Re: [slim] Re: Feature request

2005-11-21 Thread Michael Herger

Actually, I wouldn't ever want the playlist name (which is why I found
it odd that you were suggesting using the PLAYLIST tag). I was under
the mistaken impression that 'playlist name' in "Display playlist name
for radio stations" was referring to the name assigned -in the
playlist- (e.g. from the '#EXTINF' line in M3U files or the 'Title'
line in PLS files), not -the playlist name itself-.

Ok, I think now I know what you mean. I guess in SlimServer the #EXTINF  
tag is considered the song name.

The problem is I don't have too much influence in what SlimServer makes  
out of MusicInfoSCR's tags. MusicInfoSCR passes the format string to a  
function deep inside SlimServer (which I never really understood) and will  
just check it on return: if it's empty, it fills in the playlist name. I  
can't tell slimserver what to take in what particular situation.

I should not have jumped on this train as now the developpers who have  
more insight into the process will think I'll handle it. But I can't, I'm  
sorry :-/. Anybody else?

Strings aren't unprintable. It's a question of your setup.

You know what I mean.

Of course _I_ do know what you mean, but the plugin does not (It's just a  
bunch of bytes to it). Neither does your chinese neighbour. Those  
characters might make perfect sense to him but not to you.

When I see the exact same box character
representing a variety of different foreign characters, I consider that
unprintable (at least in my language).

If you installed Unicode support on your slimserver it would display some  
nice chinese "characters" (don't know what they are correctly called),  
greek text or even hebrew. Those boxes aren't boxes to the software.



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[slim] Re: Is this possible?

2005-11-21 Thread Jim Larson

I purchased G-Force Platinum for $30 -- it comes with a Standalone
version that will work with anything going thru my sound card.  I just
start up SoftSqueeze first, then set the G-Force toolbar preferences >
Audio Source to "What U Hear".   Works perfectly! -- no delay at all.

It's way too late tonight to start crawling around behind my PC desk &
A/V stand to hook up the long video cable.  And I don't want to be up
all night watching & tweaking G-Force.  But I think I'm ready to rock &
get hypnotized here...  8^P  


Jim Larson

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[slim] Re: Got SB3! Love it! Few feature requests...

2005-11-21 Thread Archimago

Thanks Sean for the feedback.  It's good to hear that code space and CPU
speed are not the limitations.  Sounds like lots of potential on the

Looks like good appetite for native OGG decoding (especially the
fwd/rew feature...).  I as well am thinking of a quiet, lower-power
server like the cheap CSLU2 "slug" or maybe convert my XBOX and would
rather let the SB do its own processing if one day I have multiple
streams going.

What about native AAC, folks?  Given the popularity of the iPod/iTunes,
I would imagine AAC would be a wonderful selling point here...  The
audiophile in me is still hankering for 96/24 FLAC streams :-)


seanadams Wrote: 
> It's not a matter of code space or CPU speed, just that we are at a
> point of vastly diminishing returns now for adding new codecs. WMA was
> needed for DRM and streaming radio support, but beyond that there is
> not much benefit to native Ogg etc. That's not to say we'll never
> implement it, just that it's a pretty low priority compared to all the
> other projects we have going on. You may be surprised that porting
> codecs to an embedded DSP is a not a trivial task at all.
> Again, not to say it won't happen - just not real soon.


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[slim] Re: 2 Artists w/ same Album name - confused?

2005-11-21 Thread radish

Two options:

1) As you say, make the album name unique. Not ideal.
2) Add the album names to the "Common Album Titles" list on Server
Settings/Behavior. That tells slimserver that for those album titles,
it should also take the artist name into account. Should fix the


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[slim] 2 Artists w/ same Album name - confused?

2005-11-21 Thread mikes

Since this is my first post, I must first say what a great product and
company!  I have been a very happy SB2 owner since August. I also want
to thank the entire community.  I have been able to find answers to all
my questions on this forum.

After upgrading to 6.2.1 from 6.1.1, I have come across a strange
problem which I am guessing is related to the changes for Various
Artists.  I have searched and was surprised that nobody had come across
this problem before me, so I decided I should post a message before
logging a bug just in case I am missing something obvious.

Essentially when there are 2 albums with the same tag with different
artist tags, they are showing up combined as though they are one album.
I actually have 2 examples in my collection.

Bela Fleck / Places
Brad Meldau / Places

Bill Evans / The Last Waltz
The Band / The Last Waltz

They each show up combined when you select the album regardless of how
you browse or search for it.  All of my music is stored in the pretty
standard artist/album directory structure.  I think I have tried every
combination of settings on the behavior tab along with setting and
removing the AlbumArtist tag.  They each have a unique AlbumSort tag as
I like my albums sorted by artist/year/album.  The only solution I have
come up with is to give them each a unique album tag.  Not the ideal
solution, but it does work.  

I understand there is no easy answer here as somebody else may actually
see this as a desirable behavior as they may not keep their music well
organized in folders and this may indeed be the same album with
multiple artists.  Maybe there could be a preference for those of us
that want to enforce that songs from the same album are always in the
same directory to avoid this situation.

Additional specifics about my setup:
SlimServer Version: 6.2.1 - 5194 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252

My music is all FLAC stored on local drive on a dedicated SlimServer
and I sync from MMM running on the same machine.

Of the 750+ CD's that I have ripped thus far, I do have 2 actual
various artist albums that are showing up correctly.

Everything is tagged with ArtistSort and AlbumSort tags in addition to
the typical tags.  At the moment, the 4 albums above are the only ones
that have AlbumArtist tags so they are not mixed in with the Various
Artist also.

Please let me know if I can provide any additional information or try
anything else that may help understand what is happening here.



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[slim] Re: How to connect to DB using MySQL front end?

2005-11-21 Thread rkeeney

pfarrell Wrote: 
> On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 18:08 -0800, rkeeney wrote:
> > I would like to use a 3rd party db front end to access the slimserver
> db
> > for reports, etc.  However, I can't figure out what ports, usernames
> and
> > passwords to use.  So far, everything I've tried causes the front
> end
> > UIs to crash.
> > 
> > I'm using SlimServer Version: 6.2b2 - 4738 on WinXP. 
> sqlitebrowser is a free, opensource browser that works fine.
> No need for ports or usernames, just use it to open the file.
> sqlitebrowser .slimserversql.db 
> works for me.
> But I hate the leading dot, so I put in a symlink 
> link -s .slimserversql.db  slimdb
> so I can use 'slimdb'
> as the file name
> -- 
> Pat

Looks promising, it opens the db just fine.  Looks like I need to brush
up on my SQL ccommand syntax!  Thanks!


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[slim] Re: Sudden conncectivity issues: not the usual suspects

2005-11-21 Thread GreenMan

I had momentary success tonight. I re-entered the MAC address without
immediate success. A few minutes later,my player showed up in the
SlimSErver interface. However, while I could navigate music, I couldn't
actually play music. It just wouldn't do anything. When I rebooted the
slimserver service, I lost the connection and it hasn't ever come back.


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Re: [slim] How to connect to DB using MySQL front end?

2005-11-21 Thread Pat Farrell
On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 18:08 -0800, rkeeney wrote:
> I would like to use a 3rd party db front end to access the slimserver db
> for reports, etc.  However, I can't figure out what ports, usernames and
> passwords to use.  So far, everything I've tried causes the front end
> UIs to crash.
> I'm using SlimServer Version: 6.2b2 - 4738 on WinXP. 

 sqlitebrowser is a free, opensource browser that works fine.
No need for ports or usernames, just use it to open the file.

 sqlitebrowser .slimserversql.db 
works for me.
But I hate the leading dot, so I put in a symlink 
link -s .slimserversql.db  slimdb
so I can use 'slimdb'
as the file name


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[slim] Re: Slim Server WILL NOT START help please!

