[OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-08 Thread pcreso
Personal opinion in a nutshell:

From an OGC perspective: (yes I'm a member via NIWA's affiliation - once I pay 
the current bill :-)

This is not a genuine attempt to improve interoperability  support open
 standards, it is an attempt to undermine open standards  replace 
existing open standards which are widely used  supported in the 
community by ratifying standards currently used by one commercial 

I'm currently responsible for implementing federated (interoperable) systems 
between research agencies  central/regional govt based on OGC standards. It 
these standards provide for disparate ways of doing the same thing, then OGC 
standards compliant: will mean one of two things:
- may or may not work together depending on which OGC standards are supported
- everyone has to support both standards to be fully OGC compliant.

My organisation has just been quoted a few 10's of thousands of $ to develop a 
CSW service for ESRI datstores because, despite their claimed support for these 
standards - it is pretty minimal  of limited functionality  use. 

At present we can build federated, interoperable systems including CSW, SOS, 
WMS, WCS, WFS, etc, and if an agency fails to interoperate, that is their 
 This change would fundamentally reduce, if not destroy, the value of 
OGC standards to the wider community. 

From an OSGEO perspective (I'm in the Australia/NZ chapter)

This weakens the FOSS community  strengthens ESRI's place in the global
 GIS community. OSGEO is there (IMHO) to support FOSS GIS. Agreeing to a
 change which gives a commercial competitor a strategic advantage - 
giving them a mandate to let the FOSS community play catchup - is NOT in the 
best interests of the FOSS community.

From a FOSS perspective (I'm a council member of the NZOSS),

This is pretty much a repeat of Microsoft's refusal to support an existing, 
community based XML document/file standard  their forcing of a 
competing standard on the community, which has been of no value to the 
user community  created problems for the FOSS community.

We should learn from that fiasco  not make the same mistake again, as much as 
it in our power to prevent it. 


  Brent Wood___
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-08 Thread Frans Thamura
I think we must review how openoffice become iso standared, and microsoft
that behave like esri, want new standard called msoffoce xml.

He submit his docx, xlsx, etc, which he said better and more complete, but
anyone adopt.

For respect, i hope we can follow this model. Esri no need standard, or
using his api as new standard, that is bad.

Happen in java world, people in community use struts as standard in 1999,
competitor come, smiliar case, a standard body inside sun organization
called jcp, play with new standard called jsf. Boom. Oracle and sun make
standard from new standard, and reject struts or action framework or an
adoption from html request response, this case happen several time by them,
jdo, ejb. That bad for ecosystem, none use esp they, and marketshare still
low until today.

My proposal if the current standard can be extend, that is better, with
esri's new standard rather create one, esp this is a ms office in gis
world, dangerous for ecosystem, this is about marketshare and business in
their side.

I prefer they submit to iso or oasis.

On May 5, 2013 4:21 AM, Cameron Shorter cameron.shor...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thankyou, I was hoping that someone such as your self with insights into
 the standard would explain the details. You email has been a great help.

 I'm also hoping that someone will provide a more detailed comparison of
 the similarities / differences, to help the rest of the community
 understand what is happening.

 On 05/05/13 02:43, Adrian Custer wrote:

 Dear Cameron, all,

 There is indeed a massive conflict at the OGC related to this proposed
 standard and it may be useful to inform this list about that conflict and
 the process.

 However, I am unsure how expanding the *discussion* here helps.

 The proposed standard aims to document a series of web services and a
 JSON based data exchange format. The standard comes in eight parts

  12-054r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 1: Core
  12-055r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 2: Catalog
  12-056r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 3: Map Service
  12-057r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 4: Feature Service
  12-058r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 5: Geometry Service
  12-059r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 6: Image Service
  12-060r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 7: Geoprocessing Service
  12-061r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 8: Geocoding Service
 and there are also
  12-068r2  GeoServices REST API - JSON Schemas and Examples

 The documents describe the functioning of a set of web services,
 developed originally by ESRI, and the JSON format for many objects, also
 defined by ESRI, and used by those services.

 The OGC request for comments (now closed) is here:
 with each of the documents.

 Note that Cameron was either unclear or incorrect in his presentation of
 where the standard now stands.
   * The document was released for public comment. (see above)
   * A response to all the comments was issued. (however incomplete)
   * The document was then released for a vote.
   * The vote was suspended because two 'no' votes were heard.
   * A response was issued to the 'no' votes.
   * The vote was resumed
   * The vote was (re) suspended because two additional 'no' votes
 were heard, with new arguments.

   = the vote is current suspended awaiting
(1) a response to the new reasons, and
(2) a decision of what to do next by the leadership of the
OGC technical committee (where all this work happens),
since we have not yet faced such lack of consensus.

 The proposed standard has been controversial from the start at the OGC.
 The controversy, as best as I can tell, centers on the following issues:
   * no backwards incompatible changes were allowed,
   * no work was done to integrate the proposed services with existing
 OGC services (W*S, ...),
   * the only implementations are by ESRI and its partners,
   * the name of the standard and services are not accurate or distinct.

 Banning backwards incompatible changes is controversial both because it
 blocked collaboration at the OGC (which essentially had to approve the ESRI
 implementation as is) and because it prevented things like using GeoJSON
 where appropriate. Also, going forwards, backwards compatibility will have
 to be maintained giving the existing implementations (i.e. ESRI's) a huge
 advantage in defining extensions (ESRI already has a number in the

 The lack of integration with existing services is controversial both
 because they made no effort to work with the existing working groups and
 because it splits the work of the OGC into competing efforts. There is no
 clear path forwards towards harmonization despite the fact that most groups
 working on OGC Services are tackling issues in the same area (simple
 services, JSON exchange format, REST 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-07 Thread Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses

I've made a brief summary of this thread and sent it to the Spanish
Local Chapter mailing list linking specially the mail from Cameron[1]
that started the conversation.

I've tried to encourage them to participate in the debate, right now
we are receiving some responses, in spanish in the spanish list, I'm
going to wait a couple of days and translate them to english and copy
them in Discuss.

I think that all the Liaison Officers from the Chapters should do the
same and try to make their communities aware of this situation.


[1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2013-May/011599.html

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 11:34 PM, Adrian Custer acus...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey Ann, all,

 On 5/6/13 5:48 PM, Anne Ghisla wrote:

 Stephan, Adrian: is there an effective way for OSGeo to address a
 statement to OGC, beside the official requests for comments and our
 Discuss list?

 Thanks for your thoughts,

 Any official statement issued by the OSGeo Board or community on this
 particular vote should probably be addressed to the

 'Voting Members of the OGC Technical Committee'

 since they are the ones who are taking a position during this vote and
 deciding whether to accept it or not as an official OGC standard.

 The statement could be sent via Carl Reed, who is the head of the OGC
 Technical Committee. He lurks on this list as part of the collaboration
 agreement between the two communities and can be reached directly at:

   creed U+0040 opengeospatial.org



 Discuss mailing list

Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
Valencia (España)
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-07 Thread Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
On 7 May 2013 08:58, Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses pfer...@osgeo.org wrote:

 I've made a brief summary of this thread and sent it to the Spanish
 Local Chapter mailing list linking specially the mail from Cameron[1]
 that started the conversation.

 I've tried to encourage them to participate in the debate, right now
 we are receiving some responses, in spanish in the spanish list, I'm
 going to wait a couple of days and translate them to english and copy
 them in Discuss.

 I think that all the Liaison Officers from the Chapters should do the
 same and try to make their communities aware of this situation.


HI I won't repeat the arguments, but I fully agree Adrian, Bruce,
Andrea, Daniel etc on how bad for the geospatial community would be to
have such a broad standard overlaping existing WxS services.

We need to improve WxS services and help OGC to evolve them to current
market needs, not throw to the bin years of knowledge and community
driven efforts.


