Re: [jQuery] -- jQuery Menu Scout

2006-12-12 Thread Steven Wittens
 saw this today, about jquery on!

And here's an actually useful mail about this:

it's a tool that uses an ajax live-search to fetch matching pages in  
the Drupal Administration UI (back end). It then dims the page and  
highlights any links that lead directly or indirectly to the results,  
with a nice styled bubble.

The idea is to make it easier to learn how the Drupal UI works and  
where certain settings are located.

Video at:

Clickable link to blog post:

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Efforts to Convert Folks to jQuery

2006-12-12 Thread Steven Wittens
I don't have time to sift through this thread, but I just want to say  
I gave a talk about Drupal  jQuery twice in September and got  
nothing but good replies. The slides are online. Mail me if you want  
the Apple Keynote file:

There is also a video on Google Video, search for jquery drupalcon  
or so.

My slide about why jQuery? says:

•Doesn’t mess with the language (Prototype)
•Doesn’t try to be Python (Mochikit)
•Only essentials: 15KB (Scriptaculous, Dojo)
•More than cosmetic effects (Moo.fx)
•Makes common tasks easy


Steven Wittens
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Handling unsupported browsers

2006-10-18 Thread Steven Wittens
 Does anyone have a preferred way for handling browsers that are not
 officially supported by jQuery, such as Netscape? What I am planning
 on doing is having server-side browser detection code which gives me
 the browser name, platform, and version number, then in my site,
 having each page coded in two different ways: one for Ajax and one
 without Ajax. Is this what other people do?

Server-side browser detection is unreliable due to User Agent spoofing.

It's much better to just code your pages so that the JavaScript  
features are tacked on transparently, and have a usable alternative  
when JavaScript is turned off. That way, you can treat any broken  
browser as one which does not support JavaScript.

You can use several tricks to do this in a relatively seamless way:

1) Define a global variable jsEnabled or something, which checks  
for required DOM functions. For example:

var jsEnabled = document.getElementsByTagName   
document.createElement  document.createTextNode   
document.documentElement  document.getElementById;

Then, you can augment this with browser-specific denials if there are  
still problems.

2) In the global scope (NOT in .ready()), you set a class on the  
html element:

if (jsEnabled) {
   document.documentElement.className = 'js';

3) Then, you define a bunch of CSS rules with the ancestor selector  
html.js (e.g. html.js #myelement) where you apply the required  
styles for JavaScript-based features. This can include hiding  
collapsed section of the page, making Ajax widgets visible, etc.

4) Any additional changes that need to be made to the source document  
are done in $(document).ready(), but also only if (jsEnabled) is true.

This gives you the best of both worlds: you avoid non-JavaScript  
users seeing useless widgets on the page or having inaccessible  
content, while JavaScript users don't see the page change drastically  
as soon as it finished loading. Remember: even with $(document).ready 
() there is the possibility of incremental rendering.

Then, when you tell your users to turn on JavaScript or switch  
browsers, it's not an ultimatum: it's a choice for them, if they want  
a better user experience, but they can't still see and use your site.

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Radio button bug

2006-10-17 Thread Steven Wittens
I've found a rather tricky bug in jQuery 1.0.2. When you use an  
animated slideDown() or show() on an element containing one or more  
radio buttons, the radio buttons lose their selection status in  
Firefox (1.5 and 2.0 for sure, maybe others), and Opera 9 (maybe  
others). It works fine in IE6 and Safari 2. This also only seems to  
happen when you apply an animation for the first time.

I have attached a minimal test case to reproduce. There are four  
pairs of radiobuttons, each having one radio button selected. Their  
source markup is functionally identical. Clicking the provided link  
runs a different animation on each radio button pair: the first two  
pairs of radio buttons lose their selection, the last two work fine.

This is caused by the code in jQuery.css() used to measure the  
dimensions of elements that are hidden. jQuery temporarily replicates  
the element inside its parent. This causes two selected radio buttons  
with the same 'name' to appear in the form, which is not allowed. It  
seems that Firefox and Opera defensively remove both selections in  
this case.

