Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread JackOfAll

I received the following "examples" back from Bronwyn incorporating
changes suggested by feedback received.

"community" in blue.

"community" in blue and moved above "squeeze".

"community" in red and moved above "squeeze".

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread JackOfAll

didjean wrote: 
> I quite like the cassette thing. It is just a funny reference to the
> music devices evolution.

Every time I look at that cassette logo, I think I'm looking at an
advert for a kiddies tape recorder manufactured by Fisher Price. Or
maybe I just don't get it, being the wrong side of 40, rather than a
lovestruck teenager. ;) 


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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread kesey

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Or maybe I just don't get it, being the wrong side of 40, rather than a
> lovestruck teenager. ;) 

Maybe even, a lovestruck teenager 40 years ago:-) For me, if the desire
is to evoke thoughts of historical music players, then the HMV type
image is much more attractive than that of the cassette. Vinyl tends to
promote a wistful smile; the thought of cassettes brings to my mind
magnetic tape getting jammed in the player, and of a short lived

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Re: [slim] Vortexbox NAS hardware recommendations?

2013-03-21 Thread toby10

ajkidle wrote: 
> .  I'm looking for something low power that I can tuck away in a
> closet somewhere.  It just needs to be able to run Vortexbox, have
> gigabit ethernet, and 2 hard drive bays minimum (4 preferred.)  Oh, and
> it needs to support RAID 1.  Or at least have a PCI slot so I can add a
> controller card.

Used laptop running VortexBox + USB HDD's

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Re: [slim] Vortexbox NAS hardware recommendations?

2013-03-21 Thread Andy Hawkins

In article ,
   ajkidle wrote:
> I've been running my Vortexbox on a headless Atom based MSI Nettop 100
> box for the past few years, and recently have gotten the itch to protect
> my data by setting up a RAID 1 configuration.  The on-board controller
> on the MSI doesn't seem to support this, and there are no expansion
> slots available for adding a 3rd party card, so I'm investigating new
> hardware.  Anyone have any recommendations?  

> I'm looking for something low power that I can tuck away in a closet
> somewhere.  It just needs to be able to run Vortexbox, have gigabit
> ethernet, and 2 hard drive bays minimum (4 preferred.)  Oh, and it needs
> to support RAID 1.  Or at least have a PCI slot so I can add a
> controller card.

Isn't VortexBox linux based? If so, presumably you can so Software RAID?

It might be as easy to build your own system based around an ITX
motherboard. There are a number of ITX cases specifically aimed at NAS use.

Where in the world are you? I'm in the UK and have used to buy components for a number of small Atom based
systems in the past. They're generally very helpful, support over IRC is
excellent for putting a system spec together.


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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread Jubarend

The image of the cassette is off course a reference to music and music
devices lost in time. It's a device that revolutionised the way we
listened (and recorded) audio at home just like the Slimdevices did for
music files. For me personally it's nostalgia to think of the days i
spend recording radio on cassettes and making my own mix tapes for
friends, in a way like i use my squeezeboxes to play radio streams and
compose playlists.

The hearts are symbolic for the communities love toward a product that's
been "taken away" from us and the passion for music we all share. The
orange colour works well with dark colours like black and grey when
using in hardware enclosure and software, but also works good on white.
It's also the inverted colour of the original squeezebox teal. The
orange is fitting for the hearts as well, red would be a bit much in my
opinion. You can also squeeze an orange, a joke that's been used as the
name for an android squeezebox remote "Orange Squeeze". 

The shapes and aesthetics are inspired by the original squeezebox
hardware and software. The cassette is a bit the shape of the squeezebox
touch, the rounded corners are similar to the shapes of all the
squeezebox hardware and also the squeeze server interface. The typeface
is also rounded and matching the thickness of the logo's lines and
shapes. The design language can be translated to all sorts of uses like
icons, buttons, interfaces, hardware and more to make it 1 matching and
recognisable concept.

The total image is friendly like the squeeze ecosystem is to it's users
(user friendly, accessible) and the community towards it's new product.
Making it look like a device that is not to "hacker" but usable for the
whole family. In a way the look and feel is about listening to the music
you love in an easy way. 


|Filename: squeezeOS-mockup004.jpg  |

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread JackOfAll

OK, that kind of makes a bit more sense to me now. (Which might be me
anyway, maybe everyone else got it without any explanation.)

And I think that using orange and black as the primary 2 colors works,
when you put it in context. (My initial reaction to the orange was that
I didn't like it.)

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread castalla

I'm convinced!

