Re: [slim] Re: OT: professional-audio slim device?

2006-04-23 Thread Dave Horoschak
How about something like the Marantz PMD660?  Up to 17hrs on a 1GB 
compact flash in MP3 format.  (Varies depending on compression.)

Purchase a CF reader for the PC and you're all set.
- Dave

azinck3 wrote:

Maybe I'm missing a problem with this setup, but why not record through
a compressor with good metering straight to a stand-alone CD recorder?

Yeah, this would be ideal except for the fact that we need to be able
to record more than 80 minutes at a time.


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Re: [slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-04-23 Thread Dave Horoschak
I'm trying to get this to work, but it just keeps flashing Logging in 
to Sirius.  I tried my username and PW on the regular Sirius site and 
it works fine.

- Dave

GoCubs wrote:

Streams can now be played on SB2/3 hardware by disabling built-in
decoding (see web site)!!!

Now playing information is viewable for all channels via the web and
remote control interfaces.

No longer requires custom async http classes.

Bug fixes.

* Please completely delete any previous versions before installing!!!



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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-04-15 Thread Dave Horoschak

Dave, I've run into this as well. I think what's happening is that when
the 770 goes to power save mode (screen dims or turns off), an
additional step it takes is to break the network connection. It's a
pity that it does this, but the 770 consumes a lot more power when WiFi
is active. When the network connection breaks, it also stops the browser
from attempting to refresh.

Sorry that's not a solution (which I don't have), but I believe that's
what's happening. My best solution is to tap the screen to bring it
back to life, then top on the musical note icon to do a hard refresh of
the screen. If anyone has a better workaround for this behavior, please


There should be settings somewhere that control the power saving 
functionality - how long it takes to dim the screen, turn the screen 
off, turn off wireless, etc.  For my personal use, extending the 
timeouts to something on the order of several minutes instead of the 
10-20 seconds that it is now would be sufficient.

Maybe there are some tweaks on the 770 forums that can help.

Also - my now playing screen doesn't seem to update unless I hit the Now 
Playing icon and force a refresh.  As a song is playing the progress bar 
moves but the screen doesn't update automatically when the song 
changes.  Do you know why that would be?

- Dave

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Re: [slim] Re: Plugin support on nokia770 skin

2006-03-23 Thread Dave Horoschak
Do you think that would include support for Music Magic, which has some 
different UI implications than other plugs?

- Dave

bklaas wrote:

it's added to the list...



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Re: [slim] Re: Problem stopping Slimserver

2006-03-12 Thread Dave Horoschak

Yes - I am logged in as root.
- Dave

max.spicer wrote:

Are you running as root (or a similarly privileged user) when you try
and stop it?


Dave Horoschak Wrote: 

Every time I try to stop Slimserver in Linux (.../slimserver stop), I'm

getting a FAILED message.  I'd like to create a script that stops 
Slimserver, starts Music Magic, and restarts Slimserver, but I can't do

this if I'm not able to reliably stop the server.  None of the log
seem to have any indications of a problem.  This occurred with 6.2.1
with the 6.5b1 I just installed.

Any ideas?
- Dave


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Re: [slim] Re: Problem stopping Slimserver

2006-03-12 Thread Dave Horoschak

Two reasons:

1. I'm trying to use this as a part of a script and I have no way of 
knowing the PID ahead of time.

2. I wasn't sure if there were any other processes or cleanup that the 
server stop executes that don't happen when you kill the process.

- Dave

rudholm wrote:

Is there any reason you don't want to just kill the process?


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[slim] MusicMagic startup on Mandriva

2006-03-11 Thread Dave Horoschak
What's the best way to start MusicMagic automatically when I boot 
Mandriva 2006?  I tried adding it to /etc/init.d/slimserver before is run, but Slim still doesn't appear to see it.

Any thoughts?

- Dave
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[slim] Problem stopping Slimserver

2006-03-11 Thread Dave Horoschak
Every time I try to stop Slimserver in Linux (.../slimserver stop), I'm 
getting a FAILED message.  I'd like to create a script that stops 
Slimserver, starts Music Magic, and restarts Slimserver, but I can't do 
this if I'm not able to reliably stop the server.  None of the log files 
seem to have any indications of a problem.  This occurred with 6.2.1 and 
with the 6.5b1 I just installed.

Any ideas?
- Dave
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[slim] Two MusicMagic questions

2006-03-06 Thread Dave Horoschak

I just got MusicMagic running on my server and have two questions.

1. Maybe I'm missing the obvious, but how do you generate a MM playlist 
from the SB?  Do I need to generate and save them all from the web 
browser and recall the static playlists on the SB?

2. If I'm running MM in Linux headless mode, do I need to use the GUI to 
re-analyze every time I add news songs?

- Dave
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Re: [slim] Re: Tagging question

2006-02-19 Thread Dave Horoschak

Thank you to everyone who provided insight to my tagging question.

