[OSGeo-Discuss] FedGeoDay 2016 program announced

2016-09-16 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear All,

(x-posted to LocationTech and OSGeo lists, please feel free to fwd to 
any who might be interested)

FedGeoDay 2016  is on October 13th this 
year. The program was just announced, and it looks very strong indeed. 
It features speakers from a number of U.S. Government agencies, and top 
talent from a number of leading organizations.

It is a low-cost, high value event. Additionally, for those that might 
benefit from it, FedGeoDay has a generous scholarship program.

If you're interested, I wrote a short blog post on why go to FedGeoDay? 

Kind regards, and see some of you in D.C. on October 13th!

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Election 2016] Board nomination for Vasile Craciunescu

2016-09-14 Thread Andrea Ross
+1, so many good things have been rightfully said about Vasile. I agree 
and support 100% for what it's worth.


On 14/09/16 05:46, Dirk Frigne wrote:

I want to second the the nomination of Vasile.
I had the opportunity to work with him in the board for the last 8
months and I appreciate his commitments.


On 2016-09-13 22:38, Jorge Sanz wrote:

Forwarding Vasile Crăciunescu's nomination for the Board of Directors by
Gérald Fenoy.

All the best

Jorge Sanz
CRO 2016

-- Mensaje reenviado --
De: "Fenoy Gerald" >
Fecha: 13 sept. 2016 15:55
Asunto: Board nomination for Vasile Craciunescu
Para: "Vasile Craciunescu" >

 Dear Cro,
 please find bellow the nomination for Vasile for this year election
 of OSGeo Board of Director.

 I would like to nominate Vasile Craciunescu for this year election.
 Vasile is a researcher at Romanian National Meteorological
 Administration, he is organizing conferences and workshops using the
 OSGeo technology and is a convinced and convincing FOSS4G promoter.
 He is very active in the Romanian community, he is one of the
 founder of the OSGeo romanian local chapter and always bring many
 members to the FOSS4G, to both local and international editions.
 Vasile was one of the pioneer, with Jachym, of the FoSS4G-Europe
 conferences after he had organized the second edition the FOSS4G-CEE
 in his country in Bucharest. He has taken responsibilities in many
 technical tasks for the board to accomplish his task and to
 facilitate the work of every board members. He has a good experience
 in working and leading research projects, he is the Romanian
 representative in Copernicus User Forum (the European Earth
 observation programme) and the representative of Meteo Romania at OGC.

 Vasile has proven his dedication to OSGeo over the year and, by
 competing again, he is proving, one more time, his dedication to the

 Vasile is a community leader and as such should be part of the Board
 of Director.

 All the best,

 Gérald Fenoy

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Election 2016] Board Nomination for Maria Brovelli

2016-09-09 Thread Andrea Ross
+1 for Maria. She has done some amazing work for quite some time & is a 
joy to work with.


On 09/09/16 07:27, Luigi Pirelli wrote:

clap clap clap for Maria :)
Luigi Pirelli

* Boundless QGIS Support/Development: lpirelli AT boundlessgeo DOT com
* LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigipirelli
* Stackexchange: http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/19667/luigi-pirelli
* GitHub: https://github.com/luipir
* Mastering QGIS:

On 9 September 2016 at 12:08, Jorge Sanz  wrote:

Forwarding Maria Brovelli nomination to the board of directors by
Helena Mitasova

CRO 2016

-- Forwarded message --
From: Helena Mitasova 
Date: 9 September 2016 at 05:07
Subject: nomination of Maria Brovelli
To: c...@osgeo.org
Cc: Maria Antonia Brovelli 

Maria Brovelli

I would like to nominate Professor Maria Brovelli for the board of directors.
She is very well know in the community for her passion for open source
software and open data,
leader of numerous initiatives, including the latest outreach to United Nations,
hosting FOSS4G Europe in 2015 and organizing several open source and
open data sessions
at the ISPRS congres in Prague in 2016.
Her leadership and contributions to OSGeo were recognized by Sol Katz
award in 2015
and she is on the advisory board and one of the regional directors of
GeoForAll initiative.
She advised many students who made significant contributions to
several OSGeo projects
including GRASS GIS and understands both the community building and
the software development issues.
I feel strongly that she will be able to take on the challenging tasks
and often complex
decision making that comes with the the board of directors membership
given her experience as
Vice Rector for the Como Campus of Politecnico di Milano. See her page
for more information

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Charter Member Nomination

2016-07-13 Thread Andrea Ross
Third. Sara is fantastic. I felt very fortunate to work with her as part 
of FOSS4G NA 2016, and in general in FOSS4G NA-land. Can't say enough 
good things.


On 13/07/16 09:23, Newcomb, Doug wrote:
I second the nomination!  Sara works hard to advocate for open source 


On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Vasile Craciunescu 
> wrote:

Forwarding Sara Safavi nomination by David Bitner.

Best regards,
2016 OSGeo Elections CRO

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Charter Member Nomination
Date:   Tue, 5 Jul 2016 10:10:57 -0500
From:   David William Bitner >
Reply-To: bit...@dbspatial.com 
To: OSGeo CRO >

Sara Safavi
OSGeo Advocate Profile: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Sarasafavi
email: s...@sarasafavi.com 

I would like to nominate Sara Safavi for OSGeo Charter Membership.
Sara has been a huge developer and advocate of open source in the
Austin, TX area and beyond. Sara has been an organizer for
PyLadiesATX, Austin Open Source GIS, and MaptimeATX as well as
participating on the FOSS4G North America organizing committee in

David William Bitner
dbSpatial LLC
Discuss mailing list

Doug Newcomb
Raleigh, NC
919-856-4520 ext. 14 doug_newc...@fws.gov 
The opinions I express are my own and are not representative of the 
official policy of the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service or Dept. of the 
Interior.   Life is too short for undocumented, proprietary data 
formats. As a federal employee, my email may be subject to FOIA request.

Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G2016 and diversity

2016-05-30 Thread Andrea Ross

Yes, your point was very hard to miss. I don't think you need to police this 
thread quite so hard though. :-)

For what it's worth, it makes good business &  innovation sense to do more than 
1% or so.

YMMV though,


On May 30, 2016 10:54:06 PM EDT, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shor...@gmail.com> 
>Marc, Andrea,
>My point I'm hoping to make is that I think we might be spending more 
>time discussing ethical code-of-conduct type questions than I think we 
>need to. Yes it is important. Yes we need to flag bad behaviour and 
>resolve it. But hopefully we can limit such discussions to 1% (or so)
>our bandwidth - which we achieve by referencing our code-of-conduct.
>Disclaimer - I'm a privileged white male, living in a democratic 
>country, and I'm used to expecting good behaviour to be the norm.
>Warm regards, Cameron
>On 31/05/2016 9:48 AM, Andrea Ross wrote:
>> That's an unexpected response. Was someone suggesting OSGeo should be
>> a forum for human rights?
>On 31/05/2016 9:28 AM, Marc Vloemans wrote:
>> Cameron,
>> I think you misunderstood the aim of my comment.
>> I am not talking about human rights as such. (Unless they are 
>> threatened, of course)
>> I am addressing the need to guard and promote our inclusivity. If we 
>> want to grow and develop as a community we need to take any 
>> past/present/future concern about it seriously.
>> That is an integral part of our marketing and communications effort: 
>> avoid wrong perceptions and manage our public image where/when 
>> possible. Whether such perceptions address the nature of our code,
>> projects, our members, our organisation and its policies or our 
>> activities.
>> Hope this clarifies, cheers,
>> Marc Vloemans
>> Op 30 mei 2016 om 23:28 heeft Cameron Shorter 
>> <cameron.shor...@gmail.com <mailto:cameron.shor...@gmail.com>> het 
>> volgende geschreven:
>>> All,
>>> While I'm hugely in favour of mutual respect, and I personally 
>>> co-authored the OSGeo Code-Of-Conduct, I feel that OSGeo shouldn't 
>>> aim to be a forum for human rights. (There are other places for
>>> Our primary focus should be on supporting the creation of great
>>> code, and supporting the communities doing this.
>>> Having a Code-Of-Conduct in place is a small part of supporting a 
>>> community, and we should refer to it in cases where conversations or
>>> interactions deviate from good behavior, but I'm hopeful that we can
>>> leave it at that, and focus our time on our core code writing
>>> Warm regards, Cameron
>>> On 30/05/2016 7:30 pm, Marc Vloemans wrote:
>>>> Thanks Andrea,
>>>> You are quite right, unfortunately. Sharing and discussing 
>>>> experiences and insights on this could come across as negative.
>>>> The same happened when I read an earlier discussion on a Code of 
>>>> Conduct for conferences. Frankly I was abhorred that such code was 
>>>> deemed necessary. Until I realised that I was perhaps ignorant 
>>>> (living in Amsterdam is such a privilege).
>>>> Can I invite you to share your list-of-thoughts regarding potential
>>>> pitfalls for a Conference at least with me 
>>>> (marcvloemans1[at]gmail.com <http://gmail.com>)? It would be such a
>>>> shame if we unintentionally overlook the obvious!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Marc Vloemans
>>>> Op 30 mei 2016 om 03:49 heeft Andrea Ross <andrea.r...@eclipse.org>
>>>> het volgende geschreven:
>>>>> Marc,
>>>>> I started to write a whole bunch of thoughts related to this but 
>>>>> instead decided against as I felt it was stating the obvious and I
>>>>> didn't want the thoughts to be perceived as negative.
>>>>> The essence was that these things  you have listed are great, and 
>>>>> they help keep things from being screwed up, but they're not the 
>>>>> hard work that it takes to really make a difference. So good, but 
>>>>> so much more is needed.
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Andrea

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G2016 and diversity

2016-05-30 Thread Andrea Ross


That's an unexpected response. Was someone suggesting OSGeo should be a 
forum for human rights?

