Re: [slim] Squeezebox Server v7.5.3 Update error message

2011-01-27 Thread gizek

If nothing helps try to uninstall and manually delete all remaining
folders and files related to SBS. Install new version and rescan the


very good music > Transporter > Adcom GFP-750 > Citation II tube
monoblocks > Proac Response D2; Cardas Neutral Reference all over

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Re: [slim] Music Folder

2011-01-27 Thread gizek

Happened to me once. Reinstalling SBS solved the problem. Don't forget
to delete the playlist folder too. 

I could not really pinpoint the problem. I think one of the reason was
disconnecting the external HDD where I kept all my music library. For
some reason, SBS was not able to see any files in any folder even after
HDD was reconnected. It happened only in Windows system though. After I
switched to Linux, all my problems with SBS magically disappeared :-)


very good music > Transporter > Adcom GFP-750 > Citation II tube
monoblocks > Proac Response D2; Cardas Neutral Reference all over

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Re: [slim] Announcing SqueezePad - the first dedicated iPad App to controll your SqueezeBoxen !

2011-01-27 Thread Fvhemert

Just upgraded to version 7.5.3 R31792 of the SqueezeServer for Windows
Home Server. i have a couple op Classics and they connect without
problems but SqueezePad has trouble starting and connecting to the
server. The yellow alert box"connecting to the server" keeps flashing
in a very high frequency and sometimes it manages to connect.

Overall behaviour is slow and playback on the iPad (softsqueeze)
frequently freezes or interrupts.

Any ideas?


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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread erland

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

pippin;606023 Wrote: 
> 2. OK, now you've got them set up now you want to use them. Simple, ey?
> Just select the group, right? But what do you actually expect to happen
> then? Erland's suggestion was to use this as a "new target". That won't
> work with the SB architecture, SBS can only target a player so you will
> have to establish the sync setting or at least choose a player _before_
> playing. If you do it before and we talk about 5 players you are in for
> four 1s playback interruptions while the other players join...
I won't argue regarding what's possible, most things are possible, it's
just a matter how complex it gets, but I think there needs to be
paradigm shift here, I want to control a "scene" or a "player". I want
to be able to "expand" a player into a scene as long as the player is
part of the scene definition. In the same way I want to be able to
expand a "scene" into a bigger "scene", for example first play on
"bottom floor" and then expand into "whole house". Two individual
"scenes" should be able to play music separately as long as they don't
have overlapping players, although I'm not sure how common this is
going to be unless you live in a mansion. More common, it should be
possible to play separate music on a specific player at the same time
as a scene (not including that player) is playing some other music, for
example playing some music on the bedroom Radio on the upper floor at
the same time as you play other music on the "bottom floor" scene.

I don't think I have any need to stop playing music on an individual
player which is part of a "scene" currently playing music. People might
feel that it would be nice, but in a real world scenario you would
probably just switch to another scene instead. For example, I'm playing
music in "whole house" scene, if I want to stop music in the bedrooms on
the upper floor I would now just select to limit the "whole house" music
to the bottom floor by switching to the "bottom floor" scene.

You can choose to make this really advanced but that's already what we
got. At the moment we have full flexibility to do exactly what we want,
the problem with the current solution is that it's too flexible so it
gets more or less unusable.

So my advice would be to:
- It doesn't matter if it gets complex to configure it, because that's
what you do once
- It have to be really easy to use. I don't think you need a lot of
choices during usage, possibly with the exception of the people that
live in a mansion and have the area to really play music in a lot of
zones simultaneously.
- It doesn't matter if it disturbs music when I change scene but it's
more important that it doesn't loose the playlist I want to continue

Maybe we are just talking about functionality to be able to move/expand
the current playlist from a "player" or "scene" into another "scene" ? 
To be able to move the playlist, the logic in the background would be
to do the correct syncing/unsyncing, but from a user perspective it
would just be a "move playlist" operation.

Still, if you want me to be honest, I'm not even sure how many people
who have a need to play two different music streams on their system
when a scene is playing. Most people would probably be very happy if
they could just:
- Play separate music on individual players
- Play music on the active scene (where only one could be active at a
specific time)

But this might be different for all the iPeng users who live in a
mansion and have a bit more rooms than I have in my apartment...

pippin;606023 Wrote: 
> You will also be able to say whether you want to also store volume
> settings.
This is another thing that's never worked good for me when I have a mix
of players where some players (Radio/Boom) have built-in speakers (where
I definitely don't want to have the volume at 100%) and other players
(Classic/Touch) are connected to an external amplifier (where I always
want the player volume to be 100% since it's controlled by the

I guess the solution might be to start controlling the Classic/Touch
through the player volume instead of the amplifier volume control.

