[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-11-03 Thread Gavster

I have read with interest some of the responses on this thread and they
are very varied indeed. Personally, I like to keep an open mind however
I do think that Logitech have a steep climb if they want to establish
themselves in the high-end audio market.

I must say that I have always been very happy with the logitech
products that I have come into contact with but these are only mice and
keyboards which to my mind are where Logitech's roots are (I could be
completely wrong here but that's what I always think of when the name
Logitech is mentioned).

I work for a company called NXP Semiconductors but you may be more
familiar with their previous name which was Philips Semiconductors. NXP
is now owned by a private investment consortium and are having a massive
drive to impregnate the industry with their new brand image. Previously,
as Philips, they spent considerable time and effort implanting a brand
image in consumers minds. I believe I'm correct in saying that the
brand image of Intel that we all know and love today cost them a
ridiculous amount of money ... and I mean stupid amounts of dosh.

It seems to me that Logitech are attemtping to alter the impression of
their company in the mind of the consumer ... in other words, alter
their brand image. I think that they have a massive challenge ahead of
them and one that shouldn't be under estimated. However, I wish them
all the success they deserve.

I can only hope, along with many here, that the quality of the Slim
Devices products is not compromised in any way and that the community
is still nurtured and sherished for the added value it provides.



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[slim] Re: close to giving up

2006-11-10 Thread Gavster

I have read other threads on this forum where people have had
difficulties with connections etc. and a clean up and re-install of SS
fixed all their problems. I'd certainly give that a go before trying
anything else.



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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-11-13 Thread Gavster

Apologies if already mentioned but the ability to connect to Pandora
through SS (rather than SN) would be great.



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[slim] Re: Confused and disheartened of the UK

2006-11-15 Thread Gavster

It has been mentioned that a lot of people do successfully use a
complete wireless system to connect their server and SB to the router
and I'd just like to vouch for this.

My router is in a cupboard that is pretty central to the whole house
... my PC (running SS) is in the office in the loft and my SB is
downstairs in the dining room and it's all wireless. My house was built
in 1940 and all the internal walls are solid brick (none of these flimsy
'cardboard' walls you find in new builds). Well, basically, it all works

I have a Netgear DG834 router and I made a point of buying a Netgear
NIC for the PC. I have seen installations that use different brands of
router and NICs and the performance has been utterly rubbish. When the
router was changed the difference was staggering.

My only other question in relation to this topic would be what the
transmission power of a laptop based NIC is when compared to a PCI
based one?



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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-11-16 Thread Gavster

Siduhe;154416 Wrote: 
> As I understand it, that is very unlikely to happen.  Slimserver is open
> source, but Pandora is closed source, and so Pandora cannot be
> integrated into Slimserver without either a) infringing the open source
> nature of Slimserver, or b) infringing Pandora's copyright. 
> Squeezenetwork on the other hand is proprietory to Slim Devices, so no
> licencing issues there.

Aye ... but despite the legal/licencing difficulties, it would be a
nice feature to have. 8)


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[slim] Slimserver won't play to external client

2007-10-18 Thread Gavster


The forum search facility doesn't appear to be work so I apologise if
this question has already been answered.

I want to stream my music collection from home to my place of work so I
followed the instructions given in the slimserver web interface for
remote streaming.

>From a web browser at work (Firefox) I can see my web interface and
when I point windows media player at my server, the ip address appears
in the server interface so it looks as though a connection has been

However, after selecting a playlist, when I click the play button on
the server interface, it refuses to play. I can change other settings
like shuffle, for example but it seems the server refuses to stream my

Any help/advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: [slim] Slimserver won't play to external client

2007-10-18 Thread Gavster

Michael Herger;235999 Wrote: 
> > However, after selecting a playlist, when I click the play button on
> > the server interface, it refuses to play.
> Please make sure you've got the very latest build installed. This was
> broken a few days ago, but should be fixed in the latest build.
> Michael

Thanks for the quick response. My Slimserver version is:

SlimServer Version: 6.5.4 - 12568 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252

Is this the fixed or broken version? 8)


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Re: [slim] Slimserver won't play to external client

2007-10-18 Thread Gavster

Michael Herger;236007 Wrote: 
> > SlimServer Version: 6.5.4 - 12568 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252
> > Is this the fixed or broken version? 8)
> Ahm... none of these. The problem I was talking about was in the trunk
> (SC7).
> Whatever... make sure you're patient enough for the player to fill its
> buffer. I've seen delays of up to 30 seconds with WMP before the actual
> playback started. If you want instant playback and control, you best use
> SoftSqueeze (can be found in slimserver's help section).
> Michael

Sorry but you've lost me re: trunk (SC7)

The problem I have is when I click on the 'play' button in the
Slimserver web interface, it doesn't even get selected. The frame
reloads but 'stop' remains the highlighted option. Do you see what I



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Re: [slim] Slimserver won't play to external client

2007-10-18 Thread Gavster

@ 4mula1:

Yes, I am using stream.mp3. I'm not sure of the implications of not
having Lame installed?

@ Michael

>Please turn on d_http logging (Server settings/Debugging) and
>watch the log file (link at the top of that settings page).
>Do you see anything special when you try to play a song?

I have done this. The debug option is repeatedly giving me messages
like the following:

Sent 272 to
More to send to
Sent 17475 to
No more messages to send to
reading request...
HTTP request: from  
(HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn=GLOB(0x68d202c)) for GET HTTP/1.1
HTTP parameter player =
HTTP parameter d = 1192716525645
processURL Clients:
Generating response for (htm, text/html) playlist.html
generating from include.html type: fill
found path: C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\HTML\EN\include.html
generating from playlist.html type: fill
found path: C:\Program
End request: keepAlive: [7] - waiting for next request for
HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn=GLOB(0x68d202c) on connection = Keep-Alive

I have also found some error messages in the log and these are as 

- ERROR: playmode: Couldn't gotoNext song on playlist, stopping

- sendstreamingsocket syswrite returned undef: Unknown error

These repeat a number of time throughout the log.



Gavster's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8300
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Re: [slim] Slimserver won't play to external client

2007-10-19 Thread Gavster

jaysung;236156 Wrote: 
> If lame is not installed it won't work. Go to player settings for the
> specific player and check if lame is installed under audio. If not
> install lame and try again. Sorry if you did try that but it looks like
> you didn't.

jaysung, you're absolutely right ... I don't have lame installed. I
must confess, I didn't realise what it was and didn't know that I
needed it. Have now been to the lame website and all becomes clear.

Thanks for pointing that out to me. I will try to get it installed over
the weekend and will let you know if it cures my problem.



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Re: [slim] How to un-forget a player?

2007-10-19 Thread Gavster

Okay ... please ignore my stupid question. I have answered it myself

Thanks for looking.



Gavster's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8300
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[slim] How to un-forget a player?

2007-10-19 Thread Gavster

Is it possible to somehow retrieve a player IP address after you've told
slimserver to forget about that player.

I'm not just talking about the squeezebox here either ... what about if
you have a remote player that isn't able to refresh the server?

Cheers in advance,


Gavster's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8300
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