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread pippin

Sorry to spoil but I really don't like that cassette logo. This is sooo
last millennium.
What should the message be? We are so retro we don't just not accept the
death of that darn old Squeezebox thingy, we would wish we even could
get cassettes back?
In this context I believe it's not a good idea.

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Re: [slim] Vortexbox NAS hardware recommendations?

2013-03-21 Thread garym

aubuti wrote: 
> RAID 1 only "protects your data" from one very narrow risk, and that is
> HDD failure. It's useless for other risks such as data corruption or
> deletion because of software or user error (RAID 1 just mirrors that to
> the other disk), zapped HDDs because of power surges, and other common
> risks such as fire and theft. 
> If you really want to protect your data, you need a separate backup
> drive. Or multiple separate backup drives. It/they could be an external
> USB drives or network drives. And you should store at least one copy in
> a different location, such as your workplace or a friend's or relative's
> place.

+1, RAID is almost worthless in the context of media backup (unless
you're running a business that uses this info and you need instant data
access if there is a data failure). RAID is *not* a backup plan.  Almost
any low power modern computer will run Vortexbox.  They work best with
internal HD, but with some command line knowledge one can use external
HDDs, etc.

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread JackOfAll

pippin wrote: 
> Sorry to spoil but I really don't like that cassette logo. This is sooo
> last millennium.

Yep, and just to be clear, I get what the idea is behind it now, (the
cassette), but don't like it one bit. Orange and black colour schemes,
I'm warming to.

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread reinholdk

I also don't like the cassette logo too much, but I must admit that it
makes a very recognizable logo, even without text. If we could find
another item instead of the cassette...

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread chill

reinholdk wrote: 
> I also don't like the cassette logo too much, but I must admit that it
> makes a very recognizable logo, even without text. If we could find
> another item instead of the cassette...

If the logo was based on a number of images like the stylised cassette,
but including, say, CD, Radio and Vinyl, would that work?  Would it be
obvious that this device represents the convergence of all these

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread reinholdk

chill wrote: 
> If the logo was based on a number of images like the stylised cassette,
> but including, say, CD, Radio and Vinyl, would that work?  Would it be
> obvious that this device represents the convergence of all these
> devices?

No, I don't think it would work :)

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-21 Thread bpa

A small power led is a good idea.

If some users want something facier then perhaps buy one of these and put it on a USB cable and add some
s/w support.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-21 Thread chill

Mnyb wrote: 
> The whole point with a power only led is that it is not software
> dependent , if it where software dependent it would provide no info
> about what's dead supply or device ?

Agreed.  Some things need to function independently of the software.  I
dislike software-controlled power buttons for instance - if the software
crashes you have to disconnect the power source, or worse, wait for the
battery to die!

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread simbo

OK, let's make it an 8-track...


|Filename: 8track.png   |

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread epoch1970

Jubarend wrote: 
> …In a way the look and feel is about listening to the music you love in
> an easy way…
All very well sorted IMHO. I still don't like the cassette and would go
with a rectangle w/ rounded edges and a single heart. Also, I think the
font face works better with small letters than large ones. In the 1st
images you posted I think the larger text, on white background, doesn't
work as well as the smaller text on black bg. I like the color(s) fine,
and I suppose John S. can find this design actionable if he wants to
perform a bit of PCB art :)
Details, as you see.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-21 Thread epoch1970

bpa wrote: 
> A small power led is a good idea.
> If some users want something facier then perhaps buy one of these
> and put it on a USB cable and add some
> s/w support.

An array of USB ports is good for expansion, and I would well see some
home automation relays or leds or Vu-meter or fancy audio outs … be
located in their own box connected via USB.

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread guidof

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Yep, and just to be clear, I get what the idea is behind it now, (the
> cassette), but don't like it one bit. Orange and black colour schemes,
> I'm warming to.

+1. Avoid the cassette, please. Even a simple (black) box would be

Guido F.

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread erland

A bit off topic, I wonder how Custom Clock applet with the following
cassette style with turning wheels is going to look on a 1080p TV


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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread MrC

If you're paying homage, in spirit, should the imagery lean towards an
or concertina?

I also was reminded of a child's toy when I saw the hearts.

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread aubuti

Jubarend wrote: 
> The image of the cassette is off course a reference to music and music
> devices lost in time. It's a device that revolutionised the way we
> listened (and recorded) audio at home 
Very well articulated explanation for the thinking behind the design.
The rationale sounds great, I like the color scheme, and I'm ambivalent
about the cassette shape, but the hearts are way (way!) too cutesy for
my tastes.

