Re: [board-discuss] WollMux adoption proposal for The Document Foundation

2023-01-02 Thread Uwe Altmann


Am 02.01.23 um 13:25 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:

Doesn't feel terribly off-topic here (dev list would also not be a
100% on-topic match, neither website or marketing? - but for very
generic discussions, there's always the global discuss list of

You could open a topic at :-)
Have a nice 2023
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-27 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hi Andreas

While you don't like answers in private mail I post it on this list.

Am 27.11.22 um 16:44 schrieb Andreas Mantke:

I'm curious to read own statements from the 'several of the community' here.

Maybe most of us follow the golden rule of mailing lists not to feed 
trolls? ;-)

Seriously: I feel we all are tired of this discussion and I may imagine 
many of us don't even follow them in detail any more - not out of a lack of 
interest but mostly because of the way it was and is conducted.

Coming to the controversial part of the proposal: In my pov it's sheer 
nonsense to write such statements like those discussed here into a job 
description or even a contract. Not only the person concerned hardly is in 
the position to decide on these issues; its also in the full responsibility 
of his or her boss to decide what they are working on - and no way in the 
developers own consideration. And I'm rather confident that this also was 
part of the legal advice the board has got.

In a benevolent view on this document it may at best serve as a board's 
internal letter of intent. But I'm sure - however (if ever) it is voted, 
when it comes to concrete decisions, the same discussion will arise with 
new energy. So it's most probably in no case worth all the fuss we see today.

My advice emphases the KISS rule (we always should kiss more): Keep it 
simple, st... :-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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[board-discuss] Re: Acceptance of MC role

2022-09-17 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 17.09.22 um 00:34 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:

I, Uwe Altmann, elected member of the Membership Committee of The
Document Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung
bürgerlichen Rechts. My term will start September 19, 2022.

Signed: Uwe Altmann

Ich, Uwe Altmann, gewähltes Mitglied des Mitglieder-Komitees der The
Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung
bürgerlichen Rechts an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 19. September 2022.

Unterzeichnet: Uwe Altmann

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Uwe Altmann

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[board-discuss] Self nomination for Membership Committee: Uwe Altmann

2022-07-25 Thread Uwe Altmann

My name is Uwe Altmann, I’m 65 years old male, married and living in
Saarbücken (Germany) direct by the french border. I’m self-employed, bur 
mostly preparing my retirement.

I joined the (then) OpenOffice community around 2004. Mostly in marketing 
activities as helping at CeBit fair as long as we had a booth there. 
Besides being engaged in German community I did some QA and documentation 
on Macs. In the past few years I helped the TDF to get GDPR compliant an

developing the idea of a business unit.

In “real live” - with an completed education as psychologist and 
statistician - I did mostly data analysis, statistics and consulting, both 
public administration and charitable organizations. So thus I‘m kind of 
experienced in German charity laws, managing organizations as well as 
internal revenue code, especially concerning charitable organizations. I’m 
not a coder anymore – my last programming experience lies back in the early 
90ies (at least there is some). But besides this my last payed job was 
requirements engineer and managing a team of developers.

The spare time I won by reducing my business activities I use to do
more for the TDF. Strengthen the community is one of my favorite goals. I 
may as well help in compliance with the German charity regulations and in 
organizational matters. So I was elected in 2020 for the first time into 
the MC as a substitute member. Since then, I developed the specification 
and served as the product owner of the new Software to manage applications, 
which hopefully will be productive in the next few weeks.

Full name: Uwe Altmann
Email address:
Corporate affiliation: None

~75 words candidacy text:
I, Uwe Altmann, candidate for a seat in the membership committee of The 
Document Foundation. I have been around with the project and TDF since the 
early beginning, mostly in German community and QA for the Mac version. 
Actually I’m more in organizational matters. Being more an administrative 
guy than a coder I would like to foster the TDF as organization.

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Uwe Altmann

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[board-discuss] Re: LibreOffice in app stores free, paid or both?

2022-07-11 Thread Uwe Altmann


Am 11.07.22 um 15:52 schrieb Paolo Vecchi:
I just wanted to ask the community how they think LibreOffice should be 
published in the various app stores.

Should it be:

a. available at a cost
b. free
c. both

"Various app stores" invites me to open the next playground :-)
Free in F-Droid, but a (small) fee in Google Play

scnr: Meant just for those who prefer to work on solutions instead pledging 
"censorship" by putting a mailing list under moderation where thy are afaik 
included in the list of moderators.

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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] re-discovering the Foundation roots?

2022-07-05 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hi Sophie

Am 05.07.22 um 14:18 schrieb sophi:
Is this meeting reserved to the board members or the whole community 
(not only TDF members) is also invited?

Basically yes ;-)

To be honest: I didn't think of this - both variants have their pros and cons.

Let's look what interest evolves and then decide.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] re-discovering the Foundation roots?

2022-07-05 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 04.07.22 um 22:59 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:

I'd certainly be interested. It would be the marketing workshop, like
in Brno?

Same method, maybe different core question(s) because this one initially 
directs more to the past than to the future.

This could also be seen as a restart of the mission statement discussion.
All seems to circle around the same black spot of our self-understanding.
Some kind of "Who am I, and if so, how many?" [1] - discussion.

Proposals welcome :-)


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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] re-discovering the Foundation roots?

2022-07-04 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 28.06.22 um 20:39 schrieb Emiliano Vavassori:
I support that and I would love to hear a speech at the conference, 
possibly followed by a constructive discussion.

Uwe, are you candidating yourself?

I'm willing to prepare and moderate a session (similar to the one in Brno) 
If there is some interest within the community because it doesn't make 
sense to do this with three to five Persons new at the project as we had in 

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Uwe Altmann

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[board-discuss] re-discovering the Foundation roots?

2022-06-27 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 25.06.22 um 16:36 schrieb Paolo Vecchi (in thread: [board-discuss] Work 
On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived):

We might need a meeting dedicated to re-discovering the Foundation roots
as I have the impression that some have different understanding of why 
TDF was created and what its role should be.

If this proposal is appreciated, we may do so at the LO conference? I feel
such a a discussion is far better made face-to-face than online or per a
mailing list.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Drafting job posting for "part-time web technology expert"

2022-06-15 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hi Flo

Am 23.05.22 um 10:38 schrieb Florian Effenberger:

The latest version is available at

For any last comments and edits, please send them in by Friday this week. 
We then will finalize the job posting and aim for a publication possibly 
next week.

Sorry for being (too?) late, just found the time to read it: Perhaps 
Django/Python skills for the new MC application would also be a "nice to 
have" and worth mentioning?

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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Drafting job posting for "QA analyst"

2022-05-13 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 11.05.22 um 16:50 schrieb Xisco Fauli:

The board is happy to get your feedback and proposals.

Maybe a short mentioning of the existing tooling besides Bugzilla (i.e. 
description of the continuous build system used) would be helpful?
As it is described now, the availability of a small server farm seems to be 
a precondition for any applicant ;-)

"Ability to build and run LibreOffice daily on different platforms and operating 
systems...Stress testing each component daily"

btw: "Development, deployment and supervision of automated stress testing 
of each component" seems quite more appropriate (and feasible) to me than 
"Stress testing each component daily"?

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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Decidim startup proposal

2022-02-18 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hi Emiliano

Many many thanks for bringing this forward!

One thing I'd like to amend, even if I feel it is not necessarily suited to 
be integrated into the proposal yet:
Everybody wanting to use such a tool (no matter which one of the mentioned) 
must realize that this will not work out without permanent professional 
(means: educated and work intensive) moderation. We must consider that in 
every discussion.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Commercial entity vs community development and distribution

2022-01-21 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 13.01.22 um 20:56 schrieb Michael Meeks:
  Oh - wow, I didn't know that. Wow - that is awful. That crushed my 
hopes for a good Firebird based future.

