Re: [slim] FYI - New Rhapsody Cloud Sync

2012-10-02 Thread MeSue

wnshall wrote: 
> Can you elaborate on what you mean by "... all mixed up with my local
> music."?  My expectation is that once Rhapsody has synced your local
> music collection, My Library on Rhapsody would display
> Albums/Artists/Tracks from both your local music library and your
> previously existing Rhapsody library all together, probably with no
> visual indication of the difference.  Is that what happens?  Does it
> browse differently when going through LMS vs. browsing through
> Rhapsody's web interface?

Yes, that is what happens and I didn't like it because I almost never
want to use Rhapsody to play my local music. I don't know what browsing
was like on Rhapsody's web site because I rarely use it, and I disabled
the Cloud Sync shortly after posting this.

wnshall wrote: 
> My biggest hesitation in doing this is that Rhapsody's really minimal,
> under-featured browsing capabilities would make browsing my moderately
> large collection unbearable.  Having been spoiled by the library
> browsing tools in LMS (especially w/ some 3rd party plugins) it's quite
> hard to have to work with the under-powered systems most other systems,
> like Rhapsody, have.  I also wonder what Rhapsody does with all your tag
> information -- almost certainly ignores it completely.  That means that
> the Genre tag for your local music will get set to whatever genre
> Rhapsody has for that file.  I find Rhapsody's genres to be next to
> useless, and it means all that hard work tagging my music goes to
> waste.
> Any comments you have on your experience would be appreciated.

I don't have an issue with Rhapsody's browsing. I mostly use search and
then add it to my library if it's something I want to come back to. The
one thing cloud sync did for me was transfer my ratings to Rhapsody
(although that didn't really seem to help them provide me with better
recommendations). After I disabled the Cloud Sync, it didn't remove the
items it had already put in my library. I had to use the desktop player
and remove them all myself, but it kept my ratings associated with the
items it synced.

Now I believe it was still a beta when I used it, so it might have been
improved since then. If there was a way to browse my Rhapsody library
without the matched items mixed in, I might have kept it.

Hope that helps!

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Re: [slim] Playlist limit of 500?

2012-10-02 Thread MelonMonkey

Wow, the lowly ARM-CPU-powered empeg car stereo maintained playlists
longer than 30k tracks easily, shuffling, reshuffling, changing track
order, adding tracks, removing tracks, all without skipping a beat. 
There seems to be some serious inefficiency and possible
underdevelopment with SB's playlist feature.

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Re: [slim] Playlist limit of 500?

2012-10-02 Thread azinck3

MelonMonkey wrote: 
> Wow, the lowly ARM-CPU-powered empeg car stereo maintained playlists
> longer than 30k tracks easily, shuffling, reshuffling, changing track
> order, adding tracks, removing tracks, all without skipping a beat. 
> There seems to be some serious inefficiency and possible
> underdevelopment with SB's playlist feature.

There might be good reasons for LMS's apparent inefficiencies, or there
might not be good reasons.  It's hard to compare since LMS's feature set
is quite different from that of the empeg.  That said, on a reasonably
speedy server you can certainly load far more than 500 items.  As aubuti
mentioned, you can bump up the limit to suit your hardware.

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread MeSue

Ikabob wrote: 
> LOGITECH is a very reputable company and I do not believe they want to
> injure their reputation by breaching their word to so many trusting
> consumers. They'd have a lot to lose credibility-wise in the future. So,
> I believe the director of products, an official representative of
> LOGITECH, who wrote the blog and I do believe that they are committed to
> keep our time and dollar investment intact. Imho

This comment reminded me of the Logitech NuLOOQ Navigator that was
discontinued several years ago:

So Logitech does have a history of doing this. 

This is something from the Logitech forum thread about the NuLOOQ, but
it seems appropriate here:
> Logitech builds cool and well constructed hardware, but if the device
> relies on software stay away - the products that depend on code
> eventually fall behind the curve and Logitech does not seem to have the
> resources or consistent coding practices to keep up fixing it, so they
> loose interest in the product, probably because it has ceased to
> generate the hot sales numbers it did when first released (partly due to
> complaints from increasingly disgruntled users?) and finally cut their
> losses. What frustrates people is that the products remain on sale with
> no indication of the decling support except found by those who came to
> this forum and did their homework.

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread erland

It seems like the some more blog comments now have been moderated, at
least a few more is now visible including some answers. 

There wasn't much news, but a few things were clarified:
- They "actively" plan to support for the "foreseeable
future", so people who are worried it will be shutdown in 6 months can
probably stop worry now. They also mention that they plan to fix some
bugs, for example bugs that stops streaming services like Pandora from
- They will not provide an upgrade path for the Touch or any other
Squeezebox except for Squeezebox Radio. Hopefully this means they have
an UE product without built-in speakers in their roadmap, if they don't,
the UE Smart Radio line is more or less doomed at its current price
- Most importantly, for the first time since 2009 when Sean left someone
in the management actually seems to read AND respond to the feedback
posted on the blog, at least some of the responses are posted in the
name of the director of the new UE products.