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread Mnyb

aubuti wrote: 
> Very well articulated explanation for the thinking behind the design.
> The rationale sounds great, I like the color scheme, and I'm ambivalent
> about the cassette shape, but the hearts are way (way!) too cutesy for
> my tastes.

A bit like " my first Sony " google that for pics if you managed to
forgot those .

Well a cute little heart *could* possibly do if the rest of the machine
is a black rectangular box with sharp corners no rounded edges maybe
even recessed front and back by some millimetres .

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-21 Thread JohnSwenson

so what I'm going to do for Gen1 is nothing on the front panel, a green
led on the back that is a real power led, it is directly across the
incoming power feed.

On the back I'll also put a small RGB led connected to 3 pwm outputs of
the processor, that way the color and intensity is fully under software
control. The control for these is available under sysfs so any program
including an applet under jivelite can control it. By default the led
will be off, it will only go on when some software does something to it.
This will let anybody who wants to play with it do so to their hearts
content. During phase one we can play with it and find out if there is
any use for it and determine if it needs to be on Gen2.

The Ethernet jack has the fairly standard gigabit two leds, one of which
is dual color. The brightness is going to be the same as on the
wandboard.  (I'm just using the wandboard schematic for this) So any of
you that already have a  wandboard can look at the Ethernet leds and see
if the brightness is what you want. If feedback gets in in time I can
change the leds for Gen1.

John S.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-21 Thread w3wilkes

I know I'm in the minority here, but I actually like Johns idea of a
pure power LED on the back and a separate RGB LED on the back under
software control. I have nothing but Duets and appreciate the LED on the
front. This might be because I've reviewed and understand what the
different meanings of Duet LED colors and brightness indicate and have
found them useful when I had to debug a receiver on one occasion.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-21 Thread guidof

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> OK,
> so what I'm going to do for Gen1 is nothing on the front panel, a green
> led on the back that is a real power led, it is directly across the
> incoming power feed.
> On the back I'll also put a small RGB led connected to 3 pwm outputs of
> the processor, that way the color and intensity is fully under software
> control. The control for these is available under sysfs so any program
> including an applet under jivelite can control it. By default the led
> will be off, it will only go on when some software does something to it.
> This will let anybody who wants to play with it do so to their hearts
> content. During phase one we can play with it and find out if there is
> any use for it and determine if it needs to be on Gen2.
> The Ethernet jack has the fairly standard gigabit two leds, one of which
> is dual color. The brightness is going to be the same as on the
> wandboard.  (I'm just using the wandboard schematic for this) So any of
> you that already have a  wandboard can look at the Ethernet leds and see
> if the brightness is what you want. If feedback gets in in time I can
> change the leds for Gen1.
> John S.

Sounds like an excellent plan to me.

Guido F.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-21 Thread Triode

w3wilkes wrote: 
> I know I'm in the minority here, but I actually like Johns idea of a
> pure power LED on the back and a separate RGB LED on the back under
> software control. I have nothing but Duets and appreciate the LED on the
> front. This might be because I've reviewed and understand what the
> different meanings of Duet LED colors and brightness indicate and have
> found them useful when I had to debug a receiver on one occasion.

You will get many more options for debugging - ssh, www, hdmi ui etc. 
No need to rely on a single led to know what it is up to!

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-21 Thread Mnyb

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> OK,
> so what I'm going to do for Gen1 is nothing on the front panel, a green
> led on the back that is a real power led, it is directly across the
> incoming power feed.
> On the back I'll also put a small RGB led connected to 3 pwm outputs of
> the processor, that way the color and intensity is fully under software
> control. The control for these is available under sysfs so any program
> including an applet under jivelite can control it. By default the led
> will be off, it will only go on when some software does something to it.
> This will let anybody who wants to play with it do so to their hearts
> content. During phase one we can play with it and find out if there is
> any use for it and determine if it needs to be on Gen2.
> The Ethernet jack has the fairly standard gigabit two leds, one of which
> is dual color. The brightness is going to be the same as on the
> wandboard.  (I'm just using the wandboard schematic for this) So any of
> you that already have a  wandboard can look at the Ethernet leds and see
> if the brightness is what you want. If feedback gets in in time I can
> change the leds for Gen1.
> John S.

A good plan ,

the tricolour led could be developed by someone else to do something
usefull. what comes to mind is low level stuff that are not easy to
deduce by the web user interface . "OS is booted  without problems " "
all necessary software is running " "I'm correctly conected to the
network " after that the web UI should be able tell if it can find
servers or if it is playing something etc.

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[slim] LMS Synology Issue Please help - 6 days to scan!