 So what other options are there for a sensibly licensed, in-process 
database ?

 Does PostgreSQL do it - could we run the server in a thread 
cross-platform, can we get its data into a file ? ;-) I guess we should 
prolly re-do the analysis of alternatives here to work out if there is a 
sensible way forward; but that belongs on the dev-list - and it's a big 
job to even know what we might want to do.

Do we really need an embedded database? The unique selling point of base 
seems to me that it's the only free DB frontend developing software around 
(besides "real" software development environments). So maybe we should 
concentrate on connectors, not on an embedded database engines which in 
most cases could be replaced by a calc table - and if not, then by mariaDB.

just my 2c
 (I know its's just ancillary and not the point you want to made, but scnr)
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Conflict of Interest Policy

2021-10-11 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hi Simon
Thank you for your explanations. (And I'm sure Paolo also has read them 
with interest.)

Am 10.10.21 um 13:21 schrieb Simon Phipps:
it's just one of those things that gets things done in a timely manner 
rather than consigning them forever to discussion.

Seems some things are still working quite well at the TDF :-)
And btw: Thanks for all your still lasting engagement.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Conflict of Interest Policy

2021-10-10 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hi Simom

Am 06.10.21 um 14:46 schrieb Simon Phipps:
I will note none of the text has been supplied to or discussed by the legal 
committee (where I am a volunteer).

Could you (or soemone else) please explain or point me to a location where 
I can find more on that legal committe? I tried a search at which didn't find anything.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Re: Access To Membership Data

2021-05-31 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hi Andreas

Am 30.05.21 um 20:22 schrieb Andreas Mantke:

Have you already compared the details of meetings and decision making
for the board and the MC in the statutes. There are differences which
need to be considered for the access and the processing of the personal
data (of members and applicants).

You may save me a lot of time and work accomplishing this, giving also the 
Personally I can't see regulations for data processing in our statutes e.g. 
But besides this, German law provides a lot of special rights to 
information for members of an association like TDF. But this does not touch 
the way the tendered software shall work.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Re: Access To Membership Data

2021-05-31 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hi Andreas
Am 30.05.21 um 20:22 schrieb Andreas Mantke:

I already opened a new thread. I changed the subject of this thread (in
accordance to the usual way I know for mailing lists).

No, technically you didn't :-)
Just changing the subject isn't enough, because mail readers use the 
message ID of the mail you answered to thread mails (at least Thunderbird 
does) which will be written into the mail header when answering an existing 
mail. And you answered an existing mail which will keep your answer in the 
tread instead of opening a new one, despite of the subject's text. This 
will only used by some mail readers if the ID of the mail answered isn't 
To be sure to open a new thread you have to write a brand new mail instead 
of clicking an "answer" button.

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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Tender to implement the new TDF Membership Committee’s web-based tooling

2021-05-30 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hello Guilhem

Am 30.05.21 um 12:26 schrieb Guilhem Moulin:

You want “e.g.” then not “i.e.”.  The latter isn't a replacement for
“for instance”, it stands for “id est” (“that *is*”). 

Thanks for the hint. I use(d) it as abbreviation for "in example" - but 
indeed, for the better educated of us it surely is misleading :-)
So indeed, it was meant as an example to illustrate something, not to 
emphasize something. I'll correct the specs accordingly.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Tender to implement the new TDF Membership Committee’s web-based tooling

2021-05-30 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 29.05.21 um 18:31 schrieb Andreas Mantke:

Interesting to read in the specifications document about a self hosted
Captcha but without pointing to an example for such solution.

You embezzled the "i.e." just before that. It was meant to illustrate the 
idea, not to describe or define a specific intended solution.

I'm curious about a working self hosted Captcha provider.

Me too :-)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Re: Access To Membership Data (was: Re: [board-discuss] Tender to implement the new TDF Membership Committee’s web-based tooling)

2021-05-30 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hi Andreas

Am 29.05.21 um 08:49 schrieb Andreas Mantke:
could you please explain who have and who should have access to the 
membership data (old tooling and new tooling) please...I found nothing

about this in the detailed specifications for the tender.

First of all: This tender is based on a software specification and not on a 
description of the working processes of the MC.  The latter are just 
subject as far as it seems necessary to describe the needed software 

And this list thread should hold on that tender. Feel free to open another 
thread for anything else.

You did nothing find on data access in the specs because you obviously read 
only some few pages. In short: Regulating data access is not a function of 
the tendered software but in fact a function of granting access to it by 
our SSO solution. You find that described at page 14 of the specs - 
including the information who is intended to be able to access the software 
and thereby the data.

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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Tender to implement the new TDF Membership Committee’s web-based tooling

2021-05-30 Thread Uwe Altmann


Am 29.05.21 um 09:08 schrieb Andreas Mantke:

what about the payment for drawing the specifications
paper? Is this done on a voluntary base like other public available
documents / tender specifications in the project?

Yes. It was done by me on a voluntary base.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Tender to implement the new TDF Membership Committee’s web-based tooling

2021-05-28 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Andreas

Am 27.05.21 um 19:39 schrieb Andreas Mantke:
> your reply showed little up to no knowledge and interest in that 

That's quite right. I'm really not interested in CMS/DMS (at least here) but in 
a sound and sustainable solution which eases the work of the MC. You may 
convince me any time, but I'm rather suspicious with proposals containing 
statements like "probably" or "90%" :-)

> Why should I bother /nudge Plone developers and ask them to spent 
> time on a proposal? Your response shows a very hostile tone towards 
> the Plone  open source community. ... (and for the records: I'm not a
> Plone developer, but developed Plone add-ons)

And yes, I'm (here) not interested in the plone community. That's not the point 
at all: Here at TDf we're interested in LO and some related fields. That's our 
"core business" if you want. The necessary rest gets more or less outsourced if 
we can afford it. No one would expect TDF engages in i.e Gnucash community just 
to get it's bookkeeping managed. We instead would pay a gnucash ecosystem 
company to do the necessary coding, thus following our own credo on how open 
source software of a certain complexity can be sustainably supported.

So we look for a company to outsource a special problem solution, described in 
the specification document. And  we are willing to pay those ecosystem 
companies for services we feel in need of but which we don't see as our core 
business (we strongly prefer companies engaged in open source community). i.e. 
a company which does the necessary plone adjustments. But we surely not would 
ask the plone community or a certain developer to do so on a voluntary base 
(c.f. "credo" above).

> Maybe you have not been part of the crew that worked on the first 
> steps of the project and it's infrastructure. If individuals or small
> groups wouldn't have set up a website based on Silverstripe (without
> asking for permissions or without a poll) or a Template and Extension
> website based on Plone, maybe the project would discuss have
> discussed about this tooling for month without any visible action.

Right, it happened that I was in Nepal at the time TDF was founded :-)
And all of this was surely true and necessary at the very start of the project 
when we didn't have the resources for other/better solutions.

> One core principle of the project is that the doers decide the way 
> and you'll find this form of action at many places in the project. 
> This principle will fail (for a volunteer project) once the people 
> that want to tell the doers what and how they had to work, becomes 
> the majority or the bosses.

