[Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Mark Woodward
I think I was the last human being above the age of 16 to get a smart 
phone. Android, of course. I think the people who claim that they are 
life changing are using more than a bit of hyperbole. As I think about 
it, it really isn't a phone so much as a wireless personal computer 
that happens to have a telephone application. Still, its pretty useful.

Thinking about it, it is a proper evolution from the phone. The phone 
has become obsolete. Teenage girls don't spend hours on the phone 
anymore. They spend hours texting. As more and more of our 
communications becomes written, the more these types of devices become 
the norm. I can text and email coworkers easier than I can speak with 
them. With all the various accents and nationalities, verbal 
communications can be quite difficult. I can think as I write much 
easier than when I speak.

So, yes. As you walk through crowds of people, every single one of them 
looking at their phone, we have certainly rounded a corner in human 

Any opinions?
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[Discuss] Free Mail Server

2013-02-06 Thread Mark Woodward

Does anyone know of a free SMTP server that isn't in a black hole?
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[Discuss] webmin

2013-01-24 Thread Mark Woodward
I am setting up a server for a fairly technical guy, not a admin level 
guy, but a smart kid that can do/figure out most tasks, and I also trust 
that he has the temperament to recognize and call me before he does 
anything *bad*. Generally speaking, of course.

The webmin package seems to be a very powerful admin package and I've 
noticed similarities between it and the D-Link NAS I have.

My question for the group

Has anyone used it? Are there better options? How's the security? 
General opinions?

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Re: [Discuss] webmin

2013-01-24 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/24/2013 12:32 PM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote:

From: discuss-bounces+blu=nedharvey@blu.org [mailto:discuss-
bounces+blu=nedharvey@blu.org] On Behalf Of Mark Woodward

Has anyone used it? Are there better options? How's the security?
General opinions?

Webmin is to linux as ASDM is to cisco.

A powerful gui that dumbs down your admin tasks with all sorts of pitfalls and 
shortcomings that enable you to shoot yourself in the foot.

That's true of all GUI's atop of complex paradigms.  However, a 
reasonably intelligent person with a degree of understanding and 
restraint should be able to handle 90% of most admin tasks with it. Or 
at least that's what I am hoping.

I have been playing around with it, and I am less skeptical.

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Re: [Discuss] webmin

2013-01-24 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/24/2013 01:17 PM, Jonathan M. Prigot wrote:

Any GUI is going to abstract you from the underlying system. (For a good
treatise on this, check out In the Beginning Was the Command Line by
Neal Stephenson.) I prefer the use of the CLI because it gets me close
to the subsystems. The price is the system doing exactly what I say, for
good or ill. GUI's take some of that intimate control away, but
sometimes that's what you want.

To amplify this point, and I think to clarify my objective. The GUI 
allows most of the common routine tasks to be done. They are well 
traveled and offer little or not chance of difficulty. Adding a user 
should be an easy task that can be bundled by a UI.

Configuring an iSCSI target or firewall, should be easier and doable.  
Configuring Apache? Well, if you aren't doing anything interesting, then 
yes. It should be doable. If you want to finely tune your apache 
install? Well, then a GUI is probably in your way.

That said, once the system is up and running... A GUI for this stuff 
should reduce the need for skilled admins to add/remove users, check 
logs, or check hard disk status.

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Re: [Discuss] Its not possible to make things easier for users

2013-01-15 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/15/2013 09:08 AM, Kent Borg wrote:

A trio of late-in-the-thread observations:

 - There is a trade-off between simple and powerful, but one can 
always make both worse by adding a serving of stupid, conversely, 
one can always make something both simpler *and* more powerful by 
removing some of the unnecessary stupid (eventually you might run 
low on stupidities to harvest, so there can be limits, but don't give 
up too soon using the trade-off argument as your excuse). Occasionally 
one can change the game with a hunk of clever that later makes the 
previous idea look stupid.

Albert Einstein: Things should be as simple as possible, but no simpler.

 - There are some extremely powerful and easy to use technologies out 
there that are made possible by standardization, both in defining what 
the product does and by using powerful standard components. Good 
examples are indeed cars. And phone calls. Note that there sometimes 
needs to be a lot of education about the properties of the product for 
this to happen. Even morons know a lot about what cars are good for 
and what they are not good for, similarly the properties of a phone 
call are well defined, though the phone example has been in a lot of 
flux in recent years. GPS is an amazing set of physics and 
technologies, yet it can be packaged into extremely easy-to-use 
products once one defines the product and engineers it carefully.

One of the hard to see aspects of this discussion is the variation of 
the goal set for the task. In the case of phones calls, GPS systems, and 
cars, there is very little variability in the goal set, therefore it is 
possible to engineer a simple solution because the number of legitimate 
options are quite small.

Where we get in to trouble is when the goal set starts to vary. With 
music, we have formats, quality, size, and proprietary technologies. 
This complicates the viable solution.

This is why I think people get confused about computers. Computers are 
not DVD players. Yes, they *can* play DVDs, but they can also do almost 
anything else. You can't think of a general purpose computer as an 
appliance. You can think of a particular app, designed to handle a 
particular goal set, as an appliance.

 - People do want choice, but they are too busy and ignorant to really 
deal with all that choice. But they still want some choice: I 
overheard two young women in Target the other week, they talking about 
something unknown to me, and the second one didn't need whatever the 
first one suggested because she already had it and mine has ionic 
power. God maybe knows what that meant, I would be willing to bet a 
hell of a lot of money that she had no idea what that meant, but it 
gave her the impression that it was good, and maybe the term does 
correlate with some real feature. I was once impressed by the name 
Formula-409, but that was when it was new and I was a pretty little 
kid--I give myself a pass. I am weird because know a lot about how the 
things around me work (as does this BLU crowd), but I don't know how 
degreasers work beyond a basic understanding of soap. Formula-409 is 
still magic to me. I think I know of a better and improved competing 
product that we have at home and if only it had a catchier name I 
could tell you what it is.

-kb, the once very young Kent who was attracted to technology 
specifically because of the superficial wiz-bang trappings that he now 

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Re: [Discuss] Its not possible to make things easier for users

2013-01-14 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/14/2013 11:47 AM, Rich Pieri wrote:

On Mon, 14 Jan 2013 09:41:26 -0500
Matthew Gillen m...@mattgillen.net wrote:

I don't think that's quite right.  It's not that people don't want
choices, it's that they don't want to make choices where they don't
understand the options, and there is a high learning curve (esp. when
options interact with each other in non-trivial ways).

The problem with generalities is that they are always wrong to some degree.

It's not that Joe doesn't understand the options. It's that Joe sees no
point to them.

That depends on the particular joe you are talking about. For some 
quantity of joe, you will have a range from don't know, don't care to 
knows, and cares. If you go too simple, then only the don't know, 
don't care joe will be happy. If you add too many options without 
making something easy by default you alienate DKDC joe, but make KC 
joe happy.

When Joe goes to the gas pump he sees three numbers that don't mean
anything beyond expensive shit, cheap swill, and the stuff in
between. Joe pushes the button he can afford and fills the tank.

Now, that isn't true. *at all*. Many high end car drivers have to buy 
premium because their cars knock.  Performance cars typically need the 
extra octane. Many joes drive cars like mustangs and such.

Joe sees the music ripper the same way: push the button that makes his
music fit on his shiny thing and fill the tank. Offering him an array
of codecs and quality settings and what-not is unnecessary. They just
get in the way and make the computer hard to use when it should be as
easy as pumping gas.

Again, what about the joes that put in really really great audio systems 
in their cars?

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Re: [Discuss] Its not possible to make things easier for users

2013-01-14 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/14/2013 03:09 PM, Rich Pieri wrote:

On Mon, 14 Jan 2013 13:47:24 -0600
Derek Martin inva...@pizzashack.org wrote:

Only the base (V6) does.  Every other model of Mustang (GT, Boss,
Shelby) require premium gas.

Even the Shelby will run fine with 87 octane. It won't knock if the
engine sensors are working properly. You lose 10 HP at the high end
with regular gasoline. That's the real reason Ford recommends premium
gasoline for the V8s.

It should be noted that knock sensors detect a gas detonation and 
cause the control system to retard the engine timing. Two things about 
this: The detonation damages the engine and the time retardation reduces 
engine performance and efficiency.

The *real* reason why ford recommends premium gasoline is that the 
increased octane reduces the tendency to detonate at higher compression 
ratios (used by higher performance engines) by reducing the burn speed 
of the air/fuel mixture. If you want to use cheap gas in a performance 
car, a *good* mechanic can usually adjust the timing to be slightly 
retarded so that the spark is later.

This is exactly why you can't help users. User's do not know what they 
do not know and somehow expect the world to take care of them.

Even Apple is getting spanked for being too simple. More people use 
android than iPhone.

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Re: [Discuss] Its not possible to make things easier for users

2013-01-14 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/14/2013 03:50 PM, Daniel C. wrote:

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

This is exactly why you can't help users. User's do not know what they do
not know and somehow expect the world to take care of them.

Even Apple is getting spanked for being too simple. More people use android
than iPhone.

The Android is just as simple to use as an iPhone, to be honest.  Even
my girlfriend (who is wonderful, but simply cannot use a computer to
save her life) has had success with her Android.

Your thesis (that you can't help users because the world is just too
complicated) is confounded daily by the billions of people who spend
their lives interacting successfully with phenomenally complex systems
and devices despite not understanding their inner workings.  Do you
make allowances for that somehow?  Is software fundamentally different
from other things?  If so, why?

I agree with you that making slick user interfaces for software is a
serious problem.  Howerver, you seem to be saying that the problem is
fundamentally intractable which I think is overstating your case.

The problem is that the world and all the things in it are complex. 
Almost anyone with OK health can climb a small mountain, everest, on the 
other hand, not so much.

I alluded to the notion that things are as simple as they can be without 
changing the nature of what the thing is that you wish to do. Images, 
songs, videos, etc. each embody a knowledge set. For a very limited 
range of options, simple defaults may suffice. For anything out of the 
ordinary, the drive for simplicity makes tasks more difficult.

You do not need to know how a car works to know that you need premium 
gas, just read the owners manual. If, however, you do not wish to buy 
premium gas, it becomes an expert level option.

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Re: [Discuss] Its not possible to make things easier for users

2013-01-14 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/14/2013 04:00 PM, Rich Pieri wrote:

On Mon, 14 Jan 2013 15:35:02 -0500
Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

It should be noted that knock sensors detect a gas detonation and
cause the control system to retard the engine timing. Two things
about this: The detonation damages the engine

A single detonation won't damage the engine.

A single detonation won't damage an engine much. The timing retard that 
happens after a know is temporary. You will get repeated knocking even 
with sensors. You just won't notice it except for the lack of power and 
fuel efficiency.

Repeated detonations will.
It won't knock if the engine sensors are working properly.

You won't hear it know, but it will knock.

and the time retardation reduces engine performance and efficiency.

You lose 10 HP at the high end. Less octane equals less engine

Octane is interesting, it reduces gasoline's ability to ignite causing 
it to burn more slowly. Because of this, high performance engines need 
to advance the timing to the point where it is likely still compressing 
the air/fuel mixture when the spark kicks off.  It is paradoxical, but 
lower octane fuel is more combustible.

Certainly, higher octane gasoline makes high performance engines work
better but it isn't necessary

That's not true. If your engine is tuned for high octane gas, that's 
what you should use. If you don't want to use it, you can have a 
mechanic de-tune your engine for lower grade gas. Just putting low 
octane in your system will harm it.

(with some exceptions which won't work
*at all* without very high octane content). No, the *real* real reason
is Ford advertises 650HP @ 6,250RPM for the Shelby.

Yes, and the power plant is tuned for the higher octane gas.

The 10 HP reduction
from regular gasoline would lead to a false advertising lawsuit.

No doubt that people would be upset if their car failed to live up to 
the hype. Mazda had just such an issue. I'm sure it is probably a 
serious concern, but not the sole reason.

Or Ford
would have to down-rate the performance to 640HP @ 6,250RPM which looks
less impressive on the spec sheets. It's all marketing.

It is not all marketing. There is some serious science here that should 
not be ignored.

Even Apple is getting spanked for being too simple. More people use
android than iPhone.

On the other hand, more people buy Apple than buy Samsung or HTC or
Motorola. The three combined might beat Apple but Apple still beats each
of them separately.

Actually, Samsung has 23% of the phone market and Apple has 9%


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Re: [Discuss] Its not possible to make things easier for users

2013-01-14 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/14/2013 05:39 PM, Shirley Márquez Dúlcey wrote:

On modern cars there is no timing that a mechanic can adjust; that's a
throwback to the days of carburetors and camshafts. Nowadays cars have
electronic fuel injection and electronically controlled valves and the
timing is all done by the engine computer. If the computer is
programmed competently, when it notices repeated knocking it will
change the engine timing to make it stop; it's already making changes
to deal with engine temperature, altitude, and mechanical wear. The
catch is that this may cause a severe performance drop in an engine
designed for high octane fuel, not the mere 10HP that somebody alluded

You are mostly correct. The only difference is that the chip (It's 
really/usually just a [EE]PROM) contains the tuning parameters for the 
engine. If you want to run on economical fuel you need to modify/change 
this chip. Most modern cars can use a programmer like this:


Like I said, knock sensors only detect knocks after the fact. They do 
reduce knock damage, but do not eliminate it.

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[Discuss] Its not possible to make things easier for users

2013-01-12 Thread Mark Woodward
I have always been the tech guru. Running the film projector in the 
early 1970s in school because the teachers never understood how. Many of 
us have an innate ability to understand mechanisms. We see things and 
they make sense to us.

So, I have used Windows, Macintosh, Linux, FreeBSD, SunOS, CP/M, and so 
on. I have come to the conclusion that there is NOTHING that can make a 
user's life easier or a computer more usable in any significant way. 
Sure, you can help with some incremental aids, icons, menus, and such, 
but not much more than that.

Here's the problem

(q) How do I get my pictures on my computer.
(a) Run a program to download them to your computer.
(q) Why can't I just use them on the camera?
(a) You might be able to, but it depends on the application or the 

(q) what?
(a) Some cameras look like disks to the computer and some don't
(q) What?
(a) The people that make the cameras decide how the cameras 

And this goes on for a while

(q) I want to upload some pictures to the internet. or I want to 
email some pictures but it always stops

(a) The pictures are too big, you need to reduce their size
(q) Why are they too big/
(a) The camera creates really big pictures in case you want to 
print them like a photo

(q) what do you mean, pictures are small
(a) sigh

and this can go on for a while

(q) How do I get music on my computer/music player
(a) rip a CD or download music you can convert to something your music 
player can use

  This too will go on and on

I don't believe the problem is that people can't use the computer, 
because computers, especially today, are fairly trivially easy to use. 
In fact, I think we are more or less at the limit of the current 
paradigms and anything done to improve them will actually make them 
harder to use.

No the real problem isn't the computer, the real problem is the user's 
understanding of the task they wish to accomplish. Copying music from a 
CD to an [MP3,OGG,FLAAC] is an operation with choices. These choices 
have pros and cons, benefits and drawbacks. There often times is no 
best choice. The same goes for pictures, email, word processing, 
printing, etc.

User's don't want to know how to do what they want to do and blame the 
computer for not being easy enough. If we stepped back to the 1970s, 
we'd have the same problem with recording music off the radio. You'd use 
a cassette or a reel to reel tape recorder.  Most people wouldn't 
understand how to do that either. It wasn't because of a computer, it 
was because you had a process that had a few steps and to perform the 
operation you had to have some background knowledge on how things worked 
so you would know what to do.

Problems with computers are mostly over at this point. It isn't about 
computers at all. It is about the tasks the users want to accomplish. 
You can't make them easier without changing the nature of the task.

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Re: [Discuss] OSS licenses (was Home NAS redux)

2013-01-10 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/09/2013 12:09 PM, Rich Pieri wrote:

On Wed, 09 Jan 2013 11:57:37 -0500
Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

That largely depends on your view of society as a whole. Totally
unrestrained freedom is not possible in populations greater than
1. Oliver Wendel Holmes, Jr quipped The right to swing my fists ends
where the other man's nose begins.

You are conflating rights with freedoms. Still. Please stop it.

There is no conflation, the two are very much related. Please explain 
how rights are different than freedoms in a way that describing 
freedoms as rights is improper. A freedom is typically a right.

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Re: [Discuss] OSS licenses (was Home NAS redux)

2013-01-10 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/09/2013 07:39 PM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote:

From: Mark Woodward [mailto:ma...@mohawksoft.com]

The freedom to deny freedom is NOT a freedom. By combining the FREE
software with NON-FREE software you can create NON-FREE software. This
does not protect FREE software.

This is not a freedom of denying freedom.  It does not deny any freedom - Any 
3rd party recipient of the non-free software can still obtain the free software.

Think about what happened to Kerberos under the MIT license. You always 
ignore this point in your replies and this is a fundamental point in the 

It is your right to create non-free software. It is your time and effort
i.e. personal capital. No one who supports freedom would deny you
that, and I myself make my living doing so.  However, taking someone
else's personal capital which you acquired exercising your freedoms,
modifying it it and then denying anyone the same freedoms for the whole

It is impossible for anybody to download free software, modify it, distribute 
it, and in doing so, prevent me from obtaining the original free software.  
They can only prevent recipients from obtaining the parts that they themselves 

Ahh, and here is where ethics, rights, and freedom come into play. You 
keep missing the point, I'm pretty sure you are doing it intentionally 
at this juncture.

You acquired free software. You have the freedom to do so. You modify 
the free software. You have the freedom to do so. What gives you the 
moral or ethical right to create a non-free product with that free 
software you got for free? Freedom to deny freedom is not a freedom. If 
you wish to create non-free software, you have the right to do so, but 
to corrupt free software with non-free components is counter to the 
notion of freedom. The GPL protects the freedom of the software as a 
whole from this practice.

the freedom to deny freedom is not a freedom.

Quit saying that, because there has not yet been any situation described where 
anybody has the power to deny anybody else's freedom.  It sounds like an 
extremist chest-thumping rhetoric.

It is an important concept and it is an ideal that is at the core of 
real freedom.  Real freedom is not free. There are rules and costs 
associated with it. It is vital to understand that the freedom to deny 
freedom is not a freedom. If everyone applied that simple rule to daily 
life, the world would be a better place.

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Re: [Discuss] OSS licenses (was Home NAS redux)

2013-01-09 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/09/2013 07:13 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote:

From: discuss-bounces+blu=nedharvey@blu.org [mailto:discuss-
bounces+blu=nedharvey@blu.org] On Behalf Of John Abreau

Under democracy, citizens are prohibited from seizing power by force and
imposing a military dictatorship on their fellow citizens. Under anarchy,
citizens are not so prohibited.

The equivalent CDDL-type argument would be that anarchy is more free
because you're not prohibited from taking away everyone else's freedom.

It strikes me as absurd to claim that a system that fails to protect
freedom is somehow more free.

I think you're hinting that CDDL fails to protect freedom.  Please elaborate, 
but begin by reading the CDDL.

The problem with the CDDL is that it allows you to combine CDDL licensed 
software with non-CDDL licensed software to create a larger work which 
is not CDDL where only the CDDL portions are protected. This will do 
nothing to prevent the MIT kerberos problem.

The freedom to deny freedom is NOT a freedom. By combining the FREE 
software with NON-FREE software you can create NON-FREE software. This 
does not protect FREE software.

It is your right to create non-free software. It is your time and effort 
i.e. personal capital. No one who supports freedom would deny you 
that, and I myself make my living doing so.  However, taking someone 
else's personal capital which you acquired exercising your freedoms, 
modifying it it and then denying anyone the same freedoms for the whole 
is theft, legally in the case of GPL or morally in the case of MIT/BSD. 
It is personally repugnant to me to take what is not mine and deny the 
benefits of it to others. I consider that unethical.

The only inversion example in this is the GPL modifications to BSD/MIT 
code, and while unfortunate for the BSD/MIT folk, no actual freedom was 
lost because, as we all know: the freedom to deny freedom is not a freedom.

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Re: [Discuss] OSS licenses (was Home NAS redux)

2013-01-09 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/09/2013 11:43 AM, Rich Pieri wrote:
Freedom is the state of being without restrictions. 

That largely depends on your view of society as a whole. Totally 
unrestrained freedom is not possible in populations greater than 1.  
Oliver Wendel Holmes, Jr quipped The right to swing my fists ends where 
the other man's nose begins.