2013-03-21 Thread tmb

Any ideas - been without any SB radios and touch for 3 weeks. Have all
my music on Synology NAS but now when I run LMS it takes forever, moves
very slowly and cannot even display progress during scan. I stopped it
after 6 days but my SB are not playing any of my local music (although
seem to see the albums). Logitech tell me its due to changes in Perl and
offer me a 35% reduction off future purchases - not likely in my present
state of mind. Synology been trying to help but still no answer. Have
taken off LMS package and re installed but made no difference.

This set up worked great for a year but now its hopeless.

Please has anyone any ideas as close to throwing Touch through window -
an action I now I will regret :(


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Re: [slim] Vortexbox NAS hardware recommendations?

2013-03-21 Thread ajkidle

garym wrote: 
> +1, RAID is almost worthless in the context of media backup (unless
> you're running a business that uses this info and you need instant data
> access if there is a data failure). RAID is *not* a backup plan.  Almost
> any low power modern computer will run Vortexbox.  They work best with
> internal HD, but with some command line knowledge one can use external
> HDDs, etc.

What then *is* a backup plan?  I'm not sure I understand this line of
argument.  If my HDD fails, I lose my FLAC library ... which I have
spent countless hours ripping, tagging, etc.  How is a secondary back-up
drive a more robust solution than RAID 1?  

And although I understand the off-premise argument, I'm not interested
in taking it that far.  If my house burns down, I'll have bigger
problems to worry about.

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Re: [slim] Vortexbox NAS hardware recommendations?

2013-03-21 Thread matka

ajkidle wrote: 
> I've been running my Vortexbox on a headless Atom based MSI Nettop 100
> box for the past few years, and recently have gotten the itch to protect
> my data by setting up a RAID 1 configuration.  The on-board controller
> on the MSI doesn't seem to support this, and there are no expansion
> slots available for adding a 3rd party card, so I'm investigating new
> hardware.  Anyone have any recommendations?  
> I'm looking for something low power that I can tuck away in a closet
> somewhere.  It just needs to be able to run Vortexbox, have gigabit
> ethernet, and 2 hard drive bays minimum (4 preferred.)  Oh, and it needs
> to support RAID 1.  Or at least have a PCI slot so I can add a
> controller card.
Assuming that you want a Raid 1 for HD failure (other pointed out that
this is not a backup) I see that your box has 2 SATA controler and from
the picture I can also see a pci expansion slot. If you could add an
eSata controler (or maybe somehow hookup esata cable to existing
controler ?), then you can add an external array box like this I have it hooked up to an older Aspire Nettop and
is working fine, don't feel the need to replace. I'm running in a Raid
5, same hd failure protection but more space than Raid 1. 6TB.

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Re: [slim] Vortexbox NAS hardware recommendations?

2013-03-21 Thread Mnyb

I recomed an external USB backup drive ,the main thing is that it is not
powered and does not run all time but you back up regularly better to
have 2 usb drives (if your really OCD) so that you can take one drive
even weeks/months and the other one odd weeks/months if some corruption
or tagging mistake have crept in you can take two steps back .

I think Abuti clearly laid out why in his post in this tread as the data
is immediately mirrored to the other drive you get the same corrupt data
on both drives .
So when you discovers the the files are rubbish they are equally rubbish
on both drives .

RAID is mostly a protection against downtime not data loss the server
survives a disc failure , if you run a business with 24/7 uptime this is
necessary but even if you do you still need an external backup , so why
not just settle for the external backup in a home setting ?

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread Ron Thigpen
I was reminded of a lady's front side (think Hooter's) logo when I saw 
the two orange hearts.

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Re: [slim] Vortexbox NAS hardware recommendations?

2013-03-21 Thread aubuti

ajkidle wrote: 
> What then *is* a backup plan?  I'm not sure I understand this line of
> argument.  If my HDD fails, I lose my FLAC library ... which I have
> spent countless hours ripping, tagging, etc.  How is a secondary back-up
> drive a more robust solution than RAID 1?  
> And although I understand the off-premise argument, I'm not interested
> in taking it that far.  If my house burns down, I'll have bigger
> problems to worry about.
RAID 1 is fine for protecting against HDD failure, which will eventually
happen. RAID 1 is also good for avoiding downtime, because if one HDD
fails you can immediately switch over to the other. I fail to see the
need for zero downtime for a home music library, but your mileage may
vary. And RAID 1 is automatic, which is good for people who don't have a
real system for regular backups. Beyond those few specific things, RAID
1 won't help you.