2005-11-21 Thread MrC

Remove the Slimserver Tray Tool shortcut from your Startup items in your
Start menu.


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[slim] How to overwrite Zapped?

2005-11-21 Thread gdg

If one wants to overwrite a Zapped playlist after modifying it does one
have to print in the title "Zapped" and if so is there anyway to
shorten the default title of the Zapped file to simply "Z" in order to
simplify overwriting. 

Ps Is there anyway of changing the order of tunes from the remote?


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[slim] How to connect to DB using MySQL front end?

2005-11-21 Thread rkeeney

I would like to use a 3rd party db front end to access the slimserver db
for reports, etc.  However, I can't figure out what ports, usernames and
passwords to use.  So far, everything I've tried causes the front end
UIs to crash.

I'm using SlimServer Version: 6.2b2 - 4738 on WinXP.  Any guidance
would be appreciated.



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[slim] Re: Feature request

2005-11-21 Thread rds

> You yourself tell me that sometimes 
> you prefer having the playlist,
> sometimes the stream name... You want 
> the plugin to decide what you can't?

Actually, I wouldn't ever want the playlist name (which is why I found
it odd that you were suggesting using the PLAYLIST tag). I was under
the mistaken impression that 'playlist name' in "Display playlist name
for radio stations" was referring to the name assigned -in the
playlist- (e.g. from the '#EXTINF' line in M3U files or the 'Title'
line in PLS files), not -the playlist name itself-. Quite frankly,
displaying the playlist name itself as a substitute for an empty track
string doesn't seem all that useful, especially when several playlist
formats provide an explicit field for overriding the default title.

So, in light of this, what's really needed is a separate option (or
default behavior) to override the default title for a track or stream
with the title assigned in the playlist (if provided). This would be
very useful and provide a great deal of flexibility (even for some MP3
tracks that have unwieldy file names or tags).

> Strings aren't unprintable. It's a
> question of your setup.

You know what I mean. When I see the exact same box character
representing a variety of different foreign characters, I consider that
unprintable (at least in my language). Anyway, this was just an
additional suggestion. If the title-override feature is implemented as
described above, it would be easy to force an alternate title in the
language of one's choice.


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[slim] Re: Problem refreshing handheld skin from pda

2005-11-21 Thread rme

When I go into the browser settings and clear the cache, it will change
volumes properly btw.  So not sure if anything can be done to the html
to more explicitly force a refresh or cache clear or something.

The browser in the Palm Treo650 is Palm's new web browser whcih is
Blazer v4.0

Any ideas of what could be done to the screen html to force it more?


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[slim] Re: Power Supply RF EMI

2005-11-21 Thread TechHome

Count me in.  In fact, I don't mind replacing w/ another switcher, as
long as the FM band RFI is cured.  My favorite FM stations are not
listenable unless I unplug the SB2 power supply, either from the back
of the SB2 or from the wall.



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[slim] Re: Squeezebox 3 appears in the Mail On Sunday magazine

2005-11-21 Thread Jim

audiofi Wrote: 
> p.s. I'd also add a Sonic T-amp in a posh box to the list for the whole
> package!

Remember, this wasn't something I was expecting people to buy - just a
way of getting more reviews, as and reputable magazine only review
stuff you can buy.

A magazine review comparing music-serving solutions is pointless if the
amps are different and everyone would want a different amp.

Imagine this for a review:

blah blah blah
The Slimserver Deluxe package has everthing you need for a serious
system.  You just need to buy the amp and we recommend the .  In
addition not only does this package alone beat the Phillips , the
Sonos  and the Yamaha  but if you already own a faster
computer, a Palm or want to use your MAC, use another DAC or want any
further flexibility you can also just purchase the basic Squeezebox and
add these features - something the Phillips, the Sonos, and the Yamaha
don't provide.

Phillips: Price 1, Audio 5, Flexibility 1
Sonos: Price 1, Audio 5, Flexibility 1
Yamaha: Price 1, Audio 5, Flexibility 1
Squeezbox Deluxe: Price 1, Audio 5, Flexibility 3

All the players are expensive and inflexible (SB Deluxe does have a web
interface and you can play Quake on it's computer so we give it 3), all
sound the same, there is nothing really seperating them.  We say forget
all of these players and build you own Squeezebox setup staring with
just the great value unit itself because chances are you already have a
network, a computer, a DAC and other things.


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Re: [slim] random mix (6.2.1), restrict by genre and directory?

2005-11-21 Thread Simon Oosthoek
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 05:38:00PM +, Richie wrote:
> > Hmm, I can't find the option to show the genre. To me it seems a lot
> > like the same plugin as the now playing one, except being slightly more
> > customisable.
> Right, go to Server Settings > Formatting > Title format.
> Add a new format - Genre
> Next go to Server Settings > Language
> Change the language to something different and then change it back again.
> Now, if you go to the player settings > Plugins the new title format
> of Genre should appear in the dropdown list.

Ah, great, I didn't realise it was possible to add my own title formats

But this also works with the normal now playing plugin ;-)


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Re: [slim] problem installing 6.2.1 on Mandriva 2006.0

2005-11-21 Thread Simon Oosthoek
On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 02:40:30PM +, Robin Bowes wrote:
> Simon Oosthoek said the following on 18/11/2005 13:41:
> > On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 11:37:11AM +, Robin Bowes wrote:
> > 
> >>Simon Oosthoek said the following on 18/11/2005 10:54:
> >>
> >>>Hi all
> >>>
> >>>I'm trying to install the slimserver rpm for 6.2.1 on my laptop, running
> >>>Mandriva 2006.0. It's not working, so far. I had similar problems when I
> >>>installed an older version on Mandriva 2005LE, but I guess I managed to
> >>>solve it that time...
> >>
> It works fine on other platforms.
> I'm not sure why the modules are not present on the Mandrake/Mandriva
> platform.

Someone on the Mandriva Cooker list thought it might have something to
do with the dropping of threading support in perl on Mandriva. It was
considered unstable and nobody complained at the time. I'd never have
linked it to this problem, since I have no experience with threaded perl
and I didn't even know slimserver was using that... (is it???)


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox 3 appears in the Mail On Sunday magazine

2005-11-21 Thread audiofi

Jim Wrote: 
> Good to see.
> Would be interesting to ask them what defines a top-end and what they
> think about comparing the SB3 with the top-end models they reviewed. 
> In audio I've always thought top-end meant the sound and nothing else
> and not hearing the other devices it would be interesting how they
> compared to a SB3 with a dedicated DAC.
> If you're in top-end only audio type worth bothering with is FLAC, plus
> ability to have access to lossy radio - maybe.  Any sort of remote
> control with a screen can easily be substituted for some sort of
> PalmPilot type device.  You're rich so expense of a computer is not a
> concern and no doubt one is already ownded.  With a computer connected
> a million other options are opened.
> Ease of use of ripping might be but you could argue a properly
> configured PC with EAC is not going to be harder to use (and achieve
> better quality) than any device that accepts CD's.  And also, there's
> always the "we rip your CD's" option for the seriously rich or lazy.
> Maybe just for rich people who don't know how to choose the other stuff
> or magazine reviews against the true expensive/hi-end stuff SlimDevices
> should offer the "SqueezeBox Ultra Package" comprising of a SB3, a
> "cool looking" PC, wireless router, Color Palm "Remote", dedicated DAC
> and a free FLAC rip of up to 500 CD's.