All right for the mentioned "core business" - or in other words: the goals of 
the foundation following our statutes. That's how a community works we believe. 
Besides: LO in no way is or ever was "volunteer project" (a project has a start 
and an end). It's a community with a high extent of volunteer engagement. 
But this is in no way right if it comes to administrative decisions. To stay in 
the above example: It sounds rather silly to start a community wide discussion 
on which software we will use to do our bookkeeping. And in our case, the MC is 
"the doers". The tooling we use until today emerged exactly the way you 
described above: Someone set up something which was far way better than 
nothing. But it has some severe immanent drawbacks. And we understood that we 
don't have the skills to set up a solution by our own which satisfies our needs.

So we made a tender on this. Anyone who offers a sound solution is welcome. 
Within the boundaries of the specification and some abstract requirements like 
acceptable bus factor or serviceability.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Tender to implement the new TDF Membership Committee’s web-based tooling

2021-05-26 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hi Andreas

Am 26.05.21 um 21:17 schrieb Andreas Mantke:
So go on and...arrange 


That's the point: Stop complaining but go on and nudge a company or a group 
of Plone developers to offer something and to give a credible answer how to 
ensure 5 years of reliable support on this. As a plone developer you'll 
surely know some.
With python we'll have no problem to find someone if we need some changes 
in a few years.

Maybe it's most easy to complain on this. I offered hands-on workshops
with no interest from the TDF community in the past. The TDF admin team
got a training from a Plone core developer some time ago.

...what doesn't change anything on the basic problem. We (in contrast to 
your opinion) did not first set up plone (or something else) and then look 
for people who perhaps maybe want to learn it (which - if we had found some 
- would have been at least the second best solution. But we didn't find 
them).  We have to cut the coat according to our cloth. (btw.: Similar as 
the android app. Sad - but there seems no one out there interested to 
develop under TDFs umbrella)

But there are other software with such Bus_factor in the project, but
nobody is complaining about that (or not loudly / in public).

And what does this contribute to the discussion on the MC tooling? Please 
stay focused.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Tender to implement the new TDF Membership Committee’s web-based tooling

2021-05-26 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hi Andreas

Am 26.05.21 um 20:23 schrieb Andreas Mantke:

I'd expect that the DMS/CMS Plone could deliver about 90 % of the
expected functionality within it's core code or within an add-on. The
accessibility, stability and security also shouldn't be an issue. 
( And it's OSS software.

So go on and feel free to make or arrange an offer covering /all/ the 
described use cases and further specified requirements. Python is labeled 
as preferred (because of [1]), not as required!

Concerning Plone as platform: I tend to prefer something with a slightly 
better bus factor [1] than our Plone experience has shown in the past. But 
also here: Insights welcome.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Statement on Richard M. Stallman and Free Software Foundation

2021-03-26 Thread Uwe Altmann

Hi Andreas

Am 26.03.21 um 11:03 schrieb Andreas Mantke:

And to what perception of TDF's bodies/team from the community / the
outside would that lead?

I didn't sign either. Imho it was not appropriate because (besides I'm not 
a member of any of TDFs bodies) this is not a statement of single persons 
but a statement of the TDF as an own body. This has to be decided by (a 
majority of) the BoD only. So Lothars signature, based on a decision of the 
BoD would have been absolutely enough - all further "good will"-signatures 
are rather distracting an lead in the end to some kind of strange 
discussions as we can see here. Case of "contradiction of well done is 
So - again imho - there are not too less but too many signatures under this 

But feel free to organize a collection of signatures in this case in 
parallel. Seeing forward to read the document anyone who has concerns with 
this case may sign (and I'm sure there will be many).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] donation infobar vs. straight donations ...

2021-03-11 Thread Uwe Altmann


One remark:
Am 10.03.21 um 22:22 schrieb Michael Meeks:

* switch the donate URL in the app - to something that re-directs to
... unfortunately that has no effect for~6 months ]

Maybe we tweak not the URL in the app but that of the donation page
instead? This would work immediately, not only in 6 month?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2020-09-11

2020-09-18 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Andreas

Am 17.09.20 um 18:56 schrieb Andreas Mantke:
> I already knew the German binding text. But you are following only the
> first interpretation method. But that is not the whole story ;-)

But it's the text. The topic may be worth a discussion, but here and now these 
are "Da Rules".

Interested in the second interpretation method. And of course in the whole 
story too.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2020-09-11

2020-09-16 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Andreas

Am 15.09.20 um 20:17 schrieb Andreas Mantke:
> This gives three members/members representatives with affiliation
> 'Collabora Productivity' during this board call.

Following the cited message at
 , it looks to me Infinis beeing a partner, not an subsidiary of Collabora.
Reading the German original text of § 8 (4) of our statutes [1], "afiliate" has 
the clear meaning of "subsidiary", not "partner". 

As you wrote:
> ...if there has nothing changed...

[1] "...für dieselbe Firma, Organisation oder Einheit oder einer ihrer 
Tochterorganisationen als Angestellte arbeiten."
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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[board-discuss] Re: Acceptance of MC role

2020-09-16 Thread Uwe Altmann
Am 16.09.20 um 01:46 schrieb Franklin Weng:
> I, Uwe Altmann, elected substitute member of the Membership Committee of
> The Document Foundation, hereby accept this role within the Stiftung
> Bürgerlichen Rechts. My term will start September 19, 2020.
> Signed: Uwe Altmann
> Ich, Uwe Altmann, gewähltes Ersatz-Mitglied des Mitglieder-Komitees der
> The Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung
> Bürgerlichen Rechts an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 19. September 2020.
> Unterzeichnet: Uwe Altmann

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Acceptance of MC role

2020-09-16 Thread Uwe Altmann
> I, Uwe Altmann, elected substitute member of the Membership Committee of
> The Document Foundation, hereby accept this role within the Stiftung
> Bürgerlichen Rechts. My term will start September 19, 2020.
> Signed: Uwe Altmann
> Ich, Uwe Altmann, gewähltes Ersatz-Mitglied des Mitglieder-Komitees der
> The Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung
> Bürgerlichen Rechts an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 19. September 2020.
> Unterzeichnet: Uwe Altmann

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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-05 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi again :)

Am 05.09.20 um 18:32 schrieb Muhammet Kara:
> By the way, let me try to explain the problem/unfairness described above a 
> bit by example, for the ones who are not familiar with the issue:
> A and B are working in the company X
> C and D are working in the company Y
> They all run in the MC elections
> A got the 1st position (becomes member)
> B got the 2nd position (becomes member)
> C got the 3rd position (becomes member)
> D got the 6th position (becomes deputy member)
> Because of the affiliation restriction, both A and B having the same 
> affiliation, one of them (let's say B) steps down from MC position, and is 
> kicked out of the MC completely. But C and D, although they have the same 
> affiliation, stay at their positions. So B is, in a way, punished for getting 
> too many votes. See the unfairness?

So now I understand the problem. Seems to me rather a handling glitch ;-)
Is it right that a deputy member is - in all practical matters - seen as a 
member of the body but without a vote (attends meetings in an active role, 
shares all information etc.)? Then the CoI-Rule surely should apply for deputy 
members as well. This is imho the necessary solution because this affiliated 
deputy member ("D") could only step in if a member with the same affiliation 
("C") steps back; otherwise the CoI-Rule would prevent him/her to observe 
his/her duty.
Legal advice needed: Is a "deputy member" also a case of "member"? If "yes" 
then the case is ruled by the statute's CoI-Rule anyway. If in doubt or if not, 

There is § 12 (5) which reads "The details of the induction and expulsion from 
the Membership Committee shall be regulated by a community by-law from the 
Board of Directors." 
So these by-laws maybe could have ruled (or specified the handling of) such a 
case; so the BoD is free to change or add such rules. 
So maybe no need to tweak the statutes - at least for the MC. But imho we need 
a solution for this for the BoD also. So a "yes" would be appreciated :-)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-05 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 04.09.20 um 13:17 schrieb Michael Meeks:

>   ..
>   + Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
> more marginal contributions for membership cf.

