[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G NA 2016 Report

2016-05-27 Thread Mark Lucas
I had the pleasure of serving as the OSGeo representative for the 2016 FOSS4G 
NA conference selection and planning.  I thought the team did an excellent job 
in selecting, planning and running the conference.  The team made the decision 
to not pursue a 2017 NA conference so as not to compete for resources with the 
OSGeo international conference.  Our efforts will focus on 2018 planning and 
selection for the next NA regional conference.

On a personal note I was initially concerned about how the relationship with 
Location Tech and OSGeo would evolve.  Our teaming has resulted in yet another 
successful conference that I believe plays to the strengths of both 
organizations.  I was very pleased with the openness and collaboration that I 
— Mark

The synopsis from Andrea Ross is included below:  

FOSS4G NA 2016 Synopsis (please feel free to re-use this data)

The conference ran from May 2-5, at the Raleigh Convention Center, in Raleigh 
North Carolina. The code sprint & unconference ran May 6 & 7 at Red Hat’s 
headquarters, a few blocks from the convention center. A Tour of the NCSU OSGeo 
Research and Education lab took place on May 6th.
The conference featured 1 day of workshops, 3 days of sessions, a code sprint, 
an unconference, and social events every night. There were 93 full length (35 
minute) sessions, 36 short length (15 minute) sessions, 10 workshops, and 3 
keynotes. This represented an increase in full length. The rooms were generally 
always near full or slightly overflowing for particularly popular talks, 
despite them being big rooms.
The conference grew by 33% . There were 558 attendees. This level of increase 
is very positive, when so many other conferences are in decline.
Like 2015’s team, 50% of the 2016 committee were women. Also like 2015, a 
significant proportion of speakers and attendees were women (in the 30% range), 
which is great to see.
23 people were at the conference who wouldn't have otherwise been without the 
financial support we gave them.
From the attendee survey, people were clearly thrilled about the conference... 
99% positive feedback. (n=102). The one negative response said they were 
disappointed there was no lunch served. We’re not sure how they missed it! The 
venue, the strong program, and the positive & supportive atmosphere were the 
things people commented (positively) on most.
People loved the keynotes, and especially Tamar Cohen's entitled Extreme 
The video recordings of sessions are being uploaded to Youtube, with dozens up, 
and more each day.
90% of sponsors rated the value excellent. 10% rated it very good. The layout 
of the conference was especially appreciated as it meant plenty of traffic for 
sponsors at all times.

This year’s conference was produced by Andrea Ross and the team at the Eclipse 
Foundation, the same as 2015. Sarah Cordivano served as Community Chair. Rob 
Emanuele was Program Committee Chair, repeating the same role he performed in 

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposed process for selecting OSGeo charter members

2014-06-23 Thread Mark Lucas

I’ve wanted membership dues to happen for a long time, but haven’t been able to 
express it as eloquently or as persuasively as you just did.


On Jun 23, 2014, at 10:12 AM, Howard Butler how...@hobu.co wrote:

 On Jun 20, 2014, at 7:38 AM, Cameron Shorter cameron.shor...@gmail.com 
 Thanks Paul, Dimitris and Peter for your thoughts.
 Comments inline.
 On 20/06/2014 4:31 am, Paul Ramsey wrote:
 Both simpler, and better for the bottom line of OSGeo, if you want to
 be a member, sign up as a member, collect your t-shirt, see you @
 Yes Paul, pay for membership is simple, but I'd argue that the value of 
 OSGeo and OSGeo communities is the volunteer time we contribute, and pay 
 membership wouldn't capture that.
 This property is the nature of a professional organization, which in my 
 opinion, OSGeo clearly is. There are a number of strong reasons why small 
 annual fees for membership are very attractive. The first is there's no 
 struggling with members who've dropped off, haven't voted, are no longer 
 participating. Second, anyone who wants to associate themselves can simply do 
 so by paying dues. Finally, a consistent, if small, operating revenue. 
 The voting process has been an ad-hoc affair since the beginnings of the 
 organization. Every year it the rules are tweaked. Every year members who've 
 dropped off need to be nagged. Every year we end up just taking everyone 
 who's nominated anyway. It's a lot of overhead and volunteer cost for very 
 little gain.
 It is certain there are people who wish to be professionally associated with 
 OSGeo who are unable to become members because they haven't generated enough 
 public profile to be nominated. You can't nominate yourself. It's a chicken 
 and egg problem that simply dissolves with paid-but-small membership dues.
 OSGeo's main revenue stream is the FOSS4G conference. It is an event run on 
 the backs of local chapter volunteers. Please correct me otherwise, but I do 
 not think any local chapter who has hosted FOSS4G has ever put in a proposal 
 to host it again. This well may eventually run dry. Or, it may run dry for a 
 year or two. 80-100k/year (~$50-70/year * 1500 persons) of membership dues is 
 plenty to keep the lights on through droughts and still allow the 
 organization to move forward. 
 At the inception of the organization, a driving factor toward our current 
 membership structure is because OSGeo is a volunteer organization, it 
 shouldn't require members to pay money. I think this is misguided. Every 
 other professional organization of which I'm a member requires membership 
 dues. As an IRS classification, a professional organization has a clear path 
 I am a professional open source Geo/GIS software developer. I want to belong 
 to a professional organization that represents me. I would be happy to pay 
 some nominal membership dues that a) signify my membership, b) provide 
 financial buffer for the organization to achieve its mission, and 3) clearly 
 signal what the rules are to become a member.
 My $0.02.
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board Member Nominations starting

2013-08-05 Thread Mark Lucas
I will not be standing for re-election, but will continue to support where I 
can, when a I am needed.


 http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Election_2013#Board_Election indicates that
 Peter Batty, Michael Gerlek, Mark Lucas and Jáchym Čepický are at the
 end of their term. It would be great if they could confirm whether they
 are interested in standing for re-election for another term.
 On 13-08-05 8:20 AM, Arnulf Christl wrote:
 Dear OSGeo,
 the nominations for the OSGeo Board of Directors has started. Please
 take a minute to understand what the board actually does:
 A director should plan to spend several hours a week on OSGeo business
 in order to do a good job. The current board members will know best.
 Maybe you could please also look over this page and add things that are
 on your agenda but are not well reflected on this Wiki page.
 To nominate a candidate for the board please first confirm with the
 person that they would like to stand for election as a Board member.
 Then send an email to c...@osgeo.org by 23:59 (your time zone) on Tuesday
 20 August 2013 consisting of the name, current country of residence and
 a paragraph describing why you think this person would make a good Board
 Remember that only Charter Members are eligible for a seat on the Board
 and for voting but that *anybody* can *nominate* a board member.
 Thank you.
 Best regards,
 Your Chief Returning Officers,
 Michael and Arnulf
 Daniel Morissette
 Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Personal matters

2013-02-25 Thread Mark Lucas
Unfortunately, my wife of 37 years passed away,  unexpectedly,  a couple of 
weeks ago.  As you can imagine, I've been surrounded by friends and family 
since that time. I remain very positive about life and am grateful for the life 
that we had together.  I think you will all understand that I have to take care 
of many obligations and I won't be able to attend tomorrow's board meeting.  I 
will re-engage shortly and will be at both FOSS4g NA and also in London, I also 
plan on supporting FedGeo day in Washington DC later this week.