Kind regards,


On 30/05/16 17:28, Cameron Shorter wrote:


While I'm hugely in favour of mutual respect, and I personally 
co-authored the OSGeo Code-Of-Conduct, I feel that OSGeo shouldn't aim 
to be a forum for human rights. (There are other places for this).

Our primary focus should be on supporting the creation of great OSGeo 
code, and supporting the communities doing this.

Having a Code-Of-Conduct in place is a small part of supporting a 
community, and we should refer to it in cases where conversations or 
interactions deviate from good behavior, but I'm hopeful that we can 
leave it at that, and focus our time on our core code writing passions.

Warm regards, Cameron

On 30/05/2016 7:30 pm, Marc Vloemans wrote:

Thanks Andrea,

You are quite right, unfortunately. Sharing and discussing 
experiences and insights on this could come across as negative.

The same happened when I read an earlier discussion on a Code of 
Conduct for conferences. Frankly I was abhorred that such code was 
deemed necessary. Until I realised that I was perhaps ignorant 
(living in Amsterdam is such a privilege).

Can I invite you to share your list-of-thoughts regarding potential 
pitfalls for a Conference at least with me 
(marcvloemans1[at]gmail.com <http://gmail.com>)? It would be such a 
shame if we unintentionally overlook the obvious!


Marc Vloemans

Op 30 mei 2016 om 03:49 heeft Andrea Ross <andrea.r...@eclipse.org> 
het volgende geschreven:


I started to write a whole bunch of thoughts related to this but 
instead decided against as I felt it was stating the obvious and I 
didn't want the thoughts to be perceived as negative.

The essence was that these things  you have listed are great, and 
they help keep things from being screwed up, but they're not the 
hard work that it takes to really make a difference. So good, but so 
much more is needed.

Kind regards,


On 28/05/16 11:26, Marc Vloemans wrote:

Dear all,

To build upon the positive results as mentioned in the thread 
below, I invite anyone to supply any suggestion that may support 
the LOC FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn Germany, regarding diversity related 
policies during the actual Conference. Either directly to me or via 
this list.

As LOC we strive to be aware that public policies and personal 
experiences vary per continent, region, country and/or province. 
However, living in Western-Europe we sometimes are unaware how 
fortunate we are! That could hinder us in anticipating potential 
fears, uncertainties and doubts that visitors to Bonn may have.

For starters, please note the following from 
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Germany :

"Germany has become the first country in Europe to enact a law that 
allows German citizens to choose to neither identify as male or 
female on their birth certificate, which has been said to 
specifically benefit hermaphrodites 
<https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermaphrodites> and intersex 
<https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex> persons."

Unfortunately same sex marriage is still 'under construction', but 
that does not reflect negatively on a number of laws protecting the 
rights of the LGBTI community (including registered partnership).

Best regards and hopefully we meet in Bonn,
Marc Vloemans

Vriendelijke groet,
Marc Vloemans

Op 28 mei 2016 om 03:04 heeft Andrea Ross <andrea.r...@eclipse.org> 
het volgende geschreven:

Dear Kristin, Everyone

The sex/gender split was similar for FOSS4G NA 2016 as FOSS4G NA 
2015. In the range of 25 to 30 percent women for both speakers and 
attendees. We don't ask people their gender as part of submitting 
or registering, so this is obviously a best effort from having met 
a number of folks, and discretely Google-stalking them just a little.

We probably had a record high number of trans people participate, 
despite North Carolina's HB2. Also because of HB2, many LGBT 
people reached out to me before the conference to understand what 
was being done, and to help decide whether to boycott or not. We 
are so grateful that so many did not boycott, and came anyway. It 
was a moving experience for me to learn how big the LGBT part of 
the community is and get a bit of the sense of how important the 
work they're doing is.

Also, I want to call out the exemplary work of the Raleigh 
Convention Center. They really went above and beyond to ensure our 
attendees were safe and comfortable. So far as I know, there were 
zero instances of harassment of LGBT people. Laurie Okun from the 
Convention Center in particular was a superstar and so impressive 
& professional from our first contact when trying to assess 
Raleigh, through the chaos that HB2 inflicted, and to the 
post-conference follow-up. We are grateful.

So many good things to note. I also want to note tha

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G2016 and diversity

2016-05-29 Thread Andrea Ross


I started to write a whole bunch of thoughts related to this but instead 
decided against as I felt it was stating the obvious and I didn't want 
the thoughts to be perceived as negative.

The essence was that these things  you have listed are great, and they 
help keep things from being screwed up, but they're not the hard work 
that it takes to really make a difference. So good, but so much more is 

Kind regards,


On 28/05/16 11:26, Marc Vloemans wrote:

Dear all,

To build upon the positive results as mentioned in the thread below, I 
invite anyone to supply any suggestion that may support the LOC FOSS4G 
2016 in Bonn Germany, regarding diversity related policies during the 
actual Conference. Either directly to me or via this list.

As LOC we strive to be aware that public policies and personal 
experiences vary per continent, region, country and/or province. 
However, living in Western-Europe we sometimes are unaware how 
fortunate we are! That could hinder us in anticipating potential 
fears, uncertainties and doubts that visitors to Bonn may have.

For starters, please note the following from 
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Germany :

"Germany has become the first country in Europe to enact a law that 
allows German citizens to choose to neither identify as male or female 
on their birth certificate, which has been said to specifically 
benefit hermaphrodites 
<https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermaphrodites> and intersex 
<https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex> persons."

Unfortunately same sex marriage is still 'under construction', but 
that does not reflect negatively on a number of laws protecting the 
rights of the LGBTI community (including registered partnership).

Best regards and hopefully we meet in Bonn,
Marc Vloemans

Vriendelijke groet,
Marc Vloemans

Op 28 mei 2016 om 03:04 heeft Andrea Ross <andrea.r...@eclipse.org 
<mailto:andrea.r...@eclipse.org>> het volgende geschreven:

Dear Kristin, Everyone

The sex/gender split was similar for FOSS4G NA 2016 as FOSS4G NA 
2015. In the range of 25 to 30 percent women for both speakers and 
attendees. We don't ask people their gender as part of submitting or 
registering, so this is obviously a best effort from having met a 
number of folks, and discretely Google-stalking them just a little.

We probably had a record high number of trans people participate, 
despite North Carolina's HB2. Also because of HB2, many LGBT people 
reached out to me before the conference to understand what was being 
done, and to help decide whether to boycott or not. We are so 
grateful that so many did not boycott, and came anyway. It was a 
moving experience for me to learn how big the LGBT part of the 
community is and get a bit of the sense of how important the work 
they're doing is.

Also, I want to call out the exemplary work of the Raleigh Convention 
Center. They really went above and beyond to ensure our attendees 
were safe and comfortable. So far as I know, there were zero 
instances of harassment of LGBT people. Laurie Okun from the 
Convention Center in particular was a superstar and so impressive & 
professional from our first contact when trying to assess Raleigh, 
through the chaos that HB2 inflicted, and to the post-conference 
follow-up. We are grateful.

So many good things to note. I also want to note that it is still a 
mostly white conference. So the job is not done, and there's still 
much more important work to be done.

Kind regards,


On 27/05/16 17:28, Kristin Bott wrote:
Thanks for sharing the synopsis; I'm especially encouraged by (1) 
gender (identity) parity in the planning committee (2) strong 
presence of female-identifying folk at the conference and (3) 
continued financial support for attendees.

I'd be curious what the gender split was across attendees v. 
speakers -- possibly something worth tracking across years of 
conferences to get a sense of any shifts in attendee demographics.

cheers -

On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 7:09 AM, Mark Lucas <mluca...@mac.com 
<mailto:mluca...@mac.com>> wrote:

I had the pleasure of serving as the OSGeo representative for
the 2016 FOSS4G NA conference selection and planning. I thought
the team did an excellent job in selecting, planning and running
the conference. The team made the decision to not pursue a 2017
NA conference so as not to compete for resources with the OSGeo
international conference.  Our efforts will focus on 2018
planning and selection for the next NA regional conference.

