Re: [slim] SqueezePlay skips to next track mid-track

2014-11-22 Thread Deaf Cat

Yes, I would have thought an i5 should have no problem what so ever.

Makes me think that if everything in the network has a little problem
here and a little problem there, all the little imperfections may well
add up to a network glitch and cause a skip...

I set my headless LMS pentium D up over my network, and it has been
noticeably more responsive since I have changed the network cable from
cat5 to cat5e...  :-o
I did not expect such a noticeable improvement in speed.:cool:

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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay skips to next track mid-track

2014-11-17 Thread Deaf Cat

I had a similar problem a while back, and have not found a definite
answer as of yet, though listening/testing time is somewhat limited.  

What seemed to make a big difference was swapping LMS over, from an old
XP celeron 1.2, to a dedicated LMS win8 pentium D machine, (wired touch,
wireless SB2), however, every now and then (not often) I do get a skip
to the next track.

I was thinking it was a processing glitch, the 1.2 was having a bit of
trouble, and the fresh more powerful D managed much better...
(my network card in the D does however need unplugging and re-plugging
to register on the network, 50% of the time when turning on the machine,
it may well have smaller hick ups when on too causing the skips..?)

The old win98 laptop wired (softsqueeze) in the garage does skip rather
a lot in comparison to the SB2 and touch.


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Re: [slim] New PC - windows 7.0 or windows 8.1?

2014-09-03 Thread Deaf Cat

garym wrote: 
> No offense, but I hope that other readers of this thread will study a
> bit of what you've said above on their own, as most of the comments
> you've made about cause and effect in terms of sound quality are not
> just improbable or a matter of "taste" and "preferences" but actually
> *impossible* based on the clear engineering and science of how digital
> transmission of music works between the files, the server running LMS,
> the transmission method (wifi or ethernet) and the ultimate squeezebox
> players.

No offence from here either, but if changing from a Hitachi Deskstar to
a WD RE-4 somehow gives a different presentation to the music coming out
of my speakers, and if I like it, the RE-4 stays.  Vibration control...

I have no clue how RF, EMF, Capacitance, Inductance, crosstalk, jitter,
noise, vibration etc. affect the audio signal or data transfer, that is
why I let my ears do the testing.

I do sometimes wish I could not hear the difference between the flat
screen tv and the stereo setup, things would be so much simpler with
just stuff from Argos :-)

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Re: [slim] New PC - windows 7.0 or windows 8.1?

2014-09-03 Thread Deaf Cat

norderney wrote: 
> Thanks for the replies.
> Deaf Cat - I was interested to read that you think Windows 8 is best for
> audio playback. I am currently using Windows Vista running on a 10 year
> old Dell PC.
> You also mentioned Meicord cables. I assume you are referring to
> Ethernet cables. I have always used wireless connection for my
> Transporter mainly because of where the PC and Transporter are located.
> Running a very very long Ethernet cable was be difficult.
> What audio setup do you run?

I have an old Lenovo PentiumD that runs win8, fidelizer and of course
I have disabled a lot of services, including the paging file.  On board
sound, and USB are disabled in the BIOS.
Trying different sata cables also made a difference to the sound.
Main aim is to have the pc doing as little as possible, and to my ears
it makes a nice difference, I still have plenty to learn about.

I have recently added a network card so I could test out the win8
network bridge option.  This allows the pc to send info direct to my SB
Touch rather than go through a router, was not sure what would be best,
but rather impressed at the improvement  :-) This is where the Meicord

The SB Touch with linear psu runs SoundChecks Toolbox, cutting down its
internal processing work to a minimum.

>From the SBT I run digi coax to a Tag pre/dac,

Then I have a couple of Marchand XM44EMB boards (active crossover)

Rega Power amps and Ditton Floorstanders.

It may even be an option for you to buy a new pc, and use your old one
as a dedicated music server, closer to the amp with an ethernet cable..


Took me a good while to actually take the jump, to switch the paging
file off as I understand it can cause serious problems sometimes if you
turn it off.

Rather nice improvement and the pc still runs :-D  free sound upgrade

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Re: [slim] New PC - windows 7.0 or windows 8.1?

2014-09-02 Thread Deaf Cat

Just my experience,
went from XP long term, to windows 7 briefly, to 8
XP IME is by far the most reliable and bug free,
Win8 sounds the best when used for audio playback, I use slimserver and
a couple of SB's,
Would go back to XP if it was still supported for day to day machine,
reliable bug free operation
Windows 8 for music server just sounds better (same machine XP, win7,

So I would go for 8 if music is involved, ease of use go for 7 as 8 is
way different, I would love to go XP if it would run up to date office,

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Re: [slim] SB3: randomly jumps to next track (after working fine for years)

2013-12-22 Thread Deaf Cat

I had similar problem a while back, I am running on an old pc pentium D
which should in theory work fine, but it just skipped to the next track
every now and then, a right pain!

It seemed that it had trouble part way through tracks, and then skipped,
just now and then.  I turned it into a dedicated music server, stripping
out all unwanted software, services etc. that seemed to improve things a
bit. I then took the external usb drive apart and connected it directly
via as sata cable to motherboard.  This sorted the problem, been running
fine for about a year now.

Until last week, No not again!  so.. I guess it may have clogged it's
self up somehow..??

May be worth a try?

I don't understand why it should not just work though, a bottle neck
turns up that should not be there...??


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Re: [slim] win2000 laptop easy to switch to linux.... networking and squeezelite.... ?

2013-05-14 Thread Deaf Cat

Thanks for the link,
>From what I'm reading it's a server with a player, not really wanting a
server as already have one.
Just want the player...  :-)
Will read deeper when more awake.

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[slim] win2000 laptop easy to switch to linux.... netwoking and squeezelite.... ?

2013-05-14 Thread Deaf Cat


Keeping a close eye on the Community replacement squeezebox thread, but
in the mean time I'm thinking tapping in to LMS in the garage.

I have an old laptop that I have just found again, runs real slow on XP,
and zippy fast on win2000, but from what i read win2000 has trouble or
can't connect to a win7 network, so I was wondering if, me, with no
knowledge of Linux could make the old laptop a linux machine and run
squeezelite on it?

Would this sort of project for a beginner take hours upon hours or could
it be seemingly straight forward and quite quick...?

I'm pretty sure my nas is based on linux, and I used parted magic that
booted from the cd drive and used my network to get on the web with fire
fox, seemed rather simple to the nightmare of windows installation and
set up.

Cheers for any thoughts,

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Re: [slim] Can I connect my pc directly to SBT via ethernet ? and....

2012-09-09 Thread Deaf Cat

It sounds so easy just connecting the music pc to the AP and that is
that :-)  done!