As § 10 (3) of our statutes read "The details of the induction and exclusion 
from the Board of Trustees shall be regulated by a community by-law from the 
Board of Directors..."
So I see just a little influence of the MC on this. It's rather at the BoD to 
make things clear on this topic.

> * Do you believe we should have a half-way house / badge
>   between membership and non-membership that encourages
>   a person, and gives the a path via more contribution to
>   achieve full membership ?

No. Purpose? You do contribute - then you qualify for application. I've see 
rather the opposite view: People contributing a lot but don't feel that this 
qualifies them to apply. And even if they knew that they qualify, they often 
ask "Why should I do so?"

> * When there are no concrete metrics (such as translated strings,
>   code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc.) available to
>   decide on a person's contribution; what is best practice for
>   MC members vouching for their friends' contributions, and how
>   should other MC members validate that ?

Interesting question. For example myself - no translated strings,
code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc. at least in the last few years. 
And there are even more persons fitting into that schedule (beside their work 
payed for by the TDF). 
Seems high time to discuss this community by-law.

> * To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
>   be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?

Afaik the decisions are publicly available and send out per mail to all members 
every three month :-) - and this is btw more than the BoD does ;-) .
The metrics used by the MC - as far as metrics apply - should be also available 
for the public (btw: Aren't they?). For the rest: Perhaps we need better 
defined criteria (c.f. community by-law). Normally these "soft" engagements are 
in public and so per definition traceable for the public. 
Other way round: Threw out Mike Sch. just because his work can't be seen (by 
it's very nature) publicly? At least in a few cases some trust in the decisions 
of the mc seems unavoidable. Questions or public discussion should always be 
possible, but not get the standard procedure.

> * How do you believe we can improve the existing election
>   system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?

To solve what problem? Wasn't this...

>   + I'm interested in where we have the situation that
> being too popular can stop you being able to
> engage at all as a deputy - as we saw with
> Miklos/Jona in the last MC election, and Kendy
> in the last Board election.

...a clear matter of § 8 (4) of the statutes to avoid a CoI?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Questions To MC Candidates

2020-08-28 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Andreas

Am 28.08.20 um 08:18 schrieb Andreas Mantke:

> a) regarding the mission of the MC (§ 12 of the statutes) have you
> already participated in board calls during the last two years as
> external (non-member)?

Yes, I did. mostly because I try to help in the discussion of a business entity.

> b) What is your personal take on a 'cooling down' periode between being
> a member of leading bodies of the foundation, regarding the first
> sentence in the statutes § 12?

This seems only of interest in case a member of the BoD wants to get a member 
of the MC to prevent or influence a pending lawsuit against himself.
It is surely desirable to have prevented such a possibility by our statues - 
but nothing is perfect. And some kind of self-commitment will not prevent such 
a case.
On the other hand the time schedule of the board and mc elections is a bit 
cumbersome for such an operation.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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[board-discuss] Self-nomination for the Membership Committee: Uwe Altmann

2020-08-26 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi everybody :)

My name is Uwe Altmann, I’m 63 years old male, married and living in Saarbücken 
(Germany) direct by the french border. I’m self-employed with a strong tendency 
to retirement.

I joined the (then) OpenOffice community around 2004. Mostly in marketing 
activities as helping at CeBit fair as long as we had a booth there. Besides 
being engaged in german community I did some QA and documentation on Macs. In 
the past few years I helped the TDF to get GDPR compliant an developing the 
idea of a business unit.

In “real live” - with an completed education as psychologist and statistician - 
I did mostly data analysis, statistics and consulting, both public 
administration and charitable organizations. So thus I‘m kind of experienced in 
German charity laws, managing organizations as well as internal revenue code, 
especially concerning charitable organizations. I’m not a coder anymore – my 
last programming experience lies back in the early 90ies (at least there is 
some). But besides this my last payed job was requirements engineer and 
managing a team of developers.

The spare time I won by reducing my business activities I want to use to do 
more for the TDF. So strengthen the community is one of my favorite goals. I 
may as well help in compliance with the German charity regulations and in 
organizational matters.

Full name: Uwe altmann
Email address:
Corporate affiliation: None

~75 words candidacy text:
I, Uwe Altmann, candidate for a seat in the membership committee of The 
Document Foundation. I have been around with the project and TDF since the 
early beginning, mostly in German community and QA for the Mac version. 
Actually I’m more in organizational matters. Being more an administrative guy 
than a coder I would like to foster the TDF as organization.
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2020-07-31

2020-08-06 Thread Uwe Altmann
a maybe dumb question:

Am 04.08.20 um 18:56 schrieb Florian Effenberger:
> Agenda items of private part
> 3. Discuss: Internal and external communication and processes (everyone, 7 
> minutes)
>    Reason why in private: Discussion about internal rules of procedures
>    Rationale: How to improve our process in preparing, voting and timeboxing 
> decisions; how to handle internal and external communication

Shouldn't be these processes/rules and their discussion (not the specific 
content by case) made public?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] New Version of Strategic Marcom Plan

2020-07-17 Thread Uwe Altmann
Am 17.07.20 um 08:47 schrieb Michael Weghorn:
> Doesn't TDF fund programming of software when it does tenders?

Yes, but only in special cases and under limited conditions. Therefore the 
tenders have to be carefully thought of and cannot be at free will.
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] New Version of Strategic Marcom Plan

2020-07-16 Thread Uwe Altmann
Am 15.07.20 um 16:05 schrieb Italo Vignoli:
> A new version of the strategic marcom plan has been uploaded to
> Nextcloud:

Very much improved indeed :-)

Two minor naggings:

Slide 3 (in regard to 4) maybe better (?)
"The Document Foundation is a charitable organization, and as such is not 
supposed to release commercial software /as well as to fund programming of 

Slide 28
What is the surplus of the sum of "volonteers" and "ecosystem" to form the 
"community"? Users? Takers?

And my "ceterum censeo..."
Slide 49/50
This is why I and some others propose "" set as TDB - so we get "LibreOffice" 
and "LibreOffice Enterprise,[brought to you by XYZ]" as a result. This avoids 
all of the possible negative connotations each of the proposed "additions" to 
the build distributed by TDF brings. And allows the intended discrimination as 
Basically we say there is a "LibreOffice" (vanilla) and "LibreOffice with 
benefits" (Enterprise,...) - and that's exactly what we want to tell the 
people, isn't it?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Some problems.

2020-07-13 Thread Uwe Altmann
Am 13.07.20 um 16:58 schrieb Italo Vignoli:
> we have a peculiar development process which is IMHO rather difficult
> to steer according to the usual marketing process.

To be honest: The part with "from which our product development" was a joke, 
knowing the facts as well. ;-) 
(btw. the product is that mature it seems rather difficult to me to find useful 
new features which affect more than a dozen people - except UI improvements 

But what's about "sound analysis of requirements of our market from which our 
market communication is coherently derived?"

Let's say we have three sources of knowing user requirements:

1.) Bugzilla end user requests for new features
2.) Askbot questions on features mostly existing but not known (which for the 
user asking makes no difference to 1)
3.) Anticipation of upcoming market developments (i.e. increasing WFH) and 
requirements which may come out of this

Getting these analyzed on more than a face-validity base may guide our 
communication to be more targeted on user requirements and therefore more 
interesting or compelling for them (i.e. how to set up a workflow with lots of 
off-premise users). Maybe even the ecosystem takes profit out of such an 
analysis - developing LOOL wasn't decided after the fifth beer in a bar, I 

And a user requirement must not necessarily be a function of code. Is there a 
requirement for single seat support contract? Mike says no, but maybe this is 
also a hen/egg situation?
Is there a need to have some expert talks on i.e. how to do product neutral 
call for bids? Which in return may get us some ecosystem partners?
Or maybe we need no more better hairnets but a hairspray kind of idea? 

