[IxDA Discuss] Facility for usability test in NYC?

2009-05-27 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
Looking for recommendations on a place anyone has used in Manhattan
for doing usability tests. I saw this question in the archive,
(http://www.ixda.org/discuss.php?post=28337) but it had no replies.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Documenting State Changes in Web Apps

2009-04-06 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
Here is a technique I have been working on. This is a slideshare from
the talk I gave at the conference this year.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The future of Wireframes (was: Joel Spolsky claims the "Program Manager" role does UI design... ????)

2009-03-12 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
I think it is worth emphasizing what Todd said. Wireframes will be
around until the sophistication of the buyer gets to the point where
they are not needed. 

When doing consulting in large corporations or government, when you
developing new tools for complex processes, wireframes allow you to
focus the attention of the buyer onto the functionality within the

The norm in these situations is using the wireframes to flesh out the
requirements. You could have done some great research,  and inspired
requirements documentation but odds are that most people in the room
still do not get what you are trying to build. Wireframes allow you
to quickly show them what it is and iterate it many more times then
you ever could in a prototype or a fully design comp.

Reason two has to do with detailed screen specifications. When you
are designing an application to aid highly trained experts, the
business rules within the system need to be documented and
illustrated in a comprehensive manner. Prototypes will not cut it.
Notes on comps will not cut it.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Lightbox modal dialog boxes, your feeling about them?

2009-03-11 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
As Amy said, they work well if you use them appropriately. 

The big problems I have seen with them in usability tests is when the
lightbox taxes up too much of the screen. Then users still think they
navigated. As a rule of thumb, at least 50% of the screen at your
target resolution should be visible.

The next issue is with the back button. Users still want to click
them to 'close' the light box.

Finally, lightboxes can not be taller then the core content on the
window, so you need to keep the content able to fit in a single
window... or work on a good scrolling implementation. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Managing test script branching

2009-02-18 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
How many participants in the study?

I just go the old fashion way. I print out 1 copy per participant and
then reorganize the pages to control for presentation bias.

I dislike taking notes on a laptop when I do a utest... feels too

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Working Backwards

2009-02-13 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
The talk I gave at Interactions 09 may be relevant to this topic. The
subject was how to document complex business logic and rich

This is one way to begin to extract the knowledge from the heads of
your developers and maintain in a framework which you can manage,
control, and use to create future work products.

BAsed on the feedback I have received after the talk, I am now
working on a more accessible version of this to share with the
community and to do it in such a way where we can all build upon it
and improve upon it.

More to come,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] User Research: Three user groups, five hours. What would you do?

2009-02-02 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
I have found it is generally better to open the day with a group
meeting. No matter how much explaining you do ahead of time, you will
still likely be scheduled to meet with the wrong folks.

The group meeting will allow the managers to have their say and give
them a forum to tell you many things. You can then use that to start
asking specific task questions. Usually during the course of these
questions, they will say "Well, Sue does that". Great time to say,
"I'd love to spend some time with Sue later today then to see how
she does it."

I have found that during the course of this opening meeting, names of
individuals get brought up as the person who does X. This is the best
way for you to then select whom you want to meet with and learn more
about task x.

Of course, as the prior posted mentioned. Preparation is the most
important thing to do. Know what you want to observe, know how many
events you want to observe, have research questions you want
answered. Prepare a study guide

During the course of the day, you will be presented with more
opportunities then you have time to follow-up on. You need to have
spent time developing your study guide so you can make on-the-fly
decisions on how to best use your time. 

Even if your research techniques are all about not interfering with
the user and letting it naturally flow. If you have not made
decisions about what you want to learn, then you will not learn

This is more practical then ideal. Ideally you would have lots of
time to spend with everyone, so you will be able to learn all you
can. Practically, you have a very limited amount of time to spend
with a limited number of folks. So you have to plan on how to use it

Get clearance before you even bring out any recording devices. Many
companies do not like it.

Good luck.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Methods for Documenting RIAs

2009-01-12 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
I am giving a talk on just this topic at Interactions 09. I have
worked on a technique over the past 4 years for doing just this. It
has been in use and tweaked within an environment where development
and QA is split between on-shore and off-shore. 

Many of the points raised in this thread are valid approaches. The
best approach is the one that fits your project's team dynamics.

If your team requires you to design interactions where explicit
documentation is critical and if you want to design complex
interactions that are beyond your skills to prototype, then the
method I will be presenting will work for you.

Come to Vancouver and attend the session. I would be happy to go into
this technique in more detail with anyone over the course of the


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How does knowledge of CMSs make you a better UX designer?

2008-12-29 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
A perspective missed from the above replies is when you are designing
an application where a CMS system will be used to localize all the
content. In these cases, you need to understand how the CMS system
will handle run-time data. e.g. In an e-commerce application, the
total price for your purchase, the date the item will be shipped, or
the number of items to be shipped are all examples of run-time data. 

We need to understand this because this will change our design. In
the following examples, the text between { and } is the run-time

Example 1:
The {3} items you have ordered will be sent in {1} box.

In this example, we have grammar dependent phrases. This increases
the work to maintain the content of the application%u2026 even more
so if you need to support many languages. As the designer, you need
to determine if it is worth this extra work or if you can rework the
content to communicate the same message to the user, but with less
work to maintain and deploy across the world.

Example 2:
Expect the item to arrive on {Mon Dec 29, 2008}.

This is a run-time data, but it also needs to be localized. To
localize, a mask is created where the order of the month, day, year,
day of week can be changed as well as the use of numbers, full
spelling, etc%u2026 can be defined.

Most languages support a small handful of localized date and time
formats. These standard localized formats might work  for a simple
application, but you may need to have other format due to space
constraints or business rules.