So yes I think I will go with this easy solution 

unless I feel lucky and wanting to wasting a good few evenings of
frustration messing about with 2 ethernet cards in one machine  ;-)

Thanks for all the comments, and suggestions of switches etc

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Re: [slim] Can I connect my pc directly to SBT via ethernet ? and....

2012-09-08 Thread Deaf Cat

epoch1970 wrote: 
> Sounds good. I'm about sure the thing will support having more than one
> machine connected to it via ethernet. You don't even need a switch. This
> is clearly the best solution, IMHO.

Yes I think your right and agree! in one way  :-) 

epoch1970 wrote: 
> I shall not like for you, then. It could be complicated according to the
> OS you want to use (the OS must support "bridging"). When the PC is off,
> I repeat, no more network, nor Internet for the Touch. As helpless as an
> SB3 without its server. So it's not friendly, in addition of being
> complex and fragile.
> If you decide to go the complex way, any 2 types of ethernet card would
> do. Dual cards are more of a specialty item, and your computer already
> has at least one wired interface. (And perhaps a wireless one that you
> could use.) Check out the price of a 5-port fast (or gigabit, better)
> ethernet switch before buying an ethernet card and installing it in the
> PC ;)

Hay the external switches are peanuts compared to the pci card type :-o

To be honest I've only ever used the SB and SBT to play music from my
hdd, never from the internet...   don't think I'd miss what I have not

I'm still rather interested in the pci card option as I'm thinking
connecting the pc directly to the SBT will keep my brain happy in that
there are less items in the audio system chain, fussy I know, I can't
help it though :-(

Will have a search on bridging and two network cards :-)   fingers
crossed, much cheaper than a specialty multi port card  :-)

Much appreciate the comments, cheers  :-)

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Re: [slim] Can I connect my pc directly to SBT via ethernet ? and....

2012-09-08 Thread Deaf Cat

Oh!   did not think of plugging the pc into the extender / AP,   guess
that should work...

As you say:

Or this, if the AP doesn't include a switch (should cost very little):


 extender / AP
  [ fast ethernet or gigabit switch ]
  Touch   music PC

I'm not exactly sure what the extender /AP is now, or how it works.  It
used to be a router, but now with non standard firmware I down loaded,
to make it talk to the main router, if it works as a switch I'm afraid I
do not know, more by luck than judgement I got it to work with the SBT. 

"You can transform your music PC into a switch, but that may be a
hassle. And you'd need 2 network card in it. "

This sounds a rather good plan to me, so it would be :

extender / AP  -> music pc  -> SBTall three connected by ethernet
cable in a line  :-)

When you say 2 network card, do you mean one card with two ports, or two
separate network cards?

I like that idea, many thanks, and any more thoughts or plan appreciated

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[slim] Can I connect my pc directly to SBT via ethernet ? and....

2012-09-08 Thread Deaf Cat


Trying to make things simple...  I think,
pc with music for music,
pc with everything else for everything else, two different rooms,
So anyone else on the pc for everything, can't fiddle with the music pc
very easily :-)

At the moment I have pc for everything and music, ethernet connected to
router -> wireless -> to extender / AP -> ethernet wired to SBT,
controlled by ipeng.

Idea is to connect the music pc with LMS directly to the SBT via
ethernet and yet still control it over the wireless ipeng, can I run two
ethernet cables from one pc, one to the SBT, and one to the extender/AP
or router ?

Many thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.


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Re: [slim] Anyone tried both Android and iPeng? Which do you prefer, why?

2011-06-15 Thread Deaf Cat

Yes  I did get somewhat confused with the amount of phones available,
knowing that the ipod touch operates pretty well and the sound quality
is pretty good even though the initial outlay was a bit more, it worked
out roughly, with a new contract and new phone the same, with, to me an
unknown phone...

Got the ipod touch, sorted flac player last night for the car holiday
tomorrow and a line out plug for the the aux in in the car, and play
with ipeng when I get back - liking the apple thing quite a bit so far
I must say :-)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [slim] Anyone tried both Android and iPeng? Which do you prefer, why?

2011-06-13 Thread Deaf Cat

Thank you both for your comments :-)

Deaf Cat

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[slim] Anyone tried both Android and iPeng? Which do you prefer, why?

2011-06-13 Thread Deaf Cat

Thinking of getting an ipod touch or a new android phone, not sure
which, just after your thoughts on sound quality and a remote control
app for my SB...

Was thinking of ipod touch, as I understand sound quality is pretty
good, and have seen ipeng briefly on utube which seems to work nicely
and quickly.

But, then again, getting a new android phone would mean easier
comunication with everything else...

Any thoughts much appreciated!

Deaf Cat

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Re: [slim] Wireless SB2 as bridge, wired to, a Touch ?

2011-04-24 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers, tried it and seems to be working fine :-)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [slim] Wireless SB2 as bridge, wired to, a Touch ?

2011-04-24 Thread Deaf Cat

We seem to have a sudden influx of networks locally and so anything too
far from my router drops audio wise, quite often.

The squeezebox may go in the kitchen, closer to the router, and wired
to the touch in the lounge which is further away.

Cheers for your reply I will give it a try when I have a few mins :-)

Deaf Cat

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[slim] Wireless SB2 as bridge, wired to, a Touch ?

2011-04-22 Thread Deaf Cat

Would this work?

Cheers for any thoughts :-)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [slim] Where has "No sync" gone?

2010-12-03 Thread Deaf Cat

Hope you don't mind a quick question a bit OT.  I just thought last
night, of starting to work out how to synchronise my lounge SB2 with
(am I out of date) softsqueeze, on the slimserver pc.  Just how bad is
the responce time? if I'm going to control music via my SB2 remote
leading the track changing request?
Many thanks.

Deaf Cat

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Re: [slim] Any favorites with regards RGB / Component cables.....

2009-12-08 Thread Deaf Cat

Thank You :) 

I'm learning shielding is important ;)

Also learnt that the rca connections can be crimped, my soldering iron
can stay in the shed :) Came across some off cuts of Cavel QF100 today
in the other shed, as far as I can see its center is surrounded by a
foam then a copper foil then a copper braid  will have a little read
/ research to see if some rca's will fit.  May well work out much
cheaper which would be nice.

If I run out of time will more than likely go for the Blue Jeans / Mark
Grant Belden coax.  

Thank you for your time.

Deaf Cat

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Re: [slim] Any favorites with regards RGB / Component cables.....

2009-12-07 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers for your thoughts :)

I had not come across monoprice, I like their prices!
I have 1/2 a £30 IC doing the piture at the moment and it does better
than a £15 composite lead, so, I may be tempted to go straight for a
Blue Jeans cable. 