I tried the new Phillips in Curry;s the other day and whilst the
all-in-one idea is a good one, the interface was the same as the bottom
of the range streamium's and still has the same problem that the screen
needs a backlight or a change of colours or something, black text on
grey doesn't work!

I'm busy working on the "cool looking" PC as we speak, have already
sorted out a headless system which rips CD's to FLAC or MP3
automatically, runs Slimserver out of the box and has crash recovery
software (just in case anything crashes, it restarts it within 60
Am looking into suppliers for decent cases etc. to expand on the range
of cheaper recycled PC's, will post here as soon as I sort anything


p.s. I'd also add a Sonic T-amp in a posh box to the list for the whole


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Re: [slim] Re: Problem with tracks that have no 'album' data

2005-11-21 Thread Mark Lanctot

I have the exact same problem as you.  I went with 
this suggestion:

"Try the following

Server Settings:Behaviour:Common Album Titles
Check the box.
Add the appropriate name(s) in.

You may think that this doesn't help. You may need 
to tag all you mp3s with "noalbumdata" then add 
that to the list in the server settings. This may 
not be the answer that you are looking for but it 
works well for me.

I believe the behaviour you are referring to was 
changed to reflect the efforts of the Compliations 

Unfortunately it turned out this only worked for 
one artist.  That particular artist has 3 links 
when I click on the artist's name - All Songs and 
two noalbumdata links.

All Songs works fine, both noalbumdata links bring 
up several hundred mismatched files.

Unfortunately it seems this is the only artist I 
can get an "All Songs" link for.

What I'm doing now is going to the Artist link and 
adding that to the playlist, which adds all songs 
from that artist, then removing the songs from the 
artist I don't want.  Kind of a pain and it's a 
real problem with >10 songs.

The good news is that Dan Sully at Slim Devices 
has asked to take a look at one of the tracks from 
the Artist that makes the "All Songs" link, so at 
least someone is looking into it.

Hang in there, I am...

AaronS wrote:
> Jim Wrote: 
>>I think you're relying on a software solution too
much, when it's pretty
>>easy to fix.  The catergory "No Album" or "No
Artist" is a bit of a
>>get-out only to be used when you want to see what
you've screwed up or
>>what Slim didn't understand.
> Hmm. With all due respect, I don't agree with that.
I don't accept that
> all the available ID3 tags have to be filled in.
Some tracks don't have
> albums at all. 
> All my other MP3 playing software/hardware deals
with this material
> perfectly fine. And Slimserver used to. It's strange
to suggest that I
> should have to add inaccurate metadata just to deal
with a software
> limitation - especially when that limitation has
just been introduced.


  Mark Lanctot, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[slim] Re: Problem with tracks that have no 'album' data

2005-11-21 Thread Jim

Your metadata is inaccurate, but yes there is an underlying problem with
SlimServer which is why it doesn't work.

But IMHO it makes far more sense to have "ZZUnknown Artist" than
the artist field blank.  Both are crappy, but at least I can jump to my
unknown artist quickly, and my WinAmp listings of all my artists tie up
exactly with ones on my web interface.

It's all down to control and consistency - this is not a critical issue
with the Server as you are relying on it to get you out of trouble
because you have not fully completed your music organisation - that
track appeared on an album somewhere, or a CD single, or a bootleg or
radioshow or something that had a title so for completeness you should
find it.

I only have a few tracks/albums that really have no titles and that's
usually stuff by Aphex Twin or whatever name you're used to calling
him.  But if you look around any music store rather than list it as
nothing they refer to it as "(Untitled)" which I do too.

Yes the Slimserver should be expected to deal with blank artists but
much better for control to set to your specifics because maybe WinAmp
shows '' as Artist, iTunes 'Unknown' and Slim 'No Artist'.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox 3 appears in the Mail On Sunday magazine

2005-11-21 Thread Jim

Good to see.

Would be interesting to ask them what defines a top-end and what they
think about comparing the SB3 with the top-end models they reviewed. 
In audio I've always thought top-end meant the sound and nothing else
and not hearing the other devices it would be interesting how they
compared to a SB3 with a dedicated DAC.

If you're in top-end only audio type worth bothering with is FLAC, plus
ability to have access to lossy radio - maybe.  Any sort of remote
control with a screen can easily be substituted for some sort of
PalmPilot type device.  You're rich so expense of a computer is not a
concern and no doubt one is already ownded.  With a computer connected
a million other options are opened.

Ease of use of ripping might be but you could argue a properly
configured PC with EAC is not going to be harder to use (and achieve
better quality) than any device that accepts CD's.  And also, there's
always the "we rip your CD's" option for the seriously rich or lazy.

Maybe just for rich people who don't know how to choose the other stuff
or magazine reviews against the true expensive/hi-end stuff SlimDevices
should offer the "SqueezeBox Ultra Package" comprising of a SB3, a
"cool looking" PC, wireless router, Color Palm "Remote", dedicated DAC
and a free FLAC rip of up to 500 CD's.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox 3 appears in the Mail On Sunday magazine

2005-11-21 Thread Brian Ritchie

norderney Wrote: 
> Just been reading the Mail On Sunday newspaper magazine - Night & Day. I
> noticed an article about streaming music from your pc to hi-fi.  They
> did 3 types low price, mid range and top end. Squeezebox 3 appeared in
> mid range as their best buy. It was up against Philips WACS-7000 [got 4
> stars], Hifidelio got 2 stars and Bardusb got 4 stars. SB3 got 5 stars.
> In the low price section Rokusound Bridge M1000 got best buy with 5
> stars, withnApple Airport Express getting 2 stars.
> In the top end section the Sonos and Yamaha Music Cast MCX1000 both got
> 5 stars, but Yamaha got the best buy.
> It was good to see SB3 appearing in a mainstream national newspaper
> magazine.

Yup. Here's hoping they start turning up in the UK "real soon now" too!
Been watching my order say "N due soon" for long enough...

Brian Ritchie

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[slim] Squeezebox 3 appears in the Mail On Sunday magazine

2005-11-21 Thread norderney

Just been reading the Mail On Sunday newspaper magazine - Night & Day. I
noticed an article about streaming music from your pc to hi-fi.  They
did 3 types low price, mid range and top end. Squeezebox 3 appeared in
mid range as their best buy. It was up against Philips WACS-7000 [got 4
stars], Hifidelio got 2 stars and Bardusb got 4 stars. SB3 got 5 stars.

In the low price section Rokusound Bridge M1000 got best buy with 5
stars, withnApple Airport Express getting 2 stars.

In the top end section the Sonos and Yamaha Music Cast MCX1000 both got
5 stars, but Yamaha got the best buy.

It was good to see SB3 appearing in a mainstream national newspaper


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[slim] Re: Problem with tracks that have no 'album' data

2005-11-21 Thread AaronS

Jim Wrote: 
> I think you're relying on a software solution too much, when it's pretty
> easy to fix.  The catergory "No Album" or "No Artist" is a bit of a
> get-out only to be used when you want to see what you've screwed up or
> what Slim didn't understand.

Hmm. With all due respect, I don't agree with that. I don't accept that
all the available ID3 tags have to be filled in. Some tracks don't have
albums at all. 

All my other MP3 playing software/hardware deals with this material
perfectly fine. And Slimserver used to. It's strange to suggest that I
should have to add inaccurate metadata just to deal with a software
limitation - especially when that limitation has just been introduced.


