsoft there is - 

http://msdn. microsoft. com/vstudio/ express/

I have written a lot of software using the free versions, I have now 

purchased the full version.

Simon HB9DRV 



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Re: [digitalradio] Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols

2007-06-01 Thread Howard Brown
Thanks, I did look at mono.  It may be important someday but not yet.

Why not use a cross platform tool instead? 

Howard K5HB

- Original Message 
From: Chris Danis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2007 12:21:51 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols


On 6/1/07, Howard Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please consider RealBasic as a tool instead of VB.net.  With MS there

  is no such thing as 'free' or 'cross platform. With RealBasic you can

  code cross platform and there is no charge for the Linux version.


Actually, with the .NET environment, this isn't quite true.  .NET has

a lot of standards associated with it; an open-source project called

Mono is reimplementing all these standards.  The result is an

open-source C# compiler and .NET runtime environment.  I'm not sure

that there is the same level of support for VB.NET as there is for C#,

but people are working on it.

Check out http://www.mono- project.com/


-chris N2YYZ



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Re: [digitalradio] RE: JT65A HF query/observations

2007-06-01 Thread Chris Danis

One of the columns shown in the WSJT main window (where signals are
decoded) is DF.  This stands for delta frequency and displays how
many Hz +/- you must tune to be exactly on top of the decoded station.

As for logging RST, I always use OOO.  It's weird for HF, yes, but is
the standard signal report exchange for moonbounce.

-chris N2YYZ

[digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question

2007-06-01 Thread Andrew O'Brien
A little different from the usual questions...

Curt KA2SLC, a former active member of this group, is now a Silent
Key.  His body remains unclaimed by family.  I have been told he is a
U.S. veteran, does anyone know of a veteran's groups that might
assist in getting a veteran a decent burial?

Andy K3UK

RE: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question

2007-06-01 Thread John Champa

Original Message Follows
From: Andrew O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 16:37:15 -0400

A little different from the usual questions...

Curt KA2SLC, a former active member of this group, is now a Silent
Key.  His body remains unclaimed by family.  I have been told he is a
U.S. veteran, does anyone know of a veteran's groups that might
assist in getting a veteran a decent burial?

Andy K3UK

Re: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question

2007-06-01 Thread Rodney Kraft
All I can tell you is to contact the local VFW and they might know who to 


Andrew O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  A 
little different from the usual questions...
 Curt KA2SLC, a former active member of this group, is now a Silent
 Key.  His body remains unclaimed by family.  I have been told he is a
 U.S. veteran, does anyone know of a veteran's groups that might
 assist in getting a veteran a decent burial?
 Andy K3UK

TV dinner still cooling?
Check out Tonight's Picks on Yahoo! TV.

Re: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question

2007-06-01 Thread Howard Brown
I searched the American Legion for Service Officers in 
New York and got:





NEW YORK, NY 10014

PHONE: 212-807-3066

FAX: 212-807-4029






BUFFALO, NY 14202-2479

PHONE: 716-857-3361

FAX: 716-857-3488



Maybe they can be of service?

Howard K5HB

PS: KA2SLC is listed in New York

- Original Message 
From: Andrew O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2007 3:37:15 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question


A little different from the usual questions...

Curt KA2SLC, a former active member of this group, is now a Silent

Key.  His body remains unclaimed by family.  I have been told he is a

U.S. veteran, does anyone know of a veteran's groups that might

assist in getting a veteran a decent burial?

Andy K3UK



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Re: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question

2007-06-01 Thread Andrew O'Brien

Thanks.  It seems that since he never joined some of the veteran's
organizations, he is ineligible for their assistance in this regard.

Andy K3UK

On 6/1/07, Howard Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I searched the American Legion for Service Officers in
New York and got:

NEW YORK, NY 10014
PHONE: 212-807-3066
FAX: 212-807-4029
BUFFALO, NY 14202-2479
PHONE: 716-857-3361
FAX: 716-857-3488
Maybe they can be of service?

Howard K5HB

PS: KA2SLC is listed in New York

- Original Message 
From: Andrew O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2007 3:37:15 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question

 A little different from the usual questions...

Curt KA2SLC, a former active member of this group, is now a Silent
Key. His body remains unclaimed by family. I have been told he is a
U.S. veteran, does anyone know of a veteran's groups that might
assist in getting a veteran a decent burial?

Andy K3UK


Re: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question

2007-06-01 Thread Howard Brown
I may be wrong but I think the American Legion will try to help any veteran, 
member or not.