One fix is to simply remove the checked attributes of all radio  
buttons inside the clone, before inserting it into the parent. See  
attached patch.

This is a major blocker for jQuery in Drupal by the way, as it can  
break any animated portion of a form. I'm going to patch our included  
copy after you guys review this patch (we have a release candidate  
coming up next monday), but it would be nice to see this fixed in a  
1.0.3 release soon ;).

Steven Wittens

Description: Binary data

Title: jQuery Radio bug

Problem: when using some animations on an element containing one or more radio buttons, the radiobuttons will lose their selection in Firefox and Opera, the first time the animation is applied.
Click to trigger bug

  slideDown: Buggy


  animated show: Buggy


  fadeIn: Not Buggy


  instant show: Not Buggy


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Replying to threads

2006-10-17 Thread Steven Wittens
Note.. please don't reply to existing threads when you're starting a  
new one. You make it harder to read mail for those of us with  
threaded mail-clients, as well as in the mailinglist archives.

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery API discussion

2006-10-17 Thread Steven Wittens

 The feasibility of 'namespacing' hasn't been brought up yet - but
 leave it to be said that it would be really really difficult and add a
 ton of overhead to the jQuery base as a whole (in order to continue
 chainability support).

Err... I made a rather concrete proposal for how namespacing could be  
implemented in my mail of 15 october. But no-one replied to that  
part :/.

Essentially, I think namespacing is preferable to prefixing because  
you don't need to repeat namespaces:


This sort of chainability is quite intuitive, and I think it is  
possible to achieve.

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] åäö doesn't work with load/loa dIfModified

2006-10-17 Thread Steven Wittens

 OR you can see if IIS has a place to set the encoding, (as Apache does
 system wide, site wide, or directory wide).

What this comes down to is changing this HTTP header:
 Content-Type: text/html
into Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

I have no clue how to do that in though.

The meta tags for html documents are only a fallback for the real  
HTTP headers. HTTP headers always take precendence over meta tags.

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Variable from PHP to Jquery

2006-10-16 Thread Steven Wittens
Here's a little snippet which can help... it takes any PHP variable  
and translates it into its JavaScript equivalent. Taken from Drupal  
(GPL license). The HTML-safe embedding of strings is there to avoid  
problems when returning JSON through iframes, you probably won't need  

Also to avoid having to use templated JS, we have a transparent  
mechanism for passing data from PHP to JS. All you do is call an API  
drupal_add_js(), which aggregates all variables that it is passed,  
and automatically inserts them as a single inline script tag in the  
HTML head, as Drupal.settings = { ... }. This works really well:  
you don't need to dynamically generate .js files, and you avoid large  
chunks of inline code.

* Converts a PHP variable into its Javascript equivalent.
* We use HTML-safe strings, i.e. with ,  and  escaped.
function drupal_to_js($var) {
   switch (gettype($var)) {
 case 'boolean':
   return $var ? 'true' : 'false'; // Lowercase necessary!
 case 'integer':
 case 'double':
   return $var;
 case 'resource':
 case 'string':
   return ''. str_replace(array(\r, \n, , , ),
   array('\r', '\n', '\x3c', '\x3e',  
   addslashes($var)) .'';
 case 'array':
   if (array_keys($var) === range(0, sizeof($var) - 1)) {
 $output = array();
 foreach ($var as $v) {
   $output[] = drupal_to_js($v);
 return '[ '. implode(', ', $output) .' ]';
   // Fall through
 case 'object':
   $output = array();
   foreach ($var as $k = $v) {
 $output[] = drupal_to_js(strval($k)) .': '. drupal_to_js($v);
   return '{ '. implode(', ', $output) .' }';
   return 'null';

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] $.ajax API change 1.0.2?

2006-10-13 Thread Steven Wittens
It seems that the 'success' callback of $.ajax was changed to accept  
as its first argument the actual parsed data rather than the xmlHttp  
object, in 1.0.2? This behaviour broke several Drupal features when I  
upgraded it to jQuery 1.0.2...