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[slim] Re: Slim Server WILL NOT START help please!

2005-11-21 Thread Desert_AIP

OK,  Did the manual uninstall.  Deleted all the files and keys. 
Uninstalled Zone Alarm.  Checked in Security to ensure Windows Firewall
was off.

Re-booted and reinstaleld SlimServer.  Selected default paths and
unchecked Start Automatically.  At the end of the installation it STILL
tried to start up automatically and failed to start.  It STILL put the
Slim Tray icon in the Startup folder.
I deleted the Slim Tray icon and rebooted and the service STILL tried
to start by itself.  And failed.  It's not obeying when I make
selections in the install routine, what's THAT mean?


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[slim] Re: Can SlimServer Take Input?

2005-11-21 Thread docbee

Before I got alienbbc working on wma radio streams, I had a tuner beside
my linux server. The tuner received the local radio station and gave
this via line-in to the linux server. The server converted this via
darkice (or something like that - i dont exactly remember) into an mp3
stream which I transfered via shoutcast in my lan. The slimp3 was tuned
to this shoutcast stream by means of a playlist, voila...

worked great, but with alienbbc i directly get the wma stream of this
station into the slimp3 and the sb2 doesn't even need alienbbc anymore.


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[slim] Re: Can SlimServer Take Input?

2005-11-21 Thread Jim

An official lossless implementation of this would be pretty neat.

To the box you can just send a realtime transcoded FLAC/WAV file as
normal so the box can handle it for sure.

Just needs someone smart to make the routine on the server, and the
server to have enough punch to ensure no dropouts.


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[slim] Re: I could really use some help!

2005-11-21 Thread Jim

pfarrell Wrote: 
> Make sure that you turn the firewall stuff on. Some ship without it
> as the default.

Yes, but there's 2 things to consider:

1 - All the fancy firewall blocking terms.  Turn these on / set to

2 - The DMZ (De-Militarised Zone).  Turn that off, DMZ is a get-out for
people who cannot configure their ports, and if they have to use should
be running a firewall on whatever PC the DMZ is pointing too.


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[slim] Re: I could really use some help!

2005-11-21 Thread Phil Leigh

Pat - that's great, thanks. I'll try it tomorrow.

Phil Leigh

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Re: [slim] Re: wake-on lan for squeezebox 1

2005-11-21 Thread Jacob Potter
On 11/21/05, Tim Collins
> I would like to know how long Slim Devices plans to support and
> develop for that hardware platform from a firmware standpoint.
> Again, the concern here is not the server software piece, but the
> firmware itself.

For reference, the last revision of the SLIMP3 firmware was 2.3,
released Feb. 2004. This was a few months after the Squeezebox1; it
fixed some network driver issues, but did not add any new features.

- Jacob
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[slim] Re: Got SB3! Love it! Few feature requests...

2005-11-21 Thread clumsyoik

seanadams Wrote: 
> It's not a matter of code space or CPU speed, just that we are at a
> point of vastly diminishing returns now for adding new codecs. WMA was
> needed for DRM and streaming radio support, but beyond that there is
> not much benefit to native Ogg etc. That's not to say we'll never
> implement it, just that it's a pretty low priority compared to all the
> other projects we have going on. You may be surprised that porting
> codecs to an embedded DSP is a not a trivial task at all.
How much would it cost to contract the people at to do the
port? They have ported the tremor vorbis decoder for other audio
players, I believe.

Forgive me if this is an option you have already explored.


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[slim] Re: Problem with tracks that have no 'album' data

2005-11-21 Thread Jim

I think you're relying on a software solution too much, when it's pretty
easy to fix.  The catergory "No Album" or "No Artist" is a bit of a
get-out only to be used when you want to see what you've screwed up or
what Slim didn't understand.

What I do with all my files is the following:

If I don't know the artist, it's blank or I cannot be bothered to fill
it in I set the artist to "ZZUnknown Artist".  This is a good
reference to keep it at the bottom of any list, and also to quickly
find what I need to fix.

The same if it is an unknown album and I have all the tracks.

If it's just one song I ripped then I give it the album "Jim's Singles"
by AlbumArtist "Various Artists".

If it's something else such as a old Napster MP3 or whatever then I
give it the album "Jim's 128kbps MP3s", again with AlbumArtist "Various

I don't bother with track numbers, but you could further catergorise
this random stuff into your favourite order keeping < 100 tracks per
"Album" obviously. e.g. "Jim's Reggae Downloads"."Jim's Funny

>From then on if you still find listings of "No Album" or "No Artist"
it's an easier indication of problems.


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Re: [slim] Re: I could really use some help!

2005-11-21 Thread Pat Farrell
On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 14:03 -0800, Phil Leigh wrote:
> Pat - thanks - both my routers have built-in firewalls - I'll pick up a
> switch tomorrow. If I connect the PC and the SB together via the
> switch, can I then connect the switch to the router (presumably with a
> x-over cable?) so I can get Internet via the router onto the PC?

Make sure that you turn the firewall stuff on. Some ship without it
as the default.

Some (most?) modern switches are autosensing, and you can just use
straight cables. Others require a crossover. I expect that
over time, all the stuff will autosense and there will be no 
more need for crossover cables. (If you have a cross over cable,
I strongly recommend you mark it about ten times as being a crossover
so that two years from now you don't try to use it as a normal cable
and pull all your hair out because it is the wrong kinda cable.)

So depending on the setup, you would have 
internet -> modem/router -> switch -> two or more PC and squeezeboxen
internet -> modem/router - X_Cable-> switch -> two or more PC and

Pat Farrell

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[slim] Re: Slim Server WILL NOT START help please!

2005-11-21 Thread Jim

Right, it seems your Services are a bit confused.

Uninstall again.

Go into Admin Tools - Services and I BET you can see the entry for
slimsvc still there.  Maybe the problem has been it's trying to start
up twice or other strange things.  You can uninstall the service using
Slim but let's not do that and ensure everything is gone - keep it
uninstalled, delete C:\Program Files\Slim* and follow on

Now there's probably a better way to do this, but here's how I delete
it and this is a soon-to-be-reinstalled system at this stage anyway:

Start up regedit.

Locate the entry in the tree My

You should see a slimsvc.  Delete it.

Check if you have a Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\
etc... and do the same.

Just to be thorough delete this (if there)

My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SlimServer

Reboot.  Look again in Services - the slim stuff shouldn't be there.

Now go and install Slim again as I advised earlier, unchecking the
option to start as service.


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[slim] Problem with tracks that have no 'album' data

2005-11-21 Thread AaronS


First up, apologies. I posted this in the beginners section as well,
but got no response.

I upgraded to 6.2.1. Since then, I'm having trouble with songs that
have no 'album' data included in the ID3 tag.

Most of my library has album data, but about 600 songs don't. I think
it's perfectly sensible not to use the album field when you don't have
all the songs on the album.

When I navigate to an artist that has a song with no album data, I see
a list of all the albums, and an option for 'no album'. As before.

When I select it, I don't get the 'no album' songs from that artist..
but from all the artists. Not only that, the only ones that I can
actually play are from the artist I was navigating too. The songs by
the other artists won't go into the playlist.

Another post on this forum indicates that this isn't a bug, rather it's
a change in functionality to meet a different need. Sadly, this has
really messed up by system. 

What can I do to get around this? Or is this a bug, after all?