On a personal note I was initially concerned about how the
relationship with Location Tech and OSGeo would evolve.  Our
teaming has resulted in yet another successful conference that I
believe plays to the strengths of both organizations.  I was
very pleased with the openness and collaboration that I witnessed.
— Mark

The synops

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G NA 2016 Report

2016-05-27 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Kristin, Everyone

The sex/gender split was similar for FOSS4G NA 2016 as FOSS4G NA 2015. 
In the range of 25 to 30 percent women for both speakers and attendees. 
We don't ask people their gender as part of submitting or registering, 
so this is obviously a best effort from having met a number of folks, 
and discretely Google-stalking them just a little.

We probably had a record high number of trans people participate, 
despite North Carolina's HB2. Also because of HB2, many LGBT people 
reached out to me before the conference to understand what was being 
done, and to help decide whether to boycott or not. We are so grateful 
that so many did not boycott, and came anyway. It was a moving 
experience for me to learn how big the LGBT part of the community is and 
get a bit of the sense of how important the work they're doing is.

Also, I want to call out the exemplary work of the Raleigh Convention 
Center. They really went above and beyond to ensure our attendees were 
safe and comfortable. So far as I know, there were zero instances of 
harassment of LGBT people. Laurie Okun from the Convention Center in 
particular was a superstar and so impressive & professional from our 
first contact when trying to assess Raleigh, through the chaos that HB2 
inflicted, and to the post-conference follow-up. We are grateful.

So many good things to note. I also want to note that it is still a 
mostly white conference. So the job is not done, and there's still much 
more important work to be done.

Kind regards,


On 27/05/16 17:28, Kristin Bott wrote:
Thanks for sharing the synopsis; I'm especially encouraged by (1) 
gender (identity) parity in the planning committee (2) strong presence 
of female-identifying folk at the conference and (3) continued 
financial support for attendees.

I'd be curious what the gender split was across attendees v. speakers 
-- possibly something worth tracking across years of conferences to 
get a sense of any shifts in attendee demographics.

cheers -

On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 7:09 AM, Mark Lucas <mluca...@mac.com 
<mailto:mluca...@mac.com>> wrote:

I had the pleasure of serving as the OSGeo representative for the
2016 FOSS4G NA conference selection and planning.  I thought the
team did an excellent job in selecting, planning and running the
conference.  The team made the decision to not pursue a 2017 NA
conference so as not to compete for resources with the OSGeo
international conference.  Our efforts will focus on 2018 planning
and selection for the next NA regional conference.

On a personal note I was initially concerned about how the
relationship with Location Tech and OSGeo would evolve.  Our
teaming has resulted in yet another successful conference that I
believe plays to the strengths of both organizations.  I was very
pleased with the openness and collaboration that I witnessed.
— Mark

The synopsis from Andrea Ross is included below:

FOSS4G NA 2016 Synopsis (please feel free to re-use this data)

The conference ran from May 2-5, at the Raleigh Convention
Center, in Raleigh North Carolina. The code sprint &
unconference ran May 6 & 7 at Red Hat’s headquarters, a few
blocks from the convention center. A Tour of the NCSU OSGeo
Research and Education lab took place on May 6th.
The conference featured 1 day of workshops, 3 days of
sessions, a code sprint, an unconference, and social events
every night. There were 93 full length (35 minute) sessions,
36 short length (15 minute) sessions, 10 workshops, and 3
keynotes. This represented an increase in full length. The
rooms were generally always near full or slightly overflowing
for particularly popular talks, despite them being big rooms.
The conference grew by 33% . There were 558 attendees. This
level of increase is very positive, when so many other
conferences are in decline.
Like 2015’s team, 50% of the 2016 committee were women. Also
like 2015, a significant proportion of speakers and attendees
were women (in the 30% range), which is great to see.
23 people were at the conference who wouldn't have otherwise
been without the financial support we gave them.
From the attendee survey, people were clearly thrilled about
the conference... 99% positive feedback. (n=102). The one
negative response said they were disappointed there was no
lunch served. We’re not sure how they missed it! The venue,
the strong program, and the positive & supportive atmosphere
were the things people commented (positively) on most.
People loved the keynotes, and especially Tamar Cohen's
entitled Extreme Mapping.
The video recordings of sessions are being

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Incubator] Should OSGeo accept "benevolent dictator" projects into OSGeo?

2016-05-09 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Peter, and All

The comments in this thread have been well considered and thoughtful, so 
I don't have much to add.

What I would like to add, to support what Marc & others have said is 
that to me, for what that's worth, an important part of the issue is who 
is the arbiter of which particular scientific data/facts matter. Many of 
us, myself included, have been doing software engineering & computer 
science for a very long time. I hope many will agree that things are not 
always black and white with irrefutable clear data to justify. Often you 
need to make the best decision you can with imperfect, unclear data, and 
limited resources. A project governance system must be able to handle 
that and my personal opinion is that the BDFL model is not a good choice 
for such conditions.

There are always exceptions, where a BDFL project finds traction for 
various reasons and is successful. Linux is a great example. Peter you 
listed other good ones. However the existence of those exceptions and 
their success, while memorable, doesn't convince me that the model is a 
better one to use.

I do agree with you Peter that OSGeo should make a clear position on 
BDFL so you can decide whether you want to host with them or not. 
Personally, I feel your commercial interest is very significant in this 
case. It sounds a lot like you will be holding more 
power/influence/cards than any other, and while that's totally fine, 
that's not really a good fit for hosting at a not-for-profit foundation, 

I feel OSGeo should not try to be all things to all people. It needs to 
stand for something and have it be very clear what it is.

For what it's worth, BDFL would not be accepted at the Eclipse 
Foundation or LocationTech. As Cameron & Jeroen articulated well, you 
can effectively accomplish the same thing within a different governance 
model. A highly respected project lead or PSC member wields a 
considerable amount of influence.

Kind regards, and good luck!


On 09/05/16 07:39, Peter Baumann wrote:

Hi Marc,

I understand your position, and I appreciate your thoughtful deliberations.
Still, these are all on meta level, not fact level. This is where voting-based
decisions, rather than scientific/technologically sound decision can lead to a
failure indeed.


On 05/09/2016 11:28 AM, Marc Vloemans wrote:


Voting is not the issue for success, acceptance and traction are.

And as my suggestions seem to upset you, then at least read Jeroen Ticheler's 
message.he's been there, done it and boasts several T-shirts by now.

Vriendelijke groet,
Marc Vloemans

Op 9 mei 2016 om 09:30 heeft Peter Baumann  het 
volgende geschreven:


bright minds do not need votes to get heard here, there's no obstacle.


On 05/08/2016 04:56 PM, Marc Vloemans wrote:

I did certainly not realise there was such a cultural gap between academia and 
open source.

Also, I gather that bazar style negotiation is not to your liking not 
efficient. You perhaps rather have a single representative speaking/negotiating 
on behalf of the OSGeo Foundation? Unfortunately, nobody has that remit within 
OSGeo. So you need to be more convincing. Presently, a take-it-or-leave-it 
attitude has not helped your cause.

In order to grow 'your' project you are at the end of the day dependent on 
additional skills and genius. Not for money, but for free (as in beer). Just 
'open sourcing' your project under the wings of OSGeo to do so requires some 
careful consideration of your audience and joint planning in stead of blunt 
negotiation. Laying down the law and emphasising how you want things will IMHO 
not gain you followers, developers or others to do the hard Dev work, the 
(easier, but still volunteer work) management, promotion etc.

So I invite you to be more appealing to all the bright minds in our community. 
Because, as far as this discussion goes I see no crowd jumping up and say 'I 

To give you another pointer; perhaps a route to a mutually beneficial solution 
could be found in the area of license-policy(please, give it a thought. It 
would take a new look at things that could work for all).

And in case no consensus is arrived at, then consider Cameron and I and anyone 
joining in (pro/neutral/contra) as activists for that matter.
Personally, I sometimes tear my hairs out of impatience, when I see that 
building consensus takes so long. But during various recent online discussions 
I learned a lot as well. From people I consider bright and skilful even though 
I do not agree with them. And they give me room to work on what I think is 
best, even though they do not agree with a lot I am saying and doing. That's 
both courageous of them and humbling for me. So ... the top-down alternative is 
flat-out horrifying to me.

Vriendelijke groet,
Marc Vloemans

Op 8 mei 2016 om 14:48 heeft Peter Baumann  het 

[OSGeo-Discuss] Last day for early FOSS4G NA 2016 pricing

2016-03-31 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Everyone,

Today (March 31) is the last day to register for the FOSS4G NA 2016 
conference  (May 2-5) and pay early 
pricing. If you're interested in coming, please don't wait, register now 
and save yourself $200 .

For those that have registered, please don't forget to book your hotel 
 if you need one. You'll save $100 a 

The call for posters is currently open 
, and a call for pre-scheduled BoFs 

For those considering whether this conference might be interesting, 
please take a look at:

 * The keynotes 
 * The schedule

There are fun social events every night, and a free unconference & code 
sprint on May 6 & 7.

We hope to see you in Raleigh!