However, the next step for Logitech is now to show if they are really
committed to support Squeezebox users and make the new UE product line a
success or if the answers are just empty words.

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread JJZolx

> Logitech builds cool and well constructed hardware, but if the device
> relies on software stay away - the products that depend on code
> eventually fall behind the curve and Logitech does not seem to have the
> resources or consistent coding practices to keep up fixing it, so they
> loose interest in the product, probably because it has ceased to
> generate the hot sales numbers it did when first released (partly due to
> complaints from increasingly disgruntled users?) and finally cut their
> losses. What frustrates people is that the products remain on sale with
> no indication of the decling support except found by those who came to
> this forum and did their homework.

I've always been under the impression that Logitech produces software
for their commodity hardware devices only grudgingly. Even their mouse
software often has problems.

Their entire company has been sliced and diced and reorganized, and
managers hired, fired and reassigned so many times in the past few years
that it's little wonder they have no consistency and an industry-wide
reputation for a lack of reliability.

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread JJZolx

erland wrote: 
> However, the next step for Logitech is now to show if they are really
> committed to support Squeezebox users and make the new UE product line a
> success or if the answers are just empty words.

"Next step"? How so? What does Logitech gain from continuing to support
Squeezebox? Financially, nothing. $0.

Beyond keeping afloat, what are you expecting in terms of
support? An updated server that addresses the many hundreds of valid
bugs on file? Repairs of $2000 products that are out of warranty?

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Orange Squeeze 1.0 for Android Released

2012-10-02 Thread db122

jimbobvfr400 wrote: 
> Really liking this so far. 
> I do have a weird issue with the way it works when you select tracks. If
> I choose play in the default option in preferences then as it should it
> adds the whole album, so if I choose artist - album - track as I
> normally do, if I choose say track 3 of the album the whole album is in
> the play list but playback starts at 3. All good and exactly as it
> should be. 
> If however I choose prompt in preferences then the same action and
> choosing play in the prompt only plays that track. With no way to play
> the album. I do have play all tracks for album selected in player
> settings on my server. To play the album with prompt set I have to go
> back to the album list and choose the little menu option and choose play
> from there. 
> I'd guess this is by design but either an additional option in the
> prompt or an option to choose play or add from an icon on the track list
> (this is my favourite feature in Squeezecommander) would be appreciated.
> I'd prefer to have prompt selected in settings but this making just
> playing an album quite awkward. 

Yeah, it's not exactly by design, but it's not just a simple oops bug
either. We definitely want the play-from-prompt menus to be the same as
play-by-touch if the action would be the same, but they aren't always. 
There is a bug filed for this in the OrangeSqueeze bug tracker, and I'm
thinking about how to make this behave more consistently.

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread epoch1970

erland wrote: 
>  They will not provide an upgrade path for the Touch or any other
> Squeezebox except for Squeezebox Radio. Hopefully this means they have
> an UE product without built-in speakers in their roadmap, if they don't,
> the UE Smart Radio line is more or less doomed at its current price
> level.
A UE radio without speakers is called a smartphone. I doubt they want to
try the audio-video combo receiver any time soon, and the swift demise
of google's Q doesn't vote in favor of an Internet-only hifi-class
receiver either. 
I wouldn't bet the next player in the UE family, if any, is hardware

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread azinck3

epoch1970 wrote: 
> A UE radio without speakers is called a bluetooth-capable smartphone. I
> doubt they want to try the audio-video combo receiver any time soon, and
> the swift demise of google's Q doesn't vote in favor of an Internet-only
> hifi-class receiver either. 
> I wouldn't bet the next player in the UE family, if any, is hardware
> based.

Having an always-connected, easily available audio source is a very
distinct product from a bluetooth-capable smartphone.  Key
differentiators of the squeezebox (and potentially UE) line:

- Device is always available and connected.  If your kid wants to listen
to something they don't need a smartphone.  Or if you're listening and
want to walk to another part of the house for a while without
interrupting the audio you can do so easily.
- Flexible synchronization options for whole-house audio
- Optimized browsing/control interface with multiple control options (IR
remote, physical buttons, web, CLI, etc.) and easy integration with
automated systems
- Can provide higher-quality audio (higher sample rates, etc.) than any
existing smartphone devices.  To be honest, this is not something I
particularly care about as I'm already well past the point of
diminishing returns, but there are many people who do.

And this is entirely aside from the unique library management features
the LMS software brings to the table.