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Re: [slim] Problems with Various Artists

2005-11-21 Thread Ben Sandee
On 11/21/05, NeilH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have just installed 6.2.1 and all "Various Artists" listingshave vanished.All compilation albums are separately listed under individualartists and no varient of server settings and rescanning
will make them return.Neil.You might want to check that the settings in Server Settings -> Behavior properly reflect how you want things working.  Particularly those under the "Compilations" subgroup.
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[slim] Re: I could really use some help!

2005-11-21 Thread Phil Leigh

Pat - thanks - both my routers have built-in firewalls - I'll pick up a
switch tomorrow. If I connect the PC and the SB together via the
switch, can I then connect the switch to the router (presumably with a
x-over cable?) so I can get Internet via the router onto the PC?

Phil Leigh

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[slim] Problems with Various Artists

2005-11-21 Thread NeilH

I have just installed 6.2.1 and all "Various Artists" listings 
have vanished. 
All compilation albums are separately listed under individual 
artists and no varient of server settings and rescanning 
will make them return.

As this was working perfectly with 6.2.0 I am at a loss as to 
what do do next.

Anyone got any pointers.


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[slim] Re: Slim Server WILL NOT START help please!

2005-11-21 Thread Desert_AIP


I'll try your suggestions.  Weird that it would install fine on other
machines running the same versions of Zone alarm.

I've reinstalled and unchecked "Automatically start" but when I go to
the command line to start I'm told there is a copy already running.

I used the -diag flag and got this response.

"Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at /PerlApp/Slim/Web/
line 2329."
"Use of uninitialized value in anonymous hash ({}) at
/PerlApp/Slim/Web/ line 2329"
"Problem: There is already another copy of the SlimServer running on
this machine. (Unknown error)"


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Re: [slim] Re: I could really use some help!

2005-11-21 Thread Pat Farrell
On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 13:37 -0800, Phil Leigh wrote:
> IS there any way I can wire things up so that both Internet and SB work
> - given that I've now got 2 wireless router/ADSL modems and a wired SB?

All you should need is a hub or switch.
internet -> modem/router -> switch -> two or more PC and squeezeboxen

altho the paranoid do something closer to

internet -> modem/router -> firewall ->  switch -> two or more PC and

Pat Farrell

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[slim] Re: I could really use some help!

2005-11-21 Thread Phil Leigh

The plot thickens to my disadvantage...
changed all the cables - no difference.
Changed the router/modem to a Belkin model - SB is superb (100% all the
way to 5000kbs - guess the PC/NIC is ok then...) - but I can't get
Internet connectivity working - I've got a connection but nothing I can
do will resolve the DNS servers.

So, I've got one router that works perfectly for SB but no internet and
one that is perfect Internet but SB is "sha**ed"...

IS there any way I can wire things up so that both Internet and SB work
- given that I've now got 2 wireless router/ADSL modems and a wired SB?

Phil Leigh

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[slim] Re: Slim Server WILL NOT START help please!

2005-11-21 Thread Jim

Yes, but on the other hand you could do the clean install and still have
the problem if it's something else.  Still, always good to refresh
Windows every few months.

ZoneAlarm even when disabled still does some things - before I had my
router (now no need for firewall) I used to use ZoneAlarm but suddenly
it got rubbish.  I once had a firewall issue and disabled ZoneAlarm
from starting.  But only when removing it did the issue resolve.  When
you uninstall it make sure Windows Firewall hasn't "intelligently"
enabled itself.

First thing I'd say is uninstall ZoneAlarm so we rule it out
completely.  Obviously disconnect from internet if you don't have a
router, and when you do connect to internet to post here or whatever
enable Windows Firewall for a while if you feel insecure and have no

Then uninstall Slimserver - delte folder if it's still there after

Install Slimserver but do not choose the option to run as service - try
and get it working first.  Do NOT install beta/nightly version - only
the 6.2 stable release.

Open up a command prompt and run Slim.exe from there, so you can see
exactly what happens and post that here.


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[slim] Re: Slim Server WILL NOT START help please!

2005-11-21 Thread Desert_AIP

Slim Server is not listed in Zone Alarm's list of programs.  
The server isn't starting so Zone Alarm doesn't see it.  
Windows Firewall is disabled.

There has to be a conflict with another service or a hardware problem,
but I have no idea how totrace it.  I really don't want to do a clean
install but am afraid I may have to.


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[slim] Re: Sudden conncectivity issues: not the usual suspects

2005-11-21 Thread GreenMan

Unhappily, I already checked the MAC. It's fine. Miss my SB2 like I 'd
miss my right hand and left kidney.


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[slim] Crossfade is stuck

2005-11-21 Thread dbls

I'm having trouble with Crossfade settings, in that the server seems to
reset them between songs.  I'm playing random songs on 6.2.1 - 5252 -
Debian - EN - iso-8859-1 (SlimCD installation).  If I try to turn
crossfade off or on (via player or web UI) or change the timeout, the
server reverts to the previous settings by the time the next song

I just stopped the server from adding new tracks, and the behavior
remains, so it doesn't seem to be related to random tracks.

Anyone else seeing this?


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Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox and ogg Vorbis?

2005-11-21 Thread Marc Sherman

Josef Shvejk wrote:

Yes, native Ogg support can be added to SB2/SB3 firmware. There is already
an existing enhancement request:

Please don't buy the hardware based on this statement, expecting it to 
happen some day, because there's a good chance you'll be disappointed. 
It is _possible_, but not currently planned, and Sean's on record as 
stating that it's low priority.

- Marc
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[slim] Offtopic (Windows DRM and multiple portables)

2005-11-21 Thread Chop

Does anyone know if you can use multiple portables on subscription
services like Rhapsoday, Yahoo Music, etc.?

My girlfriend uses the service and I was thinking about buying a small
player to fill with new music on occasion (I use an iPod for all the
music I own).  But does that mean I need to pay another 15 dollars per
month to the service.  We live in the same household and I can fill my
player off the same computer.

Any help appreciated.  Thanks -


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Re: [slim] Favorites in SB1

2005-11-21 Thread kdf

On 21-Nov-05, at 11:44 AM, Maurice Poirier wrote:

kdf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Quoting Maurice Poirier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have 9 favorite Internet radio stations (listed from #1 thru #9) on
SB1. Is it possible to move one of these stations to another spot on
the list (up or down) without having to delete others from the list
and having to re-add them to the list?

You can move items in the list using the web interface.

I cannot find the list of Favorites on the web interface. Please tell  
me how

to access it. Thank you.

if you are using the fishbone skin, it is in the pulldown list with  
ever other browse mode/plugin
if you are using default skin, it is on the home page.  most other  
skins should also have it on the home page.

manually, you can access with this url:

substituting serverIP and playerid as appropriate for your system.


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Re: [slim] Favorites in SB1

2005-11-21 Thread Maurice Poirier
kdf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Quoting Maurice Poirier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I have 9 favorite Internet radio stations (listed from #1 thru #9) on 
> > SB1. Is it possible to move one of these stations to another spot on 
> > the list (up or down) without having to delete others from the list 
> > and having to re-add them to the list?
> You can move items in the list using the web interface.
> -kdf
I cannot find the list of Favorites on the web interface. Please tell me how 
to access it. Thank you.

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[slim] Re: Got SB3! Love it! Few feature requests...

2005-11-21 Thread mrthreeplates

I don't know about other people, but myself and two friends of mine
*primarily* use the SB2 for squeezenetwork.  This was the whole reason
why I bought the box.  While I'm really happy with the ability to
stream mp3s (and the sb2 in general), I've found quite a bit of content
out that I can't play.