Jorge Sanz
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-06 Thread Jeroen Ticheler
Having read this thread I support what has been said by Adrian, Bruce and 
others. If anything, acceptance of a set of standards that basically replicates 
what W*S standards already do will confuse customers. Maybe that is exactly 
what esri hopes to achieve, it definitely doesn't help our (the geospatial 
community) business. And as Bruce states, it will have serious impact on the 
OGC credibility. As OSGeo I can imagine that we then decide to start our own 
standardization process and build a standards brand around OSGeo products. Not 
a nice perspective, let's hope OGC won't go down that route.

On 6 mei 2013, at 01:08, bruce.bannerman.osgeo 
bruce.bannerman.os...@gmail.com wrote:

 My personal opinion is that if this proposal was accepted, it would be a bad 
 move for OGC.
 Remember that OGC is a community and its Technical Committee membership are 
 the people who vote on the acceptance of Standards. The TC comprises many 
 different organisations.
 I do understand that OGC are trying to be inclusive in their processes and to 
 try and cater for alternative approaches to a problem, much the same as OSGeo 
 does in supporting multiple projects that essentially handle similar use 
 cases (e.g. GeoServer, MapServer and Degree).
 I have also personally witnessed ESRI's commitment to helping to further the 
 development of Open Spatial Standards through their work on OGC Working 
 Groups and at OGC Technical Committee meetings.
 ESRI also have made a valid point in their response to the 'NO' vote for the 
 GeoServices REST API that the OGC has already allowed alternate approaches 
 with the acceptance of netCDF as a data format and KML as a combined 
 data/presentation format.
 With the GeoServices REST API, I think that the approach proposed:
 - is very divisive for the OGC community.
 - essentially appears to propose an alternate way for working with spatial 
 services that does not utilise or build on the W*S suite of services that 
 have been developed through robust community processes for in excess of a 
 - does not provide REST bindings to the W*S suite of standards that have been 
 widely implemented in a range of software.
 - will result in confusion within the user community that are trying to 
 utilise 'OGC' services.
 If this approach were to be adopted, I believe that OGC will go too far down 
 the alternate solution approach and will risk losing its public acceptance as 
 one of the key leaders of open spatial standards.
 I'm interested in hearing other OSGeo members opinions as to how this 
 proposal would affect their projects.
 Would you consider implementing the GeoServices REST API within your projects?
 If you did, would you maintain support for both it and traditional W*S 

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-06 Thread Volker Mische
Adrian sums up the problems and the discussions that were happening
really well. I fully agree with the problems that arise.

I just want to add that from my perspective this isn't an anti-ESRI
campaign from some OSGeo fellows, but it's against one company pushing
something through the OGC that defeats a lot of the efforts from the
people that want to have open standards for the greater good.

I appreciate that ESRI publishes their specification of the product, so
that others don't need reverse engineer it in case you want to have
interoperability. Though it would make much more sense to me to have it
published on their website and not having it pushed through the OGC to
have some approval from a standardisations organisation. It really
describes their product and it's not about harmonisation/interoperability.


On 05/04/2013 06:43 PM, Adrian Custer wrote:
 Dear Cameron, all,
 There is indeed a massive conflict at the OGC related to this proposed
 standard and it may be useful to inform this list about that conflict
 and the process.
 However, I am unsure how expanding the *discussion* here helps.
 The proposed standard aims to document a series of web services and a
 JSON based data exchange format. The standard comes in eight parts
  12-054r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 1: Core
  12-055r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 2: Catalog
  12-056r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 3: Map Service
  12-057r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 4: Feature Service
  12-058r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 5: Geometry Service
  12-059r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 6: Image Service
  12-060r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 7: Geoprocessing Service
  12-061r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 8: Geocoding Service
 and there are also
  12-068r2  GeoServices REST API - JSON Schemas and Examples
 The documents describe the functioning of a set of web services,
 developed originally by ESRI, and the JSON format for many objects, also
 defined by ESRI, and used by those services.
 The OGC request for comments (now closed) is here:
 with each of the documents.
 Note that Cameron was either unclear or incorrect in his presentation of
 where the standard now stands.
   * The document was released for public comment. (see above)
   * A response to all the comments was issued. (however incomplete)
   * The document was then released for a vote.
   * The vote was suspended because two 'no' votes were heard.
   * A response was issued to the 'no' votes.
   * The vote was resumed
   * The vote was (re) suspended because two additional 'no' votes
 were heard, with new arguments.
   = the vote is current suspended awaiting
(1) a response to the new reasons, and
(2) a decision of what to do next by the leadership of the
OGC technical committee (where all this work happens),
since we have not yet faced such lack of consensus.
 The proposed standard has been controversial from the start at the OGC.
 The controversy, as best as I can tell, centers on the following issues:
   * no backwards incompatible changes were allowed,
   * no work was done to integrate the proposed services with existing
 OGC services (W*S, ...),
   * the only implementations are by ESRI and its partners,
   * the name of the standard and services are not accurate or distinct.
 Banning backwards incompatible changes is controversial both because it
 blocked collaboration at the OGC (which essentially had to approve the
 ESRI implementation as is) and because it prevented things like using
 GeoJSON where appropriate. Also, going forwards, backwards compatibility
 will have to be maintained giving the existing implementations (i.e.
 ESRI's) a huge advantage in defining extensions (ESRI already has a
 number in the pipeline).
 The lack of integration with existing services is controversial both
 because they made no effort to work with the existing working groups and
 because it splits the work of the OGC into competing efforts. There is
 no clear path forwards towards harmonization despite the fact that most
 groups working on OGC Services are tackling issues in the same area
 (simple services, JSON exchange format, REST design).
 The dominance of ESRI is controversial both because the working mode
 lacked any collaborative spirit and, perhaps most critically, because
 this is seen as a way through which ESRI can bring its own service onto
 an equal footing with the current, public OGC standards in the
 government procurement game. Governments are shifting towards requiring
 that all spatial software conform with published, open standards; the
 proposed standard, if adopted, would allow ESRI to push its own software
 as also an Open Standard and compete on an unequal footing with
 implementations of the software being worked on by everyone else.
 The name of the standard 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-06 Thread Daniel Morissette
I am also of the opinion that single-vendor standards such as KML and 
this GeoServices REST API are turning OGC into a rubber-stamping 
organization and this is not what the geospatial community needs. Don't 
get me wrong, it is good to see these openly published, but the 
publication should be by their owners (Google and ESRI in those case) 
and not be rubber-stamped by OGC.

What the geospatial community needs is an organization that provides 
direction around a consistent set of standards that guarantee 
interoperability between interchangeable software components.

The suite of WxS services built over the last 10-15 years is somewhat on 
the way of achieving this, even if some pieces still do not interoperate 
as smoothly as we wish. Is OGC trying to tell the world that it no 
longer believes in WxS?

OGC and its members need to decide whether they want the OGC logo to be 
perceived as the guarantee of interoperability, or just as a 
rubber-stamping organization with a large portfolio of inconsistent 

Whether your source is open or closed is out of the question here, so I 
am not sure that a statement from OSGeo matters unless it is to point at 
this obvious slippery slope in which OGC is falling (a movement which 
started with KML a few years ago).


On 13-05-06 3:41 AM, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

Having read this thread I support what has been said by Adrian, Bruce and 
others. If anything, acceptance of a set of standards that basically replicates 
what W*S standards already do will confuse customers. Maybe that is exactly 
what esri hopes to achieve, it definitely doesn't help our (the geospatial 
community) business. And as Bruce states, it will have serious impact on the 
OGC credibility. As OSGeo I can imagine that we then decide to start our own 
standardization process and build a standards brand around OSGeo products. Not 
a nice perspective, let's hope OGC won't go down that route.

On 6 mei 2013, at 01:08, bruce.bannerman.osgeo 
bruce.bannerman.os...@gmail.com wrote:


My personal opinion is that if this proposal was accepted, it would be a bad 
move for OGC.

