[digitalradio] Article for QST on ID

2009-07-08 Thread Traveler

Problem is QST is limited in the number of subscriber vs number of hams who 
enjoy the digital modes. I myself am not a member of the ARRL so I don't read 
QST and since they do not sell it on the news stands anymore, article would not 
help myself or other who do not support ARRL.

Maybe put a entry into wikipedia where anyone on the net can read it, plus 
information can be changed as need for clarification or updates.

Just my opinion.


[digitalradio] Re: on 14.109 USB all day (Q15X25) - please read about FEC ..

2009-02-12 Thread Traveler
What worldwide ECOMM is going on right now, that 14.109 must be set aside for 
just ALE? None that I know of. 

I understand a need for ecomm's, but please to say a certain freq is just for 
ecomm is a little out there, if there is no emergencies going on but wait maybe 
with the fires in VK land, then are using MT63 instead of ALE so maybe ALE 
needs to be shut down.



[digitalradio] Re: Multiple Digital Modes: Time to get rid of most ?

2008-04-20 Thread Traveler
I would keep Hell, yes it is not as popular as PSK or
RTTY, but there are quiet a few operators on Hell, and
there are active nets/contest for Hell. Take a look at
the group.

Sorry to hear about the pinched nerve, been there and
it's not fun. Myself I am recovering from minor knee
surgery so not in the best mood either. Hope you get
well soon Andy.



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[digitalradio] Re:Vista

2008-03-26 Thread Traveler
I just am just voicing my opinion on what I have read.
If you want to run Vista go ahead and run it. But if
Vista is so much of an upgrade from XP why did MS
allow vendors to go back and offer XP as an option, or
why are the vendors themselves offering XP along with
I have a good friend who runs a computer business and
he does not recommend Vista, but will install it if
the customer wants it.

I still standby my view, that Vista has too many bugs
in it still for me to change to it from XP



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[digitalradio] Re:Vista

2008-03-25 Thread Traveler
I ordered a Dell custom built, and had available for
an OS either XP Home/XP Pro or one of the many Vista's
installed on it. 
I went with XP Home, as that is what I currently use
and the wife knows it also.

Still to many bugs with Vista for my liking.



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