Kind regards,

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Time to decide on FOSS4G NA 2017

2016-02-18 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Everyone,

As many of you know, FOSS4G NA is an important annual conference for a 
number of communities, projects, and initiatives. OSGeo & LocationTech 
are two of the well known Foundations participating, but FOSS4G NA spans 
well beyond both.

In 2015, a number of people participated in crafting governance for 
Following that governance, the core committee (see below), is working on 
making a decision regarding FOSS4G NA 2017.

The key decision for the short term is whether FOSS4G NA 2017 should be 
held in 2017. FOSS4G Global will be held in Boston in late August 
(IIRC), so the decision is not as simple as it would have otherwise been.

*Discussion is taking place on the **FOSS4G NA selection mailing list 
**. All 
are invited to participate.*

For context:

 * FOSS4G NA has grown into a good sized conference in its own right,
   and keeps growing. The next one is taking place May 2-5, 2016 in
   Raleigh North Carolina . FOSS4G NA has
   done some things differently than global such as free passes for
   speakers, registration discounts for committers, and and more.
 * In other regions, the regional conferences have run in the same year
   as FOSS4G Global with no serious issues noted. It is likely FOSS4G
   NA could run anywhere other than the North-eastern United states,
   and both it and FOSS4G Global in Boston would succeed.
 * A few groups have expressed some interest in FOSS4G NA 2017 being
   hosted in their region including San Francisco and Ottawa. It is now
   time to decide if we proceed with NA 2017, or not.

As per the FOSS4G NA governance 
the committee consists of:

 * 3 past chairs of FOSS4G NA (Currently: Eddie Pickle, David Bitner,
   Rob Emanuele)
 * 1 representative for OSGeo (Currently: Mark Lucas)
 * 1 representative for LocationTech (Currently: Jim Hughes)

Sarah Cordivano (chair 2016), will soon join the FOSS4G NA core 
committee as Eddie Pickle (chair 2012) retires from it.

For those interested, the kinds of things the committee is looking for 
in a place to host FOSS4G NA are:

 * Good flight links nationally.
 * Appropriate sized venue (500-700 people).
 * A choice of accommodations at various price points.
 * Economical price point for the conference venue.
 * Active community in the region.
 * Down town location near many points of interest is a big plus.

Kind regards,

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] geospatial @ apache foundation

2016-01-31 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Cameron, George, and Everyone

Thank you for looping me in Cameron. You are correct, this is of 
interest. Personally, I think it is great to see the geo work being done 
at Apache. I have been cheering for it since I learned of it a few years 
ago. And I personally think collaboration just makes sense. For those 
that didn't already know about it, Mozilla is also doing some really 
cool stuff.

It is particularly relevant for LocationTech's vibrant geoprocessing 
projects (GeoMesa, GeoWave, GeoJinni, GeoTreillis, etc.) are based on 
top of & implement spatial features for Spark, Hadoop, Accumulo, HBase, etc.

For what it's worth, FOSS4G NA <https://2016.foss4g-na.org/> runs May 
2-5 in Raleigh. GEOINT <http://geoint2016.com/> runs May 15-18 in Orlando.

It goes without saying that the Apache Geo projects, and any others for 
that matter, are welcome at FOSS4G NA. The CfP 
<https://2016.foss4g-na.org/cfp> deadline is February 8th. Speakers who 
have their talk accepted get a free full access pass. There are also 
scholarships for those that need a little support.

Kind regards,


On 30/01/16 14:47, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Hi George,
I'm not sure if Andrea Ross (CCed) has been included in your 
conversations to date? She coordinates LocationTech, the geospatial 
arm of the Eclipse Foundation. I suspect you will find her both 
interested and valuable in progressing your goals.

I do like your goals of collaborating between open source 
organisations related to geospatial. This happens to be at the core of 
both the OSGeo Foundation and LocationTech as well.

With regards to a summary of Open Source Geospatial, I suggest looking 
at the OSGeo-Live presentation (with script):

It aims to be a lightening FOSS4G conference, covered in a 30 min 

I'll leave it to you to distill further down to a one minute slide. :)
(You are free to copy or change the material as you see fit)

Warm regards, Cameron

On 31/01/2016 3:07 am, George Percivall wrote:


Its good to hear of your cross community interest for OSGeo.  My 
abstract for the geospatial track of ApacheConf suggests coordination 
between open source organizations working on geospatial - based on 
the use of open standards.  One aim I have for the session is to 
identify project coordination actions be undertaken after the conference.

If OSGeo sees opportunities for geospatial application of Apache 
projects it would be most appropriate to submit an abstract.
You can find the call for participation here: 
Be sure to put submit your abstract with a title of this scheme: 
 “Geospatial Track - [your title]”

In any case, lets coordinate in advance of the May conference, e.g., 
it would be good to include a slide in my presentation summarizing 
the OSGeo projects.


On Jan 30, 2016, at 5:24 AM, Cameron Shorter 
<cameron.shor...@gmail.com <mailto:cameron.shor...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi George,
Following on from your suggestion of a geospatial track at the 
Apache: Big Data North
America, I expect you will find interest from the OSGeo community to 
be involved (see below).

Please keep us in the loop with regards to your ideas, and once 
consolidated, feel free to ask us how we might want to contribute.

I suspect may be people within the OSGeo community with valuable 
case studies or ideas to include in your proposed track.

Also, I suspect there would be value for Big Spatial data projects 
to align with the OSGeo foundation, potentially being included as an 
OSGeo incubated project, and tap into OSGeo marketing pipelines.

Warm regards, Cameron Shorter

On 29/01/2016 10:51 pm, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:

Hi all,

I recently bumped across this article about a geospatial track which
may be organised at apachecon.

Maybe some people from OSGeo can reach out to them and see if we can
organise this together? And look for future collaboration?


Kind Regards,
Discuss mailing list

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com <http://www.lisasoft.com>,  F 
+61 2 9009 5099

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  Wwww.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

*Andrea Ross*
Director, Ecosystem Development, Eclipse Foundation <http://eclipse.org>
Twitter: @42aross <http://twitter.com/42aross>, Mobile: 1-613-614-5772
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [OSGeo-Conf] Overview of all current FOSS4G conferences

2016-01-05 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Cameron,

Yeah, as you note, sadly blip.tv changed their business model and even 
though FOSSLC was paying for hosting, they simply stopped offering the 
service altogether, and the videos went off-line. This was actually 
years ago and very few people noticed.

I went back to a backup archive to restore some particularly noteworthy 
& timeless videos that people requested and upload them to YouTube. I 
don't want to promise to do others as candidly the same effort applied 
elsewhere is much more benefit.

Peter's group has been in touch with me regarding FOSS4G videos I have 
recorded as well as other conferences I have recorded such as BSDCan, 
PGCon, EclipseCon, and others. It looks very likely that moving forward, 
at least for the ones I'm involved with in some way, they'll be both in 
YouTube & the TIB archive which is great.

Kind regards,


On 05/01/16 04:31, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Hi Andrea,
Back in 2009 you did an excellent job of coordinating videoing of 
FOSS4G. Looking back at video links from the conference program[1], it 
seems the videos stored on blip.tv have suffered from link rot, and 
are not available any more.
I don't suppose these videos are still available somewhere? And if so, 
are we able to make them available to Peter Lowe?


On 5/01/2016 4:30 pm, Sanghee Shin wrote:

Dear Peter,

Thanks for your initiating this.

I’ve added 4 past FOSS4G Korea conferences there[1] and I included 
discuss list here to attract more interest and participation from all 
around the world.

Happy new year. 새해 복 많이 받으십시오.

Kind regards,



Shin, Sanghee
Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company

2016. 1. 2., 오전 1:31, Peter Löwe  작성:

Dear all,

this is a follow up to the discussion in the conference list in late 
December regarding the lack of a concise overview over all OSGeo 

I set up a preliminary page for all OSGeo conferences here:

It would be great if this information could be edited and extended 
by the community, as the tables are far from complete. Conference 
proceedings and videos have been listed whenever possible.

Please note this: The German National Library of Science and 
Technology ("TIB") (my employer) is collecting video recordings from 
a growing number of OSGeo conferences as part of the developing 
technological heritage. These videos are long term preserved as a 
free service and can be watched, searched, downloaded and cited via 
Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) by everybody. Links to already long 
term preserved video content is included in the tables.

Happy new 2016,
Conference_dev mailing list

Conference_dev mailing list

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Reminder: FOSS4G NA 2016 CfP deadline is approaching

2016-01-04 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Everyone,

(x-posted to LocationTech & OSGeo discussion lists, please fwd to any 
who might be interested)

A friendly reminder that the call for proposals deadline is approaching 
for FOSS4G North America 2016. We'd love to receive as many excellent 
proposals as possible. Submit your proposal ASAP 

Kind regards, and wishing you a wonderful 2016!

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Privacy Policy

2015-12-18 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Gert-Jan, Everyone

I would be happy to comment on contact list practice at the Eclipse 
Foundation in case it is helpful.

