Re: [jQuery] Docs Wigdet

2007-02-25 Thread Peter De Berdt
 if it works on PC, i'd definitely use it!

Then it would need to be called a GADget and not a WIDget, it's not
the same ;-) (those of you reading digg and/or apple blogs will get
the joke :-))

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Docs Wigdet

2007-02-25 Thread Peter De Berdt
 That's looks really cool, I'd definitely use it.
 Hey Yahuda, you could use Yahoo Widgets [1], they work in windows and mac

I don't know a single mac user using Yahoo Widgets, because Apple
Dashboard Widgets are built in, do the job fairly fine and already
take up enough memory anyway. An Apple Dashboard Widget will do for me

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jqUploader: flash-based file upload

2007-02-22 Thread Peter De Berdt
On 2/22/07, Chris Domigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is awesome! Didn't know you could use flash to do that :)

SWFUpload ( can do similar things, but
only uses Flash to do the actual filtering/selection/uploading of the
file, you can handle the look and upload progress through JavaScript
and CSS. I've used it in one of my applications with great success
(instead of having to resort to periodical updaters and the likes).

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery and Rails

2007-02-21 Thread Peter De Berdt
On 2/21/07, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Peter De Berdt schrieb:
  1) Are you using Rails?
  Yes, close to 24/7 :-)
  3) Would you prefer an approach that generated JS by writing Ruby helpers
  that generated jQuery code, or an approach that made is easier to link up
  existing jQuery code into Rails?
  A mix of both actually, it would be great if I could just replace
  Prototype/scriptaculous with jquery/interface and I wouldn't have to
  replace my Rails helpers with Javascript code (I prefer to use Rails
  helpers for the simple stuff and resort to custom JS code if the Rails
  helpers are not sufficient). The Rails helpers are really great for
  the day-to-day stuff, but they don't encompass the complete
  functionality of Proto/script.

 This is *exactly* what I'm after - combined with the idea of UOJS, that is.

Indeed, but considering jQuery users already being used to UOJS, I
didn't mention it, it seemed obvious to me :-)

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery and Rails

2007-02-21 Thread Peter De Berdt
 I realize there is a group of people who'd like to just write everything in 
 Ruby (i.e. get to
 use javascript without having to know javascript), but I think that's a red 

That's not the main issue, but without MinusMOR, your RJS files would
always look like
page  some_jquery_code;
page  some_jquery_code;
I don't mind writing JavaScript myself either, but in order for jQuery
for Rails to be easily integrated into existing applications, the
helpers are a must. I have my fair share of applications that combine
both helpers and sporadically some custom JS code, but I don't want to
refactor all my RJS and view code just for being able to integrate
jQuery instead of proto/script. If it could be plug-and-play (and not
plug-and-pray) I wouldn't doubt and just deploy new versions of my
AJAXed apps just for jQuery.

 Here are the main issues I've run into:
 + unobtrusively including js specific to a view

... and a Rails way of keeping the behavior in a separate file
(separate behavior from representation). What I would do now, is
either use a partial to render the JS in the header and put it in my
layout or just add JS files to the public/javascripts directory, but I
don't find it very Rails-like, it doesn't feel like the best solution.

 So, in whatever.rhtml, do something like:

  % javascript :file = 'path/to/plugin.js' %
  % javascript :text = %{ $('p').css('color','blue'); } %
  % javascript :text = %{ $('p').css('font-size', '2em'); }% %

 And get:

  script type=text/javascript src=whatever.js/script

Looks like Luke Redpath's UJS4Rails way of doing things :-) It's not a
bad solution, but UJS4Rails has introduced unreliable behavior in some
of the apps I have been working on.

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Off topic: which programming language for webdevelopment

2006-11-22 Thread Peter De Berdt
I too would recommend Ruby on Rails. It's a very powerful full stack
framework and pretty easy to get a hang off (even if you don't know
ruby). If you really want to program PHP (I did this until a year ago,
but try to avoid it as much as possible now), you could have a look at
the Rails-like CakePHP or Symphony PHP frameworks. But, as I said,
Ruby on Rails is just so easy yet powerful and it has a great

Prototype/Scriptaculous is well integrated into Rails (the authors of
those JavaScript frameworks are core members of RoR), but you could as
well use JQuery. I prefer to use JQuery with Rails and have done so
with great success. I use the MinusR plugin from Dan Webb, so I can
use erb (the rails templating language) in my JavaScript code.

On 11/22/06, Barry Nauta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To all,

 First of all: apologies for this non-jquery related question, but since there
 are many experts in web-development on this list, I dare to ask it anyway.

 Our company is looking for a way for 'quick' web-development. Small webapps
 consisting of a few webpages with some minimal database interaction.

 We currently develop everything in Java (including webapps), but I find the
 whole cycle of developing, compiling (java class files, EJBs etc), deploying,
 JNDI setup, db resource setup and recompilation (of the jsps) too heavy.
 Additionally, for applications with a limited number of users (50 would be a
 huge userbase in this case), I think that a clustered multitier application
 server (our current deployment platform) is w too complex.

 I would like to propose a (any?) scripting language as alternative.

 Without making a choice for any language, I am looking for arguments why a
 dynamic scripting language in general would be better.
 Of course, I am also interested in language characteristics. I know PHP pretty
 well, but the other languages are, from a technical point of view, unknown to

 If you feel that this is too off-topic to reply to the list, please reply to
 my personal address!!!

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