Freedom in populations greater than one is something that must be 
balanced. Two people can not be free if one believes they have the right 
to deny the other freedom. Thus, in a population of 2, freedom must 
have restrictions in place in order that both people remain free. If you 
take away those restrictions, then one will inevitably end up non-free.

When comparing two licenses, the one that imposes the fewer 
restrictions on licensees is the more free of the two.

Absolutely not. The one that balances the freedom of all the stake 
holders and prevents one from denying freedom to others is more free.

The GPL places more restrictions on licensees than the CDDL does, 

In an effort to preserve the freedom of the software, yes. This is a 
very important distinction.

therefore the GPL is less free than the CDDL. To turn it around: 
compelled freedom is not freedom. 
No one is being compelled to do anything. You do not need to take 
someone else's free software, no one is forcing you. If, however, you 
wish to benefit from freedoms provided you but wish to deny other's the 
freedoms you enjoy, then you are a hypocrite.

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Re: [Discuss] Home NAS redux

2013-01-07 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/07/2013 10:15 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote:

From: Mark Woodward [mailto:ma...@mohawksoft.com]

I acknowledge and understand that there are pros and cons of both
licenses, philosophically and materially.  I'm not saying one license is better
than another, as a generalization; although in specific cases, each license can
sometimes be better than the other.

I don't agree with this. The GPL is the source of a HUGE amount of free
code to build on and learn from. It ensures that improvements get added
back. Software is a capital investment in time and effort. I'm a
capitalist and I take offense to a license that allows someone to take
my intellectual property that I have intentionally shared and deny
others the benefits I intend. That is theft.

No problem.  You like GPL because it prevents people from doing something you don't like 
them to do.  But other developers are sometimes happy to permit such usage.  I'm not 
saying one license is better than another except in specific situations - but you are.  
You've categorized this as theft unconditionally.

This is a philosophical point. Is a right to deny others rights ever a 
really a right? In other words, is a freedom to deny other's freedom 
really a freedom.  I would say no.

Point remains, if you say you don't like CDDL because of restrictions it 
imposes, and you like GPL instead, that's the opposite of truth, because CDDL 
is less restrictive.

Let's get this clear, it is not less restrictive in the long term 
view. Think of it in terms of a chain. From originator to You, you 
receive the software. Under GPL you can do anything you like with that 
software. ANYTHING. Seriously. Anything. However, the restriction is 
about how you are to treat the software, which you received with 
complete freedom, as you pass it on to the next person in the chain. Do 
you feel that you have the right to deny freedom to a subsequent user? 
Is the freedom to deny freedom really a freedom?

  Under GPL, if some software is built into a larger derivative work 
(statically linked), then all the other source code contributing to the larger 
work must also be GPL.

Yup, to ensure that everyone has at least the same level of freedom that 
you had.

  Under CDDL, they don't have the same restriction - Some CDDL code can be 
built into a larger work, without placing a restriction on the licensing of the 
*other* source code.

That is the paradoxical part, people can take CDDL code and make it less 

  Under CDDL, only the original CDDL code and its subsequent modifications must 
be redistributed under CDDL.  But they allow you to statically link with 
potentially closed-source code, producing a binary that was partially the 
result of CDDL code and partially the result of other code (potentially 

Potentially making it less free. Anyone remember Microsoft's embrace, 
extend, extinguish strategy. That's how licenses like CDDL allow less 

Some people including myself choose to distribute software using even less 
restrictive licenses.  I am personally biased in favor of the MIT license.  I 
write the software, and if somebody else incorporates it into whatever they're 
doing, they can do whatever the heck they want, even close-source their fork if 
they want to.  Kudos to them, if they're making closed-source modifications.  I 
didn't write those modifications, and I don't feel a need to demand access to 
them.  :-)  Just my opinion, for some of the code that I write and distribute.

But as an MIT or BSD licensor, you allow murky chain of intellectual 
property. People and corporations can take it, lock it up, and you'd 
never know. Maybe that doesn't bother you, but there are a whole lot of 
side considerations to think about. You can't even enforce your 
requirement that the header remains intact because you don't have the 
right to see their modifications of your code.

It's all personal opinion, and there is no absolute right or wrong, which is 
what you're saying.  But extremist opinions are commonplace - the only thing I 
object to repeatedly is the incorrect assertion that CDDL is more restrictive 
than GPL, and using that as the grounds for your extreme position.

As I have said before, when advocating personal freedom and the 
protection of freedom is considered extreme and advocating corporate 
rights to raid public intellectual property is practical. There is 
really something wrong.

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Re: [Discuss] Home NAS redux

2013-01-03 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/02/2013 07:59 PM, Rich Pieri wrote:

On Wed, 02 Jan 2013 16:57:39 -0500
Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

The BSD license has allowed a great deal of software to be subverted
to the detriment of the various BSD projects. This is a perfect
example of how the BSD license does not protect your freedom. Granted
in an ironic way.

Such as how the Linux kernel borrowed a bunch of *BSD device drivers
for its own use without contributing improvements back to the *BSD
kernel projects? Talk about irony.

Well, very little has been borrowed from the BSD kernel. I think 
mostly just the TCP stack, but that was mostly government funded, so 
that doesn't concern me too much. What about Linux threads on BSD?

Meanwhile Apple, the biggest *BSD shop in the world, has contributed
most of its *BSD changes back to the BSD kernel communities and most of
its KHTML changes back to the KDE community and everyone who uses
WebKit. A the same time, Apple was forced to stop contributing to GCC
and dump it, along with Samba, due to the fuck TiVo clause in the

You are stating subjective opinion as fact and as such is not a 
debatable point. However, what was actually done by Tivo was against the 
spirit of the GPL and the FSF was more than justified. The spirit of the 
GPL is that the writers give their software to the users NOT the 
distributors. That is an important consideration. It is only when the 
distributors act counter to the user's do they violate the GPL. Tivo 
made the source code unusable because of intentional hardware choices. 
They were violating the user's rights, and that, if you have any 
integrity at all, must agree is actionable.

No one is forcing anyone to do anything. A software author chooses
the GPL to protect the users of his software. If you want to modify
or use GPL code, that was not originally written by you, then you
must abide by the GPL by which you acquired the software.

Derivatives of GPL software are GPL software. This is a requirement of
the GPL. Thus, while the Linux kernel can take code from the FreeBSD
kernel just by keeping the BSD License text in that code, the FreeBSD
kernel cannot reciprocate without changing the license for the entire
FreeBSD code tree.

Not to nit pick, but that was the BSD licensor's choice. They made that 
decision and many corporations take and make changes to BSD code and you 
never even get to see what they changed. With GPL, you get to see what 
has changed, how it was changed, and why it was changed. The BSD guys 
may not be able to cut and paste, they can certainly see what what was done.

  This is the force being used: accept the GPL for all
of your software or you don't get to reap the benefits of collaboration
with GPL software projects.

That is not force by any stretch of the imagination. It is a choice, 
nothing more.

Who's freedoms are being protected here? Certainly not the FreeBSD
developers' or users'. They're stuck between a rock (a software
license they don't want) and a hard place (having their code taken from
them without the takers giving anything back).

I disagree, completely. The freedoms being protected here are (1) The 
authors of the GPL portions of the code and (2) the down-stream users of 
the code. The down-stream users of the code are protected from someone 
who would take the code, modify it, and keep it away from them, and 
that, as stated, is not a freedom.

I am not sympathetic, in ANY WAY, to the plight of BSD cry babies. 
Companies steal their code on a regular basis and, many times, modify 
it, ever so slightly, so that it is incompatible with the original code. 
Remember Kerberos anyone? This is the result of their license and it 
happens EVERY DAY. At least with GPL, its done out in the open and they 
get to see what was done and they can choose to re-implement those 
changes in their code. The only thing that keeps them from using GPL 
code, is a license, the thing that keeps them from using anything 
Microsoft, IBM, or Apple do with their code is the fact that the code 
has been imprisoned and the owners of the code don't even get visitation 

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Home NAS redux

2013-01-03 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/03/2013 11:14 AM, Rich Pieri wrote:

On Thu, 03 Jan 2013 07:32:27 -0500
Jerry Feldman g...@blu.org wrote:

The Linux kernel is not a derivative of the BSD kernel. While there

If GPL code is copied into the BSD kernel then according to the GPL that
would make the BSD kernel derivative of the upstream GPL software. The
GPL requires such derivative software to be licensed under the GPL.

I don't see a point here. That is the intention of the licenses. So?

On Thu, 03 Jan 2013 08:34:24 -0500
Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

Well, very little has been borrowed from the BSD kernel. I think

Many of the Linux kernel device drivers were taken from *BSD or are
licensed under one of the BSD licenses. There are at least 185 files
with BSD licenses on them in the 2.6.32 source tree. That's what I
found with a single grep command. I leave it to the reader to grep for
the relevant strings in the source tree.

185 files? How many are headers? how many are source files? How many 
are documents? Compare that against how many files are in the kernel as 
a whole? What's the ratio? I think very little applies here. Also, 
what is the nature of the copy? Is it an OEM writing a driver for both 
platforms and contributing to both? It is hard to take a single number 
as meaning anything without a detailed understanding of what the number 

mostly just the TCP stack, but that was mostly government funded, so

Linux has had several written from scratch but I'm not aware of it ever
using *BSD's stack. I could be mistaken about this.

I'm pretty sure that almost everyone used the original 'BSD TCP/IP stack 
as a reference. I know Windows' tcp/ip stack is from BSD.

that doesn't concern me too much. What about Linux threads on BSD?

Linuxthreads is a Port. It is not part of the *BSD kernels.

The point is that it is used on BSD just fine.

You are stating subjective opinion as fact and as such is not a
debatable point. However, what was actually done by Tivo was against

Darwin, the Unix underpinnings of Mac OS X and iOS, is
XNU+FreeBSD kernel and FreeBSD userspace. This is a fact, not an

This has nothing to do what the tivo argument. Why is it being put up as 
a defense?

iPhone and iPad have put Darwin -- thus FreeBSD -- in the hands of more
users around the world than any other Unix vendor has managed. This is a
fact, not an opinion.

Perhaps, but it also locks users out of their systems, allows Apple to 
control their property, and allows Apple unprecedented vendor lock-in. 
In fact, I think Apple is a perfect example about how the MIT license 
materially harms users.

This makes Apple the largest *BSD shop in the world.

Yes, and one of the largest violators of user's freedom in the world. A 
litigious cancer in the technology world.

Apple published all of the Darwin source code less some binary blobs.
This is a fact, not an opinion:


Not really. They canceled the darwin project a LONG time ago.

WebKit started out as KHTML and all of that code was contributed back
upstream. This is a fact, not an opinion. See above URL.

Apple stopped using GPLv3 software because (among other reasons) the
FSF declared iPhone incompatible with the GPLv3 due to the
cryptographic signature clause. This is a fact, not an opinion.

Yes, because it harms user's freedom.

The freedom to deny freedom is NOT a freedom.

the spirit of the GPL and the FSF was more than justified. The spirit
of the GPL is that the writers give their software to the users NOT
the distributors. [snip]

Not to nit pick but Linus Torvalds disagrees with you. And it's his
software, his choice of license, not yours.

/argumentum ad verecundiam/

I think I'm done with this, Mark. I'm not a zealot. I'm a practical

Its funny that the strong defense of freedom has become zealotry, but 
the promotion of corporate rights over individuals has become 
practical. It is, indeed, a scary new century.

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Re: [Discuss] Home NAS redux

2013-01-03 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/03/2013 12:38 PM, Rich Pieri wrote:

I know what I wrote but I do need to correct two of your factual errors.

On Thu, 03 Jan 2013 11:42:12 -0500
Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

I'm pretty sure that almost everyone used the original 'BSD TCP/IP
stack as a reference. I know Windows' tcp/ip stack is from BSD.

A common misconception but one that in fact is not true. There are
vestiges inherited from Spider's STREAMS stack, notable in the command
line tools like ftp and rsh, but the stack itself was written from
scratch by Microsoft.

Well, the DOS version of Windows, windows 1.x through Windows ME, didn't 
have TCP until Windows 3.1(1) (as winsock). The 386 enhanced version, 
I'm not sure where that was implemented or by whom. The Windows NT/32 
bit OS/2 was taken from BSD. Windows NT on through Windows 8 is based on 
the NT kernel which looks a hell of a lot like VMS, but that is a 
different discussion.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Home NAS redux

2013-01-03 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/03/2013 01:56 PM, Rich Pieri wrote:

On Thu, 03 Jan 2013 13:10:27 -0500
Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

Well, the DOS version of Windows, windows 1.x through Windows ME,
didn't have TCP until Windows 3.1(1) (as winsock). The 386 enhanced
version, I'm not sure where that was implemented or by whom.

Microsoft. It was code named Wolverine.

The Windows NT/32 bit OS/2 was taken from BSD.

The TCP/IP stack that shipped with NT 3.1 was based on System V
STREAMS, with code licensed from Spider.

The TCP/IP stack that shipped with Windows 95 and Windows/NT 3.5 is an
updated version of Wolverine. It has been part of Windows 9x and /NT up
to the present.

Here's a few excerpts from an article you may or may not be aware of

Now, some of Spider's code (possibly all of it) was based on the TCP/IP 
stack in the BSD flavors of Unix. These are open source, but distributed 
under the BSD license, not the GPL that Linux is released under. Whereas 
the GPL states that any software derived from GPL'ed software must also 
be released under the GPL, the BSD license basically says, here's the 
source, you can do whatever you want, just give credit to the original 

I won't even swear on a stack of bibles that the new TCP/IP now 
shipping in NT/2000/XP and Windows 95/98/Me is completely free of the 
old code from Spider. Since I don't work there I don't have access to 
the source code. Certainly some parts of TCP (the checksum calculation 
comes to mind) are the same everywhere and once someone has written an 
optimized version, why rewrite it? And once again, this would be 
perfectly legitimate for Microsoft to do under the license. 

Lastly, this interesting (and telling) quote:
Anyway the FreeBSD programmers who reported all this to the Wall Street 
Journal can't see the NT TCP/IP source either, so they can't have been 
referring to that. 

This is *exactly* why BSD license is bad. Microsoft didn't copy the BSD 
stack, Spider did. The intellectual property rights in this case is a 
mess.  Certainly there have been code drift from initial port, but the 
BSD license, allowing corporations to hide code that other people wrote, 
will keep this debate from being settled. I argue that it is more BSD 
than not, and you argue that it is not based on BSD. I wish we could 
look at the code to settle the argument. Oh! wait, we can't because the 
BSD license lets microsoft hide the code that doesn't belong to it.

The OS/2 TCP/IP stack was written by IBM based on the BSD stack. It
might actually be the BSD stack ported to OS/2 but I'm not sure about

Have any more misconceptions that you need clarified? I got plenty of
time to poke holes in your proclamations.
Thanks, but, I have worked closely with Microsoft since the early DOS 
and OS/2 1.x days. I've had many business trips to Redmond while working 
on system level components from Windows 2.x, 3.x NT, OS/2 1.x and 
Portable OS/2 which became Windows NT. I Saw the OS/2 presentation 
manager running on the NT kernel before it was known as the NT kernel.  
I've published a couple articles on Windows (NT and DOS) device driver 
development and contributed a couple chapters to Windows of the 3.1 
Masters. I consulted with Sun for Java on Windows NT for medical 
applications, Dragon naturally Speaking for performance on NT, when 
Keithley Metrabyte was writing their own drivers, I designed the Windows 
(95/NT) portable infrastructure. I was also the architect of the Windows 
implementation of Microsoft's original Microsoft Home Creative 
Writer and Fine Artist products while at Turning Point. I think I 
have it covered. I work on Linux, because I prefer Linux. That does not 
imply that I do not know Windows.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Home NAS redux

2013-01-03 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/03/2013 03:35 PM, Rich Pieri wrote:

On Thu, 03 Jan 2013 14:40:31 -0500
Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

Now, some of Spider's code (possibly all of it) was based on the
TCP/IP stack in the BSD flavors of Unix.

I've seen that article. It is mistaken. Spider couldn't have taken the
STREAMS API from BSD because BSD doesn't have a STREAMS API. Spider's
code is ATT System V, not BSD.
We are now arguing unprovable minutia. Since all the code is obsolete 
and far out of any reach to verification, we have only the documents we 
can dig up to prove our points.  I'll trust the contents of a wall 
street journal article, an interview with a former NT kernel developer, 
and my own personal experiences.

Whether or not this small matter of trivia is correct or not is 
irrelevant.  This debate is about freedom and the GPL, which, I'm pretty 
sure we've concluded you've lost. Even these finer points of history are 
blurred because the GPL was not being used. Had the BSD code base been 
GPL we could have proved all of this because vendors would have had to 
contribute back their changes to the GPL authors. Furthermore, we would 
probably have avoided the whole ATT/Berkeley mess in the '90s.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Home NAS redux

2013-01-02 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/02/2013 07:30 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote:

From: Mark Woodward [mailto:ma...@mohawksoft.com]

(talking about CDDL)

Well, I personally dislike the lack of freedom in the license and the
fact that I can't, according to the license, create a proper kernel
module. It has to be used as a FUSE system and that isn't acceptable.
I'll state up-front, that I am pro-GPL and I always have issue the GPL 
isn't free arguments. Back in the 1800s the anti-slavery movement was 
seen as an attack to the freedom of plantation owners to own slaves. The 
freedom to take from others is not a freedom.

CDDL grants more freedom than GPL.  That is why it's incompatible with GPL.  
Because CDDL explicitly allows code developers to distribute their code under 
other licenses, and keep some of it closed source if they want to.  GPL 
explicitly disallows that freedom, which is why CDDL is incompatible with GPL.
Yes, exactly, I write software I make it free to use and distribute, but 
I do not make it something you can capture as your own and deny any 
down-stream users of the same access to MY code that you got.

If you are a free software developer, developing under GPL, you are putting 
restrictions on the way your code can be used by the recipient, and you are 
opening the door for a 3rd party to sue the recipient on your behalf, without 
any benefit to you.  Such is the case (for example) with the FSF suing linksys 
for incorporating busybox into their routers without notification to consumers. 
 The developers of busybox had nothing to do with the lawsuit, and did not 
benefit from the lawsuit.

You are thinking about it as if it is a two party transaction which is 
incorrect. It is an [n] party transaction chain where the originating 
party wishes to preserve the rights of 1+n chain of down stream recipients.

Nothing in the GPL forbids you from selling a product created from GPL 
source, have at it. If, however, you use someone's GPL free (as in 
freedom) software and modify it, then you must respect the original 
creators wishes and make your modifications GPL and publish them as 
well. If you don't like the terms, make a capital investment and write 
your own.

If you read the terms of L-GPL, the FSF goes off on a rant about how you 
shouldn't grant such freedoms to the recipient, because the recipient can 
profit from your freely distributed code, without benefitting you.  They say 
you should use GPL instead, which doesn't grant the recipient freedom to profit 
from your free code.  They neglect to mention that if you use GPL, then the FSF 
can and will seek opportunity to profit from your code in the form of lawsuit 
against the recipient, if the recipient is found to be in violation of any of 
the GPL imposed restrictions.

You misunderstand the GPL. It is not a violation to sell a product based 
on the GPL code. It is a violation to distribute code you acquired via 
GPL as anything but GPL. The FSF is there to ensure that GPL is 
enforceable. To use your example, the creators of busybox should have 
gone after linksys themselves. Linksys should have published their 
changes to busybox. It wasn't that Linksys used busybox, it was that 
Linksys modified busybox and didn't publish their changes.

I acknowledge and understand that there are pros and cons of both licenses, 
philosophically and materially.  I'm not saying one license is better than 
another, as a generalization; although in specific cases, each license can 
sometimes be better than the other.
I don't agree with this. The GPL is the source of a HUGE amount of free 
code to build on and learn from. It ensures that improvements get added 
back. Software is a capital investment in time and effort. I'm a 
capitalist and I take offense to a license that allows someone to take 
my intellectual property that I have intentionally shared and deny 
others the benefits I intend. That is theft.

I am saying the statement representing CDDL as a lack of freedom and bias in 
favor of GPL on these grounds, is factually incorrect.
In the first transaction where I publish and you wish to use, there are 
restrictions on you, this is true. However, my restrictions on you 
preserve the freedoms of my code to those to whom you distribute. I 
hardly call the principal that you have the freedom to deny others the 
freedom you enjoy, a freedom. If you don't like it, then make your 
own capital investment and write your own software.