I had been reading about Belden cables and found the Blue Jeans web
site quite educational. I was thinking I might go for the 1694A, with
RCA's, I have nothing with the proper 75 Ohm BNC's  not even a BNC on
the digital connections on the stereo :(

I did find MarkGrant cables with the same 1694A but naturally less
shipping as they do not travel so far, I'm guessing there should not be
much difference at all between the MarkGrants and the Blue Jeans

The 7915A I don't seem to see this ready made, not being very handy
with a soldering iron, I got told off buy the guy fixing my amp for
attempting to solder myself ;)  is there much difference do you think
between the two cables?

Many thanks for your replies

Deaf Cat

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Re: [slim] Any favorites with regards RGB / Component cables.....

2009-12-05 Thread Deaf Cat

Only that I have one

General Discussion, Kitchen Sink...

I'm I posting in the wrong place?


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[slim] Any favorites with regards RGB / Component cables.....

2009-12-05 Thread Deaf Cat

You may have guessed, I've just got a LCD screen and thinking of buying
an RGB set of cables to go from the DVDP, it's connected via composite
at the mo.

I've tried a couple of different 75 Ohm cables (Audio interconnects) as
the composite connection, they seem to make a difference, hence the
thought what do people like on the RGB / component cable front.

(No, I'm not up with HDMI stuff yet, only the TV has HDMI inputs I've
nothing with HDMI outputs )

Many Thanks,

Saw these:
For this sort of price I sould definatly want to see a big difference
before spending out, can such a ££ lead make such an improvement 

Any thoughts appreciated 


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Re: [slim] Do you use a wireless NAS on wireless 'g' network to feed your SB?

2009-01-08 Thread Deaf Cat

Thanks for pointing out the thing that I missed, try it the easy
prefered way first, if it don't work try another, simple  :-)


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[slim] Do you use a wireless NAS on wireless 'g' network to feed your SB?

2009-01-07 Thread Deaf Cat


I'm thinking of moving my NAS which is only used for back up at the

Shifting it to another room and plugging it into a wireless bridge so
it can talk to the router.

Just thinking long term, if I do want to eventually use it for music
only for my SB to use, would having it on a wireless bridge cause drop

I was having many annoying drop outs in the mornings untill I shifted
to channel 6, now all seems well, fingers crossed it will stay like

I've run Slimservers Network test for the last hour and 5000kbps is
running 100%  :D  must say I'm pleasently supprised!

I'm thinking a wav (1400kbps) will need to come from the NAS to the SB.
Now not having a clue on networks, does this mean that 1400 of the 5000
will be used from NAS to router and 1400 will be used from router to SB
leaving 2200kbps spare.??  So music should work?

Hope my rambling is somewhat understandable :)

Many thanks


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Re: [slim] Is it posible to use RoboCopy to mirror a whole hard drive ?

2007-11-24 Thread Deaf Cat

Not come across that code before,
Good stuff Cheers for the test bits :)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [slim] Is it posible to use RoboCopy to mirror a whole hard drive ?

2007-11-17 Thread Deaf Cat

ron thigpen;243172 Wrote: 
> fred7 wrote:
> > Just a helpful reminder to be very careful using the /mir option
> because
> > it will delete files not in the source. Doing this backwards can
> have
> > devastating results.
> I'll reiterate this warning and make a suggestion.
> My approach to mirroring music directories uses a batch file containing
> robocopy commands.  I schedule this to run nightly.  I _do not_ use the
> /mir switch for these automated runs.  Rather, these commands use 
> switches that enable straight one way copies.
> Nothing is lost, but some cruft will build up on the destination disk.
> When I want to clean up the cruft or need space on the destination disk
> I first inspect the source contents to ensure that everything looks OK
> then kick off a copy of the same batch file edited to use the /mir
> option.
> HTH,
> --rt

Cheers !

I copy, and mirror every now and then to :)

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Re: [slim] Is it posible to use RoboCopy to mirror a whole hard drive ?

2007-11-15 Thread Deaf Cat

Lovely, you guys have cleared up my unknowns and made things simple,

Ta very much :)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [slim] Is it posible to use RoboCopy to mirror a whole hard drive ?

2007-11-15 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers for that, both of you!

Just double checking, so with Robocopy I can back up any *.exe files,
like slimserver, mp3tag etc, and just reload if anything goes wrong
(after of course XP is back on), Unless I get Ghost, yes?

What I'm thinking of backing up:

All music, pics, docs, etc
extra loaded on .exe files

Am I missing anything important?

So, there is no point in backing up the 'Program Files' or 'Windows'
directories then as they are too involved with XP? 

Thanks again for any thoughts :)

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[slim] Is it posible to use RoboCopy to mirror a whole hard drive ?

2007-11-15 Thread Deaf Cat


So that one drive if it becomes faulty could be taken out and the new
put in and all should run as if nothing has happened ?

I have been using robocopy probably in it's simplest form to back up
music files to an external drive, and not sure on all the copy/mirror
options that would allow all files to be copied, to allow a hard drive

Look forward to hearing any tips


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 upgrade for Beginners!

2007-06-29 Thread Deaf Cat

Maybe worth a tinker...?

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Re: [slim] Pros/cons of unplugging my SB3?

2007-06-06 Thread Deaf Cat

Talking of turning things off, my pc and related bits have there own
MCB, (slight mis calculation of the postitioning of the stereo gear :(
oops)  So I'm thinking its easier to flick the MCB rather than reach
behind the desk and flick a good number of power points off.  

For me its nice to sleep knowing everything is off and no power is
being used needlessley, same goes for the AV gear all off over night,
but that does get a warm up time before use :).

Don't know how (I don't talk pc) but my SB (touch wood, fingers crossed
etc) always finds the network after being off, only when its decided to
change its mac name then it does have trouble.

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Re: [slim] Help: Windows - Delayed Write Failed

2007-04-28 Thread Deaf Cat

Yep, your not the only one, all of the above mentioned could be to

>From my experience I would:
Back it up as soon as you can!
Try a decent enclosure (better power supply)
If possible try the hdd's internally,
Keep the external drive cool,
Try another pci card,

Good luck

My Lacie external drive was from from cheap, but the amout of times
that has been back and forth, swapping hdd's and psu's nightmare.  
Wish you far better luck!

Deaf Cat

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox dropping constantly

2007-04-22 Thread Deaf Cat

As Danco said, mine started to drop out in the afternoons when I was
working from home...??? changed the channel which seems to have sorted

Must have been a pesky neighbour interfering with my signals :o

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Re: [slim] While I wait to get my SB3 - External Hard Drives

2007-04-05 Thread Deaf Cat


When my 500gb Lacie external did work, SS had no problems in locating
and playing from it.