Meant just as examples.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Discussion about options available with marketing plan draft and timetable

2020-07-13 Thread Uwe Altmann
Am 13.07.20 um 15:13 schrieb Regina Henschel:
> To make these more visible, I can think of changes for the download page:
> Introduction
> Download option "fresh"
> Download option "still".
> Introduction
> The Document Foundation (TDF) provides LibreOffice releases on a /time based 
> cycle/. TDF provides a feature release half yearly, followed by usually six 
> bug fix releases.
> Other versions, including long-term support versions, and special services 
> for the needs of companies and larger organizations are available from 
> LibreOffice partners, read // for more details.
> [// are meant to be links.]
> Remove the comment "If you're a technology enthusiast, early adopter or power 
> user, this version is for you!" from "fresh"-rectangle.
> Replace the comment "This version is slightly older and does not have the 
> latest features, but it has been tested for longer. For business deployments, 
> we strongly recommend support from certified partners which also offer 
> long-term support versions of LibreOffice." with the comment "Last bug fix 
> release for this LibreOffice series is in ".
> The short time where bug fixes are available for a LibreOffice series, should 
> make it clear to companies, that they need a different solution than just 
> downloading LibreOffice.

Can be done immediately. No preliminary decision on other topics.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Some problems.

2020-07-13 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Italo

Am 13.07.20 um 13:26 schrieb Italo Vignoli:
>> but you're not doing marketing in my sense.

> Thanks for the appreciation as communications professional. By the way
> during my career I have been..and I have a BA in Marketing Management at 
> ISTUD in Italy.

> Of course, I respect your opinion about my limited marketing skills, so
> this is just for your info.

Very interesting, didn't know in detail - but I've always known you're good in 
what you're doing :-)
What I mean is more about effectiveness vs. efficiency: It's no question that 
your doing an excellent job in what you're doing - but are you doing the right 
things (which for sure wasn't alone your decision what to do)?

Coming back to "doing marketing in my sense": So you can point me to a sound 
analysis of requirements of our market from which our product development as 
well as our market communication is coherently derived? Very interested in 
reading that.
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Some problems.

2020-07-13 Thread Uwe Altmann

sorry by being late on this.

Am 07.07.20 um 22:13 schrieb Michael Meeks:
> Nevertheless there are some big problems currently. Perhaps
> you think you have a neat solution to one of them. I'd love to hear
> about it - but solving or obsessing about just one is unlikely to do
> the job:

Ok, then some of my ideas to do by TDF

TLTR?: Become a professional managed organization (or or at least create a 
sufficient professionalized organizational segment - "from professionals for 
professionals"). Which also means: Take the tight resources of the TDF not to 
solve every problem in a do-it-yourself mentality but to get them solved 
with/by professional help.
Teach people that LibreOffice is not the gratis version of MS Office but a real 
great idea which they can and shall support in various ways. Till this field, 
then economic returns can be seeded and grow there; and this is something TDF 
can do. Don't try to force the TDF to do what it cannot (by statutes and/or by 
law) do; if it is a really important issue, create an independent structure for 

Full Text:

1. Pay a ~professional to deliver a migration white paper for small, medium an 
large enterprises respectively. With does clearly mention the advantages of a 
professional support contract. With professional layout and management summary 
and whatever else it takes to get it read by a lot of interested people. Base 
this on a sound analysis of requirements, not only on marketing labels (as 
written somewhere else). 
Therefor look for advice from marketing experts (NOT of sales or PR or 
communication or the like professionals who call themselves "marketing 
expert"!) (sorry Italo, you are undoubtedly a highly qualified communications 
professional, but you're not doing marketing in my sense).

1a. Even if they are true, avoid statements like "...and can significantly 
reduce the Total Cost of Ownership of enterprise PCs because it replaces the 
license cost with a substantially lower migration cost" in an official document 
(LibreOffice Migration Protocol, p. 1 in this case)! Anyhow, the migration 
protocol seems to be a good starting point.

2. Pay a full time LO developer to do mentoring workshops on a regular base, 
embedded by a communication campaign also led by a PR ~professional, 
advertising these workshops in local (modern social) media. I. e.: For 
Germany/DACH rent Linux hotel for one week and offer a hacking LO workshop 
there for (nearly) free - and advertise that widely in DACH media (not only IT 
centered ones), based on a ~sound media analysis of what is read by our 
targeted group. Both effects - educating/recruiting programmers and having a 
widespread LO image campaign - will be worth the money. 
Besides that we still suffer from the "OpenOffice - oops, I meant 
LibreOffice"-effect (OpenOffice meant a as class of software, not perceived as 
a distinct product vs. LibreOffice) and still have to establish the right name 
for the right product by an image campaign.
Develop this an a "standard"-module (by documentation, standard teaching 
material, checklist, do's and don'ts...) to encourage local communities to copy 
that for their country (similar as the conference is a teamwork between la 
local community and a professional, experienced orga-team at TDF). Send them 
the developer in case of need.

3. Pay a ~professional organization to deliver a basic set of training 
materials under a CC license (i.e. attribution share-alike). Which may then 
been translated by the community - or enterprises using them. Lack of local 
training capabilities often seem to be the bottleneck of migration projects, so 
we should enforce them.

5. Set up a professional qualification structure (like lpi) with certificates 
and all this stuff. At least give the picture of doing so. 
"LibreOffice Certification is completely different from commercial 
certification... TDF is looking for LibreOffice Ambassadors, able to provide 
value-added professional services to grow the LibreOffice ecosystem."[1] is a 
nice try but will not foster commercial organizations to trust in - rather to 
get suspicious.

6. Stop trying to use TDF as a selling point. Won't work and even worse damage 
the project. It's ok to express concerns where TDF is standing in the way of 
business (or "ecosystem") interests and helping it stepping aside. But having 
the managers in charge of all of the tree "ecosystem partners" mentioned on our 
website [2] as members of the BoD leaves me pondering.
Perhaps we should also put a definition of what is an "ecosystem partner" (and 
what to do to become one) on that page. 
btw: this page [2] should imho not be in "downloads" but in "Discover".

6. ...still thinking...

Mit freun

Re: [board-discuss] Re: Some problems.

2020-07-10 Thread Uwe Altmann
Am 08.07.20 um 16:44 schrieb Kev M:
> I also think someone earlier referenced that this could be
> interpreted as being against the TDF bylaws, so those might need to
> be changed anyway.

This is a big part of the problem because this is exactly an option that cannot 
be done - at least not in a way that will not end in a situation in which ~all 
assets of the TDF get lost.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] UPDATED Draft Marketing Plan 2020-2025

2020-07-09 Thread Uwe Altmann
Am 09.07.20 um 17:18 schrieb Italo Vignoli:
> The two slides are extracted from the dashboard, and they are about all
> contributions to the project which are parsed by the different tools,

Slide 16 starts with statements about code contributions and therefor is at 
least misleading so far. This should then be fixed/made clear.
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] UPDATED Draft Marketing Plan 2020-2025

2020-07-09 Thread Uwe Altmann
 lot of (imho) 
appropriate arguments against this kind of labeling. No need to repeat. We 
should not tell things to our customers which are not true (like "LibreOffice 
Enterprise:... suggested for production environments and strategic documents" 
which strongly implies there is a quality or even functionality gap between the 
two versions - if not even unfixed bugs in the community version).