I'm not sure exactly how to solve it but you want to avoid at all costs
that a Radio/Boom starts playing at 100% just because

Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread GeeJay

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

Philip Meyer;606008 Wrote: 
> I'd actually like a 4th mode, an "I" symbol for song info, so that
> default action of touching a song could be set to bring up song info
> (same as long-touch).  i.e. a non-destructive action, to get a list of
> song actions that can be selected (Play/Play Next/Add to End would be
> presented).  This would provide me with a quicker way to rate tracks
> that aren't actually playing (something I often want to do on tracks in
> NP playlist, but it's cumbersome to long-touch each track in turn,
> scroll down to rating, and select the star rating).

I really didn't like the suggestions in the poll, particularly if it
takes away any of the current functionality.  I do like this change
Phil proposed.


2-SB3s, 1-Duet, 1-Touch...and an iPeng convert.

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[slim] Replacement wifi card for SBv3?

2011-01-27 Thread Evets

I've been reading the threads that I can find about replacement wifi
card recommendations, but all of the recs so far have been unavailable
through the U.S.A. distributors I've found. This one in particular -
TP-Link TL-WN560G - seems unavailable in the U.S. I've read the part
about the Athereon(sp?) chip being a requirement for compatibility, by
the name, even when I spell it correctly, isn't helping me find a
suitable replacement.

Any recommendations for a currently available (in the U.S.) replacement
WiFi card for my SBv3?



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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread pippin

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

Philip Meyer;606008 Wrote: 
> Can't think of much else at the moment, except I miss not seeing
> ghosted scrollbar when scrolling long lists.  I get it on some lists,
> but not others.  eg. scrollbar shows progress when scrolling through
> Favorites, but not when scrolling through Browse New Music.
Agree. I should probably clean that up.
As it is now I follow Apple's interface guidelines (HIG) which say
"don't show the scroll bar whenever there's an index bar.
I'm missing it, too, though so time to deviate from the

Philip Meyer;606010 Wrote: 
> >One enhancement I'd like to see is making it possible to see small
> >thumbnails of the ablum artwork when looking at the tracks in a
> >playlist.  This would be useful when examining a playlist of shuffled
> >tracks.  If not artwork, perhaps the album title/artist could be
> >included in the track listing.
> I'd like that too.  Maybe then touch song artwork could play song (or
> if configured, play album starting at this song), and touch song title
> to bring up Song Info (i.e. shortcut to long-touch for More action) [or
> the other way round].
Hm. Here I do have conflicting requests.
Some people want more text (for longer titles), some want images.
I'll see, the image-thingy would be kind of a no-brainer since I did
already do one for iPad. Now on iPad there's much more space,

Philip Meyer;606011 Wrote: 
> >This is another one of the things I probably will do anyway, just
> want
> >to understand how important it is to people. The idea is to have
> >synchronization "scenes" that you can save and re-activate. This will
> >make synchronization setup more effort (if dig into it you'll find
> >there's quite a few decisions to take her) but after you've done
> that,
> >selecting synchronization may be a bit more straightforward. It's not
> >actually faster but it's easier to understand.
> Thinking about this again - how would it work?  When I sync players, I
> often add other players to a sync group so that it continues to play
> the current song, but on additional players.
> If there are sync "scenes", what music would be kept in the playlist
> for the scene?

I want to counter one notion that is quite ubiquitous here, and that is
that sync scenes would make anything _simpler_. They will not.
Sync scenes are kind of simple to understand and to communicate things
("sync all group", "everything on first floor"). But they come at a
1. You have to set them up. And here you need to make a lot of
decisions, too: Do I want to store volume settings, too? Do I want to
drop players that are not part of the group?
2. OK, now you've got them set up now you want to use them. Simple, ey?
Just select the group, right? But what do you actually expect to happen
then? Erland's suggestion was to use this as a "new target". That won't
work with the SB architecture, SBS can only target a player so you will
have to establish the sync setting or at least choose a player _before_
playing. If you do it before and we talk about 5 players you are in for
four 1s playback interruptions while the other players join...
OK, so you just use it as a sync setting, selecting a scene will
configure the sync settings of the players involved. Now what do you
play on them? What happens to the others? Do you have a definite master
(hard in the SB environment).

No, Sync Scenes might be cool (and looking at the poll they will
probably the first thing I do from the list) but they will _not_ make
life easier compared to iPeng's current solution.

Here's what I plan to do, though:
1. Setup: You will be able to save a currently active sync setting. You
will also be able to only use some of the current players and to exclude
You will also be able to say whether you want to also store volume
You can only store _ONE_ group at a time (under one name). This is
important for the actual use.
2. Use: You can select a stored group. This will sync all the contained
players, unsync others if that was selected and set volume if that was
selected. Also, iPeng will ask which of the playlists involved you want
to use. Now you are in for your x playback interruptions...