The GPL is more free than other licenses because it keeps you from 
denying the freedom that allows you to succeed from others. The freedom 
to deny freedom is not a freedom.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Home NAS redux

2013-01-02 Thread Mark Woodward

On 01/02/2013 04:25 PM, Rich Pieri wrote:

On Wed, 02 Jan 2013 15:33:30 -0500
Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

If you want to use GPL code, you can do *anything* *you* want with

No, I cannot. The GPL binds software to itself. It is in this way that
GPL projects like the Linux kernel have taken from BSD without giving
anything back. They can't. Derivatives of GPL software are themselves
GPL software. Accepting code from the Linux kernel back into BSD would
turn the entire BSD tree into GPL software. The various BSD projects
refuse to accept the terms of the GPL.

This is an unfortunate circumstance, but hardly an example of where GPL 
is not free. Refusal to accept the terms of a license is a completely 
voluntary decision.

The BSD license has allowed a great deal of software to be subverted to 
the detriment of the various BSD projects. This is a perfect example of 
how the BSD license does not protect your freedom. Granted in an ironic way.

Forcing someone to accept unwanted license terms in order to share in,
and benefit from, open source software development is not freedom. It
is a denial of freedom.

No one is forcing anyone to do anything. A software author chooses the 
GPL to protect the users of his software. If you want to modify or use 
GPL code, that was not originally written by you, then you must abide by 
the GPL by which you acquired the software. The GPL protects subsequent 
user's from your apparent desire to deny their access to the source 
code. If you have a problem with the GPL, then don't use someone else's  
GPL software. I still do not see what the problem is. There is no force 
being used.

The *only* thing you can't do is make it non-free when distributing it. 
That is hardly a restriction to *your* freedom, it merely prevents you 
from making it less free for others.

  And as you quote:

Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves
--Abraham Lincoln.

Neither of us are right or wrong. We have different perspectives.
Well, I'm not a fan of equivocation. I disagree with you and I believe 
you to be wrong. You may believe differently and that is your right, but 
I do not accept a diminishment of my argument simply because we continue 
to disagree.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Travelling abroad taking technology

2012-12-31 Thread Mark Woodward

On 12/31/2012 12:03 PM, Matt Shields wrote:
On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com 
mailto:ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

What am I missing? Why can't you FedEx it?

On 12/31/2012 10:36 AM, Matt Shields wrote:

I have buildout a datacenter in London in January and I've ordered
everything I need directly to the datacenter because of
everything I've
heard about dealing with customs.  The only exception of a
single piece of
equipment we forgot that probably won't make it if I ship it
now (a Cisco
serial console server).  I know that I can carry my laptop on
the plane and
go through custom's fine, but is it possible to carry
something like that
with me or pack it in a suitcase and go through customs?


My understanding is Fedex or UPS'ing it would take a month to get 
through customs.  That's just what I've been told.
That would be insanity. I was shipped via DHL some parts from china to 
the US in two days. I don't know about customs in the UK, but I can't 
believe a month. Businesses would not be able to do business.


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[Discuss] Home NAS redux

2012-12-31 Thread Mark Woodward
I have a D-Link DNS-321, its OK as a backup system. Its small and energy 
efficient, all that nice stuff, but with drive mirroring, it is SLOW as 
a dog, and a slow dog at that. 5~10 megabyte per second over 1gb 
ethernet is painful.

I'm considering software raid 5, 3x2TB disks to put me at 4TB of raid 
storage. Share with NFS and Samba, I'll even share virtual devices 
through iscsi. I'll use the DAAP server to share media.

The questions are these:
I sort of like having a web interface to the DLINK-321, are there any 
similar projects for Linux? FreeNAS is targeted toward freebsd and uses 
ZFS, I do not wish to use zfs for license issues.

When not in use, I'd like the system to spin down the hard disks and use 
less power. Is anyone familiar with doing this on PC based (non-laptop) 
hardware? I know you can use hdparm for the disk spindown, but does 
Wake-On-Lan really work?

I've used the Linux software raid in the past with mixed results. What 
is your take on the modern iteration of the code?

Discuss mailing list

[Discuss] OT Rant/Discussion C vs C++

2012-12-15 Thread Mark Woodward
I started programming back in the 1970s. When I learned C, C was a new 
language. ANSI C was a big thing and we had to port to ANSI C because 
various vendors implemented vagueness in the C syntax differently. Those 
of us who understood portability between C compilers fared better. 
Anyway, when C++ came along, it was a similar sort of deal. The rough 
edges around the language were different across different vendors. 
Templates especially. Understanding this always made maintaining the 
code, over time, easier.

As C++ developed, those of us who were conservative in our 
implementations fared well in the Borland/Microsoft C++ war.  In 
adopting C++, the general rule was to use the safe constructs of the 
language and use only those aspects of the language that facilitated the 
architecture and leave the rest alone. Even today, aspects of C++ create 
immense bloat in code. (Templates)

Maybe old habits are hard to break, I don't know, but I still consider 
the old way a good design philosophy. The whole [OT] C++ strings 
discussion is a perfect example. A C++ programmer and/or architect 
should resist the temptation to be language lawyers and design 
software that requires understanding the arcana of the language to 
understanding the body of the code. It may be clever, but it makes the 
code hard to understand and of reduced value in the future.

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[Discuss] OT Volunteering for School Presentations

2012-10-23 Thread Mark Woodward
I just did a presentation at my daughters 1st grade class. It was about 
my career in computer science and technology. I brought the robot, 
because lets face it, all performances are improved by props.

The kids were REALLY excited about it. Most questions were kiddish, of 
course, but there were a few that showed real curiosity and innate 
talent. One parent emailed and said her daughter was talking about 
robots all night. One teacher asked why it said Linux on the side.

It occurred to me that one of the missions of BLU is advocacy. While 
open source and free software won't have the resources of the likes of 
Microsoft or Apple, it does have people that know how to do things.

Kids at school need to see that math is cool and that science is fun. 
The problem, IMHO, is that math and science are taught from a maths or 
science perspective which is kind of dry. If presented from an 
engineering perspective, it could be made a lot more fun. And for those 
purists out there, remember, we had steam locomotives before a full 
understanding of thermodynamics.

I have a 21 year old who is a senior in college, and a 7 year old who is 
in first grade. I'm not knocking teachers here, but there is a real need 
to add substance to their lessons.  Doing some cool things and bringing 
them to the schools for the kids will help our communities.

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[Discuss] Looking for some good people at my company

2012-10-04 Thread Mark Woodward

We need some good people.

(1) We need a Linux configuration guru to build and test kernels, 
package software in RPMS (or debs), work with PAM modules, code in perl, 
python, and C. You would really really need to be able to roll your own 
system upgrade. The interview process is tough, and you need to be able 
to withstand some egos. OpenSSL, OpenSSH, and all forms of linux 
configuration are important.

(2) We need a couple/few fantastic C guys. You would need to be very 
familiar with file system concepts, large data, threading, memory 
management, really really be able to explain the difference between BSD 
and Linux mutexes. You will also need to be solid with the standard 
algorithms, hash, trees, lists, as well as the more advanced indexing 
techniques. Understanding how virtual memory paging affects algorithms 
otherwise expressed with big O notation is a good start. This is not an 
entry level position, it is a position where we need people who know 
their stuff.

Contact me, and I'll tell you the company. You can't blame me for 
wanting the referral!

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Re: [Discuss] Yet Another Laptop Recommendation Thread

2012-09-30 Thread Mark Woodward
I just got a Dell Inspiron i15R with an Intel i7, 8g RAM, 1T disk, usb3, 
wirelesss-N, HDMI, USB3, WebCam, and DVD+/-RW at Microcenter, I haven't 
plugged in the HDMI jack yet (I should do that soon), the install went 
flawless. No drivers, no weirdness, just worked with Ubuntu 12.04

On 09/29/2012 10:38 PM, David Kramer wrote:

Either the backlight or the inverter died in my 5-year-old Dell D820
laptop. Fixing it doesn't make financial sense, though I may throw it
on my rack and hook it up to my KVM for something, as I've figured out
how to tell X to disable the internal monitor and use the external
monitor as the primary.

I've decided I want to go with a desktop machine for my main computer,
so I can use a better keyboard and bigger monitor, but I still need
something portable, too. I'm looking for a laptop that doesn't have to
be a desk-melting screamer, but it also doesn't make sense to put money
in anything *too* wimpy. I plan on splitting the hard drive to
Windows/Kubuntu 12.04LTS, so I need a supported video card.

Really the only reason I want to get a laptop NOW is that I don't want
Windows 8, otherwise I would put it off.  I find Windows 7 relatively
stable and inoffensive.

Through work I can get significant discounts on Lenovo and HP laptops,
so I'm focusing on them.  I just priced out a ThinkPad T530, and
it was over $900 with the discount, and I picked the slowest i5
processor they have and 4GB RAM (though the better video card).  That
seems a bit much.  Maybe I should look at i3 processors.  Many of the
models had ~14 screens, and I want at least  15.

Any comparisons of HP vs Lenovo, or specific models that have worked or
not worked with Linux would be great.


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Re: [Discuss] suggestions on how to free code?

2012-08-14 Thread Mark Woodward

On 08/13/2012 10:30 PM, Eric Chadbourne wrote:

Hi All,

Making code GPL is easy. Putting it on an open version control (github, 
sourceforge, etc)is easy. In short the mechanics of what you want to 
do is easy and well documented.

Two things in your email suggest it won't get a lot of following: 20 
different applications and too expensive. This is usually a 
indication the you are in a vertical market where the population of 
potential users/contributors is quite small. Even today most Windows 
developers have never been to source forge. The idea that someone in 
your field will look for an open source version of this tool is remote. 
The fact that there are 20 different app's to choose from may indicate 
that it is a problem that is reasonably solvable and more to the point, 
may be fun to solve and without needing a lot of coding infrastructure 
to support the function.

Creating the community is quite difficult. Assuming you can get the 
word out about your project (which isn't easy), it has to be something 
people want and written in such a way that people will want to use it 
instead of writing their own. It has to be more efficient to learn how 
to use your project than it is to write their own. Depending on what the 
app is, there is a trust issue, they'll need to reasonably believe it 
will work before they even download it to test it. They'll want the 
familiar configure/make paradigm, bells and whistles, docs, etc. It will 
need to be easy to configure and should have some examples so that they 
can see it work immediately, we are, after all, and impatient bunch. 
Just getting your system, what ever it is, to the point where it has a 
chance is a lot of work.

All in all, search github or sourceforge for projects, there are tons of 
them! Some really cool, but most, it seams, largely abandoned. My advice 
to you is to put it in GPL if you like, it costs nothing and *maybe* 
someone will benefit. However, there is no hard and fast way to create a 
viable community. Even with the best of projects its hard and unlikely.

Where I work we needed some software.  We evaluated about 20 different
applications, free and non-free.  They were either too expensive (I
work at a non-profit) or just sucked.  So we rolled our own.  I just
had my annual review and all I asked for was to make our app gplv3 and
allow me to release it.  The boss doesn't mind.  So I'm tiding things
up and will release before xmass.  We use this application to manage
constituents daily.  I wrote it all.  Not the best code but works as

My question is, how to release in a way that lays the foundation for a
community?  I just read
and like it mucho.  Any other tips from BLU?

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[Discuss] Big Data obsession

2012-08-04 Thread Mark Woodward
In our drawn out discussion about databases, and most discussions about 
databases this happens as well, the subject of HUGE scalability was 
trotted out. Now I am by no means dismissing big data as a real 
problem. Seriously, I worked on some pretty large systems -- hundreds of 
servers. It is a complicated problem. Not only do you need to get the 
most out of each system, but you have to make many systems work as a 
single logical one.

There are some businesses that really need this functionality and scale, 
but, the problem is that 99.99% of the software being developed will 
NEVER EVER scale to that size. The developers are so eager to solve that 
problem that they forgo more practical designs. Also, no matter what you 
do, it will take a lot of time to grow to that size! So, even if it is 
envisioned in the business plan, you'll have probably cashed out your 
stock options and be living on an island before you need to develop it.

My favorite example is facebook. Yes, they are a big data show case. 
OMFG they have a lot of data and a lot of computational requirements. 
They did not start out dreaming of big data. It started small and grew. 
I believe that this inadvertent strategy helped them greatly. By 
focusing on the site and what it did and *not* how to make it scale 
until scalability was needed they were able to be attractive to more 
users more quickly.

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Re: [Discuss] Rob Conery's critique of MySQL?

2012-08-04 Thread Mark Woodward

On 08/04/2012 01:50 PM, Rich Braun wrote:

Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com observed:

My favorite example is facebook. Yes, they are a big data show case.
OMFG they have a lot of data and a lot of computational requirements.
They did not start out dreaming of big data. It started small and grew.
I believe that this inadvertent strategy helped them greatly. By
focusing on the site and what it did and *not* how to make it scale
until scalability was needed they were able to be attractive to more
users more quickly.


Being the one who kicked off this thread, my original goal was to get specific
technical arguments (plus a couple of business arguments like the ratio of
MySQL-experienced DBAs to PostgreSQL DBAs available on the job market) to
present to decision-makers who control what technology to use on new projects.

OK, yea, we got caught up the No-SQL vs SQL argument.

So far at work I've got MyWay or the HiWay from the bosses: thou shalt use
MySQL.  Period.  Suits me OK because I already know its quirks well, but it
looks to me like more than ever the alternative of PostgreSQL (and no other
FOSS product) is viable for small and large companies alike.

But the thrashing of this discussion thread has given me nothing to send off
to the senior tech architects at my office.  Not one of the postings here has
been phrased in a way that would grab such a person by the throat and persuade
them to read further.

Your argument above, Mark, is what I hear all the time both here and at my
last employer:  We're Agile, so we can start off doing things wrong and fix
them later.  About $15 million and 20 months into a $6 million/9-month
project (hah), at my last job we recognized that what the software team had
built was a bug-ridden replacement of the previous unsupportable bug-ridden
software, and most of the new software's developers quit--leaving the
replacement equally unsupportable.  But hey, the new one had lots of fancy
stored-procs and took advantage of all of MySQL 5.1's nifty features.

So if it were /my/ $15 million, I'm not so sure I'd take the position that I
should focus mainly on the software features.  But of course, I'm an infra guy
so I'm biased:  the infra goes in (2 of everying, HA from the get-go) before
the first feature gets crafted.  It's cheap enough to do these days, though it
hasn't gotten much easier.  If PostgreSQL makes it easier to set up HA, and
recover from failures, than MySQL--I'd love to make that case.  But going back
to the Facebook startup argument--let's build this cool web page and see if
people like it--then the HA argument doesn't even get considered.

I have to say something that I don't like saying because I sound like a 
jerk. Sometimes, if you need to ask a certain type of question, then 
answer can't do you any good.

Seriously, in the MySQL vs PostgreSQL debate, if you know about database 
theory and have some serious experience with databases other than MySQL, 
you would say there is no debate, PostgreSQL is the obvious choice. If 
you don't have the background or experience, then, things like MVCC, 
ACID, and transactions don't mean anything to you. Worse yet, chances 
are you'll see them as a problem because in a single stand-alone query, 
they do add additional processing.

Compare it to the squared circle debate in math. If you don't 
understand PI, you won't accept it.

Another example is firewall security:  if you've got this cool new web site
running, and later decide to add firewalls:  it'll be a lot more effort, and
probably more outage-prone, trying to figure out on the fly which TCP ports
and IP addresses should be opened up, and how to pull apart portions of the
app to run on back-end servers with layered security.

So, that's why I like to include robustness as part of Iteration Zero in the
agile framework.
Well, it is almost assuredly impossible to start at position 0 and get 
it right the first try. There is institutional learning involved. This 
is where the development team is learning about what they are creating 
as a business. This is typically the start up phase of a company or a 
new product.  By the time you get system up and running, the design has 
almost certainly churned over several phases.

Site 2.0 is typically sold internally as the rebuild to end all 
rebuilds. It never is. It is defined as the fix to all the mistakes 
that were made for all those many reasons during 1.0.

I wish I could give you some real ammunition, but it isn't about 
bullets, it is about really knowing the subject matter. Anyone wanting 
to defend their position will have bullets too. You need to know WHY 
your bullets are better, and more importantly, you need to know why 
their bullets are wrong.

I could rattle off a number of pros and cons for PostgreSQL, but it 
would not help. Real knowledge is the only way to win this debate, if, 
of course, it can be win. Some people's minds can not be changed no 
matter what proof is given. I have

Re: [Discuss] Open source, apps, and money

2012-08-03 Thread Mark Woodward

On 08/03/2012 01:45 PM, Doug wrote:

Once there is 1) money and 2) more than one person, things would
appear to get so much more complicated.  Say one guy contributed one
little block of code one time and leaves.  Said code is then part of
every subsequent release.  Along with README and changelog, must there
be a MONEY file?  I know that the GPL does not mean the software can
be used for free, but how does one make that clear?
Well, you can insist that all submissions become the property of the 
project owner.

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Re: [Discuss] Rob Conery's critique of MySQL?

2012-08-02 Thread Mark Woodward

On 08/02/2012 03:46 PM, Richard Pieri wrote:

On 8/2/2012 12:50 PM, Mark Woodward wrote:

This is incorrect. No system with more than one of anything can
consistently get O(1). There has to be some way of getting a

I'll touch on this point down below.

That is your opinion, you are welcome to have it, but if you want to
debate, put up some arguments to assert the veracity of your
assertions. If you question my decisions, that's fine, but make sure
you back up your statements with facts that can be debated,
otherwise it is just a personal insult.

The largest example I can think of is the VA Hospital system.  It uses
an object database for record keeping for some 8 million veterans.
Delivered early and under budget, by the way.

Not to be snide, but 8 million is not a big number.

A little smaller is Partners Healthcare here in Boston.  My knowledge is
a little out of date on this but they were looking at deploying a system
for over 30K users across all of the hospitals in town.


One that I'm more directly familiar with is Ameritrade.  I watched
Ameritrade's conversion from Oracle to Cache for their customer-facing
applications.  Why?  Because Oracle couldn't keep up with their trading
load.  Billions of transactions per day.  Oracle couldn't keep up; the
database cluster kept crashing.
Well, billions of transactions per day should be doable in a cluster. 
If your oracle database is crashing, it is misconfigured. Financial 
transactions are a dangerous thing, you really do need ACID for 
fiduciary responsibility.

You are conflating database structure with nomenclature. Under any
storage system, there is data management. Classes and inheritance do
not magically do anything. You must code version migration to
successive versions. This may be merely pre-initializing member
variables, but it has to be done none the less.

No, I'm not. It's one of the beautiful things about object databases. 
It's the same as object-oriented programming: you build your classes 
and let inheritance organize data. In the cases where you need to 
provide assistance you incorporate that logic as a method.
You are avoiding the topic, the storage system, is separate from the 
implementation of the objects. The objects know how to serialize and 
restore themselves as well as upgrade. The storage and location of 
objects is not involved.

It's great that Oracle, et.al., provide means of doing it but
you're still constrained by the relational model.


Relational tables.
That is not a how, it is a adjective and a plural noun. One does not 
need to use relations in a database, but one has them if they need them. 
An RDBMS is a tool not some kind of mandate.

How? How does one nest in an object store? An object, once
instantiated, instantiates another object. Why does this not work.
The object has hierarchical data? That's in the XML/JSON. Any
generic object management system with any specific object
implementation needs to work out these relationships.

You don't instantiate two objects; you instantiate an object with a
sub-object as one of its elements.  It's basic OOP design.
Yes, ok, that is done with the XML/JSON class description. What's the 

This is nonsense. Seriously. I have a table:

This is my point: you have a table.  The table is a kind of object but
everything in a relational database is defined in terms of or in
relation to tables.  So what you have is not an XML object; it's a table
with an XML object stored in one of its cells.
You are confusing the SQL language with data storage. In postgreSQL, for 
instance, a table is nothing more than file filled with variable 
length objects. Its called a table out of canonical usage. You are 
mistaking a semantic difference with a technical one.

If I said the XML was stored in a binary polymorphic object file and it 
could be retrieved by its ID, would that make a difference? Because, 
that is exactly what is happening. For convenience, we call the the 
polymorphic object file a table.

The best part is that, in postgresql, I can index on fields within
the object to find an object based on the value of a property. Can
your object store do that? No.