Slide 35 to 38
Good ideas - bot not TDFs business at all (cf. for the statutes: "promotion and 
development of office software available for use by anyone free of charge" is 
exactly /not/ what the ecosystem companies do, so TDF cannot support them to 
that effect)!
Acting accordingly to this concept by TDF undoubtly will lead it to be a part 
of the marketing branch of the ecosystem companies and violating it's statutes.
Maybe the ecosystem companies make up a joint agency for realizing these good 

Stopped here by now, will be continued maybe later on the rest of the topics.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] TDF's key goals now in Redmine

2020-06-23 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Andreas

Am 23.06.20 um 19:19 schrieb Andreas Mantke:
> And what projects and actions had already come out of this? Are there
> already joint actions, joint projects etc. which drive LibreOffice and
> the voluntary sector forward?
> Such actions and projects needs someone who leads and drive them forward
> (not only in spare time).

You're welcome to join the germanophone community video conference Thurday 
evening to advance this topic.
Really! :-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] LOOL user experience

2020-05-28 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 26.05.20 um 17:14 schrieb Paolo Vecchi:
> measure the level of nerdiness

I like this "level of nerdiness" :-)

"How wold you estimate your level of nerdiness on a scale from 0 ("Comuters? 
wtf is that") to 10 ("I only use programs I wrote myself")
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2020-04-24

2020-05-14 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 13.05.20 um 11:54 schrieb Stephan Ficht:
> The meeting commences at 13:05 
> ...
> ends 13:09 Berlin time.

...and the minutes then need two an a half weeks to be published? And at time 
there was really nothing worth working on it? Or reporting to the community?

Ain't you ashamed of this document of obvious idleness? There are open issues 
which damage the Foundation and the community as long they are not solved and 
you dare to just do nothing? Or at least to tell us nothing about what has been 
discussed and/or done?

Just to remind item 4 of the last TDF board meeting: "4. Discuss: one of the 
highest Ranking in budget vote: ...what to do in general...(Lothar, All 5 
minutes, if needed shifted to the private part)"
I' afraid 5 minutes will be not good enough by half. And besides that: A shift 
to the private part is not welcome at all.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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[board-discuss] OwnCloud offering

2020-03-19 Thread Uwe Altmann
Just got a mail from OwnCloud offering as "ownCloud as a 
Service" - advertising "integrated OnlyOffice for easy and secure real-time 
collaboration on documents, spreadsheets and presentations"

Is someone there to talk to them using LOO instad?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] creation of The Document Collective (TDC)

2019-09-26 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi there

Just read the paper. It raised some questions.

What I'm absolutely missing is a draft of a business plan. Based on the 
experiences of collabora with the Apple Store (and perhaps CIB with MS) it 
should at least make clear the ability of self preservation of that business 
unit, expressed in the estimated yearly costs to provide the app-updates, 
estimated return from the stores, further costs like legal/tax consultancy, 
dues/fees, salaries etc. Without that, all further discussion seems senseless.

And what I do not understand at all is the reasons there is such a complicated 
and a difficult to zero controllable process with a "Public Software CIC"  
50.000 € loan just to get an unincorporated association (whatever that means in 
terms of business and liability, i. e. ability to contract directly with app 
stores etc.

In Germany, founding a Limited Company (GmbH) will need 25 T€ initial capital 
(to which the liability of the company then is limited - we may even make up an 
"UG" with less to zero initial capital and liability). The overall costs are 
about less then 1.000 €, it'll take about four weeks time and perhaps one day 
work. So why the TDF does not start a GmbH (as owner) and use the 25 T€ initial 
capital (also loaned) to get it working? 
Perfect control by the board and no hassle about "to commission a mechanism to 
spend TDC's income surplus in the manner agreed by the Board's Document" 
because all surplus will go automatically to TDF.

IF you don't like Germany, try a french s.a.r.l. But don't go outside EU, and 
GB is - sad to say - half way out and still on a "leave"-course. 

No collision of interest too btw.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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[board-discuss] Self nomination for BoD

2017-11-27 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi everybody :)

My name is Uwe Altmann, I’m 60 years old male, married and living in Saarbücken 
direct by the french border. I’m self-employed with a strong tendency to 

I joined the (then) OpenOffice community around 2004. Mostly in marketing 
activities as
helping at CeBit fair as long as we had a booth there. Besides being engaged in 
community I did some QA and documentation on Macs. In the past few years I was 
concerned on giving (at least some) of the community a nudge to develop a 
vision of the
future of LibreOffice as a product as well as a community.

In “real live” - with an completed education as psychologist and statistician - 
I did
mostly data analysis, statistics and consulting , both public administration and
charitable organizations. So thus I‘m kind of experienced in German charity 
laws, managing
organizations as well as internal revenue code, especially concerning charitable
organizations. I’m not a coder anymore – my last programming experience lies 
back in the
early 90ies (at least there is some). But besides this my last payed job was 
engineer and managing a team of developers.

The spare time I won by reducing my business activities I want to use to do 
more for the
TDF. As Eike just stated I'd also like to see that more people from regions of 
the world
not represented in TDF yet will join us as members of the TDF - as well as 
members of our
bodies. So strengthen the community is one of my favorite goals. I may as well 
help in
compliance with the german charity regulations and in organizational matters.

Full name: Uwe altmann
Email address:
Corporate affiliation: None

~75 words candidacy text:
I, Uwe Altmann, candidate for a seat on the Board of Directors of The Document 
I have been around with the project and TDF since the early beginning, mostly 
in german
community and QA for the Mac version. Actually I’m more in the marketing trying 
to start a
process  to discuss a vision of TDFs future.  Being more an administrative guy 
than a
coder I would like to foster the TDF as organization.
Uwe Altmann

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[board-discuss] Vision workshp results so far

2017-09-20 Thread Uwe Altmann
As we plan to do another workshop on how we see the future of LibreOffice 
users, market and community (aka "Vision"-Workshop) in Rome, here are the 
from Brno and FOSDEM:

Brno: (148kB)
FOSDEM: (341 kB)

See you in Rome :-)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Java still broke on LibreOffice 5.1.1

2016-03-11 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 11.03.16 um 10:18 schrieb Alexander Thurgood:

> Install the JDK instead, it really isn't that hard. A PITA yes, but not
> hard.

Wow - that helps! Find it here:
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Installing on Mac OS X

2015-12-19 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Larry

Am 18.12.15 um 21:18 schrieb Larry Gusaas:

> To clarify:
> When you download LibreOffice and a language pack and install
> LibreOffice and then install the language pack before opening
> LibreOffice you will get the error message.
> If you have already opened LibreOffice before installing the language
> pack, like you did, the language pack will install and you will not get
> an error message.
> This is a serious issue for non-english speaking  people since they are
> likely to install the language pack before they open LibreOffice.

Ah, now I got it. Indeed an ugly one.
For progress in this have a alook at
I'll try my best
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Installing on Mac OS X

2015-12-18 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Larry

Am 18.12.15 um 10:34 schrieb Larry Gusaas:
> No, the download did not go wrong. I also installed the en-GB language
> pack. Doing so makes the signing certificate invalid and it can't be
> opened unless I switch security settings to "Anywhere". You obviously
> didn't read my post clearly.

Maybe your post wasn't clearly enough on this? Also my English is
extremely bad so perhaps I missed the point?

So for this I downloaded en-GB langpack and installed it on my 5.0.4
(with German langpack already installed). Started LO as usual - no
problem. No invalid or invalidated certificate so far. en-GB is
available now. Everything is as it should.

