Re: [slim] Just One Question To The Original SD Team

2012-11-26 Thread DaveWr

sgmlaw wrote: 
> Now that Logitech has clumsily killed their baby, why doesn't the
> original Slim Devices team just buy the essential IP and keep it going?
> It should be cheaper than what Logitech paid for it, and I'm sure Andy
> knows how to revive it in the right direction again.

Logitech is a company with shareholders, they will not have killed off
the Squeezebox line as an oversight, but on the basis of success and

IMHO the major problems with squeeze stuff has been engineering and

Conceptually the idea is good, but the implementation have always
required a geek approach to support the product.  Features have
disappeared as changes have been made to support newer features.  The
direction of the product has lacked coherency, the duet should have
cleaned up in the mass market, but the configuration and operation
compared with say Apple TV, too much for retailers and users to handle.

The marketing is Logitech's fault.  There was/is none.  Audio and
entertainment products are sold through a given set of retailers.  Some
of those did take the product on, but very few sustained that approach. 
Marketing monies disappeared, leaving distribution to Internet and
computer retail only.

Frankly unless the plug and play nature of the product could be improved
radically, along with appropriate price levels, I think the product has
little future no matter who owns it.

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[slim] Forget Gangnam form; Chinese agriculturist does 'Grandpa elegance

2012-11-26 Thread Ohijur

Hong Kong (CNN) -- Wearing aviator sunglasses and a assortment of
thigh-high tights and frilly skirts, 72-year-old Liu Qianping has caused
quite a stir in China  
In the late occasional weeks, images of the one-time agriculturist from
Hunan dominion comprise appeared on Taobao, the Chinese kind of eBay,
marketing clothes for the treatment of Yecoo, a commerce locate up on
his granddaughter Lv Ting and four of her friends  
Lv told CNN she invited her grandfather to visit her in the southern
division of Guangzhou earlier this month, and while unpacking boxes of
clothes to won over, he pulled gone from -- and slipped on -- a hot pink
Struck past how well he wore it, a bosom buddy assembled some amateur
lighting and starting bewitching photos that were later posted online  
There's Liu in a hoary tights, a pink skirt and a fur-lined red polka
dot coat  In other images, he's posing demurely in spirited green
leggings, clutching a handbag and wearing a layered pink shawl 
Erstwhile he wears a wig, on not, but the aviator glasses are every time
My grandfather is happier than beforehand, he enjoys being interviewed 
He calls our relatives at our hometown thither his experiences here in
the city  
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Liu has attracted a group of rä¿¢lame on Weibo, China's form of
"That's a correct warning of 'Enjoying resilience at the moment ' The
disintegrated man enjoys it  And it's making me exhilarated too!" writes
one user, whose run translates to "Kite walking on the ground " 
Aging stylishly, online and in the streets 
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@S_ziming writes: "I predilection this grandpa! And I wish life instead
of all anile people can be as gripping and colorful " 
But others aren't so sure: "Is he deranged, being queer and farrago
about like this?" 
@GuYue adds: "Neither fish nor fowl, inappropriate " 
Lv told CNN that her grandfather is loving the attention  bestbuylv
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Louis Vuitton Sasha M32630 

"My grandfather is happier than in front of, he enjoys being
interviewed; he calls our relatives at our hometown in his experiences
here in the city," she said  
Liu's prominence has also translated into higher sales destined for the
fledgling body, which barely launched in May  
Sales take surged fivefold since his image appeared on the plat, an
unhoped for good according to Lv, who says the photos were well-grounded
entranced in the course of fun  
"I wasn't intended to assemble the sales  It's unprejudiced in support
of deride, for both my grandfather and me  I'm surprised that this went
viral online," she said  
Lv said she had no intention of hiring any other "older" models  And no,
he wasn't paid  
The lot of clothes Liu models has now been dubbed "Grandpa style " 
And they'll rob more photos, Lv says, as long as Liu enjoys it  
When work and reality collide 
CNN's CY Xu and Dayu Zhang contributed to this report

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Re: [slim] Buffering problem with Duet

2012-11-26 Thread

First let me thank all of you (@matka, @bpa, @mnyb) for helping me try
and track this problem down. I had secretly hoped that @matka's
suggestion of buffering would solve all my problems but last night
proved that this problem still exists (at least with buffer set to the
default of 3 seconds). The one thing last night's buffering problem did
do (it was quite bad last night) was let me test local streaming of
MP3's. Streaming 320kbs MP3's; worked without issue. Based on what's
been said about AAC/WMA versus MP3 though I guess this test isn't
perfect as my MP3's were streamed directly to the Duet as it can handle
it natively versus being transcoded to FLAC and streamed. @bpa, I still
don't have a perfect answer for you on the streaming format of BBC. I
actually have experimented with multiple BBC connections (and I think
they all have the buffering issue). The one I use the most is the BBC
London stream; information is as follows: 

> URL:
> It reports to be "56kbps CBR Internet Radio." You can see an image
> snapshot of what's in my control panel
> To me the most interesting part is the URL which specifies a number of
> possible formats. I wonder if I could switch this to only have mp3?