BUT, within the first two years, it broke and was replaced once, broke
again twice and was hence repaired twice, and had 3 new psu's as these
were apparantly pretty weak, you can guess how much fun I had in
playing music, and re-ripping :-(

Learnt my back up lesson and what not to buy.  Now have an internal
that is backed up by external, NEITHER are Lacie :-)

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Re: [slim] User poll: favourite screen saver

2007-03-05 Thread Deaf Cat

Simple Old Me :)

Off - Off(Blank)
On - Snow
Playing - Now Playing/small spec/time played

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[slim] Re: External Hard Drives -- Most reliable (least likely to fail) brand?

2007-01-05 Thread Deaf Cat

I've still got a Lacie external firewire drive that I'm stuck with, 1
replacement, 2 repairs, 3 psus, all in two years, do I trust it now

Oh and rather unresponsive customer services, who still refuse to give
a refund! (I was even told when units have been repaired five times
still no refunds are given)

Just what you want for a nice safe back up device :)

So I know a make that I would stear well clear of.

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[slim] Re: on the question of speaker cable

2007-01-05 Thread Deaf Cat

What make of IC do you have ?

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[slim] Re: Happy SB2 - Wireless Signal Strength to Stream FLAC's ?

2006-10-18 Thread Deaf Cat

ceejay - we have no microwave, I suppose it could be next doors
microwave.. actually.. it was around lunch time, if it happens tommorow
I ask them to switch it off :) and see.  I only have channels 1 - 6  is
this normal ?

bpa - Sorry I'm a bit incompetent when it comes to any thing technical
to do with pc's, where may I find the 'Server & network health' thing
on an XP machine? or do I need a server bit of software?  (cheers :)

Mark - ah yes that may explain when I go down the garden with the
laptop signal strength stays high but does not really work, and then
drops completly to nothing.

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[slim] Re: Atomic Squeeze Box

2006-10-18 Thread Deaf Cat

Mark Lanctot;147379 Wrote: 
> I guess if you have to ask what it does exactly, it's not for you?

I don't think I should have one then..

ATTACK button looks good :D

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[slim] Re: Happy SB2 - Wireless Signal Strength to Stream FLAC's ?

2006-10-18 Thread Deaf Cat

bpa;146347 Wrote: 
> If you are using windows - another indicator of the quality of the
> connection can be found with the TCP statistics -  from a command
> prompt window "netstat -p TCP -s".  Unfortunately this is for all TCP
> connections but high no. retransmits is one indicator of interference.

Music just dropped, 
Checked device manager and Network Utilization has dropped,
CPU Usage, varying between 3 & 22ish%

Ran the netstat -p TCP -s
and instead of before showing 4 its showing 179 retransmitts - 
So does this mean interference is my problem?

Just fired up the laptop, shows 73% signal strength, even sitting next
to the SB which is showing between 19&35% it still shows 73%, and no
other networks around.

I'm lost
Could it be my little SB not happy?

Please elp somebody :)

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[slim] Re: Is there such a device (in line) that can volume normalize and enhance voice repro?

2006-10-16 Thread Deaf Cat

Ah sorry, should have explained a bit better,

SB and dvd sound fine, 

cable tv h becomming somewhat annoying, 
During a program when people are talking we adjust the vol up, any
other sound affects vol down, so finger is pretty much constantly
adjusting up down up down.

And when the adds come on well I've started to mute the sound as I
think the vol down button is nearing the end of its life with all the

So I was thinking a little black box with some electronic or such like
wizzardery in it may be able to enhance the voices and normalize all
other volumes...
This is what I'm hoping for anyway.

Hope its a bit clearer.

So this compresor thing can you determine which frequencies you can

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[slim] Is there such a device (in line) that can volume normalize and enhance voice repro?

2006-10-16 Thread Deaf Cat


Just as above really with maybe rca ins and outs, maybe digi in ?

Not exactly Slim related I know, but thought maybe the some what more
experienced electronic / software people (unlike my self) may know of
any such device...

Or even how tricky/easy it maybe to make one.

Look forward to hearing any comments.

Deaf Cat

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[slim] Re: Happy SB2 - Wireless Signal Strength to Stream FLAC's ?

2006-10-16 Thread Deaf Cat

bpa;146471 Wrote: 
> Interference can come from other sources (e.g. cordless phones,
> microwaves) and not just other Wifi installations.  
> Low retransmit count is good but does not mean something else could be
> happening.

Arha I did of course do the retrans test when it was working fine, will
try it again when the SB signal drops and my SB stops!

bpa;146471 Wrote: 
> You should give the Server health menu a try and see if it throws up
> something such as a slow server (e.g. badly behaved plugin) .
> Can you provide more details on the symptoms of the "trouble"

My so called 'server' is an XP desk top
Have tried the spybot thingy all ok
Have router firewall and pc firewall
Virus bits and bobs running

I'll have to have a check next time the music drops out to see if the
xp pc is having a bit of a slow moment, and run the retransmit thing

As to any differences in operation of anything on the pc or indoors
nothing really changes, so I guess its the 'server' pc or an external
occurance that causes the drop in signal..

Thanks for the help so far and look forward to any other suggestions
you may have - Cheers :)

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[slim] Re: Happy SB2 - Wireless Signal Strength to Stream FLAC's ?

2006-10-15 Thread Deaf Cat

I'm on channel one and another network that shows up everynow and then
is on ch 6.

Maybe there is other interference near to ch 1 maybe i'll give it a
bash on another ch :) cheers for the tip

HMmmm I've been a bit worried about my server for a while now it
sometimes just wants to rest and take ages to do anything - maybe it
goes into a go slow work state even when its left doing nothingMay
need to be shiffted up the prority list!

ran the netstat -p TCP -s and had 4 retransmits which I guess is not
all that high compaired to the other nos. 
Cheers for the tips :)

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[slim] Happy SB2 - Wireless Signal Strength to Stream FLAC's ?

2006-10-15 Thread Deaf Cat

Just wondering if I have something a miss as I'm sure I have read that
peoples SB's have worked with 30% or so signal strength.

Mine has trouble in the high 50's anything less and SB2 says I need
more signal to work...please!

Just wondering if 50-60% is a normal cut off for streaming FLAC's ?

(I've a G+ wireless router)

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[slim] Re: Robocopy problems

2006-09-16 Thread Deaf Cat

Maybe a bit of track, but,

I have desk top and laptop, back up from dt to lt, if I run robocopy
from the dt the icons appear on the laptop, but copy failed, message
posted to every single file, and they will not open.