Object databases don't need this kind of indexing.  You reference data
by Object.Sub-object.Slot.data.  This is how object databases deliver
consistent O(1) performance.

Sorry, no. It is either a hash table, or they are hiding the index from 
you. Either way, it doesn't matter because databases have hash indexes.

And if you say that objects don't need that kind of indexing, then you 
miss the real power of database. If you have 8 million objects, say 
patients in a database. How do you find them by social security numbers? 
How about by last name? How about by symptoms?

Information is not a static thing. It needs to be usable to be valuable.

Well, yes, I could make a cycle with 5 wheels, but there are

Screw conventions.  If a 5-wheel cycle is what

Re: [Discuss] Rob Conery's critique of MySQL?

2012-08-02 Thread Mark Woodward

On 08/02/2012 08:44 PM, Richard Pieri wrote:

On 8/2/2012 4:36 PM, Mark Woodward wrote:

Not to be snide, but 8 million is not a big number.

That's 8 million patients.  Multiply that by everything that the VA 
has on each and every one of them and you get a very large data set.

It's not the largest data set that I'm aware of.  The largest is the 
data out of the LHC which is around 200 petabytes.  CERN went the 
other way.  They started with an object databases but eventually 
dropped it due to poor market development OODBMSs. They currently use 
relational databases for storing and retrieving metadata.  Bulk data 
is stored in flat files.

Well, billions of transactions per day should be doable in a cluster.

That's what Ameritrade and Oracle thought but they couldn't make it work.

If your oracle database is crashing, it is misconfigured.

The Oracle techs working with Ameritrade couldn't keep the cluster 
going.  They eventually gave up when Ameritrade wouldn't commit to 
replacing the entire cluster with bigger servers.

Ahhh Bingo! We have the problem.

transactions are a dangerous thing, you really do need ACID for
fiduciary responsibility.

Cache' delivers full ACID guarantee.  I told you I wasn't talking 
about NoSQL/MongoDB.

Cool. Cache' is an interesting system, and there are pros and cons to 
using it of course. Suffice to say, if you don't need precisely what it 
provides, you wouldn't buy it.

You are avoiding the topic, the storage system, is separate from the
implementation of the objects. The objects know how to serialize and
restore themselves as well as upgrade. The storage and location of
objects is not involved.

Of course I am.  It's not relevant to the topic, which is the 
technical merits of object vs relational databases.
You are arguing semantics. An RDBMS is just a data store as is an object 
based db. Now, clustering an RDBMS system has the same set of problems 
as clustering an object store. In the end, they are just storing data. 
The scaling part is, of course, product specific and each system 
implements clustering differently, but in the end its just data going on 
to disk in an order that is retrievable. Hopefully with ACID compliance.

That is not a how, it is a adjective and a plural noun. One does not
need to use relations in a database, but one has them if they need them.
An RDBMS is a tool not some kind of mandate.

Then why bother with a relational database at all?

Who's bothering?
The singular strength of a relational database is the relations 
between data.
This is No-SQL nonsense. The strength of an RDBMS is the man-centuries 
of work and science embodied in retrieving data. The relational 
capability is a very powerful tool, sure, but in the end the real 
science is finding the data you want.

If you don't use relations then the relational database is the wrong 
tool for the job.
This is absolutely incorrect. Relations are a feature not the sole 
purpose. Finding specific data in a large data set is no easy task. Take 
this SQL query:

select * from songs where artist = 'various';

A songs table can have many millions of entries, and a good percent of 
them will have artists as 'various' because the come from collections. 
Now, a good RDBMS will understand that it is probably faster to ignore 
the index. Now take this query:

select * from songs where artist = 'Joe Kidd'
Then the system will find only a few songs and the RDBMS will understand 
that it should use the index.

Note that these are not relational queries. There are no joins, but SQL 
is used to find the data.

Despite what you say, and object store is a data graveyard if it does 
not support aggregation or location of data. Data has no value if it can 
not be processed. Chances are the object stores will be dumped to an 
RDBMS for OLAP. My argument is why bother with the object store?

Yes, ok, that is done with the XML/JSON class description. What's the

The problem is that you're stuck with tables.  You don't have an 
object.  You have an object stored in a table.  Even if it is a table 
with a single column and a single row it's still a table.

If I said the XML was stored in a binary polymorphic object file and it
could be retrieved by its ID, would that make a difference? Because,
that is exactly what is happening. For convenience, we call the the
polymorphic object file a table.

Sure, that works.

OK, then you see my point.
Again, why bother with a relational database if you want to 
short-circuit all of the relational functions?
Because A Relational Database Management System is a super set of 
Database Management System. You need some sort of DBMS on which to 
base an object store, and PostgreSQL gives you the R for free.

Which was my original point: why bother with inferior tools like 
relational databases when superior tools like object databases are 
Because object stores are not superior, they are, by definition

Re: [Discuss] Rob Conery's critique of MySQL?

2012-08-01 Thread Mark Woodward

On 07/31/2012 01:34 PM, Rich Braun wrote:

Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

Well, with MySQL, create
index and drop index LOCK the tables as they are operating. LOCK THE
TABLES. Think about that. In PostgreSQL, Oracle, and any real
database, create index and drop index only impact performance in as
much as any other transaction.

True of older versions, less true of 5.5.  NDBCLUSTER storage engine works
around this by propagating the update to cluster members one at a time, taking
each offline.  InnoDB does a table copy.
Provided you have a cluster of course, but it still raises the issue of 
effectively removing a machine from the cluster.

You're right that MySQL's rivals had a better design for this operation;
future versions of MySQL could replace this logic.  But as far as it being a
showstopper for production, that depends.
It hardly depends. It is indicative of a bad design. For any active 
site, this kind of behavior problematic, you have to be able to admit that.

Here is where I have a problem with these types technical debates. This 
is not a subjective point. With another real database this is not a 
problem. Side by side, PostgreSQL and MySQL are both free and comparable 
in many ways. This is absolutely one clear reason to choose PostgreSQL 
over MySQL. Is it a show stopper for you, perhaps not, but I tell you 
this one little gem has caused me a great deal of actual grief.

If there are design deficiencies in a tool and a better designed tool, 
at the same price, is available why would you not choose the better 
designed tool? It make no sense. I am not pro PostgreSQL so much as 
anti bad databases. It is only the fact that PostgreSQL embodies so 
much of what a good database does that it is a defacto example. I would 
use Oracle in this discussion, maybe even DB2, but those are not open 
source and very expensive, the obvious counter argument would be that 
MySQL is free.

In my case, I'll be having to deal with large table sizes, but there will
rarely be changes to indices and the nature of the business permits taking the
DB offline for maintenance (unlike a public site).  So this is only one of
many criteria for choosing a system.  (Note also that even with a public site
like at my last employer, we had some solid workarounds using read-only slaves
which enabled us to update indices easily enough without major production
OK, if you are going to have large tables, forget MySQL. A number of 
years ago I contracted at Yahoo. I wrote a data collection system that 
would query snmp info from every system they had, as well as dmesg and 
other performance and configuration information. The idea was that they 
could analyze infrastructure to calculate the proper compute 
requirements for each business unit. The premise was that eight 5 year 
old computers could be replaced with two or three new ones and save 
space and power usage, or that a business unit with 6 servers, even at 
peak, only needed 4, and so on. On the first run, we isolated enough 
dead-wood that the estimated savings would over a million dollars in 

At the start of the project, I said MySQL would not work and that I 
would need either Oracle or PostgreSQL. I offered that I could go with 
PostgreSQL while they were working on the Oracle license. As I was 
transferring the project to their IT, a new IT director came on. 
Dictated MySQL, his words were We have invested a lot of money into 
MySQL and we have MySQL experts here, it can work on MySQL. Sigh, 
people who don't understand databases should not choose databases. This 
edict had nothing to do with any understanding of what we were doing.

Well, working with a MySQL contributor and a well regarded yahoo 
internal expert. A query that took a painful minute and a half on 
PostgreSQL could not be made any faster than 20 minutes on MySQL. To 
compound the problem, the indexing issue made life painful. To try a new 
index, we would have to turn off the system and let it re-index before 
we could do ANYTHING with it. It was a terrible experience.

This kind of technical comparison is exactly what I'm looking for.  If I had a
list of the top-10 things that PostgreSQL does better than MySQL then I'd
probably have a case.  One or two won't be enough.
Well, I strongly suggest watching the video. The stuff about MySQL is at 
the beginning so you don't have to watch it all. Also, seriously, start 
with PostgreSQL and post any questions on BLU. I bet you could get some 
great advice. I can only say that if you are used to MySQL, you will 
find yourself initially saying PostgreSQL does that?!?! Really?! The 
light will shine and you'll never go back.


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Re: [Discuss] Rob Conery's critique of MySQL?

2012-08-01 Thread Mark Woodward

On 08/01/2012 08:36 PM, Richard Pieri wrote:


In my opinion, the problem with MySQL is not that it locks tables.  
It's that it has tables.

Oh no! Don't buy in to the No-SQL nonsense.

A table is nothing more than a naming convention of the technique of 
storing related data in the same logical unit of storage.

There is no such thing as a good RDBMS.  They're all bad.  They all suck.
I disagree and I would LOVE to have a civil debate about this subject on 
this group.
They're all designed around a data storage and retrieval philosophy 
that was obsolete 30 years ago.
This is basically FUD, of course. You say it is obsolete, but you give 
no examples as to why. Electricity is far older and it is not obsolete.

Tables are slow and they don't scale. 
Like I said, table is a naming convention. It is useful for expressing 
data relationships in a canonically understandable language, but a 
table doesn't really describe anything technically.

Why don't they scale?

A name/value pair is nothing more than a two entry row in a column in a 
table. Perhaps even the key is a virtual value within the index, but, 
none the less, one can express it as a table.
There are faster, more robust, more flexible and more scalable ways of 
storing and retrieving data than hyper-thyroidal spreadsheets.
Why? Why do you think that this is true? SQL is nothing more than a 
language and an algebra around data storage. The underlying storage is 
what scales. SQL is just a language for accessing it. The big No-SQL 
storage systems are all getting SQL front-ends because ad-hoc APIs are bad.

You say there are more robust, flexible, and scalable ways of storing 
data. Like what? How is it *not* a table?

Which makes me wonder why you're such a strong advocate of PostgreSQL 
over MySQL.  You wrote, [i]f there are design deficiencies in a tool 
and a better designed tool, at the same price, is available why would 
you not choose the better designed tool?  Why, in light of this, do 
you bother with relational databases?  PostgreSQL may suck less than 
MySQL but it still sucks.  Why are you not advocating a tool that 
doesn't suck?

Well, like I said, lets have that debate. SQL is a language NOT a database.

MongoDB is webscale!

While I don't agree with MySQL POV, but the video is funny and sounds 
like your arguments.

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Re: [Discuss] Rob Conery's critique of MySQL?

2012-07-31 Thread Mark Woodward

On 07/30/2012 05:28 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
Sure, and there's a lot to be said for using tools with which you are 
comfortable. Like everything, it's a tool. The key is using the right 
tool for the job. Just because you need an RDBMS does NOT imply that 
PG is *the* right tool. It is *a* right tool. There are other choices, 
and those other choices *are* valid. It all depends on the 
requirements. Without knowing the requirements all other discussion is 
purely rhetorical or religious, neither of which belong on a technical 

As a start, off the top of my head, I can describe one MySQL problem 
that absolutely eliminates it from consideration for a production database.

Suppose you have the street map database of the USA or some other very 
very large table, millions of rows. In production, your query 
performance is poor. You do some analysis and work out an index that 
betters your query performance substantially. You want to deploy that 
new index WITHOUT bringing down the site. Well, with MySQL, create 
index and drop index LOCK the tables as they are operating. LOCK THE 
TABLES. Think about that. In PostgreSQL, Oracle, and any real 
database, create index and drop index only impact performance in as 
much as any other transaction. When they are done, presto! your query is 
faster. Neat, huh?

That is just one problem that I consider a show stopper. You should 
watch the first 15 minutes of the video that started this message chain. 
In fact, I would wager, if you watched the whole thing, you'd never 
consider MySQL again.

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Re: [Discuss] Rob Conery's critique of MySQL?

2012-07-31 Thread Mark Woodward

On 07/31/2012 02:03 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:

Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com writes:

On 07/30/2012 05:28 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:

Sure, and there's a lot to be said for using tools with which you
are comfortable. Like everything, it's a tool. The key is using the
right tool for the job. Just because you need an RDBMS does NOT
imply that PG is *the* right tool. It is *a* right tool. There are
other choices, and those other choices *are* valid. It all depends
on the requirements. Without knowing the requirements all other
discussion is purely rhetorical or religious, neither of which
belong on a technical list.

As a start, off the top of my head, I can describe one MySQL problem
that absolutely eliminates it from consideration for a production

Suppose you have the street map database of the USA or some other
very very large table, millions of rows. In production, your query
performance is poor. You do some analysis and work out an index that
betters your query performance substantially. You want to deploy that
new index WITHOUT bringing down the site. Well, with MySQL, create
index and drop index LOCK the tables as they are operating. LOCK
THE TABLES. Think about that. In PostgreSQL, Oracle, and any real
database, create index and drop index only impact performance in
as much as any other transaction. When they are done, presto! your
query is faster. Neat, huh?

That is just one problem that I consider a show stopper. You should
watch the first 15 minutes of the video that started this message
chain. In fact, I would wager, if you watched the whole thing, you'd
never consider MySQL again.

It's a show stopper if you have an application that needs that large a
piece of data.  However if you only need a half-dozen tables with a few
hundred or maybe a few thousand lines, then this isn't an issue.
You are sort of missing the point. It locks tables. That's bad. The 
video that started this chain had a VERY good explanation of why this is 
bad. Much better than I can do in text.

Sure, PG is technically better in that it doesn't have this drawback,
but in the real-world example of a low-end application you just never
hit those cases where PG really shows its strengths.
That isn't true AT ALL. The feature that makes this possible is MVCC. It 
helps you in a lot of ways that are not obvious until you get bitten. 
The index locking up is a problem, I've had this issue on every MySQL 
project I've on, but MVCC helps you far beyond that. With PostgreSQL, 
you can control the visibility of concurrent transactions, which means 
two active transactions do not interfere with each other.


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Re: [Discuss] Rob Conery's critique of MySQL?

2012-07-30 Thread Mark Woodward

On 07/30/2012 05:28 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:

Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com writes:

That being said, my personal opinion is that *anyone* who chooses
MySQL without a clear and present Only MySQL will with our apps
requirement, is not much of a DBA and a terrible engineer.

This sounds like a relugious argument, not a technical argument.
Replace MySQL with Python, or Shell above and it can read just as
Well, all this depends upon what is being compared and how. If the 
prices were the same, which would you prefer? A Fiat or a Mercedes?

In an argument of actual merit, MySQL does not hold a candle to 
PostgreSQL. Facts are facts. I'm not saying that you can't accomplish a 
job with MySQL, I mean, people do drive Fiats quite frequently with 
success, but it is inarguable that a Mercedes is a better car. Just as 
MySQL is very much inferior to PostgreSQL. The video is a good primmer 
and start at understanding *why* MySQL is bad.

I've been using PostgreSQL for over 15 years and it is one of those
tools that I keep in my belt because it is just amazing at how easy it
makes otherwise difficult tasks. Every year it keeps getting better. I
have been on far too many projects where some guy chooses MySQL
because everyone else does and stuff that would be trivial in
PostgreSQL are a nightmare.  On the flip side, I have yet to see
something that would be easy with MySQL that isn't equally as easy
using PostgreSQL.

And I have the inverse.  I've been using MySQL for over 10 years, I'm
comfortable with it.  The one or two times I had to interact with PG I
had no idea what it was doing or how to talk to it.  IIRC I couldn't
even figure out how to get it to simply give me the list of tables in a
database, let alone quit out of the client!  With MySQL it's a simple
explain table;.
Well, sorry if I am harsh, but ignorance of a tool is not the tool's 
fault. Blaming PostgreSQL because it is not MySQL is like blaming 
Mercedes because it isn't a Fiat.  PostgreSQL is actually more compliant 
to SQL standard than MySQL.

  I'm sure PG has some way to do it, and *ONCE YOU
KNOW IT* it's simple.  However once you've spent 10, 15 years with a
tool then you don't want to spend another 10-15 years learning another
tool just to get as comfortable as you are now.
It isn't about comfort it is about functionality. I will learn the 
tool that can best do the job. MySQL, quite simply, is a bad database 
for many many reasons.

As I tell my son, You have to own your opinions. Merely accepting
someone else's opinion isn't good enough. Believe what you want, but
make sure you understand what you believe and why.

Sure, and there's a lot to be said for using tools with which you are
NO! Comfort is no reason to choose a database. Unless you do not care 
about a product life cycle, you choose the tools and infrastructure 
based on merit. Every component in a project has to earn its place.

Like everything, it's a tool.
Yes, both MySQL and PostgreSQL are free, so the *only* debate is about 
functionality, including accuracy and performance, as well as storage 
and administration. On the grounds of merit, MySQL can not win.

  The key is using the right tool for the
I hear that sorry line for MySQL proponents a lot. What qualifies 
something as the right tool? Both are free. Should not the right 
tool be the one with the highest merit?

Just because you need an RDBMS does NOT imply that PG is *the*
right tool.  It is *a* right tool.
Absolutely not. I've been doing database work in my career since dBase, 
I have used a *lot* of databases: db2, advanced revelation, sybase, 
oracle, mysql, msql, postres, sqlite23, mssql, a slew of xbase systems, 
and a lot of system that I don't really consider databases like Berkeley 
db, and a whole lot I don't even remember.

When you want a database, you want a tool to organize, store, and query 
your data. Presumably within some economical representation and with 
performance. Then you do the engineering involved, compare the various 
tools available and weigh the pros and cons, including price, by the 
way, and if you are intellectually honest, MySQL won't measure up.

If you say you don't need transactions, that is because you don't 
understand transactions.
if you say multi-version concurrency isn't important, that is because 
you don't understand what it is, and why you need it.

The hard part of this discussion is that the important features of 
PostgreSQL that MySQL lacks are there for very good reasons. PostgreSQL 
makes doing the hard stuff of a data centric application less hard.

There are other choices, and those other choices *are* valid.  It all depends 
on the requirements.
I'm not an all opinions are valid type of guy. I don't like technical 
discussions were opinions and preferences weight the same as facts. 
Give me a list of technical requirements for a database for a real life 
project (not facebook thank you very much) , and I'll explain why

[Discuss] Fighting UEFI

2012-07-28 Thread Mark Woodward
As you may or may not know, UEFI is a new boot loader that will make a 
common PC more like a game console when it comes to freedom of choice.

Hardware has very thin margins, if enough people buy UEFI, open it, and 
try to install Ubuntu, and fail, and return it. It will increase their 
cost. t will not be cost effective for them to sell a product that locks 
out the proper rights of ownership.

When UEFI comes out, *everyone* buy one, make sure you open all the 
books and CDs and wires, break all the new seals and return it and say 
that the UEFI boot loader makes it unacceptable. The store will send it 
back. It will cost the companies trying to push this on the consumers. 
They will get the message if their gross cost of goods goes up because 
of returns from unsatisfied customers. Which, of course, we will be.

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Re: [Discuss] Fighting UEFI

2012-07-28 Thread Mark Woodward

On 07/28/2012 01:59 PM, Chuck Anderson wrote:

To be fair, it isn't UEFI per se that is the problem, it is Secure
Boot.  My current laptop works just fine in UEFI mode and doesn't
support Secure Boot.  Most current servers also support UEFI without
Secure Boot.

Yes, fair enough, but the point still stands. If manufacturers create a 
product that precludes our rights as owners of it, we need to fight 
back. Merely boycotting isn't enough, we have to take a bite out of 
there profits. If we boycott, our numbers don't amount to much and the 
loss would be negligible. If we make increase their costs and create 
the perception that a larger segment of customers find this 
unacceptable, they will question their policies. Nothing makes a point 
better than the bottom line.

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 12:59:20PM -0400, Mark Woodward wrote:

As you may or may not know, UEFI is a new boot loader that will make
a common PC more like a game console when it comes to freedom of

Hardware has very thin margins, if enough people buy UEFI, open it,
and try to install Ubuntu, and fail, and return it. It will increase
their cost. t will not be cost effective for them to sell a product
that locks out the proper rights of ownership.

