Re: [jQuery] jQuery Powered Sites - Keep the Links Coming

2007-01-13 Thread Philippe Jadin

Please keep sending links as we want to have a nice list of
jQuery-powered sites for the jQuery web site. uses jquery for the electronic postcards. If
you hover on any image in the content area, there is a big red button that
says send this picture as an ecard. The site is in french, and endorsed by
the Belgian public service Yapaka (, a government campaign
that helps people (in this case, teens) talk to each other




jQuery mailing list

Philippe Jadin
Thinkedit, a flexible
data and content
management system :
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] List of jQuery-Powered Sites

2007-01-11 Thread Philippe Jadin

If you could, please provide a description of where jQuery is being used
within the website.

Please reply to this email and I'll begin compiling the list.


We are starting to use Jquery inside Thinkedit, a freshly opensourced cms.
We use it for the dropdown menus in the admin interface ( ) , to show a console ( ), and various show/hide

Expect some questions from me when we'll start more complicated stuff :-)
And feel free to try Thinkedit. I expect to release the 2.0 in a few months.

Philippe Jadin



jQuery mailing list

Philippe Jadin
Thinkedit, a flexible
data and content
management system :
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] possible to load html page fragment?

2006-11-18 Thread Philippe Jadin
 Thanks to both of you! I'll give your suggestions a shot this
 weekend. And if I'm feeling really adventurous, maybe I'll try to add
 a parameter for this in the jTip plugin.

This gives me an idea : this could be used for very simple
jquery-based progressive enhancement (unobstrusive ajax) :

- first use normal a href=yourfile
ajax_target=myelement_target_id which reload the entire page in the
- enhance those a with jquery and use $.ajax to load the content
- inside your file put a div id=loadme  arround the changed content

You can this way only reload part of the page if JS is enabled. This
would waste some server ressources, since the whole page would be
rendered server side, but with some additional logic it should be
possible to render/send only the loadme div when the call is done
with ajax.

Has it been already done in other projects?


Philippe Jadin
Thinkedit, a flexible
data and content
management system :

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery Metadata Plugin

2006-11-02 Thread Philippe Jadin
On 11/2/06, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sure, slip in a different namespace and you can make your own tags
  but it won't validate unless you do the dtd for it too.

I'm wondering, about validation, does a page must validate before or
after it is parsed by javascript? Curently, w3c validator and others
do not understand javascript. The only way to see a finished page is
to use source code of the selection in firefox. What happens if we
decide that a page should validate after jquery/javascript opperations
? In this case, we could add exotic attributes to html tags, and
remove them with jquery. The result would be valid.

Do screen readers have a javascript engine ?
Should the online validators understand this javascript monkey patching ?


Philippe Jadin
Thinkedit, a flexible
data and content
management system :
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Serializing Sortables (new approach)

2006-10-30 Thread Philippe Jadin
 params[:item].each {|id, hash| Item.find(id).update_attributes(hash)}

 Which should convert the serialized data into the acts_as_nested_set. Make

It does. I'm wondering what happens if you have a very large tree
(+10.000 nodes) and you load part of it on demand. In this situation,
the whole tree is never loaded at once for scalability reasons, so it
is not possible to compute the left and right values client side.
Maybe it's a specific use case. If so, another serializer could be
written that only sends parent_id information for the loaded tree ?

I never used act_as_nested_set, but my implementation allows you to
add nodes in an arbitrary order, then you can rebuild the tree. It
is also possible to add a node anywhere without rebuilding the nested

There is an article on the difference between adjacency list (parent
id) and what they call modified preorder tree traversal (left +
right) :

Something else that came to mind : is it possible to allow other
parameters to be sent? Like a 'modified' flag, so we can only update
the DB with modified nodes.

All this is very cool to have in jquery, thanks a lot for making it happen!

Philippe Jadin
Thinkedit, a flexible
data and content
management system :

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Serializing Sortables (new approach)

2006-10-30 Thread Philippe Jadin
 for what purpose do you need left and right values for serialisation? Isn't
 it enough to store the hierarchial structure in multidimensional arrays?

I was answering to the first proposal that includes left and right
values in the serialized data. I agree that it's even simpler and more
general to provide a multidimensional array


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Intro + suggestion (plugin repository)

2006-10-18 Thread Philippe Jadin

It's my first post, so let me introduce myself. I'm a jquery newbie,
somewhat knowledgeable at javascript, php, and web applications in
general. I'm the developer of thinkedit ( yet
another php CMS. We choosed jquery to add easily some dynamic
behaviour to the admin interface of this cms. Currently, very little
has been done in this direction. The main thing to do is to build a
tree ui for the management of nodes inside the cms.

This being said, I have a first question / proposal : is there a plan
to have a solid plugin repository ?

It would be great to have a central place where authors can add
plugins, with structured informations :

- author
- last updated
- compatibility with jquery version x and upper (very important if you
plan to change the api)
- user rating
- user comments
- svn access

This looks like a lot of work, but this would help a lot. I'm always a
bit in discomfort to copy and paste some plugin code from some
unknown people on a production site. This would also help
collaboration on plugins. Maybe I'm dreaming, or maybe it already
exists, or maybe it's too early ?

Anyway, thanks a lot for this refreshing way of using javascript !

Philippe Jadin
Thinkedit, a flexible
data and content
management system :

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Intro + suggestion (plugin repository)

2006-10-18 Thread Philippe Jadin
Very good news! Having this kind of official repository would be a big
plus for jquery vs the other frameworks. The infrastructure work
already done for jquery is amazing


On 10/18/06, Blair McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Previous threads have brought this up and the response from John has been:
 It's in the works.


Philippe Jadin
Thinkedit, a flexible
data and content
management system :

jQuery mailing list