Remember that OGC is a community and its Technical Committee membership are the 
people who vote on the acceptance of Standards. The TC comprises many different 

I do understand that OGC are trying to be inclusive in their processes and to 
try and cater for alternative approaches to a problem, much the same as OSGeo 
does in supporting multiple projects that essentially handle similar use cases 
(e.g. GeoServer, MapServer and Degree).

I have also personally witnessed ESRI's commitment to helping to further the 
development of Open Spatial Standards through their work on OGC Working Groups 
and at OGC Technical Committee meetings.

ESRI also have made a valid point in their response to the 'NO' vote for the 
GeoServices REST API that the OGC has already allowed alternate approaches with 
the acceptance of netCDF as a data format and KML as a combined 
data/presentation format.

With the GeoServices REST API, I think that the approach proposed:

- is very divisive for the OGC community.
- essentially appears to propose an alternate way for working with spatial 
services that does not utilise or build on the W*S suite of services that have 
been developed through robust community processes for in excess of a decade.
- does not provide REST bindings to the W*S suite of standards that have been 
widely implemented in a range of software.
- will result in confusion within the user community that are trying to utilise 
'OGC' services.

If this approach were to be adopted, I believe that OGC will go too far down 
the alternate solution approach and will risk losing its public acceptance as 
one of the key leaders of open spatial standards.

I'm interested in hearing other OSGeo members opinions as to how this proposal 
would affect their projects.

Would you consider implementing the GeoServices REST API within your projects?

If you did, would you maintain support for both it and traditional W*S services?


Discuss mailing list

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-06 Thread Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)

I'm pretty much in the same camp as Jeroen has described below.

The original advertised capabilities from OGC were to develop a set of common 
and documented standards that could be used as interoperable building blocks.  
It was supposed to be a nice and easy way to say that I, (or we) as 
developer(s) is/are adhering to a standards approach.  It was supposed to be 
easy to rally around.

As noted elsewhere in this thread the KML stuff seemed to fracture the OGC 
universe somewhat.  I had a hard time with its introduction as a standard at 
the time as well.  Each of these new introductions of processes seem to 
fracture the original OGC intents even further as far as being a set of 
standards to  point at.

Now even after having said all of this, how does the community maintain a 
standards approach while still embracing change.  New approaches need to be 
vetted and possibly approved as to what they are are and what their 
capabilities are.  The bigger piece here seems to be the missing aspects of 
description needed by the end users of the standards, and about what those 
standards are really capable of, and second, and probably more important, how 
popular it is to the Open community.  I have no idea how a popularity ranking 
might occur, but it would allow for all sorts of approaches with various 
standards being introduced but also demonstrate which ones are being used the 
most.  Hmmm, maybe OGC needs an Incubation stage of adoption, which lets a 
following build (if it's there) or not.


-Original Message-
From: discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] 
On Behalf Of Jeroen Ticheler
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 2:42 AM
To: bruce.bannerman.osgeo
Cc: discuss@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST 
API became an OGC standard?

Having read this thread I support what has been said by Adrian, Bruce and 
others. If anything, acceptance of a set of standards that basically replicates 
what W*S standards already do will confuse customers. Maybe that is exactly 
what esri hopes to achieve, it definitely doesn't help our (the geospatial 
community) business. And as Bruce states, it will have serious impact on the 
OGC credibility. As OSGeo I can imagine that we then decide to start our own 
standardization process and build a standards brand around OSGeo products. Not 
a nice perspective, let's hope OGC won't go down that route.

On 6 mei 2013, at 01:08, bruce.bannerman.osgeo 
bruce.bannerman.os...@gmail.com wrote:

 My personal opinion is that if this proposal was accepted, it would be a bad 
 move for OGC.
 Remember that OGC is a community and its Technical Committee membership are 
 the people who vote on the acceptance of Standards. The TC comprises many 
 different organisations.
 I do understand that OGC are trying to be inclusive in their processes and to 
 try and cater for alternative approaches to a problem, much the same as OSGeo 
 does in supporting multiple projects that essentially handle similar use 
 cases (e.g. GeoServer, MapServer and Degree).
 I have also personally witnessed ESRI's commitment to helping to further the 
 development of Open Spatial Standards through their work on OGC Working 
 Groups and at OGC Technical Committee meetings.
 ESRI also have made a valid point in their response to the 'NO' vote for the 
 GeoServices REST API that the OGC has already allowed alternate approaches 
 with the acceptance of netCDF as a data format and KML as a combined 
 data/presentation format.
 With the GeoServices REST API, I think that the approach proposed:
 - is very divisive for the OGC community.
 - essentially appears to propose an alternate way for working with spatial 
 services that does not utilise or build on the W*S suite of services that 
 have been developed through robust community processes for in excess of a 
 - does not provide REST bindings to the W*S suite of standards that have been 
 widely implemented in a range of software.
 - will result in confusion within the user community that are trying to 
 utilise 'OGC' services.
 If this approach were to be adopted, I believe that OGC will go too far down 
 the alternate solution approach and will risk losing its public acceptance as 
 one of the key leaders of open spatial standards.
 I'm interested in hearing other OSGeo members opinions as to how this 
 proposal would affect their projects.
 Would you consider implementing the GeoServices REST API within your projects?
 If you did, would you maintain support for both it and traditional W*S 

Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-06 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
The part that bothers me the most about this has to do with the big 
picture. I'm concerned that if we focus on this or that standard without 
putting it into the larger context that poor(bad?) decisions are getting 
made that set precedents for more bad decisions to follow.

This had been touched on buy the other responses. There are plenty of 
standards the are defacto because companies have published them and they 
have been widely adopted across their respective industry and this is 
goodness, but I'm not sure that it is justification for making it a 
standard unless it meets the goals and objects of the standard's body 
that wants to adopt it.

I think it would be very divisive to fracture and dilute the momentum 
that we have finally achieved with the WxS standards, unless there is 
clearly a need to grow beyond what exists today that can not be achieved 
by growing WxS in a compatible way.


On 5/6/2013 11:11 AM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

I am also of the opinion that single-vendor standards such as KML and
this GeoServices REST API are turning OGC into a rubber-stamping
organization and this is not what the geospatial community needs. Don't
get me wrong, it is good to see these openly published, but the
publication should be by their owners (Google and ESRI in those case)
and not be rubber-stamped by OGC.

What the geospatial community needs is an organization that provides
direction around a consistent set of standards that guarantee
interoperability between interchangeable software components.

The suite of WxS services built over the last 10-15 years is somewhat on
the way of achieving this, even if some pieces still do not interoperate
as smoothly as we wish. Is OGC trying to tell the world that it no
longer believes in WxS?

OGC and its members need to decide whether they want the OGC logo to be
perceived as the guarantee of interoperability, or just as a
rubber-stamping organization with a large portfolio of inconsistent

Whether your source is open or closed is out of the question here, so I
am not sure that a statement from OSGeo matters unless it is to point at
this obvious slippery slope in which OGC is falling (a movement which
started with KML a few years ago).


On 13-05-06 3:41 AM, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

Having read this thread I support what has been said by Adrian, Bruce
and others. If anything, acceptance of a set of standards that
basically replicates what W*S standards already do will confuse
customers. Maybe that is exactly what esri hopes to achieve, it
definitely doesn't help our (the geospatial community) business. And
as Bruce states, it will have serious impact on the OGC credibility.
As OSGeo I can imagine that we then decide to start our own
standardization process and build a standards brand around OSGeo
products. Not a nice perspective, let's hope OGC won't go down that

On 6 mei 2013, at 01:08, bruce.bannerman.osgeo
bruce.bannerman.os...@gmail.com wrote:


My personal opinion is that if this proposal was accepted, it would
be a bad move for OGC.

Remember that OGC is a community and its Technical Committee
membership are the people who vote on the acceptance of Standards.
The TC comprises many different organisations.