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 

Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread pippin

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

Philip Meyer;606008 Wrote: 
> I'd actually like a 4th mode, an "I" symbol for song info, so that
> default action of touching a song could be set to bring up song info
> (same as long-touch).  i.e. a non-destructive action, to get a list of
> song actions that can be selected (Play/Play Next/Add to End would be
> presented).  This would provide me with a quicker way to rate tracks
> that aren't actually playing (something I often want to do on tracks in
> NP playlist, but it's cumbersome to long-touch each track in turn,
> scroll down to rating, and select the star rating).
How long have you been with iPeng? Versions 1.0.x had _exactly_ this
feature :)
A lot of people found the number of modes too much so I moved the
feature to the "long press". Also, this was when Logitech started to
settle on the long press for context menus for SqueezePlay.
Oh yes, the good old times...


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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[slim] Squeezebox Server v7.5.3 Update error message

2011-01-27 Thread Gatineau Ross

Howdy Gentlemen,
Squeezebox Server version 7.5.3 won't update on my Windows 7 operating
system and as a result I don't have access to the web based interface
to control my SB3.  
I get the following error message.
An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file: Delete
File failed; code 5.
Access is denied.

What do I have to do to get the update installed on my system?


Gatineau Ross

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread Phil Meyer
>I want artist images, both in the menus and especially in the now
>playing screen, can be automatically retrieved from LastFM web services
>or similar online sites.
Not bothered by artist images.  Would make artist list longer/slower to flick 
scroll through, and slow to retrieve artist images.

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread Phil Meyer
>For instance, as soon as you start iPeng, show a 4x4 grid worth of
>buttons that you could assign something to, kind of like a preset on
>the Radio.
That's a good idea - my wife loves presets, rather than navigating any menus.  
Just albums or radio stations, I think.  Could be 3x3 grid for larger artwork 

Also, when browsing in album context, an option to toggle small/large artwork 
mode, and change album sort mode.
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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread Phil Meyer
>This is another one of the things I probably will do anyway, just want
>to understand how important it is to people. The idea is to have
>synchronization "scenes" that you can save and re-activate. This will
>make synchronization setup more effort (if dig into it you'll find
>there's quite a few decisions to take her) but after you've done that,
>selecting synchronization may be a bit more straightforward. It's not
>actually faster but it's easier to understand.
Thinking about this again - how would it work?  When I sync players, I often 
add other players to a sync group so that it continues to play the current 
song, but on additional players.

If there are sync "scenes", what music would be kept in the playlist for the 
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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread Phil Meyer
>One enhancement I'd like to see is making it possible to see small
>thumbnails of the ablum artwork when looking at the tracks in a
>playlist.  This would be useful when examining a playlist of shuffled
>tracks.  If not artwork, perhaps the album title/artist could be
>included in the track listing.
I'd like that too.  Maybe then touch song artwork could play song (or if 
configured, play album starting at this song), and touch song title to bring up 
Song Info (i.e. shortcut to long-touch for More action) [or the other way 
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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread Phil Meyer
>I'll also deliberately mix iPhone and iPad developments here since both
>require effort and if 10 people want something done on iPad it may be
>more important than 5 people wanting something on iPhone.
I'm using iPeng on iPhone 3G only.

>* New "Non-Swipe" User Interface for the "NowPlaying" screen on iPhone.
I quite like the swipes here.  No need to remove swipes, even if you do add 
buttons (like Touch UI).

The only thing I found a bit confusing here is when I turn iPhone to landscape 
orientation.  Swipes don't work (can't get to playlist/player selection).  
Touching the screen toggles between show/hide info, and also a left-arrow and 
what looked like right-arrow.  I thought maybe these were buttons to get to the 
playlist and player selection screens, but the left-arrow goes to Browse menus, 
and the "right-arrow" was actually the play button :-)

>player selection instead of the trash can.
You could just have the trash can button on the playlist screen, doesn't make 
much sense to me on Now Playing track screen.
Maybe NP screen could have a button to show playlist instead (same as 

>* New "SqueezePlay like" menu operation. This would drop the iPeng
>specifics in that tapping artwork would no longer play the album
I quite like touch-to-play on album artwork.
A nice enhancement here would be for long-touch on artwork to show options to 
either Play/Play Next/Add to End for the album (single-touch to do default 
action).  i.e. same interface as for touching a track, but for album context.

>there would no longer be "playback modes" but only SP's default action
>would be used.
I don't like that idea.  I don't like touch-to-play on songs.

I'd actually like a 4th mode, an "I" symbol for song info, so that default 
action of touching a song could be set to bring up song info (same as 
long-touch).  i.e. a non-destructive action, to get a list of song actions that 
can be selected (Play/Play Next/Add to End would be presented).  This would 
provide me with a quicker way to rate tracks that aren't actually playing 
(something I often want to do on tracks in NP playlist, but it's cumbersome to 
long-touch each track in turn, scroll down to rating, and select the star 

>Oh, and "play shuffled" would fall away.
Not sure how to "play shuffled" at the moment.

