[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-29 Thread Aragorn

Hallo erland
>Do you want a device driver because you think there would be less bugs
in a system that consisted of a completely newly written device driver +
an external application not written by Logitech ?
>Or do you really want the device driver for the functionality ?

I would like to be able to use Slimbox as a (high quality) remote
soundcard. The beauty of device driver concept (if the implementation
is high quality) is that it would allow the use of any software. Basic
integration would just stream the sound, while advanced integration
would also support the display

>The reason I'm asking is because newly written code often has more
bugs in it than old code and this is especially true if code from
different companies shall collaborate.

I am not a developer, as a user this waht I would like to have.

>I'm not arguing that a device driver is wrong, I'm just checking that
you want it for the right reason.
>The problem with slimserver is that the environment it runs in can be
completely different.
>- Some people uses MP3 files some other people uses FLAC files. 
>- Some uses iTunes or MusicIP plugins for scanning files and some uses
the native scanning mechanism builtin in slimserver. 
>- Different software is used for tagging music files. 
>- Some people knows what tags are other have no idea what a tag is
>- Slimserver runs on different operating systems. 
>- People are having different type of networks, some wireless some
>- Some people are running slimserver on servers, some are running it
on the desktop where new games and other applications are installed
every week.
>- Sound quality is number one priority for SlimDevices, while other
products might focus more on usability than sound quality.

>The problem with this senario is that it is impossible for SlimDevices
to test all different configurations without the help of the end users.
I know this might sound bad, but we are not talking about Microsoft
here we are talking about a quite small company (at least until
Logitech bought SlimDevices).

I am not blaming SlimDevices, simply noticing the big gap between
hardware and software quality. In my opinion the software is not mass
market ready and I believe Logitech should address this issue. 

>I'm running my slimserver on a server and has only been running
official releases on it. I have only FLAC music over a wireless network
and it has been running for about a year now. I can honestly say that I
haven't had a single problem during this time. I know you guys that are
having problems might not feel any better because of this, but at least
it shows that it can actually work really good. 

I am also running my slimserver on a linux server, however for my needs
and my enviromental feeling, this is an overkill.



Aragorn's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4229
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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-29 Thread Aragorn

Mr Sinatra,
I fully support your position. 
I have at least three friends who asked me about feedback about my
squeezebox. My answer: great hardware, software which is just for jerks
that want to spend more time in debugging that playing music. In short -

The driver would be a very, very good idea. If this is not possible, a
software product (whatever it is) that works and do not introduce more
bugs any new release like ss does.

My suggestion: you have done your point very clear, probably at
Logitech (which does understand consumer business) got it, stop wasting
your time arguing with all the attacks to you. Many people in this
thread seems do not want to understant it. Probably spending time
debugging make their ego feeling good.



Aragorn's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4229
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=31324

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[slim] Re: External Hard Drives -- Most reliable (least likely to fail) brand?

2007-01-10 Thread Aragorn

It is not true at all that all the HD are the same in term of

Also between the same brand there is a lot of variability in the MTBF
(Mean Time Before Failure) between different models.
MTBF is rating indicating the expected number of power on hours (POH)
before failure will occur.

Hard Disk for use on servers have a much higher MTBF, but they are also
more expensive.

I cannot say which brand is better, but just for fun I have compared
two Samsung HD of the same size, one was 330'000 POH and the other
600'000 POH; that mean that one is much likely to fail than the other.

The bottom line is: if you want reliability just check the MTBF before
you buy, you can always found them in the web site of the
manufacturers. If you are unlucky of course your "better" hard disk can
fail earlier than another which has a worst MTBF, but on average it does
matter. For the same reason it does not make much sense to refer to
their own experience with a couple of HD



Aragorn's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4229
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=31321

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[slim] Re: Ideas for Squeezebox 4

2006-12-12 Thread Aragorn


I also believe you are right (and not rude at all).



Aragorn's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4229
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[slim] Re: Ideas for Squeezebox 4

2006-12-11 Thread Aragorn

I know that a lot of people will disagree, however here are my two

First: SB4 should come out in two versions:
- Just audio streaming, like today SB3 some more bell and wristles
which I don't care about, bigger display, whatever you like
- Full version with embedded silent PC. Form-Factor like the
transporter. You should be able to manage it just using a web
interface, including copying files from whatever place they are into
the SB4. In addition basic tag editing functions (supporting the tags
used by slimserver)should be included. 
The software should be resident (let's say in a memory card) and a slot
should allow a removable standard PC Hard Disk extension. In short you
should be able to buy a box which can be administered by any people
without requiring a PHD in computer science. I could then recommend SBx
(which I personally like) also to friends. 

SB4 should appear to iTunes as an output device just like "Apple
AirPort Express" does. i.e you connect SB4 in the netword and iTunes
show it like an AirPort Express


Aragorn's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4229
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30399

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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-11-17 Thread Aragorn

I believe that before going for new features, it would be more
important to:
1) Finishing the specification (the new Wiki SlimServerSpecification is
a good start)
2) Establish a set of standard test
3) Run the tests and fix the bug
4) Create a complete documentation and a process that make sure that
documentation and releases are always aligned

This would be a huhe step forward for us (the customers)



Aragorn's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4229
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26874

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