I do understand that OGC are trying to be inclusive in their
processes and to try and cater for alternative approaches to a
problem, much the same as OSGeo does in supporting multiple projects
that essentially handle similar use cases (e.g. GeoServer, MapServer
and Degree).

I have also personally witnessed ESRI's commitment to helping to
further the development of Open Spatial Standards through their work
on OGC Working Groups and at OGC Technical Committee meetings.

ESRI also have made a valid point in their response to the 'NO' vote
for the GeoServices REST API that the OGC has already allowed
alternate approaches with the acceptance of netCDF as a data format
and KML as a combined data/presentation format.

With the GeoServices REST API, I think that the approach proposed:

- is very divisive for the OGC community.
- essentially appears to propose an alternate way for working with
spatial services that does not utilise or build on the W*S suite of
services that have been developed through robust community processes
for in excess of a decade.
- does not provide REST bindings to the W*S suite of standards that
have been widely implemented in a range of software.
- will result in confusion within the user community that are trying
to utilise 'OGC' services.

If this approach were to be adopted, I believe that OGC will go too
far down the alternate solution approach and will risk losing its
public acceptance as one of the key leaders of open spatial standards.

I'm interested in hearing other OSGeo members opinions as to how this
proposal would affect their projects.

Would you consider implementing the GeoServices REST API within your

If you did, would you maintain support for 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-06 Thread Andrea Aime
I've followed this thread with interest, thanks for the insightful

If I can spare my 2 cents, is that the OGC specifications are complex
enough already, with differences in behavior in the various versions, that
adding another set of competing standards is just going to increase
confusion quite a bit, diluting the OGC position as a reference for
standards to a point of no return.
Several of the ideas in the REST GeoServices are good, yes, there is demand
for REST geoservices, and yes, JSON is popular, yet, especially from the
point of view of someone that participates to open source communities, it's
sort of unbelievable that someone can come and impose something to be a
standard as-is, no questions asked.
It's ok for it to be a starting point, but to be something that is embraced
at large it should be allowed to be pruned and modified to everybody's

Also, I'm not sure here, but not building on top of the existing standards
it will likely introduce new terminology, making it harder to talk about
the services in a way that makes people understand each other. Adding a
REST service on top of existing standards, such as WFS (as a new network
binding) and GeoJSON would likely lower this risk significantly.

About implementing it or not, I cannot speak for the GeoServer PSC, but we
are normally open and pragmatic, so I doubt that if someone comes up with
an implementation of the ESRI GeoServervices API we'd refuse it, and if it
gets enough traction, it might well enter the core functionality. It's more
about someone contributing the code, and the overall user community showing
appreciation for it, than making a political statement.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-06 Thread Stephan Meißl

being involved in both communities I read this thread with high
interest. I agree with the issues raised by Bruce, Jeroen, Daniel, etc.
I guess my main issue is adding a competing set of standards within OGC
without proper justification and thus weakening the overall position of OGC.


On 05/06/2013 05:11 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
 I am also of the opinion that single-vendor standards such as KML and
 this GeoServices REST API are turning OGC into a rubber-stamping
 organization and this is not what the geospatial community needs. Don't
 get me wrong, it is good to see these openly published, but the
 publication should be by their owners (Google and ESRI in those case)
 and not be rubber-stamped by OGC.
 What the geospatial community needs is an organization that provides
 direction around a consistent set of standards that guarantee
 interoperability between interchangeable software components.
 The suite of WxS services built over the last 10-15 years is somewhat on
 the way of achieving this, even if some pieces still do not interoperate
 as smoothly as we wish. Is OGC trying to tell the world that it no
 longer believes in WxS?
 OGC and its members need to decide whether they want the OGC logo to be
 perceived as the guarantee of interoperability, or just as a
 rubber-stamping organization with a large portfolio of inconsistent
 Whether your source is open or closed is out of the question here, so I
 am not sure that a statement from OSGeo matters unless it is to point at
 this obvious slippery slope in which OGC is falling (a movement which
 started with KML a few years ago).
 On 13-05-06 3:41 AM, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
 Having read this thread I support what has been said by Adrian, Bruce
 and others. If anything, acceptance of a set of standards that
 basically replicates what W*S standards already do will confuse
 customers. Maybe that is exactly what esri hopes to achieve, it
 definitely doesn't help our (the geospatial community) business. And
 as Bruce states, it will have serious impact on the OGC credibility.
 As OSGeo I can imagine that we then decide to start our own
 standardization process and build a standards brand around OSGeo
 products. Not a nice perspective, let's hope OGC won't go down that

 On 6 mei 2013, at 01:08, bruce.bannerman.osgeo
 bruce.bannerman.os...@gmail.com wrote:


 My personal opinion is that if this proposal was accepted, it would
 be a bad move for OGC.

 Remember that OGC is a community and its Technical Committee
 membership are the people who vote on the acceptance of Standards.
 The TC comprises many different organisations.

 I do understand that OGC are trying to be inclusive in their
 processes and to try and cater for alternative approaches to a
 problem, much the same as OSGeo does in supporting multiple projects
 that essentially handle similar use cases (e.g. GeoServer, MapServer
 and Degree).

 I have also personally witnessed ESRI's commitment to helping to
 further the development of Open Spatial Standards through their work
 on OGC Working Groups and at OGC Technical Committee meetings.

 ESRI also have made a valid point in their response to the 'NO' vote
 for the GeoServices REST API that the OGC has already allowed
 alternate approaches with the acceptance of netCDF as a data format
 and KML as a combined data/presentation format.

 With the GeoServices REST API, I think that the approach proposed:

 - is very divisive for the OGC community.
 - essentially appears to propose an alternate way for working with
 spatial services that does not utilise or build on the W*S suite of
 services that have been developed through robust community processes
 for in excess of a decade.
 - does not provide REST bindings to the W*S suite of standards that
 have been widely implemented in a range of software.
 - will result in confusion within the user community that are trying
 to utilise 'OGC' services.

 If this approach were to be adopted, I believe that OGC will go too
 far down the alternate solution approach and will risk losing its
 public acceptance as one of the key leaders of open spatial standards.

 I'm interested in hearing other OSGeo members opinions as to how this
 proposal would affect their projects.

 Would you consider implementing the GeoServices REST API within your

 If you did, would you maintain support for both it and traditional
 W*S services?


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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-06 Thread Anne Ghisla
On Mon, 06 May 2013 18:24:05 +0200
Stephan Meißl step...@meissl.name wrote:

 being involved in both communities I read this thread with high
 interest. I agree with the issues raised by Bruce, Jeroen, Daniel,
 etc. I guess my main issue is adding a competing set of standards
 within OGC without proper justification and thus weakening the
 overall position of OGC.

Hello all,

I share most of the points raised in this discussion, and could not
have said them better.

There is an agenda item about this topic at next Board meeting (9th of

so I'd like to collect the opinion of as most OSGeo members as possible.

Stephan, Adrian: is there an effective way for OSGeo to address a
statement to OGC, beside the official requests for comments and our
Discuss list? 