Before I do, I would like to say I am heartened to see the responses 
saying enough LocationTech bashing. It was past the point of absurd & 
destructive for a while. So thank you.

Note that I am not a lawyer, and this is not formal legal advice. I will 
comment on practice at the Eclipse Foundation.

For what it's worth, in my opinion, for many of the things like the code 
of conduct, privacy policy, and so forth, OSGeo really should explicitly 
run them by a lawyer and periodically get legal advice to make sure they 
reflect current practice/precedent/legislation.

The Eclipse Foundation contacts recent past attendees of conferences in 
a given region in the understanding they are interested customers. We 
use Mailchimp as it seems to be one of the better tools these days. Like 
Paul shared, we used different tools in the past, and will use different 
tools in the future no doubt.

As a personal note... I have been getting emails about FOSS4G events 
since 2007. They are normal. I understand why they are emailing me and I 
support and feel it's a good thing also.

Regarding the FOSS4G NA list we used for the recent email. Some emails 
were provided to us from past events held in North America. It was our 
understanding they were past attendees/interested people/ 
customers/people who opted in. As Rob said, we apologize if there were 
people on that list who shouldn't have been and thus had to unsubscribe. 
For what it's worth, only half a percent of people on the list have 
unsubscribed... and you can guess who from this email discussion thread.

No emails passed to us have been incorporated into any other lists we 
maintain. They have been strictly used for FOSS4G NA only, and 
sparingly just 4 emails so far over 2 years and strictly related to 
the key/most important conference announcements.

We have also used a number of explicit opt-in contacts from 
LocationTech. There are 120K+ people who explicitly signed up to receive 
our monthly newsletter. We promote the conference once or twice to it as 
well for example.

Hope this helps,


On 18/12/15 07:53, Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl wrote:
We do have contact with LocationTech ;-). And I suppose LocationTech 
(or Eclipse) does have an more detailed view of the legal do's and 
don'ts than my observations. How about asking LocationTech for a legal 
advice on this issue (just the facts, no opinions please), 

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo/LocationTech relationship

2015-11-15 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Massimiliano,

Your opinion matters a great deal. I don't know if you realized: what 
you have suggested should be, is pretty much what is the case. Let me 
explain to hopefully show this is so.

This is all covered in the FAQ 
to try to make it clear & quick to read for any who are interested.

The people who put together the bids for Ottawa & Philadelphia did 
something positive and bid on hosting FOSS4G in their cities. As part of 
their bid, they very clearly stated that OSGeo would have the very best 
visibility it has ever had at any FOSS4G ever and a payment on par with 
the best ever without any downside risk. In that same sense that FOSS4G 
has ever been "hosted" or "organized" or whatever word preferred, by 
OSGeo, it would be the same, should those cities be selected.

The way the process works, the bid team select whom they wish to 
organize the logistics. And they reached out to LocationTech to hear 
what they could offer. Using Ottawa as an example (Dave McIlhagga, chair 
for Ottawa, shared all of this in public on the conf-dev list), after 
hearing the offer, they decided that they wanted LocationTech to help 
them organize the conference. For what it's worth, the other conference 
organizing firms who participated in the meeting & also heard what was 
being offered, and said openly, clearly, and unmistakably that they felt 
choosing LocationTech was the right choice.

Also covered in the FAQ, LocationTech does organize many events beyond 
FOSS4G. And, for what it's worth, OSGeo projects & initiatives have 
always been welcome at those events. The FAQ also details why there's 
interest in FOSS4G. It is my hope that you & others find it all quite 

Kind regards,


On 15/11/15 20:05, Massimiliano Cannata wrote:

Nevertheless in my simple and neligible opinion and understanding 
OSGeo never wanted to organize any apache event.

If valuable OSGeo members want to host and organize foss4g they can 
certainly do in their name or in the name of their local chapters 
leaving out LocationTech from the bussines. If LT want to be at the 
osgeo event they can send proposal and see if they will be accepted 
and then they are always welcome as a sponsor.

If we can see that "osgeo" and LT are "sister" organizations then LT 
could also have a free both and be listed as partner along with other 

Otherwayaround why LT does not organize its own event and then let it 
be organized by osgeo?


Il 15/Nov/2015 18:48, "Andrea Ross" <andrea.r...@eclipse.org 
<mailto:andrea.r...@eclipse.org>> ha scritto:

On 13/11/15 15:42, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

On 13 November 2015 at 14:24, Jeff McKenna
<mailto:jmcke...@gatewaygeomatics.com>> wrote:

why would you create a separate
foundation with the exact same goals, and then later come
back to the other
foundation saying "no, we love you.  Give us the right to
run your event".


Jeff, thank you.

Best regards,

Jeff, Mateusz

I have answered this in my other email but I'll repeat here too in
case it's helpful. LocationTech was founded, by many of the same
founders and champions of OSGeo, to fill a gap. It has done a
pretty good job of this. A bunch of what it does, isn't getting
done elsewhere and is needed. None of this was intended to harm
OSGeo in any way, and so far as I can see, hasn't even after 3
years. Feel free to provide any evidence you can offer to the

People can and do participate in both OSGeo & LocationTech all the
time.  This is a good thing. It absolutely isn't a zero sum
scenario. The mutually reinforce each other rather than detract
from one another.

Apache existed before OSGeo so the same argument could be used
there. While I can see how it plays to emotions, I'm not sure it's
a useful argument.


Discuss mailing list
Discuss@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Discuss@lists.osgeo.org>

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo/LocationTech relationship

2015-11-15 Thread Andrea Ross


Again, you make statements like you have below about me/LocationTech 
smoothly courting/calculated/etc going after OSGeo's only source of 
revenue. Perhaps you would like to present your evidence for making such 
negative statements?

Bear in mind that the ample evidence to the contrary is public. Dave & 
Robert have told their stories about how & why they LocationTech as a 
conference organizer for their 2017 bids. Michael Terner shared his 
story too. There was nothing untoward involved, and everything has been 
talked about publicly.

The budget details for those bids are public too and as generous as a 
conservative budget allows. The payment is very much in line with the 
best payments ever received from a FOSS4G, and OSGeo is not on the hook 
for a loss should one occur.

Making such assertions with no evidence to back them up, against much 
evidence to the contrary is unfounded and very unprofessional.

The FAQ we published 
publicly makes the motives very clear. People like myself, Dave 
McIlhagga, Jody Garnett, and many others have been deeply involved in 
OSGeo & FOSS4G since the beginning in many capacities. (so were the 
Founders of LocationTech for what that's worth) All of what we have done 
is public record. We never left the community. We care about FOSS4G and 
care how it is run. We are valued members of the FOSS4G & OSGeo 
communities, have equal right to participate, and not the invading 
outsiders you are attempting to portray us as.

Again, you imply something untoward regarding why LocationTech was 
founded and exists. It was created & exists to fill a gap. And 3 years 
on it is doing a pretty good job of that. As I have said, I am not aware 
of any harm to OSGeo that has come from LocationTech. There was much 
goodness specified clearly in the FAQ stating plainly how LocationTech 
has helped OSGeo. You are welcome to share your evidence to the contrary.

As just one more example we didn't put in the FAQ, after a  very 
successful FOSS4G NA 2015, $6K USD was paid to OSGeo from LocationTech 
to help support it. The money was provided with no strings attached for 
OSGeo to spend how it see's fit.

Collaboration happens between OSGeo & LocationTech every day without 
fuss. People shuffle back and forth across the imaginary border without 
even thinking about it. It is one ecosystem.

I wish you'd see & acknowledge the goodness and positive things from 
LocationTech. At the very least, without any evidence of anything 
negative, you should really stop.


On 13/11/15 14:24, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Hi Andrea,

You seem to value the OSGeo community so much, so much in fact that 
you would smoothly court all 3 of our bidders for OSGeo's only source 
of revenue and publicity all year, our beloved global FOSS4G event.  
It is true that it is "ridiculous", from an organization that 
(apparently formerly) focused on commerce, to ask OSGeo to pay you 
(90,000 USD), to take control of OSGeo's only event (worth 1,000,000 
USD), and then think that this is a fine since you offer (my answer: a 
polite no thank you) of handling losses for OSGeo's FOSS4G event, in 
maybe one of the strongest regions for attendees in the world?  If we 
are speaking of commerce, this doesn't make sense.

I think Maxi said it well, that we all are trying to understand your 
motives here.  How about an MoU together, exchange of official 
letters, big press release, creating a working group of half 
LocationTech and half OSGeo board members, an exchange of talks at 
each others events, become the sustaining sponsor of OSGeo; instead, 
here we are.

If you value the OSGeo community so much, why would you create a 
separate foundation with the exact same goals, and then later come 
back to the other foundation saying "no, we love you.  Give us the 
right to run your event".  Ha, pardon?


On 2015-11-12 7:35 PM, Andrea Ross wrote:


It is really hard to discuss this topic because you make stuff up. The
concerns stem from the fantasy rather than reality.

