[digitalradio] Generator Interference

2010-02-09 Thread Dave Sloan
Hello All,
   I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We are getting ready for a 4 county
mass causality exercise. This last Saturday we were doing some training,
antenna work, and testing at the EOC. One of the tests involved was
deploying our mobile command post about 30 miles out into the county. We
were able to work 2 meter voice simplex without any problem. However,
digital wasn't a good. We were using D-Rats and we could see the other
stations without any problem. But, when we tried to send a message it would
fail. The generator was causing some sort of hash to be generated and it was
causing the digital to fail when passing a message. We could go keyboard to
keyboard without any problems. What sort of suppression kit could we install
on the generator to eliminate the interference? 

TNX  73,
Dave N0EOP

[digitalradio] NAQP Sprint RTTY Question

2009-03-13 Thread Dave Sloan
Why were there so many stations with the name Marc from CA? If you call CQ
and someone works you, then you must QSY. Right? Sure were a lot of stations
running a frequency on 40 meters.


TNX  73,

Dave N0EOP



RE: [digitalradio] Anyone need a $6.50 soundcard ?

2008-04-13 Thread Dave Sloan
   If you have one left I would be interested.

TNX  73,
Dave N0EOP

-Original Message-
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andrew O'Brien
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 6:41 AM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [digitalradio] Anyone need a $6.50 soundcard ?

I am about to order a USB external sound adapter for US$6.50. The
shipping however is $8.00 , more than the product itself ! So,
perhaps I should order several of them and just mail them to others
than want one. They apparently weigh 4oz, sticking one in the US mail
should cost a couple of dollars, not 8.00 (a guess) I have seen a
couple of well known hams use these for digital modes.

Anyone else want one ?

Andy K3UK

[digitalradio] April QST page 35 Questions

2008-03-27 Thread Dave Sloan
Let's see existing tnc. Free software. Once setup and configured almost any
ham can use it. What is the catch? Other than it is slower than the Internet
or Winlink on HF.

TNX  73,
Dave N0EOP


RE: [digitalradio] Anyone using the Navigator by US Interface?

2007-10-28 Thread Dave Sloan

   I told Tom what you said and he said he would try it. I will try to find
out today if that worked or not. Tom is 80 years old and takes care of his
wife who is having a problem with Alzheimer's. So, some days he gets a lot
of things done and other days he is unable to do much. 


TNX  73,

Dave N0EOP



-Original Message-
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Roger J. Buffington
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2007 5:13 AM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Anyone using the Navigator by US Interface?


Dave Sloan wrote:

 A friend just got his Navigator in the mail yesterday and is having
 problems getting it to work. Anyone have any experience with the

 TNX  73, Dave N0EOP

Dave did you try what I told you with NavOptions, changing 15 to 
Normal? I am pretty sure that was your friend's problem.

de Roger W6VZV


[digitalradio] Anyone using the Navigator by US Interface?

2007-10-27 Thread Dave Sloan
 A friend just got his Navigator in the mail yesterday and is having
problems getting it to work. Anyone have any experience with the Navigator?

TNX  73,
Dave N0EOP

RE: [digitalradio] Anyone using the Navigator by US Interface?

2007-10-27 Thread Dave Sloan
Hi Roger,
   He worked with Glenn yesterday and Glenn is gone for the week-end. Of
course he doesn't want to wait. He says the interface shows he is keying and
the radio shows it is keying. But, he is getting nothing out. I told him to
try raising his ALC some and to also check the cable. It looks like he must
be getting the PTT but, no data into the radio. I have a different radio and
use my soundcard. So, I'm not all that much help to him. Tom has psk working
with his Winpsk.

TNX  73,
Dave N0EOP

-Original Message-
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Roger J. Buffington
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 11:48 AM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Anyone using the Navigator by US Interface?

Dave Sloan wrote:

 A friend just got his Navigator in the mail yesterday and is having
 problems getting it to work. Anyone have any experience with the

 TNX  73, Dave N0EOP

It is slightly tricky to set up, but once you get it set up it works 
wonderfully, and in a trouble-free fashion. If your friend has trouble 
have him contact Glenn at US Interface support, and he'll have it 
squared away quickly.

de Roger W6VZV

RE: [digitalradio] qrz.com ... down??

2007-02-24 Thread Dave Sloan

   I just tried from Colorado and it failed.


Dave N0EOP


-Original Message-
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of wa8vbx
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 10:04 AM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] qrz.com ... down??


Peter I was just in QRZ and had no problems getting in.





- Original Message - 

From: Peter G. Viscarola mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  

To: digitalradio@ mailto:digitalradio@yahoogroups.com yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 11:53 AM

Subject: [digitalradio] qrz.com ... down??


It's 16:45Z, and it seems that both WWW.QRZ.COM and online.qrz.com are
down (neither is even answering pings).

Anybody else seeing this, and if so... anybody know what's up??

de Peter K1PGV


[digitalradio] FT-920 Setup for RTTY ???