If I run the script from the lt it works fine ??
Confuses me !!

I think it must be XP messing something up somewhere ??

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[slim] Re: Inconsistent Library Stats

2006-08-16 Thread Deaf Cat

May I, also put some statistics forward:
I'm on 6.3.1
Just re-scanned after inital re-install, 
got 257 albums, 7862 songs  (I wish), 383 artists
cleared and scanned again:
got 257 albums, 3580 songs (more like it), 162 artists,

Now, I don't agree with the artists list, as I have not got many albums
by the same person, and quite a lot are various artist cd's.
I'can't seem to get results by performing a search for, say an artist
that only exists on the various artist cd's, as they apparently don't

Maybe I've just caught the statistics bug a bit more...??

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[slim] Re: Wireless bridge mode - does the router "see" the MAC behind it?

2006-08-10 Thread Deaf Cat

Ah I'm still at the starting blocks I'm afraid, not got as far a using
the SB as a bridge yet, just sorting getting the things talking to each
other through the router with no low level cock ups at the moment.

Still getting 25% loss now and then when pinging the laptop from the
desk top but the other way around seems fine...???how does that
come to be when the things are using the same path...???

Mark, I take it you get no losses, when pinging?

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[slim] Re: RoboCopy ... Am I doing it right ?

2006-08-10 Thread Deaf Cat

tommypeters Wrote: 
> "The specified network name is no longer available"... hmmm...
> What OS do you have on the machines? Wind$ws? Well updated? That was
> anyway a common problem in earlier Windows versions, fixed in updates.

Ah, well I have XP on both machines, the laptop was formatted and just
has basic XP on it (and slimserver), basically to try and knock out
everything to get the rather usless external hdd to work.  It was not
going to work on the desk top or laptop so formatting was a last

The desk top has everything possible to up date, up dated, at least 3
times to try and get the ext hdd thing to work.

Bit worried about updating the laptop just incase the damn external
says 'No' once again.

Any thoughts?

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[slim] Re: Wireless bridge mode - does the router "see" the MAC behind it?

2006-08-10 Thread Deaf Cat

Could not wait:
D pinging SB  4  4  0  1ms
L pinging SB  4  4  0  179ms / 5ms / 7ms

To work :)

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[slim] Re: Wireless bridge mode - does the router "see" the MAC behind it?

2006-08-10 Thread Deaf Cat

Hiya :)
I hope you don't mind me joining in a bit, I've tried some pinging

Laptop = L
Desk top = D

Ping loopback address
L - sent 4  received 4  lost 0%  average 0ms
D - same

Ping own address
L - same
D - same

Ping gateway 
L - sent 4  received 4  lost 0% ave 4ms
D - sameave 0ms

Interesting one..:
Ping other computers IP address
L to D  s 4  r 4  l 0%  ave 2ms
D to L  s 4  r 3  l 25%  ave 3ms
s 4  r 4  l 0%   ave 2ms
s 4  r 3  l 25%  ave 2ms
s 4  r 4  l 0%   ave 43ms

Back to work now, more experimenting later, not really knowing much at
all about pinging, I would guess there is a bit of a problem when the
desk top is talking to the laptop.

Have you been doing any pinging Mark ?

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[slim] Re: RoboCopy ... Am I doing it right ?

2006-08-10 Thread Deaf Cat

JJZolx Wrote: 
> Let's see if I have this straight:
> - You're running the command on the desktop machine.
> - M: is a local drive on the desktop machine.
> - \\Charlie is the laptop machine.
> Why are you copying into someone's 'my documents' folder instead of
> that external drive?

- Yes
- Yes
- Yes

I tried the external drive first (did not work) and thought it may have
been one step too far away??, so I thought I would just try a folder on
the laptop, but it yields the same result

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[slim] RoboCopy ... Am I doing it right ?

2006-08-09 Thread Deaf Cat


I have made my own command line based very much on a couple that were
kindly posted here in other threads - Thank you for helping me find my
way :) (I was getting a bit lost).

I have an external drive that refuses to work when pluged into the desk
top, luckly it works when pluged into the laptop.  I am trying to back
up from the desktops hdd to the external pluged into the laptop.  I
have just been copying manually across from desk to lap, and having
experimented with robocopy it would be wonderfull to get it working
across the network.

However I am getting:

  New Dir  4M:\Temp\test backup\
New File   4.9 m01-Guilty-Various-Sat 00 04-Pop 
00 04- .wma
2006/08/09 20:41:38 ERROR 64 (0x0040) Copying File M:\Temp\test
backup\01-Guilty-Various-Sat 00 04-Pop 00 04- .wma
The specified network name is no longer available.

Waiting 10 seconds... Retrying...
New File   4.9 m01-Guilty-Various-Sat 00 04-Pop 
00 04- .wma
2006/08/09 20:45:11 ERROR 64 (0x0040) Copying File M:\Temp\test
backup\01-Guilty-Various-Sat 00 04-Pop 00 04- .wma
The specified network name is no longer available.

Waiting 10 seconds... Retrying...

Should I just leave it to chugg along?

"The specified network name is no longer available" bothers me
somewhat, hence I stop the thing. 

The line I have is: 

robocopy /S /IT /Z "M:\temp\test backup" "\\Charlie\Mark\Mark's
documents\temp" /xd "system volume information" /log:"C:\documents and
settings\mark\desktop\music backup.log" /w:0 /r:0 /np /tee

If you have any suggestions it would be wonderfull to hear them :)


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[slim] Re: Easy to use back up program ?

2006-08-08 Thread Deaf Cat

Wonderfull Stuff !!
Thanks everso for the help!

Going to have a little play with robocopy 1st and then maybe try the
others if I run into too much trouble,

Thanks again for all the suggestions, and tips!!

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[slim] Re: Easy to use back up program ?

2006-08-04 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers for another recommendation :)

Just having a little play with the Robocopy, seems a nice simple thing
but it does not seem to like spaces in the folder/dir names - is this

If I make up names of dir/folders with no spaces it works fine but with
the names already in place on the system it comes back Error.

Please, any suggestions, (apart form rename all folders)

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[slim] Re: Easy to use back up program ?

2006-08-03 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers All !
Thanks for all the information, going to have a quick go of them all

Cheers Mark for the example :)

I did not realise how potentially dangerous backing up could be will
test first.

Cheers again for all the useful recommendations :D

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[slim] Easy to use back up program ?

2006-08-03 Thread Deaf Cat


Not exactly brill with computers, and have been copying files across to
my external drive, but it is getting a bit confusing what with the
laptop also carrying Slimserver and it would be good to know a reliable
back up program is checking that various folders all have the same
information in them.