As the designer of the system, you need to decide how many date and
time formats you wish to support%u2026 I%u2019ve not worked through
all the possible permutations, but on one recent audit I saw a site
that wished to be localized have over 35 different formats. This is
too much to support for very little value to the user. We where able
to get this down to 9 formats.

I will go into more detail on this and other design documentation
issues during my talk at Interaction 09 | Vancouver.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Top U.S. design schools/colleges for user experience/ usability / IA

2008-11-07 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
The institute of design at IIT. http://www.id.iit.edu/

I've worked with and interviewed enough students from that program
to find it to be one of the best in the nation.

If you have not heard of it, do not confuse it with ITT! They are not

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Resiliency of IxDA Jobs in a Major Recession

2008-10-08 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
The advise to learn complementary skills works well for folks who are
on the junior side of things. But if you are 5-10 years into your
career, that could end up being a step backwards.

When times are very difficult, those are opportunities where our
unique skills can help us stand out. If your company is being
stressed, you might actually have better lines of communication with
the executives of your company then you ever did before. Find a way
to help solve their problems. 

Every situation is different, so no formula exists on how to do this.
But if you begin to look for these chances and develop a reputation
for someone who commits themselves to solving strategic problems,
then you will become more valuable as things get worse.

This is the harder path, but it is another path you can take. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Why Understanding Business Models is Important to Ix Designers

2008-09-24 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
When I see my team falling into this trap, I reference the design of
seats at fast food restaurants. They are designed to only be
comfortable for a short time, they want to get you out as fast as
possible, but not so bad that you will not come back.

I have no problem calling it user-centered design if we are designing
something to be uncomfortable after 15 minutes. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Disability Discrimination Act and AJAX

2008-09-05 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
I have found I just think that way about the rich interactions I
design now. It is just another factor to consider as you explore the
design space of your project. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Disability Discrimination Act and AJAX

2008-09-04 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
the two are not mutually exclusive. I have designed many rich
interaction for clients that are still accessible. The goal is to
think in terms of progressive enhancements instead of graceful


That will get you a strategy for your rich interactions. Then you
take care designing the templates and stylesheets for much of the
remaining work.

Screen readers are making many strides to bridge the gap. But if you
are communicating information via position and motion only, then it
will be a challenge to translate that into a purely spoken mechanism.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Disability Discrimination Act and AJAX

2008-09-04 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
With most modern screen readers, JS is not the problem is is CSS.

Accessible needs to consider not just JS off, but CSS off as well.
You will have a better chance of ordering your content how the screen
reader will read it if you view your page with CSS off. Better yet,
try out your code with a screen reader!

Finally, as with usability, no cook book checklist will help you
100%. Your best bet is to bring in folks with various disabilities
and see how well they can use your application. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Does eye-tracking carry any real meaning?

2007-11-21 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
>From Nancy Broden:
One question I do have for the eye-tracking supporters out there: if
the results culled from all the eye-tracking studies where
implemented wouldn't all of our websites look the same or at least
very, very similar?

I do not consider myself an eye-tracking supporter anymore then I
consider myself a supporter of Allen wrenches (it is just a tool).
Also, as a consultant I have never encountered a situation in which I
felt eye tracking was the correct tool for the job. If I was back in
academia, I could imagine lots of times I would want to use it. 

Those caveats out of the way, lots of standards and best practices
have evolved on where to place navigations and body content. But in
no way do all sites look the same. These studies mean something in
aggregate. You take the results from all of the studies and you use
your training and judgment to apply it. 

If an eye tracking study just reports the results as a list of
commandments with none of the data or methodology behind it... then
we really can not use the results in our day-to-day job.

>From Nancy Broden:
Eye-tracking feels like a desperate attempt to "scientifically"
prove the value of Design (with a big D) . I don't have enough time
to wade into that one...

I can see coming to that conclusion if we are just using it to study
a small set of marketing sites or some e-commerce sites. But I
recently read a great article (sorry can not find the link, but I
hope someone on this list has it) where an eye tracking study was
used to aid in the design of software for radiologists. What they
found was that radiologists had higher dwell times on tumors that
they missed. They where able to determine some of the misses the
radiologists may have caught on their own if they where better able
to go back to past images. Given that the fast bulk of what they look
at are true negatives, their muscle memory kicks in and they mark an
image as negative before they fully processed it.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Tandemseven experience?

2007-11-20 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
So I am torn. Which would be more unprofessional?

Sending a message mentioning that I work for TandemSeven and helped
define its user-centered design practice. Or to remain neutral and
let the conversations take place and not interfere?

It is tempting to say nothing, this would be a great chance to get
some feedback in the wild from our customers but it feels
unprofessional and a disservice to the list to say nothing. 


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] analyzing qualitative data

2007-11-15 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
I've used affinity diagram for something like this. The Wikipedia
entry has a good primer if you are not familar with it. You can also
buy the book on contextual Design for the background.

If you can do this in the workshop setting, it is a great technique
to get the entire team involved with the analysis of the data.
Delivering a final report, to me, is of limited value. Getting folks
to spend a day emurst in the user data is powerful.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] What tools do you use for prototyping?

2007-11-06 Thread Nicholas Iozzo
Most people miss what Visio can do. Do not think of Visio as a drawing
tool. Think of it as a drawing language. You can do a lot of great
stuff with automation. You do not have to use the shapes it gives
you. You can make your own. 

All of that being said. Visio out of the box is a generic tool. Us
using it with the the basic shapes is like a developer writing code
using VI editor (or emacs if we want to start the debate).


On an unrelated note... how do we edit the email account on the ixda
website? I am unable to reply to any of the messages. I subscribed
using my personal account but need to reply using my work account
(firewall issues). 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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