I also used to use this feed which I know experienced the same problem.
It clearly is WMA format (and higher bandwidth). I switched to the first
option because it sends over a picture of the radio show now playing
rather than being blank. A nice feature but I'd love to have a wider
128kbs stream and a picture (anyway, I digress):

> URL:
> It reports to be "128kbps CBR, WMA Internet Radio." So in this case it
> is being explicit about the format.

Finally I use the BBC iPlayer too (although I haven't used it enough to
know if the problem exists there too). For live streaming of Radio 4 it
apparently uses 128kbps AAC. 

Anyway, here's what I think we can eliminate from the troubleshooting
(and why); I'd be interested if anyone disagrees:

> It's not the *Wireless signal*. I say that because the signal strength
> is always much higher (~ 80%) for the Duet than for the Boom and yet its
> only the Duet that has this problem
> It's not the *local network* between the LMS and the squeezebox devices
> as local content (aka, MP3's) stream without issue

It MIGHT be:

> A problem with *transcoding to Flac* for radio steams that are in WMA or
> AAC formats. I can test this by switching to my MP3 feed of the
> next time I'm running into this problem.This seems unlikely as this
> should have had impact on the Boom as much as the Duet but maybe there's
> a way it would only effect one and not the other.
> A *bandwidth/latency* issue of carrying FLAC audio to the squeezebox
> devices. This seems unlikely for the same reason as above ... why does
> it break on the Duet and not the Boom particularly when the Duet has a
> better network connection (albeit they're both only 802.11b/g not n).
> Additionally, why would this happen only periodically? The times it is
> happening are definitely NOT high network usage times. I should be able
> to test this to some degree by ripping a few FLAC files on my computer
> and trying to stream them over network. 
> Is it possible that the Duet has a more limited *local cache* than the
> Boom? I'm just guessing that maybe some local caching is taking place
> with the Boom which makes it a better netizen.

Finally, I think I may experiment with mangling the URL for the
radiotime URL's ... they have a comma-delimited list formats ... I may
just force it to only have MP3. Not sure it it'll work but all i can do
is try. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-11-26 Thread ralphy

SBCC wrote: 
> Hi
> I'm looking to find a way to change the name of the sound device that is
> being shown in squeezeslave -L. I've tried in udev ,
>  with no luck.
> I'm looking at having the ability to use multiple sound cards of the
> same type in LinuxMCE.
> I looked at the code and I see that it is using "GetAudioDevices()" but
> I cannot find the code for that to see what is being looked at there.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
You need to use the -o option and the number before the colon (:) in -L
to use multiple cards of the same type.

GetAudioDevices is in src/slimaudio/slimaudio_output.c

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Re: [slim] Buffering problem with Duet

2012-11-26 Thread bpa

Are you in the UK or outside the UK.  If outside the UK are you using
some sort of VPN to get good quality UK stream ?

1. The stream is not "obviously WMA" as if you are outside the UK WMA
streams are 48kbps and AAC streams are 56kbps.  Radiotime can insert
their own metadata so presence of pictures, data etc. cannot be used to
decide the stream format.
2. There is no http/mp3 BBC stream (IIRC there may still be a Flash/mp3
stream for UK listerners). The Radiotime URL just lists the formats that
the player can play - not the formats that are available from the
3. The BBC iPlayer can choose different formats depends on the plug
settings so unless you check the settings you cpould be getting. 128kbps
AAC or WMA is only available to UK listeners. 
4. Wifi signal may still be a problem - just because you can play a
320kbps MP3 does not measn you can play a 750kbps Flac which is what
transcoded AAC.

You need to get more precision with your investigation and definitively
eliminate some possibiltiies. So far you have not done so regarding AAC
vs WMA or Wifi.

Check the BBC IPlayer settings and change the settings to no transcoding
and WMA.

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Re: [slim] Buffering problem with Duet

2012-11-26 Thread

bpa wrote: 
> Are you in the UK or outside the UK.  If outside the UK are you using
> some sort of VPN to get good quality UK stream ?

I am in the UK.

> 1. The stream is not "clearly WMA" as if you are outside the UK WMA
> streams are 48kbps and AAC streams are 56kbps.  Radiotime can insert
> their own metadata so presence of pictures, data etc. cannot be used to
> decide the stream format.

In the case where I said it was clearly WMA was where it was pointing to
the BBC URL. In the cases where a Radiotime URL is used it does not
specify format (which based on what you say is probably the right thing
to do).

> 2. Don't waste time with Radio time urls. It will be a distraction.
> There is no http/mp3 BBC stream (IIRC there may still be a Flash/mp3
> stream for UK listerners). The Radiotime URL just lists the formats that
> the player can play - not the formats that are available from the
> station.

Too late, i tried it. :)

You appear to be right though. When I reduced the URL to just MP3 the
stream no longer flows and instead it plays a warning message that the
stream is not available in MP3 format.

> 3. The BBC iPlayer can choose different formats depends on the plug
> settings so unless you check the settings you cpould be getting. 128kbps
> AAC or WMA is only available to UK listeners. 