I've thrown myself back into work at the best company (RadiantBlue) that I have 
ever had the pleasure to work for.  This is very therapeutic for me.  Things 
like this cause you to stand back and re-assess your life and your priorities.  
I've made the decision that I'm in a fairly unique position with OSSIM/OMAR, 
the US Defense Intelligence Complex and open source software.  What you may not 
know is that my team has made their living developing these baselines under 
government funding for these agencies.  This began with little studies, 
experiments, but has evolved to our OMAR integration that is now embedded and 
used in critical operations.  I am not at liberty to give out exact numbers, 
but in 2012 our Open Technology Division had revenue of over $10M in 
development, maintenance, and operations around OMAR.  The core team has been 
funded for 12 years.

As an engineer and scientist I've always started with technological trends and 
projected them forward to ideal conditions.  We all understand the vector that 
Open Technology is on.  If you think about the state of paralysis in the US 
Government, the need for dramatic budget cuts and technology outsourcing - it 
is clear to me that there is an opportunity to dramatically change the way 
these government agencies function.  Open source software is ITAR compliant - 
it is therefore easy to replicate these technologies in other countries around 
the world. 

I stand with one foot in both the classified and unclassified worlds.  Most of 
the interesting stuff has shifted to the outside, I go to Google and twitter to 
investigate almost everything.  Imagine a world where intelligence is open and 
shared.  I believe it would be a better, safer place. Our software technologies 
can provide basic infrastructure.  I'm installing OMAR in Europe in a couple of 
weeks, it has already been installed in a number of other locations around the 
world by coalition forces, maritime awareness projects, and various academic 
pursuits.  OMAR basically indexes and processes remote sensing data on demand.  
Users can discover, manipulate, generate results from enormous ground station 
and library stores.  Anyone with a browser and network connectivity can share 
the underlying technology and information and see the latest goings on around 
the world.

I'll stop rambling for now.  Suffice it to say I have a new mission in life.  I 
intend to go public and viral-  and inside to my lifelong government contacts 
to see if I can move this along.

At this point, you may be wondering, Just how stable is this guy?  Let me 
assure you, I am very stable, focused, and energized towards the future.

You are all my friends and we are bonded together with a common belief in the 
evolution of world class open source software for geospatial processing.

To quote Arnold - I'll be back   
bet you were thinking about the other Arnold…


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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] ossimPredator KLV data

2012-08-21 Thread Mark Lucas
The predator KLV data is compliant with the Motion Imagery Standards Board.  
(version 2.1 I  believe)

I'd suggest searching the web for MISB compliant video to see if there is any 
test data out there we could use.  Unfortunately, all of the data that we have 
in house is FOUO (for official use only).


On Aug 20, 2012, at 10:31 PM, Mohammed Rashad mohammedrasha...@gmail.com 

 Where can I get some KLV data for testing ossimPredator?
 No KLV data is public and hence ossim developers cant put it on their repo. 
 So Is there anyway we can generate it since getting existing test data is not 
 Even though ossimPredator has a very small code base its very important. So I 
 would love to test its functionality if some provides test data
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Geospatial Atlas

2012-07-28 Thread Mark Lucas
Great idea, I was just thinking that we need to add something exciting and new 
that promotes OSGeo.  The OSGeo live disk certainly does that, but this would 
place more emphasis on data/art/style.  I know there is a large segment within 
OSGeo that would like to focus more on education and academia - documenting how 
some of these examples are put together could possibly focus on that.


On Jul 28, 2012, at 7:51 AM, Michael P. Gerlek m...@flaxen.com wrote:

 This is the coolest idea I've heard in a long time.
 ESRI does a yearly coffee-table book for Arc-generated maps, the various 
 satellite companies make calendars every year with their best hi-res shots... 
 We should play the game too. 
 Count me in, I'll volunteer to help.
 On Jul 28, 2012, at 4:33 AM, Barry Rowlingson b.rowling...@lancaster.ac.uk 
 Do you think an atlas of beautiful maps produced with open-source
 technology (software and data) could be made? Here's what I was
 * Put out a proposal for beautiful cartography, stunning maps, and
 insightful visualisations done with OpenSource applications and/or
 Open Data.
 * Collect map proposals as images on a flickr group:
 * Get enough, have a community vote/expert opinion for the best 50 or so.
 * Get high-res or vector versions of the winners.
 * Get authors to write a note for the book, explaining the software,
 the techniques, and the impact of their work.
 * Edit them into a glossy colour book, publish on a publish-on-demand
 site (eg lulu.com).
 * Give free copies to the authors of the top ten voted maps or maybe
 all the ones included (I'll pay for these unless someone wants to
 sponsor it).
 * Release the PDF under an open license. Of course.
 * Profit!! [By selling copies on lulu at a small premium for OSGeo]
 I don't think the production effort is very much, I just wonder if
 enough people are producing maps that will look good in A4 or larger
 (we're all about the web these days, right?) and if publicity can be
 sustained enough to get 50 nice maps. The timeline would be set so we
 have lots of glossy copies of these sitting around for sale at FOSS4G
 Good idea? Or will we just get 45 maps which are stamen.com
 watercolour backgrounds with some points pasted on? There is a
 perception which I think we've all heard that Open Source GIS packages
 can't do cartography, but with a little help from Inkscape I've seen
 some great-looking maps on posters at conferences.
 ESRI used to (still do?) produce an Arc/Info atlas (I have a vague
 memory of something A3-size in our GIS research lab 20 years ago) of
 maps - surely we can do something like that now. Obviously I'm
 sticking my hand up to do the work for this, my concern is purely
 whether we'd get enough entries. I'd like the bar to be quite high.
 Most of the work is going to be done by the mappers themselves.
 blog: http://geospaced.blogspot.com/
 web: http://www.maths.lancs.ac.uk/~rowlings
 web: http://www.rowlingson.com/
 twitter: http://twitter.com/geospacedman
 pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/spacedman
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Boad of Director Nomination: Daniel Morissette

2012-07-26 Thread Mark Lucas
I would like to second the nomination for Daniel.  After having had the 
pleasure of working with him on the current board, I frankly can't imagine how 
we would function without him.  He is always a voice of reason and he has taken 
ownership of managing all of the financial tracking and planning that has made 
us successful.