When UEFI comes out, *everyone* buy one, make sure you open all the
books and CDs and wires, break all the new seals and return it and
say that the UEFI boot loader makes it unacceptable. The store will
send it back. It will cost the companies trying to push this on the
consumers. They will get the message if their gross cost of goods
goes up because of returns from unsatisfied customers. Which, of
course, we will be.

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Re: [Discuss] Oracle Linux, going after CentOs

2012-07-25 Thread Mark Woodward

On 07/24/2012 10:01 PM, Richard Pieri wrote:
Oracle killing Red Hat makes even less sense than Oracle buying Red 
Hat.  Seriously, what would Larry Ellison gain from it?  Nothing.  He 
already has a software stack.  He already has RHEL with the trademarks 
rasped away.  A strong Red Hat makes for a strong Oracle Linux. 
Weakening Red Hat means a weaker RHEL to molest with a rasp, and 
killing Red Hat means no RHEL at all.  I'm sure that Oracle would 
recovery from killing Red Hat but why bother? Rolling out a complete 
enterprise distribution is expensive. Rasps are cheap.

I remind you of something that Mark wrote earlier: that CentOS is the 
defacto free version of RHEL.  This makes Red Hat dependent on the 
CentOS project for getting the foot in the door.  What happens if 
Oracle Linux displaces CentOS as that freebie RHEL?

I figure this is what Ellison wants.  He's not out to kill Red Hat. 
He's out to make Oracle a necessity for Red Hat's continued operation.

I disagree. Larry Ellison is both crazy and without any personal morals. 
Its kind of obvious what he's planning when you think about it. 
Suffocate RedHat, leach off it while you can, when it falters the stock 
price falls, when the price is right, buy it. It is a long term strategy 
that may take a few years. At that point, you know Oracle Linux will 
then no longer be free. Sadly, at that point in time, CentOS my have 
been replace by the free Oracle Linux.

Its a brilliant move and it may work. I hope not, but it may.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Oracle Linux, going after CentOs

2012-07-24 Thread Mark Woodward

On 07/24/2012 11:46 AM, Richard Pieri wrote:

On 7/24/2012 10:08 AM, Matthew Gillen wrote:

They're not really building their own distro.  They are doing what
CentOS does, namely distributing a rebranded RHEL.

Oracle is selling support for a rebranded RHEL.

Everything Oracle does has one purpose: to generate revenue for 
Oracle.  Larry Ellison couldn't care less about CentOS shops because 
they're not going to pay Oracle or Red Hat or Novell anything anyway.

The real target is Red Hat shops that use CentOS for systems that 
don't require service contracts.
I don't think it is just that, no way. The target is RedHat all the way. 
Like you said, CentOS customers are not buying support, period. The 
objective is to keep people from getting RedHat in the first place. So, 
they get a supported equivalent of RedHat for free. RedHat will have to 
change their model. For the longest time there was a wink and a nod to 
CentOS being the Free Version of RHEL. With Oracle, they are proposing 
the support proposition of RHEL, but with no initial acquisition cost.

You are a startup. You use CentOS for dev and shoe string bootstrapping. 
You start getting a little more serious, you upgrade to RHET on the next 
cycle, which is what you planned. Instead, however, Oracle says start 
with us, its free, *and* you can buy support later. This is RedHat's 
old business model, before raw hide which morphed into Fedora.

Personally, I *HATE* with a passion Larry and Oracle, but I always felt 
betrayed when RedHat changed their business model after RedHat 5.0. Here 
is a situation where RedHat had better adjust or they will lose 
business. This has nothing to do with CentOS except that it will be 
destroyed as a result.

Discuss mailing list

[Discuss] Interesting work in the industry?

2012-07-22 Thread Mark Woodward
While I am currently employed at a pretty good company, I am constantly 
getting recruitment emails. And they are all the same basic things, java 
web sites or internet security. Isn't *anyone* doing anything 
interesting anymore?

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Re: [Discuss] Rob Conery's critique of MySQL?

2012-07-22 Thread Mark Woodward

On 07/22/2012 02:34 PM, Rich Braun wrote:

Greg Rundelett wrote:

A default installation of MySQL is dangerously too
flexible to be trusted with enterprise data.

At #185 on the Fortune 500 list, I'm thinking that my current employer's
systems probably contain what can be called enterprise data.  And it's true
that I'm not going to run this data center with a default installation of
MySQL; it's already amply tweaked-out based on past experiences at a company
roughly 1/500th the size (but with a much-busier and more complex database).

I'd love to go back and propose PostgreSQL as an alternative--it's not too
late, the place up until July 2012 is an Oracle shop--but there are other
criteria like our ability to hire expertise, whether the backup and failover
strategies are robust, etc.  I have a unique opportunity to influence a key
decision in a green-field situation at a very large company and I'd love to
have more arguments than just the defaults can't be trusted or sloppy
programmers could cause more trouble with this tool than some other.
It doesn't matter, really!  Every tool you use will have issues. If you 
show up the guy who chose f, there will come a day when you look like an 
idiot for replacing it with PostgreSQL.

That being said, my personal opinion is that *anyone* who chooses MySQL 
without a clear and present Only MySQL will with our apps requirement, 
is not much of a DBA and a terrible engineer.

I've been using PostgreSQL for over 15 years and it is one of those 
tools that I keep in my belt because it is just amazing at how easy it 
makes otherwise difficult tasks. Every year it keeps getting better. I 
have been on far too many projects where some guy chooses MySQL because 
everyone else does and stuff that would be trivial in PostgreSQL are a 
nightmare.  On the flip side, I have yet to see something that would be 
easy with MySQL that isn't equally as easy using PostgreSQL.

As I tell my son, You have to own your opinions. Merely accepting 
someone else's opinion isn't good enough. Believe what you want, but 
make sure you understand what you believe and why.


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Re: [Discuss] i 3 postgresql vid

2012-07-21 Thread Mark Woodward
PostgreSQL is one of the greatest open source projects. As a database, 
it is my default choice. In fact, unless there is a really strong reason 
to choose something else, PostgreSQL is what you use.

My choices typically are this:

small zero configuration, sqlite.
shared database postgresql.

Oracle is the client does not like open source. Two reasons, if money is 
no object, then this is no problem. If money is an issue, I can posh 
PostgreSQL. Not, btw, because I'm a fan boy, but because it is easier to 
get the work done.

On 07/21/2012 09:28 AM, Eric Chadbourne wrote:

Hi All,

I first learned about PostgreSQL from this list a few years back.  We
use it at work now and I love it.  One of my coworkers (he's the lone
mac guy, I'm the lone gnu/linux guy) sent me this video.  Interesting
comparison of different databases.  MySQL is more broken than I had
realized.  Check it out.


- Eric C
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[Discuss] Agile Programming OT?

2012-07-14 Thread Mark Woodward
We sort of had a little dust-up about agile programming techniques. 
Ruffled feathers and I hope no hurt feelings. Hop on over to Slashdot


Ignore the article, but the user comments are interesting. Lots of good 
points and many different perspectives.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Agile software for a nacent project

2012-07-12 Thread Mark Woodward

On 07/12/2012 12:16 PM, Doug wrote:

I think agile development is probably the most abusive management 
technique ever devised. Sure, aspects of it are good software 
development processes, but the implementation is pretty exploitive, in 
my opinion. Every agile environment I have seen works the engineers to 
death. The scrum meetings are another form of micromanagement with the 
added benefit of peer coercion.

A few years back, a lot of people were excited, but today, I have yet to 
meet anyone that doesn't think agile is a meat grinder. It burns out 
good people and produces poor product quality.

Does an agile development process make sense for projects that are all
volunteer based, with people who don't live in the same states or
countries?  In my job, we use greenhopper, part of www.atlassian.com
set of software.  There are morning scrum meetings, story sessions,
sprint planning and sprint completions.  That makes sense when
everyone drives to the same building.  For a volunteer based project,
those regular meetings are not going to be held.

I can imagine a planning board being of use.  Look, here,
specifically is what we want done next.  That could be overkill
however, with say a newsgroup, twiki and github being sufficient.

If you do think some aspects of the agile process make sense, what
software would you use?  I could pony up $20/month and use atlassian's
hosted service.  I don't think I will have 10 people who want to code
in a year, but one never knows.  If it does take off, then the costs

The project of course involves quaternions, thinking about making
animation software using the multimedia Java platform known as
processing (http://processing.org/) for web sites and android phones.

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Re: [Discuss] Agile software for a nacent project

2012-07-12 Thread Mark Woodward

On 07/12/2012 09:52 PM, David Kramer wrote:

On 07/12/2012 12:53 PM, Mark Woodward wrote:

I think agile development is probably the most abusive management
technique ever devised. Sure, aspects of it are good software
development processes, but the implementation is pretty exploitive, in
my opinion. Every agile environment I have seen works the engineers to
death. The scrum meetings are another form of micromanagement with the
added benefit of peer coercion.

A few years back, a lot of people were excited, but today, I have yet to
meet anyone that doesn't think agile is a meat grinder. It burns out
good people and produces poor product quality.

Mark, we've had had this conversation before, and you have met me, so I
can safely say you're lying.
David, yea, we have met and that was some time ago. Yes we have had this 
conversation. Next time I express my opinion on this subject, I will say 
except for one.

  I've been working in Agile environments for
years and I've never felt more empowered to say no, we can't do that by

Then your experience is different than that of many of my colleagues.

  I'm pretty sure the hundred-or-so people who show up to Agile
New England and Agile Boston meetings every month would agree.  I'm
sorry you had such a bad experience with what some idiots called Agile,
but if you were feeling like a slave, then it probably was not Agile.
Saying that you're doing Agile  when you're not is almost as common as
really being Agile
As I have said many times, Agile is interesting in that it codifies 
many practices of old-time quick developers. The problem is that too 
often it is used as a tool increase work load. Unless you are careful, 
you overlook proper design because of increased time pressures. You get 
in the sprint death spiral where you don't have time to design, but 
you have time to iterate. You end up in a constant state of late with 
the slot machine mentality of hope you'll make it up in the next sprint.

Normally I would say Let's just agree to disagree, but I feel I have a
bit more of experience in this particular area than you, and I wish you
would stop trashing Agile when you've not actually done it.
That depends on how you define experience. You may have had positive 
experience with Agile, I have not. I have colleagues with whom I 
discussed the problems and had a lot of agreement. While I will respect 
your opinion, it is fundamentally different with my experience. You have 
your experience and no one is calling you a liar. I have mine, and I 
hope you have the good manners to do the same.

On 07/12/2012 12:16 PM, Doug wrote:

Does an agile development process make sense for projects that are all
volunteer based, with people who don't live in the same states or
countries?  In my job, we use greenhopper, part of www.atlassian.com
set of software.  There are morning scrum meetings, story sessions,
sprint planning and sprint completions.  That makes sense when
everyone drives to the same building.  For a volunteer based project,
those regular meetings are not going to be held.

- Geographically disparate team members is definitely a hindrance, but
not a show stopper, if you can counter with the right technologies, and
the time zone differences aren't too great.  Jira+Greenhopper is a great
start.  You'll need a wiki for persistent knowledge management, but I
assume if you have Greenhopper you already have Confluence, too.

- All-volunteer workforce is not really a problem at all.  In fact it
tends to be a bit less of a problem than some other practices, because
Agile teams often become meritocracies where good work is rewarded more
than seniority.  This is especially true if and when the team reaches
the stage of being self-organizing (people volunteer to work on stories
instead of being assigned them, and they do what's needed the most but
also what they enjoy)

Agile New England (which I'm on the Board of) has an event every year
called Agile Games, which is a 3-day conference.  All volunteers working
in their spare time.  But we have a backlog, we have weekly standups
over the phone instead of daily standups, We have retrospectives to make
sure we're doing things the best we can.

There are concessions you have to make in that environment, though.
We're not strictly following one flavor of Agile, but we are using a
complimentary and comprehensive set of practices that are Agile to the
best of our abilities; We communicate very frequently and freely, we
focus more on solving problems than placing blame (shared ownership of
the product), and we record the status of tasks so everyone knows where
everyone else stands.  We don't have sprints, but we do have milestones
that we associate with tasks and stories.

The biggest challenge is going to be frequent *but focused*
communication.  Lots of people need to interact in a way that
effectively conveys the information to the right people in a timely
manner without swamping people who don't need

Re: [Discuss] Agile software for a nacent project

2012-07-12 Thread Mark Woodward

On 07/12/2012 09:52 PM, David Kramer wrote:
Mark, we've had had this conversation before, and you have met me, so 
I can safely say you're lying.

I want to add another note. There are a lot of companies in this 
industry and a number of them are genuinely good places to work. The 
majority of companies, however, this is not the case in my experience. 
You sound like a lucky person to not had worked at a horrible company.  
I have worked at some pretty damned bad companies. Sytron Mandatory 
Weekends, BPS Lay the developers off after they are finished their 
work. TPS Bill by hour but pay salary, oh by the way, customer changes 
cost the customer, but don't affect the schedule and don't justify more 
people on the project. As well as a number of others. Aprigo where they 
tried three separate development projects with basically three different 
development teams  to accomplish a goal, and at the end of the last, 
which failed, they blamed all the engineers. (They LOVED Agile and it 
was their use of agile that pretty much colored my view of it.)

I'm not looking for a fight, but almost any development discipline in a 
well run company works because the company works. It is the well run 
company that gets the job done, not agile or water fall or cowboy. A 
poorly run company does not understand the development process will use 
the structure of agile in place of actually understanding the 
development process.

At least with waterfall, you get a design phase.
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[Discuss] [semi-OT] Right to Own law

2012-06-27 Thread Mark Woodward
We've heard the ads on the radio for and against the Right to Repair 
law. This is a law that is intended to require automobile manufacturers 
to publish the technical specifications and the codes that the computers 
in your car produce for troubleshooting and repair.

I was thinking, what about a Right to Own law, that requires that 
*all* electronics be documented, all general purpose computers i.e. 
not embedded like a microwave, but everything from video games to 
iphones, tablets and computers be user serviceable. No locking out a 
user from doing what ever they want with stuff they own.

Writing this law would be very tricky because you need a lot of legal 
intuition about the sort of attacks that will come at it from the likes 
of Apple and Microsoft, but also a lot of technical savvy to carefully 
define what is general purpose and what is dedicated and what the 
actual limits are. We want to protect innovation, but not at the expense 
of civil rights of ownership. For instance, we don't need to see the 
source code to Windows 8, be we damn well should be able to boot Linux 
or FreeBSD or whatever. We should be able to run what ever program we 
want on an iPhone or Android. These devices are our property, we paid 
for them, we are legally responsible for what is on them, we should have 
the ability to control them.

When I was a kid, almost *all* devices, from washing machines to 
televisions, had a schematic inside the case. CP/M came with the source 
code. We have lost a lot of freedom to the corporations locking up our 
property. How much crap that would have otherwise been semi useful have 
we had to throw away?

This is clearly a case where the invisible hand of capitalism will not 
help and an obvious case where regulation must. Agree? Disagree? it 
would be hard to find a politician who would even back such a bill, but 
maybe we can get a referendum on the ballot.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [semi-OT] Right to Own law

2012-06-27 Thread Mark Woodward

On 06/27/2012 09:06 AM, Drew Van Zandt wrote:

Increases the barrier to entry in business.
I took some to think about this response, and the more I think about it, 
the more I see it as FUD. This is the type of answer corporations that 
want to extend their control over our property give. Seeing as this is a 
discussion, I get to ask: how? It seems to me, *MORE* effort needs to be 
made to lock down these devices than it does to open them up.

That's bad for small businesses, matters less for large ones.

Again, the words bad small business but no facts. No argument. Just FUD.

Maybe this is what discourse is in 21st century USA, but it is still an 
empty non-argument.

**Drew Van Zandt**
**Artisan's Asylum Craft Lead, Electronics  Robotics
Cam # US2010035593 (**M:**Liam Hopkins **R:**Bastian Rotgeld)
**Domain Coordinator, MA-003-D.  Masquerade aVST 

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:03 AM, Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com 
mailto:ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

We've heard the ads on the radio for and against the Right to
Repair law. This is a law that is intended to require automobile
manufacturers to publish the technical specifications and the
codes that the computers in your car produce for troubleshooting
and repair.

I was thinking, what about a Right to Own law, that requires
that *all* electronics be documented, all general purpose
computers i.e. not embedded like a microwave, but everything from
video games to iphones, tablets and computers be user
serviceable. No locking out a user from doing what ever they want
with stuff they own.

Writing this law would be very tricky because you need a lot of
legal intuition about the sort of attacks that will come at it
from the likes of Apple and Microsoft, but also a lot of technical
savvy to carefully define what is general purpose and what is
dedicated and what the actual limits are. We want to protect
innovation, but not at the expense of civil rights of ownership.
For instance, we don't need to see the source code to Windows 8,
be we damn well should be able to boot Linux or FreeBSD or
whatever. We should be able to run what ever program we want on an
iPhone or Android. These devices are our property, we paid for
them, we are legally responsible for what is on them, we should
have the ability to control them.

When I was a kid, almost *all* devices, from washing machines to
televisions, had a schematic inside the case. CP/M came with the
source code. We have lost a lot of freedom to the corporations
locking up our property. How much crap that would have otherwise
been semi useful have we had to throw away?

This is clearly a case where the invisible hand of capitalism will
not help and an obvious case where regulation must. Agree?
Disagree? it would be hard to find a politician who would even
back such a bill, but maybe we can get a referendum on the ballot.
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Discuss@blu.org mailto:Discuss@blu.org

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Re: [Discuss] [semi-OT] Right to Own law

2012-06-27 Thread Mark Woodward

On 06/27/2012 03:40 PM, Drew Van Zandt wrote:
To require things to be documented, you have to specify WHAT 
documents. Anything you don't specify won't be documented.
Well, like I said in the original post, it takes technical savvy to 
define this, however, most things are public public designs. Take 
android and PC markets, the computer is basically open. The hardware is 
basically a modification of a published reference. The Apple is 
basically documented as well. What *isn't* documented are the very facts 
that you need to use your property how you want too. Further more, there 
is *no* option for you to do so.

Have you ever done a pro hardware design?

 The documentation is different at every single place I have worked. 
 The systems are often proprietary file output.  Paper schematics? 
 I've worked on designs with 300 pages of 11x17 schematics.
True, but this is one of those exceptions. A surface mount assembly like 
a motherboard which is essentially non-serviceable could be considered a 
component. Even so, a PDF is good enough. However, if it is a general 
purpose computer, the ability to alter its functionality should be 

**Drew Van Zandt**
**Artisan's Asylum Craft Lead, Electronics  Robotics
Cam # US2010035593 (**M:**Liam Hopkins **R:**Bastian Rotgeld)
**Domain Coordinator, MA-003-D.  Masquerade aVST 

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com 
mailto:ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

On 06/27/2012 09:06 AM, Drew Van Zandt wrote:

Increases the barrier to entry in business.

I took some to think about this response, and the more I think
about it, the more I see it as FUD. This is the type of answer
corporations that want to extend their control over our property
give. Seeing as this is a discussion, I get to ask: how? It seems
to me, *MORE* effort needs to be made to lock down these devices
than it does to open them up.

That's bad for small businesses, matters less for large ones.

Again, the words bad small business but no facts. No argument.
Just FUD.

Maybe this is what discourse is in 21st century USA, but it is
still an empty non-argument.

**Drew Van Zandt**
**Artisan's Asylum Craft Lead, Electronics  Robotics
Cam # US2010035593 (**M:**Liam Hopkins **R:**Bastian Rotgeld)
**Domain Coordinator, MA-003-D.  Masquerade aVST 

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:03 AM, Mark Woodward
ma...@mohawksoft.com mailto:ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

We've heard the ads on the radio for and against the Right
to Repair law. This is a law that is intended to require
automobile manufacturers to publish the technical
specifications and the codes that the computers in your car
produce for troubleshooting and repair.

I was thinking, what about a Right to Own law, that
requires that *all* electronics be documented, all general
purpose computers i.e. not embedded like a microwave, but
everything from video games to iphones, tablets and computers
be user serviceable. No locking out a user from doing what
ever they want with stuff they own.