The FAQ produced recently

does a pretty good job covering the situation.

In 3 years, so far as I know, absolutely no harm has come to OSGeo as a
result of LocationTech, and certainly not from any official/intentional
actions. On the contrary, there's a nice body of ever growing benefits.

Regarding your new claims:

  * The press releases & charter for LocationTech have not changed.
They're all still up where they always were and haven't been
modified. (seriously?!)
  * LocationTech & OSGeo have had formal relations for some time as Jody
notes. There is all kinds of collaboration happening frequently and
people are fine with it.
  * We gave many examples in the FAQ ab

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo/LocationTech relationship

2015-11-15 Thread Andrea Ross

On 15/11/15 23:20, Daniel Kastl wrote:

Hash: SHA256

People can and do participate in both OSGeo & LocationTech all the
time.  This is a good thing. It absolutely isn't a zero sum
scenario. The mutually reinforce each other rather than detract
from one another.

I think there is a big difference in how the participation is organized:
With OSGeo you become a member like this: http://www.osgeo.org/Membershi
And with LT it works like this:
https://www.locationtech.org/content/become-member and details in
here: https://www.locationtech.org/charter

You could now argue, that participation is not membership. That's right.
But then look at who you participate for in case of LT :

There is a big "Strategic" at the topic, so to me this means, that
they have a lot to say. And there is a guest sections, which it likely
the opposite.

I don't need to explain, who paid their dollars to become a strategic
member. For them the annual fee is nothing in their overall budget.

The funny thing is, that both (OSGeo and LT) have a "Nondiscrimination
Statement" on their website:

OSGeo: "The Foundation is open to all members of the geospatial
community. We do not discriminate based on age, gender, race,
nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or disability."

LT: "We are committed to making participation in the LocationTech
community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of
level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual
orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race,
ethnicity, age, religion or analogous grounds."

I think you forgot "economic discrimination"!

For me, whether I would be able to pay for a membership or not, it
makes it a very easy decision, where I want to contribute my volunteer
time for.

Sorry, if this slightly moved the thread into a different direction. I
just wanted to agree with Andrea, that LT doesn't have the same goals
in some way: it clearly focuses on the economic strong members of the

Best regards,

PS: you will also recognize from the members, that LT is not a diverse
organization in terms nationalities. Well, you could argue, that IBM,
Oracle and Google are operating globally ;-)


Your email is incorrect and very misleading unfortunately. If you don't 
mind some important clarifications below, I hope they'll help.

You compared organizational membership at LocationTech with individual 
participation at OSGeo. A much better comparison would be to compare 
OSGeo sponsors with LocationTech membership. You'll see they are 
similar. LocationTech members receive formal representation on the board 
which I think is a significant difference worth noting.

For completeness, it's worth mentioning that LocationTech's membership 
model is based on a sliding scale of revenue & employee count. A vote is 
a vote whether it comes from a huge member or tiny one, or a committer. 
I believe this largely covers your concern of economic discrimination. 
Jody mentioned that OSGeo is considering a similar model, which I think 
is a great idea.

You are correct that guest members are observers. They participate, but 
have no formal voting rights. They can upgrade their membership at any 
time should they wish to.

From an individual participation perspective, be it as users, 
contributors, or committers they are quite similar. One significant 
difference is that project committers have dedicated formal 
representation on the LocationTech board.

It's also worth mentioning that as Strategic membership grows, so does 
committer representation to counter-balance. The whole point of the 
Foundation is to provide a structured governance model so that votes 
count equally and keep various influences in balance for the betterment 
of the ecosystem.

You likely also notice that it uses the funding provided by 
organizational members to support the projects, but in a way that does 
not interfere with their independence and self governance. I believe 
that to be quite desirable from a project's perspective. Rob has shared 
his feelings on the matter as well.

I hope this helps,

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo/LocationTech relationship

2015-11-15 Thread Andrea Ross


For what it's worth, I think it's great you shared your vision. If you 
don't mind me saying so, it is important and belongs it a dedicated 
thread IMHO.

You commented on why was LocationTech created rather than within doing 
what it does more tightly within OSGeo. This is important for people to 
understand. In my opinion, a very important reason is that in 2011, when 
OSGeo just fired its executive director and set a very clear direction 
to be a low-capital organization, it was clear that the kinds of things 
that LocationTech does wouldn't be practical at OSGeo. Hiring a bunch of 
staff to perform services for the ecosystem wasn't practical. It still 
may not be today. The governance would have to fundamentally change to 
make this doable. Culturally it might be hard too, which is perhaps part 
of why this conversation is taking place.

At the time, it was felt LocationTech was the fastest/easiest/best path 
to fill the gaps. At the time, it was felt careful stewardship could 
avoid any harm. We are now 3 years in, and with much care taken all 
along, I'm pretty sure no harm has yet befallen OSGeo because of 
LocationTech. And in those 3 years, much benefit has arisen out of 
LocationTech, including many benefits to OSGeo projects & initiatives. 
Even financial benefits.

Many will remember that there were discussions with the OSGeo board & 
anyone who was interested before LocationTech was founded, just as it 
was founded, and many since. So many of the people involved were 
founders of OSGeo, charter members, board members, and active 
participants. They continue to be active today. This is why the 
portrayal of them as outsiders and invaders is so misleading and rather 

Jeff, you mention your vision for OSGeo is to be the community for open 
source geospatial everywhere and anywhere. In an open source community, 
people contributing effort to do work that needs doing is a very good 
thing. There's a box around GeoForAll, and that is seen as positive 
thing. Why is it suddenly a bad thing when work is being done at a place 
with a box around it called LocationTech? That box has talented staff 
who specialize in organizing open source (inc. geospatial too) 
conferences for a living. Why not make good use of them for the benefit 
of the community and ecosystem? This is what this thread was all about.

Kind regards,


On 15/11/15 21:18, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Hi Andrea,

I have no doubt that you mean well.  I hope that maybe seeing my 
vision for OSGeo, will help explain myself.  I feel that OSGeo and 
LocationTech are in fact different, especially in their visions (which 
would likely be why LocationTech was formed initially, I imagine there 
was a good reason not to help OSGeo grow, not to dedicate that time to 
instead help change OSGeo for the better). I realize that it is too 
late to question why we now have 2 foundations.  I would like to work 
together, but for OSGeo to have its own event, FOSS4G.  I would like 
to discuss LocationTech being more involved in the global FOSS4G, such 
as through sponsorship or special sessions.  I would like to discuss 
OSGeo bring more involved in LocationTech, and am open to your ideas how.

I hope taking all of today (it took me most of today to compile those 
words, which I made many mistakes in ha) helps you see more into my 
vision, and explains who I am and where I want to go.  I am very ok 
with people disagreeing with it.  I took a leadership training course 
for a year (in 2011), and this made me pull out my old Harvard 
Business journal print-outs ha, it was actually a good reason to 
review all of this.  I also know that a vision does not always work, 
and could be rejected by the OSGeo community at large.  I am, 
absolutely putting all of me on the line.

I am prepared for that as well.  Wow, isn't this fun? :)

Talk soon,


On 2015-11-15 1:35 PM, Andrea Ross wrote:


Again, you make statements like you have below about me/LocationTech
smoothly courting/calculated/etc going after OSGeo's only source of
revenue. Perhaps you would like to present your evidence for making such
negative statements?

Bear in mind that the ample evidence to the contrary is public. Dave &
Robert have told their stories about how & why they LocationTech as a
conference organizer for their 2017 bids. Michael Terner shared his
story too. There was nothing untoward involved, and everything has been
talked about publicly.

The budget details for those bids are public too and as generous as a
conservative budget allows. The payment is very much in line with the
best payments ever received from a FOSS4G, and OSGeo is not on the hook
for a loss should one occur.

Making such assertions with no evidence to back them up, against much
evidence to the contrary is unfounded and very unprofessional.

The FAQ we published


Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo/LocationTech relationship

2015-11-15 Thread Andrea Ross

On 13/11/15 15:42, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

On 13 November 2015 at 14:24, Jeff McKenna

why would you create a separate
foundation with the exact same goals, and then later come back to the other
foundation saying "no, we love you.  Give us the right to run your event".


Jeff, thank you.

Best regards,

Jeff, Mateusz

I have answered this in my other email but I'll repeat here too in case 
it's helpful. LocationTech was founded, by many of the same founders and 
champions of OSGeo, to fill a gap. It has done a pretty good job of 
this. A bunch of what it does, isn't getting done elsewhere and is 
needed. None of this was intended to harm OSGeo in any way, and so far 
as I can see, hasn't even after 3 years. Feel free to provide any 
evidence you can offer to the contrary.

People can and do participate in both OSGeo & LocationTech all the 
time.  This is a good thing. It absolutely isn't a zero sum scenario. 
The mutually reinforce each other rather than detract from one another.