On Jul 26, 2012, at 12:00 PM, Daniel Morissette dmorisse...@mapgears.com 

 Thank you very much Arnulf for such a nice nomination. It would be hard for 
 me to not accept after reading it.  :)
 I'd be happy to serve on the board for another term, presumably to continue 
 the job started as treasurer in the last year (or to help transition it to 
 someone else if there is a taker), and also and most importantly to continue 
 to help bridge the gap between the local chapters communities and OSGeo 
 Global. The growing number of local chapters and local events shows how 
 important they are to help spread the OSGeo vision to local and non-English 
 speaking communities.
 I am very happy to see a few nominees from outside North America already... 
 please keep them coming as I think this is a great sign and can only help 
 make OSGeo even more international. Some continents/regions are not 
 represented yet in the list of nominees. It would be awesome of we had at 
 least one candidate from each continent/region.
 On 12-07-25 1:18 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:
 Dear OSGeo Community, Charter Members,
 I want to nominate Daniel Morissette for the OSGeo board of directors.
 I have been working with Daniel for many years and he is one of the most
 trustworthy and consistently productive people I know. He has always
 proven to be highly sensitive to community related aspects and has an
 international outlook, combined with very good English skills. This
 makes him a good mediator between different regions and cultures, a
 regularly upcoming issue in our community. This would already make him
 an invaluable member of the board of directors. But this is not enough,
 on top of this he also tends to the irksome job of treasurer and has
 toiled through many down-to-earth tasks that an organization of our size
 requires to get done. He is also an integral part of the Franco-Canadian
 local community and a relentless contributor to the MapServer project.
 It would be silly to not squeeze some more out of him if he so friendly
 asks for it.
 Thank you,
 Daniel Morissette
 Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board Nomination: Jeff McKenna

2012-07-24 Thread Mark Lucas


Great to have you back, look forward to working with you again.


On Jul 24, 2012, at 10:58 AM, Jeff McKenna jmcke...@gatewaygeomatics.com 

 Hello OSGeo community!
 I thank Mike for such a nice nomination.  It would be an honor to again
 represent the OSGeo community on the Board of Directors of OSGeo, and I
 accept this nomination.
 General Thoughts
 OSGeo for me has always been about the community.  I have worked very
 hard in my career on specific parts of community building for OSGeo,
 that often involved no code writing: answering questions on mailing
 lists (often on non-English lists), documentation, installers, testing
 new features in software, providing feedback to developers, event
 planning, hands-on workshops, benchmarking...
 So, in my mind, the future of OSGeo will still be about the community.
 Sure, we/OSGeo are in the middle of an interesting time:
 - a 15,000-strong event is happening as I write this now in San Diego,
 and a lot of their products are using FOSS code now (this to me is very
 - FOSS4G regional events are being created all around the globe (I am
 fascinated as I watch this)
 - Our recently added Charter Members are mostly all non-North American
 (wow really a great sign of OSGeo and FOSS4G spreading around the world)
 - OSGeo revenue sources are not as clear as before
 - a very interesting group is being formed as we speak, Location
 Industry Working Group, composed of some key industry players (and we
 must consider how OSGeo can work with this group, as there is some great
 momentum being generated there)
 - a large FOSS4G event will not be happening in 2012
 Ambitions for OSGeo
 I want OSGeo to grow.  I want every person in the geospatial industry to
 know what OSGeo and FOSS4G are.  I want them to see our passion, to feel
 it, to experience it.  And I want them to experience it in their local
 areas.  I want more local chapters forming, more informal chapter
 meetings over a drink and chat at the local restaurant.
 Personal Motivation
 Some of you might wonder what happened, that I felt I should resign from
 the OSGeo Board so recently (February), after being so active on it
 since back in September of 2009.  Some community members might have
 strong opinions that: I was worn out, exhausted, frustrated, unhappy
 that my FOSS4G Advisor proposal didn't take off, needed a change, not
 made for such a director position,... I've now heard many opinions.
 Looking back now, I needed a break.  After Denver I needed to take some
 time, to step back.  And I did just that.
 Recently some might have noticed that I am active again; indeed I feel
 rejuvenated.  I am the old me.  Passionate about OSGeo, FOSS4G, and,
 chicken wings and beer :)
 Personal Goals
 As Mike mentioned, I don't lack any passion for OSGeo or FOSS4G, I can
 be very vocal, but sometimes that is not what is needed.  I must learn
 to be more professional, to let others do their jobs, to let things
 happen, and to help the community grow.  I will work hard to do this.
 I have made many mistakes; and because I am so open and vocal, all of my
 mistakes are there for everyone to see.  But I don't regret being open.
 Mistakes give me character, make me who I am, allow me to grow.  So, I
 will grow with OSGeo and FOSS4G :)
 Call for more Board Nominations
 I too have been asking other community members these past weeks if they
 are interested in being nominated for the Board; I hope everyone is
 contacting their own local community leaders and asking them.
 I also respect that sometimes it is good to have new members on the
 Board, a new perspective, from a different geographic region (or how did
 Arnulf put it? a non-NorthAmerican-middleaged-male? ha)  And I agree.
 But don't get me wrong, I am interested in helping OSGeo and FOSS4G.  I
 would be honored to represent the community again.
 Thank you everyone, you've all really helped me grow.
 On 12-07-23 7:03 PM, Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH wrote:
 I would like to nominate Jeff McKenna to the board of OSGeo.
 As to his qualifications, how much time to do you have? Jeff lives and
 breathes OSGeo and is one of the most active members of the OSGeo
 community. He is a friend, resource and gateway to all who have an
 interest in Open Source (data and software) and OSGeo in particular.
 Jeff is one of the original charter members (from 2006) and has been on
 the OSGeo board before (September 2009). Jeff has a passion for OSGeo
 that is unrivaled by anyone, a big heart, and  is considered someone
 always ready to talk or listen when anyone, anywhere has a OSGeo
 question, comment or critique. Jeff is very international in his
 approach to OSGeo and works with and participates with many, many OSGeo

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] New charter members!

2012-07-10 Thread Mark Lucas
New Charter Members -  Welcome!!!

It is really satisfying to see all of the international expertise.  As we 
expand into more regional conferences and events we will really depend on your 


On Jul 10, 2012, at 2:34 AM, Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses pfer...@osgeo.org 

 On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Michael P. Gerlek m...@flaxen.com wrote:
 Therefore, on behalf of the OSGeo Board and the entire OSGeo community, I 
 am pleased to welcome the following people as OSGeo Charter Members for 
 Thank you very much!
 Now let's continue doing some FOSS4G goodness :D
 Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
 Valencia (España)
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo has been accepted at Google Summer of Code!

2012-03-17 Thread Mark Lucas
OSSIM will participate

On Mar 16, 2012, at 5:09 PM, Anne Ghisla wrote:

 Hello all, and sorry for cross-posting,
 Wolf, Hamish and I have the great pleasure to announce that OSGeo has
 been accepted as a mentoring organization to the Google Summer of Code
 program [0]! 
 What to do now?
 - OSGeo projects: confirm your participation by replying to this email
 - Would-be mentors: have a look at Mentors Guide, discuss with
  previous years' mentors and register. All links and info can be
  found at [1]
 - Would-be students: talk with the developers of your preferred
  project(s) and start creating your proposals. Have a look at the
  ideas page for inspiration [2]
 - All: feel free to discuss on soc mailing list on how to improve this
  year's SoC, and add your ideas to the wiki [3] 
 and http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org/show/google/gsoc2012/osgeo
 [2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2012_Ideas
 [3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2012_Improvements
 All the best!
 Anne Ghisla, Wolf Bergenheim and Hamish Bowman
 OSGeo GSoC Administrators
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Back in Afghanistan

2012-01-18 Thread Mark Lucas
Thought I'd broadcast this to the OSGeo community.  Please feel free to contact 
Jenn if you think you can help.


