Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread MBR
Hi Micky.  If you're going to mention Linux and the FSF, it might be 
best if you were to call it GNU/Linux rather than Linux and explain 
why the FSF (and Stallman in particular) prefers GNU/Linux to simply 
Linux. (See What's in a Name?, Linux and the GNU System, and GNU/Linux FAQ by 
Richard Stallman Here 
are a few things about Linux that occur to me right off:


   The most obvious point to make is that Linux is a Free operating
   system(That's free as in freedom, not free as in free beer),
   unlike the other major contenders: Windows and Mac OS-X. Linux is
   released under the GPL, the original Free Software license.


   The essence of Free Software, as articulated by RMS (Richard M.
   Stallman) who invented the concept and founded the FSF, is the
   following (from his article What is free software?

   We campaign for these freedoms because everyone deserves them.
   With these freedoms, the users (both individually and
   collectively) control the program and what it does for them.
   When users don't control the program, we call it a nonfree or
   proprietary program. The nonfree program controls the users,
   and the developer controls the program; this makes the program
   an instrument of unjust power

   A program is free software if the program's users have the four
   essential freedoms:
 * The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0).
 * The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so
   it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to
   the source code is a precondition for this.
 * The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your
   neighbor (freedom 2).
 * The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions
   to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole
   community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to
   the source code is a precondition for this.

   NOTE: To those in the Drupal community who are used to programming
   in PHP, freedom #1 may not seem like a very big deal. That's because
   Drupal is written in PHP which is an interpreted language, not a
   compiled language, so you can't distribute a runnable version of a
   program without distributing the program's source code. But both for
   reasons of efficiency as well as for historical reasons, operating
   systems are written in languages that get compiled to machine code,
   so proprietary vendors can seize total control of how you use their
   software by distributing only binaries and not the source code. And
   they do!

   Proprietary software vendors generally force you to agree to a
   restrictive EULA (End User License Agreement) which prohibits even
   trying to figure out how the code works. Microsoft's EULA explicitly
   states the following (note that Apple's license is no better.):

   Recipient may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble
   any portion of the Software, except and only to the extent that
   this limitation is expressly prohibited by applicable law
   notwithstanding this limitation. 


   Since most non-programmers who know of the concept of
   collaboratively-developed software know the term Open Source, you
   really ought to familiarize yourself with Stallman's article Why
   Open Source misses the point of Free Software

4. Since GNU/Linux source code is studied by hundreds of thousands of
   people all over the world, it's much harder to hide malware inside
   it.  And since it's Free Software, if malware were found, anyone in
   the world would have the right to redistribute a version with the
   malware removed.  On the other hand, the Windows source code can
   only be seen by a relatively small number of programmers who are
   either working for Microsoft or gagged by a restrictive contract
   before they're allowed to see the source code.  So, if Microsoft's
   OS contains nasty code they don't want you to know about, they can
   silence anyone who might know enough to inform you.  If it's
   reporting your every keystroke and mouse-click to the NSA, you'll
   never know.  In the Apple world, the OS' license is approved as a
   free software license by the FSF, but Apple's GUI (Graphical User
   Interface) code is only distributed under a proprietary license. 
   Since all human interaction with the computer must pass through the

   GUI, they too could be doing evil stuff with your keystrokes and
   mouse-clicks behind your back. [Note however that even having the
   source code is not an absolute guarantee that you can figure out

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Richard Pieri wrote:

Tread lightly, being absolutist means you will convince no one and are
merely singing to the choir. If you are fair and balance the facts, give
credit where credit is due, open minded people will hear you.

Yep. I mean, I have two very up-front reasons not to use Linux. The 
first is the state of desktop environments. For all of the choices 
available there are none that are as usable and as polished as 
Macintosh, and few that are substantially better than Windows 7. The 
second is the mechanisms the Linux kernel uses to dynamically enumerate 
devices at boot time are stupid. I don't care if that's how Linus wants 
it; they're stupid. They cause too many problems and have spawned too 
many incompatible and non-portable workarounds.

Rich P.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread MBR
A few years back, I wrote an article for O'Reilly about something I'd 
noticed starting in the 1980s.  Unix (and later Linux) had grown in the 
direction of readable (i.e. ASCII) file formats, where MS-DOS had grown 
in the direction of unreadable formats.  I think this is related to what 
you're talking about.