I guess there is such a program, but I'm afraid I have not really got a
clue where to start looking for one, very much look forward to hearing
any pointers if you have any ideas.

Thank you :)

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[slim] Re: if you want to meet me

2006-08-01 Thread Deaf Cat

yep she missed the :
"My fav hobbie is spending losts of cash on boxes that make the band
sound like its in the room"

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[slim] Re: Squeezebox connected to 2-channel or 5.1/6.1/7.1 channel system?

2006-07-31 Thread Deaf Cat

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Squeezebox connected to 2-channel or 5.1/6.1/7.1 channel

- 2-channel system
- 5.1/6.1/7.1-channel system

Mine runs through a 5.1 reciever(decoder and pre), but I listen in 2ch
stereo, as the fronts are powered by a stereo power amp.

Planing the modded/Porter SB to go straight to Stereo, pre possibly
introduced after that.

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[slim] Re: SB4 and/or a high-end model, when?

2006-06-04 Thread Deaf Cat

What about the odd button on it, like play <  > stop, for when one has
a bit of trouble locating the remote.

Like the idea of a very good dac inside to save another box appearing,
and I like the SB2 size, as SB3 would not fit my shelf space, even
thought I sort of think the SB3 looks a bit better...

Would be an even happier Bunny :)

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[slim] Re: Finding it difficult to decide usb/fwire externals or nas........

2006-05-29 Thread Deaf Cat

Boy o Boy! Choices Choices Choices!

Mark, sure sounds like you know your stuff inside out!
Very kind of you to list the options in levels of difficulty so I know
what I'm up against, and going by that list I don't think I should even
think about hacking a nas - cheers for that!! - as I was
thinking.sends shivers, just imaginging the amount of time and
frustration I could have gone through - CHEERS!

I must say I do like the sound of option 3, as the 300AMD already has
98 on it, and I guess as ClarkConnect gives the web page  control the
pc can run headless(poor thing) which would be cool.  So I guess I
would go for the xp SS program and stick that on the 300AMD 98

ShowStopper - hm I remember updating the BIOS about two years ago
and nothing was metioned about increasing the hdd size on the notes -
the update was not exactly an up to date update.  The thing is in
storage at the moment so as soon as the office is decorated I can
ivestigate further - fingers crossed!

I think its got 300 odd MB of RAM, so should be ok on that side of
things werhay!  I do remember having trouble getting the 300AMDwin98
seeing the xp laptop, but the laptop could copy to and from the 300,  I
guess the SBox would work in the same way as the laptop.

Low power and low noise :)

Kevin thanks for throwing a spanner in :) the old Infrants are a bit
pricy a! but I guess that would mean no fiddling with the 300AMD and
enclosures and cards.
Oh, do you know if the XRAID thing can be turned off so its just
Sorry thinking more, can different sized hdd's be used? 

Quite a difference in pricing, external cases and hdd's works out by
far the cheapest...
Simple and no fuss..(one hopes) solution of the nas with slimserver -
so much more expensive

I  suppose it comes down to - is it worth the extra £440ish for the
Infrant and save on pc on and off and attempting to get a server on

Bit more reserch required I think.

Cheers for the comments and info so far!

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[slim] Re: Finding it difficult to decide usb/fwire externals or nas........

2006-05-28 Thread Deaf Cat

So, hope you don't mind me asking why did you abandon the pc server, are
they a bit tricky to set up? I guess old machines are more difficult
than new.

(you may have noticed I can't find my pound sign, so I'm afraid even
simple pc things can take me weeks of frustration to solve)

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[slim] Finding it difficult to decide usb/fwire externals or nas........

2006-05-28 Thread Deaf Cat


Just after any thoughts, comments or tips really as to pros/cons of,

Icy Box (IDE) + Hitachi 250gb (approx 90quid)
(around 360quid for 500gb all backed up)

Terastation (IDE) HS or Pro (SATA)
(around 500quid for 4x250's 500gb all backed up or RAID5?)
+100quid for the Pro

I'm thinking either will work on my current pc, however, in the future
I may learn enough to attempt getting SlimServer running on the Tera,
or, if it is easier get my old AMD300MHz pc connectd in, to run
Slimserver, and that can stay on all the time then and act as a server

I don't think I will use all the Qnaps utilities enough to make it
worth while for me to go that way (200gb approx 250quid) although it
would be nice not to fire up the pc whenever music is required. 

Look forward to hearing any thoughts.


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[slim] Re: Could I use a 300MHz AMD 6gig 320ish RAM desk top with a SB2 in some way?

2006-05-11 Thread Deaf Cat

Cool stuff,
I did think today actually about win98 and what would I do if the SS CD
thing did not work, and then I would have to find my 98cd and who knows
where that is.  So fab news about it being a test thing!

I'll have a little scout around for these IDE PCI cards.

Thanks everso for the handy tips, would be nice to use the old box
again linked to the SB, even if its new home is in a cupboard!

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[slim] Re: Could I use a 300MHz AMD 6gig 320ish RAM desk top with a SB2 in some way?

2006-05-10 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers Mark!
Interesting links, will need to have a play I think!

The SlimCD with the new operating system looks pretty easy to use,
which is a big plus for me.

I remember doing a lot of looking around for info on the largest hdd it
could hande, and 20 was the largest I found which was said to work

hm.QNAP (done and dusted but not cheap) or old fav pc (fiddly
and cheap). think I'll check out the 48bit brain thing first, as I
guess this would mess up the whole storage idea if its a tad out of
date.  Ah! now I've actually given up on my external Lacie drive, I
have a f/wire USB pci card going spare, maybe my old pc would like to
have a go with it. 

Thanks again for the rather useful links!

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[slim] Could I use a 300MHz AMD 6gig 320ish RAM desk top with a SB2 in some way?

2006-05-10 Thread Deaf Cat


May be a bit of a daft question but do you think this little old pc
could be used in any way as a Squeezebox memory bank of some

Not too hot on handling pc's but this is what I know so far about it:

Runs too slow for me on win2000, so its on 98 at the mo, I find 98 does
not really find it easy to talk to the xp machines on the network.

Its only capable of recognising a 20gb internal hdd, I therefore guess
it may have trouble recognising a USB/firewire large drive if I was to
put in an usb/fw pci card.

The little old thing has always been reliable and never really caused
any problems in all of its many years of working life.  

Any comments much appreciated,

I think it would be ashame to have a funeral,
or I  could cryogenically freeze it (in the loft)  for the kids (glints
in eyes at the mo) to play with in a year or so.

