[digitalradio] WinDRM Digital Voice

2007-05-12 Thread jr1961bobo
I had a couple QSO's on 20 meters with WinDRM but allot of QSB made 
things difficult. Anyone in the Northeast want to try WinDRM on 160 
meters? I am starting to call cq on some nights at 9:00 pm Est. on 
1.990. Since the band usually opens up well after sunset it may be a 
good place to get a small group of WinDRM users together for a little  

Re: [digitalradio] WinDRM Digital Voice

2007-05-12 Thread mrfarm
Here in the northern midwest U.S., we have a great deal of QRN that 
begins in the early evening. It is not always easy to maintain 
comfortable analog voice communications with 100 watt stations during 
the summer months.

When you use 160 what power levels are you running in order to keep the 
S/N ratio above the necessary S/N ratio plus enough reserve to prevent 
loss of data during the inevitable QSB?

Are you using WinDRM for image data or voice or both?

 From listening to DV users on the higher bands, the mode is similar to 
the older AM operations where one station has the frequency for  a while 
and then turns it over to another station. If two stations were 
transmitting at the same time and did not know it (doubling), you might 
not have any communications at all and this could go on for a while if 
there is a long monolog.

It seems that DV will never be able to compete well with analog voice 
due to the limitations of physical science and the ability of analog to 
easily and very quickly switch between stations, similar to the QSK 
ability of CW which probably surpasses and other mode when you have 
savvy operators in a structured net environment.


Rick, KV9U

jr1961bobo wrote:
> I had a couple QSO's on 20 meters with WinDRM but allot of QSB made 
> things difficult. Anyone in the Northeast want to try WinDRM on 160 
> meters? I am starting to call cq on some nights at 9:00 pm Est. on 
> 1.990. Since the band usually opens up well after sunset it may be a 
> good place to get a small group of WinDRM users together for a little  
> ragchewing. 

Re: [digitalradio] WinDRM Digital Voice

2007-05-12 Thread kd4e
Couldn't DV include a automated brief pause every
1 or 2 min to check for doubling?

It would be so brief as to be almost indiscernible
to the op and would trigger a warning of some sort
only if doubling (defined by certain parameters)
were detected.


>  From listening to DV users on the higher bands, the mode is similar to 
> the older AM operations where one station has the frequency for  a while 
> and then turns it over to another station. If two stations were 
> transmitting at the same time and did not know it (doubling), you might 
> not have any communications at all and this could go on for a while if 
> there is a long monolog.
> It seems that DV will never be able to compete well with analog voice 
> due to the limitations of physical science and the ability of analog to 
> easily and very quickly switch between stations, similar to the QSK 
> ability of CW which probably surpasses and other mode when you have 
> savvy operators in a structured net environment.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Personal: http://bibleseven.com/kd4e.html
Ham QTH: http://mysite.verizon.net/kd4e/

Re: [digitalradio] WinDRM Digital Voice

2007-05-12 Thread John Becker
I don't think it is needed.
I have been on DV for 4 years and have never seen
anyone talk for a min... it just don't happen on DV.
It's just not a long winded mode.

John, W0JAB

At 06:59 PM 5/12/2007, you wrote:
>Couldn't DV include a automated brief pause every
>1 or 2 min to check for doubling?
>It would be so brief as to be almost indiscernible
>to the op and would trigger a warning of some sort
>only if doubling (defined by certain parameters)
>were detected.

Re: [digitalradio] WinDRM Digital Voice

2007-05-13 Thread mrfarm
It would be difficult to pause without notice with DV due to the latency 
issue. This is one of the reasons that I do not expect DV to ever become 
all that popular on HF. And if there are attempts to improve the 
sensitivity and robustness, the latency would have to become even more 
noticeable since I doubt that there is any chance to have wider 
bandwidth modes such as you have on VHF and up with over 6 kHz wide 

Latency can be acceptable for text modes, but much more problematic with 
DV does not really lend itself to fast break in technique such as used 
on net operation or quick round tables where individuals make rapid back 
and forth comments. Without some major breakthrough, which at this time 
seems unlikely to contravene the laws of physics, HF DV seems destined 
as a niche player, similar to the way AM is still used.

I have been getting a bit concerned with some of the strong statements 
being made lately by some of the more overzealous proponents of digital. 
Based upon the Dayton Hamvention Digital Forum presentations, it is 
getting a bit much, with claims that digital technology is destined to 
replace most analog technology. Because of the many downsides to digital 
technology, this is most unlikely on HF. It may eventually become more 
popular on VHF and higher frequencies due to the allowance of wider 
bandwidth modes.

There are good uses for digital and there are good uses for analog and 
one is not always the best choice over the other.


Rick, KV9U

kd4e wrote:
> Couldn't DV include a automated brief pause every
> 1 or 2 min to check for doubling?
> It would be so brief as to be almost indiscernible
> to the op and would trigger a warning of some sort
> only if doubling (defined by certain parameters)
> were detected.

Re: [digitalradio] WinDRM Digital Voice

2007-05-13 Thread John Becker
At 11:47 AM 5/13/2007, you wrote in part:
>This is one of the reasons that I do not expect DV to ever become 
>all that popular on HF.

It is doing very well at this time.