Writing this law would be very tricky because you need a lot
of legal intuition about the sort of attacks that will come
at it from the likes of Apple and Microsoft, but also a lot
of technical savvy to carefully define what is general
purpose and what is dedicated and what the actual limits
are. We want to protect innovation, but not at the expense of
civil rights of ownership. For instance, we don't need to see
the source code to Windows 8, be we damn well should be able
to boot Linux or FreeBSD or whatever. We should be able to
run what ever program we want on an iPhone or Android. These
devices are our property, we paid for them, we are legally
responsible for what is on them, we should have the ability
to control them.

When I was a kid, almost *all* devices, from washing machines
to televisions, had a schematic inside the case. CP/M came
with the source code. We have lost a lot of freedom to the
corporations locking up our property. How much crap that
would have otherwise been semi useful have we had to throw away?

This is clearly a case where the invisible hand of capitalism
will not help and an obvious case where regulation must.
Agree? Disagree? it would be hard to find a politician who
would even back such a bill, but maybe we can get a
referendum on the ballot.
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[Discuss] Class action against Secure Boot

2012-06-22 Thread Mark Woodward
I was thinking, if Microsoft gets its way, it will use what's left of 
its monopoly power to restrict access to the PC boot infrastructure. In 
principal I have no problem with a secure boot system, as long as I have 
control over what *I* allow to boot. The problem is when *I* have to ask 
or pay someone else to use *my* property the way that I want.

If this roles out and is sufficiently troublesome to freedom, do you 
think we can sue?

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Re: [Discuss] More Fun in ZFSland

2012-05-16 Thread Mark Woodward

On 05/16/2012 04:41 PM, Richard Pieri wrote:

Richard, I read this and say to myself, this sounds more like you want 
to solve a problem with ZFS instead of wanting to solve a problem the 
best way possible. If you want to do it with ZFS because you think you 
can, then cool, have fun.

If you want to solve a problem, what is the specific problem? and is 
there a solution that is less of the hoop jumping through kind? Usually 
when I start seeing the need to do the sorts of things you seem to be 
doing, I think to my self, Someone else must be doing something 
similar, it should not be this hard to do. Sometimes I find, yes, no 
one else is doing this. Other times I get a doh! moment. I'm not 
judging, I'm just saying. I get worried about my data when I start to do 
interesting things with it.

One of the things missing from zfs-fuse is the encryption subsystem. 
ZFS encryption was introduced by Oracle after closing the Solaris 10 
source code so we don't yet have an open source reference for it.  So, 
how to get encrypted ZFS?

Every disk-based device is a block device and they all share the same 
APIs.  This is what makes nesting LVM + DRBD + dm-crypt possible.

Nested block devices!  It's an all-or-nothing solution, not as elegant 
as a native dataset encryption subsystem, but it can work.

What I did:

Started out making backups of everything courtesy of snapshots and zfs 
send.  This would be a good opportunity to test a full recovery.

Destroyed the zpool.

Used gdisk to create single partitions on each of the storage disks. 
gdisk (GPT fdisk) is an fdisk-like tool that works on GUID disks.  
It's also aware of 4k disks and automatically sets the partition 
boundaries appropriately.

Used cryptsetup/LUKS to create dm-crypt devices on the partitions.  
Then created a new raidz pool on top of those.  And it works.  There 
is some CPU overhead in the encryption layer but it is unnoticeable in 
normal operation.

Restored everything via zfs receive.  And it all works.  Which means 
my notebook backups remain encrypted on disk.  It's overkill for my 
music and video libraries but that comes with encrypting the vdev 
block devices.

Finally wrote a little script to handle opening the encrypted devices 
and importing the zpool since it can't work unattended.

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Re: [Discuss] iscsitarget

2012-05-01 Thread Mark Woodward

On 04/30/2012 11:22 PM, Matthew Kowalski wrote:

I'm playing with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and iscsitarget with a Windows 7 initiator.

I was able to create a 20GB file with:

dd if=/dev/zero of=lun1.img bs=1024k count=2

I can then mount that iSCSI target on my Windows 7 machine and see an
unallocated disk which I can format and use.  My question is how do I
expand the lun1.img file to grow the target to say 40GB, etc?

I can do this with a Synology NAS but I can't seem to figure it out
with Ubuntu.

Any ideas?

You can use truncate to expand or reduce the size of a file on disk, 
however, if you are playing with iSCSI on Linux as a source for disks, I 
can't stress hard enough that you should investigate LVM. There are some 
very cool tools and facilities that it provides For instance:

you can create your volume and share it with LVM. At any point in time 
you can create a snapshot of that disk and basically use it as a second 
copy. (Remembering of course that changes in either the original or the 
copy use up disk space.) There is even a project (opensvc) that uses 
snapshots as a way of backing differential changes. You don't even need 
to know which file system is on it. The difference from snapshot to 
snapshot is all you need.

Imagine this use case: You have a database on the iSCSI disk. You need 
to apply an upgrade but you want to be sure it works. You take a 
snapshot of the disk, work on the snapshot and get to the point where it 
works. You the shut down your database, take another snapshot, apply the 
fix to the main volume. If the fix fails for some reason, you can revert 
it to the snapshot, and try again.

Yes, LVM is very useful. Since you are on Ubuntu 12, you also have some 
more features that older 2.6 kernels don't have.

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Re: [Discuss] can you copyright an API?

2012-04-25 Thread Mark Woodward

On 04/25/2012 07:41 AM, Jerry Feldman wrote:

On 04/24/2012 08:13 PM, Richard Pieri wrote:

On Apr 24, 2012, at 6:15 PM, Derek Martin wrote:

I'm not sure what's left that could possibly prevent the GPL from
saving the day.

Google claims that Dalvik is a clean-room implementation, not GPL.

But, since Oracle is claiming the API is patented, the Dalvik JVM
implements the API. So even if the developers did not ever even see a
Sun JVM the issue is the API and the specifications.
I think I need to wade into this discussion before I lose my mind. 
Oracle, and specifically Boies with SCO before, are looking to harvest 
money from open source.

As I understand it, copyright was originally to protect artistic 
expression and patent is to protect invention, all for the promotion of 
innovation lol. The copyright laws seem to explicitly exclude mere 
aggregation of information like lists. So, a book is a work of 
copyright, but its index is not. Make sense? The patent laws try to be 
limited to processes or mechanics, more simply how things work.

Why all this crap is happening is because open source code represents 
billions if not trillions of dollars in RD. I forgot the exact quote, 
but on groklaw (During the SCO trials) Boies made light that there 
should be a way to make money off that people wouldn't mind paying. 
These guys, combined with the likes of  MPIAA and RIAA have set out to 
redefine copyright in such a way that it can be used for anything.

To any reasonable person, its clear that an API is not something that 
can be copyrighted, it is an index of functions. Also, I don't know how 
Oracle could have patented the API, unless they patented the structure 
of java, which, of course, has plenty of prior art including VisualBasic.

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[Discuss] streaming webcam

2012-04-24 Thread Mark Woodward
I am looking for a very low latency simple webcam program. I want to be 
able to see the video from my laptop on my android fairly snappy. Most 
of the things I've seen introduce about 1/2 to a full second latency. So 
when I move my hand, I see the delay. I want to get rid of that I need 
it to be mostly instantaneous.

(1) is it possible with Linux and USB2
(2) If so what software
(3) what camera.

Anyone know?
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Re: [Discuss] streaming webcam

2012-04-24 Thread Mark Woodward
Also, I have a bunch of webcams, and the one main problem I see in them 
is that they are SLOW. With very little motion, they seem OK, but if you 
move them quickly they blur the image terribly.  It is important that 
the effective shutter speed is quick enough that moderate motion of 
the camera does not blur excessively.

Am I asking too much?

Do you guys know of anything, I've been looking. I have more than half a 
dozen different webcams ranging from the built-in laptop cameras to 
various USB2 devices, which, when all is said and done, are basically 
logitech quickcams.

On 04/24/2012 06:43 AM, Mark Woodward wrote:
I am looking for a very low latency simple webcam program. I want to 
be able to see the video from my laptop on my android fairly snappy. 
Most of the things I've seen introduce about 1/2 to a full second 
latency. So when I move my hand, I see the delay. I want to get rid of 
that I need it to be mostly instantaneous.

(1) is it possible with Linux and USB2
(2) If so what software
(3) what camera.

Anyone know?
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Re: [Discuss] streaming webcam

2012-04-24 Thread Mark Woodward

On 04/24/2012 08:08 AM, John Abreau wrote:

A decent camcorder can record video with a framerate of 60 fps.
A typical webcam may record at something like 12 fps or less.
Unfortunately, the application calls for a webcam, or at least a USB 
video camera.

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 7:51 AM, Mark Woodwardma...@mohawksoft.com  wrote:

Also, I have a bunch of webcams, and the one main problem I see in them is
that they are SLOW. With very little motion, they seem OK, but if you move
them quickly they blur the image terribly.  It is important that the
effective shutter speed is quick enough that moderate motion of the camera
does not blur excessively.

Am I asking too much?

Do you guys know of anything, I've been looking. I have more than half a
dozen different webcams ranging from the built-in laptop cameras to various
USB2 devices, which, when all is said and done, are basically logitech

On 04/24/2012 06:43 AM, Mark Woodward wrote:

I am looking for a very low latency simple webcam program. I want to be
able to see the video from my laptop on my android fairly snappy. Most of
the things I've seen introduce about 1/2 to a full second latency. So when I
move my hand, I see the delay. I want to get rid of that I need it to be
mostly instantaneous.

(1) is it possible with Linux and USB2
(2) If so what software
(3) what camera.

Anyone know?
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Re: [Discuss] Very slow system, no idle, but nothing running

2012-04-22 Thread Mark Woodward
I think the dead give away is the swap numbers. If the hard disk light 
is basically on it means that you are using far more memory than you 
have RAM. The programs are all now basically idle waiting on swap. You 
should use top and sort by memory usage. Microcenter has very cheap 
laptop memory, and your box can support 4G!

On 04/22/2012 12:40 AM, David Kramer wrote:

This is on my Ubuntu 10.04 laptop (Dell Latitude D820).  I don't know
when it started, but every now and then I get into this condition where
the UI seems almost completely locked up (the mouse may move a little
occasionally  but the clock is frozen).  The hard drive light is often
on for long periods of time, too.  But even when I can move the mouse,
clicking on a window's close button does nothing.  Usually it never
recovers from this state and I need to hard power down.

The first couple of line from top -c read
top - 00:13:25 up 6 days, 16:25,  6 users,  load average: 16.16, 19.67,
Tasks: 194 total,   3 running, 189 sleeping,   0 stopped,   2 zombie
Cpu(s): 13.3%us,  5.0%sy,  0.0%ni,  0.0%id, 81.4%wa,  0.2%hi,  0.2%si,
Mem:   2060180k total,  2009288k used,50892k free, 3488k buffers
Swap:  1574328k total,  1492652k used,81676k free,62024k cached


  6835 david 20   0  704m 184m 2352 R   20  9.2 142:15.54
19747 david 20   0  226m 170m 4868 S   15  8.5   4:07.80 geeqie

  1185 root  20   0  231m  82m 6488 S1  4.1 137:38.82 Xorg

  6637 david 20   0 1174m 264m  11m D1 13.2  99:02.16 firefox

20780 root  20   0  2548 1240  916 R1  0.1   0:00.04 top

 9 root  20   0 000 S0  0.0   0:05.28 events/0

So I don't see what the cores are so busy with. I was only able to get
these numbers by eventually getting a text mode screen by pressing
Ctr-Alt-F2 (get to a text shell) before it decided to do something.
Swap space is low but should be sufficient.

What can be locking up my laptop and causing the slowdown?

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Re: [Discuss] Discuss - Software Engineering union, now officially OT

2012-04-20 Thread Mark Woodward

On 04/20/2012 08:29 AM, Matt Shields wrote:

That's not Walmart's only problem.  Walmart has been known for questionable
purchasing practices.  Let's say you make product X and you're the only one
who makes that product.  You sell around 100,000 units per month for $10
each throughout the US from a few small retail locations, to which you sell
it to those retail stores for around $7 each.  Walmart finds out about it
and comes to you and says that it will commit to 1,000,000 units/month but
it wants to but it for $6 each.  This goes on for a few months, which makes
you happy because you've been able to grow you production and hire more
people.  Now Walmart comes back to you and says since it's selling so many
it will commit to 2,000,000/month but it wants it for $5/month.  You say
yes because you don't want to lose your existing orders and at $5 you can
still make a bit of profit. But after this, this is when Walmart starts to
demand that you only sell through them and continues pushing your price
down further and further to the point some manufacturers have had to go out
of business.  All because American's want to save a few cents and Walmart
wants to get more customers and earn a few more cents.

Here's just one of many articles.  I think there was even a documentary
about what they're doing.

If you want to save your job, your income, your American lifestyle, I
firmly believe we need to be investing more into small local businesses and
less into these big chains.  Yes you can't get rid of large corporations
and in some cases we do need them, but there's a lot of times it would be
more beneficial to purchase local services/goods.

Matthew Shields

I'm so glad you wrote that, it saved me the trouble of finding articles 
about Master Lock and Vlasic Pickles about their experience with 
Wallmart. A deal with walmart is like the deal with the devil, it will 
make you successful instantly, but it will eventually destroy everything 
you started with. Sometimes, that's OK. Most of the time, not so much. 
Walmart and Target are very destructive to the U.S. economy and jobs, 
and usually devastating to local economies where they build a store. 
They are the worst of corporate america, speak up against them in a town 
hall, you get a SLAPP suit.  Own a small buisiness? pay local taxes? 
Well, your tax money will go to helping walmart build a building. It 
will build roads and infrastructure, and in the end, your tax money that 
you paid for your community will help walmart put you out of business.

Then, what's even worse, if the walmart that your taxes helped build, 
doesn't make a heafty profit, they'll pack it up and shut it down after 
the local businesses have gone out of business. Devastating the local 

But, hey, those low wage jobs were worth it, right?

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Re: [Discuss] [OT]Discuss - Software Engineering union

2012-04-19 Thread Mark Woodward
I think, in our society, business has been bashing unions for decades 
and their message has taken hold. Yes, I grant you there are many 
examples of absurdity where the unions aren't helping themselves. On the 
whole, however, the amount of good that unions do far outweigh the few 
Monty pythonesque moments.

The IT industry is fairly well paid slave labor. I mean, working on 
week-ends, no-notice late nights, vacations that have to be canceled 
because of sudden problems. All without any compensation. When was the 
last time you REALLY worked 40 hours. Right? Probably never. It is so 
ingrained in the industry no one even thinks these things are out of the 
ordinary. Just about EVERY other profession, professional or labor, 
would not stand for this. Ask a lawyer, doctor, plumber, or electrician 
to work an extra day and late nights for free, see what happens.

Then there is the intellectual property issue with copyright and 
patents. Not only do we put in the late hours and extra days, even 
working at home, without pay, we end up with no ownership of our work.

The treatment of IT people is pretty terrible as well.

I worked at Business and Professional Software on Binney Street, and 
the owner, David Solomont, had a whole team working extra hours to 
finish up a product for release. When it was done, he laid off the whole 
team, except for the architect.

I worked at Sytron corporation, they went on a hiring spree. I'm not 
sure of the reason, I think it was a business strategy thing, but they 
decided they hired in error. So, people on their starting day were told 
they had no job. People left jobs to come there, were now unemployed and 
technically never worked at the new company.

At TPS in Cambridge, it was a contract house  that had Microsoft as a 
client. Microsoft kept making changes and the work load kept building. 
No problem right? Microsoft paid for the hourly work just fine, but TPS 
didn't hire any more people or pay for the extra time put in. I got so 
burnt out from that gig, I think it helped end my first marriage.

I think we need a union. Looking back on all the crap that I've seen, I 
hate to think of new people going into this industry without protection.

On 04/18/2012 03:42 PM, Jerry Feldman wrote:

Let me add my $0.02.  (Yes it is a bit off topic, but still of interest
to IT folks. )
I have dealt with unions from the standpoint where I was in a shop where
one could not even move a monitor from one side of a cube to another. I
was also a union member when I worked for the IRS.

Ideally unions should represent labor in a general sense. But... there
are some issues:
First, unions are organizations and the union's goals may not coincide
with the goals of its membership.
Secondly, unions get into some nasty interjurisdictional disputes.
Thirdly, work rules are set up that tend to prevent real work from being
done, although that is not the intent. One laughable thing was in
mainframe days where the computer operator would not allow the
programmer to type in the commands to debug his program.

The bottom line, IMHO, that some companies deserve to be unionized
because they do not treat their employees well, but software engineers
and other computer programmers are creative and that does not work well
with a union environment.

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Re: [Discuss] [OT]Discuss - Software Engineering union

2012-04-19 Thread Mark Woodward

On 04/19/2012 11:03 AM, Matthew Gillen wrote:

On 4/19/2012 7:28 AM, Mark Woodward wrote:

I think, in our society, business has been bashing unions for decades
and their message has taken hold. Yes, I grant you there are many
examples of absurdity where the unions aren't helping themselves. On the
whole, however, the amount of good that unions do far outweigh the few
Monty pythonesque moments.

Just because unions don't always commit egregious stupidity doesn't mean
that there aren't serious costs associated with them.  At their core,
unions are another layer of bureaucracy.  Bureaucracy's foremost goal is
always self-preservation.  That necessarily stands in the way of innovation.
That is nice popular conventional wisdom, but not accurate. That is the 
anti-union dialog that has been fed from the business sector to the 
public for decades. Its a nice way to say people should never ever form 
groups to pool their strengths, because that hurts business. Calling 
them a bureaucracy is just another pejorative in the anti-union propaganda.

In fact, your whole paragraph is statement of prejudice against any and 
all unions without a single supporting fact.

I would argue that in IT, more impediments to innovation are a bad
thing.  Our profession is going through a revolutionary period.  Perhaps
unions wouldn't be as harmful to innovation as our patent system is, but
it would be right up there.
Again, you imply that a union is an impediment, without fact or 
supportive argument, and then base a subsequent argument upon it.

The IT industry is fairly well paid slave labor.

I really don't feel that what I do is anything approaching slave labor.
I honestly can't think of a single thing a union would do for me to make
my life better. I value flexibility in my schedule.  My employer is
happy to work with me on that.  I understand the value I provide to the
business, and make sure that I'm doing things that help the business
even if it's not strictly in my job description.
Some companies are well run. This is true, this has always been true. 
Yet, the 40 hour work week, health insurance, sick days, vacation, 
elimination of child labor are all union accomplishments, and we stand 
to loose many of them because business has been successful to 
controlling the media message: capitalizing on times when when mistakes 
are made by the unions, ignoring when unions help the economy, and lying 
when they can.

I feel that often unions create an adversarial relationship where
employees no longer feel that the health of the business is their
problem (the automotive unions are the conical example of this).  That
would be detrimental to IT at a time when businesses are completely
re-tooling and re-organizing themselves around IT functions.
Well, there is that, but one must ask why they get into that position. 
It takes two to tango. When you have an adversarial relationship between 
an employer and a union, you will find it is the employer that calls the 
union adversarial. This is just another example of the message being 
controlled by the business. If unions concede on wages and benefits to 
help the business, it is hardly mentioned. When unions strike because of 
pay cuts or loss of benefits, its called adversarial. If your boss 
walked into your office and said your pay was cut 10% and your insurance 
went up 50%, you'd be pissed off too. Only you'd just leave if you could 
get another job. A union helps fight this nonsense and, in the long run, 
protects companies from their own short sighted idiocy.

The treatment of IT people is pretty terrible as well.

I worked at Business and Professional Software on Binney Street,
I worked at Sytron corporation, they went on a hiring spree...

At TPS in Cambridge, ...

I think we need a union. Looking back on all the crap that I've seen, I
hate to think of new people going into this industry without protection.

This might sound callous, but it sounds like you need to be a little
more selective in who you work for.  Voluntary employment is voluntary
on both sides.  If people left a job and got screwed on day one of their
new job, whose fault is that?  A bird in the hand... More to the
point, how would a union have helped in that case?  As an aside, I've
known far more people that ended up crawling back to their old employers
after doing (short) stints at startups than I've known people who were
successful at startups.

Back to my point though: I interviewed at Progressive Insurance when I
was fresh out of school.  I asked questions about what it was like
working there.  They were gearing up for a big re-write of their
mission-critical software that was written in COBOL and whose lineage
was measured in decades.  They were planning to do it all in C# (.Net
was still in beta at the time).  I'd done some research, and found a
list (from M$) of 10 key differences between Java and C#, and they
were all syntactic sugar.  So I asked them why they were using what
appeared to me

[Discuss] Discuss - Software Engineering union

2012-04-18 Thread Mark Woodward

I wrote this on slashdot, and was wondering if you guys have an opinion.