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread erland

JJZolx wrote: 
> "Next step"? How so? What does Logitech gain from continuing to support
> Squeezebox? Financially, nothing. $0.
> Beyond keeping afloat, what are you expecting in terms of
> support? An updated server that addresses the many hundreds of valid
> bugs on file? Repairs of $2000 products that are out of warranty?
Based on the responses, I would expect a bug correction now and then,
maybe a bit less active than what we have seen during the last 12 months
(after the Revue shutdown).
Logitech's gain, except for goodwill, is to keep Squeezebox working
until they have a realistic alternative with the "new" UE Smart Radio
platform, and then make all Squeezebox users purchase a UE product

But as I said, they will have to show that they are serious through
their actions, as long as it's only words it doesn't mean anything.

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Re: [slim] Playlist limit of 500?

2012-10-02 Thread cparker

MelonMonkey wrote: 
> Wow, the lowly ARM-CPU-powered empeg car stereo maintained playlists
> longer than 30k tracks easily, shuffling, reshuffling, changing track
> order, adding tracks, removing tracks, all without skipping a beat. 
> There seems to be some serious inefficiency and possible
> underdevelopment with SB's playlist feature.

To be fair, its not quite the same thing to hold a massive text list
(I'm guessing?), vs LMS which is loading up album art for each track, so
a few thousand album art pics will swallow the memory.  

Why dont you use Random Mix or similar?

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread JJZolx

erland wrote: 
> Based on the responses, I would expect a bug correction now and then,
> maybe a bit less active than what we have seen during the last 12 months
> (after the Revue shutdown).

It couldn't get much less active.

Face it. It's dead.

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread erland

JJZolx wrote: 
> It couldn't get much less active.
> Face it. It's dead.
It answers when I ping it, so something must be still alive :-)

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread pallfreeman

MeSue wrote: 
> This is something from the Logitech forum thread about the NuLOOQ, but
> it seems appropriate here:

The last post in that thread is November 2011. Did Logitech ever release
the "source code" (drivers, I presume)?

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread pssc

cncb wrote: 
> A Raspberry Pi dedicated to running a full-screen version of Squeezeplay
> with digital audio output seems almost perfect...

I am doing my best seem to be mostly alsa diver issues being the main
stoppers that said I have had overs two hours of perfect audio
out...(doh jinxed it just messed up)  its just messes up some 
of the time... external sound cards though also seem to have similar
issues atm too.


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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread epoch1970

Mnyb and others before him wrote: 
> Humor is much better than the other response you can get when saying
> something wrong/silly or stupid.
> Are routerhero completely unaware of the slow death the whole squeezebox
> ecosystem has been put trough for years ?…
It took some time before I decided whether to let go or react on this
exchange (as a whole, not particularly Mnyb's answer). 

Hail routehero (although your choice of words/judgement may have been
poor), for participating in this forum, still caring for us SB users. 
Hail the Bablefish boy and Andy if he's still around.

These are the guys, if they don't get the sack, if UE is a success, who
will go *out of their way* to slip a little continuity work on the SBS
platform. The corporation may be faceless && faithless, but people are

(sorry for the apologetic moment. @Mnyb: absolutely no harm intended.)

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread MeSue

pallfreeman wrote: 
> The last post in that thread is November 2011. Did Logitech ever release
> the "source code" (drivers, I presume)?

Not as far as I know.

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread GeeJay

erland wrote: 
> It seems like the some more blog comments now have been moderated, at
> least a few more is now visible including some answers. 
> There wasn't much news, but a few things were clarified:
> - They will not provide an upgrade path for the Touch or any other
> Squeezebox except for Squeezebox Radio. Hopefully this means they have
> an UE product without built-in speakers in their roadmap, if they don't,
> the UE Smart Radio line is more or less doomed at its current price
> level.
> - Most importantly, for the first time since 2009 when Sean left someone
> in the management actually seems to read AND respond to the feedback
> posted on the blog, at least some of the responses are posted in the
> name of the director of the new UE products.

I did find it interesting that in his response to my comment re: the
need for a product offering that speaks to the Touch/Classic/Duet user,
Ariel said that while they won't comment on what's in the pipeline, they
are working on products that they believe are "compelling". That may
mean absolutely nothing, but if he really paid attention to what I was
saying, then perhaps there is something in the works that might be
worthy of our consideration.

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread pippin

Well, do we seriously believe they build up all of the new
infrastructure just for a re-branded radio?

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Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-02 Thread dsdreamer

pippin wrote: 
> Well, do we seriously believe they build up all of the new
> infrastructure just for a re-branded radio?

It is not such a big investment for them in these days of virtual
servers and CDNs. They could be testing the market for a simplified
(reduced functionality) device before taking the decision bring any
other devices to the market. If the radio sold well enough to convince
them not to entirely kill the SB line a few years ago, then the
temptation to validate their concept using essentially the same device
is understandable.

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