For example, National Public Radio program archives are in real audio. 
One of my favorite radio stations (KCSM) only streams at high bit rate
in ogg vorbis.   These are two very good reasons for wanting more
native codecs.

And, yes, I've already voted on the bugs for native ogg/real codecs.

Of course, if Slim device's squeezenetwork servers could do the
transcoding, that would be fine with me.

I just want to be able to play the content that is out there
with my PC turned off.  I'll buy (and stick with) any product
that does this.




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Re: [slim] Re: Problem refreshing handheld skin from pda

2005-11-21 Thread Michael Herger


These are three different urls (the correct ones imho). If the browser  
does not load the new page, it has a problem. Even with aggressive caching  
it should load a new page as there are different parameters to the script.  
But as this seems to work with the other browsers I really think it's a  
problem on the browser, not the server side. What product is this browser,  



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Re: [slim] SLimServer on different Subnet

2005-11-21 Thread Michael Herger

Quick Question, I quickly looked around the setup, is it possible to
operate a SB2 and Slimserver from different subnets? If so how do you
manually add the IP address/DNS name of each unit?

You'll have to configure the networking part of the SB manually. Reboot  
the device and select "Configure network". Define the slimserver as well.  
And be sure there's a route from one net to the other.



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[slim] Re: wake-on lan for squeezebox 1

2005-11-21 Thread Michaelwagner

ChrisB Wrote: 
> Ultimately, the SB1 stopped shipping a long time ago
March 2005 is a long time ago?


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RE: [slim] Re: wake-on lan for squeezebox 1

2005-11-21 Thread Chris Brooking
Strong words, Tim.

As I see it, WOL would be an enhancement to existing functionality.  I
don't see many people in the industry working on enhancements for
products that no longer ship.  It's not like you're asking for a bug to
be fixed.  Perhaps the problem here is that Slimdevices have been too
open?  Allowing all and sundry to file 'bugs', and expecting them to be
fixed?  Ultimately, the SB1 stopped shipping a long time ago, and any
time spent on enhancements to this is time not spent on enhancing the
currently shipping model, which is what will drive sales.  


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Collins
Sent: 21 November 2005 18:04
Subject: [slim] Re: wake-on lan for squeezebox 1

I would like to see someone from Slim Devices step up and state whether
this is a decision cause by an actual impassable technical barrier or
if this is a resource decision based on this being the "no new firmware
features" point in the SB1 lifecycle.  

If this "WONTFIX" designation is to become the norm, how long until SB1
firmware is EOL for support, or is it already?  I haven't found a policy
anywhere on the site that spells this out and if I'm ever to spend any
money in the future with Slim Devices, I would like to know how long
Slim Devices plans to support and develop for that hardware platform
from a firmware standpoint.  Again, the concern here is not the server
software piece, but the firmware itself.  

There are numerous accolades granted to Slim Devices with regard to
their customer service, even within this forum.  I would like to see
some action to back that up, even if it is just an honest, simple
communication to set accurate expectations.

Tim Collins

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[slim] Re: wake-on lan for squeezebox 1

2005-11-21 Thread Tim Collins

I would like to see someone from Slim Devices step up and state whether
this is a decision cause by an actual impassable technical barrier or
if this is a resource decision based on this being the "no new firmware
features" point in the SB1 lifecycle.  

If this "WONTFIX" designation is to become the norm, how long until SB1
firmware is EOL for support, or is it already?  I haven't found a policy
anywhere on the site that spells this out and if I'm ever to spend any
money in the future with Slim Devices, I would like to know how long
Slim Devices plans to support and develop for that hardware platform
from a firmware standpoint.  Again, the concern here is not the server
software piece, but the firmware itself.  

There are numerous accolades granted to Slim Devices with regard to
their customer service, even within this forum.  I would like to see
some action to back that up, even if it is just an honest, simple
communication to set accurate expectations.

Tim Collins

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Re: [slim] Favorites in SB1

2005-11-21 Thread kdf

Quoting Maurice Poirier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have 9 favorite Internet radio stations (listed from #1 thru #9) on 
SB1. Is it possible to move one of these stations to another spot on 
the list (up or down) without having to delete others from the list 
and having to re-add them to the list?

You can move items in the list using the web interface.
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Re: [slim] random mix (6.2.1), restrict by genre and directory?

2005-11-21 Thread Richie
> Hmm, I can't find the option to show the genre. To me it seems a lot
> like the same plugin as the now playing one, except being slightly more
> customisable.

Right, go to Server Settings > Formatting > Title format.

Add a new format - Genre

Next go to Server Settings > Language

Change the language to something different and then change it back again.

Now, if you go to the player settings > Plugins the new title format
of Genre should appear in the dropdown list.

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[slim] Favorites in SB1

2005-11-21 Thread Maurice Poirier

I have 9 favorite Internet radio stations (listed from #1 thru #9) on 
SB1. Is it possible to move one of these stations to another spot on the 
list (up or down) without having to delete others from the list and having to 
re-add them to the list?
Many thanks.
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Re: [slim] random mix (6.2.1), restrict by genre and directory?

2005-11-21 Thread Simon Oosthoek
On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 08:11:14PM +, Richie wrote:
> > Another thing is that currently there's no option to show the genre of
> > the song being played in the display settings, which would be nice to
> > check which genres are set wrong or cause annoyance...
> There is if you use the Music Info Screensaver:

Hmm, I can't find the option to show the genre. To me it seems a lot
like the same plugin as the now playing one, except being slightly more


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[slim] Re: Problem refreshing handheld skin from pda

2005-11-21 Thread rme

Ok, here are the page addresses and the various situations:

Initial status page address before changing any volume, initial startup
volume = 8:


Status page volume after changing volume from 8 to 7 - This works and
you see internet access of "Sending" and "Receiving":


Status page changed from 7 back to 8 - This doesn't work, the only
internet traffic on the browser says "Redrawing" and the volume stays
the same physically on the sb2:


So it seems like the html is not forcing a refresh, only a redrawing of
the screen, once a specific volume has already previously been

However, if I manually press the refresh button after changing to a
volume which was previously selectecd, it will say "Sending" and then
"Receiving" and the volume will change properly.


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[slim] SLimServer on different Subnet

2005-11-21 Thread sfraser

Quick Question, I quickly looked around the setup, is it possible to
operate a SB2 and Slimserver from different subnets? If so how do you
manually add the IP address/DNS name of each unit?



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Re: [slim] is 6.2.2 really 6.2.1?

2005-11-21 Thread Ben Sandee
On 11/21/05, Neil Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have the same situation; the download purports to be 6.2.2, but Slimserverreports 6.2.1...I think the 6.2.2 branch just hasn't had the version number updated in the codeline.  I wouldn't worry too much -- you're getting the 
6.2.2 branch from that URL even if it doesn't properly report the version in the software.Ben
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[slim] Re: SB3 works "sluggish"

2005-11-21 Thread Triode

Thanks Nestor.

Thoses results are close to what I see.  Above ~4000, the bottleneck is
either processing in the player or the TCP window size - i.e. this is
not really showing the upper bound on network bandwidth.  I will remove
the options above 4000 in case they confuse people...


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[slim] Re: 6.2.x unuseable for me

2005-11-21 Thread TechHome

Just an update and a THANKS for all who posted to help.  Slimserver
6.2.1 is running stable after I deleted the playlists that were causing
the errors.  The lauch from cmd window trick was very helpful.



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[slim] Re: Got SB3! Love it! Few feature requests...