Probably the error message is right and you perhaps got the NSA-Version
of the download ( ;-) - just joking). Try download again from

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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Installing on Mac OS X

2015-12-17 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Larry

I have the sames Mac OS as you and just got me
LibreOffice_5.0.4_MacOS_x86-64.dmg (via torrent).
I opened the .dmg and copied the LibreOffice file into Programs. Then
started it per double click - it opened without any problem. My Security
is set to "Mac App Store and verified developers".

So most probably your download went wrong and the file got damaged.
(btw: I try since tree days to install MS Office 365  - nothing works,
all downloaded packages are corrupted, MS support cannot find the reason
why. So you'll not be better with that)

Am 18.12.15 um 01:12 schrieb Larry Gusaas:
> Once again I can't open LibreOffice after upgrading to
> LibreOffice_5.0.4_MacOS_x86-64 and
> LibreOffice_5.0.4_MacOS_x86-64_langpack_en-GB on my Mac (OS X ver.
> 10.11.2 El Capitan)
> Get the following message:
>“” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it
> to the Trash.
> I have to go to my security settings to allow apps downloaded from
> anywhere. Can't right click/open to bypass setting like other applications.
> You need to fix your signing certificates so they are valid when an
> additional language pack is installed.
> I'm one step closer to eradicating LibreOffice from my computer. Still
> need to open old WordPerfect files though.

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Uwe Altmann

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[tdf-discuss] Erroneous info concerning bugzilla status Confirmed/New

2012-06-12 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hash: SHA1


In [1] there is described a possible bug status Confirmed.
In bugzilla itself, this is done by a status New; Confirmed is not
present nor can be assigned in status drop down field. So please
someone with a plan and sufficient rights might either change [1] or
status names in bugzilla.

- -- 
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Uwe Altmann
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Re: [tdf-discuss] Erroneous info concerning bugzilla status Confirmed/New

2012-06-12 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hash: SHA1

Am 12.06.12 12:23, schrieb Rainer Bielefeld:
 Uwe Altmann schrieb:
 In [1] there is described a possible bug status Confirmed. In
 bugzilla itself, this is done by a status New;
 that can not be done easily, but:

it /has/ to be done, doesn't it?

Maybe it is easier to change the web pages by search/replace
Confirmed by New, at least in status help page?

- -- 
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Uwe Altmann
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Re: [tdf-discuss] LibreOffice on CeBit

2012-02-20 Thread Uwe Altmann
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Am 16.02.12 20:09, schrieb Uwe Altmann:
 ...LibreOffice is present on Hall 2, Stand D46-2

There was an error in stand number: It will be Halle 2, Stand D64/2

(Thanks to Lothar eagle eye Becker :-) )
- -- 
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Uwe Altmann
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Re: [tdf-discuss] How developers scare end-users away from filing bugs

2012-02-14 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hash: SHA1

Hi Ilyse, *

Added some info to the bugfile.

- -- 
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Uwe Altmann
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Re: [tdf-discuss] Suggestion: Open to last edited page

2012-01-07 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hash: SHA1


Am 07.01.12 11:42, schrieb Volker Merschmann:
 2012/1/7 ScCrow
 I would like for a document (any document) to open to the last
 page that I was on when I closed it.  I have a large document.
 When I go back, I always have to locate where I left off work.  I
 started just never closing the document, which I dont like to
 I remember we have had this feature in a former OOo-version, but I
 do not remember why it has been dropped. Maybe related to a change
 in the ODF-format.

Hasn't there been a command like jump to the last position of cursor?
I'd like that more than an document opening at a random position.
- -- 
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Uwe Altmann
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Re: [tdf-discuss] overall communication guidelines and reply-to mangling

2011-12-14 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Flo

Am 15.12.11 00:41, schrieb Florian Effenberger:
 - We have been discussing that issue for two months now without any
 clear result, it still is that some people want it, some don't.
 So, what shall I do? Flip a coin?

No. It's really simple: Because
a) there is no clear preferfence or decision
b) you are not someone who has spare time to spent on something useless
or suffering from boredom
it is clear the best way is the one which causes /lesser/ work.

SO - make a short statement like no clear preference for a change to
those lists and leave everything as it is - or stop complaining about a
lot to do/no time ;-)

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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Standalone PDF

2011-12-02 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 02.12.11 05:12, schrieb Paul:
 Does Libre office have a stand alone PDF application?  ie - does Libre 
 provide the PDF editor by itself without all the other features in the 200 MB 
 download - is it possible to install only the PDF tool without all the other 
 features ?  
 All responses appreciated. Thanks, Paula


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Re: [tdf-discuss] Are we sure not to release 3.4.4-RC3? This is the last release until February and 3.5.0 one!

2011-11-07 Thread Uwe Altmann
Am 07.11.11 17:43, schrieb Thorsten Behrens:

 Absolutely! That's the whole point in development, to make a better
 version! :)

No, not necessarily. An old saying goes: If debugging is the process of
eliminating errors in a computer program then programming is the process
to get them into it :-)))

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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] XAdES digital signature extension

2011-11-04 Thread Uwe Altmann
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Am 04.11.11 19:27, schrieb Davide Dozza:
 There are some compatibility problems. With LibO 3.4.3 the
 extension can be installed but neither the custom bar nor the
 configuration item are displayed. Therefore it seems the extension
 code doesn't start.

So this is the point where I want to moot someting like an
It should be possible from my point of view that some devs take the
responsibility to check new code to avoid api-breaks. And put to the
conscience of all devs that it should be a top priority to avoid
breaking the API-compatibility (no matter if they are made in OOO or LO).
If we loose the extension compatibility we will loose a lot of good
reasons for OOo/LO in many scenarios an also a lot of good devs
working on Extensions.
- -- 
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Uwe Altmann
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Re: [tdf-discuss] How do I set LibreOffice to use a specific web browser

2011-10-13 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 12.10.11 22:33, schrieb M Robinson:
 How do I configure LibreOffice/writer to use a portable web
 browser by default?

Not all all. You have to configure your OS to use a certain browser as
the default browser.
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Support for Versions, Full-Screen, and Resume in OS X Lion

2011-08-06 Thread Uwe Altmann
Am 05.08.11 09:31, schrieb Tor Lillqvist:

 Compiles fine against the 10.4 SDK, works as intended on 10.7. Should work 
 on earlier OSes, too, but I haven't verified that.

Send me a link to a build and a test scenario (where you do think
possible side effects could occur?) an I will do so against 10.6 and
10.5 :-)

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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] OOo / LO Extensions

2011-07-13 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 12.07.11 20:38, schrieb drew:
 hmmm - that is assuming that the two separate projects will maintain
 enough common code base that shared extensions are possible - that is a
 requirement that I for one would not want to see enforced. The fact that
 we can share extensions today is, IMO, a remnant of a past history and
 should not dictate decisions for going forward - so I would not be in
 favor our hosting Apache branded extensions on a
 TDF/LibreOffice service, nor would I be in favor or seeing
 TDF/Libreoffice continue to point back to Apache for any
 future end user services.