Thanks for your thoughts,

 On 05/06/2013 05:11 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
  I am also of the opinion that single-vendor standards such as KML
  and this GeoServices REST API are turning OGC into a rubber-stamping
  organization and this is not what the geospatial community needs.
  Don't get me wrong, it is good to see these openly published, but
  the publication should be by their owners (Google and ESRI in those
  case) and not be rubber-stamped by OGC.
  What the geospatial community needs is an organization that provides
  direction around a consistent set of standards that guarantee
  interoperability between interchangeable software components.
  The suite of WxS services built over the last 10-15 years is
  somewhat on the way of achieving this, even if some pieces still do
  not interoperate as smoothly as we wish. Is OGC trying to tell the
  world that it no longer believes in WxS?
  OGC and its members need to decide whether they want the OGC logo
  to be perceived as the guarantee of interoperability, or just as a
  rubber-stamping organization with a large portfolio of inconsistent
  Whether your source is open or closed is out of the question here,
  so I am not sure that a statement from OSGeo matters unless it is
  to point at this obvious slippery slope in which OGC is falling (a
  movement which started with KML a few years ago).
  On 13-05-06 3:41 AM, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
  Having read this thread I support what has been said by Adrian,
  Bruce and others. If anything, acceptance of a set of standards
  that basically replicates what W*S standards already do will
  confuse customers. Maybe that is exactly what esri hopes to
  achieve, it definitely doesn't help our (the geospatial community)
  business. And as Bruce states, it will have serious impact on the
  OGC credibility. As OSGeo I can imagine that we then decide to
  start our own standardization process and build a standards brand
  around OSGeo products. Not a nice perspective, let's hope OGC
  won't go down that route.
  On 6 mei 2013, at 01:08, bruce.bannerman.osgeo
  bruce.bannerman.os...@gmail.com wrote:
  My personal opinion is that if this proposal was accepted, it
  would be a bad move for OGC.
  Remember that OGC is a community and its Technical Committee
  membership are the people who vote on the acceptance of Standards.
  The TC comprises many different organisations.
  I do understand that OGC are trying to be inclusive in their
  processes and to try and cater for alternative approaches to a
  problem, much the same as OSGeo does in supporting multiple
  projects that essentially handle similar use cases (e.g.
  GeoServer, MapServer and Degree).
  I have also personally witnessed ESRI's commitment to helping to
  further the development of Open Spatial Standards through their
  work on OGC Working Groups and at OGC Technical Committee
  ESRI also have made a valid point in their response to the 'NO'
  vote for the GeoServices REST API that the OGC has already allowed
  alternate approaches with the acceptance of netCDF as a data
  format and KML as a combined data/presentation format.
  With the GeoServices REST API, I think that the approach proposed:
  - is very divisive for the OGC community.
  - essentially appears to propose an alternate way for working with
  spatial services that does not utilise or build on the W*S suite
  of services that have been developed through robust community
  processes for in excess of a decade.
  - does not provide REST bindings to the W*S suite of standards
  that have been widely implemented in a range of software.
  - will result in confusion within the user community that are
  trying to utilise 'OGC' services.
  If this approach were to be adopted, I believe that OGC will go
  too far down the alternate solution approach and will risk losing
  its public acceptance as one of the key leaders of open spatial
  I'm interested in hearing other OSGeo members opinions as to how
  this proposal would affect their 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-06 Thread Angelos Tzotsos

Hi all,

I agree with Andrea. In my opinion OGC should be building upon the WxS 
specifications, introducing REST and JSON with a round of new major 
It was already tough for us to explain WxS services to end users for the 
last 10 years. Adding new service specifications will not help us be 
convincing, since there will be a new question: which standard should 
we use and why?
Also, as a professional I would not expect customers, organizations and 
governments paying for implementations of both standards... this will 
eventually lead to a market split. I cannot believe that OGC would like 
something like that.


On 05/06/2013 06:45 PM, Andrea Aime wrote:

I've followed this thread with interest, thanks for the insightful

If I can spare my 2 cents, is that the OGC specifications are complex
enough already, with differences in behavior in the various versions, that
adding another set of competing standards is just going to increase
confusion quite a bit, diluting the OGC position as a reference for
standards to a point of no return.
Several of the ideas in the REST GeoServices are good, yes, there is demand
for REST geoservices, and yes, JSON is popular, yet, especially from the
point of view of someone that participates to open source communities, it's
sort of unbelievable that someone can come and impose something to be a
standard as-is, no questions asked.
It's ok for it to be a starting point, but to be something that is embraced
at large it should be allowed to be pruned and modified to everybody's

Also, I'm not sure here, but not building on top of the existing standards
it will likely introduce new terminology, making it harder to talk about
the services in a way that makes people understand each other. Adding a
REST service on top of existing standards, such as WFS (as a new network
binding) and GeoJSON would likely lower this risk significantly.

About implementing it or not, I cannot speak for the GeoServer PSC, but we
are normally open and pragmatic, so I doubt that if someone comes up with
an implementation of the ESRI GeoServervices API we'd refuse it, and if it
gets enough traction, it might well enter the core functionality. It's more
about someone contributing the code, and the overall user community showing
appreciation for it, than making a political statement.


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Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-06 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey Ann, all,

On 5/6/13 5:48 PM, Anne Ghisla wrote:

Stephan, Adrian: is there an effective way for OSGeo to address a
statement to OGC, beside the official requests for comments and our
Discuss list?

Thanks for your thoughts,

Any official statement issued by the OSGeo Board or community on this 
particular vote should probably be addressed to the

'Voting Members of the OGC Technical Committee'

since they are the ones who are taking a position during this vote and 
deciding whether to accept it or not as an official OGC standard.

The statement could be sent via Carl Reed, who is the head of the OGC 
Technical Committee. He lurks on this list as part of the collaboration 
agreement between the two communities and can be reached directly at:

  creed U+0040 opengeospatial.org



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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-05 Thread Even Rouault
Le dimanche 05 mai 2013 01:05:22, Adrian Custer a écrit :
 On 5/4/13 6:06 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
  Thanks for the background Adrian, do we know of any other parties with
  implementation plans? --
  Jody Garnett
 The known implementations are listed in the document responding to the
 'no' vote. I won't list them here 'till I hear back on the status of
 these documents as public ( f*^(ing Imaginary Property Rules that won't
 However, you'll be glad to know that GDAL is listed as an implementation
 in the Processing GeoServices JSON since it can read the JSON file
 returned from one of the services!

Yeah, I somehow remember having implemented this in the OGR GeoJSON driver. 
But this should not mean in any way that this an official endorsement from the 
GDAL project for the GeoServices REST API to become an OGC standard. As you 
know, GDAL core business is to read a lot of stuff that aren't standard in any 
way, sometimes reversed engineered, sometimes unfortunately completely closed 
by using proprietary external libraries. This is a pragmatic approach, not an 
ideological one.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-05 Thread bruce.bannerman.osgeo

My personal opinion is that if this proposal was accepted, it would be a bad 
move for OGC.

Remember that OGC is a community and its Technical Committee membership are the 
people who vote on the acceptance of Standards. The TC comprises many different 

I do understand that OGC are trying to be inclusive in their processes and to 
try and cater for alternative approaches to a problem, much the same as OSGeo 
does in supporting multiple projects that essentially handle similar use cases 
(e.g. GeoServer, MapServer and Degree).

I have also personally witnessed ESRI's commitment to helping to further the 
development of Open Spatial Standards through their work on OGC Working Groups 
and at OGC Technical Committee meetings.

ESRI also have made a valid point in their response to the 'NO' vote for the 
GeoServices REST API that the OGC has already allowed alternate approaches with 
the acceptance of netCDF as a data format and KML as a combined 
data/presentation format.

With the GeoServices REST API, I think that the approach proposed:

- is very divisive for the OGC community.
- essentially appears to propose an alternate way for working with spatial 
services that does not utilise or build on the W*S suite of services that have 
been developed through robust community processes for in excess of a decade.
- does not provide REST bindings to the W*S suite of standards that have been 
widely implemented in a range of software.
- will result in confusion within the user community that are trying to utilise 
'OGC' services.

If this approach were to be adopted, I believe that OGC will go too far down 
the alternate solution approach and will risk losing its public acceptance as 
one of the key leaders of open spatial standards.

I'm interested in hearing other OSGeo members opinions as to how this proposal 
would affect their projects.

Would you consider implementing the GeoServices REST API within your projects?

If you did, would you maintain support for both it and traditional W*S services?