We should really avoid such API changes in the future, or bump up the  
middle version digit instead. In jQuery, the line between what is a  
private function and what is an API call is indeed blurred (so  
guaranteeing compatibility across versions for everything is near- 
impossible), but it would be nice if this stuff was at least  
documented. I looked around and can't seem to find any mention of  
this on the 1.0.2 release notes or on this mailing list.

In Drupal, we document all API changes on a page with before/after  
examples. If you build such a page when you commit changes to the  
repository, it's not that much work.

Here's a snippet to document this change (if I got it right):

== $.ajax callback changed ==
In jQuery 1.0.2, the first argument to the 'succes' callback has been  
changed to return the actual data rather than the XMLHttpRequest  
object. Use the 'dataType' argument to $.ajax to control how the data  
is returned. Note that jQuery can now parse XML, JSON and JavaScript  
for you this way.

// jQuery 1.0.1
$.ajax( {
   success: function (xmlhttp) {
 // do stuff with xmlhttp.responseText
// jQuery 1.0.2
$.ajax( {
   success: function (data) {
 // do stuff with data

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] $.ajax API change 1.0.2?

2006-10-13 Thread Steven Wittens

 Yup! I noticed that too. It broke a few pages, and scared me into
 DEBUGGING mode, I always liked getting back the whole httpreq.

Well you can still use the complete handler to get the  
XMLHttpRequest back, but that handler fires regardless of success or  
failure. You'd have to check the status argument for that.

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] $.ajax API change 1.0.2?

2006-10-13 Thread Steven Wittens

 ou! the complete handler... perhaps it just needs a little more
 documentation? Or did I miss it?

It's documented on $.ajax...

(Function) error - A function to be called if the request fails. The  
function gets passed two arguments: The XMLHttpRequest object and a  
string describing the type of error that occurred.

(Function) success - A function to be called if the request succeeds.  
The function gets passed one argument: The data returned from the  
server, formatted according to the 'dataType' parameter.

(Function) complete - A function to be called when the request  
finishes. The function gets passed two arguments: The XMLHttpRequest  
object and a string describing the type the success of the request.

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] John's Pager Plugin?

2006-09-12 Thread Steven Wittens
 I wrote a pager plugin to power the site. It
 works with both numbers, alpha characters, and words. Additionally, it
 works on ul, ol, and table elements (with dl elements in the
 works). After I squish some more bugs, I'll document it and release
 it. For now, however, you can find it on this page:

Hmm, I'd like to voice a big concern for functionality like this, as  
it is invisible to non-JavaScript users... Having JavaScript features  
which do not degrade is bad for impaired users, but it also affects  
search engines and their use. You cannot link to any of the later  
pages, and even if you could (e.g. through a #-href trick) the search  
engines would not see a difference between any of the pages and most  
likely direct you to the first page.

If I do a Google search for an API function which is not on the first  
page, then the search result will bring me to a 'page' which does not  
contain my search result. I'd have to sift through the pages myself  
by hand (in-page search doesn't work either!). This is very bad.

Slightly related... in my most recent project I'm working with an  
XHTML/CSS/JS design that actually uses jQuery to finish the design  
(by adding wrapper divs and icon placeholders and whatnot). With JS  
disabled, the design looks incomplete. I'm very annoyed at the  
designer, but unfortunately there is no time or money to redo it, so  
I'm stuck with it.

Many jQuery users seems to suffering from if all you have is a  
hammer, everything looks like a nail syndrome and it worries me a  
bit :/.

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Revision 231 cloneNode() Firefox issue

2006-08-29 Thread Steven Wittens
I'm experiencing some problems on a site with some apparently simple  
code. It used to work with jQuery R226, but when I updated to 1.0  
final (R231), it broke in Firefox (Mac) with the following error:

Error: $(e.cloneNode(true)) has no properties
Line: 376

It works fine in Safari and possibly other browsers too.