And, based on my experiences working at DEC, I attribute some of this 
tendency to an accident of hardware design that was cause such pain for 
us software developers that we avoided more efficient hardware-oriented 
data formats, and that pushed us toward using ASCII.

If you're interested, my article's How an Accident of Hardware Design 
Encouraged Open Source

   Mark Rosenthal

On 2/11/2014 6:44 AM, John Abreau wrote:

Not sure whether this would mean anything for a new user, but from the
perspective of someone who started using UNIX (Linux's ancestor) long
before Windows existed, I find that on Linux systems, I'm free to work with
my data directly, whereas on Windows and MacOS it feels more like my data
is locked up in file formats that I can only access through the
straitjacket of the application that created the file.

In other words, the Linux environment provides me with a rich toolkit for
handling my data, and it's very easy to build simple scripts for tasks that
I'll be repeating often, such as processing photos into my photo album or
post-production editing of videos to prepare them for uploading to youtube.
Whereas on Windows, and to a lesser extent on MacOS, I have to depend on
various applications to handle my data for me, and if the application
doesn't do what I need it to do, I have to wait for the application's
developers to add my needs as a new feature in some future release.

Either that, or change what I want to accomplish in order to accommodate
the limitations of the application.

Of course, like any toolkit with powerful capabilities, there's a learning
curve that comes with developing the expertise that leads to mastering
those capabilities.

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 9:21 PM, Micky Metts mi...@drupalconnection.comwrote:

I have a request for the group -

I am speaking at the GLADcamp Drupal conference in Los Angeles next month
and wish to have part of my talk cover the benefits of Linux. I have
started a pad here:

I would love it if anyone has some things to add that I may have
So far I plan to mention and the groups on meetup. If you have
any wisdom to add, please do share!

Thanks for all of your help with this and with inspiring me to teach
others how to install Linux locally.


Michele Metts - Social Networks - Websites for Entrepreneurs

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus
protection is active.

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Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread MBR

On 2/11/2014 7:37 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote:
Trust in the transparency and benevolence of Oracle, Apple, and 
Microsoft is a slogan I don't foresee catching on anytime soon.
Actually, I /can/ see it catching on - as a sarcastic slogan promoting 


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Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Richard Pieri

MBR wrote:

that anyway.  But if she reads and understands those articles, she'll be
much better prepared to answer questions and carry on knowledgeable
conversations with people who might approach her after her talk.

Just remember that the article in question, like the FSF itself, is 
rather one-sided. When RMS says Free Software he means free for users. 
Developers have few freedoms and many requirements under the FSF's 
definition of freedom. It's a big reason why Apache-style licensing has 
been outpacing GPL licensing.

Rich P.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Richard Pieri

John Abreau wrote:

More precisely, RMS says that he makes no distinction between users and
developers, because developers are also users. He argues that limiting
freedom to only a subset of users is divisive and antithetical to the
concept of freedom.

That's what RMS says. The anti-Tivoization clause of the GPLv3 says 
something quite different. It exists specifically to deny developers 
some of their freedoms to use and develop software and hardware.

Freedom only for developers is kind of like a democracy where only
wealthy landowners are allowed to vote.

As if freedom only for users is any better.

Rich P.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Shirley Márquez Dúlcey
The GPL has always denied some freedoms to developers, such as the
right to exclusively make money from their work. The anti-TiVo clause
in GPLv3 is an additional constraint, and the rarely seen Affero
license further limits developers. (Basically, the Affero license is
GPLv3 with the additional provision that if you make software
available as a service you have to make the source code available,
just as you would if you distributed source or binary code for use by

There are times when the rights of users and the rights of developers
are in direct opposition, and it is impossible to make the situation
better for one group without making it worse for the other. But the
amount of good gained by one group can exceed the amount lost by the
other, and all developers are also users so their losses on their own
coding are counterbalanced by their gains from the work of others.
Almost no code is the work of one person or even one company alone;
any program of significance contains libraries and other code that
come from others and is developed using tools created by others.

