
I'm providing some comments, based on what you requested.

My experience with video comes from doing actual production of videos and
designing UIs to support them for different clients and audiences. In the
end, I think you just have to do what your audience requires or needs.

*-          actual video player (controls, preferences)*
There is no initial player feedback indicating to the user that the video is
loading, other than the area stating the delayed playback. I think valuable
real estate is being misused by not providing the user with "what's

It's not possible for the user to move the timeline scrubber when the video
is paused - the user should have control at any point to move to a certain
section of the video (whether it's forward or backward).

The speaker icon is pretty prominent, however you can't click on it to mute
the audio, you have to decrease the audio level to 0 to do this, why not
allow this function?

While there is no standard (to my knowledge) of a "maximize" symbol, the one
being employed is not completely clear.

When going to full screen, the controls don't scale, they remain the same
size - why not scale them?

*-          sharing the video*

There is no easy way (other than to select-all then copy) for the user to
copy the embed code, there could be a simple function (button or link) that
allows copies the url to the clipboard for the user.

>From the pause state, if I were to "share" when I close that item, the video
automatically starts playing, I see no need for this -- also the play icon
is displayed instead of the pause button, since now the video is playing.
(this happens for both share and download)

I also see no need to completely obscure the video, since the content
provided does not require the full width and height of the video area.

*-          hot list/channels tabs*

Why not provide total time for the items being displayed here, as well as an
option to play either "low res" or "his res"?

*-          playlist*

Clicking on "view all" takes me to a completely different area, disconnects
me from the UI I'm already familiarizing myself with.

*-          UI at the end of the video*

The UI takes up the full width of the video area, yet the content does not
require this much real estate.

Are the recommended videos driven by tags or are they matched up manually?
Seems to me that more related videos could be offered and some sort of
scrolling/navigation could be provided to view this, in this same space.

Other than that, the player looks good.


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