Begin forwarded message:

 From: Jenn Gold jenng...@insygroup.com
 Subject: Back in Afghanistan
 Date: January 18, 2012 6:21:39 AM EST
 To: mlu...@radiantblue.com
 Hey Mark,
 Happy belated New Years! I hope you are well and that the holiday's were good 
 to you. Rachel, Juan and I are back in Afghanistan for another round with 
 some exciting news. We won a contract with Internews to help coordinate the 
 first Innovation Lab in Afghanistan. It's in Kabul next week. We are 
 responsible for documenting the event and  organizing media coverage.
 In a nutshell the Lab is a 3 day event bringing together local and 
 international IT experts, geeks, students, Ministry officials and funders to 
 discuss Afghanistan's IT development AND educate Afghans on using technology 
 to create social change. There are countless countries that are struggling 
 through civil war, poverty and lack of education who have been using basic 
 ICT's to improve their situations; we are bringing those lessons to the lab 
 to give the Afghan's new ideas and encouragement (I could go off on a 
 tangent, but I'll restrain myself).
 And probably most exciting is we have been asked by Internews to speak on our 
 SMS projects that we completed with agriculture and health. We are very 
 excited and I hope it will lead to funding opportunities.
 With that being said, we've contacted a slew of media outlets, but we want to 
 reach more. I'm going to include the links to our Twitter feed and Facebook 
 page - if you have either accounts could you please advertise our website - 
 www.kabulinnovationlab.com. or circulate it via email :)
 https://twitter.com/#!/search/KabulLab - use @kabulinnovationlab
 Rachel, Juan and I really appreciate your help and support. We hope you are 
 doing well. Take care and keep in touch, tell us what you are up to and how 
 you are doing!

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Re: RE : [OSGeo-Discuss] Distracting discussions of discussing [was:] What is North America?

2011-11-24 Thread Mark Lucas

There is no disagreement that it would be good to coordinate and work with 
other local chapters - that is certainly in our thinking.

To keep it simple and focused, we are not proposing any formal or implied 
hierarchy between local chapters and the region.  Everyone is free to 
contribute in the best way they see fit.

I did ping several local chapters, but I realize that wasn't comprehensive.  We 
broadcast our intentions on the discuss list, the board list, and then set up 
communications through the northamerica list documenting on the wiki.

I look forward to working with anyone who wants to participate and contribute.


On Nov 24, 2011, at 5:23 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

 On 11-11-24 04:50 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
 But to answer your question.. the aim is to run a conference, first round in 
 the USA.  Other than working alongside other chapters (and obviously 
 inviting them to partner on the event) there is no proposed formal 
 connection between them - except of course being under the OSGeo banner 
 together :)
 I am of the opinion that the NA Chapter should have a closer relationship to 
 the other local chapters in this territory, but I do not have the time to 
 explain and argue those points.
 I write this as an active member of the Quebec local Chapter that falls in 
 this territory and personally I'm disappointed that the local chapters were 
 never ping'd for their opinion or interest in being involved other than some 
 notes sent through this list. I thought of a NA chapter as well before and 
 discussed the idea with several people in the last years but it was a 
 different concept: I am of the opinion that a NA chapter would be stronger 
 with support from all the local chapters in the territory.
 Oh, did I just say that I didn't have time for this? Sorry, I shut up...
 Daniel Morissette
 Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Board] Signing off...

2011-11-17 Thread Mark Lucas

Thanks for all of your support over the years.  It was through your personal 
efforts with Gary and Autodesk that we were able to get the organization really 
moving.  I look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.

Mark Lucas

On Nov 17, 2011, at 2:18 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

 FYI - I've removed myself from the following email aliases:
 info, board-priv, treasurer
 And from the following mailing lists:  board, finance, incubator, soc
 Just letting you know so you don't assume I read something that you might 
 want a
 answer from me on.  So please email me directly (tmitch...@osgeo.org) with 
 any OSGeo 
 questions.  I set it up so I can cc: the board list and it will go through, 
 in case you want me
 to answer a question more broadly, but I won't be watching the day-to-day 
 traffic from here
 on out.
 Board mailing list

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[OSGeo-Discuss] MIL-OSS/OSGeo meetup

2011-11-15 Thread Mark Lucas
hi all, new event!!RSVP!What: Holiday Party: Open Source GeoSpatial Meetup w/ MIL_OSS - Dec 13http://milossgeo.eventbrite.com/Welcome to the first holiday party of DC area federal/defense/ICgeospatial open source software partitioners!Join us in creating an active network of industry, acedemia, military and government sponsors to talk about all things military/IC open source geospatial. This is being sponsored by the Military Open Source Software Working Group, Open Source GeoSpatial Foundation  OpenGeo, RadiantBlue Technologies,Inc.Cost: $10 at the door to defray the room and includes light refreshments/ hors d'oeuvres.Please forward around and RSVP!!When:Dec 13 - Tuesday evening @ 5:30Where:Union Street Public House | Oyster Bar121 South Union StreetAlexandria, VA 22314Who:Organized by MIL-OSS / OpenGeoReferences:Open Source Geospati al Foundationhttp://www.osgeo.org/Military Open Source Software Working Grouphttp://mil-oss.org/http://groups.google.com/group/mil-ossOpenGeohttp://opengeo.org/RadiantBlue Technologies, Inc.http://www.radiantblue.com/---John ScottRadiantBlue Technologies, Inc. (Virginia)240.401.6574jsc...@radiantblue.comjms...@gmail.comHave you joined MIL-OSS:http://groups.google.com/group/mil-osshttp://mil-oss.org/Please download and print your electronic tickets.Click Here to Download your TicketsThis email was sent by Eventbrite. Anyone can use Eventbrite to spread the word, collect money, and track RSVPs for an event..See how you can too!Clickhereto unsubscribe from events by"MIL-OSS  OSGeo / OpenGeo  RBT".Eventbrite | 651 Brannan St. Suite 110 | San Francisco, CA 94107___
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[OSGeo-Discuss] MIL-OSS OSGeo get together ticket link correction

2011-11-15 Thread Mark Lucas

MIL-OSS OSGeo Tickets are at this link:


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[OSGeo-Discuss] Massimo Di Stefano Charter Membership nomination

2011-11-09 Thread Mark Lucas
	I'd like to nominate Massimo Di Stefano for OSGeo charter membership.Massimo has been an active contributor and integrator of OSGeo projects. He participated in the Google Summer of Code project as a student developer for OSSIM and later acted as a mentor for another gsoc project. He helped set up the OSGeo booth and manned it during the OSGeo/foss4g conference in Denver. He is a very energetic, enthusiastic promoter of our projects.
Mark LucasPrincipal Scientist516 E New Haven AvenueMelbourne Fl 32901(321) 266 1475 (cell)(321) 473-4309 (office)mlu...@radiantblue.com---http://www.radiantblue.comhttp://www.ossim.org

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Wherecon conference April 10-12 2012 in Washington DC

2011-11-05 Thread Mark Lucas

Agree, just started talking to them yesterday.