>* Main player controls permanently accessible.
Don't like the idea of losing space for browsing.  I find it quick enough to 
touch button to get to NP, and can click Left-Arrow to get back to last browse 
And when flick-scrolling a browse list, I may accidentally touch the player 

>Sonos drops the quick access "Tab Bar" items for it so you always have
>to go through the main menu and actually I believe this is probably the
>only way to really find enough space so my suggestion would include
>this, too.
I like the customisable Tab Bar.  It looks correct for iPhone styling.

>This is another one of the things I probably will do anyway, just want
>to understand how important it is to people. The idea is to have
>synchronization "scenes" that you can save and re-activate.
Yes, that would be nice to have.

>If you are happy with iPeng looks like now and would prefer additional
>features instead, here's your chance to tell me what that would be.
Can't think of much else at the moment, except I miss not seeing ghosted 
scrollbar when scrolling long lists.  I get it on some lists, but not others.  
eg. scrollbar shows progress when scrolling through Favorites, but not when 
scrolling through Browse New Music.

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Re: [slim] First "bedroom" system

2011-01-27 Thread Stratmangler

Gazjam;606005 Wrote: 
> My 16yr olds into Primus and loves Joes Garage...
> fun being a Dad innit?

Absolutely ..
I wouldn't swap it for the world.


There is no element of personal attack in my response.

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Re: [slim] First "bedroom" system

2011-01-27 Thread Gazjam

My 16yr olds into Primus and loves Joes Garage...

fun being a Dad innit?


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Re: [slim] First "bedroom" system

2011-01-27 Thread Stratmangler

I might just have the only 10 year old who likes both Hot Rats and
Studio Tan by Frank Zappa, and Swordfishtrombones by Tom Waits.

Something I'm very proud of is that he cannot stand the homogenised
autotuned pap that gets passed off as "Pop Music" these days.

Chris :)


There is no element of personal attack in my response.

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Re: [slim] First "bedroom" system

2011-01-27 Thread garym

The Beatles are a fairly easy sell, but it's a beautiful thing to see
youngsters listening to Neil Young (and Led Zep). My 13 year old nephew
has recently become a fan of early Led Zep, the Who, and Stevie Ray
Vaughn. "There's no sampling here, son. Just the real thing..."


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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread spedinfargo

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

One thing that I would like to see is a VERY simple favorites or
"presets" screen that you could have shown when iPeng starts.

For instance, as soon as you start iPeng, show a 4x4 grid worth of
buttons that you could assign something to, kind of like a preset on
the Radio.

Each button could have a player and favorite assigned to it:  Nursery
-> Lullabies.  Home -> Mom's Favorites.  Could also maybe assign a
little icon to it.

When one of the buttons is pressed, it goes into Ipeng as normal (Now
Playing screen).  There could be a button to go from this Favorites
window into Now Playing.

Of course, this could be an option that could be disabled.

This would be KILLER for my wife as far as usability goes...  Right now
she's intimidated by iPeng...


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[slim] First "bedroom" system

2011-01-27 Thread Stratmangler

Earlier on this week I finally succumbed to the lure of the Squeezebox
Touch, largely funded by monies received as Christmas and Birthday
presents (I'm a January Capricorn).

This left the SB3 (nee Classic), which has given sterling service for
the last 4 years with no role to perform.

This has led to the SB3 being donated to my 10 year old son's first
bedroom system.
Lucky lad - I could only dream of having such a good music source when
I was his age.

I managed to rustle up some stopgap powered PC speakers (methinks a
T-Amp and maybe a pair of Richer Sounds clearance speakers beckon), and
these were duly hooked up to the SB3 via the headphone output.

To cut a long story short, we've been listening to The Beatles (he
really likes The Beatles), Thin Lizzy, Bad Company and Neil Young (with
and without Crazy Horse), and having a whale of a time.

My son is like a dog with two tails - he doesn't know which one to

I'm just happy that he's happy.
He's also got access to a pretty large and eclectic music collection -
I introduced him to Led Zeppelin last month, and they went down very

We've also had a laugh controlling it all from a network connected
computer, and also from my Android running SmartPhone, running Squeeze
So lots of food for thought there too.

So thank you Slim Devices for devising the Squeezebox, and thanks
Logitech for catching the ball and running with it - you've made two
souls here very happy, and you have our gratitude.

Chris :D


There is no element of personal attack in my response.

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Re: [slim] Cannot play anything since 7.5.3

2011-01-27 Thread acanning

I also have a similar problem. I like to browse through my music using
the folder structure and this worked fine before I upgraded to 7.5.3.
Now it doesn't seem to want to play any of the wav files (most of my
music) but does seem to play mp3 files...very odd.