2007-02-04 Thread Dave Sloan

   When using the data din plug in the back I have no problem with PSK. But,
RTTY is being a little more difficult to setup. On the radio does everyone
use Data USB for all bands? In your software program do you set it for AFSK
or FSK? USB or LSB? Do you use a Mark offset and if so how much?  I have
the settings in MTTY set to the same as a friend who also has the FT-920 and
RTTY is working great for him. The only question I have about these settings
is the Misc, Soundcard Device ID setting. I haven't tried other setting that
what by friend uses. Could this be where the problem is?

   I am using the DXLab program WinWarbler. I have to check the Reverse to
be able to receive. The program controls the transmitter without any problem
but I can't seem to make any contacts.  

   Anyone have any ideas on what I should try next?



Dave N0EOP


RE: [digitalradio] FT-920 Setup for RTTY ???

2007-02-04 Thread Dave Sloan


-Original Message-
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andrew O'Brien
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 11:50 AM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] FT-920 Setup for RTTY ???


Usually, LSB is used for RTTY and USB for all other digital modes. Ssince
you have your radio set for Data USB , I assume this is why you have to used
reverse to receive RTTY.  I can't comment about FSK versus AFSK since I am
not familar with your radio.  For my radio, I have Windwarbler set for AFSK,


Hi Andrew,

   Your comments make since. So RTTY normally uses LSB, while PSK uses USB?
What do you have the xvr mode set too? Do you have any mark offset? Is
your Optimal Offset 2210? 

   So far I really like the DXLabs suite. Which of the programs do you use?
What do you find the most useful?  


TNX  73,

Dave N0EOP


RE: [digitalradio] FT-920 Setup for RTTY ???

2007-02-04 Thread Dave Sloan
Thanks for all of the assistance. I went back and reread the FT-920 manual
(novel idea)! When you use the data plug on the back of the FT-920 you set
the mode to data USB for both PSK and for RTTY. Then through the menu you
have to change the factory default for the shift for the AFSK. This actually
causes the radio to use LSB for RTTY like everyone was saying. But the
display panel shows data USB. Then I went in and set the WinWarbler config
for RRTY to AFSK USB RTTY no Mark Offset and the default value of 2210 for
the Optimal Offset. I called CQ 3 times and V44JK responded. 

   So, again THANKS for all of the ideas. Even though no one knew for sure
since no one had the same exact setup and WinWarbler, all of your ideas got
me to thinking in the right directions.


TNX  73,

Dave N0EOP



RE: [digitalradio] Re: Souncard in PSKMAIL or fldigi?

2007-01-20 Thread Dave Sloan

   I don't know how you are getting away with having the sliders all of the
way at the top. That overdrives my FT920 (using a rascal interface).
Everything I have read says to keep the sliders somewhere towards the bottom
to prevent overdriving your transmitter. 



Dave N0EOP


-Original Message-
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jerry W
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 4:24 PM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [digitalradio] Re: Souncard in PSKMAIL or fldigi?



Find the sound mixer, click on the speaker icon. Most likely the
Line Input slider is all the way at the bottom and maybe turned off.
Click on the red led and then raise the slider, find that most ham
programs need the slider all the way at the top.


Jerry - K0HZI


RE: [digitalradio] Update : Odd PC Issue

2007-01-12 Thread Dave Sloan

   What is alg.exe? What percentage of ram is it using? Have you tried to
end task on alg.exe? If so, what happened?


-Original Message-
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andrew O'Brien
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 6:34 PM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [digitalradio] Update : Odd PC Issue


The proble went away in the middle of me postinaout the issue earlier 
this wek, just after I booeup Firefoxt test web mail vi that browser. 
The rblem went for 2days but cam back after I rebot the PC this evenig. 
As I type this, CPU use is low. alg.exe is using t most RAM , SVCHOST 
is not usig much at all. There wss just a 5 secnd lag while DX Joe 
from Spotcollector was announcing DX.

Andy K3UK


RE: [digitalradio] Re: FT990 and PSK

2006-12-05 Thread Dave Sloan
Not sure what your problem would be. I have a FT920, Rascal Interface, SB
sound card, P 4 computer running XP. With a WinPSK program and it works
great for me. I have the FT920 in data usb mode and take the output from the
data din plug in the back. 


Good luck, 

Dave N0EOP


-Original Message-
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andrew O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 2:58 AM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [digitalradio] Re: FT990 and PSK


--- In digitalradio@ mailto:digitalradio%40yahoogroups.com
yahoogroups.com, tm303 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using the microHam USB II with the 990 and I can't get it to 
 on PSK. I've tried Logger32, MMVARI, and N1MM programs to no 
 I was told by Joe at microHam to use the 990 in the Packet position
 but the freq goes down below 14.000 on 20 meters. I can't hear any
 PSK on an external receiver when I transmit above 14.000. I can't
 receive any signals either. Everything works fine with MMTY and
 EDFSK. Just no luck with PSK.
 Any suggestions?

This is very odd. If your rig goes in to transmit mode when your 
execute a transmit command, I assume that your USB II is working 
correctly. Does the USB II use the same device router that other 
Microham products use? If so, does it use the same audio 
switching ? With my Microkeyer I somtimes have not audio out 
because I selected the wrong audio out via the device router. This 
would not effect receive though. Can you receive PSK without the USB 
II? In other words disconnect it and just run an audio cable from 
rig to PC soundcard, does PSK31 decode then ?

Andy K3UK