On balance, free software makes the world a better place than it would
be if all software were proprietary. More free software would make it
even better.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Richard Pieri wrote:
 John Abreau wrote:

 More precisely, RMS says that he makes no distinction between users and
 developers, because developers are also users. He argues that limiting
 freedom to only a subset of users is divisive and antithetical to the
 concept of freedom.

 That's what RMS says. The anti-Tivoization clause of the GPLv3 says
 something quite different. It exists specifically to deny developers some of
 their freedoms to use and develop software and hardware.

 Freedom only for developers is kind of like a democracy where only
 wealthy landowners are allowed to vote.

 As if freedom only for users is any better.

 Rich P.
 Discuss mailing list
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Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread John Abreau
On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Richard Pieri richard.pi...@gmail.comwrote:

 John Abreau wrote:

  Freedom only for developers is kind of like a democracy where only
 wealthy landowners are allowed to vote.

 As if freedom only for users is any better.

Developers are themselves users. Saying that freedom is only for users is
the same as saying freedom is restricted only to everybody.  The
connotations of the word only in that sentence conflict with the fact
that the group includes everybody, and thus using the word only in that
sentence is .disingenuous.

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux  Unix
Email: / WWW / PGP-Key-ID 0x920063C6
PGP-Key-Fingerprint A5AD 6BE1 FEFE 8E4F 5C23  C2D0 E885 E17C 9200 63C6
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Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread markw
 The GPL has always denied some freedoms to developers, such as the
 right to exclusively make money from their work.

Ahh, there in lies the lies that lairs lie about the GPL. The GPL does not
deny any developer the right to make money from their work. Lies! It only
denies a developer from using someone else's work as if it were their own.
If I were to modify someone else's code, I should think I no right to
modify it without permission.

NOTHING forbids a developer making money from their own work. The GPL is
only involved when a developer uses someone else's work as the basis for
their own or as part of an aggregate product. The developer should not
base their work on GPL code if they do not like the conditions by which
they acquire it in the first place.

I HATE this lie every time I see someone repeat it. Not liking someone
else's license means you don't use their code. It does not forbid a
developer from making money from their own work.

 The anti-TiVo clause
 in GPLv3 is an additional constraint, and the rarely seen Affero
 license further limits developers. (Basically, the Affero license is
 GPLv3 with the additional provision that if you make software
 available as a service you have to make the source code available,
 just as you would if you distributed source or binary code for use by

 There are times when the rights of users and the rights of developers
 are in direct opposition, and it is impossible to make the situation
 better for one group without making it worse for the other. But the
 amount of good gained by one group can exceed the amount lost by the
 other, and all developers are also users so their losses on their own
 coding are counterbalanced by their gains from the work of others.
 Almost no code is the work of one person or even one company alone;
 any program of significance contains libraries and other code that
 come from others and is developed using tools created by others.

 On balance, free software makes the world a better place than it would
 be if all software were proprietary. More free software would make it
 even better.

 On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Richard Pieri
 John Abreau wrote:

 More precisely, RMS says that he makes no distinction between users and
 developers, because developers are also users. He argues that limiting
 freedom to only a subset of users is divisive and antithetical to the
 concept of freedom.

 That's what RMS says. The anti-Tivoization clause of the GPLv3 says
 something quite different. It exists specifically to deny developers
 some of
 their freedoms to use and develop software and hardware.

 Freedom only for developers is kind of like a democracy where only
 wealthy landowners are allowed to vote.

 As if freedom only for users is any better.

 Rich P.
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Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Micky Metts
Huge thanks to everyone that has thought about this and responded.
This is a wealth of information. I am not a newcomer to RMS or FSF
ideologies, I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss any key items
that are relevant to a Drupal crowd or a newcomer to programming. Many
Drupal people have entered Drupal through a non-traditional software
development doorway and they do not have a background in software
development  - some are graphic designers and some are HTML and CSS
experts, etc. that will probably learn some PHP due to their
involvement in Drupal.

I want to reach the people like myself - the non-programmer that
understands  most of why free software is important, but due to many
lack of knowledge about GNU/Linux
no retail linux stores
no Linux helpdesk (it's a new era where help is in the forums and in
your ' extended circles')
low use of my local OS ( personally I just used it to get to my
servers... which run Linux)
not understanding how to run Linux locally (how easy it is and how
user friendly)
lack of accessibility to try Linux (didn't know about live cd etc..)