I'm just doing a complete rescan to see if that helps but I'm not

Can anyone help?



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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread pippin

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

epoch1970;605940 Wrote: 
> Another Kind Of Blue, if possible.
Sorry, THAT was the other alternative I wanted to have in the poll and
that I forgot about: different color scheme...
> I don't know if this makes sense, but could ipeng use the microphone in
> the iphone/ipad to support some sort of audio correction plugin ?

No experience with that. Would that even work?


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread epoch1970

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

I voted for a new UI for the iPad main screen.
I can't vote against a suggestion but surely I would hate to see
swiping disappear. More gestures and less buttons. This is not a
Another Kind Of Blue, if possible.

I don't know if this makes sense, but could ipeng use the microphone in
the iphone/ipad to support some sort of audio correction plugin ?


Daily dose delivered by: 2 SB Classic (fw 130), 1 SB Boom (fw 50) •
SqueezeCenter 7.3.4 (Debian 5.0) with plugins: ContextMenu,
SaverSwitcher by Peter Watkins • Server Power Control by Gordon Harris
•  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld • IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) •
FindArt, CDplayer by bpa • BBC iPlayer, SwitchPlayer by Triode •
PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • TrackStat by Erland Isaksson.

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Re: [slim] Wake on LAN for Mac?

2011-01-27 Thread epoch1970

On the mac:
System Preferences>Energy Saver
then check "Wake for Network access"


Daily dose delivered by: 2 SB Classic (fw 130), 1 SB Boom (fw 50) •
SqueezeCenter 7.3.4 (Debian 5.0) with plugins: ContextMenu,
SaverSwitcher by Peter Watkins • Server Power Control by Gordon Harris
•  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld • IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) •
FindArt, CDplayer by bpa • BBC iPlayer, SwitchPlayer by Triode •
PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • TrackStat by Erland Isaksson.

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread Raiden2001

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

erland;605894 Wrote: 
> I want artist images, both in the menus and especially in the now
> playing screen, can be automatically retrieved from LastFM web services
> or similar online sites.
Great idea +1
Maybe an optional swipe menu with artist screen and/or lyrics screen?
This would be much nicer than accessing the pages via context menu.


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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread pippin

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

Copy & Paste is indeed a nice idea. Would somebody file a ticket for



see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread erland

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

)p(;605908 Wrote: 
> I love the current ui so all good there.
> What I really would like to see is copy and paste support in the
> context menu's. Think for example of copying an artist name from the
> biography plugin, lastfm plugin etc. You could then paste it in a
> spotify search. Or in another app like wikipedia. I think it might also
> be cool to be able to open links in an embedded version of safari. But
> the main thing for me is to be able to copy and paste.
I would prefer a "Search on" context menu for artists on the Biography
plugin, but if that isn't possible it would be nice with copy+paste.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread pippin

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

peterw;605862 Wrote: 
> Have you looked at The Synchronizer? It sounds like you have much the
> same goal. Perhaps you & Eric could agree on some way to track
> settings, like another pref file. Both of you could subscribe to pref
> change events in order to know when a user made changes?

Yes, that would indeed be good. I want this to work without the need
for a plugin but the plugin would still be very useful for all other
UIs. Plus it does a bit more than just defining sync groups.

And yes, having this interoperable definitely makes sense.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread erland

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

pippin;605825 Wrote: 
> There are a few items (for now, suggestions welcome) in this area, both
> centering around "making iPeng more simple". Generally, making things
> more simple usually comes at the price of making it less efficient to
> use or by dropping functionality so this would certainly be an option -
> but probably the default one.
I don't want simple, I want effective and full of features. 

pippin;605825 Wrote: 
> This is another one of the things I probably will do anyway, just want
> to understand how important it is to people. The idea is to have
> synchronization "scenes" that you can save and re-activate. This will
> make synchronization setup more effort (if dig into it you'll find
> there's quite a few decisions to take her) but after you've done that,
> selecting synchronization may be a bit more straightforward. It's not
> actually faster but it's easier to understand.
> @other developers: If you are reading this and if you are going to
> implement something like this, too, please let's talk. What I'm
> planning to do will work with several devices without requiring a
> plugin (but probably not on MySB; not that syncing makes much sense on
> MySB) and it would make so little sense to have different solutions for
> this, so that you will have to define your sync groups twice.
> My current plan is to just implement it and then to document how it
> works in a bug on
It would be great with a solution where I could define sync
groups/scenes once and then use them in all interfaces. It doesn't have
to work in all interfaces from the start, but it would be great with a
solution which stored the sync groups/scenes centrally where also other
plugins/applets can access them.

