Re: [IxDA Discuss] Forms design / labels inside the fields

2010-02-09 Thread Gayatri

Like other have said before, we had a similar discussion recently and
here is the link:


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Regarding Table

2010-02-02 Thread Gayatri
Thanks for all the feedback so far. Some really good ideas there!!!

I did propose having a Delete List at the end where users have a
summary view of the items selected for deletion but we can have a lot
of elements and then user may have to scroll endlessly. We currently
have a Dialog Box for deletion and I also proposed that we have
list at the end and a user can select certain rows that they would
like to remove from delete list by clicking a button. I was told
it's too much by engineers :) . 

Another thought from one of the engineer is to have a counter that
would tell a user how many rows are marked for deletion but I think a
counter is of no use as it's just a mere indication of how many rows
are selected and does not give any information related to a row
itself. I will keep you guys updated about what gets implemented. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] help text in input fields - bad?

2010-02-02 Thread Gayatri
I am not aware of research in this particular area but I have some
general thoughts I worked on something similar recently. 

There are two things to consider here:

1. In your example of Search a user can read this and
start entering their search criteria and there is no specific format
they have to follow here. So, in this scenario it's pretty good way
of communicating the intent. 

2. In places like forms where you may have, for example a phone filed
where you have listed the format a user needs to enter the details
in(area code, number and ext); given that case if a user starts
typing the instructional text goes away and may throw an error if a
user was not able to memorize the exact format. 

Following is an example of handling instructional text for form

Hope this helps!

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[IxDA Discuss] Regarding Table

2010-02-01 Thread gayatri
Hello Folks,

I am in an interesting situation with regards to table interaction. I
have some data that is presented in table format. The table has
Search, Sort on some columns, Number of results per page drop down
and Pagination. We do not have Show All rows as it takes a long
time for the page to load. We also have Delete functionality. 

My Specific question is: 

The question is if a user selects few rows on page 1 for deletion and
moves from page 1 to page 2 and subsequently page 3, should a user be
allowed to delete the rows selected on page 1 while they are in
page 3.
While a user has moved from Page 1 to Page 2 to 3 and so on, chances
are they selected few more rows on different pages and marked for
Is it okay to allow them to delete rows selected across different
pages as they don't see what they have selected in previous pages?
Personally I am not comfortable allowing users to delete what they
cant see even though they marked it themselves as they can't see a
summary of selected items with the existing design. I would love to
get your thoughts!

P:S: We currently retain the selection across different pages and a
user can go back and forth between pages and can check or uncheck
their selection. We erase the selection after a user moves to
different application or the session times out.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How much of menu levels should you show?

2010-01-26 Thread Gayatri
Foodnetwork does a good job of showing horizontal navigation.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Usability of Buttons versus Links for Navigation

2009-08-01 Thread gayatri n
Thanks guys, for all the input.

Seems like there are questions regarding transaction that is going to
take place on the page. 

This page is simply to read an article and when done reading be able
to go back to the results page. When I look at browser back links
they are actually icons that visually communicate what will happen
when a users clicks on it. My intent is the same as well with a very
slight change in the context. 


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Usability of Buttons versus Links for Navigation

2009-07-30 Thread Gayatri N
Thanks a lot guys! The feedback is really helpful. 

I initially had an informative/descriptive link to the top left of
the page, above the article title and someone said users would
confuse the Back to Results Page link to be the title of the
article. I personally didn't think so because of the color
difference between the link(blue) and the title(black).

I do want to point out that this is the only link on the page and
everything else is addressed in Tabs. 

When I thought or Ergonomics, Functionality and Responsiveness of the
Button/Link, the bottom line is whether it would perform what User
would expect it to(in this case, navigate to the previous page) and I
felt it would address the intent. Also, when a users would click on
Back button they are going to expect to be taken to the previous page
and my assumption is they would not stop and think why is there a
button here instead of a link?. 

Once again, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.


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[IxDA Discuss] Usability of Buttons versus Links for Navigation

2009-07-29 Thread Gayatri N
Hello Everyone,

I am wondering if using buttons or navigational elements that look
like buttons(for e.g BACK link) are intuitive? 

Let me give you guys some context here:

I am working on designing a knowledge base interface where a user can
look for articles and click on a particular link to read that article.
In the article page on the top I had a BACk link that would take
the user to previous page/results page. 

Based on some feedback I changed the BACK to look like a button.
I am not sure if buttons should only be used to submit data and not
for navigation? 

I personally think with it doesn't matter as long as the link/button
does what a user expects it to do. 

I would really appreciate your thoughts on this.


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