I'm in the UK and I have the settings set to AAC.

> 4. Wifi signal may still be a problem - just because you can play a
> 320kbps MP3 does not measn you can play a 750kbps Flac which is what
> transcoded AAC.

Yes that's precisely what I suggested in my last post, right? I don't
have any Flac files right now but I'll create some and try pumping it
around the house. The reason why I don't think this is a network
saturation issue mainly comes down to the fact that there are two
devices on the network and only one of them (the one with the stronger
WiFi signal) shows this effect. Also there is zero difference between
having one device streaming and two so presumably by turning off the
second device -- in this case the Boom -- you'd have 1/2 the bandwidth
over the network and yet doing this does not prevent the problem from
happening. Instead it seems to be very episode-specific in nature
(meaning it is either happening or it is not and during a given period
of time).

> You need to get more precision with your investigation and definitively
> eliminate some possibiltiies. So far you have not done so regarding AAC
> vs WMA or Wifi.
I simply followed your instructions on how to get the codec. I think
maybe now that you've seen this post you'll start to agree that I have
done this adequately. The answer, with a certain amount of certainty --
and please suggest any alternative way of being more definitive -- is:

BBC on Radiotime - Unknown but not MP3
BBC on iPlayer - AAC

> Check the BBC IPlayer settings and change the settings to no transcoding
> and WMA.

I will change this to WMA (versus AAC) but what's the benefit? Both will
transcode to Flac, right? I will also turn off the "allow transcoding"
feature but won't that mean I can't listen to it?'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] Buffering problem with Duet

2012-11-26 Thread wrote: 
> I will change this to WMA (versus AAC) but what's the benefit? Both will
> transcode to Flac, right? I will also turn off the "allow transcoding"
> feature but won't that mean I can't listen to it?

I've changed the iPlayer settings to WMA and turned off the "allow
transcoding". It does stream; I'm confused why it works but it does.
Haven't listened to it nearly long enough to know if the problem still
exists. I'm assuming it does.'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] Buffering problem with Duet

2012-11-26 Thread bpa wrote: 
> I will change this to WMA (versus AAC) but what's the benefit? Both will
> transcode to Flac, right? I will also turn off the "allow transcoding"
> feature but won't that mean I can't listen to it?

No transcoding with WMA and stream will be direct from BBC to player.
For UK users WMA is usually 128kbps and this is lower than 320bps MP3
and so network should not be a problem and since stream goes straight to
player - LMS processor is not used and hence not an issue.   If you
still get buffering, then you shoudl try enabling the LMS proxying under
WebUI/Settings/Player/Audio confusingly called "MP3 Streaming method"

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Re: [slim] Just One Question To The Original SD Team

2012-11-26 Thread earthbased

As I move away from video to books and music, Logitech cancels a modern
audio product to replace it with a Big Brother whatever.  Guess this is
another sign to head to the Gulch.   Great work original team; maybe see
you in the Gulch with your new product for the true 1%.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Orange Squeeze 1.0 for Android Released

2012-11-26 Thread BigJens

I just have a quick question: So far great App, much better than the
Logtech App ;-)  Only thing I'm missing at the moment is crossfading of
the songs. Where is it? Any help here?


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Orange Squeeze 1.0 for Android Released

2012-11-26 Thread kidstypike

BigJens wrote: 
> I just have a quick question: So far great App, much better than the
> Logtech App ;-)  Only thing I'm missing at the moment is crossfading of
> the songs. Where is it? Any help here?
> J.

Crossfading is in LMS:

|Filename: Pic03.jpg|

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Orange Squeeze 1.0 for Android Released

2012-11-26 Thread db122

BigJens wrote: 
> I just have a quick question: So far great App, much better than the
> Logtech App ;-)  Only thing I'm missing at the moment is crossfading of
> the songs. Where is it? Any help here?

Sorry, Orange Squeeze itself doesn't expose all of the player audio
settings that you might want to set. For now, you can use the web
interface or official app -- not ideal, admittedly.

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Re: [slim] Do any Squeezeplayers actually have the horsepower to play 192/24 remote streams?

2012-11-26 Thread wt0

pippin wrote: 
> EDIT: One more data point: SqueezePlay uses 3MB of buffer, not sure
> whether that's raw or decoded, so that's about 1.5-3s worth of buffer,
> not a lot.
> Using more in a Squeezebox player will need special consideration, it
> can cause trouble with some online services, transcoding and syncing so
> I don't think many of the software players use more. We use 8 MB in
> iPeng but my experience is that the larger buffer doesn't help a lot for
> network issues, although all the tests we've done (for remote streaming)
> were with 44.1/16/flac as a maximum and on a local network there are few
> situations where buffering actually helps at all.

The status messages that the players send back to the servers actually
reports info (size and fullness) for two separate buffers, one for
input/network data and one for output audio. For the SB Boom, both
buffers are about 3Mb each. If you capture the packets between the Boom
and server you can see that the fullness of the two buffers change
independently, so the two numbers do not represent the same buffer. Now
I don't know exactly how SqueezePlay works, but it is logical that it
would emulate a hardware player and have two buffers also.

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