I basically just want to:
1. Select where to play stuff
2. Select what to play

Should be two simple operations. I don't need to be able to sync
individual players, I want to define the sync groups I use in advance
and then just select a sync group and start playing music on it. I
realize it can get complicated when you allow a player to be part of
two sync groups but I think most people only need to:
- Select to play something on an individual player
- Select to play something in a predefined group of players

When I select to play something on a group of players, I basically want
all overlapping groups to stop playing music and instead start playing
music in the group I've selected. Individual players outside the
selected group that played music should of course continue to play the
previous music as long as they weren't part of the selected sync group.
If I select an individual player in a group and select to play something
else, it stops the music in the group and only plays the new stuff on
the individual player.

I think most people will have a fairly small set of groups. For
- Whole house
- Bottom floor
- Upper floor

The issue I have with synchronization is that it really only gets
simple if you have players with built-in speakers. For players like the
Classic or Touch I still need to use a separate IR remote to turn on the
amplifier so it's never going to be as simple as I want. The only
solution to make it good with players without built-in speakers would
be if iPeng implemented some kind of multi room IR blaster
functionality. However, I suspect this is a bit outside the current

Still, I can't really say that synchronization is an important feature
for me personally.
pippin;605825 Wrote: 
> If you are happy with iPeng looks like now and would prefer additional
> features instead, here's your chance to tell me what that would be.
I want artist images, both in the menus and especially in the now
playing screen, can be automatically retrieved from LastFM web services
or similar online sites.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (

Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread pippin

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

Rick B.;605871 Wrote: 
> iPeng as player, please. That will change my life!

Um... As I said in my first sentence: that one us now ready and just
waiting for App Store approval.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread maggior

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

luga00;605880 Wrote: 
> I'm constantly looking at the App update screen in the hope that iPeng
> as a player has been implemented.

You can use another app as a player - squeezecast.  I've found it to
work quite well.  The app is cheap - cheaper than iPeng.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch, iPeng on iPod
Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and
Current library stats: 33,696 songs, 2,720 albums, 499 artists.

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread luga00

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

I'm constantly looking at the App update screen in the hope that iPeng
as a player has been implemented.


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[slim] Wake on LAN for Mac?

2011-01-27 Thread Kyle

How do I configure this so that when I power up my SB3 it will wake my
iMac from slumber?



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Re: [slim] Confused about current products

2011-01-27 Thread Mnyb

Don't forget that a Controller can actually controll your Squeezebox3
and slimp3 (but Slimp3 requires local server 100% of the time).

And the Touch could also be used for controlling the other players, but
that is less useful but it can be done.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH and
assorted amps SiriuS, Classe' Primare and Dynadio speakers, Contour 4
Contour Center, and Contour 1.3SE rear ch. Rel Stadium 3 sub.
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)


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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread Rick B.

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

iPeng as player, please. That will change my life!

Rick B.

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Re: [slim] Confused about current products

2011-01-27 Thread jest

Thanks to everyone for the detailed and helpful responses.

I did indeed think the Receiver was not available separately, as it's
not listed on the Logitech site, but if this is a temporary state of
affairs, then OK.

I might have been willing to get a single Duet (to provide the
Controller) and then additional Receivers. But it does seems as if the
Touch is the best for my purposes, especially if it's true that its DAC
is high quality. If it's got better sound than a Receiver, it's worth
the extra money, regardless of the Controller issue.

I was also concerned that the Touch could _only_ be controlled through
the touch interface--in one location I'd want to have it in a
physically inaccessible area--but I now see that it does come with a
plain controller, i.e. it doesn't require the separate expensive

So I will think about using the Touch, perhaps in combination with my
existing Squeezebox 3 (my SliMP3 we'll regard as a museum piece :-) ).
In one location there will always be a computer, so there I might just
use Softsqueeze with a USB-DAC.


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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread Ron Thigpen
I don't think I'm interested in any of the first four changes.  They all 
seem like compromises to make things simpler for a novice user.  I'm not 
a novice user, and I don't want to lose functionality.

I do use both the iPhone and iPad iPeng versions.

The New Main Screen for iPad is intruiging, but not knowing specifics, 
it's hard to root for it being first in line.

I run a multi-room system with various sync'ing scenarios, so I'd have 
to think that the sync scene feature would be the most useful for me.

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread peterw

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

Have you looked at The Synchronizer? It sounds like you have much the
same goal. Perhaps you & Eric could agree on some way to track
settings, like another pref file. Both of you could subscribe to pref
change events in order to know when a user made changes?

Free plugins:  'AllQuiet'
( 'Auto Dim/AutoDisplay'
( 'BlankSaver'
( 'ContextMenu'
( 'DenonSerial'
'FuzzyTime' ( 'KidsPlay'
( 'KitchenTimer'
( 'PlayLog'
( 'SaverSwitcher'
( 'SleepFade'
( 'StatusFirst'
( 'SyncOptions'
( 'VolumeLock'

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Re: [slim] Squeezecenter on Mac

2011-01-27 Thread Kyle

yorkio;605837 Wrote: 
> To the right of the divider. (I've no idea what determines that – is it
> apps only on the left, I wonder?
Must be. I said "below" because I keep my dock on the left side.