This is in the following code from jquery-1.0.js:

jQuery.swap( e, old, function() {
if (jQuery.css(e,display) != none) {
oHeight = e.offsetHeight;
oWidth = e.offsetWidth;
} else {
e = $(e.cloneNode(true)).css({
visibility: hidden, position: 
absolute, display: block

oHeight = e.clientHeight;
oWidth = e.clientWidth;


which was last changed in revision 230-231. The problem happens when  
doing a plain slideDown() from inside a .click() callback:

  jQuery(#header-forms  div).filter(:visible).slideUp(slow);


This is pretty simple jQuery usage, and it works fine with 1.0 final  
in Firefox if I extract the immediate markup and try it on a stand- 
alone, unstyled .html page. It is only in combination with the other  
markup on that page that it breaks. It could be a browser bug, jquery  
bug or something in my markup that's messing stuff up, I'm not sure.

You can try it for yourself on: (click the 'Register' or 'Member log- 
in' in the header)

Has anyone got any ideas about this? Have you seen it before?

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Revision 231 cloneNode() Firefox issue

2006-08-29 Thread Steven Wittens
I'm experiencing some problems on a site with some apparently simple  
code. It used to work with jQuery R226, but when I updated to 1.0  
final (R231), it broke in Firefox (Mac) with the following error:

Error: $(e.cloneNode(true)) has no properties
Line: 376

It works fine in Safari and possibly other browsers too.

This is in the following code from jquery-1.0.js:

jQuery.swap( e, old, function() {
if (jQuery.css(e,display) != none) {
oHeight = e.offsetHeight;
oWidth = e.offsetWidth;
} else {
e = $(e.cloneNode(true)).css({
visibility: hidden, position: 
absolute, display: block

oHeight = e.clientHeight;
oWidth = e.clientWidth;


which was last changed in revision 230-231. The problem happens when  
doing a plain slideDown() from inside a .click() callback:

  jQuery(#header-forms  div).filter(:visible).slideUp(slow);


This is pretty simple jQuery usage, and it works fine with 1.0 final  
in Firefox if I extract the immediate markup and try it on a stand- 
alone, unstyled .html page. It is only in combination with the other  
markup on that page that it breaks. It could be a browser bug, jquery  
bug or something in my markup that's messing stuff up, I'm not sure.

You can try it for yourself on: (click the 'Register' or 'Member log- 
in' in the header)

Has anyone got any ideas about this? Have you seen it before?

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Revision 231 cloneNode() Firefox issue

2006-08-29 Thread Steven Wittens
(resending, the last copy didn't arrive...? :/ )

I'm experiencing some problems on a site with some apparently simple  
code. It used to work with jQuery R226, but when I updated to 1.0  
final (R231), it broke in Firefox (Mac) with the following error:

Error: $(e.cloneNode(true)) has no properties
Line: 376

It works fine in Safari and possibly other browsers too.

This is in the following code from jquery-1.0.js:

jQuery.swap( e, old, function() {
if (jQuery.css(e,display) != none) {
oHeight = e.offsetHeight;
oWidth = e.offsetWidth;
} else {
e = $(e.cloneNode(true)).css({
visibility: hidden, position: 
absolute, display: block

oHeight = e.clientHeight;
oWidth = e.clientWidth;


which was last changed in revision 230-231. The problem happens when  
doing a plain slideDown() from inside a .click() callback:

  jQuery(#header-forms  div).filter(:visible).slideUp(slow);


This is pretty simple jQuery usage, and it works fine with 1.0 final  
in Firefox if I extract the immediate markup and try it on a stand- 
alone, unstyled .html page. It is only in combination with the other  
markup on that page that it breaks. It could be a browser bug, jquery  
bug or something in my markup that's messing stuff up, I'm not sure.

You can try it for yourself on: (click the 'Register' or 'Member log- 
in' in the header)

Has anyone got any ideas about this? Have you seen it before?

Steven Wittens

jQuery mailing list