Re: [IxDA Discuss] Regarding Table

2010-02-01 Thread Eduardo Ortiz
You could take the Google approach and reverse Jack's suggestion and present
the user with the opportunity to undo what they've done by clicking on a
simple and clear CTA.

Regarding deleting across different pages, you should test your solution
with your audience, understand their needs and how they behave with your
proposed solution.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Age vs Date of Birth in sign up form

2010-01-20 Thread Eduardo Ortiz
You could design a smart UI where there are three options;

I was born:
[18 or more years ago today]
[14 to 17 years ago today]
[I'm not of age]

That way the user just needs to select one option instead of facing multiple
entry fields.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] SURVEY: Have you ever worked in an agency?

2009-12-09 Thread Eduardo Ortiz
Hi Karen - just curious as to what the outcome of this survey will be. Are
you planning to share the results with the community (raw / final
deliverable)? Who is this being put together for? Sorry if I seem hesitant,
just like to know who stands to benefit.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Forms: Asking for email first during registration?

2009-10-18 Thread Eduardo Ortiz

I think that it comes down to appropriate segmenting of the items presented
in the form and the type of registration that is being filled out, a
utility/bank registration area will have multiple fields where e-mail might
be required but a contact number is optional.

Check out Chris Messina's screenshots of sign-up forms for more
clarification on your concern:

In my experience, and what I do day to day, I segment content by it's type
(contact information, personal data, log-in information, etc) and I clarify
the fields that are required vs the ones that are optional, I do not assume
the * tells the whole story, nor do I rely on it. Luke W's book on form
design is fascinating for this


On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 7:54 AM, jennifer  wrote:

> Clarification:
> When the form requires other personal info, e.g., First name, Last
> name, etc... have you come across sites that first ask for email
> address?
> So, the order - displayed all at once on the same screen:
> Email
> First NameLast Name
> Job Function
> Company
> ---
> etc...
> Seems a bit odd for me. Makes sense when *all* that is required is
> email   a password. But what about when the form has all that other
> junk?
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Required fields - one or the other

2009-10-14 Thread Eduardo Ortiz

As a simple answer, you can address it with a description for that section
stating that either field is required and grouping them into logical areas
(e.g. Sign-in information, Contact information, Personal details, etc).

Here are some samples from Chris Messina's flickr design patterns stream:
at how the contact group - top right - is excluded from being
the -OR- which you could implement to state that at least one of the
fields is required)

Hope this helps,


On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:55 AM, Brian Mila  wrote:

> Can anyone point to examples of forms that require one or the other of
> something?  For instance, a contact form where either email -or- phone
> is required.  The context is I have a web app that has search fields
> in which some combination of elements is needed.  There could be as
> many as a dozen different search criteria, and out of those there are
> up to four "primary" fields and only one of which needs to be filled
> in (doesnt matter which one, they have equal weight).
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Drag and Drop

2009-10-07 Thread Eduardo Ortiz
Hi Elena,

My team recently designed a drag-and-drop module for a project that we're
working on, our audience range is pretty wide so we decided to go with a
dual system, where the most experienced (comfortable with technology) could
use the drag and drop and other users could use a simple CTA like "Add this

I'm sure that there's some formal research that has been done on
drag-and-drop, I am however not familiar with them. But in the process of
designing this module we looked at these (had them bookmarked) to
substantiate our design:
Yahoo! Design Pattern Library *
"Drop invitation" (
"Drag and Drop Module" (


*Designing Web Interfaces (the book's website)*


I hope these help you with your project.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 9:36 AM, elana glazer  wrote:

> Imagine presenting users with about 30 items of clothing and
> accessories and wanting them to build 7 days of outfits (costs are
> calculated per outfit as the output).
> My team is thinking of presenting users with 7 rectangles, each
> representing a day of the week, and having users drag and drop items
> to these areas to build the outfits. (The target of the site are
> adults 35-65).
> My gut tells me that this is too many items for drag and drop and we
> should explore other interactive options.
> Can anyone point me to usability research on drag and drop. Or does
> anyone have usability insights on how and when to use this? I think
> that drag and drop is a complicated interaction solution but perhaps
> users do like them.
> Thanks!
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples of inline validation

2009-09-19 Thread Eduardo Ortiz
Hi Pietro,

This article posted on A List Apart by Luke Wroblewski tackles inline
validation. You might want to check the different pattern libraries out
there (Yahoo, Welie, Quince, etc) for other examples.

This is the article:

Hope this is helpful.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA Digest Translation

2008-04-22 Thread Eduardo Ortiz
Spanish is at best "intelligible", not too bad (at least most words are
there), but I would not consider it a translation per se.