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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread Dave Dewey
> This is another one of the things I probably will do anyway, just want
> to understand how important it is to people. The idea is to have
> synchronization "scenes" that you can save and re-activate. This will
> make synchronization setup more effort (if dig into it you'll find
> there's quite a few decisions to take her) but after you've done that,
> selecting synchronization may be a bit more straightforward. It's not
> actually faster but it's easier to understand.

I don't sync very often, but when I do I find it tricky and
difficult to figure out between the various UIs (web, iPeng).
Probably that's because I do it so infrequently I have to relearn it
each time, but a sychronization 'scene' seems to make a lot of sense
to me. I'm pretty much always going to want to sync the same players
in the same way, so jumping through a lot of hoops to do that each
time doesn't make a lot of sense.  

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread pippin

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

maggior;605834 Wrote: 
> Frankly, I'm happy with the iPeng is now.  If you make changes to the
> "swiping", will it be configurable so you can continue to use it that
> way?
Definitely. The old UI would stay as a whole as "Advanced UI".


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [slim] Squeezecenter on Mac

2011-01-27 Thread yorkio

Kyle;605830 Wrote: 
> Can it go anywhere in the dock or just below the divider?

To the right of the divider. (I've no idea what determines that – is it
apps only on the left, I wonder?


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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread maggior

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

fphredd;605833 Wrote: 
> Hitting album cover to play full album is so simple, even my wife smiled
> on the first try...

I like that feature too and would miss it.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch, iPeng on iPod
Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and
Current library stats: 33,696 songs, 2,720 albums, 499 artists.

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread Jeff Flowerday

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

I love it.  In fact I wish iPeng for iPad had swipe playlist access
instead of the button.


Jeff Flowerday

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Re: [slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread fphredd

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Which of these iPeng enhancements would be most important for

- Non-Swipe Now-Playing UI for iPhone
- "SqueezePlay-like" menu operation
- Main Player controls permanently available instead of shortcut bar
- Smaller and lower resolution artwork
- New Main Screen UI for iPad
- Advanced Synchronization
- Additional Functionality (please elaborate)

Hitting album cover to play full album is so simple, even my wife smiled
on the first try...


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Re: [slim] Squeezecenter on Mac

2011-01-27 Thread Kyle

yorkio;605803 Wrote: 
> Yes, you can. Go to /Library/PreferencePanes and then just drag
> Squeezebox.prefPane into the dock – it even preserves the Squeezebox
> icon.
Can it go anywhere in the dock or just below the divider?



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[slim] iPeng roadmap poll

2011-01-27 Thread pippin

OK, the main task for now - preparing a playback for iPeng - is done and
waiting Apple's approval so I want to follow bluegaspode's example and
ask users for opinions on a few new developments for iPeng.

This will not be exclusive - I have a few other things I really find
cool and that are to a large part already developed and that will
definitely come, but I don't want to talk about these.

But for some other aspects I would like to understand the priorities of
my users.
I'll also deliberately mix iPhone and iPad developments here since both
require effort and if 10 people want something done on iPad it may be
more important than 5 people wanting something on iPhone.

So here it is, I will cluster things a bit:
There are a few items (for now, suggestions welcome) in this area, both
centering around "making iPeng more simple". Generally, making things
more simple usually comes at the price of making it less efficient to
use or by dropping functionality so this would certainly be an option -
but probably the default one.

* New "Non-Swipe" User Interface for the "NowPlaying" screen on iPhone.
Some people are confused with having to swipe to access the different
"subpages" on the NowPlaying screen. The price for this will probably
be to add new/other buttons (other ideas welcome) to the NowPlaying
screen to bring up the player selection and the current playlist. CP
would probably work like on SqueezePlay, player selection instead of
the trash can.

* New "SqueezePlay like" menu operation. This would drop the iPeng
specifics in that tapping artwork would no longer play the album and
there would no longer be "playback modes" but only SP's default action
would be used. Oh, and "play shuffled" would fall away.
Main drawback would be that without "Party Mode" there will be more
actions doing "destructive play" by default and it will be harder to
build playlists.

* Main player controls permanently accessible. Even from the content
menus. Sonos does this and sonos users seem to love it yet so far I
thought this is a bad idea because it will inevitably take away space.
Sonos drops the quick access "Tab Bar" items for it so you always have
to go through the main menu and actually I believe this is probably the
only way to really find enough space so my suggestion would include
this, too.

