[slim] Re: 6.5 Unstable and Bugs

2006-10-02 Thread Cams


A rescan brought back the album art so I'm all fixed up! I'm stoked
about the Cyrillic thing too!


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[slim] Re: 6.5 Unstable and Bugs

2006-10-02 Thread Cams

I just installed 6.5 (saw the notification that a new version was
available at the bottom of the version I was using (6_3_x_v2006-06-03)

First thing I noticed was that it loaded in my browser quicker, quite a
lot quicker. The second thing I noticed was that all my album art has
gone. I have a folder.jpg in all my album folders, but nothing
displays. That's what brought me to the forum, to see if this was a
documented problem and whether there was a fix. I haven't found
anything. I'm running it on ClarkConnect 3.2 Home.

The third thing I noticed was that my SB3 now displays Cyrillic! How
long I have waited for this! Now I can get to work ripping my Russian
CDs at last! 

I have had one SlimServer crash since upgrading (never had one prior to
that) and I haven't really checked the bandwith issues on my DGL-4300 --
I did have a problem playing FLACs in the farther away of my two SB3s,
but it's in the kitchen where I mainly listen to podcasts in MP3
format, so it wasn't too big a deal.

I wonder whether the 802.11n standard will see its way into the SB3 (if
it ever gets ratified that is!)

I like how 6.5 looks over 6.3 based on my 10 minutes of using it. I
hope the bugs get fixed, as I'm sure they will be. I've had the two
SB3s about a year now and I'm very glad I chose them. They quite simply
have changed how I consume my audio in the home and I would hate to 'go

So, any ideas on the album art thing? 



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[slim] Re: Syncronising -- track restarts

2006-02-06 Thread Cams

Thanks to you all for responding. It's interesting to find these things
out after I've committed to the SB3 rather than the Sonos. I figure
that the Sonos works better with its way of setting up Zones. I suppose
that, since it seems to be a server-related thing where the SB3 is
concerned, that it can be fixed at some point down the line. I shall
look forward to that day.


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[slim] Syncronising -- track restarts

2006-02-06 Thread Cams

I'm just curious to know whether this behaviour can be changed. I'm
listening to one SB3 and move to another room and wish to sync, so I go
through Settings > Synchronise and it makes the track restart. This is
particularly annoying when listening to podcasts, which I do regularly.

Can this be prevented from happening?



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[slim] Re: Speaker Recommendation for non-audiophile

2006-02-06 Thread Cams

I bought two pairs of Klipsch Promedia 2.0 speakers, one for the SB3 in
the kitchen and the other for the family PC. These are not primary
listening zones so I preferred to do without the extra space of a
subwoofer. Here is the link to the speakers from the retailer from
which I bought them (along with my two SB3s)

'Digimania.be' (http://www.digimania.be/en/prod_det.asp?ProductID=672)

The bass response on them is actually really good for what they are and
I'm more than happy with them.


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[slim] Re: Can't connect to SlimServer

2006-02-04 Thread Cams

I got it working!!! I pulled out the ZyXEL and worked on the LAN using
just the new router. I manged to get it to assign the IP addresses that
I wanted it to assign and got the SB3s working over the wireless network
with WPA. Signal strength is up in the 80s now so problem solved.
Plugging back in the ZyXEL to get to the Internet caused some problems,
but a factory reset seems to have resolved that. 

I think the key to the whole thing was having the Turbo G (D-Link) or
g+ (ZyXEL) switched on. Switching that off didn't resolve it, but
starting again with it switched off seems to have yielded a good

What a long day it's been though -- about 3 hours last night, then
today from 8am to 5pm with an hour off for lunch. Jeepers.


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[slim] Re: Can't connect to SlimServer

2006-02-04 Thread Cams

Thanks for staying with me on this ceejay. Your help is very much

I did the hard factory reset on the SBs, disabled Wireless g+ on the
router and changed the 802.11 mode from 802.11g only to Mixed. I then
saw that my Clark Connect OS had switched from Standalone (No Firewall)
mode to Standalone -- that's happened before so I should have been alert
to it, but I missed it. 

The end result of all that is that I'm back online with my SB3s and can
access SlimServer from the browser. Yay! A whole morning's work to bring
me back to where I was at teatime last night. 