On 05/05/2013, at 7:27 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote
 OSGeo Community,
 Currently, voting OGC members are to decide whether to accept the 
 GeoServices REST API as an OGC standard. This is already a contentious 
 issue, with 13 votes for, and 10 votes against, 72 outstanding votes, with 
 voting halted temporally, being reopened again in a few days, and closing 2 
 weeks after that. [1]
 I'm wanting to hear whether people in the OSGeo community have strong 
 opinions regarding this proposed standard, and whether we as a collective 
 OSGeo community should make statements to the OGC, and voting OGC members, 
 stressing our thoughts.
 If there is sufficient interest, I'll raise this issue with the OSGeo Board, 
 with the intent of drafting a statement on behalf of OSGeo.
 As background:
 * The API was initially developed by Esri and implemented on the ArcGIS for 
 Server platform. [2]
 * The proposed GeoServices REST API specification overlaps with most OGC 
 standards already deployed, including: WMS, WMTS, WCS, WFS, SE/SLD, CS/W. 
 This effectively means that for most use cases covered by the GeoServices 
 REST API, applications would now have two standards to support. Also, 
 spatial infrastructure programs will be impacted, as OGC compliance won't 
 necessarily equate to interoperability.
 * Most (all?) current OGC web service standards to date have an Open Source 
 reference implementation, which was often (always?) part funded by OGC 
 testbeds, and open source implementations were tested against proprietary 
 implementations during OGC testbeds. As far as I'm aware, there has been 
 very little up-take from the Open Source community of the GeoServices REST 
 API, and I'm unaware of any testing of non-ESRI applications during OGC 
 testbeds. (Someone may be able to correct me here).
 (OGC member login required. Votes counted as at 4 May 2013)
 [2] http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/requests/89
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread Cameron Shorter

OSGeo Community,

Currently, voting OGC members are to decide whether to accept the 
GeoServices REST API as an OGC standard. This is already a contentious 
issue, with 13 votes for, and 10 votes against, 72 outstanding votes, 
with voting halted temporally, being reopened again in a few days, and 
closing 2 weeks after that. [1]

I'm wanting to hear whether people in the OSGeo community have strong 
opinions regarding this proposed standard, and whether we as a 
collective OSGeo community should make statements to the OGC, and voting 
OGC members, stressing our thoughts.

If there is sufficient interest, I'll raise this issue with the OSGeo 
Board, with the intent of drafting a statement on behalf of OSGeo.

As background:
* The API was initially developed by Esri and implemented on the ArcGIS 
for Server platform. [2]

* The proposed GeoServices REST API specification overlaps with most OGC 
standards already deployed, including: WMS, WMTS, WCS, WFS, SE/SLD, 
CS/W. This effectively means that for most use cases covered by the 
GeoServices REST API, applications would now have two standards to 
support. Also, spatial infrastructure programs will be impacted, as OGC 
compliance won't necessarily equate to interoperability.

* Most (all?) current OGC web service standards to date have an Open 
Source reference implementation, which was often (always?) part funded 
by OGC testbeds, and open source implementations were tested against 
proprietary implementations during OGC testbeds. As far as I'm aware, 
there has been very little up-take from the Open Source community of the 
GeoServices REST API, and I'm unaware of any testing of non-ESRI 
applications during OGC testbeds. (Someone may be able to correct me here).


(OGC member login required. Votes counted as at 4 May 2013)

[2] http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/requests/89

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread Frans Thamura
Hi cameron

I think ogc is stand as standard body which will home as geoservices

Yes, there are several overlap

I prefer esri to certified his product withnogc rather make new standarsd
in ogc

That is dangerous to community
On May 4, 2013 5:46 PM, Cameron Shorter cameron.shor...@gmail.com wrote:

 OSGeo Community,

 Currently, voting OGC members are to decide whether to accept the
 GeoServices REST API as an OGC standard. This is already a contentious
 issue, with 13 votes for, and 10 votes against, 72 outstanding votes, with
 voting halted temporally, being reopened again in a few days, and closing 2
 weeks after that. [1]

 I'm wanting to hear whether people in the OSGeo community have strong
 opinions regarding this proposed standard, and whether we as a collective
 OSGeo community should make statements to the OGC, and voting OGC members,
 stressing our thoughts.

 If there is sufficient interest, I'll raise this issue with the OSGeo
 Board, with the intent of drafting a statement on behalf of OSGeo.

 As background:
 * The API was initially developed by Esri and implemented on the ArcGIS
 for Server platform. [2]

 * The proposed GeoServices REST API specification overlaps with most OGC
 standards already deployed, including: WMS, WMTS, WCS, WFS, SE/SLD, CS/W.
 This effectively means that for most use cases covered by the GeoServices
 REST API, applications would now have two standards to support. Also,
 spatial infrastructure programs will be impacted, as OGC compliance won't
 necessarily equate to interoperability.

 * Most (all?) current OGC web service standards to date have an Open
 Source reference implementation, which was often (always?) part funded by
 OGC testbeds, and open source implementations were tested against
 proprietary implementations during OGC testbeds. As far as I'm aware, there
 has been very little up-take from the Open Source community of the
 GeoServices REST API, and I'm unaware of any testing of non-ESRI
 applications during OGC testbeds. (Someone may be able to correct me here).

 [1] https://portal.opengeospatial.**org/?m=projectsa=view**
 (OGC member login required. Votes counted as at 4 May 2013)


 Cameron Shorter
 Geospatial Solutions Manager
 Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
 Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

 Think Globally, Fix Locally
 Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

 Discuss mailing list

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread Barry Rowlingson
On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Cameron Shorter
cameron.shor...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm wanting to hear whether people in the OSGeo community have strong
 opinions regarding this proposed standard, and whether we as a
 collective OSGeo community should make statements to the OGC, and voting
 OGC members, stressing our thoughts.

My current concern is that the standards documents are in a bunch of
Microsoft Word files. And a bunch of Microsoft Word files that *crash*
my current version of OpenOffice Oh the comedy of open standards
being written using non-open file formats[1]

The ironic comment of standards are great - lets have more of them
possibly applies here.

In terms of open source implementations, the google search
geoservices rest api github doesn't find much, so I suspect the open
source community is happy with its web APIs already. These guys:


 appear to be implementing a GeoServices REST endpoint for their
system, maybe they'd be willing to refactor their code out and develop
it as a reference server implementation? But oh dear it seems to be
written in C#.

 I'm not sure what the term 'reference implementation' means here. Any
difference in behaviour between an implementation and the spec is a
bug with the implementation, yes? For that I don't think it matters if
the reference implementation is open source or a black box - that's
irrelevant to its compliance with the standard.

However, a freely-available implementation does make it easier (and in
some cases, possible) to write code that works practically. I wouldn't
like to write a GeoServices client without a server to test it
against. Without it my option is to check my client request is correct
by comparing it with the standards document (in that unreadable Word
document).  Imagine if the authors of the first web browsers hadn't
had http servers to actually test against?

 The advantages of an open source reference implementation are also
the usual advantages of open source that we've been banging on about
for years. Mismatches between open source implementations and
standards docs can be fixed in minutes and released, and users don't
have to wait six months for the next product update release, for

Is there an open-source reference implementation of code to work with
every aspect of the KML file standard? The situation seems analagous -
a proprietary standard pushed to OGC and opened up.


[1] yeah this is probably wrong and MS got their file formats
certified 'open' somehow... blah blah court case blah blah ISO voting
blah blah
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread Adrian Custer

Dear Cameron, all,

There is indeed a massive conflict at the OGC related to this proposed 
standard and it may be useful to inform this list about that conflict 
and the process.

However, I am unsure how expanding the *discussion* here helps.