Also, the Live Disk is the logical starting point as we work with NGA to move 
open source technology and practices into the agency.  We hope to formally kick 
off that effort before Thanksgiving and will start out with an external 
internet test bed that I'd like to get OSGeo involved with.


On Nov 5, 2011, at 4:33 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

 On 5/11/2011 4:07 AM, Mark Lucas wrote:
 Will there be someone attending this conference who can hand out OSGeoLive 
 Of particular note, the OSGeoLive DVD contains write ups of key OGC standards 
 - which is important for the OGC sponsor.
 Cameron Shorter
 Geospatial Solutions Manager
 Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
 Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
 Think Globally, Fix Locally
 Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Wherecon conference April 10-12 2012 in Washington DC

2011-11-04 Thread Mark Lucas

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Next steps for OSGeo

2011-08-06 Thread Mark Lucas
Tyler, thanks for the nomination.  I've enjoyed working with you and watching 
you grow our organization.

Lets start with what is working well.  In a very short period of time, an idea 
in Tyler's mind became a small meeting in Chicago where OSGeo was formed.  Gary 
Lang and Autodesk provided the financial backing to make us a real 
organization- leading to infrastructure for hosting projects, conferences, and 
notoriety.  The number of volunteers, committees, and projects that formed 
around us has allowed us to cast a large shadow and spread around the world in 
a very short period of time.  Countless hours by Tyler, Frank, Arnulf, Jo, 
Chris, Hobu, Dave, Daniel, Geoff, Paul, Markus, Jody, Chris, Ned, Ravi, Tim, 
and many others have made us successful.

I support the following efforts which are currently well led by others:

• More international participation, our technologies are ideal for areas with 
limited resources, 
we also have demonstrated rapid response to natural disasters around the world.
• Focus on how members without programming skills can contribute - education, 
documentation, marketing, coordinating and helping to integrating OSGeo 
projects into larger solutions.
• Live Disk efforts, more marketing
• Course materials for academia
• Enhancing and evolving the OSGeo project infrastructure

Where could I add the most value?

My desire would be to keep the culture and environment thriving while focusing 
on bringing in more revenue so that we can do more.  Our conferences are 
enabled by a number of corporate sponsors.  Many of us are making our livings 
working on open source technologies.  I'd like to expand those opportunities 
and bring in more financial resources to the organization.

In particular, downsizing of government budgets creates significant 
opportunities for open source geospatial solutions and support.  The OSGeo is 
in a position to help those organizations and agencies connect with open source 
resources and follow best practices.  

• Outreach to government agencies 
• Outreach to related organizations: OGC,  MIL-OSS, OSFA, OSSI, Disaster 
relief, humanitarian projects.
• Acting as a bridge between government agencies and OSS based companies and 
• Encouraging open geospatial collaboration between international governments
• Focusing on additional sponsors and revenue streams so we can do more
• I believe we should also assist proprietary companies to make the transition 
to open technologies and business models

Many years ago, in Chicago, we declared we wanted to move open source 
geospatial projects to the next level.  We have already accomplished that, but 
there is much more that we can do.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Department of Defense release on OSS

2011-07-31 Thread Mark Lucas
The DoD CIO officially released more open source guidance.  This is a follow on 
to the Open Technology Development Roadmap that we previously wrote.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Certification only; stay out of training :-)

2011-06-12 Thread Mark Lucas
Totally agree, the foundation should provide an environment that connects 
agencies, organizations, providers, and members while improving the breadth and 
quality of oss geospatial solutions.  We already have an impressive amount of 
volunteers and contributors on the various committees and projects.  Imposing 
'requirements' on volunteer efforts is a non-starter in my mind.

There are many good discussions on how we could do more if we had resources.  

We want to encourage companies that support the open source business model.  We 
can add value to government agencies and larger corporations by vetting 
projects, policies, and processes.

But that gets into a different discussion on how we attract financial 
sponsorship and the value proposition for those sponsors.


On Jun 12, 2011, at 9:31 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

 While I concur (I don't want to see the foundation set itself up in 
 competition ) there may yet still be a useful roll to play.
 What I cannot figure out is how the foundation could expect to make any money 
 from this angle ... any figuring of costs I go through makes it look like a 
 massive effort.
 As for the useful role: If OSGeo was able to supply a certification test, 
 provide independent marking, and issue the resulting certification it may 
 actually complement existing training offerings the existing professionals 
 and enterprises. This would both validate the training offered; and act as a 
 competitive advantage - right now given a choice between two training courses 
 people will often choose the option that gives them a chance at sitting a 
 certification at the end (especially if they have a limited budget and don't 
 really care what it is they are learning).
 A couple of things are clear to me about this discussion:
 a) I *hate* certifications; I feel they prey on the disadvantaged of our 
 industry right when they are weakest (this goes for both job hunters and 
 those going through a hiring process)
 b) certifications are really required in different markets around the world 
 (especially when industry has lost confidence in the meaning of a university 
 With the above in mind I feel that certifications will happen; and given a 
 choice I would rather it happen at the foundation level (rather than getting 
 people certified in different product stacks).
 So while I have some mechanics in mind (certification to include the open 
 source process; not only use; demonstrate ability; aim for a 50% pass rate 
 for the certification to mean something; offer bulk discount to groups 
 wishing to use tests at at the end of a training course; or groups wishing to 
 use test as part of a hiring process).
 What I cannot figure out is where the profit is; or how to pay for people's 
 involvement. While groups offering training could collaborate (and possible 
 act in a double blind capability to mark results); it would probably require 
 some paid hours to get projects to look at the tests and make sure they mean 
 something at the end of the day.
 Pricing the tests would probably be within market norms; and I would expect a 
 much cheaper retry cost (possibly just covering marking time) if we manage to 
 make the marking process brutal enough to be useful to potential employers.
 One thing we have a chance to do well here is stress the soft open source 
 skills that a potential employee must have in order to be sucessful. Rather 
 than only mechanical questions about configuration and use. Examples: link to 
 3 questions you have answered on the user list; two issues you have reported 
 etc (which can be marked for completeness etc...).
 Finally you have the annoyance for companies that are already established in 
 this space of having the possibility of competing with new groups that have 
 picked up their certifications and appear better on paper. I cannot 
 honestly have much sympathy here, competition is as competition does, best 
 advice would be to help define the certification (and allow that to be placed 
 on a resume).
 Jody Garnett
 On Friday, 10 June 2011 at 4:07 PM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
 Il 09/06/2011 21:38, Tyler Mitchell ha scritto:
 Anyone else thinking about this or want to weigh-in on what their thoughts 
 If this competes with the activities the professionals and enterprises are 
 offering, -1. We want OSGeo to support our work, not to compete with it. 
 This would
 have a number of negative consequences, IMHO.
 All the best.
 Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc
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Re: [OSGeo-Edu] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Training and certification

2011-06-11 Thread Mark Lucas

I like this approach.  Extending the excellent work on the OSGeo-Live disk can 
also be used as a metric for incubation of our leading projects.  Tyler and I 
had a really good discussion in Denver a couple of weeks ago on how we might 
work towards improving the sponsorship/funding efforts - giving us more 
resources to move forward.  More funding sponsors will be critical to enhancing 
these types of projects.