- Original Message 
From: Andrew O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2007 6:22:54 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question


Thanks.  It seems that since he never joined some of the 
veteran's organizations, he is ineligible for their assistance in this regard.

Andy K3UK

On 6/1/07, 
Howard Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I searched the American Legion for Service Officers in 

New York and got:





NEW YORK, NY 10014

PHONE: 212-807-3066

FAX: 212-807-4029






BUFFALO, NY 14202-2479

PHONE: 716-857-3361

FAX: 716-857-3488



Maybe they can be of service?

Howard K5HB

PS: KA2SLC is listed in New York

- Original Message 
From: Andrew O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2007 3:37:15 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question

A little different from the usual questions...

Curt KA2SLC, a former active member of this group, is now a Silent

Key.  His body remains unclaimed by family.  I have been told he is a

U.S. veteran, does anyone know of a veteran's groups that might

assist in getting a veteran a decent burial?

Andy K3UK





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[digitalradio] Amateur Radio Technology Day - Saturday 2 June - California

2007-06-01 Thread expeditionradio
AM-TECH-DAY - Saturday 2 June 2007 - CALIFORNIA 

Amateur Radio Technology Day is an open monthly event for ham radio,
technology, portable operation, a watering hole for all hams,
and a great meeting place for hams in California. 
This month includes presentations on Software Defined Radio, and WSJT
weak signal modes.

Everyone is welcome, attendance is free. Picnic tables for radio set
ups... trees and lawns for antennas... forums and presentations in the

Food: Grilled hot dogs, kabobs, donuts, drinks, snacks, etc.

73---Bonnie KQ6XA

AM-TECH-DAY Location: SLAC - Near Palo Alto CA, USA
Talk in: N6NFI Repeater: 145.230- PL=100

WEBSITE for Am-tech Day:

There are usually several portable and backpack HF stations set up at
Amateur Radio Technology Day. It is the perfect chance to meet other
HFpackers in person, see new equipment, exchange new ideas, tell
stories, and operate radios. The presentations on all kinds of ham
radio subjects in the academic-style auditorium are always
interesting. We set up radios on the picnic tables and put up antennas
in the trees or temporary poles in the grassy area. We can put our
radios on the tables just inside the building's patio doors and run
feedlines (100ft to 200ft coax) out to the normal antenna areas.


GOOGLE EARTH: http://www.hfpack.com/qth/AMTECHDAY.kmz

N 37.419830
W 122.204568

Am Tech Day
Panofsky Auditorium
SDR-1000  FLEX-5000 Software Defined Radios
1:00 PM
Rick Huisman, N6DQ

Rick will revisit and review the operation  capabilities of the
FlexRadio corporations Software Defined Radio, the SDR-1000.
Additionally, he will demonstrate the remote control ability of the
rig by operating the unit, located in his San Carlos shack, from the
Panofski Auditorium at SLAC.

The new FLEX-5000 series of Software Defined Radios will also be
reviewed with images and data initially supplied to participants at
the recent Dayton Amateur Radio Convention. Learn about both radios
from someone with years of practical experience working with FlexRadio

WSJT Digital Modes
(Weak Signal Communication by K1JT)
Round Table Discussion
2:00 PM
Dave Hartzell, N0TDG

With a strong interest in WSJT, Dave presents an overview of the
subject through an introduction using slides and software, then works
as a moderator for a round table discussion on the subject with the
participants in the audience.

Gain the maximum collective knowledge of the subject by sharing your
digital experiences with of those from this on-site group, or just
come and listen. Some of the elements involved in WSJT include FSK
441, JT6M, JT 65, and EME Echo. 

Re: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question

2007-06-01 Thread sam
Call your local VFW or American Legion Post.
They would have a Service Officer who can help.
Thank you for your concern.
Sam Cook, AC0OK, Milan, MO
Vietnam Veteran, VFW Life Member

Andrew O'Brien wrote:

 A little different from the usual questions...

 Curt KA2SLC, a former active member of this group, is now a Silent
 Key. His body remains unclaimed by family. I have been told he is a
 U.S. veteran, does anyone know of a veteran's groups that might
 assist in getting a veteran a decent burial?

 Andy K3UK

[digitalradio] re: Here's a silly thought.

2007-06-01 Thread Matthew Chambers, W1JEQ
My expericnce, I run any where from 15 to 45 watts on psk31 about 85%  
of the time and when the bands are poor or the dx seems to be pointed  
the wrong direction I crank my power in about 5 to 10 watts steps  
untill they either hear me or I run out of power lol. I have peaked  
150 watts psk31 on 20 m at 4 am central time trying to work a dx that  
was 10 over 9 here but i was 22 to 33 at his qth, after i raised  
power, he didn't hear me at all untill i broke 100 watts and got 50%  
copy after 150 watts.

