Re: [jQuery] jQuery 1.1 by the end of Nov

2006-11-14 Thread ke han

On Nov 15, 2006, at 4:17 AM, John Resig wrote:

 Hi Everyone -

 For example: Since the 'form' plugin already does serialization really
 really well (much better  than jQuery's serialization). I'm tempted to
 remove the serialization plugin from core and just defer everyone to
 using the form plugin.

I need methods to serialize field values on an individual basis or a  
group which is not encapsulated in a form or for a subset of fields  
in a form.  The Form plugin only exposes serialization on an entire  
form basis.

thanks, ke han

 Also, stuff like .height() and .width() could be removed in favor of
 using the (more powerful) methods of the same name in the 'Dimensions'

 Let me know if you have any ideas.


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Re: [jQuery] Non-destructive jQuery

2006-10-27 Thread ke han
I have read Jon's post about a solution to the destructive calls.
Being late to the game, I am confused as to the meaning of all this.   
I sort of understand that some calls are queries and others change  
things, but what is the impact of this that requires a solution?  Is  
there a thread someone can point me to explaining this or can someone  
recap the issues?
thanks, ke han

On Oct 26, 2006, at 10:46 PM, Jörn Zaefferer wrote:

 Hi folks,

 I'd really like to see John's modifications to pushStack included  
 in the jQuery core. Details here: 

 I'm actually wondering if that modification would break any  
 existing code, as end() works like before. I guess the only  
 situation is in scenarios like this:

 var jq = $();
 var jq2 = jq.destructiveOperation();
 var jq3 = jq.anotherDestructiveOperation();

 With the non-destructive pushStack implementation, this would give  
 a different result. Is someone actually using such code?

 I think this modification is very important to improve the overall  

 Jörn Zaefferer
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Re: [jQuery] jQuery API discussion

2006-10-16 Thread ke han

On Oct 16, 2006, at 3:01 AM, John Resig wrote:

 First, I don't see how just splitting things up into optional plug-
 ins really helps the problem. At most, it means that in some rare
 cases, collision will be less frequent. But the majority of people
 will not want to use jQuery without dom attributes or events. It can
 also result in the ugly situation where, if you decide you need a new
 plug-in halfway, you might break existing code because suddenly the
 meaning of a method changes.

 There are two issues at play here:
 1) The collision of method names.
 2) The sheer number of methods attached to the jQuery object.

I am new to jQuery, but have been authoring OO app frameworks for 20  
years, so have a good feel for when things are balanced.  I'm happy  
to see this thread pop up now as it address my chief concern.
As to OO design, putting the entire API in jQuery obviously has  
negative effects. Notably that not all methods/events are applicable  
to all DOM objects (especially for highly custom behaviors).
The explosion of this global namespace is something that one should  
be able to opt-out.  The recommendation for segmenting by $().css, $ 
().event, etc may work.  Will my plugin be able to provide for my own  
new namespace?

I need to create methods and custom events for non-visual helper  
objects (which can be found via DOM tree queries).  This means that  
my plugins will have events and methods which only apply to these  
special objects.  I would like to write these plugins knowing that I  
will not have API conflicts at runtime.

One simple recommendation that would work for me is to provide  
warnings in the build/make process for interface conflicts.  This  
would at least give me some peace of mind (especially for a newcomer  
that doesn't know or even plan to use the entire API).

thanks for a very interesting product.
ke han

 #1 will only be solved through a change in the name of the methods
 (for example, from .load() to .onload() or .event.load()).
 #2 can only be solved by breaking up the bulk of functions into
 multiple plugins. For example, simply breaking off the events plugin
 from core will release 100 method names. Additionally, none of these
 plugin's method names would conflict with each other - they'd be
 entirely separate. (This would be taken care of ahead of time by #1)

 Additionally, it would probably be required that plugin authors only
 reference functionality in the jQuery core (using .css('height')
 instead of .height()) that way their plugin would work with any set of
 plugins built in.


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[jQuery] custom events

2006-10-16 Thread ke han
I need to add/remove and fire custom events.
As an intro example, I have a div with id TabManager.   TabManager  
has inside a ul and li's  much like others create tabs these days.  I  
want TabManager to be the central object which other components  
listen on for events like tab_changed('new_tab').  TabManager will  
also have methods such as query_tab() and change_tab(homeTab).

Sure, I can and have implemented this differently.  In prototype, I  
just created a javascript class for this and mitigated custom events  
through it.
However, in jQuery, it seems wise to try a different approach with a  
custom javascript class as a hidden helper object.  For a jQuery  
approach, TabManager is a referencable DOM object instead of a named  
javascript variable.

Any ideas?
thanks, ke han

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery API discussion

2006-10-16 Thread ke han
I could do without namespaces if the build system provided warnings  
for collisions instead of silently overwriting.
This way I could add third party and my own plugins without needing  
to search the code by hand for conflicts.
I agree that keeping the verbs simple in the API and allowing  
behavior to be polymorphic could do the trick for most cases.
ke han

On Oct 17, 2006, at 12:05 AM, Sam Collett wrote:

 On 16/10/06, Brian Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think that there's a simpler answer to this.

 If we're going to overhaul the API that much, we need to do three  

 1. Talk it out thoroughly, and make sure we get it right this time.
 2. Publish a new full release of jQuery (2.0).
 3. Put all of the breaking changes at the top of the README.

 Also, from a different branch of the discussion, I'm all for  
 But, in the case of jQuery, where terseness is one of it's greatest
 assets, we should use very selective namespacing.

 $.ajaxStop() - $.ajax.stop()
 $.serialize() - $.form.serialize(), $.xml.serialize()
 $.load() - $.on.load(), $.ajax.load()
 $.unload - $.on.unload() {unload event}, $.un.load() {remove load 
 () event}
 $.filter - Don't change this.  :)

 The idea is that we make the names VERY English-intuitive, and  
 resolve the
 name collisions we have using as few characters as possible -  
 adding only
 a dot to an already existing function, if possible/applicable.


 Not too keen on namespacing (is it really required? will make the code
 more verbose and chaining could become confusing), but I agree that if
 the API changes that much it should be a 2.0 release rather than 1.x.
 Breaking changes should be the first thing people see before
 downloading (or maybe second after saying why it should be

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