Apache existed before OSGeo so the same argument could be used there. 
While I can see how it plays to emotions, I'm not sure it's a useful 


Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo/LocationTech relationship

2015-11-13 Thread Andrea Ross
Dear Maria,

Hopefully the choice of license for a project, or in this case choices for 
licenses by a group of projects are not cause for outrage. Each project will 
choose what makes sense to them, and that's a great thing.

This is very common. Apache has chosen the Apache license. Mozilla the MPL. 
Eclipse was EPL focused for a while, but now allows a bunch of choice and that 
list keeps growing.

For what it's worth, these choices are rarely made out of ignorance. 

It is the viral nature of the GPL & AGPL that keeps projects using those 
licenses out if LocationTech & Eclipse for now. That may change, or not, in 
response to the members and projects that govern want in time. 

Personally, I understand all license choice perspectives, and respect them. I 
say this as someone who's been making a living in FOSS for 25 years.

Hope this helps a bit,


On November 13, 2015 9:45:23 AM GMT+01:00, "María Arias de Reyna" 
>On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 9:41 AM, María Arias de Reyna
> wrote:
>> I answer myself, yes, they filter by name. And explicitly forbid GPL
>> https://www.locationtech.org/faq-questions-inline
>> Which licenses does LocationTech allow?
>> The following licenses are allowed at LocationTech without special
>> EPL
>> EDL (BSD)
>> MIT
>> Apache v2
>> Other licenses might be considered based on approval of the
>> LocationTech Steering Committee and Eclipse Foundation board.
>> The following licenses are not allowed at LocationTech:
>> GPL (v2 & v3)
>For me this is a major outrage, but I understand that OSGeo is focused
>on open software, not on free software. (Remember: free includes open,
>open doesn't include free).
>So I would understand collaborations between LocationTech and OSGeo,
>where open is the key and not freedom. And we have found a big
>difference between both organizations: we are more open and more free.
>Maybe they still believe that they cannot do bussiness over GPL
>derived licenses. And as wrong as they are, if their main focus is on
>bussiness, it is understandable they are afraid of freedom.
>Discuss mailing list
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo/LocationTech relationship

2015-11-13 Thread Andrea Ross
Thanks Even. Noted.

As you likely know. It is the extra nature beyond other reciprocal licenses 
like LGPL, EPL, and MPL that is the concern. I've not heard a different term to 
describe that aspect. And it goes without saying no offense was intended. I 
understand the different perspectives and see them as an important choice to 
fit the project's goals.

Kind regards,


On November 13, 2015 12:54:32 PM GMT+01:00, Even Rouault 
>> It is the viral nature of the GPL & AGPL
>Just as an aside: as for most people a "virus" is something not very 
>positively connoted, I'd suggest rather refering to the reciprocal or
>alike nature of the license to better describe its intent in a way that
>doesn't assume bad intentions from people selecting it as the license
>their project.
>Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo/LocationTech relationship

2015-11-12 Thread Andrea Ross


It is really hard to discuss this topic because you make stuff up. The 
concerns stem from the fantasy rather than reality.

The FAQ produced recently 
does a pretty good job covering the situation.

In 3 years, so far as I know, absolutely no harm has come to OSGeo as a 
result of LocationTech, and certainly not from any official/intentional 
actions. On the contrary, there's a nice body of ever growing benefits.

Regarding your new claims:

 * The press releases & charter for LocationTech have not changed.
   They're all still up where they always were and haven't been
   modified. (seriously?!)
 * LocationTech & OSGeo have had formal relations for some time as Jody
   notes. There is all kinds of collaboration happening frequently and
   people are fine with it.
 * We gave many examples in the FAQ about LocationTech helping OSGeo.
   I'm not even sure that (positive list) was calculated necessarily as
   much as things that arise matter of course from the things the group
 * The evidence is for all to see in the bid proposals, LocationTech
   has offered to cover losses and promising payments on par with the
   best payments from past FOSS4G's. The numbers are based on a
   conservative budget. When you also factor that LocationTech has
   sponsored in which money has flowed to OSGeo, your claims
   LocationTech is setting sights on OSGeo income are even more ridiculous.
 * As Jody & others have noted, the Tour is something that was born out
   of LocationTech. It is inclusive to any who want to participate. The
   FAQ covers why LocationTech members & projects care about FOSS4G,
   and it's very reasonable.

It's worth saying that people involved with LocationTech have also been 
involved with OSGeo for some time. Your efforts to portray them as 
outsiders is bogus. They are as welcome as anyone else to participate.

I'm not sure what else to say. It's such shame to have this be 
needlessly misrepresented.


On 12/11/15 21:58, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Hi Cameron,

I am also glad to speak of this publicly, this is a very important topic.

I have been thinking more and more about Rob's response (thank you so 
much Rob for taking the time to speak with me on that).  I will speak 
honestly here again, and I don't mean to offend:

I am now left with a realization that, what I always thought of 
LocationTech as created to help commercially-friendly geospatial 
software, is wrong.  I always just assumed that they filled a nice 
hole in the equation, by focusing on business needs.  As was pointed 
out to me today, their goals now are in fact the exact same as 
OSGeo's.  In fact, I have to really dig now for the LocationTech's 
former tagline of "commercially-friendly.." on their website, but I 
found the initial press releases for LocationTech and there it is in 
the second sentence, and then entire paragraphs on that goal.  Did 
something change there that I missed?

So now, yes, I am confused.

And no wonder that, from those initial 2012/2013 press releases from 
LocationTech, fast forward to 2015 and they are contacting each of our 
3 bidding teams for FOSS4G 2017, I'm left with a sense of surprise and 
shock.  The overlap exists, we are the same foundation, and, to make 
matters more pressing, LocationTech has politely declined any interest 
in creating their own global event for their community, and set their 
sights on OSGeo's only real source of revenue and global publicity, 
our yearly FOSS4G event. Now the pressure is on, as this 2017 
discussion involves huge money, finances, brands, people's jobs, two 
communities, and our beloved FOSS4G event that we have painfully built 
to be a global brand.  And yes passions are flowing, strong words of 
"fear", "bullying", "muck" are being dropped, and I have no doubt 
someone soon will say "inclusive" or "exclusive", and then "code of 
conduct", oh let's not forget "trademark" and even "lawyer" (to be 
honest, in the past week I've heard each of these words about this 
topic).  It's all an absolute mess, if you ask my opinion.

My vision is to work with foundations and organizations all around the 
world, locally or globally.  OSGeo has done a great job on this, 
through our (admittedly slow process for some people) of MoUs, and 
building those relationships through designated committees or special 
sessions at FOSS4G events.

This sudden thrust of LocationTech, by contacting each of our 3 
bidders for 2017, is very calculated on their side, but on OSGeo's 
side, this is a hard pill to swallow so fast.

I actually don't think it is OSGeo that should be the ones talking 
now.  We haven't changed, we have always put on FOSS4G each year, 
moving around the globe.  We put community first and foremost, our 
community is very strong.  I think our community is what attracts 
LocationTech to OSGeo, why they strategically contacted each 

[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G North America 2016 Call for Proposals has opened

2015-10-29 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Everyone,

(x-posted to OSGeo & LocationTech discussion lists, please fwd to any 
who might be interested)

Relaying the news... the CfP for FOSS4G NA 2016 has just opened:

Please get your talks & workshops in. It's going to be an amazing 

Kind regards,

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Geography2050 Nov. 19 & 20, NYC

2015-10-22 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Everyone,

(x-posted to LocationTech & OSGeo discussion lists, please fwd to any 
who might be interested)

In case you might have interest and not heard about it yet, 
Geography2050 runs Nov. 19-20 in NYC. Check it out here:


Kind regards,

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [location-iwg] Last call for FedGeoDay 2015

2015-10-17 Thread Andrea Ross

Hey Jody,

It was great. Thanks for asking. Amazing speakers, really tasty food, 
fantastic venue, good crowd and excellent chats/networking, the 
reception afterwards was epic, and more. I'll write up a more detailed 
report & share it when I get a moment. I just drove the lng drive 
back to Ottawa and am re-humanizing. :-)

Thanks again to the sponsors Azavea, Boundless, CartoDB, DigitalGlobe, 
RadiantBlue, and LocationTech. Thanks to the speakers. Special thanks to 
Robert Cheetham and Chris Tucker for being such great MC's. And to Eddie 
Pickle, Sophia Liu, and Michael Terner, and others for helping pull 
together the program.

Kind regards,


On 17/10/15 16:05, Jody Garnett wrote:

So how was FedGeoDay? I saw some pictures on twitter ..

Jody Garnett

On 13 October 2015 at 07:12, Andrea Ross <andrea.r...@eclipse.org 
<mailto:andrea.r...@eclipse.org>> wrote:

Dear Everyone,

(x-posted to LocationTech & OSGeo discussion lists, please fwd to
any who might be interested)

For those that are interested, this Thursday is FedGeoDay 2015

FedGeoDay 2015 features a really great line-up of speakers from
Government and Industry. Participating will introduce you to a
number of powerful and easy to use tools, show you what you can do
with them, and walk through how and why government agencies are
using them to dramatically improve their mapping, cartography, and
GIS projects.