Due to these reasons and a few more, I found it easier to just use
Windows for years!

Mea Culpa.

Michele Metts - Social Networks - Websites for Entrepreneurs

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 5:43 PM, John Abreau wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Richard Pieri

 John Abreau wrote:

 Freedom only for developers is kind of like a democracy where only
 wealthy landowners are allowed to vote.

 As if freedom only for users is any better.

 Developers are themselves users. Saying that freedom is only for users is
 the same as saying freedom is restricted only to everybody.  The
 connotations of the word only in that sentence conflict with the fact that
 the group includes everybody, and thus using the word only in that
 sentence is .disingenuous.

 John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux  Unix
 Email: / WWW / PGP-Key-ID 0x920063C6
 PGP-Key-Fingerprint A5AD 6BE1 FEFE 8E4F 5C23  C2D0 E885 E17C 9200 63C6

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Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Rich Braun
This discussion reminds me of that time a number of years ago when RMS crashed
one of our BLU meetings to make exactly that point: when referring to Linux,
he'd prefer that we call it the GNU/Linux system rather than just Linux.

I've got a long enough history with this that I remember debating with RMS
whether software engineers should draw salaries even before the GPL was
invented, and I remember the battle between him, Unipress, and one of my
long-ago coworkers about the right to make money off Emacs.

It's true that RMS and the FSF changed the world of software as we know it, in
a truly fundamental way.  Getting the MacArthur Fellowship 30 years ago gave
credibility not just to RMS but to the entire concept of open-sourcing, and
not incidentally supplied seed capital to secure the FSF's place in the world.

Then Linus came along in 1991, and the Apache software foundation, and Marc
Andreeson, and many other luminaries.  Back in the 1980s and 90s, the
epicenter of open-source software very much included greater Boston.

But I felt that epicenter shift rapidly westward after Bolt Beranek and Newman
lost out to cisco Systems in the Internet backbone connectivity business, and
today many if not most of the people involved in open-source software hail
from the Bay Area rather than greater Boston.  (I'm reminded today of one
open-source coder who not long ago migrated the opposite direction: a fellow
by the name of Kohsuke Kawaguchi is now on the payroll of Massachusetts saas
provider Cloudbees... as you can imagine, I and my coworkers just spent the
past hour cursing bugs in Jenkins. ;-)

I guess I'm posting this to ask the Linux community not what happened 20 or 30
years ago, but rather:  what have you done for me lately?

I think if you go back to the first question as posed on the Subject line, why
use Linux, the debates of the 1980s/1990s about who contributed what to the
cause are truly immaterial.  The question really is, has it come far enough to
replace its rivals?  In what situation would I use Linux vs. something else?

For embedded systems like set-top boxes and Android tablets/mobile devices,
it's clear: Linux has fully displaced most of its rivals.  For cloud services
provisioned on Amazon AWS, I can say the same thing.  For desktop, I like it
myself as a replacement for Windows, and have come close to replacing Windows
as the primary household desktop for other users, but still--I wind up typing
this message on my work MacBook and others at my house rely on Windows
desktops (which I in turn have to fix/tweak when they break).  As a user of
cloud services, almost the only thing that matters is a good browser (e.g.
Chrome) and the OS underneath it doesn't matter (unless you want to run flash,
which Apple doesn't support).

So all 3 major OS's still have a place in the world, as does FreeBSD, and the
open-source community still hasn't won the battle of the desktop.  That battle
is increasingly irrelevant, as cloud-based apps are accelerating and are
seemingly the wave of the future. (I'll resist the temptation to digress into
comparisons of cloud services vs. timesharing services, this isn't American
History class.)


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Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread markw
 Huge thanks to everyone that has thought about this and responded.
 This is a wealth of information. I am not a newcomer to RMS or FSF
 ideologies, I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss any key items
 that are relevant to a Drupal crowd or a newcomer to programming. Many
 Drupal people have entered Drupal through a non-traditional software
 development doorway and they do not have a background in software
 development  - some are graphic designers and some are HTML and CSS
 experts, etc. that will probably learn some PHP due to their
 involvement in Drupal.