Matthew A. Chambers, W1JEQ
ARES Official Emergency Station
NEMO ARC Activities Director
Macon ARC and ARRL Member since 2003

Quoting Peter G. Viscarola [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

A perennially interesting topic.  I hope the more experienced operators
here aren't sick to death of discussing it yet, and are willing to give
me some guidance.

Absolutely spot on Erick.  That is one reason that we try to tell new
people, on the digital bands, to start with as few watts as they can.

Agreed.  One should ALWAYS use as few watts as possible to establish
reliable communications.

There is just no reason to run 100 watts ( and I expect some run more)

on the

PSK, etc. digital modes.  Everytime I say that though, someone jumps in


Wl  I'm far from an expert, OK?  I've only a few months and
a few hundred QSOs experience in digital modes.  And I realize that
there are lots of folks who've gotten DXCC running QRP to a wire hanging
out their window (I just read about a JA ham who works 500 milliwatts to
a dipole on his 11th floor balcony).

BUT... I can tell you from experience that when I'm in a contest, or
trying to crack a DX pileup, putting 40W into my dipole often just
doesn't do it.  Often I can hear the DX, but they can't hear ME.  Or I
get repeated QRZ de... replies.  Even on PSK31.

OTOH, if I crank to 85W or 100W or so, the DX can hear me, I get the
QSO, and my IMD meter still reads around -30db.  Say
it's only 3dB difference if you like, but I've repeatedly seen better
results in contests and pileups with 80W than 40W.  This is PARTICULARLY
true with RTTY, where I've cranked it up to a couple of hundred watts
when necessary.

Let me hasten to add: I certainly DO NOT want to be an discourteous
operator, and I ONLY wish to operate my station in accordance with best
practices.  Seriously.

So, how does one reconcile the oft-repeated mantra only run 25W or 40W
with my experience?  Am I *really* bothering my fellow hams, or
operating outside the bounds of acceptable practice, if I crank my PSK31
output to 85W to get a new one, when my signal is clean and my
measured IMD is low?

If my (strong but clean) signal captures somebody's AGC should they not
simply narrow/change their IF bandwidth to eliminate the strong signal
(heck, when in a PSK31 QSO I often narrow down to 50Hz just for this
purpose).  If they see sidebands due to receiver overload or lack of
sound card dynamic range, is that a problem with MY station?

I'm not trying to be argumentative here, rather I'm curious about other
people's experiences and advice.

de Peter K1PGV

[digitalradio] Activity on 20M

2007-06-01 Thread Walt DuBose

Copied some nice signals on 20M this afternoon...

KZ1Z on Fell Hell (good signal from Gary but no response to his CQ)

K4VIG (Gary) PSK63 ~13:55 CDT (good signal)

CO2IZ PSK63  ~14:05 CDT (good signal) in QSO with UT5JAB (I couldn't copy him)

Transceiver ICOM IC-746PRO in USB with 2.4 kHz filter and using Fldigi 1.34. 
Antenna was an Inverted V st 25 ft.



Re: [digitalradio] Activity on 20M

2007-06-01 Thread Andrew O'Brien

Nice catches !


On 6/1/07, Walt DuBose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Copied some nice signals on 20M this afternoon...

KZ1Z on Fell Hell (good signal from Gary but no response to his CQ)

K4VIG (Gary) PSK63 ~13:55 CDT (good signal)

CO2IZ PSK63 ~14:05 CDT (good signal) in QSO with UT5JAB (I couldn't copy

Transceiver ICOM IC-746PRO in USB with 2.4 kHz filter and using Fldigi
Antenna was an Inverted V st 25 ft.




Re: [digitalradio] HFLINK Comments to ARRL on Development of New HF Digital Comm Protocols]

2007-06-01 Thread Walt DuBose
ave been hesitant to comment on the ARRL seeking comments on a new HF digital
protocol...but let's look again at what they ask...

I. Comments from amateurs concerning development of an open-source
(non-proprietary) data communications protocol suitable for use by radio
amateurs over high-frequency (HF) fading paths. This is not a Request for
Proposals (RFP).

II.  Access Method: Is Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) the
best candidate technology, or should other competitive technologies be 

III.  Data Rate and Bandwidth: What data rates/throughputs are achievable at
various bandwidths up to 3 kHz bandwidth?

IV.  Adaptivity: What adaptive features should be considered, such as automatic
adjustment of transmitter power, modulation waveform and coding, in order to
maximize throughput and efficiency in two-way contacts?