2005-11-21 Thread seanadams

stuorguk Wrote: 
> For me, Ogg Vorbis is my encoder of choice for audio books and other
> vocal material.  For this, I would love to have the ability to FF&Rew. 
> Meny podcasts are now availabe in ogg and mp3, but I always go for mp3
> because of this issue.
> Stuart.

I'm sure this has come up on the developers' list at some point, but
FF/REW not working for transcoded formats is a probably fixable
limitation - it stems mainly from the fact that we can't seek when
reading a stream of output from the decoder. We would need more smarts
to seek in the source file and re-launch the decoder for each segment.


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[slim] Re: Got SB3! Love it! Few feature requests...

2005-11-21 Thread seanadams

Archimago Wrote: 
> Wow, just got my Squeezebox 3 right before the weekend and have been
> playing with it since.  Love it, and thanks for allowing me to "free
> the music"...  Slimserver 6.2.1 worked like a charm on the XP box used,
> no crashes so far.
> A few questions to the knowledgeable around features I would love to
> see:
> 1. How much firmware space is already used for the MP3, WAV, FLAC
> decoding engine on the SB?  Is there much room to add other decoders?
> 2. I would personally love to see native OGG decoding since this is
> open-source and readily available...
> 3. How about AAC native decoding like FAAD2? Does the 250MHz processor
> have enough "umph" to pull this off?  (I assume it must be able to if
> the iPod can do it!)
> 4. 96/24 - got some wonderful sounding tracks on my system in stereo
> 96kHz/24-bit that's waiting to be exploited on the hi-fi downstairs!
> Again, great product already but would LOVE to see the hardware fully
> exploited!
> Regards,
> Arch...

It's not a matter of code space or CPU speed, just that we are at a
point of vastly diminishing returns now for adding new codecs. WMA was
needed for DRM and streaming radio support, but beyond that there is
not much benefit to native Ogg etc. That's not to say we'll never
implement it, just that it's a pretty low priority compared to all the
other projects we have going on. You may be surprised that porting
codecs to an embedded DSP is a not a trivial task at all.

Again, not to say it won't happen - just not real soon.


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Re: [slim] Re: Slimserver 6.2.2

2005-11-21 Thread Andy Hawkins

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Actually, the SB2 is now playing all files OK.
> It is only the SB1`s which do not play flac files.
> Both SB1 and SB2 are using the same server settings (same slimserver)

I don't think the SB1 can play flac natively, so it will need a conversion
from either FLAC -> WAV or FLAC -> MP3 enabled in the file types. The SB2
*can* play FLAC, so doesn't need a conversion enabled.

Worth a check...


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[slim] Re: Got SB3! Love it! Few feature requests...

2005-11-21 Thread stuorguk

For me, Ogg Vorbis is my encoder of choice for audio books and other
vocal material.  For this, I would love to have the ability to FF&Rew. 
Meny podcasts are now availabe in ogg and mp3, but I always go for mp3
because of this issue.



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[slim] Re: Can SlimServer Take Input?

2005-11-21 Thread jweber

You can rig this up if you have software that can broadcast your audio
source as a MP3 stream (such as NiceCast on the Mac). Then you can just
tune into that stream on the SqueezeBox like it was an Internet Radio
station. There will be a significant delay, but it works.


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[slim] Re: Slimserver 6.2.2

2005-11-21 Thread JMACLAN


Actually, the SB2 is now playing all files OK.
It is only the SB1`s which do not play flac files.
Both SB1 and SB2 are using the same server settings (same slimserver)

Strange but true!



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[slim] Re: Date & Time

2005-11-21 Thread Triode

With the move to 6.2, the "None" screensaver no longer displays the date
and time - it displays a blank screen.

I suspect you have "None" set as the off screensaver?  If so, changing
this to "Date Time" will display the clock in the off mode.  [you can
do this from the player settings web pages or the player under settings
- screensavers]


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Re: [slim] is 6.2.2 really 6.2.1?

2005-11-21 Thread Neil Cameron
I have the same situation; the download purports to be 6.2.2, but Slimserver 
reports 6.2.1...


wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I downloaded and installed the fixes to 6.2.1, which by reading the
> website is suppose to be 6.2.2. Well everything that I read states
> 6.2.1
> The install package stated 6.2.1
> Slimserver via browser states 6.2.1
> Squeezebox2 states 6.2.1 and firmware version 28
> So I guess my question is what version of the software am I really
> downloading when I goto the following link:
> I'm running windows xp
> -- 
> bflatmajor
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[slim] Re: Got SB3! Love it! Few feature requests...

2005-11-21 Thread dip

Remembering the position _within_ a song is also only possible for
native formats. This is e.g. necessary if you use the bookmark plugin
of kdf which saves the current playlist along with the current song and
the position within the current song. That's why I would be very pleased
if ogg vorbis would be integrated in the firmware (almost all my songs
are in ogg vorbis).



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RE: [slim] Re: SB3 Wirleless Signal Strength

2005-11-21 Thread Chris Brooking
In my lounge I've just swapped out my original SB1 for a new SB3, and
the signal strength has gained 10-15%, from mid-40s to high 50s.  How
much of this is down to the antennae, and how much to the change from
802.11b to g, I don't know (I'd need access to an SB2 for that). 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of JJZolx
Sent: 17 November 2005 04:10
Subject: [slim] Re: SB3 Wirleless Signal Strength

greedy_grendel Wrote: 
> My SB3 arrived today and everything's cool, very impressed with the
> look! An earlier post asked about the wireless signal strength viz.
> SB3's implementation of fully internal antennae. 
> Well after setup I have found that with no change in environment,
> config, etc, just a straight swap between the SB2 for SB3 the wireless
> signal strength has dropped about 20%-30%. The SB2 was recording a
> signal strength of 88%-94%. The SB3 records 60%-70%.
> This post is just in the interest of recording the change for others,
> it is of little importance to me, as I'm still more than happy with
> results.
Thanks for the update.  Is that the signal strength being reported by
the SB or by your wireless access point?

Has anyone else done a comparison?  One thing that strikes me, even if
there's no real difference in antenna sensitivity, is that with the SB3
you don't have the option of changing the orientation of the antenna.



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[slim] Re: Slim Server WILL NOT START help please!

2005-11-21 Thread Jim

Desert_AIP Wrote: 
> The installation proceeds normally, but at the end I don't get the cue
> from the firewall that Slim Server wants to act as a server.  I got
> this cue on the other two machines.

Sounds like its blocked.  Go into the ZoneAlarm settings and make sure
it is ticked to allow.  Or delete it from there and run Slimserver
again and it should prompt.

Also make sure you are not running Windows Firewall (with SP2 you might
be) by checking the WIndows Firewall from control panel.



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[slim] Can SlimServer Take Input?

2005-11-21 Thread wei

Is it possible for SlimServer to take an audio file or stream as input
(through standard input, IP, or anything else)?  If so, can it then
redirect that to a squeezbox?

I tried to search the forum and see if anyone asked this before.  One
thread comes close and asks about the virtual sound driver.  It would
be nice that the SlimServer can act as a WDM audio driver to Windows,
so that other audio programs can use SB as well.  If it's not possible
for SlimServer to behave like audio driver, and if it's possible for
SlimServer to take a raw audio as input, then it's possible to write a
program to fake like a WDM driver and redirect the audio stream to
SlimServer, and in turn a SB.

I got this idea from my experience of doing real-time recording between
two Windows audio programs, of which one supports WDM only as output and
the other supports ASIO only as input.  It was  impossible at first
until the developer for my pro-audio card wrote a small program that
fakes the WDM driver on one end and outputs audio stream to the real
ASIO driver on the other end.