 I want to reach the people like myself - the non-programmer that
 understands  most of why free software is important, but due to many
 lack of knowledge about GNU/Linux
 no retail linux stores
 no Linux helpdesk (it's a new era where help is in the forums and in
 your ' extended circles')
 low use of my local OS ( personally I just used it to get to my
 servers... which run Linux)
 not understanding how to run Linux locally (how easy it is and how
 user friendly)
 lack of accessibility to try Linux (didn't know about live cd etc..)

 Due to these reasons and a few more, I found it easier to just use
 Windows for years!

These aren't really the answers to the question you asked. You asked why
which has more of a philosophical feel to it. What you should have asked
is the more direct question[s], Should I use Linux for Drupal and Do
you have any suggestions?

 Mea Culpa.

 Michele Metts - Social Networks - Websites for Entrepreneurs

 On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 5:43 PM, John Abreau wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Richard Pieri

 John Abreau wrote:

 Freedom only for developers is kind of like a democracy where only
 wealthy landowners are allowed to vote.

 As if freedom only for users is any better.

 Developers are themselves users. Saying that freedom is only for users
 the same as saying freedom is restricted only to everybody.  The
 connotations of the word only in that sentence conflict with the fact
 the group includes everybody, and thus using the word only in that
 sentence is .disingenuous.

 John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux  Unix
 Email: / WWW / PGP-Key-ID
 PGP-Key-Fingerprint A5AD 6BE1 FEFE 8E4F 5C23  C2D0 E885 E17C 9200 63C6

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Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Robert Krawitz
On Tue, 11 Feb 2014 19:38:39 -0500, Richard Pieri wrote:
 John Abreau wrote:
 Developers are themselves users. Saying that freedom is only for users
 is the same as saying freedom is restricted only to everybody.  The

 The issue isn't the use of the word only. It's the use of the words free 
 and freedom. Like I wrote before, the FSF's definitions of free and 
 freedom are weighted towards end users (as in users like me who are not 
 themselves developers) and against developers (as in users like Tivo and 
 Google who are primarily developers). The GPL has always favored end users 
 over developers. The onus of supporting software freedom according the FSF's 
 definition has always rested on developers with end users getting a free ride 
 should they choose to take it.

Actually, I'd say that if anything the GPL is weighted toward
users-as-developers -- ensuring that users can be developers

I disagree that the GPL is weighted against developers.  It's weighted
against *proprietary* developers, sure.  But proprietary development
is only one development model -- and not the only possible way to make
money doing it, either.

Robert Krawitz

MIT VI-3 1987 - Congrats MIT Engineers 5 straight men's hoops tourney
Tall Clubs International  -- or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
Member of the League for Programming Freedom  --
Project lead for Gutenprint   --

Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works.
--Eric Crampton
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Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Richard Pieri

Robert Krawitz wrote:

Actually, I'd say that if anything the GPL is weighted toward
users-as-developers -- ensuring that users can be developers

At the expense of the original developers.

Try this on for size (this also addresses Mark's point and the other 
Mark's failure to read all the words). Say I write a POP3 library for 
GNU Emacs. Say that instead of signing over the rights to the FSF I 
instead decide to sell it under the GPL. You buy my library. The terms 
of the GPL require me to provide you with the source code, which I do. 
You then turn around and sell that same code on the open market.

This is Mark's point: the GPL does not allow me to reserve exclusive 
sales rights. That would be more restrictive than the GPL itself and 
therefore is not permitted by the GPL.

This is tangentially my point: you as a non-developer end user get to 
profit from my work with minimal or no effort of your own.

It doesn't matter what you say. What matters is the terms of the license 
and the protections those terms afford. The terms of the GPL have always 
been heavily weighted against commercial developers of all sorts and not 
just the proprietary ones.

Rich P.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread John Abreau
This is turning into yet another copy of the same old tired argument that
we'll never agree on. One definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the
same thing and expecting different results, and this argument certainly
qualifies as such.

I think it would be best if we drop it at this point.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Richard Pieri richard.pi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Robert Krawitz wrote:

 Actually, I'd say that if anything the GPL is weighted toward
 users-as-developers -- ensuring that users can be developers

 At the expense of the original developers.