As in past some extensions required some special version of OOo, in
future they may require a special version of LO or only LO or only AOOo
at all. It's more testing but surely can be documented and handeled.
Besides that I dont't expect LO to refurbish the API on a
down-to-the-foundation level in the next years.
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] TDF Certification

2011-06-24 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Ian

Am 22.06.11 17:01, schrieb Ian Lynch:
 On 6/22/11 1:40 PM, Ian Lynch wrote:

 ...The OpenOffice project application was submitted through OpenSaar in
 Germany. I wrote it but we thought it better to go through a different

Could you provide some more Information on this for me - that sounds
quite interesting.
I'm living in Saarbrücken and have been for years active member of the
gemanophone OOo-Project but don't know anything about this.
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] LibreOffice +US Gov't ECCN Export Control

2011-06-19 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Ben, *

Am 18.06.11 21:37, schrieb BRM:
 AIUI it would be a good idea for  the TDF to consult it's US legal team
 about whether this is really the  case...

 Very much so, especially since from what Export Control training I have had, 
 even a patch from a developer in the US would be considered an export to 
 and thereby require an export license. IANAL, and that may fly under the 
 easily; but it is something to have the legal team consider.

Citing [1]:
Firms exporting products that are subject to EAR must apply for an
export license, unless the transaction qualifies for a license exception
or “No License Required” (NLR) treatment. When a Shippers Export
Declaration (SED) is required for the export transaction (for shipments
over $2,500 value, those requiring an export license, or those going to
countries that have been designated as terrorist supporting countries),
the ECCN must be provided.

Obviously, LO is not a Firm nor does the value of the exported product
exceed 2.500$. So we need no SED and maybe that qualifies for an NLR
teatment ;-)

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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: [Libreoffice] Proposal to join Apache OpenOffice

2011-06-12 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Ben

Am 10.06.11 15:55, schrieb BRM:
 You know, usually when an organization (such as TDF) is legally owned by  
 another organization …

I know it is difficult to understand if you're not in (german) legal
affairs: TDF once fonded as Stiftung (=foundation) will be on it's own
right and nor belong to not been owned by nobody but itself. What we see
now for transitional purposes is the solution of the hen and
egg-problem: You'll need a founder to found a foundation - and that is
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Adabas database usage

2011-06-11 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Alex, *

Am 11.06.11 11:28, schrieb Alexander Thurgood:
 Agreed again. All platforms or nothing seems fair enough. I don't really
 understand why it was never made available for Mac, guess the  owners of
 Adabas D never thought it was worthwhile.

Adabas was bundeled only with StarOffice (never with OOo) - it was one
of the Add-Ons Star Office had (besides more Gallery entries,
templates and better spell checking then OOo) in former times. In
former times refers to OOo 1.* when OOo has no official (=Sun/Star
Office) Version for Macs; so Adabas connection/driver never had a need
for Mac support by Sun.
Meanwhile Adabas is a legacy product. I wonder if anyone uses it in a
productive environment. Surely not on a Mac.

As has been said - whoever need this can stick on an older OOo Version.
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Simple solution to avoid #VALUE required

2011-06-06 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 06.06.11 18:06, schrieb Rainer Bielefeld:

 The problem is caused by the reasons for
 Bug 37860 - Formula returns #VALUE in 3.4RC2 but works as expected in 3.3
 Does anybody know a simple solution how to leave calculated cell
 contents  (Empty) instead of Number Value 0 in column H of attached

This has been discussed under Calc-Problem bei LibO 3.4 on de-LO-List ??

Regina Henschel proposed some workarouds.
Overall, this behavior is not necessaryly seen as a bug: Cells with
formulas never are enmpty
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Request for Libre Office on Spoon

2011-04-20 Thread Uwe Altmann
Am 20.04.11 11:13, schrieb M Henri Day:
 Nothing for us Linux users ?

and Sorry, Spoon isn't available on Macs yet!
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Re: [tdf-discuss] MacOS X install: use native packaging which can be installed without user confirmation?

2011-02-20 Thread Uwe Altmann
Am 19.02.11 18:02, schrieb J.B. Nicholson-Owens:
 In another thread, Uwe Altmann wrote docs for installing a LibreOffice
 language pack:
 Download and open the *.dmg file
 Start the Program 3.3 Language Pack into the dmg.
 Select the LO/OOo-Version you want to update with the langpack.
 Click OK
 Is there some way to install LibreOffice and its language packs
 completely from the command line?
 It would be more convenient for admins who do large-scale deployments to
 be able to do automated installs, including installs from remote control
 systems like Apple Remote Desktop. The native MacOS X package allows one
 to use the open command to fully install packages without providing
 any kind of additional confirmation (such as clicking OK).

First do a complete installation of LO (plus langpacks, helpfiles, forms
for all users and all that stuff) that you want to have on one Mac.
Than copy the .app - Package of this LO Version to all other computers
on which you like to have it.
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Uwe Altmann

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Mac App Store

2011-01-08 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 08.01.11 14:23, schrieb Fabián Rodríguez:
 Apple won't likely block the app until the FSF or its author (as
 happened with VLC) demands that they comply with the licenses. If/when
 that happens is another story.

Concerning VCL: ...Rémi Denis-Courmont waged a one-man campaign against
Applidium's iOS port of VLC, claiming the app violated the GNU public
license (GPL) because App Store purchases have Digital Rights Management
(DRM) applied to them. [1]

I do not know if this applies to AppStore for normal Applications (not
iOS)  as well - the point her was iOS' DRM system for purchases.

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Uwe Altmann - auch auf dem Mac!

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Mac App Store

2011-01-07 Thread Uwe Altmann
Am 07.01.11 04:57, schrieb todd rme:

 - It is not packaged and submitted using Apple’s packaging
 technologies included in Xcode – No third party installers are allowed
 (I thought this was a major goal of LibO)

It /is/ packaged and submitted using Apple’s packaging technologies as
far as the Mac Version of OOo is concerned - it's a *.dmg file
containing an *.app folder, which his a common way of installing
programs on a Mac.

NeoOffice is listed since years in the download area of so
this can not be that problematic.
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Uwe Altmann - auch auf dem Mac!

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[tdf-discuss] Re: [tdf-discuss] What about NeoOffice in tegration in Libò (and viceversa): to merge an d not to waste/spread efforts?

2011-01-06 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi Carlo

Am 06.01.11 10:59, schrieb Carlo Strata:
 What about NeoOffice integration in Libò (and viceversa): to merge and
 not to waste/spread efforts?
 It's only a license trouble???

You got the point!

There are two possibilities:
1. LibO changes from LGPL to GPL license. There are some good reasons
not to do this. Besides it would be not that easy just because the
missing of a Contributor Agreement (CA) and therefore the lack of a one
and only license holder who could decide and change that.
2. NeoOffice changes from GPL to LGPL. Ask Patrick and Ed about that. Be
prepared to get burned ;-)
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Uwe Altmann - auch auf dem Mac!

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: [Wiki]New wiki page: the user profile

2010-12-27 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 26.12.10 15:07, schrieb sophie:
 Please go on, we will move the page when needed, but for the moment,
 this wiki is used by all the community to put the needed stuff, being
 end user or not.
 This is our tool, it's in place and open, so use it as you want to
 So thanks for your page, I think may be it should go under a
 documentation category, because it will be easier to find there. But
 again don't refrain to participate because we will have a new wiki in
 several times.

By incident I know that David Nelson was writing installing instructions
for the upcomming(?) website. These will also refer to
parallel install (I provided him with some info for Mac). So perhaps he
joins this discussion as well and we do the work at one place only?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Uwe Altmann

LibreOffice - auch auf dem Mac!

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Detailed instructions for installing LibreOffice on Macintosh

2010-12-17 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi David

one more thing :-)

When a user wants to use his OOo-user-Prefs (aka user-foder) then he
just has to go to
   MyHomeFolder/Library/Application Support/

make a duplicate of the folder
rename the duplicate to LibreOffice (or just rename
folder to LibreOffice in case you do not longer use

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Uwe Altmann - auch auf dem Mac!

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