Hay Hay I've just noticed I'm a Senior Member! - should I be asking
such a question in this 'senior' position?

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[slim] Re: Is there an easy way to run SlimServer on a Networked Hard Drive (with pc off) ?

2006-05-05 Thread Deaf Cat

aubuti Wrote: 
>  LaCie's NAS runs some "mini" version of XP. 
Ooo the L work (fingers in ears) la la la la 
Sorry, after 2 years of trouble I still refuse to chuck the thing in
the bin, as it cost so much, but I must say its getting somewhat
tedious now talking/emailing the L wall.

Any way back to the NAS thanks for all the info and pointers, Cheers
Mark for the suggestion of sticking with Qnap or Infrant, have read...
well almost all of the Qnap posts.  And think for me its the way to go.

I understand that all the initial hdd probs are sorted and its somewhat
of a decent device to have.

The USB or eSATA attachable drive I guess this can also be used for
music files and the embeded SS can also read from this, or any other
hdd on the network? - just thinking way way in the future

Thanks again for the explanations and help!

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[slim] Re: Is there an easy way to run SlimServer on a Networked Hard Drive (with pc off) ?

2006-05-03 Thread Deaf Cat

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> - needs to be running Linux
> - needs to have 3rd party Linux firmware available for it
> - needs to be able to have a telnet session opened on it
> - needs sufficient CPU/RAM/ROM
> .

Thank you all for the info.

Ahrr.. Cheers for the important info Mark, I was gathering that Linux
was going to be the OS as have not come across the word microsoft/XP
yet, clears that queery up, thanks.

And this hacking into the thing (which I have come across) to actually
get it to do what you want, sounds a bit worring to me, as I generally
just turn the pc on and technical abilities with regards to
computers, generally leads to the thing not working I am afraid.

A simple question,no doubt, to those who know, can you have a Linux NAS
with a microsoft based network ?

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[slim] Re: Is there an easy way to run SlimServer on a Networked Hard Drive (with pc off) ?

2006-05-02 Thread Deaf Cat

Errm would this thingy work also?

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[slim] Re: Is there an easy way to run SlimServer on a Networked Hard Drive (with pc off) ?

2006-05-02 Thread Deaf Cat

Thanks for the list, of unknown words to me, off to have a good old


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[slim] Is there an easy way to run SlimServer on a Networked Hard Drive (with pc off) ?

2006-05-02 Thread Deaf Cat


Just started looking for an external hdd for back up, or even an
enclosure and a normal hdd to go in it.

I came across a Newlink box thing that can take two hdd's and link them
to a network wirelessley.

Then I thought... is it possible to run Slimserver on a box/enclosure
something like this, and so the pc could be used as back up and left
off while playing music?

Very much look forward to hearing any comments.

Thanks in advance!

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[slim] Re: Sleep - > Shut Down, - - - Alarm - > Start Up, Possible?

2005-11-19 Thread Deaf Cat

I'm thinking it's a bit tricky to auto switch off/on.

I guess it is easier to switch off, rather than switch on, so lets
think along the 'off' lines for the mo:

Is there a way to have the sleep time, when reaches zero trigger the
shut down sequence of the pc?

And would one be able to do this if one does not know much about

Oh and I will be looking into fans too - cheers for the tip!

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[slim] Re: Sleep - > Shut Down, - - - Alarm - > Start Up, Possible?

2005-11-19 Thread Deaf Cat

Na BIOS update does nothing in this area.
Old PC I guess

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[slim] Re: Sleep - > Shut Down, - - - Alarm - > Start Up, Possible?

2005-11-19 Thread Deaf Cat

Well I was rather thinking of the fan noise,
(power saving was a secondary thought $1.80, one or two extra beers a
month - I like that)  I only live in a small place and the fan noise
when all is quiet at sleep time could be anoying, where as a beer.

This "Execute plugin to call a shutdown script" how would one go about
sorting this? much appreciate any pointers.

My BIOS has little in the way of on/off times only hdd off in 1,2,3
mins etc - I'll have a look for an update

As we have somewhat gone adrift from the intial subject, on some of the
later posts, this may well be applicable:

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[slim] Sleep - > Shut Down, - - - Alarm - > Start Up, Possible?

2005-11-18 Thread Deaf Cat


Just wondering if it is possible to have me pc shut down once SB2 has
got to the end of the sleep time ?

And one that I guess may be a bit more tricky, is there something that
could wake/start up my pc just before SB2 alarm is due to go off ?

Very much look forward to hearing any thoughts or suggestions you may


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[slim] Re: Powered speaker hum

2005-11-16 Thread Deaf Cat


Maybe way off subject,   but I borrowed a Nordost Blue Heaven
interconnect to try at home, fab sounding cable although it seemed to
generated a hu and quite loud at that.  

Would you believe I wrapped it in tin foil and the humm lessened, could
not believe I was sitting on the floor in my lounge foil wrapping a
stereo cable.

I did think I could try PTFE tape, but thought it would be a nightmare
getting it off and the shop would probably not like their Blue Heaven
fully wrapped in Plumbers Tape For Everything.

Hummm just a thought...

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[slim] Re: Failing Display? Pair of flickering pixels

2005-10-09 Thread Deaf Cat

I noticed when I was setting my SB2 up (sitting quite close to it) that
a few pixles on the lhs were fickering, but do not notice it from the
sofa - Also intrested to know if this is normal or is the screen on the

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[slim] Re: Anyone tried making there own Cat5 Speaker Cable?

2005-09-12 Thread Deaf Cat

So do yous others reccon the Cat5 cable may set the sound stage like
an electric blue superdreamracer on a NasCar Circuit??

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[slim] Re: Anyone tried making there own Cat5 Speaker Cable?

2005-09-12 Thread Deaf Cat

So, am I getting the feeling that the general consensus is that it may
be worth a bash - but not may people have given it a go.

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[slim] Re: Anyone tried making there own Cat5 Speaker Cable?

2005-09-11 Thread Deaf Cat

I did wonder about the capacitance, I will e-mail Arcam and Rega to get
there opinions - fingers crossed all will be ok??

If all goes well I think the TNT looks a little more simple to make so
maybe give that a bash.

Do you think it would harm the amp if it just tried it?  They do have
over heat protectionh

It must be nice to have the know how to make/mod your own bits.
Oh cheers for the tip, I must say i have had rather hot plastic stick
to me fingers before, and you don't seem to forget next time the
situation occurs.

Cheers for the links.

Deaf Cat
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[slim] Re: REQ: Better Stock IC

2005-09-10 Thread Deaf Cat


A cheap one will get you up and running.

An expensive one maybe chosen by someone to suit an individual

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[slim] Re: Anyone tried making there own Cat5 Speaker Cable?