The proposed standard aims to document a series of web services and a 
JSON based data exchange format. The standard comes in eight parts

 12-054r2 GeoServices REST API - Part 1: Core
 12-055r2 GeoServices REST API - Part 2: Catalog
 12-056r2 GeoServices REST API - Part 3: Map Service
 12-057r2 GeoServices REST API - Part 4: Feature Service
 12-058r2 GeoServices REST API - Part 5: Geometry Service
 12-059r2 GeoServices REST API - Part 6: Image Service
 12-060r2 GeoServices REST API - Part 7: Geoprocessing Service
 12-061r2 GeoServices REST API - Part 8: Geocoding Service
and there are also
 12-068r2 GeoServices REST API - JSON Schemas and Examples

The documents describe the functioning of a set of web services, 
developed originally by ESRI, and the JSON format for many objects, also 
defined by ESRI, and used by those services.

The OGC request for comments (now closed) is here:
with each of the documents.

Note that Cameron was either unclear or incorrect in his presentation of 
where the standard now stands.

  * The document was released for public comment. (see above)
  * A response to all the comments was issued. (however incomplete)
  * The document was then released for a vote.
  * The vote was suspended because two 'no' votes were heard.
  * A response was issued to the 'no' votes.
  * The vote was resumed
  * The vote was (re) suspended because two additional 'no' votes
were heard, with new arguments.

  = the vote is current suspended awaiting
   (1) a response to the new reasons, and
   (2) a decision of what to do next by the leadership of the
   OGC technical committee (where all this work happens),
   since we have not yet faced such lack of consensus.

The proposed standard has been controversial from the start at the OGC. 
The controversy, as best as I can tell, centers on the following issues:

  * no backwards incompatible changes were allowed,
  * no work was done to integrate the proposed services with existing
OGC services (W*S, ...),
  * the only implementations are by ESRI and its partners,
  * the name of the standard and services are not accurate or distinct.

Banning backwards incompatible changes is controversial both because it 
blocked collaboration at the OGC (which essentially had to approve the 
ESRI implementation as is) and because it prevented things like using 
GeoJSON where appropriate. Also, going forwards, backwards compatibility 
will have to be maintained giving the existing implementations (i.e. 
ESRI's) a huge advantage in defining extensions (ESRI already has a 
number in the pipeline).

The lack of integration with existing services is controversial both 
because they made no effort to work with the existing working groups and 
because it splits the work of the OGC into competing efforts. There is 
no clear path forwards towards harmonization despite the fact that most 
groups working on OGC Services are tackling issues in the same area 
(simple services, JSON exchange format, REST design).

The dominance of ESRI is controversial both because the working mode 
lacked any collaborative spirit and, perhaps most critically, because 
this is seen as a way through which ESRI can bring its own service onto 
an equal footing with the current, public OGC standards in the 
government procurement game. Governments are shifting towards requiring 
that all spatial software conform with published, open standards; the 
proposed standard, if adopted, would allow ESRI to push its own software 
as also an Open Standard and compete on an unequal footing with 
implementations of the software being worked on by everyone else.

The name of the standard 'GeoServices REST API' and the services are 
controversial for many reasons. The 'GeoServices' moniker is 
non-descript (many OGC standards are for geospatial services) and 
matches the current ESRI marketing terminology. 'REST' is a buzzword and 
implies a lot of design work which has not been done (and is happening 
elsewhere at the OGC); furthermore, if REST is about the design of a 
service's behaviour (that the service acts based on the transfer of 
representations of resources), then the word does not relate to an 
'API'. Finally, the 'API' word does not really describe the standard 
which is describing a number of services and data exchange formats. The 
names of each service, e.g. either 'Map Service' or 'GeoServices Map 
Service' is problematic: how do we make sure that people know the 
difference between the 'OGC Web Map Service' and the 'OGC GeoService Map 
Service' ?

However, despite these criticisms, 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread Stefano Costa
Il 04/05/2013 18:43, Adrian Custer ha scritto:
 Which brings us to OSGeo and what useful contribution it could make to
 the debate. Simply rehashing the issues above is not going to be useful
 to anyone. If new ideas arise, or a large, common position emerges on
 the issue, I'd be glad to inject them into the OGC discussion.
 I suspect there is at least a week before voting resumes, although the
 rules going forwards are not yet clear.

your overview is very helpful. From where I stand, there are three
reasons to push for a no to the proposed standard, all touched in your
or Cameron's message:

1. disrespect for an existing, widespread, appreciated standard: GeoJSON
2. no open source reference implementation
3. vote was already suspended multiple times, showing a lack of
   agreement about this standard

Points 1 and 2 are part of the OSGeo mission IMHO.

Thank you

Stefano Costa
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey Barry,

There is no useful concept of a 'reference implementation' at the OGC.

The things the OGC calls 'reference implementation' are actually 
example testing implementations. The word was incorrectly adopted by 
the testing group (pushed by those with commercial concerns). The 
testing group now wants to have multiple 'reference implementations' 
showing they are not really a 'reference' in the common understood 
meaning. I am trying to get the testers to change the terminology to 
avoid the semantic conflict with the general meaning of 'reference 

Critically, none of the implementations were vetted by the groups 
defining the actual standards documents so there is little relation 
between the implementation and the standard. It therefore makes little 
sense to think of 'reference implementations' at the OGC.

As far as GeoServices REST, the default reference implementations are 
ESRI's since the document is merely defining how those implementations work.


On 5/4/13 1:27 PM, Barry Rowlingson wrote:

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Cameron Shorter
cameron.shor...@gmail.com wrote:

I'm wanting to hear whether people in the OSGeo community have strong
opinions regarding this proposed standard, and whether we as a
collective OSGeo community should make statements to the OGC, and voting
OGC members, stressing our thoughts.

My current concern is that the standards documents are in a bunch of
Microsoft Word files. And a bunch of Microsoft Word files that *crash*
my current version of OpenOffice Oh the comedy of open standards
being written using non-open file formats[1]

The ironic comment of standards are great - lets have more of them
possibly applies here.

In terms of open source implementations, the google search
geoservices rest api github doesn't find much, so I suspect the open
source community is happy with its web APIs already. These guys:


  appear to be implementing a GeoServices REST endpoint for their
system, maybe they'd be willing to refactor their code out and develop
it as a reference server implementation? But oh dear it seems to be
written in C#.

  I'm not sure what the term 'reference implementation' means here. Any
difference in behaviour between an implementation and the spec is a
bug with the implementation, yes? For that I don't think it matters if
the reference implementation is open source or a black box - that's
irrelevant to its compliance with the standard.

However, a freely-available implementation does make it easier (and in
some cases, possible) to write code that works practically. I wouldn't
like to write a GeoServices client without a server to test it
against. Without it my option is to check my client request is correct
by comparing it with the standards document (in that unreadable Word
document).  Imagine if the authors of the first web browsers hadn't
had http servers to actually test against?

  The advantages of an open source reference implementation are also
the usual advantages of open source that we've been banging on about
for years. Mismatches between open source implementations and
standards docs can be fixed in minutes and released, and users don't
have to wait six months for the next product update release, for

Is there an open-source reference implementation of code to work with
every aspect of the KML file standard? The situation seems analagous -
a proprietary standard pushed to OGC and opened up.


[1] yeah this is probably wrong and MS got their file formats
certified 'open' somehow... blah blah court case blah blah ISO voting
blah blah
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread Michael Ashbridge

 Is there an open-source reference implementation of code to work with

every aspect of the KML file standard? The situation seems analagous -
 a proprietary standard pushed to OGC and opened up.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread Even Rouault

 Note that Cameron was either unclear or incorrect in his presentation of
 where the standard now stands.
* The document was released for public comment. (see above)
* A response to all the comments was issued. (however incomplete)


Do you have by chance a link to the response to comments ? I did write 
comments on the documents during the public comment period, but didn't 
remember seeing any response posted on the OGC list where I posted my 

Best regards,

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread TC Haddad
On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Adrian Custer acus...@gmail.com wrote:

 The dominance of ESRI is controversial both because the working mode
lacked any collaborative spirit and, perhaps  most critically, because
this is seen as a way through which ESRI can bring its own service onto an
equal footing
 with the current, public OGC standards in the government procurement
game. Governments are shifting towards
 requiring that all spatial software conform with published, open
standards; the proposed standard, if adopted, would  allow ESRI to push
its own software as also an Open Standard and compete on an unequal
footing with
 implementations of the software being worked on by everyone else.