* Smaller and lower resolution (on Iphone 4) artwork. The bigger
artwork used by iPeng comes at an initial performance penalty when you
use slow servers. This goes away once the artwork has been loaded once
and also it will probably go away with SBS 7.6 but right now it's
there. Is this important to you?

OK, this will happen anyway since I was never happy with the overall
look of that screen in iPeng for iPad but I would like to understand
how to prioritize it.
Will not give details other than that it's exciting and will look
different between portrait and landscape modes :)

This is another one of the things I probably will do anyway, just want
to understand how important it is to people. The idea is to have
synchronization "scenes" that you can save and re-activate. This will
make synchronization setup more effort (if dig into it you'll find
there's quite a few decisions to take her) but after you've done that,
selecting synchronization may be a bit more straightforward. It's not
actually faster but it's easier to understand.

@other developers: If you are reading this and if you are going to
implement something like this, too, please let's talk. What I'm
planning to do will work with several devices without requiring a
plugin (but probably not on MySB; not that syncing makes much sense on
MySB) and it would make so little sense to have different solutions for
this, so that you will have to define your sync groups twice.
My current plan is to just implement it and then to document how it
works in a bug on

If you are happy with iPeng looks like now and would prefer additional
features instead, here's your chance to tell me what that would be.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [slim] Squeezecenter on Mac

2011-01-27 Thread chill

Wel there you go - that's neat.


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Re: [slim] Squeezecenter on Mac

2011-01-27 Thread yorkio

chill;605200 Wrote: 
> Squeezebox Server is implemented as a Preference Pane, and as far as I'm
> aware you can't put individual Preference Panes in the Dock.  

Yes, you can. Go to /Library/PreferencePanes and then just drag
Squeezebox.prefPane into the dock – it even preserves the Squeezebox


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Re: UK Touch for �186

2011-01-27 Thread cparker

ManScared;605762 Wrote: 
> Ordered this last night... Absolute bargain price! Thought some people
> might find it useful. 

hmm tempting :)  

Remember to remove the £17 loyalty card from the basket that they try
and force you to take!

cparker - Spicefly SugarCube - Taking Squeezebox and MusicIP to
the next level.  A hassle free non-stop journey through your music
library using MusicIP.  Plus the finest MusicIP installation guides,
enhanced MIP Interface and SpyGlass MIP the Automated MusicIP Headless

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Re: [slim] Confused about current products

2011-01-27 Thread Soulkeeper

jest;605719 Wrote: 
> decent-quality music in multiple locations

The -cheapest- option is to buy multiple SB Receivers. But the Receiver
is designed to be set up via the Controller. You can use 'Net::UDAP'
( to achieve this,
but it is a 3rd party tool, and requires a little bit more technical
know-how than using the wizards on the Controller.

The -best- option is, as others have said, to buy the Touch. It is
easier to set up, more flexible in use, and has slightly better sound.


-that is not dead which can eternal lie. and with strange aeons even
death may die.-
touch + duet + boom + radio / wrt160n/dd-wrt / sbs 7.5.1 or
higher/win7(32b)/avira free

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Re: [slim] Music Folder

2011-01-27 Thread tipsen

Maybe the ' in "Tim's FLAC" is causing problems? Try \\SERVER\Music\FLAC
instead (just create the folder and copy one album to see if it works)


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Re: [slim] Music Folder

2011-01-27 Thread Tim-Ann

Hi there,

Not sure how it got there it is supposed to be a \ not vertical.

Many thanks, Tim.


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Re: [slim] Music Folder

2011-01-27 Thread tipsen

Tim-Ann;605622 Wrote: 
> In SB Music folder \\SERVER\Music|Tim's FLAC
Is the vertical pipe (|) on purpose?


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Re: [slim] Cannot play anything since 7.5.3

2011-01-27 Thread cunobelinus
You may know the answer to your own question. Perhaps the OP does not. Perhaps, 
then, you could explain why he wouldn't. That might, perhaps, answer the 
question he posted, which might, perhaps, give some point to your response.

On 27 Jan 2011, at 03:12, pski wrote:

> Bolouswki;605700 Wrote: 
>> Hi there all
>> Recently upgraded to 7.5.3 and firmware on devices also up to date.
>> My problem is very simple
>> My old "music folder" has dissappeared.  Equally, even though i can now
>> find the relevant albums i want through the horrible album/artist
>> options etc - none of them play!!
>> all i get is
>> cannot play file Y:///20%20%[random word from song title]20%[random
>> word from song title]20% 
>> etc etc
>> As the above probably indicates, I just have a drive (Y drive) full of
>> music folders.
>> This worked before the update, my players can see the folders - they
>> just wont play the files.
>> Everything is either MP3 or FLAC.
>> Thanks for any help
> Why in the world would you use "Music Folder?"
> P
> -- 
> pski
> real stereo doesn't just wake the neighbors, it -enrages- them.. It is
> truly the Golden Age of Wireless
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