>From the translation:

> Hay bastante interacción de los programas de diseño en Europa que han
> las comunidades locales, como el Programa de Estudios de Postgrado en
> el Instituto de Uemea Diseño (Suecia) y el Royal College of Art
> (Londres).
> Should read:

> En las comunidades locales de Europa hay bastantes programas de Diseño de
> Interacción, como el Programa de Estudios de Postgrado en el Instituto de
> Diseño Uemea (Suecia) y la Universidad Real de Arte (Londres)


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Comments for our new video player

2008-04-02 Thread Eduardo Ortiz
* Are you talking about simply moving the feedback from the slider intoa
more prominent position?*
Yes, but a lot more can be done in the area, that ad that appears in the
beginning (before the ui changing to display the video ui) could be
integrated, that way the user sees all of their control and understands that
before they get their video, they have to watch the ad. Something along
those lines - making it easier for the user to recognize what is happening.

*Yup, noted.  In addition, I feel the hot spots for your cursor need to be
bigger.  Mousing seems to be too precise around the sliders.*
Wow, I didn't even think about the hot spots - that is a very valid point.
Someone brought this up earlier...  What about spelling out "View Full
Screen"?  Is that appropriate or overkill?  Would a new icon with a tooltip
I think that if the current icon (and all symbols that have no real
standard) are given a tooltip, it might be enough. But then again, some say
"if the user can't understand it, they won't put their mouse on top of it" -
i tend to put my cursor on top of things to better understand (this based on
me being my 1 user focus group =D)

*In the case of Images, I feel it's appropriate.  We're trying to link the
user to other media they might be interested in.  But for Videos, are you
talking about dynamically generating the content within the playlist?
*Yeah, that's what happened - I clicked on an image. But why would an image
be part of my playlist? I'm currently watching a video, I think mixing these
two different content types somewhat awkward unless if the images will be
loaded in the same video player UI and some controls removed/added to behave
as a slideshow. I'd expect mixed media from the hotlist / channels tabs, not
from the playlist.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Comments for our new video player

2008-04-01 Thread Eduardo Ortiz

I'm providing some comments, based on what you requested.

My experience with video comes from doing actual production of videos and
designing UIs to support them for different clients and audiences. In the
end, I think you just have to do what your audience requires or needs.

*-  actual video player (controls, preferences)*
There is no initial player feedback indicating to the user that the video is
loading, other than the area stating the delayed playback. I think valuable
real estate is being misused by not providing the user with "what's

It's not possible for the user to move the timeline scrubber when the video
is paused - the user should have control at any point to move to a certain
section of the video (whether it's forward or backward).

The speaker icon is pretty prominent, however you can't click on it to mute
the audio, you have to decrease the audio level to 0 to do this, why not
allow this function?

While there is no standard (to my knowledge) of a "maximize" symbol, the one
being employed is not completely clear.

When going to full screen, the controls don't scale, they remain the same
size - why not scale them?

*-  sharing the video*

There is no easy way (other than to select-all then copy) for the user to
copy the embed code, there could be a simple function (button or link) that
allows copies the url to the clipboard for the user.

>From the pause state, if I were to "share" when I close that item, the video
automatically starts playing, I see no need for this -- also the play icon
is displayed instead of the pause button, since now the video is playing.
(this happens for both share and download)

I also see no need to completely obscure the video, since the content
provided does not require the full width and height of the video area.

*-  hot list/channels tabs*

Why not provide total time for the items being displayed here, as well as an
option to play either "low res" or "his res"?

*-  playlist*

Clicking on "view all" takes me to a completely different area, disconnects
me from the UI I'm already familiarizing myself with.

*-  UI at the end of the video*

The UI takes up the full width of the video area, yet the content does not
require this much real estate.

Are the recommended videos driven by tags or are they matched up manually?
Seems to me that more related videos could be offered and some sort of
scrolling/navigation could be provided to view this, in this same space.

Other than that, the player looks good.



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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Progressive Disclosure and Forms

2008-02-13 Thread Eduardo Ortiz

I've done some initial tests and found that a slight majority of the
> individuals prefer it always be displayed. They were almost surprised
> when it suddenly appeared after selecting someone else. Also, younger,
> more web savvy individuals didn't mind the dynamic display.

The decision is literally being made for you, it will depend on who your
users are.

In projects that I've worked on, where we've implemented progressive
disclosure and our audience has a wide range, we try to at least make the
different elements remain in the same place and whatever is affected, to be
below the user's view (so as not to distract them). This can be accomplished
by gathering initial data and moving optional fields below them.

Hope this made sense.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction08 + Crowdvine = Good

2008-02-11 Thread Eduardo Ortiz
I agree with your statements, (and now will proceed to go on a wild tangent
- sorry) but I think that Crowdvine whether they intended for this to happen
or not generates a new type of community post-conference, and that is the
one where we interact without the need for an interface (or middle man -
crowdvine being one).

Crowdvine helped all of us (or at least me) get to know the people that
would be there before I was there, and allowed me to actually approach them
and pick their brains.

Like I kept on ranting during the whole conference, Crowdvine allowed us to
INTERACT with each other, in more than just a virtual/assisted way.


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February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
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