Before I start the process of using multiple genre tags - how are these 
handled in the iPod?  Does it recognize multiple genres, just take the 
first one, or does is see the whole string as a genre?

I want to make sure I don't screw up my library for portable listening.

- Dave

Siduhe wrote:

I couldn't agree with Snarlydwarf more.  I tidied up all my tags using
(mostly) MusicBrainz and some other lookup programs, but then
immediately went back and redid all the Genre tags for two reasons:

1) Music classification is personal and genre tagging (IMHO) totally
random.  I've had each disc of a two disc album classified for genre
totally differently.  Also, I don't use some of the very common genre
tags (Electronica for example).

2) I use multiple genre tags in Slimserver.

A good interface to use to redo your genre tags is Tag  Rename (30 day
free trial).  Speeds the whole process up.

Re: Music Magic, as far as I know it doesn't use the Genre information
at all - it analyses and validates all your music using an algorithm
and then matches those with similar results.  If you're getting odd
results, it may be worth checking your preferences and setting the
variety options to low.  Also, have you let MM analyse and validate
the entire library - this can take a good while (overnight in my case)
so it may be it hasn't finished reviewing everything yet ?


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[slim] Tagging question

2006-02-18 Thread Dave Horoschak
I'm just getting my SB3 up  running with all of the plug-ins, etc. to 
my satisfaction and am now working on the arduous task of cleaning my 
tags.  I have already gone through using MusicBrainz and now 95% of my 
collection has consistent files names and relatively clean tags.  
However, I found that none of the files have genre tags anymore. 

Two questions...

1. Any recommendations on how to get genres entered?  I could go through 
with a ID3-Tagit and lookup each album on FreeDB, but it seems like 
there should be an easier way, considering the fact that most of the 
tags are clean.  What level of detail do most people put in their genre 
tags?  I have about 15k files, so generalizing them into Rock, Pop, 
Classical, Heavy Metal, etc. is probably not granular enough.

2. I've been playing with MusicMagic and found that the playlists it 
generates are very odd.  How does MM generate the playlists?  Is it 
likely that the lack of genre tags is causing some problems?

- Dave

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[slim] question

2006-02-11 Thread Dave Horoschak
I'm really enjoying Last.FM, but find it frustrating that any time I 
want to change channels, skip a song or love a song I have to go back to 
the main menu and select Internet Radio - Last.FM again.  It would make 
more sense to keep those capabilities right under artist/song info in 
the menu.

Am I missing something in the setup that would streamline this process?
- Dave
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[slim] 6.2.1 install help needed

2006-02-06 Thread Dave Horoschak
I recently upgraded my system and am trying to install 6.2.1 on Mandriva 
2006 but am having some problems getting is started. Slimserver thinks 
it starts OK but it's never actually running.   I'm getting an error 
that the module is missing.  I tried building the Perl 
modules, but I get an error on the first one that it couldn't find a 
valid dynamic library for compress-zlib.

Any thoughts?
- Dave
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Re: [slim] Re: 6.2.1 install help needed

2006-02-06 Thread Dave Horoschak

That worked perfectly.  Thanks!

It would be helpful if there was mention in the Installation.txt file 
about what the dependencies are for installation.  Or provide a link to 
a website that has this information.

- Dave

CavesOfTQLT wrote:

Maybe have a quick shufties through my post '_here_'
( and
see if that helps.


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[slim] Lockup problem

2005-03-30 Thread Dave Horoschak
I've been having lockup problems since 6.0b2 and continue to have them 
with the 6.0 release.  On a Mandrake 9.0 dedicated (Samba) file server, 
I installed SlimServer.  Previously, the system had been up  running 
with a problems for about 2 years.  Now that I installed SlimServer, it 
dsoesn't stay up for more than 24 hours.  It locks up hard so that I 
can't Telnet in, the webserver doesn't work, etc.

What's the best way of troubleshooting this problem?  slimserver.log 
doesn't have any data in it.  After a reboot, everything seems to run 
fine until it crashes again.

Indidentally, this occurs without any Slim clients ever connecting to 
the server.

Any thoughts?
- Dave
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Re: [slim] Re: Mandrake install problem

2005-03-20 Thread Dave Horoschak
This worked, but the script ended up failing with parse errors.  It 
installed what I needed, though so I'm up  running.

- Dave
Dan Sully wrote:
* Dave Horoschak shaped the electrons to say...
I just installed 6.0b3 on Mandrake 9.0 (first SlimServer install).  
I'm getting an error Can't locate auto/DBI/ in 
slimserver.log.  It would appear that I need to install a module, but 
which one?

Please run Bin/
It appears that Mandrake has built their perl differently than RedHat.
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