Additionally, our group has been working with US government agencies over the 
years encouraging them to adopt open source geospatial solutions.  The National 
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is working an open source initiative that 
will be announced at foss4g in Denver.  

My opinion is that OSGeo has accomplished our initial goals and it is time to 
start thinking about financially securing its future.  I look forward to 
discussing this further.

Mark Lucas
Principal Scientist
RadiantBlue Technologies Inc.


On Jun 11, 2011, at 4:16 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

 I do believe that we as a community have the potential to collaboratively 
 build quality, comprehensive training material, which will provide the key 
 backbone required to support comprehensive, internationally recognised 
 (I've already mentioned this to the education and discuss email lists, as 
 well as a few others).
 The idea:
 We already collaboratively build the OSGeo-Live DVD by tapping into targeted 
 expertise from a wide range of domain experts.
 Packagers have written step by step instructions and templates for packaging, 
 and tech writers have provided writing instructions and documentation 
 templates, which are followed by application developers. Once developers have 
 finished, the installers and documents are passed back for review.
 Why do applications contribute to OSGeo-Live? Because we have built a highly 
 valuable marketing pipeline, (including translations, web pages and a DVD 
 handed out at conferences and workshops). This pipeline is available with a 
 relatively low amount of effort.
 We can extend this OSGeo-Live build process to also include the development 
 of consistent training documentation.
 It requires:
 * educators to create writing guidelines and a template on how projects 
 should write training material.
 * This is to be provided to developers to fill out.
 * We then need a technical writer / educator to review all provided material
 * All this needs to be coordinated
 * And we need supporting wiki style tools and infrastructure to be put in 
 This is actually very achievable, but is a bit more than a volunteer can 
 typically take on as a hobby activity, and so I believe that a key to the 
 success is also a funding sponsor.
 I have quite a bit more to say on this, but will keep it brief for the moment.
 On 11/06/11 00:13, Phillip Davis wrote:
 Charles, the GeoTech Center will be at FOSS4G this September offering the 
 following workshops:
 1. FOSS4G for Educators (Monday)
 2. GTCM Course Development (Tuesday)
 3. Remote Sensing DACUM (Wednesday-Thursday)
 to promote two goals: a) FOSS4G for higher ed and b) alignment of geospatial 
 industry needs and academic GIS program curriculum.  Our ongoing effort is 
 the help higher education better align with the new Dept. of Labor's 
 Geospaital Technology Competency Model (GTCM).  You can see our work on 
 building SCORM-compliant, GTCM-aligned course packs with curriculum modules 
 In regards to certification, we fully support the GISCI's effort in improve 
 their GISP certification with a competency-based exam, something they've 
 committed to doing last week, over the next three years.  Researchers with 
 GeoTech assisted the GISCI working group that investigated the question over 
 the past 18 months, offering our extensive research into the precise skills 
 required by GIS technicians (and now Remote Sensing Specialist).   You can 
 view this research here: http://www.geotechcenter.org/Resources/Publications.
 Finally, we would like to offer our SCORM-compliant, GTCM-aligned course 
 packs for OSGeo to help us vet and eventually disseminate beginning next 
 May, 2012 when the results of our 2011 workshops have been properly vetted 
 and created.  The Center would offer to sit with yourself and the OSGeo 
 board at the forthcoming FOSS4G to discuss collaboration.
 Phil Davis
 Director and PI
 From: edu_discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org 
 [edu_discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Charlie Schweik 
 Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 8:31 AM
 To: discuss@lists.osgeo.org
 Cc: OSGeo-edu
 Subject: [OSGeo-Edu] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Training and certification
 I'm not going to weigh in on the certification question -- I don't

Re: [OSGeo-Edu] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Training and certification

2011-06-11 Thread Mark Lucas

On Jun 11, 2011, at 8:24 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

 Yes I agree that OSGeo-Live also provides a good framework for the periodic 
 review of projects beyond incubation.
 What we have on our side is:
 1. A periodic release schedule
 2. A valuable business driver which attracts projects to continue to work on 
 OSGeo-Live (namely the marketing value of each release)
 We do have the potential to gradually introduce review of incubation criteria 
 into the OSGeo-Live release cycle.

I was actually thinking of the reverse - incubation graduation would be 
contingent on getting on the OSGeo-Live disk.  Agree it should be gradual, 
should start out as a goal.


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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] not spam :)

2011-02-03 Thread Mark Lucas
Amazing what has happened in those 5 years.  It was great to be in that first 
meeting and see the organization grow.

Happy Birthday OSGEO


On Feb 3, 2011, at 12:46 PM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

 Happy birthday to all of you!
 -mpg, who was happy to be able to attend on that Chicago day five years ago
 -Original Message-
 From: discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:discuss-
 boun...@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)
 Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 9:38 AM
 To: OSGeo Discussions
 Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] not spam :)
 Oh darn, they put a silly subject line :)  Believe it or not, this is not
 much tastier!
 On 2011-02-03, at 9:35 AM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
 My 2 minutes cake decorating.  You can better, I challenge you!! :)
 To check the card, click here:
 TheoWorlds.com - make your message fun!
 Flash games, e-cards, applications...
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] 2010 Charter Member Selection

2010-11-12 Thread Mark Lucas
Congratulations to all of the new charter members.  It is exciting to see OSGeo 
continue to grow and diversify.

Mark Lucas

On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:20 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:

 OSGeo members,
 The 2010 process is complete, and the new charter members are, in
 alphabetical order:
   • Alex Mandel
   • Andreas Hocevar
   • Anne Ghisla
   • Astrid Emde
   • Danilo Furtado
   • Gavin Fleming
   • Hirofumi Hayashi
   • Jo Cook
   • Maria Brovelli
   • Milena Nowotarska

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] are there any unpaid developers?

2010-04-20 Thread Mark Lucas
I think that most of the developers that actively contribute to the OSSIM 
project are funded through government contracts.  Having said that, most all of 
them contribute well beyond the time they are paid for.  Often that is to move 
the baseline towards capabilities that are not covered by customer 
requirements.  I spend most all of my time securing contracts so we can expand 
the team.

The core team has worked together over the last decade as the individual 
contributors have switched companies several times.


On Apr 19, 2010, at 11:44 PM, Christopher Schmidt wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 06:00:45PM -0400, Ian Turton wrote:
 One of my students was asking today about the open source development
 process (with special reference to geospatial projects). One question
 I'm left with is are there any OSGEO developers who are doing this
 just for the fun and fame? I know that a lot of us have fun developing
 but everyone I could think of (GeoTools, GeoServer, uDig) gets paid to
 have that fun.
 About 80% of my work on OpenLayers has been entirely unpaid and
 unsupported by anyone for the past couple years. The early days of OL
 were a MetaCarta project, and some portion of my work time is still done
 with support from my employer on open source software, but most of it is
 just me spending my own time.
 Christopher Schmidt
 Web Developer
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Mark Lucas
Division Manager

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Melbourne Fl 32901

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Applying Open Source Principles to Federal Government

2009-08-08 Thread Mark Lucas
The Open Technology Development Roadmap that we wrote for Ms Sue  
Payton is highlighted as well as Open Source for America (RadiantBlue  
is one of the founders)

Good talk.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Applying Open Source Principles to Federal Government

2009-08-08 Thread Mark Lucas
I think OSGeo can play a key role in Open Source for America.  We can  
discuss in Atlanta with John and the rest of the gang.