I come from a blue-collar background, my dad was a union iron worker. 
Trust me, there is a valuable skill set there. Strong guys who can weld, 
lift heavy equipment, and aren't afraid of extreme hights is, in itself, 
a fairly self limiting market. Anyway, the union in my view was a 
positive force for his industry. It set the safety standards, it 
provided benefits and retirement planning, it provided help for when the 
iron workers were mistreated. Unlike the teamsters, the iron workers 
were fairly well run. They partnered with the local construction 
companies and, in his day, help the business environment get buildings 
built. Decent pay and benefits and a guarantee of decent workers to 
employers, why wouldn't an honest business use union workers?

I often argue that our interpretation of capitalism is incorrect. The 
word capital isn't just money. It is anything of value that can be 
traded. Just as businesses bargain with a capital collective, i.e. the 
business, banks, and investors join forces to create an entity greater 
than any one of them as a financial collective, workers' capital, i.e. 
the work that they do and their skils, is their capital and there is no 
conflict, in my eyes, when they bargain as a collective.

An engineering union, could be a good move for the industry. It would 
certainly provide some push back against abusive contracts and NDAs.

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Re: [Discuss] Discuss - Software Engineering union

2012-04-18 Thread Mark Woodward
Here's the problem that unions have: the right-wing media owners are out 
to get them, and the public is gullible. Are unions perfect? Absolutely 
not. No organization of human beings is perfect and without corruption.

Some unions will be corrupt. Fact. MOST unions will not be. FACT. Those 
are the facts. You can look nation wide and look for union abuses, and 
find some. All unions? NO! A small number, YES!. The ratio of good to 
evil? Pretty low.

Now, compare the abuses of private industry vs union corruption, and 
tell me which is the over whelming problem. Which does more good than bad.

On 04/18/2012 09:47 AM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:

From: discuss-bounces+blu=nedharvey@blu.org [mailto:discuss-
bounces+blu=nedharvey@blu.org] On Behalf Of Mark Woodward

I come from a blue-collar background, my dad was a union iron worker.

I recognize that sometimes unions do good things.  Whenever a company is too
greedy, and exploits the employees too much.  But unions are also sometimes

I am close to someone who works at a restaurant, which is part of a hotel.
Staffing is done through the hotel, and the majority of hotel employees are
housekeeping.  (Foreign, generally non-english speaking, paid certainly
minimum wage or better, but the point is, it's a low-paying job.)  But in
the restaurant, they have well paid chefs and etc.  But when you unionize,
you can't just unionize a few - it's all or nothing.  The union came in,
made vague promises of better pay and better work conditions, and
housekeeping voted to unionize.

I can't say whether or not housekeeping has benefited, but I can say with
certainty, it has sucked in the restaurant.  One guy took the restarant
vodka and got drunk while cooking in the kitchen.  Dangerous, and worse.  He
was fired.  He took issue with the union, because he can only be fired for
just cause, which means in effect, somebody needs to gather evidence as if
it's a criminal trial.  Everyone knew he was drunk, but now he's saying he
wasn't.  It seems coincidental that the vodka bottle disappeared from the
store room at the same time it appeared half gone near his workstation, his
breath reeking of alcohol, and obviously impaired...  But he says he had
nothing to do with it, and somebody was smelling something else, and he was
behaving perfectly fine.

There's also this concept of restaurant week, where all the restaurants
are crazy busy.  Well, one dishwasher simply didn't show up for a week.  No
call, no nothing.  After restaurant week was over, he had his wife call from
Florida, to say his grandfather had passed, and they would be staying in Fla
for another week.  I can understand bereavement, but there's no excuse for
not calling, and ... length of time ... and It's not my fault it happened
at the beginning of restaurant week.

The union promised all sorts of things like regular raises, and better
health insurance.  So first of all, better health insurance is a relative
term.  Previously, it was a high deductible health plan + health saving plan
+ matching contributions to HSP.  Moving forward, it's a full-health plan.
Guess what, the full-health plan is better for some, while the HDHP is
better for others.  Because the HSP could be used for vision  dental
overages  deductibles... physical therapy, acupuncture, massage and other
forms of therapy, whereas those things are simply out-of-pocket on the
full plan.  Also, with the HSP, you save your funds lifelong and you keep
it when you retire.  Unlike the full plan, where you're uncovered as soon
(or soon thereafter) as your unemployed.  At an old age, you either have
something you've saved up your whole life, or you have nothing.  But anyone
who has high expenses this year would be better having the full plan this
year.  The upshot is:  Each type of plan is better for some.  It's not fair
to simply promise better health insurance.  The union sales force is being
deceitful.  They don't get paid unless your organization decides to
unionize.  The union workers are not unbiased about your decision, and not
above lying to get your patronage.  Once you're unionized, it's extremely
hard to get out.

The upshot of the better pay is that the restaurant now has a maximum wage
they're able to offer newhires, and the work schedule is assigned based on
seniority.  End result, whenever they have an entry-level position to fill,
they do ok filling it, but whenever they have an upper-level position to
fill, it goes unfilled.  The head chef left for another restaurant some time
ago, and they can't offer a competitive package to acquire a new head chef.
But they can't leave the position open - So they hire somebody who's not
qualified to be there.  Everybody who works there can see this.  They all
formerly had aspirations for career paths and learning opportunities, but
now they feel there's no way they can learn anything or improve themselves
any more, because their superior(s) are not superior.

Long story short, IMHO:


Re: [Discuss] Discuss - Software Engineering union

2012-04-18 Thread Mark Woodward

On 04/18/2012 10:26 AM, Richard Pieri wrote:

On 4/18/2012 8:36 AM, Mark Woodward wrote:

I wrote this on slashdot, and was wondering if you guys have an opinion.

Several.  The first of which is that this is off topic for the general 
BLU discussion list.

I can certainly see that is is not unix or linux, generally, but there 
aren't many full time MBAs on this list. Most of us are impacted by this 

Seeing as most of us would be impacted, I ask the question .. What is on 
topic, generally?

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] DIY NAS

2012-04-08 Thread Mark Woodward

On 04/08/2012 02:39 PM, Matthew Kowalski wrote:


I've had success with the Synology DS1511+ units in the past, which to
my knowledge run busybox, but I was considering building my own to
reduce the cost.  Has anyone had any success building their own 4-5
bay NAS units?  I've looked at FreeNAS which certainly has all the
services I need but I'm not sure the best route to go with regards to
form factor, etc.

I guess it depends on what your criteria is. A barebones system with a 
bunch of sata bays and a goodly bit of RAM won't set you back too much. 
The next part depends on what you call a NAS.

How do you plan on sharing storage? iSCSI, NFS, CIFS? Do you want to 
share music, movies, or any non-file based services? How do you want to 
administer it?

Discuss mailing list

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Re: [Discuss] LVM vs File system file for KVM Virtual Machines?

2012-03-29 Thread Mark Woodward

On 03/29/2012 01:59 PM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:

I see very little, if any, argument in favor of using the file.  I suppose,
if you wanted to run your virtual head on some other machine, then you could
export your file via NFS instead of iscsi, and that gives you one extra
degree of freedom if you're using a file.  Also, if you got something like a
snapshotting storage server, you could migrate your file over to that
server, and benefit by snapshots.
The only reason why I would consider a file instead of an LVM volume 
is that you have a file that can be copied and backed up easily. It is 
relocatable in that it cam be moved from one file system to another and 
it can bring its size with it. The LVM device is more or less dependent 
on the LVM create command and the admin ensuring that a properly sized 
device is created if you want to move it to a different machine. I guess 
you could us dd to copy the device (or a snapshot) to a file to move it 
around, but you see the issue.

There are definitely a list of pros and cons. It's interesting to see 
what other people think. So far, I think the pros go to LVM.

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[Discuss] Programming vs Engineering

2012-01-21 Thread Mark Woodward


Does anyone have any comment?
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Re: [Discuss] Backing up LVM partitions using snapshots

2011-12-12 Thread Mark Woodward
In your example, a duplicate reducing backup would ignore most of the changes. 

Edward Ned Harvey b...@nedharvey.com wrote:

 From: ma...@mohawksoft.com [mailto:ma...@mohawksoft.com]
 Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 2:48 PM
 I will argue that an rsync will NEVER be more effective unless you
 actively wipe the blocks where a file once existed. 

for (( i=0 ; i200 ; i++ )) ; do
mkdir temp
cp datafile temp
run_test $i  testresults.txt
rm -rf temp

In this case, rsync is what you want, because it ignores files that don't
exist.  But a block level backup will backup all the blocks that were ever
contained in any of the (now removed) copies of the datafile.

I don't know what users you support, but I support engineers who run this
type of test all the time.  They create test work dirs, they perform
volatile work in there, store the results of the test, and remove their
scratch dir.

The block level backup you're talking about is great, under the assumption
that you basically just add data to a filesystem.  It's terrible when you
add  remove data from the filesystem.  I stand by my claim:  Important to
know if it's suitable for your purposes, whoever you are, the consumer who
might consider using this.

Discuss mailing list

[Discuss] Backing up LVM partitions using snapshots

2011-12-10 Thread Mark Woodward
A while back I was talking about using LVM, on the whole it seemed like 
a productive discussion. Anyway, I started a project about a year ago, 
but shelved it. I recently dusted it off and cleaned it up a bit.

What it does is read one or more files, split them up into chunks, 
compress them, optionally encrypt them, and save them to disk. Its sort 
of a two stage compression system. The chunks are identified, 
compressed, encrypted and only unique chunks are stored. The file 
structure is saved separately from the data. Multiple files can use the 
same data repository. (Its best if the files share some common base.)

The reason why I cleaned it off was LVM. As you know, backing up a large 
volume can take a while. compressors can only compress so fast, 
duplicate data is a waste of space (especially now that disks are 
getting expensive.)

I added a mode where you can take successive snapshots of an LVM volume 
and only backup the changes between the two snapshots. So, after the 
initial backup you can then backup the changes in minutes.

lvrename /dev/lvm/mysnap /dev/lvm/mysnap.old
lvcreate -s -c 64 -L1G -nmysnap /dev/lvm/myvol
bcebackup -C /dev/mapper/lvm-mysnap-old.cow -P $PREVTIME -t $CURTIME 

lvremove /dev/lvm/mysnap.old

The time stamps are standard unix time numbers and have to be managed by 
you, but you get the idea.

If you use LVM in your shop and could use a utility like this, I'd like 
to get some independent feedback. Also, if you use zfs or btrfs and 
would like to be able to do this with their snapshot system, I'm sure it 
can be adapted.

Any guinea pigs out there? Any suggestions? criticisms?

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] How do I determine what hard drive screws I need?

2011-09-29 Thread Mark Woodward

On 09/29/2011 02:34 AM, John Abreau wrote:

I've got an HP ProLiant DL360 G5 server, which uses 2.5-inch SAS or
SATA drives.
The machine had no drives in it, so I ordered a couple of drives,
along with some
drive trays.

Neither the hard drives nor the trays came with mounting screws. How do I
figure out what size screws I need?

The drives are Seagate Momentus 750gb 2.5-inch SATA drives.

Chances are that they are one of two screw sizes. Take a look:


Hard drives typcally use the same screws. If you've had computers 
through the years, you probably have a bunch of them.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] LVM Re: A really interesting chain of functionality

2011-09-27 Thread Mark Woodward

On 09/26/2011 10:17 PM, Bill Bogstad wrote:

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 9:45 PM, Mark Woodwardma...@mohawksoft.com  wrote:

On 09/26/2011 07:17 PM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:

So, this all serves to rather emphasize my point, which is to say...
(LVM) Create snapshot, mount it, monitor it with nagios or whatever,
lvextend it, lvextend the filesystem, resize2fs, unmount and release
(ZFS, Netapp, Volume Shadow Services, etc.)  Do nothing, and don't worry
about it.  It's all automatic and dynamic and just works.

I don't think this is right. Running nagios on a snapshot would do nothing.
A snapshot is protected from change.

This is neither true in the logical nor physical sense with LVM.   It
was never true in a physical sense, in that the storage for the
snapshot is slowly used up due to copy-on-write as applications write
to the original copy of the filesystem.   It's not true in the logical
sense because LVM snapshots have actually been read/write for quite a
while.  A common usage pattern for this appears to be when you want
multiple copies of essentially the same virtual machine image.
You start with a single gold copy and then create writable snapshots
for each virtual machine.

I was thinking, on my drive into work, about your scenario. On the 
surface it sounds like a pretty good use of snapshots, but it is 
actually pretty bad.

The assumed advantage is that there is some gold copy of a VM that 
will be used for [n] snapshot VMs. It is a short term strategy. Since 
there is no resolution process to re-merge changes in the gold copy 
into the shapshots after the initial creation, you will inevitably fill 
your snapshots with duplicative data.

Suppose you create a linux vm, and snapshot a number of times to create 
virtual machines. In the lifetime of the VMs updates will be applied for 
bug fixes and security. You will need to apply the updates to each 
snapshot, individually, because there is no correlation of low level 
disk blocks. After a few cycles, you will be losing any real advantage 
of the snap shot.

A net boot image with shared system components configured with dhcpd 
and a mountable home directory is the most efficient and maintainable 
solution for this sort of system. Sure, a combination of strategies 
makes sense, but you have to make sure that you can update your gold 
copy of the VM and re-snap your VMs without having to reconfigure each 

Using dhcp you can use the virtual mac address of a VM to dictate which 
settings it gets at boot time and work from there. Then link that mac 
address to a set of directories like etc and/or home. That way you have 
your gold copy and you have the advantage of reducing duplicative data.

Bill Bogstad

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] LVM Re: A really interesting chain of functionality

2011-09-26 Thread Mark Woodward

On 09/26/2011 07:17 PM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:

So, this all serves to rather emphasize my point, which is to say...
(LVM) Create snapshot, mount it, monitor it with nagios or whatever,
lvextend it, lvextend the filesystem, resize2fs, unmount and release
(ZFS, Netapp, Volume Shadow Services, etc.)  Do nothing, and don't worry
about it.  It's all automatic and dynamic and just works.

I don't think this is right. Running nagios on a snapshot would do 
nothing. A snapshot is protected from change. Typically, what you would 
do is this:

Create a volume, monitor it, create a snapshot to get a point in time 
image of the volume, backup the snapshot, and then remove the snapshot.

Pretty much the same model as the other things.

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[Discuss] A really interesting chain of functionality

2011-09-24 Thread Mark Woodward
Has anyone played with LVM and iSCSI? The ability to create an arbitrary 
block device and map it to a shareable LUN is interesting, don't you think?

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Re: [Discuss] Hardware Hacking

2011-06-27 Thread Mark Woodward
On 06/27/2011 07:30 PM, Derek Martin wrote:
 If anyone is curious/interested, I'd love to start a thread or two
 talking about how to do some stuff with Linux and I/O cards that may be
 a gateway drug to more interesting hardware hacking.
 Do we really need a separate list for this?  It's relevant to Linux
 (so it's on topic) and I don't think the traffic on this list is so
 high as to justify an entirely separate mailing list...   Discussions
 about things such as X10, and other hardware-related topics,
 traditionally have happened here, and I for one like it that way. :)
There is a balance in any list. If it is too busy, it feels like spam. 
You want enough messages to flow to keep people interested, but not so 
many that you ignore them. Hardware hacking? The older guys, like 
myself, who actually own oscilloscopes and soldering irons may be all 
over it. The GenX'ers who grew up after ISA proto cards may not be so 
inclined, but, who knows?

Anyway, as for hardware hacking, My Arduino UNO should be arriving on 

Having done embedded work, I'm looking forward to experimenting with 
this thing. The arduino project really shows the power of the open 
source methodology. Embedded systems are typically so arcane and usually 
require a huge learning curve just to get started. Conversely, the 
arduino firmware is compiled with gcc, the loader and manager is in 
java, and the programming environment is a limited c++. I'm thinking of 
using it in the LinuxPCRobot to replace the K8055 I/O card and the PS/2 
mouse encoder.

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[Discuss] Skype Replacement

2011-06-20 Thread Mark Woodward
I may have asked this before, is there a practical replacement for Skype 
now that they've been bought by Microsoft? I refuse to give M$ my money 
if I can avoid it.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Skype Replacement

2011-06-20 Thread Mark Woodward
On 06/20/2011 04:13 PM, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
 On 06/20/2011 04:06 PM, Mark Woodward wrote:
 I may have asked this before, is there a practical replacement for Skype
 now that they've been bought by Microsoft? I refuse to give M$ my money
 if I can avoid it.
 Skype is free ...

Yes and no. The point to point service is free, but the phone calls are not.

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Re: [Discuss] Fwd: Small Form Factor PCs

2011-06-13 Thread Mark Woodward
On 06/13/2011 04:02 PM, Kent Borg wrote:
 Chris O'Connell wrote:
 The name of the software is HomeSeer.  HomeSeer allows for the 
 control of
 everything from light switches, thermometers, fans, electrical outlets,
 cameras, thermostats... etc, all through one central administration 
  [...] for a Windows specific solution

 Sounds scary. Valves, thermostats, door locks, motors, arbitrary 
 appliances plugged into controlled outlets...handed over to MS Windows.

 There are people out there who sorely regret having built complicated 
 automated systems (power plants, chemical factories, ...) out of 
 unreliable parts. And now more people are doing the same thing with 
 their houses.

Open the pod bay doors hal
I'm afraid I can't do that dave.
What the hell are you talking about hal
I think you know what the problem is dave.
I'm not going to argue with you hal.
You should have registered your version of Windows with 'Windows 
Genuine Advantage' within 30 days. I now must treat you as a software 
pirate. I'm afraid that this conversation can no longer serve any purpose.
(house goes dark, doors and windows remain locked.)


Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Fwd: Small Form Factor PCs

2011-06-12 Thread Mark Woodward
On 06/12/2011 10:31 AM, Chris O'Connell wrote:
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Chris O'Connellomegah...@gmail.com
 Date: Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 11:49 PM
 Subject: Small Form Factor PCs
 To: bludiscuss@blu.org

If you go the way of the LinuxPCRobot.org, I bought an Intel Dual Core 
Atom board D510M0. Mini ITX form factor and very efficient. It will even 
run with a 65W 12V ATX power supply. The board, with CPU, costs about 
$100 bucks.
 I'm looking for a very small form factor computer to install some home
 automation software on.  The software is not very resource intensive.  Here
 are the key requirements for the system:
 1.  Must be able to power back up  without human intervention if power to
 the unit is lost.
 2.  Should be small and less energy intensive than a regular PC.
 3.  I would like it to be less than $500.
 4.  Must be capable of running Windows (so either an AMD or INTEL cpu).

 Can anyone make any suggestions about what might work well for me?  I was
 looking at the Dell Zino, but am unsure if a better option exists.


 Chris O.
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Re: [Discuss] Fwd: Small Form Factor PCs

2011-06-12 Thread Mark Woodward
On 06/12/2011 10:31 AM, Chris O'Connell wrote:
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Chris O'Connellomegah...@gmail.com
 Date: Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 11:49 PM
 Subject: Small Form Factor PCs
 To: bludiscuss@blu.org

 I'm looking for a very small form factor computer to install some home
 automation software on.  The software is not very resource intensive.  Here
 are the key requirements for the system:
 1.  Must be able to power back up  without human intervention if power to
 the unit is lost.
 2.  Should be small and less energy intensive than a regular PC.
 3.  I would like it to be less than $500.
 4.  Must be capable of running Windows (so either an AMD or INTEL cpu).

 Can anyone make any suggestions about what might work well for me?  I was
 looking at the Dell Zino, but am unsure if a better option exists.
I know I replied once already, I want to ask a quick couple questions.

(1) Is this a on-off or do you intend to productize your system?
(2) What version of Windows? You can use Wince.
(3) umm, why Windows?
(4) What do you expect for $500, a full PC or just the components. $500 
is, IMHO a very generous number.
(5) If this is a one-off, I have a VIA-800 miniitx motherboard with 512M 
of ram and an IDE compact flash adapter that makes a neat little  
pseudo-embedded disk-free system that was removed from my robot last 
year. I could probably let it go for $100 bucks with a standard ATX 
power supply.

With regards to #1, if you are going to product-ize this, you may want 
to consider a lower cost platform such as ARM.
With regards to #3 and maybe #1, unless there is a REALLY specific need, 
Windows is a very poor platform for this type of application.

