Re: [slim] Upgrade killed my SqueezeBox remote

2009-10-02 Thread Caad

After updating to SC 7.4 and firmware 130, the display turns black
after connecting SB3 to Squeezecenter. On SB3, after disconnect of power
and turn on again it is possible to connect to 

The problem seems like the Firewall problem when running SC on
But My system is a Mac Mini 1.8GHz Duo core with OSX 10.6 installed and
the firewall turned off.
To verify the problem I did downgrade again to SC 7.3.4 and firmware
Now it is possible to connect to SC again..:-)


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-26 Thread Caad

hi pippin

I have just downloaded ipeng from app store.
I have formely used the web based ipeng and are impressed by all the
functions (but not the speed)
Regaarding the new native version:
Here is my first impression and suggestions for updates.
Connect to server was easy... 

First missing point was the music folder search..
I have used this option very much for faster seach in my library.
Pleae make this as an option again,,,You could eg. plase it as an
option in the more buttom 

I have also problems with the play function:
I browes to an album and select to play it. 
nothing happens. I now have to press the ipeng buttom and then the play
buttom to start play.
(Now it seams that i have made a playlist?? why is this happens? I only
what to hear the picked album.
If i now want to listen to a new album, then i have to trash can the
play list and pick the clear buttom. then i haave to pick the return
buttom for choose the to play the new album...
This way to play an album is not very GUI friendly For better GUI
please make the same GUI as the web based IPENG...
Sorry to say Pippin , but the Squidy remote  is much easier to navigate
compaired with the Native IPENG.
I have only used the  IPENG for 1hour and have already had 2 screen
freezes of IPENG.  
Sorry to say , but it seams that this version 1.0 of ipeng needs to be
made more stable and easier to use..
Please reply, I could have made something wrong...


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Re: [slim] Squidgy for iPhone now available in Apple App Store

2008-11-15 Thread Caad

Hi Pippin.

Do you have an estimate when the Ipeng can be downloaded from apple?


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Re: [slim] Squidgy for iPhone now available in Apple App Store

2008-11-14 Thread Caad

This is my first impression of the Squidgy remote SW for ipod Touch.

My setup:SQ3.
mac mini, 1,8GHz 320GB/7200 HDD, 2GB Ram, OSX 10.4, Slimcenter 7.2.1

The SW is very easy to setup and getting running. It detects the server
IP. You only have to connect this IP and then do a libary scan. I have
around 1000 CDs and setup and Lib scan takes max 5min. Nice job!!!
The SW reacts very fast compaired with the safari browsed IPENG.
Actually just as fast as the Apple Remote SW. This makes the SW very
usefull to use.. :-)
But.. There is No folder search in the menu. It is only possible to
search on artist, Album, genres. 
also when playing a song from an album and wish to return to the album.
This is not possible. you can only push two bottoms. playlist and
done. if you push playlist a playlist will show up. It is not
possible to choose an other song from this list.. If you push done
the you will be rolled back to the startmenu Here you then have to
find the album again etc.. 

An other bad thing is the Volume control. This is placed so you only
can control if you push on the top of the screen. the Volumecontrol
will show up. The volume control is also very sensetive and to close to
the Off button, that shots my SQ3 down. The menu does not allow you to
use Squeeze network. 
Conclusion: I like the Gui expect for the problems above. IPENG has
these features included but the safari based GUI is to slow.


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Re: [slim] Slim server can't see my USB drive on my Mac mini

2007-08-13 Thread Caad

working great... 
Thank you very much



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Re: [slim] Slim server can't see my USB drive on my Mac mini

2007-08-12 Thread Caad

hey again

Thanks for your replies.. 
Sorry for not make my self clear.
But My problem is that I don't know how to make a symbolic link ln -s
?? and how to set up a patch to the folder..

the FAQ pages had a super description earlier this, but this seem to be

Thank for any help this simple problem


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Re: [slim] Slim server can't see my USB drive on my Mac mini

2007-08-12 Thread Caad

Thanks for your reply..
I'm lost.!! Sorry i'm just an Windows engineer..
I have downloaded Symbolic Linker 1.2v2 from versiontracker

In the read me file, this says that i have to copy this in to dmg to
tthe contex menu items..
Ok.. this was done..
next .. I'm lost now
Read me txt also says that I have to push Control comand esc...
how do i make this ? I have only ESc on my apple keyboard or ??
As you can see,, I really need basic help with this..


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[slim] Slim server can't see my USB drive on my Mac mini

2007-08-11 Thread Caad

I have a problem with my slimserver. The Slimserver can't see my music
files that are on an external HDD.
As I can see on the FAQ pages I have to use a symbolic link.
But how do I use this symbolic link? 
Does any one know how to do this an easy way?.


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