If it seems to be a feasible idea, I do not mind investigate more what
it takes.  Sorry for the long post.


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[slim] Slim Server WILL NOT START help please!

2005-11-21 Thread Desert_AIP

Sorry for the CAPS (frustration showing).  I installed SS 6.2.1 on 3
machines, 2 laptops and a desktop.  It works fine on the two laptops,
but the desktop is the one I want to use as a server.  (I also tried
this with SS 6.2, 6.1 and 5.something - same result with all of them). 

I'm running Windows XP on all machines with all the patches.  They also
have Zone Alarm (free) and McAfee Anti-virus.

The installation proceeds normally, but at the end I don't get the cue
from the firewall that Slim Server wants to act as a server.  I got
this cue on the other two machines.

When I look at the tray icon the server is stopped.  When I try to
start slimserver via the tray icon it just says "starting" forever.

If I go to the services viewer the service is listed as stopped, if I
try to manually start it I get an error box telling me "The SlimServer
service on Local Computer started then stopped.  Some services stop
automatically if they have no work to do, for example the Performance
Logs and Alert service."

If I use the command line and type "slim.exe" it tells me slim server
is already running.  
If I type "slim.exe -remove"  It tells me "slim server removed".  
If I then type "slim.exe" it tells me "slim server is already

I've tried removing and reinstalling with both the firewall and
anti-virus turned off.  I've removed it, deleted the folder in Program
Files and gone through the registry deleting every left over Slim
Server key.  Then reinstalled.  No dice.

I've tried shutting down all the other services running (that windows
will let me shut down) and tried to retart SS, no dice.

The event viewer gives me the following error:

Application Error
Category (100)
Event ID 1000

Faulting application slim.exe, version, faulting module
unknown, version, fault address 0x0012e838.

: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74   Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c   ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 73 6c 69   ure  sli
0018: 6d 2e 65 78 65 20 30 2e   m.exe 0.
0020: 30 2e 30 2e 30 20 69 6e   0.0.0 in
0028: 20 75 6e 6b 6e 6f 77 6eunknown
0030: 20 30 2e 30 2e 30 2e 300.0.0.0
0038: 20 61 74 20 6f 66 66 73at offs
0040: 65 74 20 30 30 31 32 65   et 0012e
0048: 38 33 38  838 

The error file that is generated when I reboot is:

I just got my Squeezebox in the mail and want to set it up, please
anyone help!


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[slim] Re: I could really use some help!

2005-11-21 Thread snarlydwarf

Jim Wrote: 
> Could be the cable but as with most nice and simple wired things it
> either works or it doesn't.

Usually true, but I've seen cables do neat things when, for example, a
phone installer runs them and isn't quite clear on the 'why' of twisted
pair.  (Hint: twisting TX+/RX+ and TX-/RX- doesn't work...  or it
"mostly" works kinda, but tends to drop like mad when the traffic gets

It really is possible to have cables that are intermittent.  (The wrong
twist and all you defeat the whole point of twisted pair, making it very
susceptible to any sort of interference, even its own echos on the

I could see something like that working for a typical laptop cruising
the 'net, but dying when it gets more substantial traffic.


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Re: [slim] Re: Feature request

2005-11-21 Thread Michael Herger

Also, if I have a playlist containing multiple radio stations (e.g.
'Talk & News Radio.m3u' or 'Classical Music Radio.m3u'), then the name
of the playlist displays, not the name of the track (i.e. radio station
name) within the playlist. I have several hundred radio stations
conveniently categorized into a few playlists and have no interest in
splitting them up into individual playlists for each station.

You're asking for much intelligence in a rather simple plugin. How should  
it take the decision whether to display the playlist name or the stream  
name? You yourself tell me that sometimes you prefer having the playlist,  
sometimes the stream name... You want the plugin to decide what you can't?  

Display playlist name for radio stations?
1) Always
2) Never
3) When Empty

But as you mentioned you sometimes play a stream from a playlist, but want  
it to show the stream's name. Selecting "always" would have the same  
effect as using the PLAYLIST tag (in this case, not in the case of a  
simple song file).

It might also be useful to add a fourth option when the string contains
unprintable characters (e.g. foreign-language, unicode, etc.) as often
encountered with international stations.

Strings aren't unprintable. It's a question of your setup. You can have  
unicode or foreign-language strings on the player's display. Hey, even  
English is a foreign to me :-).



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Re: [slim] Re: Got SB3! Love it! Few feature requests...

2005-11-21 Thread Michael Herger

Just curious (and not directed at Archimago)... Why do we have all
these calls for various native decoding capabilities at the Squeezebox?
Other than saving a few CPU cycles on the server, there's not a big

FFWD & Co. won't work with transcoded streams. And I'm running slimserver  
on a C3/600, others even on NAS devices with CPUs at <300MHz - there's not  
much power left for transcoding several streams at a time.



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Re: [slim] Re: Problem refreshing handheld skin from pda

2005-11-21 Thread Michael Herger

I'm not sure how I would display the web page code.

I fear it's not possible on the Palm. Can you save the page to a file? You  
could then use any text editor to display it.

Give me some hints
and I'll try tomorrow.  I can display the hyperlink for the web page
however if that is what you are asking about.

Yes, please do so.



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[slim] Re: Got SB3! Love it! Few feature requests...

2005-11-21 Thread sbjaerum

JJZolx Wrote: 
> Why do we have all these calls for various native decoding capabilities
> at the Squeezebox?  Other than saving a few CPU cycles on the server,
> there's not a big advantage.

May be not a huge advantage, but FFWD/REW is only possible when
transcoding is not done.



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[slim] Re: Got SB3! Love it! Few feature requests...

2005-11-21 Thread JJZolx

Archimago Wrote: 
> Wow, just got my Squeezebox 3 right before the weekend and have been
> playing with it since.  Love it, and thanks for allowing me to "free
> the music"...  Slimserver 6.2.1 worked like a charm on the XP box used,
> no crashes so far.
> A few questions to the knowledgeable around features I would love to
> see:
> 1. How much firmware space is already used for the MP3, WAV, FLAC
> decoding engine on the SB?  Is there much room to add other decoders?
> 2. I would personally love to see native OGG decoding since this is
> open-source and readily available...
> 3. How about AAC native decoding like FAAD2? Does the 250MHz processor
> have enough "umph" to pull this off?  (I assume it must be able to if
> the iPod can do it!)
> 4. 96/24 - got some wonderful sounding tracks on my system in stereo
> 96kHz/24-bit that's waiting to be exploited on the hi-fi downstairs!
> Again, great product already but would LOVE to see the hardware fully
> exploited!
Just curious (and not directed at Archimago)... Why do we have all
these calls for various native decoding capabilities at the Squeezebox?
Other than saving a few CPU cycles on the server, there's not a big

Flac made sense in that you can do away with full-bandwidth WAV
streaming of lossless audio for a less bandwidth intensive format by
transcoding at the server.  I think  the fact that many of us have
libraries encoded in flac is secondary.  The fact that flac is open
source just means that the encoder is available for all the platforms
that SlimServer targets.  I don't think that the open-source religious
arguments were a deciding factor, though I could be wrong on that.

Other formats make sense in support of streaming 'net radio for the use
of the serverless SqueezeNetwork.  WMA is a good example - I doubt that
it was added for any other reason.  I suspect other native formats that
follow in the near future will also be in support of radio streaming.



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