Also, take a look at www.mini-itx.com

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Relevance of PGP?

2011-06-10 Thread Mark Woodward
On 06/10/2011 09:34 AM, Bill Ricker wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 8:12 AM, Edward Ned Harveyb...@nedharvey.com  wrote:
 Go get a free  certificate from
 a signature with a free CA cert deserves no trust - it verifies the
 email address was the email address on a certain date only.

I find that the notion of trust is completely broken with secure 
communications. We've already seen that supposedly trusted certs gave 
keys to china and the US government so that browsers would accept bogus 

It doesn't matter who creates the cert because the mechanism of trust 
isn't trustworthy. The only way to trust a key, IMHO is to have each 
entity that wishes to have private communication with you create their 
own cert and send you, via an alternate safer transport, the public 
key. Only that way can you be sure.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] Relevance of PGP?

2011-06-10 Thread Mark Woodward
On 06/10/2011 02:06 PM, Richard Pieri wrote:
 On Jun 10, 2011, at 1:05 PM, Mark Woodward wrote:
 What we need is a mechanism to distribute and verify public keys.
 You've just described a certificate authority: a mechanism that distributes 
 and verifies public keys (certificates).  What we need is a verification 
 mechanism that is independent of the distribution mechanism.  When 
 verification is independent of distribution it is readily apparent when the 
 distribution mechanism has been compromised: verification fails.

 We need something like the MIT PGP key server:

I think you truncated my message before I actually describe something 
similar to this sort of service. Also, this is only one of my scenarios. 
There is another scenario where two entities wish to communicate 
privately. There needs to be a mechanism that allows people to exchange 
keys under separate cover secretly.

I toy with the idea of a P2P program that does encrypted exchange as an 
add on to services like skype or AIM
 --Rich P.

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Re: [Discuss] Relevance of PGP?

2011-06-10 Thread Mark Woodward
On 06/10/2011 08:50 PM, Tom Metro wrote:
 Mark Woodward wrote:
 OTR encrypts an IM TCP stream so that agents between the two end points
 shouldn't be able to read the data.
 Technically, I believe OTR encrypts the message, which then gets handed
 off to the particular IM protocol, which in turn is transported via TCP.
 I imagine there is a fair bit of data leakage in those intermediary
 layers, such as identifying both parties in the conversation.
 One can envision a more security oriented IM protocol where intercepting
 a connection between a client and the server would expose nothing about
 who the other client is (the interceptor would be able to identify the
 IP of at least one client), and with the use of padding and no-op
 messages you could also obscure the size and timing of your messages.
Well, the end points must be public, otherwise the packet could not be 
 (Have you heard that encrypted voice streams that use a variable bitrate
 codec (for example, Skype) can be decoded by mapping the pattern of data
 bursts to English phrases?)
Yes I did, thats f-ing wild.  I fear that with enough computing power 
backing up deviously clever people, human existence is in for some 
serious change. Read Philip K. Dick The Dead Past. Not a direct 
analogy, but pretty similar.

Discuss mailing list

Asynchronous IO on Linux

2011-05-06 Thread Mark Woodward
A while ago, I wrote an asynchronous file I/O system for Linux, I 
basically needed too because the posix AIO was so limited.

I wrote mine using threads, one thread per file, and one event per 
thread. It seems pretty good. Works fairly well, more or less portable 
even. (I've tested it on Windows, Mac, and Linux)

My question, is AIO on Linux ever going to become a robust system that 
works on all file types? Would using kernel based AIO on Linux perform 
any better than merely a thread based system? (provided what you are 
doing maps to kernel AIO)
Discuss mailing list

Re: ZFS and block deduplication

2011-04-25 Thread Mark Woodward
On 04/24/2011 10:52 PM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
 From: Mark Woodward [mailto:ma...@mohawksoft.com]

 You know, I've read the same math and I've worked it out myself. I agree
 sounds so astronomical as to be unrealistic to even imagine it, but no
 how astronomical the odds, someone usually wins the lottery.

 I'm just trying to assure myself that there isn't some probability
 missing. I guess my gut is telling me this is too easy.
 We're missing something.
 See - You're overlooking my first point.  The cost of enabling verification
 is so darn near zero, that you should simply enable verification for the
 sake of not having to justify your decision to anybody (including yourself,
 if you're not feeling comfortable.)
Actually, I'm using ZFS as an example. I doing something different, but 
the theory is the same, and yes, I'm still using SHA265.
 Actually, there are two assumptions being made:
 (1) We're assuming sha256 is an ideally distributed hash function.  Nobody
 can prove that it's not - so we assume it is - but nobody can prove that it
 is either.  If the hash distribution turns out to be imbalanced, for example
 if there's a higher probability of certain hashes than other hashes...  Then
 that would increase the probability of hash collision.
 (2) We're assuming the data in question is not being maliciously formed for
 the purposes of causing a hash collision.  I think this is a safe
 assumption, because in the event of a collision, you would have two
 different pieces of data that are assumed to be identical and therefore one
 of them is thrown away...  And personally I can accept the consequence of
 discarding data if someone's intentionally trying to break my filesystem
I'm not sure this point is important. I trust that SHA256 is pretty darn 
hard to create a collision. I would almost believe that it would be more 
likely that blocks collided by random chance than malice.
 Besides, personally, I'm looking at 16K blocks which increases the
 a bit.
 You seem to have that backward - First of all the default block size is (up
 to) 128k...  and the smaller the blocksize of the filesystem, the higher the
 number of blocks and therefore the higher the probability of collision.
This is one of those things that make my brain hurt. If I am 
representing more data with a fixed size number, i.e. a 4K block vs a 
16K block, that does, in fact, increase the probability of collision 4X, 
however, it does decrease the total number of blocks by about 4x as well.

 If for example you had 1Tb of data, broken up into 1M blocks, then you would
 have a total number of 2^20 blocks.  But if you broke it up into 1K blocks,
 then your block count would be 2^30.  With a higher number of blocks being
 hashed, you get a higher probability of hash collision.
It comes down to absolute trust that the hashing algorithm works as 
expected and that the data is as randomly distributed as expected.

I'm sort of old school I guess. The mind set is not about probability, 
it is about absolutes. In data storage, it has always been about 
verifiability and we conveniently address probability of failure as a 
different problem and address it differently. This methodology seems to 
merge the two. Statistically speaking, I think I'm looking for 100% 
assurances, and no such assurance has ever really existed.

Its cool stuff. It is a completely different way of looking at storage.

Discuss mailing list

Re: ZFS and block deduplication

2011-04-25 Thread Mark Woodward
On 04/25/2011 09:32 AM, Daniel Feenberg wrote:

 On Mon, 25 Apr 2011, Mark Woodward wrote:

 This is one of those things that make my brain hurt. If I am
 representing more data with a fixed size number, i.e. a 4K block vs a
 16K block, that does, in fact, increase the probability of collision 4X,

 Only for very small blocks. Once the block is larger than the hash, 
 the probability of a collision is independent of the block size.

I think that statement sums up the conceptual gulf between the two 
sides. Its kinda like old school god does not play dice physicists and 
the quantum mechanical physicists.
Discuss mailing list

Re: ZFS and block deduplication

2011-04-23 Thread Mark Woodward
On 04/23/2011 08:31 AM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
 From: discuss-boun...@blu.org [mailto:discuss-boun...@blu.org] On Behalf
 Of Mark Woodward

 I have been trying to convince myself that the SHA2/256 hash is
 sufficient to identify blocks on a file system. Is anyone familiar with
 I am intimately familiar with this.  And on planet Earth, yes it is
 sufficient.  However, the cost of explaining your decision to anyone who is
 skeptical outweighs the cost of enabling verification.  So as long as
 there's even a possibility that anybody might challenge your decision, you
 should enable verification.  But if you're the boss and nobody will
 second-guess you, then you can safely rely on just the hash.

 If you'd like to read more about it, try this search...  Google for
 zfs-discuss collision
 Mostly in the extremely long thread, (Fletcher+Verification) versus
 (Sha256+No Verification)

 PS.  Safely is a relative term.  The probability of collision is non-zero,
 but the probability is essentially zero relative to Human Extinction Events,
 which means you can (relatively) safely rely on just the sha256 hash.

 If you want to calculate the actual probability of a collision, assume a 4k
 (2^12 bytes) block size (worst case) and every single block is precisely the
 same size (which isn't realistic, but is worst case) and every single block
 is unique (in which case why have you enabled dedup.  So again,
 unrealistically evil-clown scenario worst case) and if your data pool size
 is the largest in the world (again worst case) say ... 2PB (2^41 bytes)...
 that would be physically impossible to hold the dedup tables using hardware
 currently available in the world, but again...  Evil clown worst case for
 accidental collision.  Then the number of blocks is 2^41 / 2^12 = 2^29
 unique blocks.

 The formula on wikipedia for the birthday problem is:
 p(n;d) ~= 1-( (d-1)/d )^( 0.5*n*(n-1) )

 In this case,

 Using bc to calculate the answer:
 bc -l

 1-e(   (  0.5*n*(n-1)*l((d-1)/d)  )   )
 I manually truncated here (precision goes out 1024 places).  This is

 Notice:  There are estimated 1E50 atoms in Earth.  So in the evil clown
 worst case for sha256 collision, the probability for collision is about the
 same as randomly selecting the same atom twice consecutively from 1000

 Note: I had to repeat the calculation many times in bc, setting a larger and
 larger scale.  The default scale of 20, and even 64 and 70 and 80 were not
 precise enough to produce a convergent answer around the -57th decimal
 place.  So I just kept going larger, and in retrospect, anything over 100
 would have been fine.  I wrote 1024 above, so who cares.
You know, I've read the same math and I've worked it out myself. I agree 
it sounds so astronomical as to be unrealistic to even imagine it, but 
no matter how astronomical the odds, someone usually wins the lottery.

I'm just trying to assure myself that there isn't some probability 
calculation missing. I guess my gut is telling me this is too easy. 
We're missing something.

Besides, personally, I'm looking at 16K blocks which increases the 
probability a bit.

Discuss mailing list

ZFS and block deduplication

2011-04-22 Thread Mark Woodward
I have been trying to convince myself that the SHA2/256 hash is 
sufficient to identify blocks on a file system. Is anyone familiar with 

The theory is that you take a hash value of a block on a disk, and the 
hash, which is smaller than the actual block, is unique enough that the 
probability of any two blocks creating the same hash, is actually less 
than the probability of hardware failure.

Now, I know basic statistics well enough to not play the lottery, but 
I'm not sure I can get my head around it. On a completely logical level, 
assume that you have a block size of 32K and a hash size of 32 chars, 
there are 1000 (1024 if we are talking binary 32K) potential duplicate 
blocks per single hash. Right? For every unique block (by hash) we have 
a potential of 1000 collisions.

Also, looking at the birthday paradox, since every block is equally 
likely as every other block (in reality we know this is not 100% true), 
isn't the creator's stated probability calculations much weaker than 

I come from the old school were god does not play dice especially with 

Given a small enough block size with a small enough set size, I can 
almost see it as safe enough for backups, but I certainly wouldn't put 
mission critical data on it. Would you? Tell me how I'm flat out wrong. 
I need to hear it.

Discuss mailing list

Re: ZFS and block deduplication

2011-04-22 Thread Mark Woodward
On 04/22/2011 12:00 PM, discuss-requ...@blu.org wrote:
 Message: 15 Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2011 11:53:23 -0400 From: David 
 Rosenstrauch dar...@darose.net Subject: Re: ZFS and block 
 deduplication To: discuss@blu.org Message-ID: 
 4db1a473.1090...@darose.net Content-Type: text/plain; 
 charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed On 04/22/2011 11:41 AM, Mark 
 Woodward wrote:
   I have been trying to convince myself that the SHA2/256 hash is
   sufficient to identify blocks on a file system. Is anyone familiar with
   The theory is that you take a hash value of a block on a disk, and the
   hash, which is smaller than the actual block, is unique enough that the
   probability of any two blocks creating the same hash, is actually less
   than the probability of hardware failure.
   Given a small enough block size with a small enough set size, I can
   almost see it as safe enough for backups, but I certainly wouldn't put
   mission critical data on it. Would you? Tell me how I'm flat out wrong.
   I need to hear it.
 If you read up on the rsync algorithm
 (http://cs.anu.edu.au/techreports/1996/TR-CS-96-05.html), he uses a
 combination of 2 different checksums to determine block uniqueness.
 And, IIRC, even then he still does an additional final check to make
 sure that the copied data is correct (and copies again if not).
That's rsync, and I tend to agree with their level of paranoia. Take a 
look at this link:

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re: c++ xml parser

2011-04-22 Thread Mark Woodward
The biggest problem I have with parsing XML in C/C++ is that there are 
no real standard objects to do so. You are confronted with not one but 
two basic problems: (1) the parser and (2) the object model.

There are lots of XML parsers, i.e. systems like expat work fine, that 
answers problem #1. The next problem is how do you represent the data in 
C++? How generic does it need to be? what attribute takes will you 
recognize? will a tag value='abcedf'/ be sufficient? Or does it need 
to be tagabcdef/tag? Can it be both? Where's your data type 
represented, in the tag or a type attribute?

XML's great strength is that it will represent anything. Its weakness is 
it doesn't say how. I ended up writing my own, using expat as the 
parser, and a sort of tree node structure to represent the OM. It ended 
up looking a little like libxml2.

So, in my system, it works something like this:

Node * n = xmlparse(xml);

Node *nat = n-get(attribute)

Node natChild = nat-getChild();

for(int i=0; natChild; i++)
 natChild = natChild-getNext();

and so on.

I have yet to see anything standard and generically applicable on C++ 
that doesn't require a lot of work and tailoring to a specific data 
source format and purpose.

 From: Stephen Adlerad...@stephenadler.com
 Subject: c++ xml parser
 To: Blu unix (blu)discuss@blu.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 Hi Blu'ers,

 I'm looking to write some code which needs to parse the contents of an
 xml file in c++. A quick search brings up xerces, rapidxml, tinyxml and
 a few other packages. Does anyone have a suggestions as to which one I
 should learn?

 Thanks. Steve

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Re: c++ xml parser

2011-04-22 Thread Mark Woodward
On 04/22/2011 12:52 PM, Rob Hasselbaum wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com 
 mailto:ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

 There are lots of XML parsers, i.e. systems like expat work fine, that
 answers problem #1. The next problem is how do you represent the
 data in
 C++? How generic does it need to be? what attribute takes will you
 recognize? will a tag value='abcedf'/ be sufficient? Or does it need
 to be tagabcdef/tag? Can it be both? Where's your data type
 represented, in the tag or a type attribute?

 The purpose of an XML parser/serializer is to help you transfer data 
 between an external XML document and your program's domain object 
 model. So the problem your describing is only a problem within the 
 relatively narrow scope of the code that does the marshalling and 
 unmarshalling. It's not a great idea to use the XML parser's objects 
 (e.g. Node, Entity, Attribute, etc.) to represent the data within your 
 business logic because that couples your code to the parser's API and 
 the XML document format in a very pervasive way.

I call shenanigans!

The first sentence: The purpose of an XML parser/serializer is to help 
you transfer data between an external XML document and your program's 
domain object model.   That's problem #2 in my original post the 
object model.

Addressing the second sentence: So the problem your describing is only 
a problem within the relatively narrow scope of the code that does the 
marshalling and unmarshalling. That is part and parcel of problem #2 in 
my original post, how do you define the document model.

Third sentence: It's not a great idea to use the XML parser's objects 
(e.g. Node, Entity, Attribute, etc.) to represent the data within your 
business logic because that couples your code to the parser's API and 
the XML document format in a very pervasive way.

There needs to be a definition of the fields and the variants and how 
they are represented that can be understood by the document parser (not 
just the XML parser). Eventually you do need to get the data into a form 
on which it can be worked on programmability. Seeing as C++ seems to be 
an end point, I think its safe to assume what ever action that is going 
to be taken on the XML will be implemented at the C++ level.

I wasn't implying any particular sort of architecture or model, I was 
enumerating the issues.

In my particular implementation, I treat all XML types as variant 
containers. It ends up being easier that trying to painstakingly map XML 
to some underlying C++ structure.

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Network Solutions

2011-03-12 Thread Mark Woodward
How come Godaddy can update your domain records in a matter of minutes 
but Network Solutions still takes 24~48 hours!??

It frustrating.

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Abusive contracts

2011-03-10 Thread Mark Woodward
Has anyone noticed that contracts are becoming really mean spirited 
lately? I mean, seriously, some of the ones that I've looked at are just 

How's this clause:

 The Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any such breach or 
threatened breach will cause irreparable injury to the Company and that 
money damages will not provide an adequate remedy to the Company.

I mean, jeez, in civil law, money damages ARE the remedy!

That on top of 5 years confidentiality, 2 years non-compete, all for a 
few hours part time work? A 6 page NDA and at a low rate because they 
are on a shoe string budget?  Are you kidding me? I know a word and a 
handshake is old fashioned, but why does every dime store lawyer feel 
the need to write these faustian contracts? Especially when there is so 
little gain?

Just my little Charlie Sheen for day. The software industry in the last 
few years has become really awful.

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Re: drupal on linux?

2011-02-16 Thread Mark Woodward
On 02/16/2011 01:21 PM, Matt Shields wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Mark Woodward ma...@mohawksoft.com 
 mailto:ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

 With Drupal on the top of my head (I just upgraded a couple sites)
 I can
 offer some suggestions.

 Drupal's model is very much database dependent. That is good in some
 ways but problematic in others. It is difficult, for instance, to
 databases from MySQL to PostgreSQL. You more or less have the choose
 correctly the first time. (hint use PostgreSQL)

 Second, the mainstream modules and content are fairly stable and work
 fine with PG, a lot of 3rd party modules may assume MySQL and not
 function correctly with PG.

 Lastly, and this is important, while the raw structure of your
 site may
 be defined in the theme, the content is defined in the database.
 One of
 the things that drupal uses is the idea of blocks to layout content.
 These blocks are defined in the database along with the content,
 comments, and the users. All in one big messy mess. This means you
 stage and deploy changes to a site. You have to apply them live.
 This is
 a problem for me as I come from a world where you work on a dev
 and then apply changes that have been through QA to the live site.
 was no automated way of doing this with drupal. This may be a deal
 breaker in some environments.

 www.linuxpcrobot.org http://www.linuxpcrobot.org and
 www.mohawksoft.org http://www.mohawksoft.org are both drupal
 6.20 running
 on PostgrSQL.

 As for books? I hate to say it, don't waste your money. drupal.org
 main site has some good docs. Setup an experimental site and play

 On 02/16/2011 12:00 PM, discuss-requ...@blu.org
 mailto:discuss-requ...@blu.org wrote:
  Message: 11
  Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 11:51:56 -0500
  From: R. Luomanobluspam5...@penguinmail.com
  Subject: drupal on linux?
  To:discuss@blu.org mailto:to%3adisc...@blu.org
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
  I need to do an evaluation of
  Drupal for a website content management system.
  While Drupal is available through the package
  managers, I am trying to figure out
  how to get started.
  Do anyone have suggestions for tutorials/books?
  (I do realize that some gentle readers
  favor other systems such as Plone)
  -- R. Luoma

 Discuss mailing list
 Discuss@blu.org mailto:Discuss@blu.org

 You have the same dev/qa/staging/prod problem with Wordpress as well.

There are so many things I would do if I had the time. The world needs a 
professional grade CMS system. To me, it is a no-brainer that there 
should be a stage, qa, and deploy development cycle. What's wrong with 
these guys?
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Re:Jeopardy / Watson Lecture at MIT

2011-02-08 Thread Mark Woodward
I think I speak for everyone who has a significant other, that February 
14th is more or less impossible. (Well, I say impossible, but it goes 
with the assumption that we would like to keep peace at home and/or in 
our respective relationships.)

 From: Kurt Kevillekkevi...@mit.edu
 Subject: Jeopardy / Watson Lecture at MIT
 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

 will be the night of the 14th with a viewing party to follow...


 right now it is listed as the second of 2 events but it looks like they are
 getting merged.

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LinuxPCRobot vs VGO

2011-02-03 Thread Mark Woodward

Just saw these guys on Slashdot the other day. Besides being a really 
slick looking robot, it seems to be little more than the LinuxPCRobot 
with an Ekiga client.

I think I have a demo!
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