To elaborate on the unequal footing phrase above:

One additional aspect of the government side of this equation is that for
several years there has been a trend (similar to Microsoft products) in
getting the ESRI architecture adopted as a GIS software standard
within government IT enterprise contexts. This then requires agencies to
transition to use of the ESRI platform exclusively for geospatial work.

Projecting into the future, if there were 2 competing OGC service types and
ESRI were to drop support for the older W*S family of OGC services (or
merely push support for them out of the core packages and into an expensive
interoperability add-on), this would place many agencies in a situation of
only being able to serve the newer standards, effectively killing the older
standards within those contexts...
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread Cameron Shorter

Thankyou, I was hoping that someone such as your self with insights into 
the standard would explain the details. You email has been a great help.

I'm also hoping that someone will provide a more detailed comparison of 
the similarities / differences, to help the rest of the community 
understand what is happening.

On 05/05/13 02:43, Adrian Custer wrote:

Dear Cameron, all,

There is indeed a massive conflict at the OGC related to this proposed 
standard and it may be useful to inform this list about that conflict 
and the process.

However, I am unsure how expanding the *discussion* here helps.

The proposed standard aims to document a series of web services and a 
JSON based data exchange format. The standard comes in eight parts

 12-054r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 1: Core
 12-055r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 2: Catalog
 12-056r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 3: Map Service
 12-057r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 4: Feature Service
 12-058r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 5: Geometry Service
 12-059r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 6: Image Service
 12-060r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 7: Geoprocessing Service
 12-061r2   GeoServices REST API - Part 8: Geocoding Service
and there are also
 12-068r2  GeoServices REST API - JSON Schemas and Examples

The documents describe the functioning of a set of web services, 
developed originally by ESRI, and the JSON format for many objects, 
also defined by ESRI, and used by those services.

The OGC request for comments (now closed) is here:
with each of the documents.

Note that Cameron was either unclear or incorrect in his presentation 
of where the standard now stands.

  * The document was released for public comment. (see above)
  * A response to all the comments was issued. (however incomplete)
  * The document was then released for a vote.
  * The vote was suspended because two 'no' votes were heard.
  * A response was issued to the 'no' votes.
  * The vote was resumed
  * The vote was (re) suspended because two additional 'no' votes
were heard, with new arguments.

  = the vote is current suspended awaiting
   (1) a response to the new reasons, and
   (2) a decision of what to do next by the leadership of the
   OGC technical committee (where all this work happens),
   since we have not yet faced such lack of consensus.

The proposed standard has been controversial from the start at the 
OGC. The controversy, as best as I can tell, centers on the following 

  * no backwards incompatible changes were allowed,
  * no work was done to integrate the proposed services with existing
OGC services (W*S, ...),
  * the only implementations are by ESRI and its partners,
  * the name of the standard and services are not accurate or distinct.

Banning backwards incompatible changes is controversial both because 
it blocked collaboration at the OGC (which essentially had to approve 
the ESRI implementation as is) and because it prevented things like 
using GeoJSON where appropriate. Also, going forwards, backwards 
compatibility will have to be maintained giving the existing 
implementations (i.e. ESRI's) a huge advantage in defining extensions 
(ESRI already has a number in the pipeline).

The lack of integration with existing services is controversial both 
because they made no effort to work with the existing working groups 
and because it splits the work of the OGC into competing efforts. 
There is no clear path forwards towards harmonization despite the fact 
that most groups working on OGC Services are tackling issues in the 
same area (simple services, JSON exchange format, REST design).

The dominance of ESRI is controversial both because the working mode 
lacked any collaborative spirit and, perhaps most critically, because 
this is seen as a way through which ESRI can bring its own service 
onto an equal footing with the current, public OGC standards in the 
government procurement game. Governments are shifting towards 
requiring that all spatial software conform with published, open 
standards; the proposed standard, if adopted, would allow ESRI to push 
its own software as also an Open Standard and compete on an unequal 
footing with implementations of the software being worked on by 
everyone else.

The name of the standard 'GeoServices REST API' and the services are 
controversial for many reasons. The 'GeoServices' moniker is 
non-descript (many OGC standards are for geospatial services) and 
matches the current ESRI marketing terminology. 'REST' is a buzzword 
and implies a lot of design work which has not been done (and is 
happening elsewhere at the OGC); furthermore, if REST is about the 
design of a service's behaviour (that the service acts based on the 
transfer of representations of resources), then the word does not 
relate to an 'API'. Finally, the 'API' word does not really 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread Adrian Custer

On 5/4/13 6:06 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:

Thanks for the background Adrian, do we know of any other parties with 
implementation plans?
Jody Garnett

The known implementations are listed in the document responding to the 
'no' vote. I won't list them here 'till I hear back on the status of 
these documents as public ( f*^(ing Imaginary Property Rules that won't 

However, you'll be glad to know that GDAL is listed as an implementation 
in the Processing GeoServices JSON since it can read the JSON file 
returned from one of the services!

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread Adrian Custer

On 5/4/13 6:21 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Thankyou, I was hoping that someone such as your self with insights into
the standard would explain the details. You email has been a great help.


I'm also hoping that someone will provide a more detailed comparison of
the similarities / differences, to help the rest of the community
understand what is happening.

I have not taken much detailed interest in these services ever since it 
became clear that they had no interest in working with the WMS folk and 
that nothing could be changed to improve the standard. (They couldn't 
even fix dates to be in the unambiguous ISO 8609 format -MM-DD since 
that would break 'backwards compatibility'!)

My understanding is that these services are built on what I call the 
Flat Feature Model which are Features with single geometries made up 
of 2D, linear structures (points, lines, or polygons) and a list of 
primitive value attributes (the shapefile data model).

(Simple Features, it turns out, are not so simple; they can only
 have a single geometry but that geometry can be multidimensional
 and complex while the attributes can be arbitrarily complex and
 in various namespaces. So 'Flat Features' are what I used to think
 'Simple Features' were.)

There is surely a need for very simple geospatial services which are 
limited to the Flat Feature Model. That is why we have all been working 
on rewriting the W*S standards in modular form to allow for very simple 
implementations while also enabling more complex implementations, 
experiments, and easier fixes. The ESRI effort, had it been designed to 
help users, could easily have plugged into the efforts going on in the 
various W*S groups. Instead, it has so far been a complete drain on my time.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Would you be concerned if the GeoServices REST API became an OGC standard?

2013-05-04 Thread Miles Fidelman

TC Haddad wrote:


To elaborate on the unequal footing phrase above:

One additional aspect of the government side of this equation is that 
for several years there has been a trend (similar to Microsoft 
products) in getting the ESRI architecture adopted as a GIS software 
standard within government IT enterprise contexts. This then requires 
agencies to transition to use of the ESRI platform exclusively for 
geospatial work.

Projecting into the future, if there were 2 competing OGC service 
types and ESRI were to drop support for the older W*S family of OGC 
services (or merely push support for them out of the core packages and 
into an expensive interoperability add-on), this would place many 
agencies in a situation of only being able to serve the newer 
standards, effectively killing the older standards within those 

Of course, isn't it funny, that it's getting harder and harder to find 
ESRI stuff anywhere, government or not.  Lot's of enterprise Google 
Earth, and Google Maps Engine though.

Of note: I recently moved from the DoD world to the transit world. I 
expected to find a lot of fleet management software built on top of ESRI 
tracking server.  Nope, everything uses Google Maps.  Even the aircraft 
tracking stuff that used to run on ESRI seems all to be Google based 
these days.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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