V.  Robustness: What is achievable for reliable operation at power levels
typical in the Amateur Radio Service and low signal/noise and interference 

VI. Error control: What are the appropriate applications of error control
suitable for HF channels? For example, how should Repeat reQuest (ARQ) and
Forward Error Control (FEC) be applied to two-way contacts and one-to-many
(roundtable and bulletin) transmissions?

VII. Activity Detection: What is an effective method of determining whether a
frequency is busy prior to transmission?

VIII. Operating System: What operating systems (such as Windows or Linux) are
appropriate for Amateur Radio use with this protocol?

IX. Hardware: What practical and affordable hardware platforms are suitable for
amateur stations? Consider the use of personal computers with or without sound
cards. Provide any information about the need for an additional box if needed.

Did Bonnie's response answer these questions?  Some of the response did and did
very well.  However, the first paragraph of the ARRL's message was...This is
not a Request for Proposals (RFP).  The recommendation of a specific protocol
or set of protocols was not what was requested.

As the college professor told his student during a test...just answer the

We get to the point where we want to design what the airplane should look like
and then determine what it can do and many times it doesn't meet our real needs.

I would appear that a set of design goals or specification goals need to be
defined meet the needs of amateur radio...an open-source (non-proprietary) data
communications protocol suitable for use by radio amateurs over high-frequency
(HF) fading paths.

A desired format would be to specifically re-state the ARRL's question,
provide current data/capabilities and then based on an assessment of current and
future preceived capabilities, determine what future capabilities might be
possible and if they might meet the needs of the amateur radio communnity.

Too ofter those who deal consistantly with businesses/industry and governments
are asked for request for proposals (RFP) and the government federal government
is guilty of this...ask or seems to ask for an RFP when in realitity they are
looking for a request for information (RFI).  I believe that the ARRL is
actually asking for the latter.

The question may be do we want to go with what is currently available with its
benefits and drawbacks (positive/negative attributes) or start with a clean
slate?  Since there is no need for adoption of a specific mode(s) to meet an
ungent need, then we might well be advised to determine what our (amateur
radio's) real needs are and start afresh...design from the bottom up...not the
top down.



bruce mallon wrote:
 OK so what we have here is a failure to communicate ?
 --- expeditionradio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Please click here to read the HFLINK recommendation

On 22 Feb 2007, the ARRL announced that it seeks
comments from
amateurs concerning development of an open-source,
data communications protocol suitable for use by
radio amateurs over
HF fading paths.

ARRL's announcement was discussed at length in the
and via private correspondence.

On 15 May 2007, HFLINK respectfully submitted
comments in response 
to ARRL's announcement.

Read on the web:

Bonnie Crystal KQ6XA
HFLINK Founder


Re: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question

2007-06-01 Thread Rick

Did someone tell you that from the American Legion?

Contacting the Service Officer is a good suggestion made earlier.

We will help ANY veteran as much as we can although in this case there 
would be legal implications from local government.

We along with other veterans organizations provide military honors at 
funerals. You do not have to be a member of the organization.

The American Legion is an organization Chartered by Congress and has 
certain duties to carry out in support of veterans.

Rick, KV9U
Member and Officer of my local Post

Andrew O'Brien wrote:
 Thanks.  It seems that since he never joined some of the veteran's 
 organizations, he is ineligible for their assistance in this regard.

 Andy K3UK

Re: [digitalradio] Dead US Veteran/Ham question

2007-06-01 Thread Andrew O'Brien


A local ham contacted the Veterans Affairs office in this county.

Several hams in my local area are checking all the suggestions we have
received so far, we also have a call in to our local Congressperson.
Meanwhile,  a ham well known to this group has emailed me privately and
offered to cover the costs .  We will explore options via veterans groups
over the weekend but will take up this generous offer from a digitalradio
member , pending review of the arrangements, if no other options are found.

Andy K3UK

On 6/2/07, Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Did someone tell you that from the American Legion?

Contacting the Service Officer is a good suggestion made earlier.

We will help ANY veteran as much as we can although in this case there
would be legal implications from local government.

We along with other veterans organizations provide military honors at
funerals. You do not have to be a member of the organization.

The American Legion is an organization Chartered by Congress and has
certain duties to carry out in support of veterans.

Rick, KV9U
Member and Officer of my local Post

Andrew O'Brien wrote:
 Thanks. It seems that since he never joined some of the veteran's
 organizations, he is ineligible for their assistance in this regard.

 Andy K3UK