So, now I have to try and get the new router in the mix somehow. Should
I disable the DHCP server in the new router, or the old one? Or doesn't
it matter? The chain will be the old router between the phone socket
and new router, and then the server and two client PCs plugged into the
new router. I suppose it would make sense to disable both wireless and
DHCP on the old router, but would that affect the IP address for
getting out to the Internet? 

I do so wish I could have found a router with Gigabit ethernet, modem
and wireless. I find it strange that such a device is not yet

Time for some lunch and then for some more tinkering. Maybe I'll be
able to get onto the unicode tag problem by this evening!



Cams's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3302
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[slim] Re: Can't connect to SlimServer

2006-02-04 Thread Cams

I still can't connect to SlimServer using only the ZyXEL router so I
thought I'd post back with some more info.

The ZyXEL router is taking care of the DHCP IP assignment. The SB3 is
connecting to the wireless network and is being successfully assigned
its own IP address. I can ping the SB3 from my desktop. I can also view
the GUI on the server box (running ClarkConnect), I can see that the
SlimServer service is running and I can also ping the server. 

I'm using WPA-PSK, the same as I was prior to messing around with the
new router last night. During the messing around, I reset the ZyXEL to
factory settings several times after losing the Internet, so I'm
guessing that something that was set correctly before is no longer set
correctly. I've switched off the Firewall in the router and powered it
off and back on again. 

And the latest develoment is that I can no longer connect to SlimServer
in my browser with http://slimserver:9000

Could it be something to do with these settings:

[image: http://www.celticguitartalk.com/misc/sb_01.jpg]

Someone please help! I've spent a small fortune to get this running,
not to mention the hours and hours I've spent sat here. I need help!


Cams's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3302
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[slim] Re: Can't connect to SlimServer

2006-02-04 Thread Cams

The ZyXEL router is being used only for the ADSL modem. The new router
has Gigabit ethernet and a stronger wireless signal. I would much
rather have got an all-in-one device with Gigabit ethernet, good
wireless and integrated modem, but there doesn't seem to be such a
thing on the market as yet. 

I just went back to just using the ZyXEL and can get onto the network
with the SB3 and log into SqueezeNetwork, but I still cannot get it to
find SlimServer. I've had my two SB3s working all week through just the
ZyXEL router (with dropouts due to wireless strength), but now I can't
get them to pickup SlimServer at all. Very frustrating.


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[slim] Re: Can't connect to SlimServer

2006-02-04 Thread Cams

It's a 192.168 IP. When first I set it up, it did find the IP address
automatically. That's what made me thing something was not right this
time around, and indeed, that seems to be the case.


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[slim] Re: Can't connect to SlimServer

2006-02-03 Thread Cams

I can't connect to SqueezeNetwork either. I can connect to the server
using Putty to open an SSH session and I can ping it from the command
line in Windows. I think it's something to do with the two routers and
port forwarding or some such thing, but I'm not sure how these things
ought to be configured. I guess every router is different so it will be
difficult to advise, but if anyone can give me a general idea of what
needs to be done, I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. 

Looks like another Saturday spent tinkering with something that worked
fine on Friday. Technology, huh? Can't live with it, can't live without

Just to clarify, I'm using a ZyXEL HW 660HW to hook up to the Internet
and I have an ethernet cable going from it to the WAN port on the new
D-Link. The server and two PCs are all hardwired to the new D-Link and
I've got my wireless network configured properly as far as I can tell. 



Cams's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3302
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[slim] Can't connect to SlimServer

2006-02-03 Thread Cams

I bought a shiny new router today with a 5dbi wireless signal strength
and Gigabit ethernet. My ZyXEL router wasn't giving me a strong enough

As far as I can tell, I can connect okay to the wireless network. I 
did a factory reset on the SB3 by pulling the plug then replugging
whilst holding down the add key. Thereafter I got through the set up,
had an IP automatically assigned and had to enter the SlimServer IP
manually. That's as far as it gets. 

The router is a D-Link DGL-4300 and I'm running SlimServer on a Clark
Connect 3.2 box. My two Windows PCs and the ClarkConnect server are all
hardwired into the router, and the old router is plugged into the WAN
port on the new router for Internet access. I've disabled wireless on
the old router. 

Has anyone any ideas? I was hoping to work on my Cyrillic tags problem,
but it's taken hours of trying to set up the new router and I'm done in
for the day. If only I were being paid for the hours spent setting up
the Squeezebox. Still, I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. 



Cams's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3302
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