2005-09-10 Thread Deaf Cat

Triode Wrote: 
> Depends on amp and speaker combination, but I'm running these:
> How do they compair to other cables you have tried ?

Deaf Cat
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[slim] Anyone tried making there own Cat5 Speaker Cable?

2005-09-10 Thread Deaf Cat


Just wondered if it was worth while having a go at making some Cat5
speaker cable.

Any thoughts.

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[slim] Re: Experience - 500Gig Lacie ?

2005-09-09 Thread Deaf Cat

Thinking about it, what is the life expectancy of an hdd, and does an
internal last longer than a external(heat fatigue!? if no fan).

I think the Lacie has a 3 year waranty, I seem to remember another make
with a 500gig internal, may have been giving a 5 year waranty, maybe the

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[slim] Experience - 500Gig Lacie ?

2005-09-09 Thread Deaf Cat


Have you, or any one you know, used a 500Gig firewire external hdd by
Lacie ?

Just interested to hear opinions or alternatives to a 500Gig storage
facility -(that is not to tricky to get working).

Look forward to hearing any comments.


Deaf Cat
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[slim] Backing Up....

2005-09-07 Thread Deaf Cat


I have just started to rip EAC/FLAC to a big hdd, and thought that in a
few months time I would buy another -enough time to save up the pennys-
to act as a back up.  

However, I have been thinking, it will be cheaper, and maybe safer to
back up on DVDRW's.  

A Lite-On DVDRW caught my eye around £40, reviews seem ok, have heard
good things about Plextor's but these are roughly twice the price!!

Due to the price I am swaying towards the Lite-On.  Would you say that
the build quality and ripping accuracy of the Plextor would sway me
differently, if buy magic I could test drive the two drives..

Very much look forward to hearing your thoughts,

Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Softsqueeze acting as SB2 on laptop ?

2005-07-24 Thread Deaf Cat

fiddled and fiddled and explored and fiddled and yepp!! its

Thanks very much for the pointers

Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Softsqueeze acting as SB2 on laptop ?

2005-07-24 Thread Deaf Cat

Thats cool, so it basically turns the laptop into a SB2, FAB.

Would much appreciate help as to how I get the PCserver running
slimserver to talk to softsqueeze on the laptop.

The pc talks to the laptop and visa versa when sharing files/programs
(wirelessly).  But PC Slimserver just keeps saying can not find
squeezebox, when I can see it on the laptops screen..

look forward to any comments

Thanks in advance

Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Softsqueeze acting as SB2 on laptop ?

2005-07-24 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers for the reply.

Am I right in understanding that setting it up this way slimserver is
running on the laptop, as well as softsqueeze?  Slimserver on the
laptop will read the music files from the PCserver.

So, once I have set up SB2 in the lounge, the PCserver will be running
SlimServer and  will also be reading files from the same place, as
Slimserver on the laptop.

Will this cause problems if the same file is called for, and would it
be possible for the lounge and say the laptop in the bedroom to be
playing in sync. 

Very much look forward to hearing more

Cheers again

Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Softsqueeze acting as SB2 on laptop ?

2005-07-21 Thread Deaf Cat


Unfortunatly I am not very good with computers I am afraid, but I have
been thinking, say I have a wireless SB2 in the lounge playing through
the stereo - PC in spair room with slimserver running quite happy.

Am I able to install softsqueeze on the wireless laptop, sit in the
garden and play music through softsqueeze?

Lookforward to hearing how I may do this if possible?

Cheers for any comments.

Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SB2 just for stereo ?

2005-05-16 Thread Deaf Cat


Do you know if there may be any moves to include an option to play
stuff from other programs?

FAB! I like the idea of using a crossover cable for the time being, as
it will probably take me a while to set up the wireless bit.


Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] SB2 just for stereo ?

2005-05-15 Thread Deaf Cat

I generally listen to lossless stereo files hence the intrest in SB2,
but just wondered if SB2 can "pass through" a DD or DTS signal from say
winDVD ?

Errm...another quick one I hope - the wireless SB2, with the cat5 (If I
remember corectly) plug on the back, am I able to plug in a crossover
cable(as I already have one) untill I get the wireless network set up

Thanks in advance for any comments.

Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Slimserver for Win98 and SB2

2005-05-11 Thread Deaf Cat

Wonderfull stuff,
nice to learn,
know roughly what I am up to now.

Thanks v much

Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Slimserver for Win98 and SB2

2005-05-10 Thread Deaf Cat

Thats cool, not too far off the beeten track then, I was a bit worried
for a while then.

Sorry new to this server stuff, can see I am going to have fun setting
this network up for SB2.  
What is run as a service and schedual task it.please ?  

I take it that it is best to have it as a service, is this achievable
if I step up to win2000?
How different is Lunix, and is that easy to set up?

I know not much about pc's so simple is good for me.


Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SB2 wireless - peer to peer - ad hoc ??

2005-05-10 Thread Deaf Cat

V. Usefull Info. Thanks.

I think I will go down the 11g 54M route with maybe a nice long
crossover cable or normal cable which ever it is, for server
connection, just incase.

Thanks v.much

Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Slimserver for Win98 and SB2

2005-05-10 Thread Deaf Cat


Does anyone have a slimserver that will work on win98 ?

And if there is one somewhere would it work ok with a SB2 ?

I am sure I read on a site selling SB2 that win98 was supported I
remember being rather pleased in that I could get a SB2 rather than a
new machine.  But tech support themselves say not anymore.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SB2 wireless - peer to peer - ad hoc ??

2005-05-09 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers Mark,

Makes sence once its explained, do you have any thoughts on the Pre-N
routers ?

Will probably be 10m at most and 2 walls and a partition in the way.

All new this networking gear to me so good to hear advice.

Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SB2 wireless - peer to peer - ad hoc ??

2005-05-09 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers for the reply,

Leading to another question I am afraid:

Most of my music files will be of the lossless type.
I think I read somewhere that a 10M g router would be ok for MP3

Would it be a good idea to go for the 54M g when using lossless files


Deaf Cat
Discuss mailing list

[slim] SB2 wireless - peer to peer - ad hoc ??

2005-05-08 Thread Deaf Cat


Just sorting out what exactly I need to run the SB2 without wires.  

I have an old desk top win98 AMD 300MHz, and a more recent XP 1.2GHz
laptop.  It would be nice to use the desk top as the base / music store
if possible.

To start with though - do you think I would be able to get a wireless
card to slot into the laptop and use it with the SB2 in, I think it is
Peer-to-Peer or Ad Hoc mode...?

I look forward to any suggestions.

Deaf Cat
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