On Aug 8, 2009, at 1:25 PM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:

Thanks Mark,
In what capacity can OSGeo get involved with Open Source for America?


The Open Technology Development Roadmap that we wrote for Ms Sue
Payton is highlighted as well as Open Source for America (RadiantBlue
is one of the founders)

Good talk.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Military OSS

2009-07-01 Thread Mark Lucas
Hi All,I am helping to setup a Military open source software conference in @ GTRI in Atlanta in August, no suits/ties, just a bunch of techies doing the right thing:http://www.mil-oss.org/if you can make it, great!Evenbetterifyouspeak! I'd like to see if we can get some other OSGeo projects to participate.Military Open Source Software (Mil-OSS)Working Group · 12th - 13th August 2009 · Atlanta, GeorgiaKEY NOTES	Open Source  the US Department of DefenseDaniel RisacherAssociate DirectorInformation Policy and Integration, DoD CIOBio | LinkedIn	Keep It Stupid Stupid: The KISS Principle for DoD AcquisitionsMajor James D. NeushulI MEF Future Operations, Commo / IMOLinkedIn	OPEN AGENDAGEOSPATIAL OSS PROJECTS	GENERAL OSS PROJECTS	MISC TOPICSChair: John ScottMercury Federal SystemsBio | LinkedIn	Chair: Heather BurkeSPAWAR CharlestonLinkedIn	Chair: Joshua L. DavisGeorgia Tech Research InstituteBio | LinkedInCurrent Topics: FalconView,STAR-TIDES...	Current Topics: Drupal, Ballistic Missel Defense Benchmark, JBOSS, I MEF Webportal...	Current Topics: VMWare  GIT, SCHOLAR Mark LucasPrincipal Scientist516 E New Haven AvenueMelbourne Fl 32901(321) 266 1475 (cell)mlu...@radiantblue.com---http://www.radiantblue.comhttp://www.ossim.org ___
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] ESRI Spain conference incident

2008-10-17 Thread Mark Lucas
ESRI has a history of tightly controlling its conferences.  I've  
attended the paid conference in San Diego on several occasions and  
have had papers turned down with no explanation.  It was obvious that  
someone considered the topic competitive to ESRI products.  Even when  
the papers were written emphasizing how software worked with ESRI  
solutions - it was obvious that they considered it competition and  
turned it down.

There is always a silver lining.  Obviously, gvSig has risen to the  
point that it is considered a threat to ESRI products and sales.  Keep  
up the good work!

Finally, it is refreshing to notice the contrast between proprietary  
conferences and open source events - aggressive competition and  
criticism of other products vs collaboration.


On Oct 17, 2008, at 4:09 AM, Lester Caine wrote:

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:

The ESRI user conference is gratis, but you need to register yourself
and receive confirmation of the organisation. Some of that people  

to Madrid from Valencia, so they lost (or not, it depends how you see
that) their work day and that's money of course.

I certainly would still have kicked up a stink to get back the cost  
of travelling over 200 miles ;)

Heck - I think they should do that anyway?
The organisers had obviously decided beforehand to exclude these  
people so it WOULD have been polite to save them cost of travelling  
BUT they obviously decided simply to annoy? It certainly does not  
earn ESRI any 'brownie points' being so arrogant, but then again  
their lawyers have probably sown up every loose end in the small  
print so they will just have to put up with bad press :)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/lsces/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk//
Firebird - http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php
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Mark Lucas
Principal Scientist

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] RE: OS and proprietary

2008-04-27 Thread Mark Lucas
Interestingly enough, in our efforts with Open Technology Development  
and the Department of Defense (US), the Navy made that determination  
that OSS was COTS - and therefore needed to be considered on an equal  
footing with proprietary solutions for Navy acquisitions.


On Apr 27, 2008, at 6:34 PM, Arnulf Christl wrote:

My original sentiment still stands -- if you have the money, but  
have the skills, and don't need it yesterday, it might be better  
in the
long-term to fund an extension of a good OSS project than to take  

easy way out and buy a COTS package.


It appears that Open Source is the next level in the evolution of  
models[1]. It is not a revolution because there is nothing to go  
back to.

Slowly a sentiment is growing in the suits that business with software
must be different to business with hardware due to their inherent
difference[2]. We are pushing this process forward with every line  
of code
that we produce, with every aspect of the foundation that we create  
and we

can nudge it a bit further by using terminology appropriate to this
process. So watch out for the words we use.

COTS translates into commercial off the shelf and I wonder why  
this term
should be restricted to proprietary packages. The times when one had  
manually compile a PostGIS, MapServer, GeoServer, gvSIG, Quantum GIS  
so on, before one could use them are over. You can - and that is an  

advantage - but you don't have to.

So my suggestion is to put COTS on the shelf of terminology that is
compatible with Open Source.

Best regards,

[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Software

Arnulf Christl

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[OSGeo-Discuss] ossimPlanet movie

2008-03-07 Thread Mark Lucas


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[OSGeo-Discuss] ATC, WTM, or WAC cell calculator?

2008-02-07 Thread Mark Lucas
Does anyone know where a module is for calculating where an ATC, WTM  
or WAC cell is given the cell identifier?

Mark Lucas___
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[OSGeo-Discuss] DoD Open Source Conference

2007-11-28 Thread Mark Lucas

December 11-12, 2007
Sheraton Premiere, Vienna, VA

DoD is buying Open Source Software.  Attend to understand the  
emerging DoD business model for open technology.

The best source of information on acquisition of source software!


Keynotes from:

BG Nickolas Justice, USA, PEO Command Control and Communications  

Nickolas Guertin, Director, Open Architecture, PEO IWS

Mark Tolliver, CEO Palamida

Andre Boisvert, co-founder, Pentaho and formerly President and COO,  
SAS Institute Inc.

Bill Vass, President and COO, Sun Microsystems Federal, Inc

Sponsored by:

Sun Microsystems
Open Source Software Institute
Data and Analysis Center for Software (AFRL/IF)

“Naval Open Architecture is an enterprise-wide, multifaceted  
business and technical strategy...”

– Nick Guertin, Director, Navy OA

Register now and save:

PLEASE NOTE: This email is sent in compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act  
of 2003 and has been sent to you as a member or customer of the  
National Defense Industrial Association (http://www.ndia.org) and  
its affiliates AFEI, NTSA, PSA, and WID. Please be advised that NDIA  
and its affiliates do not sell mailing lists or provide customer  
information to other organizations. Your E-mail address is used to  
maintain member and customer contact and provide notification of new  
activities. To opt-out from receiving future messages of the type  
you have received, please send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], your  
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all valuable and informative email communications from AFEI please  
add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your list of trusted senders (called the White- 

Mark Lucas
Principal Scientist


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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Where 2.0 Call for Proposals Closing November 26

2007-11-19 Thread Mark Lucas

I submitted one on ossimPlanet.  Haven't heard back.