A good backup plan protects against more than HDD failure. Because even
though HDD failure is inevitable, a lot of other bad things can happen
long before the HDD dies. A good backup plan protects against:

- user error. Say you're doing a mass re-tagging operation and you screw
up. Under RAID 1 that screw up is automatically replicated on the 2nd
drive, and you're screwed. With a separate backup, you can recover from
the mistake easily.

- software error. For example, a bug in some program corrupts all your
FLAC files. Again, RAID 1 immediately replicates that error to the 2nd
drive. With a separate backup you can recover.

- other hardware failure. Sometimes RAID controller cards go ka-blooey,
and you end up with crap on all your RAID discs.

- outside events, like power surges, fire, flood, theft, etc. Even if
you use a separate external drive, don't leave it always plugged in to
the computer, so that one power surge takes out the primary and the
backup. If you don't want to store it off-premises, at least store it in
another room. Same for theft - I had a student who was finishing his
dissertation and was burglarized, and the thief took his laptop, the USB
drive sitting next to the laptop, and threw in the computer bag (also
sitting next to the laptop) and ran off, taking several months of the
student's life as he reconstructed his work.

Personally, I fail to see the logic of -"If my house burns down, I'll
have bigger problems to worry about."-  If you value those countless
hours of ripping and tagging, or if you have any other digital documents
that are important to you (photos, videos, financial documents, emails)
then what you're really saying is "If my house burns down, I think I'll
compound the problem by throwing my digital files on top of the

If you're the type who does infrequent backups, then RAID 1 _plus_ a
separate backup disk kept in another location would be the best
solution. The RAID 1 will take care of any changes in-between backups to
the separate drive, and the separate drive will give you protection
against the many things that RAID 1 does not protect against.

I also use an MSI nettop 100 for my server, running Debian instead of
Vortexbox -- it's a good little machine. For my backup purposes I
regularly do backups from all the computers in the house including the
music server to a NAS that I have tucked away in a closet in another
part of the house. I also have an external USB drive that I keep at my
workplace. Every month or so I bring the USB drive home and sync it with
the NAS, and take it back to work the next day. It's not bulletproof --
but it offers me a good degree of protection and most of all, it is easy
to maintain.

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Re: [slim] Good Squeezebox alternative?

2013-03-21 Thread JimC

Mnyb wrote: 
> Maybe it is the notoriously hard to get gapless on dlna , that throw of
> developers of other platforms to not think about it ?

Well, the founders are from Linn, as are a few others at the company, so
that may well be the case.  I must say, it is kind of cool spending time
chatting with Martin Dalgleish about audio.

-=> Jim

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-21 Thread ReValveiT

I have access to CNC millers fully capable of routing aluminium
(aluminum for you US guys :)) cases.

Once you have the exact final board dimensions I can sort out a proto?

Offer's there if it's wanted/needed.


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Re: [slim] Wanted: a Few Can-do FLAC Testers / p2p Streamers

2013-03-21 Thread Memford

TheOctavist wrote: 
> damnit
> any ideas??
> ive tried with VLC< foobar, and potplayer..
> [image:

My most important idea is to get guide right (this time), which see
above.  Good hunting!

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread agillis

pperse wrote: 
> How about a more simplified logo like this?
> 14625

I like these a lot. They are very simple and could be easily used in a
lot of different places.

It would be nice to have a symbol that could be used as an icon for
community projects. Not just stylized text.

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Re: [slim] Community Squeeze Logo

2013-03-21 Thread JJZolx

pperse wrote: 
> How about a more simplified logo like this?
> 14625

This. The colors and fonts harken back to the original Slim Devices

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Re: [slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-03-21 Thread JJZolx

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What should we call this new device?

- Open Music Box 
- Melodia 
- Phoenix 
- Harmonic 
- None of the above

Can anyone say for certain that the word 'Squeeezebox' cannot be used
for an open source project? With Logitech deep-sixing the entire product
line, do they even care about the trademark any longer?

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Re: [slim] Community Squeezebox: The Name Vote (Round 2)

2013-03-21 Thread erland

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What should we call this new device?

- Open Music Box 
- Melodia 
- Phoenix 
- Harmonic 
- None of the above

JJZolx wrote: 
> Can anyone say for certain that the word 'Squeeezebox' cannot be used
> for an open source project? With Logitech deep-sixing the entire product
> line, do they even care about the trademark any longer?

They would probably not care and they will probably not give official
permission if someone asks because they don't want to waste time
thinking of it, so the question is more if the people behind the
community Squeezebox is prepared to risk legal actions and being forced
to change the name later on if requested by Logitech. If we want
something similar, using Squeeze instead of Squeezebox will probably
avoid most of the potential legal problems.

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