Just in case you might need a scholarship pass, you can apply for
one here <http://bit.ly/fgd2015>.

Hope to see some of you there!

Kind regards,


p.s. We'd be grateful for any help you can offer to spread the
word about this event, thank you so much!

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Last call for FedGeoDay 2015

2015-10-13 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Everyone,

(x-posted to LocationTech & OSGeo discussion lists, please fwd to any 
who might be interested)

For those that are interested, this Thursday is FedGeoDay 2015 

FedGeoDay 2015 features a really great line-up of speakers from 
Government and Industry. Participating will introduce you to a number of 
powerful and easy to use tools, show you what you can do with them, and 
walk through how and why government agencies are using them to 
dramatically improve their mapping, cartography, and GIS projects.

Just in case you might need a scholarship pass, you can apply for one 
here .

Hope to see some of you there!

Kind regards,


p.s. We'd be grateful for any help you can offer to spread the word 
about this event, thank you so much!
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] My name is now Andrea

2015-10-11 Thread Andrea Ross
Thank you very much Maria. 

I'm sorry we haven't gotten a chance to know each other in real life yet. I 
look forward to that very much.

I like to believe that even though we all have different stories, and come from 
different places, we're all just people, and have more in common that 
different. :-)

Hope to see you soon,


On October 11, 2015 8:36:11 AM EDT, Maria Antonia Brovelli 
<maria.brove...@polimi.it> wrote:
>Andrea, congrats for this important step.
>Unfortunately we have never spoken together at conferences and I'm
>realizing right now how many pieces of life of our FOSS4G companions we
>are missing.
>You put things in the right perspective: we are not only developers,
>students, professors, charter members but first of all human beings
>with a richer and interesting life. Thanks, Andrea!!!
>I'm proud to be friend of you in the internet and I hope to have the
>same possibility also in our real life.
>Kisses from Italy!
>Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
>Vice Rector for Como Campus and GIS Professor
>Politecnico di Milano
>ISPRS WG IV/5 "Web and Cloud Based Geospatial Services and
>Applications"; OSGeo; ICA-OSGeo-ISPRS AB; NASA WorldWind Europa
>Challenge; SIFET
>Sol Katz Award 2015
>Via Natta, 12/14 - 22100 COMO (ITALY)
>Tel. +39-031-3327336 - Mob. +39-328-0023867 - fax. +39-031-3327321
>e-mail1: <mailto:maria.brove...@polimi.it> maria.brove...@polimi.it
>e-mail2: prorettr...@como.polimi.it
>Da: Discuss <discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org> per conto di Andrea Ross
>Inviato: venerdì 9 ottobre 2015 17.11
>A: OSGeo Discussions
>Oggetto: [OSGeo-Discuss] My name is now Andrea
>Dear Everyone,
>Please pardon me for those who already know this news.
>I participate quite a bit and have supported OSGeo initiatives since
>the early days (FWIW, I am a charter member since 2008), and it seems
>appropriate to share this here as well.
>If you please, it is my wish you call me
>from now on. Thank you.
>Kind regards,
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] My name is now Andrea

2015-10-10 Thread Andrea Ross

Thanks Jachym, done! :-)

On 10/10/15 09:12, Jachym Cepicky wrote:

hi Andrea, thank you for sharing this great news with us. As 
secretary, I would like to ask you to update your OSGeo wiki profile 
[1] too :-)


[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Aross

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015, 03:15 Andrea Ross <andrea.r...@eclipse.org 
<mailto:andrea.r...@eclipse.org>> wrote:

Thank you for this lovely email Emma. And all my best + happy
birthday to your sibling. We are far from alone. Regular people
that just happen to be the way we are.

Kind regards,


On October 9, 2015 1:26:37 PM EDT, Emma Strong
<eestrong...@gmail.com <mailto:eestrong...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Thank you for sharing your story!!  My sibling recently came
out as a trans woman as well, and today is their (they prefer
the neutral pronoun now) birthday, so seeing your story was
just awesome :)  And thank you for all you do for the OSGeo

On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Andrea Ross
<andrea.r...@eclipse.org <mailto:andrea.r...@eclipse.org>> wrote:

On 09/10/15 13:04, Sandro Santilli wrote:

On Fri, Oct 09, 2015 at 11:11:06AM -0400, Andrea Ross

Dear Everyone,

Please pardon me for those who already know this news.

I participate quite a bit and have supported OSGeo
initiatives since
the early days (FWIW, I am a charter member since
2008), and it
seems appropriate to share this here as well.

If you please, it is my wish you call me Andrea

from now on. Thank you.

Hey Andrea, that was a great read, thanks for being
yourself !

A fun thing is that "Andrea" in Italy is a male name
(translation of
Andrew) so it wasn't very clear from the subject what
you were after).

It's good to see female population growing in this
community, btw :)


Thanks for your email Sandro. Yeah, I recognize that for a
few parts of the world, Andrea is more typically a male
name. Of course for quite a few it's typically a female
name. I guess that's kind of a fitting name for me then. :-)

Kind regards,



Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] My name is now Andrea

2015-10-09 Thread Andrea Ross
It was nice to meet you as well Venka.

Kind regards,


On October 9, 2015 6:10:55 PM EDT, Venkatesh Raghavan 
<ragha...@media.osaka-cu.ac.jp> wrote:
>Hi Andrea,
>Nice meeting you at FOSS4G-2015 at Seoul.
>On 2015/10/10 0:11, Andrea Ross wrote:
>> Dear Everyone,
>> Please pardon me for those who already know this news.
>> I participate quite a bit and have supported OSGeo initiatives since 
>> the early days (FWIW, I am a charter member since 2008), and it seems
>> appropriate to share this here as well.
>> If you please, it is my wish you call me Andrea 
>> <https://42aross.wordpress.com/2015/10/08/my-name-is-now-andrea/>
>> now on. Thank you.
>> Kind regards,
>> Andrea
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
>> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
>Discuss mailing list
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] My name is now Andrea

2015-10-09 Thread Andrea Ross
Thank you for this lovely email Emma.  And all my best + happy birthday to your 
sibling. We are far from alone. Regular people that just happen to be the way 
we are.

Kind regards,


On October 9, 2015 1:26:37 PM EDT, Emma Strong <eestrong...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Thank you for sharing your story!!  My sibling recently came out as a
>woman as well, and today is their (they prefer the neutral pronoun now)
>birthday, so seeing your story was just awesome :)  And thank you for
>you do for the OSGeo community!
>On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Andrea Ross <andrea.r...@eclipse.org>
>> On 09/10/15 13:04, Sandro Santilli wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 09, 2015 at 11:11:06AM -0400, Andrea Ross wrote:
>>>> Dear Everyone,
>>>> Please pardon me for those who already know this news.
>>>> I participate quite a bit and have supported OSGeo initiatives
>>>> the early days (FWIW, I am a charter member since 2008), and it
>>>> seems appropriate to share this here as well.
>>>> If you please, it is my wish you call me Andrea
>>>> <https://42aross.wordpress.com/2015/10/08/my-name-is-now-andrea/>
>>>> from now on. Thank you.
>>> Hey Andrea, that was a great read, thanks for being yourself !
>>> A fun thing is that "Andrea" in Italy is a male name (translation of
>>> Andrew) so it wasn't very clear from the subject what you were
>>> It's good to see female population growing in this community, btw :)
>>> --strk;
>> Thanks for your email Sandro. Yeah, I recognize that for a few parts
>> the world, Andrea is more typically a male name. Of course for quite
>a few
>> it's typically a female name. I guess that's kind of a fitting name
>for me
>> then. :-)
>> Kind regards,
>> Andrea
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
>> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] My name is now Andrea

2015-10-09 Thread Andrea Ross

On 09/10/15 13:04, Sandro Santilli wrote:

On Fri, Oct 09, 2015 at 11:11:06AM -0400, Andrea Ross wrote:

Dear Everyone,

Please pardon me for those who already know this news.

I participate quite a bit and have supported OSGeo initiatives since
the early days (FWIW, I am a charter member since 2008), and it
seems appropriate to share this here as well.

If you please, it is my wish you call me Andrea
from now on. Thank you.

Hey Andrea, that was a great read, thanks for being yourself !

A fun thing is that "Andrea" in Italy is a male name (translation of
Andrew) so it wasn't very clear from the subject what you were after).

It's good to see female population growing in this community, btw :)


Thanks for your email Sandro. Yeah, I recognize that for a few parts of 
the world, Andrea is more typically a male name. Of course for quite a 
few it's typically a female name. I guess that's kind of a fitting name 
for me then. :-)

Kind regards,

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] My name is now Andrea

2015-10-09 Thread Andrea Ross

Dear Everyone,

Please pardon me for those who already know this news.

I participate quite a bit and have supported OSGeo initiatives since the 
early days (FWIW, I am a charter member since 2008), and it seems 
appropriate to share this here as well.

If you please, it is my wish you call me Andrea 
now on. Thank you.

Kind regards,


Discuss mailing list