On Nov 19, 2007, at 10:12 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

Anyone planning to, or already submitted, proposals for the  

Begin forwarded message:

From: O'Reilly Where 2.0 Conference [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: November 8, 2007 5:11:10 PM PST (CA)
Subject: Call for Proposals Closing November 26

Call for Proposals Closing November 26, 2007

The way to the future of the geospatial industry begins with a  

Where 2.0 2008
May 12-14, 2008
Burlingame, CA

New needs, new markets, new sources of data and new sources of  

Opportunity in the location-based, geospatial industry is unlimited.
Unfortunately, the ability to present your ideas at Where 2.0 is  
not. The
deadline for Where 2.0 Call for Proposals is November 26, 2007.  
your proposal to lead a conference session, run a tutorial, or  

the cutting-edge technology you've been working on.

Let us hear from you. We want to know what you're working on.  
Dazzle us

with that cool new mashup of personalization, cell phone, social
networking, and GIS data. Share the results of your academic  

Demo your product. Launch your startup. Showcase your locative art
project. Find funding, locate talent and point the way to the  
future. It

starts when you submit a proposal to Where 2.0.

The single most important conference that focuses on new  
developments in
the geo-spatial industry. For three days, Where 2.0 takes place at  
intersection of longitude, latitude, the Internet, ideas, and  

value. Where 2.0 gathers the best and brightest minds in the
location-based industry to pitch ideas, present new products, and  

the trends and technologies poised to revolutionize the geo-spatial

Thanks to a groundswell of popular interest, we've devoted a day to
in-depth tutorials at Where 2.0. Tutorials are half-day sessions  
that last
a full three hours. Designed for participants to immerse themselves  
GIS technologies, these tutorials provide attendees with the  

skills, and tools they need to return to work equipped to succeed.

If you would like to lead a tutorial, we are looking for proposals  
on the

following topics:
=Geo Support in Web Application Frameworks
=Today's Best GeoStack Tools
=Mapping APIs
=GeoTargeting Methods
=Privacy Implications  the Law
=Getting the most out of GeoBrowsers
=Managing Geo Data Tools, Tips, Techniques
=Staying Up to Date with Protocols  Formats

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Call for proposals closes November 26, 2007.

Registration opens January 2008.

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The Where 2.0 2008 Conference Team


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Tyler Mitchell
Executive Director
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
P: +1-250-277-1621
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Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Presentation materials

2007-10-03 Thread Mark Lucas
Each of the presenters was sent a link to upload their  
presentations.  When they do the link will show up on their  
presentation page on the conference website.  some of them are there  

On Oct 3, 2007, at 1:51 PM, Chip Taylor wrote:

FOSS4G was a tremendous conference and I am glad I was given the  
to attend.  Do we know when the presentation materials will be  

online and where they will be found?

Chip Taylor
Prepared Response, Inc

Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] New Mexico local chapter?

2007-02-05 Thread Mark Lucas


I think this is a good idea and i'd suggest you take a look at OSSIM  
http://www.ossim.org which is more focused on photogrammetry and  
remote sensing.  It already performs orthorectification, precision  
terrain correction, map projection/datum shifts, and supports several  
rigorous camera models.  OSSIM is an OSGeo project, but is not as  
well known as some of the online mapping tools due to its more  
scientific orientation and corresponding learning curve.  OSSIM would  
certainly benefit from additional capabilities in some of these areas  
and educational materials.

Contact me directly if you are interested in finding out more.

Mark Lucas

I think a chapter in New Mexico focused on the technologies that you  
have defined would be an asset to the overall OSGeo effort.

On Feb 4, 2007, at 7:11 PM, Zachary L. Stauber wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi All,
	Some of us down here in New Mexico (or up depending on your  
orientation) want
to start a local chapter.  I've started a wiki here listing some  
info on us.


Anyone think it's a great idea?
A bad idea?
Too small of an area?
Too big?
Just right?

Before you answer let me go into a little bit of why we need a  
chapter.  I work
for a private engineering firm that does photogrammetry that does a  
high volume
of orthophotos plus I teach photogrammetry part time at the local  
institute where we can't afford the usual software.  I'd like to  
see the
software cheaper (specifically, free) and developers pay more  
attention to bug
fixes and so on, which open source usually does.  So I need a  
vehicle for
starting up photogrammetry in open source, and rather that  
duplicating efforts,
we figured we'd join OSGeo.  My co-worker John Nipper is a  
programmer with
experience in programming for aerial cameras and LiDAR sensors and  
wants to
help.  But we also need to be able to solicit help from experts in  
the field,
professors of photogrammetry and surveying, mathematics, etc., and  
open source

is the only neutral ground on which we can easily work together.

My colleague and chair of the GIT program at the tech-voc school  
Amy Ballard
wants to offer a class just on open source software.  She believes  
it's taking
off and will is useful in real jobs around New Mexico, and she  
wants to

encourage its further use.

R. Cliff Wilkie, geodetic surveyor for the City of Albuquerque,  
wants to offer
users some shifting and reprojection software for surveyors to  
manipulate their
points that operates transparently and has a good manual or  
explanation of the
mechanics internally so people know what's happening to their data,  
for people

like him to whom 1mm is a significant error.

Karl Benedict is hosting the server.  He's the senior research  
analyst and IT
manager for the University of New Mexico's Earth Data Analysis  
Center.  He's
been 100% open source for years now, big user of the usual suspects  
Linux, SOAP, and so on), and is all for encouraging their use in  
the GIS

community in New Mexico.

I think we have a unique setup here, not only having people from  
all three
communities (private, government, and academic) but most important  
working in
some fields that are somewhat esoteric.  GoogleEarth has millions  
of users, and
with it things like MapServer.  Desktop GIS has tens of thousands  
around the
world, but photogrammetry and high accuracy geodesy, probably only  
hundred.  So there are a lot of things being developed in the high  
volume areas
of open source that get a lot of attention, and the esoteric ones  
don't so much,
which is too bad because the commercial software available suffers  
in quality
from the same dynamic.  There are only a dozen photogrammetry  
packages out there
compared to scores of desktop GIS, and most of them are flirting  
with a price

around US$20,000 per component, per license.

The US National Geodetic Survey provides some tools for datum  
shifts and
reprojecdtions like CorpsCon, but they are US-centric, and the  
development is
controlled by a body which is not funded as well as it should be  
it's the foundation on which all geographic data is collected.   
Some software is

still DOS-only.

We need to be part of OSGeo so development can make sure the  
property rests in the public domain and the development is still  
controlled by a
long-lived body devoted to the task like OSGeo rather than the US  
government or any private business.  They can donate money and  
their peoples'
time to us, grants, etc., but development that goes into a private  
box is
notoriously cumbersome to update, doesn't have a wide range of  
users to test it,

and has a habit of dying off.

-Zack Stauber
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