 Try this on for size (this also addresses Mark's point and the other
 Mark's failure to read all the words). Say I write a POP3 library for GNU
 Emacs. Say that instead of signing over the rights to the FSF I instead
 decide to sell it under the GPL. You buy my library. The terms of the GPL
 require me to provide you with the source code, which I do. You then turn
 around and sell that same code on the open market.

 This is Mark's point: the GPL does not allow me to reserve exclusive sales
 rights. That would be more restrictive than the GPL itself and therefore is
 not permitted by the GPL.

 This is tangentially my point: you as a non-developer end user get to
 profit from my work with minimal or no effort of your own.

 It doesn't matter what you say. What matters is the terms of the license
 and the protections those terms afford. The terms of the GPL have always
 been heavily weighted against commercial developers of all sorts and not
 just the proprietary ones.

 Rich P.

 Discuss mailing list

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux  Unix
Email: / WWW / PGP-Key-ID 0x920063C6
PGP-Key-Fingerprint A5AD 6BE1 FEFE 8E4F 5C23  C2D0 E885 E17C 9200 63C6
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Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Richard Pieri

Robert Krawitz wrote:

Depending upon the goals of the original developers.  Your arguments
below appear to apply to *any* FOSS license, not the GPL
specifically.  With one exception, that I'll discuss at the bottom
(and that exception is *not* the original developers at all).

No, they don't. I leave it to the reader to actually examine various 
software licenses.

Rich P.
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Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread Jack Coats
Yes, developers give away some rights if they develop under GPL, but
they have the option to NOT develop for the open community and do
their own closed source efforts.

Many are not willing to do this and go open source.  I know several
that bemoan being 'required' to go open source, basically because they have
found a reliable method of monetizing their efforts.

Yes, sell hardware, support and installation services, books, classes is all
fine, but they are comparatively 'high touch' sources of income where the
software licensing approach is much 'lower touch' and scales if you have
a product the public 'must have'.

If not developing for the GPL community using those resources, it can be
more difficult to make money because the community can be more limited
(if you use non-standard architecture, or don't provide the 'killer app', or
are not one with deep pockets (like many hardware vendors or mega-software

This argument has been discussed all during my career (and before, my time
using computers started in 1970 and for pay in 1972 or 3).

In our current society it appears PC to give away software, but somehow
the software must be paid for to keep the developers in coffee, pizza, and
pay the rent, etc.  Good developers are worth their weight in gold plated
And a few of those are well compensated.  Many aren't.  But those that
still do what they must to get by.

I moved from being a programmer and systems analyst to sysadmin (first
as a mainframe systems programmer, then moved to small machines - like
Sun, then Linux and Windows when I was forced to. - my dislike for Windows
came from Bill Gates 'Open Letter to Computer Hobbyists', calling all of us
thieves for all practical purposes.  So M$ has never been high on my list.
Yes, you can Google it and read a copy of that letter online several

Still GPL has done lots of good for MANY users, application developers,
systems geeks, and users.  Many developers (typically application or
system developers) make good money using GPL software for customers.

IMHO, GPL (in its many forms) is not the nirvana that many want us to
believe, and there are
still needs for proprietary software and development.  But as time goes by
it appears more and more are being developed on the GPL backbone.  And I
do expect the trend to continue.

What could change it?  Some deep pockets backing court cases to gut the
GPL, or
for some new 'licensing measure' that makes it unpopular with developers
and users.

But that is just my .02 pesos on the subject.
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Re: [Discuss] Why use Linux?

2014-02-11 Thread markw
 Yes, developers give away some rights if they develop under GPL,

This is simply not true. If I develop my software and publish it under the
GPL, I give away NONE of my freedoms.

If I base my software on the work of others, then my work must align
itself with the original project. Its very easy to ignore the work that
comes before us. The GPL is nothing more than a mechanism for making sure
that people stay honest.

You write your code, you own it. If you take someone else's code, then you
are building on their foundation and have to live with the constraints by
which they made it available to you.

Developers do not give up rights with the GPL, they simply are forced to
decide. Developers decry the GPL because they don't want to use the
license of they code that they use but have not written/own.

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